A rose ... or clematis ... by any other name ...
By terratoonie
Rose “Handel” …
… a climber with pretty petals …
… on my north-facing front fence …
Rose “With Love” …
…. enjoying a sheltered back garden area …
Some of my roses and clematis plants have no labels.
We’ve been trying to match them up.
Truffle has the label for the red climber “Best Wishes”
He wonders … could it be that little white rose ?
No, Truffle … that’s Paper Anniversary … Lol.
… keep searching …
Front garden rose “Dublin Bay” with “Royal Gold” ….
… the elderly lady next door grows pyracantha …
… lots of birds’ nests are in there ..
… so the prikka-strip stops cats climbing up …
Back garden climbing rose “Golden Showers” …
Clematis “Duchess of Edinburgh” …
… near my garden archway …
Red rose “Prince’s Trust” on my front fence …
By my driveway …
… the varying stages of Rose Heartbeat …
On my pergola … Clematis “The President” …
Front garden large bush rose …
… glorious scent from “Arthur Bell” …
Back garden roses mingling on the trellis …
… “Warm Welcome” and “Summertime” …
Truffle is still searching for “Best Wishes” ;o)
… it has lovely variegated leaves …
… surely not far away … ?
“Arthur Bell” again…
… but this time a climber …
… leaping along the pergola …
Rose “Best Wishes” …. here it is, Truffle !
… surrounded on all sides by Ceanothus !
Clematis “Bee’s Jubilee” …
… and the bees do like it very much …
‘Hooray’, says Conker …
’That’s all the labels sorted’ …
How are you with plant labels ?
Very organised ? … or, like us …
… lost a few labels over the years !
18 May, 2011
Previous post: The RAIN is here at last ! :o)))
Next post: NAKED at the garden centre !!!
Excellent blog again TT. Lovely to see the boys with their helping paws. Beautiful flowers as always. Colours are gorgeous. As for the plant tags, join the club, I've now resorted to bagging them. lol. One goes astray and then another etc... :o))
18 May, 2011
Lovely pics TT... you have some lovely roses..... lovely pics of your doggies..... i try to keep all my labels now... but in the past i never used to and forget what is what...lol
18 May, 2011
Well done Conker for sorting all the labels out, my goodness TT you have some fantastic roses in your garden,absolutely beautiful,
18 May, 2011
Same problem with plant labels here, but I have endeavoured to use my 'garden' on GoY to keep tabs on which is where. There are still some plants to identify, ones that were here before me or that have been inherited from my parents or received as gifts, but it is such a joy when their names are discovered.
18 May, 2011
love those pictures -lovely roses and the ceanothus is heavenly!!!!!
18 May, 2011
Wonderful as usual!! I've given up altogether with labels..I hate the sight of them, especially in winter when they are so clearly visible everywhere. Everything is catalogued on here now, so I have no need for labels any more. The only labels that are in the ground are for plants that disappear in summer, incase I forget they are there and decide to 'fill in the gap' as you do! I may make my own some day, in a nice terracotta shade, and go around labelling everything...but that would only be if I decided to open the garden for a local charity or something. I am totally reliant on GOY pages now.....so keep up the good work Terratoonie!! Nice one Truffle and Conker!
18 May, 2011
You must have absolutely loads of roses, TT. How nice your garden must smell on a warm day in the summer !
18 May, 2011
A lot of my roses have been in years and the labels have either faded or disappeared completely, however I have named three today just by seeing your lovely photo`s, so all is not lost, many thanks Terra, your boys are doing a grand job, bless them they both look so proud to have helped..
Celebrations here we`ve had a shower at last, about 20mins worth of steady rain, every little helps......
18 May, 2011
Thanks everyone. Yes, lots of the roses have wonderful scent ..
I'm glad, Lincslass that you've been able to identify some of your roses from this blog...
GoY is great for helping with plant ID's... I have a front garden Clematis, not yet in flower, which is a "no-name" until I can photograph it and put it on GoY Questions !
Today, Truffle and Conker were very busy with the labels, but their watering cans are still working overtime... very little rain here yet ... lawns are dry ...
I'm still not sure on the ID of the ceanothus surrounding the rose ... I grew it from a twig, given by a friend some years ago...
18 May, 2011
Lovely blog TT! Every pic is a real pleasure to look at, I particularly love the one of 'With Love', it's beautifully lit. Conker and Truffle are looking gorgeous as usual, as is the garden, thanks for putting this on!
18 May, 2011
Thank you Libet ...
I'm pleased you like the blog ... :o)
18 May, 2011
The roses are beautiful....you have a way with those too, Terra :) It must be such a treat to go out in the garden and not only look at these roses but also catch their scent.
18 May, 2011
Thanks, Whistonlass ...
At the moment, the scent of roses Arthur Bell and Heartbeat are filling the front garden... :o)
18 May, 2011
Beautiful TT, and that 'Handel' is to die for! Thanks for showing us.
18 May, 2011
Beautiful selection of Roses and the Clematis 'Duchess of Edinburgh' is so pretty ... I love the way Truffle looks so serious about finding the right plant for that label ... lol! : o ))
18 May, 2011
Hi Shirley...
Truffle is getting the idea of "acting" his role ..Lol.
18 May, 2011
wonderful blog terra ,lovely flowers there, and conker & truffles look as good as ever... i've defiantly lost a few labels over the years!!
18 May, 2011
Hi Surreylad ... Thanks.
Roses are doing well this year ...
Conker and Truffle are still busy with their watering cans !
18 May, 2011
you have lovely roses and clematis.I thoroughly enjoyed the blog:)
18 May, 2011
Thank you Shahida ...
I'm pleased you enjoyed the blog .. :o)
18 May, 2011
some stuning roses there t.t ........ i have summertime and the orange one ................ moved my golden showers to a better spot so its comeon now .
love them all x
18 May, 2011
some stuning roses there t.t ........ i have summertime and the orange one ................ moved my golden showers to a better spot so its comeon now .
love them all x
18 May, 2011
Thanks Cristina.... twice...Lol.
I moved my Golden Showers and so it isn't very tall yet... same as yours, it wasn't doing so well in its previous location, so I decided it needed a new place ... x
18 May, 2011
All photo,s exceptionally nice, but the first print really stunning. Thankyou.
18 May, 2011
Thanks 230338 and Tiny :o)
18 May, 2011
You have lots of roses out so early TT and they're beautiful. So are Conker and Truffle lol. - and not forgeting your clematis.
I'm glad Truffle found the rose in the end :o)
I am no good with labels. I usually put them in the shed and forget about them
But I have now decided to do like Pausgarden - put them in a folder (some day lol)
18 May, 2011
Thank you, Hywel...
We've put our plant labels in biscuit tins and have written smaller labels to go by the actual plants ...
... but Truffle would prefer the biscuit tins to be full of biscuits .. Lol. ... ;o)
18 May, 2011
lol :o) so would I !
18 May, 2011
:o) Hobnobs. x
18 May, 2011
Nothing else will do lol x
18 May, 2011
18 May, 2011
Beautiful photos TT, there are a few of the roses that I have but they are not so nearly forward as yours so its nice to see whats to come.
Truffles and conker do add that little something extra to your beautiful garden.
18 May, 2011
Hi Stroller ... we've had so much hot weather and sunshine that the roses have bloomed early .... but they need rain ...
Truffle and Conker say thank you :o) x
19 May, 2011
Thank you, Grandmage..
sorry...I missed your comment last evening.... !
19 May, 2011
Conker and Truffle have done invaluable work instructing visitors to this cheerful blog.
19 May, 2011
Very nice pictures, Very bright. Just one thing, you may want to take those dogs back as they look nothing like they do on the tags in their mouths. LOL. So annoying when things are different to the pictures on the tags. They still are lovely dogs though.
19 May, 2011
I really couldn't be bothered labelling. My garden is small, and I know what everything is! Good old Conker and Truffle - all trying their best again!
19 May, 2011
Hi Arcadio ... Thanks ...
Conker and Truffle send greetings to Argentina :o)
Lol. Alex ...
I'll have to find tags and labels more suitable to my dogs ..
For Truffle a rose called "Mischievous" ..
and for Conker ... a Clematis named "Angelic" ;o)
Hi Pip ...
Well done on knowing all your plant names ...
My dogs send you the message on the label :
"best wishes" to all in Sydney... !
19 May, 2011
You have some lovely roses and clematis there Terratoonie,I try to keep my labels safe but still have mystery plant,s! G.o. Y. helps a lot with their I D. Conker and Truffle look as lovely as the flower's :-)
19 May, 2011
Hi Mavis ...
Thanks. Yes, we're lucky to have GoY to help with ID's on plants... I'm waiting for a front garden clematis to flower so that I can ask GoYers to identify it !
Conker and Truffle enjoyed posing for the photos :o)
19 May, 2011
You have a beautiful collection of roses Terra, and you take really good photos of them too! My favourite is climber `Arthur Bell` which I have growing over the wooden arch along with`Madame Plantier`, Clematis `Ernest Markham` and a honeysuckle whose name I have forgotten! :o)
19 May, 2011
Hi Sandra ... Thank you ....
Your climbers sound like a wonderful collection..
Arthur Bell has a wonderful scent, doesn't it ! :o)
19 May, 2011
Your first photo had me hooked, TT, and I would like one of those! Beautiful rose - I wonder where Handel would fit in my garden? Does it grow very large?
I loved seeing your collection of clematis and roses. As for labels - my daughter made me a book with pockets to keep mine in but there are so many now the remainder are in a tin :)
19 May, 2011
Whoops, forgot to say how handsome the two boys are looking, as usual :)
19 May, 2011
Hi Gee... Pleased you like the blog ..
Conker and Truffle are blushing ;o)
Yes, biscuit tins are where my plant labels live....
... great excuse to eat lots of shortbreads .. Lol.
Handel isn't that large, and doesn't seem to mind being in a partly shady area...
19 May, 2011
have put mine in front garden now ................ more sun there and it seems to be doing better , we,l see lol ...........
20 May, 2011
Yes.... Golden Showers seems to be a bit choosy about where it grows best :o)
20 May, 2011
Wonderful blog Tt....I love all your roses and clematis....I have Clem.'dutchess of edinburg', its a lovely one Tt...'arthur bell' is beautiful....
20 May, 2011
Thanks Motinot ...
My Duchess of Edinburgh doesn't have many flowers yet, but seems to do a little better each year ..
20 May, 2011
Lovely, lovely TT, wow I was blown away. I also have Duchess of Edinburgh, cut it right down last Fall as it got so huge & intertwined. It is back in all its glory, a tough old bird it is. I love it as a cut flower as well in a shallow bowl.
Your roses are exquisite & puppies played a pivotal part in the blog :-))))
21 May, 2011
Hi Adoons...
that's good to know your Duchess of Edinburgh has grown so well... do you give it any special treatment to encourage it to grow so high ?
Doggies say hello and thank you :o)
21 May, 2011
Just fantastic, I hope the windy hasnt dislodge anything, x my doggies say hello
22 May, 2011
No TT, it just gets "fish soil" & we have a product called "Miracle Grow", water soluble stuff, which I give my plants one every 3 weeks. A chore, but they love me 4 it.
22 May, 2011
Great pics, love the double clematis - and the dogs!
23 May, 2011
Stunning pictures TT, and how lucky you are to have such willing helpers. Would you mind training Perry to be as helpful for me ?? :o)
23 May, 2011
Really lovely roses, TT! :-)) I love seeing the flowers you have in your garden & I love to see your little helpers giving you a helping paw!
23 May, 2011
Lovely blog and photos of the boys, as for labels up to coming on GOY i never saved the labels at all, now i stick the labels at the side of the plants as i plant them in.
24 May, 2011
Thanks Patricia ... and hello to the beautiful Bedlingtons :o)
Hi Adoons... thanks for the useful growing tips !
My dogs say thanks to you, Bamboo ...
... the double clematis posed nicely for the photo ;o)
Thank you, Mandy ...
Conker volunteers to teach Perry lots of gardening tasks.. Lol.
Hi Balcony ... Thanks.
I guess your allotments had some good rainfall yesterday, so I won't need to lend you Conker and Truffle with their watering cans...
Hello Clarice ...
C & T send hugs to Tilly and Jack ...
I usually put a hand-written label by each plant, and then the originals are stored in one of my biscuit tins... I'm having to eat lots of Scottish shortbreads, so that there are enough empty biscuit tins for my labels... Lol.
31 May, 2011
I didn't need to water on Monday or Tuesday but today it was back to the cans once more! Only now I have a light wheelbarrow & that makes a lot of difference on my poor arms!
1 Jun, 2011
Balcony... I reckon you'll be using the watering cans all this week... building up the biceps in your arms, I guess ;o)
2 Jun, 2011
My arms are already a good imitation of Popeye's! Without the Spinach as well! LOL! :-D
3 Jun, 2011
Lol... :o)
3 Jun, 2011
what a gorgous selection of roses you have the yellow ones are my fav just love yellow roses my fav.Great blog by the way conker is just soooo cute :)
26 Jun, 2011
Hello, I am following this site long ago but Terratoonie' blog made me finally register to comment. It is so wonderful to look after theese beautiful pictures in this colourful garden, thank you very much. And if it is possible, can I ask about, what is this absolutely gorgeous orange plant behind Truffle on the 3th picture it makes me look at this again and again.
Thanks again
12 Sep, 2011
Hello Bluehib, and welcome to GoY :o)
Thank you for your kind comments about my garden.
The orange plant behind Truffle is Erysimum Apricot Delight .. it has flowered all summer and is still producing new buds now. I'm very pleased with it. A wonderful colour.
I hope you're able to buy one of these in Bulgaria.
12 Sep, 2011
Thanks for wellcoming , you are so kind.
About erysimum, such an ordinary plant and so extraordinary effect - I have seen in flower seeds catalogues before and never took more than 1 look, it never impressed me before. But now I will order it for sure - yes, in Bugaria, tehre is a great lack of plants, that is why I am one of the greatest fans to English traders, thanks the WWW and on-line shopping.
13 Sep, 2011
Hello again Bluehib.
That's good you will be able to obtain seeds of Erysimum.
I have mauve-coloured Erysimums in my garden, but for some reason, the Apricot Delight has flowered more prolifically, and for a longer time.
Yes... www and on-line shopping open up a whole new world. :o)
13 Sep, 2011
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Clematis Orientalis 'Bill Mackenzie'
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Jasminum Officinale Affine 'Argentovariegatum'
£14.50 at Burncoose -
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£20.00 at Burncoose
Beautiful beautiful Roses, the Handel is absolutely stunning Terra. What a lovely shot.
18 May, 2011