So sorry to have to convey sad news..
By bloomer
I have just had a phone call this evening,about Val, (Yorkshire) from her husband Ralph,to let me know she sadly passed away on Saturday morning,after having to have two major Operations,from which she wasn’t able to recover.He wanted me to let all her dear friends on Goy know.
All her much loved Family and Ralph,the love of her life,were with her when she peacefully passed away…
She will be such a sad loss to all of us that knew her,and I for one will miss her sense of fun, humour ,and cheerful banter,as well as her lovely blogs and photo’s.
All my thoughts are with Ralph,and her wonderful Family,who adored her..
RIP my dear friend..I will miss
22 Dec, 2013
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Oh my goodness Sandra what a shock that is and such a heartbreaking blog to have to write..
I didn't know Yorkie was ill, I will miss her and her lovely blogs about her beloved garden and all her projects, her smashing sense of humour and so much more..
My heart goes out to Ralph and her family.
Rest in Peace Yorkie, love lincs......
22 Dec, 2013
Very sad news, even worse this special week. RIP
22 Dec, 2013
That baby has appeared as me again, forgot to say thankyou Sandra for letting us know, so very sad.......
22 Dec, 2013
Oh how awful ... It's so sad. She was a very friendly member, and I'll miss her very much :(
My thoughts and prayers are for Ralph and all the family.
Such a lot of sadness this year ...
Thanks for telling us Sandra.
22 Dec, 2013
Very sad news, I knew Yorkshire was not well. She was a lovely person, loved it when she was on here, she was a regular contributor to this site. I shall miss her. My thoughts are with her husband and family.
22 Dec, 2013
Very sad, and somehow even worse when it happens at Christmas.
22 Dec, 2013
That is a really sad blog Bloomer, but I am ever so grateful that we know about. Yorks. So kind of her Husband to think of us. Thank you.
22 Dec, 2013
Ohhh so sad to hear that .. R.i.p Yorkshire.. Up in heven with the angels
22 Dec, 2013
I have tears running down my face now ... Yorkshire was such a happy GoY member with her dry wit ... she always thanked me when I posted a photo of the sea/beach ... she loved to come down here to visit one of her daughters. My condolences to Ralph and the family.
22 Dec, 2013
Oh no !!! I am so sad. Thanks for letting us know Sandra. I know she was ill, but didn't realise that it was so serious. My goodness I am missing her already, and shall miss our little exchanges so much. We used to chat regularly. Please convey my condolences to Ralph and family. God bless.
22 Dec, 2013
Oh no so sorry to hear this awful news, lovely lady I'll miss her too, condolences to Ralph and all her family xxx
Thanks for letting us know Bloomer.
22 Dec, 2013
My thoughts are with her family at this sad time.
22 Dec, 2013
Thank you Sandra, that is such sad news. My condolences to Ralph and her Family.
22 Dec, 2013
I'm shocked and sad, she was lovely x
22 Dec, 2013
I am saddened to hear about the loss of our dear friend her fun and humour will be sadly missed.
22 Dec, 2013
Such sad news, RIP Yorkie, we shall miss you dearly on here, and my deepest sympathies to Ralph and the rest of the family that are going to find this week such a struggle. We shall all be thinking of you. x x
22 Dec, 2013
So sorry to hear this news she was such a lovely friendly lady, God bless you Val, my thoughts are with Ralph and their family at this terribly sad time for them, always hard but Christmas seems to make it even harder to take, thank you for letting us know Bloomer xx
22 Dec, 2013
That is sad news. She was such a dear friendly lady on this site and will be missed.
23 Dec, 2013
Oh my dear......
Thinking of all the fun we had with Val on some of those epic blogs
Fantastic funny sense of the rediculous bless her xxx
23 Dec, 2013
I am shocked - but my thoughts must be with her family. How very sad - we'll miss her. xxx
Thanks for letting us know.
23 Dec, 2013
Sad news Sandra .My condolences to her family and friends, such a shame......
Thank you for letting us know.
23 Dec, 2013
Oh B..............what devastating has made me really sad, cannot believe it..........cannot write anymore. xxx
23 Dec, 2013
Thank you Bloomer for letting us know this sad news..
Although I am not so often on Goy due to other commitments at the moment, Val and I would often email each other and she passed on so many jokes to me, so I will always remember this very special lady with great fondness and a smile.. God bless you Val, you are the brightest star in heaven my friend.
My thoughts go out to Ralph and her lovely family at this saddest of times.. Val will live on in our thoughts and hearts always.. Bless you sweetheart for touching our lives.
Such sad sad news...
23 Dec, 2013
How very, very sad to hear the news about Val, she was such a kind and friendly person, so full of fun and good humour,she will be very sadly missed on Goy by all her very many friends. My thoughts and sympathies go out to Ralph and Val's family, such a big and heartbreaking loss for them all. God bless you Val...
Many thanks to you to Sandra for letting us all know, not an easy thing to do as we know you were one of her closest friends...
23 Dec, 2013
Oh I am so sorry to hear this. Val's contributions were such a delight to read.
Condolences to the family.
23 Dec, 2013
Bev and Carole, you have put all our feelings in to lovely words, thank you.
23 Dec, 2013
I am so saddened by this news....Val and i spoke to each other often by private messaging....She was such a lovely lady...I put photos of Remi, my grandson on here for her at her request....Even though we never met, i felt like i knew her....My heart goes out to Ralph and all her family...Rest in Peace dear friend xxx
23 Dec, 2013
I was very saddened for you Sandra to hear of the death of your dear friend. I am very sorry and will keep you in my prayers and my condolences go out to her husband, family and loved ones.
24 Dec, 2013
Haven't been on GoY for a while and only just seen your message Bloomer. I am so shocked, I'd no idea Val was so ill. What a sad, sad loss. How awful for her family, especially at this time...Please convey my sympathy to Ralph and the rest of Vals family. Word are not enough.
24 Dec, 2013
I'm so sorry to hear this news. Please let her husband and family know that we do shed tears that she is gone from us but we can smile because she has lived. She will live on in our fond memories of her.
24 Dec, 2013
Although I hadn't got to know her, it seems to me that she was so well thought of on here and would just like to say how very sorry I am and would like to pass on my sincere condolences to her husband and family and all her friends on Goy.
24 Dec, 2013
When I think of Val I think of fun and humor and thats what I'll try to remember xxx
24 Dec, 2013
Such sad news. Thoughts and prayers to the family and all her friends here on GOY. x
24 Dec, 2013
Such sad, sad news. My thoughts and sympathy go out to Ralph and her family.I'll also remember Val for her humour and her friendly banter.She'll be so sadly missed.
Thank you Sandra for letting us know, it must have been so hard for you.xx
24 Dec, 2013
Oh what very sad news about Yorkshire. Thank you for informing us Bloomer. I have not been on here very much myself lately, but do look in from time to time. I too enjoyed reading Yorkshire's posts, and it is clear to see from all her friends that she will be so sadly missed. My thoughts are with Ralph and all the family at this time.
24 Dec, 2013
So sorry to read this heartfelt sympathy goes out to her husband and family, she is in my prayers Xx
25 Dec, 2013
Thanks Sandra, it's strange how fond you can become of someone you have never met in the flesh. We've all missed her great humour on here and I was waiting for the day my 'rival' came back on Goy bringing her wonderful sense of fun and banter, we even had a laugh about her wheelchair in pm's. She will never be forgotten ... devastating news. How dreadful for her lovely family. x
26 Dec, 2013
Bloomer -
It is always sad to lose a friend, my thoughts and wishes for happier days to come are sent to her family, hope they can soon be remembering her fun and sense of humour with less sadness.
So kind of you to write and let us all know. It must have been so difficult for you to write this blog. Hope you are soon over the shock of the loss of a good friend. x Barbara (Oliveoil)
27 Dec, 2013
Oh Sandra I'm so sorry to hear this sad news about Val I had missed her and shall always remember her fondly for her Yorkshire Pudding recipe , my thoughts are with Ralph and family at this very sad time x thank you for letting us know ......
28 Dec, 2013
I am shocked and saddened to read about Yorkshire and I send my love and my sympathy to her family.
I shall miss her along with so many of you. I am so very sorry.
30 Dec, 2013
Hello there,
Sorry not been around much the past 6 months or so. My step father asked me to log on here again as lovely Bloomer had posted a message to you all.
I'm currently sat in floods of tears after reading all your wonderful messages regarding my Mum, Valerie - whom you rightly describe her sense of humour!
Mum had been very poorly and sadly couldn't fight any longer. One of Mum's loves of life was GOY and all her friends - she talked about you all personally which was lovely as she always felt 'at home' with you all whilst sharing life, gardening, cooking tips and growing rhubarb!! :o)
Thank you all for your kind words and beautiful messages.
May I take this opportunity in wishing you all a wonderful New Year and if I can give you all one very special 'top tip' from Mum and I……………. "Make every moment count!"
Much love and blessings to each and every one of you.
love Johanna (PITA - for those of you that don't know, Mum named me PITA, its stands for 'Pain In The Ar*e!')
She always has the last laugh - bless her xxxxx
30 Dec, 2013
Thanks, Johanna for adding your memories ...
Val was very well-liked on GoY and we'll miss her a lot ..
... yes ... make every moment count ... xxx
30 Dec, 2013
We shall miss Val, I have only just heard this sad news. Our thoughts are with the family and friends at this sad time. L & G.
31 Dec, 2013
Thank you Johanna , we didn't meet but she was a lovely friend xxx
31 Dec, 2013
Thank you Johanna, I did ask your mum about your exotic name (Pita) and fell about laughing when she told me. I'm so sorry for your loss, she will never be forgotten by any of us who 'met' her. xxx
31 Dec, 2013
Thank you Johanna so sorry for your loss extra hard for you at this time of year, Your Mum was well loved on Goy as you can see, her humour and friendship much valued...and missed. God Bless xxx
31 Dec, 2013
Joanna I do hope you log on again in the future when you are feeling more settled. What a lovely legacy your mum left for us in encouraging you to join Goy. From your message I think you sound like a chip off the old block.
1 Jan, 2014
Happy New Year Johanna. I sent your mum a cutting of a Hebe which she had planted and said she liked very much. I will think of her every time mine is in flower.
She was a very funny lady xxxx
1 Jan, 2014
Johanna, back in September 2011, I posted a photo of a Sunflower which your Mum really liked. So much so, that she asked if she could be cheeky and have some seeds from it for her daughter, as she always has Sunflowers at her Grandson's grave. Since then, I have always thought of Val when I see Sunflowers in my garden. Even though we didn't actually meet in person, she always made me smile with her comments on GoY! Take care .......
1 Jan, 2014
Although we only met on here I always felt we were kindred spirits brought together by our love of our gardens, I've thought about Yorkie a lot over the last few days and will miss her but feel she will always be a part of my life...
Sending you a big hug Johanna and hope to hear from you in the future XX....
1 Jan, 2014
Oh dear I'm Iciar again!!!!the above comment is from lincs Johanna, take care xx.
1 Jan, 2014
I have seen this blog very belatedly but also with a great shock. So sorry to read this sad news but wonderful to read all the lovely comments and to hear from Pita (love the story behind the name!). Thinking of all the family left behind but with so many happy memories of a real character. God bless.
1 Jan, 2014
I have seen this somewhat belatedly and with great sadness. Val was a lovely lady and I will remember her fondly. It's obvious from all the comments just how well liked she was. My condolences Johanna to you and your family.
2 Jan, 2014
Wow! Thank you all so much for your beautiful words and memories. Mum really did think the world of you all, GOY was a huge part of her life - thank you all for making it so special. ((((((Virtual hugs for you all)))))))) xx
If you wish me too, I will update you next week and share the poem I am going to read for her. I know she'd want me too.
Sunflowers are very special to me - I re-named them 'son'flowers on a previous blog I did when I was more active on here. My garden will have to be extra special this year won't it?
Love and blessings to you all.
3 Jan, 2014
Hello Johanna ..
Yes, please, do update with the special poem ..
I remember back in August 2012, when your parents' garden was damaged by storms and floods, and as usual, Val remained very upbeat, despite the problems.
I sent her some rockery plants to help replenish her garden, and she put a pic on GoY to show that the plants had travelled safely ..
GoY has so many lovely memories of Val. xxx
3 Jan, 2014
I too would like to read your poem for Yorkie please Johanna. xx
3 Jan, 2014
Dear Pita (love the meaning of your user name!) thanks for your kind message to us all, your mum was a very special lady and we all have our special memory of her, mine is just a simple one, I commented on a blog that your mum was talking on and I merely sent her a kiss because she was talking about the loss of her grandson, your mum pm'd me with a beautiful message and we were firm friends from then on via e.mail, we have had such a year of laughter, jokes & photos and it seemed that we had been very close friends for ever. :)
I would dearly love to read this special poem please. Hoping today was not too hard for your family. x
3 Jan, 2014
Have only just found ur blog sandra, and that was from a remark u said on marks blog... on here u dont get to see all the things going on so was very shocked and saddened this morning to see val had died.
Ralph and val visited me a few years ago when theystayed with their daughter down here, she was a lovely lady...
writting this tears flowing , please tell Ralph im thinking of him and the family...xx thanks sandra x
9 Jan, 2014
Sent you a PM,Holly xx
9 Jan, 2014
Thanks Sandra x
10 Jan, 2014
I haven't been here for a long time, so only just read this sad news. Condolences to all Val's family. x
28 Mar, 2014
That's thoughtful of you ,to still leave a comment T,bear.I'm sure Val's daughter Pita,will appreciate your condolences..we still talk about her,so it's no problem ,whenever the time may be,it's the caring that counts..x
28 Mar, 2014
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1 Oct, 2013
Oh ... that is such sad news.
Thank you Sandra for telling us.
RIP Val ... a wonderful lady ...
I have many happy memories of her ...
22 Dec, 2013