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When is the best time to prune the flowering ash
1 reply
21 Feb, 2010 Guest
how to get seed potatoes to sprout
where is a pic of a white flowering Francoa?
2 replies
availability in San Fernando Valley area
when do you plant forget me nots
Hello all,making a green roof on top of garden shed
when do i prune my huge bay tree
20 Feb, 2010 Guest
Where can I buy Alocasia or Colocasia plants ?
4 replies
20 Feb, 2010 Pottingmad
which snowdrop gives the best impact
How high does Red Barked Dogwood grow?
3 replies
how and when to i plant allium seeds
20 Feb, 2010 Wynny
Is Robinia fast growing and will it thrive where there is honey fungus?
a question for the Galanthophiles
18 replies
20 Feb, 2010 Seaburngirl
I plant a small garden every year in the same spot
Why does my amaryllis not bloom
Having stopped the badgers from devastating my garden
20 Feb, 2010 Spritzhenry
I have a red cordyline and it is loosing its colour
Oh I forgot to log in and ask my question
20 Feb, 2010 Patriciacha..
My blueberries produce very little fruit
20 Feb, 2010 Rosalindmary
Hello, I have been trawling the net
How deep should I plant potatoes in a bag?
5 replies
when is the best time to burn pampas grass
summer flowers in tubs with no deadheading
How can i identify these runeer beans?
i need to replant my magnolia stellata treet when is the best time to do this?
why are my lemons turning yelloe but not growing in size
do you have to remove suckers or can they be left in a hedge
20 Feb, 2010 Johnwizo
what is the best way to prune a cordyline
20 Feb, 2010 Val6565
can you take cuttings from a Dracaena marginata
i have a bay window
20 Feb, 2010 William03
do i need to repot the plant in a bigger pot so it can grow taller
Anyone Had A Problem Accessing GoY ?
10 replies
20 Feb, 2010 Louise1
I need a little help with my patio roses please
Need rabbit proof plants for a border outside a cottage
20 Feb, 2010 Chatsworth
heavy brown circular markings in six areas of small lawn what is it?
Does anyone have any seed germination information on Sarcococca ruscifolia?
20 Feb, 2010 Wildflowerm..
We have well established Photinia on our property that is probably 15 feet tall
I have 2 tall
20 Feb, 2010 Mcclean
Suggestions for a clematis please
7 replies
19 Feb, 2010 Pennyfarthing
Saruma henryi
19 Feb, 2010 Seaburngirl
i,ve been trying to grow good cabbages but every year i get a white grub
19 Feb, 2010 Littlebopeep
what colour should I paint my fence
11 replies
19 Feb, 2010 Guest
have just bought my first camelia just wanted to know where to plant?
Have had a lot of problems with black spot
19 Feb, 2010 Windcher
where would you find pastle tulips in the UK
can I prune my Escallonia hard back in spring?
19 Feb, 2010 Merlinbabydog
Thank you all who gave lovely suggestions for the climbing plant in my narrow border
19 Feb, 2010 Xyz
can i plant my small evergreen trees now
19 Feb, 2010 Colinwarner