SILVER OBELISK now in place :o)
By Terratoonie

9 Oct, 2010
... for the pinky red rose bush which I inherited from my mother's garden ...
Comments on this photo
Thanks Sandra...
I hope you get sunshine over coming days to dry your garden :o) x
9 Oct, 2010
I agree with Sandra... Terratoonie, I had to stare at your picture for a bit trying to work out when it might have been taken... as my garden looks battered at the moment, probably worse than Sandra's garden, if it was not for those cheerful mums I bought the other day, one would have thought it was January in my garden :(
9 Oct, 2010
Your mum would be pleased to see that TT , it sets the rose off perfecly .. :o)).. x
9 Oct, 2010
Thank you, Michaella and Amy ...
I took this photo yesterday ...
I've been looking for a suitable obelisk for quite a while ...
... really pleased with it ... :o) x
9 Oct, 2010
thanx Terra, yes like january michaella and almost got blown in the pond cleaning around it today lol the fish thought it funny though haha
9 Oct, 2010
Lol Sandra ...
next time wear a life belt ;o)
9 Oct, 2010
lol Terra, got my rubber ring ducky at the ready ahahah
9 Oct, 2010
Lovely photo Terra, garden looks really good.
9 Oct, 2010
Thanks Cinders...
This past summer I worked hard on those pavings ...
... scrubbed over 150 ...
... so shouldn't slip on any wet paths during the winter ! :o)
9 Oct, 2010
Looking good TT....I remember you scrubbing....should be safe underfoot this winter...just in !!!
9 Oct, 2010
Thank you Alice ...
I seem to have been scrubbing pavings and stones all year ....
... who needs the gym ...
... much more fun to work out in the garden lol. !
9 Oct, 2010
That's lovely TT, really like the paving stones too they will set off the rose when it is in full flower next year.
9 Oct, 2010
Thanks Bob ...
Pavings near the end of my garden are becoming a bit bumpy because there's a huge silver birch next door and its roots push up the slabs ...
... every so often, when a slab shoots up too high, I take it up and chop some roots out !
9 Oct, 2010
Your new obelisk looks great, TT, and your paving slabs are dazzling. Now you are an experienced paving slab cleaner, could you please come and clean mine? I have just lifted all mine, filled up the mole runs and then replaced them. It should be a doddle for you as there are only about 40 :) Hope the boys are all OK - Millie sends her love :)
9 Oct, 2010
Very nice, your garden is still looking beautiful :-))))
9 Oct, 2010
Hi Gee...
Pave-scrubbing tones up the arms ...
prevents bingo wings ...Lol...
40 slabs ... yes, that should be a doddle ...
... love to Millie from C,T and C. x
Annella ... Thank you. :o)
10 Oct, 2010
Terra and your garden is looking Fab-UL Lu's.LOL, yes all that hard work has paid off .the new obelisk looks great,even better when your mums rose grows through it next year.I've been very lucky here in Essex weather has been warm and quite sunny,i'm making the most of it,i've been a domestic goddess up early all the boring indoor jobs done LOL ,then all day in the garden ( love it )
10 Oct, 2010
Your garden is looking amazing, Tt. The obelisk looks excellent there. :-))
10 Oct, 2010
Looking good TT :~))x
10 Oct, 2010
looks lovely...
10 Oct, 2010
It all looks wonderful and especially like those little ducklings by the wooden tub planter.
10 Oct, 2010
outstanding garden TT,
10 Oct, 2010
Your garden is looking great, TT
10 Oct, 2010
You have such a beautiful garden!!!!
11 Oct, 2010
Sorry I misssed this TT. It often happens.
I think it's lovely, and nice to have it for the rose you inherited from your mother.
I think your garden is beautiful. x
11 Oct, 2010
Perfect place for the rose TT..near to the garden bench
11 Oct, 2010
Thanks Deida...
the bench also belonged to my mother, but I gave it new wooden slats this year ...
Thank you Hywel, Pip, Tog, Yorks, Stroller, Elsiemay, Skillen, David and Nannymargaret ... Lovely sunny days recently ...
... I hope you've all been able to get out and enjoy your gardens :o) x
11 Oct, 2010
we have been out gardening TT lovely weather.
11 Oct, 2010
I have just come in from trimming back, your garden is so beautiful and I love your new Obilisk;0)
11 Oct, 2010
I've planted some bulbs and trimmed bushes ...
nice to have warm sunshine at this time of year .
Thanks, Pansypotter ...
The obelisks I saw in the garden centres were all the wrong size, and not strong enough... then I was at an independent garden centre where, any day, they kindly let me take my dogs inside, for a bit of training ...
... and there it was, staring at me... just the right obelisk... and the only one they had in the store !!! :o)
11 Oct, 2010
Marvellous, Tt!!!!!! Sorry to report that weather forecast for here has been totally wrong the past few days. Mist. fog, grey skies making it like twilight all day. :-((( At least it's not raining! :-)))
11 Oct, 2010
Hi David...
that's a pity the blue skies deserted you....
... a good thing you have all that gold and silver treasure...
... you can afford to sail away to warmer seas ;o)
11 Oct, 2010
That's definitely fate you going to a different garden center and getting just the right obelisk... for you mums roses and you have brought her bench up a treat well done ,the sun as been lovely again to essex
11 Oct, 2010
Thanks Margaret ...
Yes... fate that the garden centre had just the one lovely obelisk ...
... as if it was standing there waiting for me... :o)
12 Oct, 2010
12 Oct, 2010
What a beautiful garden you have Tt, and the obelisk is just perfect there, your Mum's rose looks great growing through it.....:o) Is that an evergreen clematis at the back? Armandii? I'm thinking of treating my back wall to one of these.
12 Oct, 2010
Hi Janey... thanks...
... I was so pleased to find the obelisk :o)
yes, that is Clematis armandii at the back, on my pergola...
12 Oct, 2010
Thanks Tt.....I bet it looks a picture in spring.
12 Oct, 2010
Lots of pretty white flowers, Janey.
An Armandii would look lovely in your garden. x
12 Oct, 2010
Thanks Tt....:o))))
12 Oct, 2010
Lovely TT!!!!
13 Oct, 2010
Thank you Aleyna :o)
13 Oct, 2010
really nice ! just perfect there!
13 Oct, 2010
Thank you Marydoll...
I like your avatar photo.. really nice :o)))
13 Oct, 2010
It looks lovely Terra,the pink rose goes well with the silver in fact all of it does,.........
13 Oct, 2010
You have such an incredibly beautiful, manicured garden! Love it!
I wish I could get mine that manicured! : > )
14 Oct, 2010
Thanks, Lincslass ...
I can see the rose and obelisk from indoors where I sit at my computer ...
Hi Delonix ...
I hope your baby sausage trees are coping well in Kindergarten ;o)
Thank you for your kind words about my garden.
I've worked hard out there this past summer ... :o)
14 Oct, 2010
The largest one got a little burned in the recent heat wave. The 108F/ 42.2C temp here was just a little too much heat for it! However, it will recover.
14 Oct, 2010
Delonix :
... the little young ones at nursery school should wear sun hats at all times. lol... ;o)
I hope it recovers ... looking forward to pics as they grow :o)
14 Oct, 2010
i love your garden terra its lovely. we have had a nice weekend here so hae bin cutting back clearing up a nd moveing stuff .
14 Oct, 2010
Thanks Cristina.. You have a lovely garden ..
... and I bet your weekend work has made it look even better. :o)
14 Oct, 2010
well ........... lol not really , but i have bought a few more grasses i love them , as fast as clear up theres more to do . still plenty of colour tho
14 Oct, 2010
You're 100% correct...I should have learned my lesson by now. lol! : >)
I'll definitely be posting pics again. I also will be posting pics soon of the larger sausage trees they all seem to be blooming now. I think it's due to the very crazy weather we've had here this year.
15 Oct, 2010
Delonix :
Please send me a quick pm if you think I've missed any sausage tree pics.. There are so many photos on GoY these days, I don't always see them all. Thanks.
Yes, I'm surprised the sausage trees are blooming now. What odd weather you are having out there ...
15 Oct, 2010
Beautiful garden and such lovely grass!always so neat and tidy!
ours is awful, has been tramped on, had bird seed dropped on it not to mention a large blue pallet in the middle which was used to put up the greenhouse etc and more work still to be done .... New turf next year I think!
Your silver obelisk is lovely~I think I might need one of those soon as I have climbers that are waving in the breeze...
My clematis Armandii has ramped across the greenhouse roof but is still flowering on and off~ should it be?
15 Oct, 2010
Hi Arlene...
Thank you. I'm pleased you like the obelisk !
Not surprising your garden was disturbed by the work for the greenhouse etc. My Armandii only flowers in the springtime, but I have heard of those towards the West of the UK flowering at other times of year as well...
15 Oct, 2010
thanks TT like yourself happiest when nursing my dogs! if not out in my garden!
15 Oct, 2010
I'll do that. :>)
16 Oct, 2010
Thanks Homebird :o)))
16 Oct, 2010
looks very nice TT.........
16 Oct, 2010
Thanksssssssssssss Holly :o)
16 Oct, 2010
did love your pic of conker.... he made me laugh..... is he using his sunglasses to come on here...... : O ))
16 Oct, 2010
Yes ...
truth is Conker does all my computer work for me ... Lol.
... and even the plants here are wearing sunglasses ...
... hoping for greeeen ... ;o)
16 Oct, 2010
lol..... i hope it changes back as ive had a headache for the last 2 days and it started on here...........
16 Oct, 2010
I hope your headache goes x
16 Oct, 2010
Thanksssssssss TT had a nice walk on the beach today... that does ot good...... : O ))
16 Oct, 2010
Still looking good.
18 Oct, 2010
Thanks, Clarice ..
so nice to have you back on GoY :o)
18 Oct, 2010
Nice to be back :o))
18 Oct, 2010
so soooooooo neat very nice love it all stunning :))))
30 Oct, 2010
Thanks, Mark...
The rose has grown up the obelisk a bit more now and really suits ... I'm so pleased with it.. :o)))
30 Oct, 2010
Lovely indeed - I like the pergola and love whatever the plant is growing from it ! Looks very clean and organised
31 Oct, 2010
Hi Paul...
Thank you... I'm pleased you like this pic.
The pergola at the back has Clematis armandii....
... some of my earlier GoY photos show the armandii covered in lovely white flowers...
31 Oct, 2010
That must be the flower I have then - they are beautiful flowers - I have a pic of ours too
31 Oct, 2010
Great pic. TT!
31 Oct, 2010
what a lovely garden
1 Nov, 2010
Thanks Jbardet and Jackie :o)
1 Nov, 2010
OMG such a beautiful garden and lovely grass with no weed waaaaaaao and so neat and tidy. Love the layout
3 Nov, 2010
Hi Shahida.... Thank you ...
no weeds, but there is some clover in the grass !
3 Nov, 2010
Looking so delightful TT.
12 Nov, 2010
Thanks, Dotty ...
My mother's rose and the obelisk are directly in my view out of the window when I sit at my computer ... so I wanted to get it exactly right ...
... and, now, each time I look down the garden, I'm delighted with the obelisk... I was very lucky to spot it in the corner of the garden centre... just the one obelisk, standing there, waiting for me to buy it .. :o)
13 Nov, 2010
Your garden is looking great here.
15 Nov, 2010
Hi Chris... many thanks...
nice to see you on GoY again ...
I hope you are well ... :o)))
18 Nov, 2010
Hi TT. Yes I am fine. We have had a busy time and poor internet which discouraged me from attempting to upload photo's etc. Now we have a cable connection which seems more reliable. It's nice to be back talking to my GOY friends.
18 Nov, 2010
That's good to know you are well...
wow... internet on cable ... !!!
... there'll be no stopping you now ;o) Lol.
18 Nov, 2010
is a great pleasure to see this picture. very relaxing. many compliments. David
18 Dec, 2010
Thanks, David...
I'm pleased you like this photo :o)
I was so delighted to find just the right obelisk for my mother's rose... I had been searching for several months !
18 Dec, 2010
23 Dec, 2010
superb garden and i love it.
22 Jan, 2011
Thanks David and Thilak ...
I trimmed my mother's roses yesterday, all ready for new flowers this year ...
22 Jan, 2011
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looks great Terra and your garden still looks lovely to, mine is wind blown and grass is water logged so cant cut it, looking a mess i hate it, should have been a hot indian summer weekend but not, just wind and cool , lovely picture Terra ;o)))
9 Oct, 2010