By Terratoonie

31 Mar, 2009
Spying from the safety of my shed,
Gromit observes his latest cracking invention.....
....and decides that when designing paddling pools for pigeons.............. size does matter....
Comments on this photo
hee hee i like it tt.
31 Mar, 2009
Gromit sends thanks to Pottygardener and Maccrimmon.
Pigeon is still working out how to make a graceful exit....
31 Mar, 2009
That's so funny.Why do they do that, its like sorry guys, I am here for a while so anyone else want's a drink - tough.
31 Mar, 2009
You're right, Ginellie ~
There were blackbirds, sparrows and collared doves all queuing up for their turn....
As the wood pigeon went in, most of the water came out... I had to refill the bath completely. Lol.
Back to the drawing-board, Gromit...
31 Mar, 2009
I thought the fox was next
31 Mar, 2009
Ha...ha.....he is one big pigeon!!....nice snug fit though, no room for paddling Sparrows......think you've actually done well here Gromit! :o)
31 Mar, 2009
Mac ~ I reckon the fox is settling for a shower...
Janey ~ you're right about the sparrows...
Ample paddling space...
31 Mar, 2009
Brilliant photo TT .. well caught , very funny ... LOL ..
31 Mar, 2009
Thanks, Amy.
Wallace was too busy eating Wensleydale cheese to make a comment....
31 Mar, 2009
Nice 1 Gromit :)
31 Mar, 2009
Bathtime is a time for indulgence. Looks like pidge has got it about right. Lovely pic.
31 Mar, 2009
Thank you Toto ~
Pigeon certainly indulged....
Stayed in there for ages.... :o)
Can't use the bird bath in next door's garden, because the two newly-arrived huge Orpington Black Chickens chase away the larger birds...
Daftplanter ~
Gromit is busy knitting a new design of bird pool.... :o)
31 Mar, 2009
Nothing better than a good soak...........eases the aches and pains.............
31 Mar, 2009
I just hope that wallace is not under that spade he is holding :)
31 Mar, 2009
Yes, Milky, eases the aches and pains.......
you're right.... nothing better...
.....but Dp, let's hope Wallace isn't under the pigeon. Lol.
31 Mar, 2009
Job well done.... :)
31 Mar, 2009
great photo TT
31 Mar, 2009
Thanks, Eileen :o)
31 Mar, 2009
My pigeon does this to............nothing like a good soak in the bath is there
1 Apr, 2009
Today the pigeon and a collared dove were having a confrontation on my back lawn. They seemed to be disagreeing over who was next in line to use the pool ..... Lol.
1 Apr, 2009
Brilliant picture and caption, we are great fans of W&G, Like other GOY members it certainly put a smile on my face lol.
1 Apr, 2009
Hello PP ~
Gromit lives permanently on the shelf by my shed window, keeping an eye on my garden. :o)
1 Apr, 2009
That's a great photo, TT - looks like Pigeon is thinking of laying eggs, a sort of water birth!!
1 Apr, 2009
Hello Gee ~
There are blackbirds breeding in my clematis, and new rare breed chickens moved in next door, so maybe this was the only pigeon place left for bathing and birthing. Lol.
2 Apr, 2009
Oh thats a fantastic photo TT well spotted!! LOL
2 Apr, 2009
well well..he looks very comfortable TT good Pic
2 Apr, 2009
Hi Deida and Skilla ~
This woodpigeon seems to have taken up permanent residence. Lol. :o)
2 Apr, 2009
Great photo TT thanks for that it made me laugh .....
2 Apr, 2009
Glad that gave you a giggle, Janette :o)
2 Apr, 2009
Great Shot ~well done :0)
3 Apr, 2009
Thanks Sueb :o)
3 Apr, 2009
LOL!!! Bruties favoutire bird! ... not!!!! He would not let a pigeon sit still long enough for me to take a picture!!
Brilliant pic ;-)
3 Apr, 2009
Hi A jh ~ Thank you :o)
I took the photo before Conker the Sheltie spotted the pigeon. Lol.
Conker would have barked at him. He prefers smaller birds to visit the garden. :o)
4 Apr, 2009
Made to measure bath ! Perfect fit ! Lol
4 Apr, 2009
Lol BB.
Pigeon looked really indignant through the whole of it's bath-time !
Do you know if the feather colours are different in boy and girl woodpigeons for identification?
.... or do we identify by the fact that the females spend a lot longer in the bath...? Lol.
If so, then this one is a female. Was in there for ages.....
4 Apr, 2009
If it's any help, according to the book I have just looked in their colours are the same in woodpigeons.
4 Apr, 2009
Thanks, Lindak.
Let's hope the woodpigeons know which is which. Lol.
4 Apr, 2009
Unable to tell from plumage TT so guess your theory spot on ! Lol
4 Apr, 2009
4 Apr, 2009
Daft things , pigeons.
4 Apr, 2009
Hello Mageth ~
She did pose nicely for her photo to be taken :o)
4 Apr, 2009
How funny! We have rock doves here, have never seen one bathing, though. I'll have to speak to them about their personal hygene. Foxy birdbath, cute!
5 Apr, 2009
Greetings Weeds :o)
Do you have correct size pools for the rock doves over in Washington State ?
Is their lack of hygiene due to wrong size bathing facilities ? Lol.
5 Apr, 2009
That's excellent TT!
5 Apr, 2009
Thanks, Gillian.
In Canada, do you get to see all the Wallace and Gromit adventures?
6 Apr, 2009
Sometimes we see them but I think only the same two or three ever seem to air.
6 Apr, 2009
I had no idea birdbaths came sized specifially to fit various bird bottoms. I'll take my measuring tape directly to the barn, climb up in the rafters and measure their little pidgeon bottoms. LOL
6 Apr, 2009
He/she's made themselves at home. Did you have to use a crowbar to get it out??Lol.
7 Apr, 2009
Lol Gg ~
It was quite an effort for the pigeon to fly off ...
Do you see Wallace and Gromit on American TV ?
7 Apr, 2009
LOL, TT. That's a wonderful photo. We do see Wallace and Gromit over here occasionally. I love them. :o)
8 Apr, 2009
Hi Gilli ~
Thank you. I also love Wallace and Gromit. :o)
8 Apr, 2009
lol,they do like to dominate everything in the garden, mine eat everything and all the other birds have to wait,,
8 Apr, 2009
Hi Sanbaz AND ..
Angelina Lol ~
You're right ~ very obvious when a wood pigeon is visiting the garden.... :o)
8 Apr, 2009
It must be a male pigeon Terratoonie, otherwise there would be scented candles and a glass of Chardonnay !!!!
9 Apr, 2009
Lol Olblueyes ~
Pigeon was in the pool again today...
no candles or Champagne....
9 Apr, 2009
angelina says meow... to you to terra.. lol
9 Apr, 2009
Crocus the budgie VERY bravely says tweet back to Angelina :o)
9 Apr, 2009
lmao, tweet tweet crocus :))
9 Apr, 2009
9 Apr, 2009
Had you in mind and took this picture for you today -
Was taken from a distance so a little unclear.....
13 Apr, 2009
Hi A_jh ~ I'll go take a look :o)
16 Apr, 2009
I think the pigeon likes the fit...he looks far too comfy
20 Apr, 2009
You're right Skippy ~
When the pigeon visits, she does stay in that little pool quite a while.
I wonder whether next time she'll bring a book to read ... Lol.
20 Apr, 2009
We really like this, especially for Gromit's expression/pose in the background! There was chat elsewhere about the "Curse of the Wererabbit", Arlene gave a detailed description of the exhibition, and you noted the marvellous veggies to be seen in the movie!
Good News! That exhibition is hitting our area in the next 3 weeks! We'll be "homing" in on this one, for sure, as we are no "stool " (or even "pool") pigeons". :-)
17 May, 2009
Hi David ~
You and the children will have a wonderful time at the Were Rabbit exhibition. Lots of veggies ! Lol. Please let us know all about it. :o)
18 May, 2009
He He He thats brill they are just so stupid !!
7 Jul, 2009
Hi Mushy ~
You can see why I told you of this pic when I saw your dove photo. Lol. :o)
7 Jul, 2009
Didn't Percy do well?
6 Nov, 2009
Read yesterday that Wallace & Gromit just had their 20th birthday!!!!! Don't know what's harder to believe - that they have been around so long, or that 1989 was, in fact 20 years ago!!!!! Will always love the veggies in "Curse of the Wererabbit"! :-D
7 Nov, 2009
Hi DD2 ~
Yes... Percy was exhausted after the long trip from Hampshire...
....he had to cool off his undercarriage before the flight home. LOL.
7 Nov, 2009
Hello David...
20th birthday for Wallace and Gromit ! ?
They still look great, don't they....
... that plasticine must be full of excellent preservative...
The Curse of the Wererabbit featured Golden Carrot Awards, but on GoY I give out Golden Trowel Awards....Lol. :o)
7 Nov, 2009
I wondered why he had a soggy bottom lol
7 Nov, 2009
Lol. Blame Gromit for a not-so-cracking idea.. :o)
7 Nov, 2009
9 Nov, 2009
and why not.
27 Dec, 2013
27 Dec, 2013
Just watched the curse again, never fails to amuse!!
28 Dec, 2013
In my garden, I'm often the one gardening in the wrong trousers ;o)
28 Dec, 2013
Sweet family at the base of your birdbath.
6 Jan, 2016
Thanks Siris ..
the fox family is still there, 7 years later !
6 Jan, 2016
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LOL TT, funny and a clever photo....
31 Mar, 2009