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Borrowed bonnet :o)

Borrowed bonnet  :o)

Shetland Sheepdog, Conker, loves to dress up.
He pestered me to let him try on the bonnet. Lol.

In the background are roses I inherited from my mother's garden ten years ago which are still flowering well. Also a pretty white lavender called Arctic Snow.

Comments on this photo


That's a lovely picture of Conker, TT! He really looks stunning! He's a very patient dog as not many would stand for that kind of thing & wait patiently while you take photos! lol! Is this photo recent? I ask as there don't appear to be bandages on his leg, although a closer look shows up a couple of shaved places on his legs.

Hope this cooler weather of late has made him feel better as well.

Lots of tail wags from Boli!

11 Jul, 2009


LOL Terratoonie conker reminds me of the wolf dressed up as grandma in little red riding hood lovely picture, the roses are beautiful :)

11 Jul, 2009


Hi Balcony ~

I took the pic this afternoon. All the dogs I've owned love dressing up. Lol. Yes, Conker has shaved areas on his legs, and another big patch on his side which you can't see which was for the cardiac test. The bandages are off now, and he's starting to enjoy life again. Thanks for the wags, Boli ! :o)

Thanks, Morgana. It's nice to have my mother's roses. :o)

11 Jul, 2009


He is beautiful!

11 Jul, 2009


Thank you Michaella :o)

11 Jul, 2009


awww conker you look lovely and so well, glad to see conker enjoying life once again TT, lovely pic, hugs for brave conker fron auntie sandra x

11 Jul, 2009


Conker sends hugs back to you Sandra, and says it's okay if Angelina would like to borrow the bonnet. xxx Lol.

11 Jul, 2009


Looks like Conker's ready for the shower. Don't forget to wash behind your ears , Conker!

11 Jul, 2009


think she needs jogging pants TT, thanx conker from angelina meow

11 Jul, 2009


Great to see Conker looking so well, hugs from good old Smokey & me, better not keep leaving Trufle's out so give him a hug aswell from us both.

11 Jul, 2009


Hi Clarice and Smokey ~
Conker and Truffle say thanks for the hugs....
Truffle did try the hat on but I didn't get a pic. Lol.

11 Jul, 2009


Oh bless him Terra, it really suits him, he is so pretty he should be a 'she' LOL. I am glad to see he is looking OK, he seems to love having his pic taking with his best bonnet on. The roses and heather in the background are so pretty, lovely contrast. Love and hugs from us :o)

11 Jul, 2009


~love to Conker~here's hoping he looks this good for a long time!

11 Jul, 2009


Hi Pam ~
Yes, it's so wonderful seeing Conker looking better.
Love & hugs. :o)

11 Jul, 2009


Thanks, Arlene. :o) xxx

11 Jul, 2009


Beautiful little Conker,he is so cute especially after your hard work grooming him.Just want to give him a BIG cuddle ! Lovely to see your Mums roses,I have a miniature rose which my Mother-in-law planted in the '70's,it's always nice to see it come in to flower each summer :)

11 Jul, 2009


Hi Aster ~
Conker likes to be groomed. Brushing him is not such hard work as it might appear. We both enjoy it. :o)

Yes, these miniature roses are very reliable in flowering, aren't they..
I've taken cuttings successfully from those in the photo. Have you tried cuttings with your miniature rose ?

11 Jul, 2009


No but I think I must as it's such an old plant I would hate to lose it after all these years. It was originally in one of the concrete planters which now have the hebe's in.It has been in the garden and now in a plant pot on its own-never minds being moved !
It must make it a lot easier for you if Conker likes being groomed,not all dogs can stand it. You have trained him really well to accept this :)

11 Jul, 2009


My dogs accept all I do for them ~ grooming, nail cutting, teeth cleaning ~ with no problem.
The clinic vets tell me Conker is very well-behaved, so I hope this makes his visits less stressful for him... and for the vets... Lol.

My mother's roses started in containers and then I planted them in the ground. I took cuttings because I didn't want to lose them. They are very easy to propagate... Just take a lot of cuttings, and some are sure to thrive...I hope you get lots of lovely baby plants from your rose :o)

11 Jul, 2009


Will give it a go this autumn :)

11 Jul, 2009


He could audition to be a pantomime dame in that bonnet. I'm sure he enjoys his tug games with Truffle as much as dressing up. It's a delight to see him looking so pleased with himself but don't let him dress like that on Tuesday, the vet may not approve, lol.

11 Jul, 2009


Hi Wagger ~
Conker and Truffle both tugged at a rope toy so much today that they ended up with half each ! If it weren't for the delay function on my camera, I could have photographed that.... but I found I'd taken a picture of tails only..... Lol...

No, I won't let Conker wear a hat on Tuesday at the vet clinic, but he'll probably re-emerge wearing a bright leg bandage...He's had blue, purple and lime green bandages so far.. I wonder what colour next ? :o)

11 Jul, 2009


Wonderful to see Conker looking so well.

11 Jul, 2009


Toto ~ thanks... :o)

11 Jul, 2009


Aw Conker.....he is looking really healthy and happy TT.......that looks like his Florence Nightingale bonnet.....:o)

11 Jul, 2009


Lol. Janey...
Conker loves helping everyone, so a Florence Nightingale role would suit him well. :o)

11 Jul, 2009


awww Conker looks great TT

11 Jul, 2009


Conker looks gorgeous, TT, and very well. I wonder if he will come out with a pink bandage next time; my Mungo had a pink one for a while when he broke a toe!

11 Jul, 2009


Thanks Gee and Eileen...
I counted up the days in my diary... Conker's life-saving operation was only just over 5 weeks ago.... No way did I imagine he would bounce back so quickly...

I bet Mungo looked good in pink. :o) Yes, that's a colour bandage Conker hasn't had yet. Lol.

11 Jul, 2009


only 5 weeks ago....... wow

11 Jul, 2009


This is possibly the cutest dog I've ever seen! And I have seen some CUTE dogs, lemme tell you! (Including my own! ) Odie gets that same smile on his face when we dress him - he especially loves his big sliver necklace which we dubbed his "Odie Bling".
So nice to see him looking dapper!

11 Jul, 2009


Glad to see Conker looking so well, TT :) Your mom's roses are beautiful, what a special plant to have.

11 Jul, 2009


LOL..Conker looks very proud of his choice of hats..he is adorable...and so nice to see that smile! me laugh right out loud..
did he choose the place to have his pic taken so you could show your mums roses..? He thinks of everything!

12 Jul, 2009


Hi Poetgardener ~ Thanks. Conker loves to dress up...
I bet Odie looks very handsome in his neckwear :o)

Hello Tracy ~ yes, these roses bloom for a long time in the summer, so a lovely memory of my mother... Conker is looking well :o)

Hi Cat ~ Conker knows the best places to sit. :o)
He has great taste in hats. Lol.

12 Jul, 2009


Can't yu just see that he enjoys dressing up? He's smiling. ;-)

12 Jul, 2009


Yes, you're right, Silverbelle...
Conker is smiling. :o)

12 Jul, 2009


super photo .nice to see Conker looking good and happy.

12 Jul, 2009


He's a beautiful dog Tt. You're so lucky to have him with you.

12 Jul, 2009


Thanks Helen and Silverbelle...

Yes Conker is happy again.
I treasure every day, every hour :o)

12 Jul, 2009


Hi Conker :o)
I like your bonnet.

12 Jul, 2009


Conker says, thanks, Hywel :o)

12 Jul, 2009


His is a beautiful dog, love the bonnet

12 Jul, 2009


Hi Jean...
Thank you. Conker has always liked wearing hats, even when he was a puppy. Lol.

12 Jul, 2009


Love it! Wish my two would stay still for long enough to dress them up!!! Lynn

12 Jul, 2009


Hi Lynn ~
Welcome to GoY from Conker my Shetland Sheepdog,
Truffle my Smooth Fox Terrier and
from me :o)
What dogs do you have ?

12 Jul, 2009


Beautiful photo Terra and to look at it one cant believe how ill he,s been,made me smile to see Conker wearing his hat and looking so proud, might be able to try that with Malik but its a definite no way with Morgan its a big enough battle to get his harness on ............

12 Jul, 2009


Hello Lincslass ~
Oh, Malik in a hat would be truly AMAZING. Lol.

Truffle did try this hat on too.... he wasn't sure whether to eat it or wear it, but in the end decided it would be okay on his head. Lol.

No, I can't believe looking at Conker how ill he was so recently...
...let's hope on Tuesday, when the vet looks at Conker from the inside, he'll say that the treatment is progressing well.......

12 Jul, 2009


Yes Tt, fingers crossed for Tuesday. Keep us posted.
XX for Conker.

12 Jul, 2009


Silverbelle ~ thank you.....
...I'm getting fidgety already...
.. when I get anxious, I pick up my secateurs...
... a Ceanothus was given a really short hair cut today.. Lol.

12 Jul, 2009


Keep the short hair cuts to the plants, and stay away from Conkers lovely coat. lol. It must take you ages to groom him.

12 Jul, 2009


HI Conker you look lovely in your Bonnet

12 Jul, 2009


Message from Conker to Holly ~
Hi Holly. Thank you ...
xx ... those are for your lovely doggies ... :o)

12 Jul, 2009


Thank you Conker, TT,................i will tell

12 Jul, 2009


....don't forget to say thanksssssssssssssssss Lol. :o)

12 Jul, 2009


LOL.............No i wont TT..........i will tell them Thanksssssssssssssss

12 Jul, 2009


Hi Silverbelle ~
Sorry, I missed your haircuts comment earlier. Lol.
Conker doesn't take that long to groom...
.. the vets keep shaving off different areas for tests, so less to brush at the moment....
...Yes, I'll save my trimming for the plants :o)

12 Jul, 2009


Lovely to see him enjoying life and giving pleasure to lots of people again, (wagging even faster in the Midlands)

12 Jul, 2009


That Midlands wagging is causing quite a breeze in my garden today, so you must be getting up quite a speed :o)
Thanks, Bornagain ...
... as you say, Conker is enjoying life again. :o)

12 Jul, 2009


i used to dress up our lakeland terrier when i was little. he was so patient just like conker. glad he is so much better.

12 Jul, 2009


What a handsome boy you have. His coat is amazing.
I am happy to hear he is doing well, enough to beg you to dress him in a bonnet, lol...
Your flowers are beautiful as well, Terratoonie.
xoxoxox from my girls to your boys.

13 Jul, 2009


Lovely to see Conker looking so well. He is a lovely boy and he looks as though he ought to be in a pantomime with that hat on. Wishing him well for the future. xx

13 Jul, 2009


Hi Linda and Sbg ~
Thanks for your good wishes. I can imagine a Lakeland Terrier enjoying dressing up... my Welsh Terriers used to love wearing anything. Lol.

Thanks NN and girls ~
Conker has felt well in recent days, playing lots of games with Truffle. We've all been enjoying the garden. :o)

13 Jul, 2009


Oh! TT what a lovely photo of Conker, He looks very well. Glad he is enjoying the garden and playing games with Truffle. Wishing him all the best and love to you.
Bob and Sylvia. xx

13 Jul, 2009


Hi Bob and Sylvia ~
Today, again, Conker is feeling good. He's had fun playing toy games with Truffle and has just enjoyed my grooming him and having his teeth brushed, so he is all ready for his big day tomorrow.
Thanks for your kind wishes. xxx

13 Jul, 2009


Nice to see him looking happy and healthy Tt.


13 Jul, 2009


Thanks, Mac.
I'm doing everything in my powers to keep Conker fit, healthy and happy :o)

13 Jul, 2009


He looks fantastic TT, i love the mob cap!! All this wagging and love and hugs must be working (especially from you!) x

13 Jul, 2009


Wishing you and Conker well for tomorrow TT. Hope everything goes well.

13 Jul, 2009


Thanks, Skilla and Toto....
Fingers crossed for tomorrow..... xxx

13 Jul, 2009


Late seeing this pic TT :( Conker looks fab in the Bonnet even the colour matchs his coat :)

14 Jul, 2009


Hi Jacque.... Thank you...
Yes, the bonnet colours do tone in well with Conker's coat colours... Lol.

We've just returned from a very long day at the vet clinic.
Good news after Conker's anaesthetic and endoscopy....
I've put a full report on my Wagging blog.number 19. :o) :o) :o)

14 Jul, 2009


OOOOOOOoooooooo im off 2 look now TTXXX

14 Jul, 2009


What a beautiful coat and hat too! I'm happy his vet visit went well.

14 Jul, 2009


Hi Jacque ~
I'll catch up with you over on the Wagging blog in a

Thanks Regina ~
I'm so relieved that the vet clinic investigations brought good news :o)

14 Jul, 2009


Glad the visit to the vets has been positive, I'll pop over to read your update right away. :)

14 Jul, 2009


Hi Balcony ~
Thanks. We're tired but happy here :o)

14 Jul, 2009


Hi Terra
Never mind the are a good mum shielding Conker from the sun...great idea ,he loves sitting in the garden ,loves watching you gardening.
your roses are beautiful.xxxwags from Percy,he can feel the heat also..take carexx

14 Jul, 2009


Hi Deida ~
Yes, the bonnet is effective as a sun hat !
Good thinking.
Fond wishes and wags to you and Percy. xxx

14 Jul, 2009


Conker is posing very fetchingly but he's far more handsome than the big bad wolf. Lovely to see him looking so well. Who normally wears the

15 Jul, 2009


Hello Lily ~
If look back on my pics, you can see a photo of Bonsai my Welsh Terrier pushing a toy pram. Sadly, Bonsai died at the end of last year. He used to wear the bonnet when performing his Welsh Super Nanny trick routines at the charity dog shows. :o)

15 Jul, 2009


Tt, I can see you're very proud of your dogs. Your enthusiasm is infectious and very welcoming. It reinforces our wish to add to our family once more.

15 Jul, 2009


Hi Silverbelle ~
Are you thinking of getting a new pet ?
Sounds exciting ! :o)
Yes, my pets are very special to me.
I love gardening with my dogs for company :o)

16 Jul, 2009


What a stunning dog ,love the photo

16 Jul, 2009


Hi Detectorist ~
Thank you :o)

16 Jul, 2009


He,s wonderful TT . I,m off to catch up on your Blog i,m so pleased Conker is looking so well :o)

16 Jul, 2009


Wow, Amy ~
You're jumping around GoY very quickly. !
Yes, thanks.
Conker has improved a lot in the past few weeks..:o)

16 Jul, 2009


Bless him

16 Jul, 2009


Hi Delboy ~
Thanks for visiting Conker's pic. :o)

16 Jul, 2009


We'd love another dog, but at the moment it wouldn't be practical. But as soon as it's possible we will have another - maybe two. We miss the company a four legged friend can provide :-((

16 Jul, 2009


I hope your wish is granted eventually, and you get a dog...or two :o)

16 Jul, 2009


Thank you Tt. so do we.

16 Jul, 2009


Have fun in the meantime, thinking what breeds ... or mixed breeds... you would like to own :o)

16 Jul, 2009


We've decided that it would be better for us to get a small one. Our last one was Tina, a Yorkshire Terrier, she left us a few years ago. It was very sad. We now have in mind a Jack Russel. Our daughter has recently got one and called him 'Arfa' (as in 'half a dog') ~ they are used to Labradors! lol..................

16 Jul, 2009


Tina sounds like she was lovely. :o)
Arfa ~ what an apt name !
My puppy Truffle is a Smooth Fox Terrier...
he is on some of my recent GoY photos...
...sort of similar to a Jack Russell but longer legs...
...a very friendly breed of dog... :o)

16 Jul, 2009


oh he is gorg!! and the roses look pretty too must be a very well natured pooch to love the attention if i tried to dress my lab up he would be a grumpy so and so.

18 Jul, 2009


Hi. Jewells ~
I'm pleased you like my roses..
I can imagine your Lab in a hat..:o)
In fact my two dogs elbow each other out of the way, wanting to be first to try on anything ! Lol.

18 Jul, 2009


Hi TT...sorry late to this great photo.Conker is looking really well,and the bonnet very fetching !! Love the white lavender too ! Just seen your comment on our photos about the clematis cutting and is very kind of you to be thinking of that amidst all you have been contending with ! Thankyou.xx

18 Jul, 2009


Hi BB/Jane ~ Thanks.
Yes, trying various experiments with the clematis cuttings :o)
Conker is doing well thanks. More chemo this coming

18 Jul, 2009


Yes...will be following Conkers progress .....x

18 Jul, 2009


We most certainly will............

19 Jul, 2009


How did I miss this?! Lovely photo TT, nice to see he still likes to dress up! Dogs are just amazing....

21 Jul, 2009


Hi Pottygardener ~
Conker loves to dress up, and also likes posing for the camera... recently he's been enjoying rope toy games with Truffle, so I've been trying to get an "action photo" of the two of them....

.... but when Conker hears the camera being switched on..... he stops the game temporarily, and sits and poses for his pic to be taken. Lol.

22 Jul, 2009


Ahh poor Conker,I wonder what he thinks you are doing lol ! You've trained him too well :)) It's like when some people just stand and smile when you are taking a video lol :)

22 Jul, 2009


What a cutie!

24 Jul, 2009


Hi Aster and Emma ~
Conker thanks you for visiting his pic...Lol.

24 Jul, 2009


Your pics are great. truffle and conker are smashing.

30 Jul, 2009


Hello Brinjay ~
Conker and Truffle say thank you... :o)

30 Jul, 2009


Miss lovely dog

31 Jul, 2009


Hi Jaderose ~
Yes he is a lovely dog. Thank you. :o)

31 Jul, 2009


Everytime I look at this photo..TT..I think what a precious Conker..he did this to make you smile..he has the most precious, loving heart..what a joy. big hugs to him and you and Truffle..these furkids of yours simply adore you...

31 Jul, 2009


Hi Cat...
I'm really only just beginning to realise how so close to death Conker was back in May/June... At the time everything was so hectic....
He is a lovely boy and deserves this new chance at life....
I hope your pets are doing

31 Jul, 2009


My girls are with me Phoebe and Sofie here at my daughters for now..when I come back to Wales they will be out at the ranch with the Big Larry is with my other daughter now and is doing great..Mary Jane is being a outdoor mice catching kitty and has access to warm places in the garage too. She likes that best..My old Yoda is here with me sharing a room with the guinea is quite entertained by them is happy with it...
I know..when a loved one is so do not even think of such a thing and it comes as quite a shock later when you realize you were only a hairs breath glad Conker is doing better and you are enjoying each other. everything such a different you all ~Cat

31 Jul, 2009


Glad to know you've made such suitable arrangements for your pets, Cat...
... it must be a worry off your mind. xxx

31 Jul, 2009


Yes it is TT..but u know I will always have them in my heart. They will be very happy out at the horses..they love going there and my friends there love them too and are anxious to have my girls back.

3 Aug, 2009


What a brilliant photo! Made me laugh!

8 Aug, 2009


Thanks, Beanerella :o)
I like your pussycat avatar pic...

9 Aug, 2009


Thank you - it's our new cat Tigger Jackson. We've had him a few months now.

12 Aug, 2009


Tigger looks very photogenic....
I hope he's settling in well...

12 Aug, 2009


Thank you. Yes, he is quite photogenic - when he's not trying to savage your arm! He's a lively seven year old, who loves to tackle your hands/feet/legs wen you're not watching! Full of fun. He's very settled now - so glad we have him.

12 Aug, 2009


What a super photo of your human dog.........Conker.

18 Aug, 2009


Hi DD2 ~
Conker says thanks :o)

19 Aug, 2009


Woof Woof to Conker.from me he will know what it means..........

19 Aug, 2009


I told Conker your message is Woof Woof, and he nodded ... Lol.

20 Aug, 2009


i love this picture x

4 Sep, 2009


Nita ~ Conker says thank you :o) x

5 Sep, 2009


Conker is just too cute for words .

14 Oct, 2009


Hi Pitta ~
Conker loves wearing hats and dressing up...Lol.

14 Oct, 2009


Expression does it for me , another HAT trick for conker .

16 Nov, 2011


Hi Tony ...
I'm pleased you found this pic ...
Conker and Truffle both love wearing hats :o)

17 Nov, 2011


Just saw this photo. Conker is the most beautiful dog I've seen in a long time. His coat looks amazing. My favourite dogs are collies of all kinds. I had a border collie who died of old age. Now I have Rosie my cat who is 16 in March

13 Dec, 2014


Hello Danimar ..
Thanks for your lovely comments. Yes, collies and sheepdogs are beautiful, aren't they.
Border collies are pretty dogs. Seems you look after your pets very well, that they live healthily for so many years. I hope Rosie has her stocking all ready for Christmas ! :o)

13 Dec, 2014

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