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Can any of you identify this "flower" please?
10 replies
18 Sep, 2010 Alzheimer
when do i prune my mahonia
3 replies
18 Sep, 2010 Guest
what can you recommend as an evergreen plant wall to divide a section of garden
4 replies
is it dark yet ?
12 replies
18 Sep, 2010 Mark61
Husband has got it into his head that he wants an apple tree in our raised bed
18 Sep, 2010 Wendikins
Do I cut back leaves of Crocosmia now they've finished blooming
5 replies
I am going to buy a leaf blower
18 Sep, 2010 Barbarap
How do you protect a solanum standard rantonnetii from frost
1 reply
I have a Torbay palm about 7 foot high
2 replies
18 Sep, 2010 Scheeseman
We have inherited a small rockery with the property
18 Sep, 2010 Bernard
how do i say thanks to members without using the private way
18 Sep, 2010 Walto
get rid of Inky-cap toadstools
i have mirabilis in pots at this time of year how should i cut them back and store...
My neighbours and I have viburnam hedges
18 Sep, 2010 Etmolan
how do i store my busy lizzie over winter
I would like to buy my husband a tree for his 50th
18 Sep, 2010 Leafinthewind
Preperation for the winter
18 Sep, 2010 Fluff
when can you collect sweet pea seeds
i have a small animal burrowing in all my plant pots 18inches high and in the garden...
6 replies
18 Sep, 2010 Digitdeep
How can I identify this plant?
18 Sep, 2010 Gleedie
do you cut back gayles lilac
Shady area ?
18 Sep, 2010 Paulr999
when do i plant the dragon arum?
18 Sep, 2010 Soupdragon
how tall dose it grow mirabella
can I move an established clump of aubretia
8 foot tall yellow flowered Scabious thing
18 Sep, 2010 Owdboggy
how soon after using weed and feed on a lawn can you re seed?
when is a good time to move a young choisya
My Tamarix is top havy and starting to split
18 Sep, 2010 Lizzie26
when can i prune my viburnum tinus
Many thanks Tugbrethil
we have just moved to new house and want to set up a herb garden where we would like...
18 Sep, 2010 Hosta
what is the best way to kill ivy that has taken over in new garden
what tips do you have on how to grow tropaeolum polyphyllum
18 Sep, 2010 Astobart
hi,is there anything i can plant in my veg garden at this time of year
18 Sep, 2010 Johnpatton
Morning , I have grown honeysuckle for for the first time
18 Sep, 2010 Nannymargaret
how do you store strawberry plants in pots during the winter?
self seeded - is this the weed that grows through the heather or it has been suggested...
18 Sep, 2010 Night_owl
GF and I saw this berry along the river as we walked home
13 replies
18 Sep, 2010 Catfinch
how do you prune wallflowers and when?
Allium Ambassador
Eggs and their shells
Something appears to be eating my castor oil plant - has holes in leaves?
17 Sep, 2010 Guest
Hi, I just dug up a stem of an unknown plant in a border
17 Sep, 2010 Jayemsee
I have a lemon tree that a bought from homebase for £15 in there clearance bit and...
17 Sep, 2010 Nana_d
We went on holiday for a week with a lovely crop of tomatos ready to ripen we came...
17 Sep, 2010 Joycecurry
what should I use to kill ivy?
Any tips on over wintering Fuchia plants would be appreciated please
17 Sep, 2010 230338
Do my potoatoes have scab?
17 Sep, 2010 Petitebabe