Gardening at a snails pace !!!!
By lincslass
Its true folks, I did manage to mow the lawns yesterday and as the wind had dropped I also cut the front hedge, it took me all day as I had to do the work in easy stages because of my knee, to be honest if I sit down too much the flipping joint seizes up on me and still gives me mega jip anyway, so its a case of taking the tablets and work getting done in easy stages…
Its a good job all my hard work and planting is finished as I’m fraying around the edges, I’m booked in for a MRI scan, would you believe Sunday evening, I only went docs on Monday so hows that for a very speedy result.
To add insult to injury I’ve had my eyes tested this morning, expecting to have the usual large bill to pay for new glasses, instead I’m told I have a cataract in whats usually considered my good eye, so all in all I’m a moody beggar today, the optician did tell me I might get lucky and not have to wait too long to see the eye specialist on account of it being my" Good" eye, lol….
The next one is a real old codger and was in the garden when we moved in, it usually only has one flush of blooms but the perfume is the divine..
Gloomy mood all gone now and its all down to a day of sunshine and admiring all the flowers…..
19 Jun, 2013
Previous post: I've reached the pottering stage..
Next post: Eden Project.. Part one...
So sorry to here about your knee and eyesight Linclass .
Wish I was closer to be of some help to you.
Lovely photos .
Thankyou for sharing.
19 Jun, 2013
Sorry to hear of your health troubles. You do have a gorgeous garden though, love those roses.
19 Jun, 2013
Well done for being so positive, but I'm SO sorry to hear about your eye problems. Lovely photos of some gorgeous blooms - glad it cheered you up, and wishing you lots of luck with the treatment.
19 Jun, 2013
Hope you get your knee and eye sorted quickly. Your garden is looking really pretty, love the flowers, but those roses are special. Lovely o:O)
19 Jun, 2013
Oh I do love your roses Lincs, and those pretty Dianthus, its a good job that your garden has been tended so well perhaps you can take it a little easy while you get your health problems sorted.
19 Jun, 2013
Your certainly not short of colour, that's for sure. It all looks lovely. I'm pleased to read your mood has lifted.
I hope all the forthcoming treatment goes well.
19 Jun, 2013
You have such an array of beautiful flowers Lincs.....Hope all goes well for you at your scan ...:>)
19 Jun, 2013
Oh Lincs you have been in the wars, its good that you will hopefully be sorted quickly.
Your garden is a credit to you my dear xxx
20 Jun, 2013
Hi Lincs, wishing you a speedy resolution and recovery from all your troubles. Your garden is beautiful. Let it do its job now, keeping your spirits lifted.
20 Jun, 2013
I'm sure all will go well for you ,Sue..I know the feeling of a good and bad eye ..also cataracts,but thankfully very slow growing,so no treatment needed ,as you might be the same.hope the MRI scan goes well too...luckily our plants aren't slow growing just now, have a wonderful display in your garden,everything is lovely,I couldn't choose a favourite ..good luck, I will be thinking about you xx
20 Jun, 2013
Thankyou all, panic has died down now, I am feeling better as regards both problems now, I know that both issues can't fix themselves, I think my knee damage is the result of getting in the way of the dogs when they were playing a few weeks back, Morgan hit me at full speed one day, as you know Labradors are very heavy dogs, at the time apart from a huge bruise and obviously a lot of choice words I didn't think anymore about it but realised afterwards that it was not healing properly.
Being told about the cataract was the one that upset me the most, my right eye is the one I rely on, I had ulcers in my left eye about 12yrs ago and it damaged the retina, consequently my eyes no longer react properly to the light and there are times when I only see black shapes, my good eye works for both, I have got used to it over the years and do manage very well normally, although I have to be careful when out in sunlight, at the moment I'm struggling with distances and silver and pale vehicles are almost on top of me before I see them, thats the reason my optician thinks I might get moved up the waiting list a bit earlier, apparently its a long list.....
20 Jun, 2013
I'm sorry to hear of your health issues. I hope it all goes well for you. It's an anxious time when we need treatment :o(
It's nice to see your colourful plants, and I was pleased to hear you feel better after being out in the sunshine :o))
20 Jun, 2013
I hope all goes well for you. You have a lovely garden though to help to lift your spirits.
21 Jun, 2013
Lovely.....I love that orange rose!!
Sorry to hear of your health problems..particularly the eyes must be very worrying..hope it all sorts itself out and u'r back to your best soon.
Ps.......are you on twitter? and have you just gained a new follower??
21 Jun, 2013
Hi Lincs, isn't it wonderful how gardens lift our spirits. I hope your health problems are sorted out soon, especially the cataract. I think the 'mystery plant' may be a sisyrinchium:-))
21 Jun, 2013
Sorry to hear about your knee and eye, hope they get them sorted quickly. The roses are lovely I have one the same as that first one, do you know the name by any chance?
21 Jun, 2013
Thanks Hywel and Diggin, I'll get sorted, just can't bounce at the moment,lol..
Paul thankyou and no I've never been on twitter so I' d better not have a follower, lol, I wouldn't have a clue how to use the site.......
Ba I can usually sort myself out in the garden, I just needed a while to get my head around it, thanks for naming my plant, checked out the name and you are right........
Hi Skilla its my favourite, I love the way it changes colour as it opens, the blooms are huge this year, possibly making up for the lack of flowers last year, I think its called Handel...
21 Jun, 2013
There's someone on there called Sue who has the twitter name @ilovelincs , so wondered if it was you!!!
22 Jun, 2013
She has good taste Paul, its good to be proud of ones county, I did wonder why you had asked, I do go on Facebook occasionally but thats only to keep in touch with the family members who don't live near here otherwise Goy is the one I stick to...
22 Jun, 2013
I forgot to add that this lady puts lotsof garden related tweets and photos up so that's why I thought it may beyou!
22 Jun, 2013
Oh I might have to be nosey then Paul, I do like kindred spirits..That of course is if I can work out how to use it, lol...
22 Jun, 2013
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Hi Sue.
I hope all goes well for your scan and any future eye treatment..
lovely pics of your garden ...
Pretty planters, and the dianthus and antirrhinums are beautiful !
Is that the clematis you thought looks similar to the one in my blog ? Pretty one...
19 Jun, 2013