GOOD NEWS ... and Happy Gardening in 2011 :o)
By terratoonie
Hello. I’m Conker the Sheltie.
The date today is 11.1.11. We travelled to the
vet clinic for my cancer check-up appointment.
All went well. :o)
The vet says I am in “durable remission” which means the cancer could come back, but at the moment, I seem very healthy.
So, now I can look forward to springtime …
This is our front garden in April …
Truffle came along to the vet clinic for the ride. He’s delighted we’ll be able to play games in the garden.
Here’s our front garden from a different angle …
Crocus the budgie is pleased.
He can’t wait to look out of the window and see our lilac and clematis under the arch …
Gromit will return to our Gravel Gardens …
Exochorda macrantha “The Bride” will bloom again …
On hot days, we’ll have fun in our yellow bath …
… or in our pink bath … Lol.
And when the grass becomes parched …
I’ll be ready with my watering cans …
We’re looking forward to seeing lots of flowers
Happy gardening in 2011 !
11 Jan, 2011
Previous post: GoY Gardening Crossword.
Next post: ♪♪♪ THANK HEAVEN ... for little bulbs ... ♪♪♪
So pleased for you Conker...... love your pics of the garden and Truffle, Crocus is a very pretty budgie....
Happy gardening for 2011 to you and your mum TT......
11 Jan, 2011
Happy gardening to you too, so glad Conker had good news today, loved your photos TT & i cant stop laughing at Conker with the watering cans sooo funny nice to see your garden from the summer too..thanks for making me laugh ..i needed that today :o))
11 Jan, 2011
Glad to hear you are O.K, and the garden looks lovely. Maybe it would be less tiring to use the hose rather than all those watering cans, especially if you are going to need them all.
I could be wrong, but I think a dog would find it easier to use a hose that watering cans.
By the way, don't bite the hose too hard unless your Mum wants a sprinkler.
Happy 2011.
11 Jan, 2011
Wonderful news TT, Conker looks fantastic. Let's hope that he will continue in his good health, a relief for you definitely.
All love from me, Sylvia and Mrs. Tommy (still slumbering soundly) xxxx
11 Jan, 2011
Thats grand news Terra, long may it continue, big hugs all round and a chirrup for Crocus, I also long to see all those gorgeous colours as well, very grey and dismal here today, although your news has brightened it up......Lovely choice of pics...
11 Jan, 2011
beautiful pictures and so very pleased to hear the good news.
11 Jan, 2011
Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah, I am so happy for you. Brilliant news, TT. What a great start to the new year. Well done, Conker. Love to you all from Millie, Poppy and the terrible trio and, of course, from me - I'm sitting here grinning like a cheshire cat :)
11 Jan, 2011
really lovely photos especially of your beautiful dogs...glad the check up went well too...soon be springtime
11 Jan, 2011
I am realy pleased for conker,and lovely photos
11 Jan, 2011
whoop whoop great news about all must be pleased....x x x
11 Jan, 2011
Fasntastic, I had tears in my eyes as I read this wonderful Happy Blog, may you enjoy many more happy times in your lovely garden;0))
11 Jan, 2011
Terra, you must be so relieved. Goys lovely Conker is such a special boy, he and you deserve the best possible outcome, long may it last. Lovely blog, straight to favourites...We never stopped wagging in the Midlands:-)))) xxxx
11 Jan, 2011
From Hywel - Great news ! :o)) x I had tears aswell :o)
From Blodyn - "Miaaaoooowww !" x
:o)))))) xxxxxxxxxxxx
11 Jan, 2011
Glad Conker is okay, hope it continues that way! Love the pictures bet they can't wait for summer days again like the rest of us! :-D
11 Jan, 2011
great news for conker and the whole family Terra, i couldnt be happy for you all, lovely pictures and lots of fun ahead for all,, hip hip,,,, HORRAY! xx
11 Jan, 2011
fab news ...............u must be soooo releaved . garden gawguss hope mine looks like that 1 day !!!
the pics look so sunny !!! carnt wait !
11 Jan, 2011
Ahh, lovely, all of it! Great news from the vet, gorgeous dogs, colourful gardens, pretty flowers coming back.
11 Jan, 2011
Great blog Terra, Mum really liked it too :o)
11 Jan, 2011
Wonderful news mum must be very pleased with your progress. Hope you have a lovely year in the garden with your friends...:-))
11 Jan, 2011
Certainly a date to remember,Terra..a happy one for you and Conker..he has done so well...and loved looking at your lovely garden again...:o)
11 Jan, 2011
TT that was had me smiling with tears in my eyes at the same time......I am so happy for Conker.....You all take care......x x
11 Jan, 2011
I'm so glad to hear this wonderful news Terra, you must be feeling so relieved. Lovely pics of your colourful garden. You have much to be looking forward to in 2011 in all ways :o)) x
11 Jan, 2011
Brilliant news conker. the flower beds are lovely, and look like a catalogue spread. Your carer must be very proud of all her hard work :o)
11 Jan, 2011
absoluteley beautyful Conker, truffle,Crocus they all three look amazing. Good news about Conker and really wonderful garden colours. Glad all is ok.
11 Jan, 2011
Great blog Tt, and great news for Conker!! Happy gardening to everyone at Tts this coming year....:o))) XX
11 Jan, 2011
thankyou Conker for giving us your wonderful news in person and for letting Tt put some of her lovely photo's on your blog- we'll all look forward to a happy, healthy spring ;o)))
12 Jan, 2011
At last we've all had some sleep, and it's so lovely to wake up and find all your fantastic comments ... last night we were exhausted by happy :o)
Thanks, Paul, Holly, Joanella, Alex, Bob, Sylvia, Mrs Tommy (snoozing), Lincslass, Sticki, Gee, Millie, Poppy and the Tortoise trio ...
.. Elsiemay, Bjs, Sandra and Baz, Pansypotter, Bornagain ~ your Midlands crew do wonderful wagging :o) ...
Hywel and Blodyn, Red aly, Sandra, Cristina, Beattie, Pipc, Alice, Bloomer, Millky, Lily, Sbgirl, Tony, Janey and Pamg ...
...Cinderella, Sheilabub, Mavis and Daylily
Exciting to see garden bulbs now starting to appear .. hoping for lots of colourful flower beds this year ...
Conker and Truffle are ready with their garden tools ;o) xxx
12 Jan, 2011
couldnt be more pleased for you ~ i think your garden flowers are like a celebration!
here's to you, conker and truffle!! all the very very best.
12 Jan, 2011
Thanks, Sticki...
I was so cream-crackered yesterday evening, I couldn't write comments, but I appreciated everyone's messages ... and lovely to be able to give good news :o)
12 Jan, 2011
What a date to remember, for all the right reasons, Terra! Conker is such a handsome dog and I also laughed when I saw all those watering cans! Wishing him the very best of health for 2011. Good to see your fabulous front garden again, it's a credit to you. : o )))
12 Jan, 2011
Thanks Shirley ..
I had just sent you a p.m..
Conker is all ready with his watering cans, but we have rain today ... so we don't need to do watering ... yet ;o)
12 Jan, 2011
Raining and dark here too, Terra. Read and replied to your PM. : o )
12 Jan, 2011
:o))) Keep warm and dry ! x
12 Jan, 2011
Lovely blog and news TT :o))))))))))
12 Jan, 2011
Conker what brill news so pleased for you, so pleased all is going well, and we can share all your lovely photos of the things you do in summer, lots of hugs to you from Tilly & Jack xxx.
12 Jan, 2011
Thanks Carol, Tilly and Jack ... :o)
... so nice to have you back on GoY xxx
12 Jan, 2011
Thank you Annella...
It is such a relief that Conker is cancer-free at the moment...
12 Jan, 2011
nice to be back with you all :o)) xx
12 Jan, 2011
Very please for Conker TT, your garden is absolutly wonderful, I love the colours, I'm due to get a badge from the Royal mail re the new stamps with Gromit and Co, did you by any chance try to get one. Limited edition I believe, 20,000.
12 Jan, 2011
i saw the stamps ~ thought they were going to be bigger than they were but what is the badge?
12 Jan, 2011
so pleased to hear such good news conker, your garden looks beautiful.
12 Jan, 2011
Thanks Littlelegs ...
Yes, a great relief to have good news for Conker ...
I have the Wallace and Gromit stamps in postcard size ..
didn't know about the badge ...
Hi Yorks ...
We're relaxing today, after the tension of the vet clinic visit yesterday...
Let's hope we all get lots of colour in our gardens this year .. :o)
Thank you, Geraniumdad and Nana d. :o) x
12 Jan, 2011
I was browsing the royal mail site at the end of last year and there was a little pop up saying about new stamps,and The badge was offered to the first 20'000 people who e.mailed in. Last week I recieved an email telling me I was one of the lucky one's. I feel guilty now TT, I should have let you know about it at the time, sorry.
12 Jan, 2011
Not a problem ... we have the "real" Gromit in our Gravel Gardens.... ;o) Lol.
12 Jan, 2011
That's wonderful news Conker I'm sure your mum is thrilled to bits to know that you and Truffle will be helping her out in the garden this year watched over by Crocus through the window .. xx
12 Jan, 2011
Hi Amy ...
... thanks ... :o) xxx
Conker and Truffle are already planning what they want to do with our gardens this year ! Lol.
... with Crocus supervising, of course ;o)
12 Jan, 2011
I`m so pleased to hear your good news Conker, and may I say you look wonderfully healthy too. Thank Terra for the photos of your lovely garden, its such a pleasure to see colour in the middle of this dreary month. :o)
12 Jan, 2011
please will you ask conker and truffle what the plans are and please will they show us once they have decided? only if crocus agrees of course
12 Jan, 2011
they will be looking forward to more doggy shows to wont they Terra, thats always a pleasure to see :o)
12 Jan, 2011
Hi Sandra and handsome Perry ...
Thanks. We're so relieved, and delighted to be able to look forward to springtime ... glad you like the garden pics :o) x
Hello Sticki ...
Conker, Truffle and Crocus have secret plans for my gardens ... but they won't reveal any details yet ... ;o)
12 Jan, 2011
Hello other Sandra ..
Yes, you're right ...
... doggie shows are not too far away now :o)))
12 Jan, 2011
Such good news, TT. I am delighted for you all! Lovely blog aand photos, wont be long before we all get some sunshine.
12 Jan, 2011
Very Well Done, Conker, and you, too, of course, Tt!!!!!!
The text, and pics, are so cheerful, and very "infectious", too, lol!!! Would love to see grass, never mind parched grass, but this news, and views, have cheered us up no end! Knew that you'd do it, of course!! XXX
Had appreciated the significant date, 1/11/11, as had to write it at work yesterday, over 1111 times - and still got it wrong, sometimes!
12 Jan, 2011
Wonderful news Terra', long may it last.
God bless you all.
12 Jan, 2011
Beautiful blog and a big congratulations are in store for you Conker great you have fought that horrible desease off, hope it never returns, did you and Truffles and Crocus have a party to celebrate. :o))
12 Jan, 2011
Thank you Grandmage ...
... glad you like the photos ...
... I hope you soon see some sun. :o) xxx
Thanks David ... great news ...
Yes ... the date is memorable !
... I hope you soon see some grass ... ;o) xxx
Hi Valadel ...
... a great relief ...
... we're very happy ... :o) xxx
Hello Sixpence ...
Pleased you like the blog :o)
... We haven't stopped partying here !
... Crocus has been ringing his bells ...
... Conker and Truffle have been running around with their dinosaur toys ... celebrations ! xxx
13 Jan, 2011
Conker, you're a star..and may you shine, especially for all your Goyer friends, for many years to come xxx
I wish you many years of good news Terra.
13 Jan, 2011
Thanks, Tetrarch ... xxx
Conker has done so well...
It was back in the spring of 2009, very soon after his 5th birthday, that Conker underwent the life-saving operation by the cancer specialists ... and then the months of chemo ... lots of lots of travelling to and from the vet clinic ..
Amazing that in March, he'll have reached 7 years old ...
... I hope he's an inspiration for anyone fighting cancer ...
... medicine and technology are advancing all the time :o)
13 Jan, 2011
Ive been there TT so know what its like..considering all he's gone thru, he has an amazing temperament..Im sure he is an "old soul", he has such wise, humerous eyes..
13 Jan, 2011
Didn't realise, Tetrarch, you'd been through similar to Conker ... it is an endurance test, isn't it ...
Conker does have a good temperament...:o)
He has been very tolerant with lively young Truffle who was a mere puppy when Conker first became ill ... little Truffle didn't understand why his Sheltie friend couldn't play any more ... but now they run around at top speed together with their rope toys, making me laugh :o)))
13 Jan, 2011
Lol at least they are all having fun which is good.:o))
13 Jan, 2011
Hi Sixpence .. yes... Lol.
... Crocus is playing with his whizzer toy ...
... Truffle is squeaking his dinosaur toy ...
... Conker is enjoying his nylon bone ....
... it's party time here :o)))
13 Jan, 2011
Hope they are not making too much noise we don't want an asbo placed on them lol.
13 Jan, 2011
Lol.. ASBO on noisy squeaky dinosaurs ?
Anti Social Brontosaurus Order ;o)
13 Jan, 2011
Lol hehe, Yes that would nt suprise me of the authorities today not one bit.
13 Jan, 2011
'elf & safety' will visit to do a risk assesment......
13 Jan, 2011
Some things gone wrong with the site, Terratoonie as no pictures on here they ve all gone and some other member s too. I ve sent a message to Ajay and Peter about it..
13 Jan, 2011
Brilliant start to the New Year for you all. Your energy is infectious. Happy Gardening in 2011.
14 Jan, 2011
Hi Sixpence ... pictures seem okay now :o)
Thanks, Scotsgran ...
I hope 2011 is happy and healthy for you. :o) xxx
14 Jan, 2011
Ajay and Peter said it must of been a clitch in the sever where they store their pictures, so we will know in future won't we, it was nt only your pictures that was nt there others too but not all.
14 Jan, 2011
Good to know all the GoY photos are back in place :o)
14 Jan, 2011
Lol yes it is Terratoonie.:o))
14 Jan, 2011
~ great news for Conker! hopefully he will always stay hale and hearty! love Arlene xxx
14 Jan, 2011
Hi Arlene... Thank you ...
Conker sends you a special <hug> xxx
14 Jan, 2011
What a lovely blog TT, it cheered me up immensely as I've had a bad cold today and I've been catching up tonight, love your garden .....
14 Jan, 2011
Hi Stripes ..
Thank you.. I hope you feel better soon.
Sending you some virtual liqueur chocolates ... :o) x
14 Jan, 2011
Ive suddenly developed a bad cold too TT!!
14 Jan, 2011
Hi Sticki... Cointreau or Drambuie ? ;o)
14 Jan, 2011
whichever you can spare TT ~ im happy with either!! many thanks!
i havent really got a cold, just fancied the liqueurs!!
14 Jan, 2011
Hi Terra, great news about Conker. Sophie sends love.x
14 Jan, 2011
But I HAVE got a cold -and I'm on a diet, so "no thanks" to chocs here. Want to peel an orange?
14 Jan, 2011
You little fibber Sticki....I was just going to say,I hoped you got better know i believe everything I read..Lol.
Beattie..get well soon...I will peel you an orange:o)))
14 Jan, 2011
Thank you Ginellie and Sophie ...
Conker sends you both <<<hugs>>> :o) xxx
15 Jan, 2011
Thank you Bloomer, I'm sure the vitamin C will help.
15 Jan, 2011
well i did correct it very quickly bloomer ~ cos i didnt want you to think i had a cold but it was the best and quickest way to get a liqueur and i love them!
15 Jan, 2011
Fabulous news Conker love n hugs to you Truffle and Crocus and of course your very own TT xxxx <<< hugs>>>
15 Jan, 2011
Hi Neena .. Thanks ..
I was so pleased with Conker's results ... :o)
<<<Hugs>>> from us all, to you and your family xxx
15 Jan, 2011
Lovely blog and set of garden photos Tt. Really happy for you and Conker. so glad he's happy and healthy, he certainly looks a picture of health. Both Conker and Truffles are such pretty doggies. Give Conker a whopping great kiss from me .....and Truffle one too, Oh and not forgetting Crocus..............Must treat them all the same musn't we? Love your garden and all the pretty colours of the aubretia ~ very pretty, it's a credit to you. Love Conker with his dozen or so watering cans' it would look lovely in a special photo frame hanging on your wall. :>))))))))))))
15 Jan, 2011
Hi Lin ...
Conker, Truffle and Crocus all send <<<hugs>>> to you.
Looking forward to getting out in the garden soon, and having fun. My dogs love having their photos taken .lol.
16 Jan, 2011
What a truly talented blogger you have become Conker!! Loved this, and know what you and your mum were going through after Raff's cancer scare last September...Such wonderful, fabulous, fantastic news...I am grinning from ear to ear! Stay healthy little lad, we are all rooting for you...and you really do have the best 'mum' in the world! \0/xxxx
16 Jan, 2011
Thanks for such a lovely comment, Flori ...
Good thing that Conker has his own computer, or I would never get a look-in on GoY ...
I'm glad that Raff is feeling better too...:o) xxx
16 Jan, 2011
Thanks Terra....I will keep you updated.....I am still smiling from my heart at your wonderful news....\0/xxx
16 Jan, 2011
Chuffed to bits for you all what great new's, loved the blog and the pictures. :o))
17 Jan, 2011
so glad Conker is doing well! And I just loved those fabulous blues and purples in your garden - it made me smile on a cold day.
17 Jan, 2011
Thank you Mavis and Lauram ...
Conker is enjoying life ...
... lots of games with Truffle ...
... and looking forward to spending more time in the garden as the weather improves :o)
18 Jan, 2011
Conker carry on conquering the cancer you wonderful little dog. Great blog and pics TT xxx
24 Jan, 2011
Thanks Dotty...
When Conker was a tiny puppy, it was forever a case of "She stoops to Conker"... Lol...
At the moment, Conker looks very fit and perky :o) xxx
24 Jan, 2011
♡♡♡From me .
24 Jan, 2011
Congrats Terra on your 'Bornagain's Flowerpot' Award!
28 Jan, 2011
Thanks Dotty and Pip :o)
13 Feb, 2011
Not been on here for ages, various reasons including heart checks, as they were looking to do surgery, but after numerous tests, decided things weren't as bad as they thought, so that's on hold, but have been worrying for a few months, and been quite breathless too, some of which I'm sure was to do with the worry. Anyway, enough of me, I'm so pleased to see Conker looking SO well! You must be so relieved that he is in remission, and Truffie has his friend back to his normal self.
My garden is looking very tatty at the moment. Am getting someone in next month. He's going to build me some large wooden raised beds, and make it all low maintenance, am also thinking of getting the ground shingled as that is such a mess with weeds and moss.
Spent a couple of hours out there today cutting back, and feeding everything, really enjoyed it. Quite a few things died in the horrible winter we had, but lots survived too.
Best wishes
Jean x
2 Apr, 2011
Hi Jean...
Nice to hear from you ... I hope your heart problems aren't too bad ...
Good idea to make your garden low maintenance, and by getting help with the raised bed construction that will give you new enthusiasm...
With the shingle, don't choose too fine a shingle because cats might use it as a loo... choose a slightly larger size of stones..
Most gardeners lost some plants due to the cold weather... best to look on it as an opportunity to try some new plants..
Yes, thanks ... Conker is looking well and really enjoys playing games etc. with Truffle :o) xxx
2 Apr, 2011
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Lovely blog - glad all is good and hopefully staying that way - your garden is gorgeous - would love to have that touch of beauty you have done
11 Jan, 2011