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The newly-designed area of my back garden.

There are more photos on my latest blog.

Comments on this photo


Beautiful though I do miss seeing the dogs. Love when you and Lu include them :)))

3 Jul, 2012


Thanks Lil.
Lots of garden birds and dogs on my Wishing Garden blog ;o)

3 Jul, 2012


I know Terra, just saying how much I enjoy when they are included :)

3 Jul, 2012


Thank you. That's nice of you. :o)

3 Jul, 2012


splendid Terra

3 Jul, 2012


No problem Terra. If we can't be nice to each other, why be here?? :)))

3 Jul, 2012


Lots of colour Terra, such a good backdrop to your garden, you use your plants very well indeed.

3 Jul, 2012


What a lovely scene to look out on Terra!

3 Jul, 2012


Thanks to the three P's ...
... Paul, Pim and Pansypotter ;o)

3 Jul, 2012


Your garden is beautiful Terratoonie! :))

3 Jul, 2012


Lovely border,Terra..and I love the wishing that a Heuchera in it? I can see one at the side..lovely colour combinations..:o)

3 Jul, 2012


Thank you, Michaella .. :o))

Thanks, Sandra... Yes, that's heuchera.
Clearer close-up pics on my latest blog.

3 Jul, 2012


:o))) the close up !

3 Jul, 2012


It's looking very pretty and so cheerful TT , I hope your wishing garden makes all your wishes come true x

3 Jul, 2012


Thank you Amy ...
When I'm gardening out there, I plan to make lots of wishes ;o) x

3 Jul, 2012


Hi, TT, your garden is brilliant - so pure in lines and colours. What is the name of that beautiful bush with white flowers? I think you have already mentioned it somewhere, but I forgot. It is amazing.

3 Jul, 2012


Ahh, you're just showing off, because you've got some sun. lol
But really, it's lovely. :-) x

3 Jul, 2012


It's very pretty TT. It would look even better with Conker and Truffle there with their gardening tools ;o))
I suspect they're tired after all that hard work lol ...
If I made a wish in your wishing garden, would it come true ?

3 Jul, 2012


Thanks Kat... not sure which bush you mean ?

Hi Jane. ... only rare glimpses of sun ... :o) x

3 Jul, 2012


Hello Hywel ..
Thank you.
This Wishing Well is a re-vamped heirloom, and yes, all the wishes you make would come true :o))

Conker and Truffle are sleepy, after all the gardening they did on my Wishing Garden blog. They'll be back soon :o)

3 Jul, 2012


I mean the largest one in the left side of the picture. Or is it climbing plant over huge fence?

3 Jul, 2012


Hi Kat ..
Thanks for explaining which one !
That is a trellis covered in Winter Jasmine and roses.

3 Jul, 2012


Winter jasmine....never heard it. Have to google it now. Are those white flowers belonging to roses or to winter jasmine?

3 Jul, 2012


Really lovely

3 Jul, 2012


Hi again Kat.
Winter Jasmine = Jasminum nudiflorum.
It has yellow flowers throughout the winter. (evergreen)

The white/yellow flowers are small roses. Rose Summertime.

Thank you Sheila :o)

3 Jul, 2012


Thank you, TT. It is really very nice evergreen. How long does it take to grow up to that size, please?

3 Jul, 2012


The Winter Jasmine is a bit slow to get going, but then grows quite quickly and you can trim it to shape. I have it planted in all sorts of places in my front garden and back garden. I love it. :o)

3 Jul, 2012



3 Jul, 2012


Lovely photo TT enjoyed your blog very much - as ever :o)

3 Jul, 2012


Thank you Neena.
The area is getting plenty of rain this week !

4 Jul, 2012



4 Jul, 2012


Thanks Pix :o)

4 Jul, 2012


Hi Jean.
Thank you.
The wishing well is an heirloom.
It was hand-made for my mother many years ago, but had fallen into disrepair.
A while back, I gave the well a bright make-over, but I've only now found the right place to fit it into my garden.

4 Jul, 2012


It looks delightful Terra, well worth all the effort

4 Jul, 2012


Thanks, Pam. :o)

4 Jul, 2012


I dont know how you do it Terra, but even your big shrubs look graceful and well behaved...some people have all the knack!! lol! Its gorgeous.

5 Jul, 2012


Hi Margo ...
Thank you. This summer, more than even before, I've spent lots of time up ladders, pruning large shrubs and climbers !
The weather has made everything grow at an amazing rate !

5 Jul, 2012


Take care up those ladders Terra, take a mobile with you in case..
However, it has certainly paid off! There are one or five shrubs at my place that need some!

5 Jul, 2012


Thanks Margo for your caring words. xxx

5 Jul, 2012


how i wish to have a garden like this:-)))))))))))

5 Jul, 2012


Thank you Junna.
I like to include a lot of evergreen plants and shrubs for winter interest.
These areas of my gardens face the sunshine in the morning, and then in the evening the sun drops down at the back behind the trees.

I've put more pictures of the Wishing Garden in my current blog.

5 Jul, 2012


I agree with Tetrach, Terra.

There is a lot of skill in your garden, every plant seems to get exactly what it needs to thrive. :)

5 Jul, 2012


Thanks Pim.
That's a kind comment. In the past I would plant shrubs etc. with little thought as to colours or whether they needed shade or sun. I've learnt by trial and error, and by looking at GoY !

5 Jul, 2012


Hi Bilbo.
Thank you.
Conker and Truffle worked very hard on their design for the Wishing Garden.
I'm pleased you like it :o)

6 Jul, 2012


Hi Homebird.
Thanks. I'm enjoying seeing this new area from my windows :o)

6 Jul, 2012


Lovely Terra...a real credit to you...

8 Jul, 2012


Thanks, Sue.
It's looking very green this year with all the rain !

8 Jul, 2012


I'm wishing that i could have a Wishing garden that looked like yours!

10 Jul, 2012


Hi Bill ...
For your wish to come true, you just throw a heuchera in the wishing well ;o)

10 Jul, 2012


Do you think if we All Wished Together this awful rain would stop.......

10 Jul, 2012


That would be a lot of heucheras ;o)

10 Jul, 2012


I've just thrown a virtual Heuchera in your wishing well. Let's now see what happens ;-)

10 Jul, 2012


I've just checked and Heuchera "Miracle" becomes available in August 2012 !
... so your wish will happen in a few weeks' time ...

10 Jul, 2012


It's really beautiful! And all this greenary makes it so relaxing!

2 Aug, 2012


Thank you Migra ...
I can see this area from indoors ...
It turned out even better than I had hoped... Lol !

2 Aug, 2012


it looks lovely TT

2 Dec, 2012


Hello Holly ...
thank you ...
... I'm very pleased with this newly designed area :o)

10 Dec, 2012

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