Deceased Buddleia.
My friend sent me this photo yesterday which she took in the summer, and I thought...
The morning after.
I decided to put on the gloves and get on with it to clear up the fallen pots. I...
Stormy weather!
I've just come in from checking the plants inside my plastic greenhouse. This was...
Amazing Photography
Anybody interested in wild life photography should look at this young mans wonderful...
Happy New Year
Hello-wishing you all a good gardenng year-funny isn't it a stroll around the garden...
Winter Wonders!
Christmas is over for another year, and maybe your garden is asleep? I must admit...
New year, good news!
A happy new year to you all! "Lang may yer lum reek"!
In a slightly unexpected turn...
Flooding update
Hurrah, action at last-well, nearly! One of the parish councillors popped in this...
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you have all had a lovely time over the Christmas...
so nice
the weather here north shropshire is great i had 3/4 of an hour digging the veg garden...