Do you recognise this Iris?
2 replies
8 Jul, 2010 Yellow
My potato plants
6 replies
8 Jul, 2010 Docutech135
I have just germinated some melon seeds
1 reply
8 Jul, 2010 Legend
My runner beans
8 replies
8 Jul, 2010 Whammers
What is the best way to propagate sweet potatoes
0 replies
is this plant poisonous the dragon arum
7 replies
8 Jul, 2010 Guest
What does a laurel shrub look like
My giant begonia's leaves are turning brown at edges
Why are my sweet peas looking as though they are dying
8 Jul, 2010 Susiem
Where do i find the seeds on my surfinia petunia to collect for next year
This year I have "inherited" 3 unknown tomato plants from my daughter grown...
4 replies
8 Jul, 2010 Davidt
Can you give me advice on how to look after a Dwarf Peach Tree 'Terrace Diamond'
just to confirm tree is 30-40 ft
8 Jul, 2010 Morank42
can i move a full bloom carnation to an other space
how do you take a cutting
Do you need a greenhouse to grow tropical plants in England
My frittalaria has bloomed for many years
Can anyone tell me what this plant is?
8 Jul, 2010 Supernan61
TThe leaves on my Meconopsis betonicifolia alba are going dirty brown and curling...
8 Jul, 2010 Pip29pa
I have had to pull all my broad bean plants up because of black fly
3 replies
8 Jul, 2010 Gwynjim
8 Jul, 2010 Justvera
why did my poppy have buds which turned black and did not flower
This is a photo of what the seed pack said was Rosemary
13 replies
8 Jul, 2010 Franco3588
mY cordaline plant was hit hard last winter and I thought it was dead
8 Jul, 2010 Suerose
Advice on evergreen climbers for Trellis Fence facing North East
8 Jul, 2010 Kurlakid
my bay tree and japansese maple have the same ailment
my hydranger are infested with white maggotts
8 Jul, 2010 Murphy123
My Hydrangers are infested with which looks like white maggotts and are dying
my potato plants some of the leafs are going yellow what do you think is doing this
On the park next to my house there are two salix caprea trees that are higher than...
8 Jul, 2010 Veggiemum
My brown turkey fig tree has only two fruits on it is this norm it’s in a very large...
8 Jul, 2010 Steveg1966
What can I do with my foxglove after it blooms
8 Jul, 2010 Valerie2
I planted some potatoes about April in pots They have grown very well
8 Jul, 2010 Rosemont
advice on treating black fly on braodbeens
I have two rhododendrons
betulia bedding plant how long will it last
8 Jul, 2010 Hendy5
My tomatos have leaf curl is becase Im not feeding them right
My camelia is at least six years old and has flowered beautifully all that time...
when should this plant be pruned and can it be safely transplanted when about 6ft
8 Jul, 2010 Sunzuma
Solanum pyracanthum(Porcupine Tomato)
Do you know why my Arum lily has not flowered when all the other years it has flowered...
8 Jul, 2010 Sazdink
i have a hydranger
How to rid nasturtimums of blackfly?
I could not water my medinilla magnfica for two weeks
8 Jul, 2010 Isa
Our buddleia last year produced very strange thin flowers and strange curled leaves
8 Jul, 2010 Ahmac
Tomato blight
Sheeps Wool Uses?
8 Jul, 2010 Pixielady
Plant id please had this shrub a few years we cannot remember what it is
My broccoli is going into flower what do I need to do see pics
are you supposed to de-head rhododendron plants