I saved some bulbs from last Spring and planted them in tubs in the Autumn
2 replies
27 Feb, 2010 Charlienorf..
how deep to plant dwarf lilies in pots?
1 reply
27 Feb, 2010 Hartleyhouse
I have some dwarf lily bulbs just arrived and do not know how deep to plant them
27 Feb, 2010 Guest
I have number of orchids which have and are flowering well
Is Iresine
frosted phormiums
i have a money tree and have notice that there are black bugs or beetels in the last...
It's a few leaves that are closer to the trunk
what plants or shrubs can i grow in my garden to deter cats
how do I carry out box topiary
when is the best time to move perrenials
4 replies
Can anyone identify this tree?
5 replies
27 Feb, 2010 Nariz
I have a quantity of bark from a Larch tree felled 2 years ogo
3 replies
26 Feb, 2010 Bigflo
Do clemetas require pruning
26 Feb, 2010 Ossiejoe
Hi all....
20 replies
26 Feb, 2010 Janey
wot could i do with a tractor tyres in my garden
26 Feb, 2010 Guest
Just to say thank you to Moon grower and Volunteer for their advice regarding my...
26 Feb, 2010 Judi_mac
I have a bin full of compost which i had intended to use in drills prior to sowing...
26 Feb, 2010 Susancaplin..
hello just moved house and have discovered a stange bush i have never encountered...
8 replies
26 Feb, 2010 Kittymitch
list of plants for clay soil
I would like to plant a hedge in a clay soil
26 Feb, 2010 Jinny
Clematis again
26 Feb, 2010 Pennyfarthing
thank u volunteer 4ur advice on my camelia much app
0 replies
26 Feb, 2010 Cantwaittil..
how old are Chaenomeles speciosa 'Moerloosei' when they first fruit
I'm going to grow some strawberries this year in a strawberry pot
Thank u very much bamboo for your very detailed and informative answers on my camelia
Would some kind person please add the National Trust property at Erddig
7 replies
26 Feb, 2010 Owdboggy
I have several buxus
26 Feb, 2010 Flowergirlx
i have heard of the chelsea chop
26 Feb, 2010 Weedy
I have several orchids with Mealy Bug have sprayed them many time with bug killer...
26 Feb, 2010 Lilybeetle
I have just taken some pods from my Wistria and was wondering if i can take the seeds...
26 Feb, 2010 Linp45
whats the best way to clear brambles from the land
Hi guys, mine has developed brown hole in the fan
is my holly tree lacking something
26 Feb, 2010 Giannaclare
I would like to ask if there is a book that shows the real plant
10 replies
best evergreen climbing plants to cover wall
Can you tell me the name of a lovely smelling honeysuckle
how can i kill an unsightly hedge
Should one cut back last years leaves
can holly leaf miner be treated
26 Feb, 2010 Arlene
I have just purchased an orleander from a nursery that seems rather leggy should...
26 Feb, 2010 Perkyinleeds
as you will know i am making a wild life garden in my back garden i have the trees...
26 Feb, 2010 Lemondog
if the nicandra is growing in a field
After an unusually cold snap this winter
25 Feb, 2010 Lovetta
sea holly how do i look aafter
25 Feb, 2010 Guest
Many of the leaves on my pieris have turned brown
25 Feb, 2010 Judi_mac
where do i plant how close and when to plant
Hi all wot can you feed the cordyline