is mahonia japonica shade loving or sun loving
2 replies
29 Mar, 2010 Guest
i wash my car in the driveway with turtle car wash it is next to some plants will...
I have aforest of tiny ash trees in my lawn can i just mow them off or do i have...
1 reply
My crinodenron has turned brown due to very cold winter will it rejuvenate or has...
4 replies
29 Mar, 2010 Anndavid
It is end of March in Collobrieres in the South of France
Can anybody please tell me
8 replies
29 Mar, 2010 Tiger1234
Name of the central section of Cynara cardunculus?
5 replies
I bought a Wilma Cupressus last year and planed in a sheltered area of my garden
29 Mar, 2010 Uselessgard..
ive put new seeds in pots and the compost has white fur on top what is this
29 Mar, 2010 Coop
I did not protect my bush this winter and the leaves are very dry and brittle Obviously...
3 replies
Sir/Madam. I notice a split in the bark of my young Robinia
The leaves on my fatsia are all disappearing
6 replies
29 Mar, 2010 Beljane
my camellia is about 4yrs old and is planted in a fairly large pot
29 Mar, 2010 Elsie
do palms re grow after frost damage
How long do the blooms last?
How do I get clippings or transplants to take off a camila
Does my house at 65-70 degrees sound appropriate to grow a kangaroo apple?
29 Mar, 2010 Amysmith34
I live in Spokane Washington
28 Mar, 2010 Amysmith34
Can anyone advise a strong
28 Mar, 2010 Hedgie
grey pumpkins when to harvest them
0 replies
28 Mar, 2010 Guest
What is the effect on soil that has been contaminated with cement mortar
hardiest variety of Ajuga
what is the black sooty covering on my ivy
28 Mar, 2010 Guides
Leaves on my indoor ficus mix tree are turning dry and appear dull lifeless in colour...
28 Mar, 2010 Halina
Someone has advised me to put fish blood and bone on my Bay Trees which have gone...
28 Mar, 2010 Gjsharp1
At the 'Rare Plant Fair' I went to today
28 Mar, 2010 Spritzhenry
The Lupins in my borders are years old but they are starting to look their age
28 Mar, 2010 Flowermanx1
Does compost accelerator really work?
19 replies
28 Mar, 2010 Great
My daughter would like to know
7 replies
do palms re grow after frost
hi pansys i put in my garden last week
Hello, I was given a rhubarb plant last summer which I planted straight away
How do I "link" my plants?
28 Mar, 2010 Volval
I have start tomatoe plants from seeding using a starter kit
I have loads of birds tht come into my garden
28 Mar, 2010 Cookygirl41
I have one corner of my garden that gets very water logged
best time to re-plant christmas rose
I really want to have a lawn in my garden
28 Mar, 2010 Squeek
how can I stop fungui growing on the plants in the garden
28 Mar, 2010 Sandralayton
the new shoots on my cordyline have gone brown and outer leaves going yellow what...
28 Mar, 2010 Bonniedoone
soil type for bleeding heart plant
vegetables that grow in a clat soil
What type of compost should I use
I have a Cordyline australis planted with other plants when my garden was designed
28 Mar, 2010 Evergreen
plug plants begonia illumination to be delivered in april can I put them straight...
soil conditions for aucuba aucuba japonica rozanne
I need some raspberry cane advice
28 Mar, 2010 Peaches
My plant has gone brown over the winter
28 Mar, 2010 Marilynhobbs
I want to grow an oleander hedge
28 Mar, 2010 Helensmith5