Has anyone got the Hebe, Silvana Cream, if so can you help re: it's care please?
0 replies
17 Mar, 2009 Clow
poly tunnel
4 replies
17 Mar, 2009 Karenbaz
Mango sapling
17 Mar, 2009 Surreygirl
What is this? Identification needed please.
3 replies
17 Mar, 2009 Bernieh
trapaeolum bicolor/ tricolor
2 replies
17 Mar, 2009 Tdarroch1
goji plant
17 Mar, 2009 Timewrp2
I have lots of Eryngium alpinus plants that I grew from seed, is it OK to divide...
17 Mar, 2009 Dianamary
Can anyone identify this plant?
17 Mar, 2009 Greylady
Can I save my hydrangea?
17 Mar, 2009 Jsimone63
Garden planning software
1 reply
16 Mar, 2009 4ddreamscape
There is something wrong with my onion seedlings...
16 Mar, 2009 Krystal
Do impaitents come back every year?
16 Mar, 2009 Lindacalder..
Techy problem...
16 Mar, 2009 Sid
who was the Mrs J Bradshaw who gave her name to a geum?
16 Mar, 2009 Juliebradshaw
i aquired a dwarf date palm tree last year its been rapped up for the winter.
16 Mar, 2009 Hannah24
16 Mar, 2009 Chrisvoice
Clay soil
9 replies
16 Mar, 2009 Maranddar
Can I grow garlic in small pots?
16 Mar, 2009 Lilydee05
Hi I'm getting married in June 20th and wanted to plant some bulbs/seeds now...
5 replies
16 Mar, 2009 Lucywelsh
reusage of growbags
16 Mar, 2009 Lesleylu
Hello newbie here! i just wanted to get some advice
6 replies
16 Mar, 2009 Cosmos23
16 Mar, 2009 Shelly_dunn
How do I get rid of these bulbs?
16 Mar, 2009 Razali
how do I care for sisyrinchium aunt may
16 Mar, 2009 Jeandowson
pot contents
16 Mar, 2009 Bernard
Couch grass
16 Mar, 2009 Scotkat
will my plant shoot again Sollya
16 Mar, 2009 Loveplants
how and when do i move my apple tree
16 Mar, 2009 Singingchef
Hi, can anyone tell me where i can buy a coffee tree in the uk
16 Mar, 2009 Kazza
raised beds why are they better?
16 Mar, 2009 Amaranth
Should I prune my lantana each year
16 Mar, 2009 Colin65
Garden Tools
16 Mar, 2009 Kenho
Another weed?
16 Mar, 2009 Newkid
16 Mar, 2009 Mandywr
how do birds pollinate callistermons and eucalyptus flowers
16 Mar, 2009 Emmanuelmus..
Spring holes in grass.
16 Mar, 2009 Ksmith
what are these pink flowers?
15 Mar, 2009 Bryony
Peony planted too shallow?
15 Mar, 2009 Sirius
Dicksonia Antarctica
15 Mar, 2009 Lynnanddana
my banana plant has white aphids! can you recomend a good spray. reguards andy
15 Mar, 2009 Brown70
Hello everyone newbie here, what are the best tomatoes for growing outside . Preferbably...
15 Mar, 2009 Sarahmac30
Greenhouse Heater
15 Mar, 2009 Sitheblade
can i grow tamarisk in the north east of england, if so what variety and is it easy...
15 Mar, 2009 Elizabeth1952
I have three pots of black bamboo which I would love to plant - how aggressive is...
15 Mar, 2009 Helenarice
best way of starting euphorbia roots
15 Mar, 2009 Scotty
Jasmine plants. Do you prune? If so to what degree.
15 Mar, 2009 Onitsha
I need to resite a well established rose bush, how do I do this?
7 replies
15 Mar, 2009 Susiegreenf..
white flowered jasmine climber is caked in black mould
15 Mar, 2009 Hollyhocks