thank you for your advice
1 reply
6 Aug, 2010 Guest
when to prune a very large cherry tree
Does anyone know about Lily Dazzlers'
6 Aug, 2010 Katearthur
hi i have a vitis in the greenhouse it has had to small fruit clusters on it should...
Plum tree problem
Can anyone tell me if I am likely now to get flowers on my Morning Glory?
6 replies
6 Aug, 2010 Maggy7
when should i prune my salix h nishiki
Thank you all for your information iwill follow wot Ilex has said
6 Aug, 2010 Redo
my tomatos are huge and are still green how do i get them to turn red?
5 replies
when is the best time to prune choiysa ternata?
I have a Pieris which in the spring turns red
3 replies
6 Aug, 2010 Yorkshire
when is the best time to prune back bay trees
I planted a lovely
6 Aug, 2010 Troddles
picea pungens hoopsii can i take a 2 foot plant out of its pot and plant it in the...
6 Aug, 2010 Mickyt
my honey suckel is not flowering
when is the best time to move a ten year old 7ft acer palmatun ?
7 replies
we have an 8 ft high specimen and want to move it
4 replies
6 Aug, 2010 Trismack
Is it ok to grow a potted Buddleja in Ericaceous compost please?
Some of my cauliflowers are a pale pink colour and not so tightly formed can someone...
6 Aug, 2010 Whynot
I have alstroemeria in my border which produce plenty of leaves but few flowers
6 Aug, 2010 Nakinaki
can you cut stipa arun right down in spring as there is so much dead growth?
2 replies
hello i am buying 2 cordyline australis and have seen people on here saying to protect...
6 Aug, 2010 Zoeyvonne
Bulbs. I am not feeling adventurous but just wondering how do the bulbs appear in...
27 replies
6 Aug, 2010 Aimankay
when is the right time to move a Budleigh plant?
how would you plan a border so that it has colour throughout all the season
19 replies
6 Aug, 2010 Scabiousshe..
how to control blackfly on green beans
6 Aug, 2010 Mandy992
I have just collected seed pods from my lupin plant
6 Aug, 2010 Catrina
why are my shrubs not bushy
starting to plan my new border and have just seen photo of Magnolia x soulangeana...
12 replies
Neighbour's laurels are 30 foot height are they responsible for them to be cut
I have just bought 2 bamboo trees approx 10ft high
Can you tell me how to propergate Veronica
why is there grey scale on my trees
i have a large twisted cob nut tree in my front garden wich is planted very close...
which country does red robin shrub come from
Lewissia what are the growing & soil requirements
superficial tree roots on lawn what to do?
5 Aug, 2010 Guest
pruning olive tree how and when to do it
5 Aug, 2010 Eurodoyle
Runner bean blooms are not setting
Thanks Tugbrethil
why is my hornbeam bush covered in flys and wasps
Why are my raspberry bushes witherin from the roots
Hi i have a pink lady apple tree when do i know when to pick the apples?
5 Aug, 2010 Mark61
Here's a curious thing
23 replies
5 Aug, 2010 Karensusan63
Amarcrinum going brown
5 Aug, 2010 Tugbrethil
how do you look after it and is it desidious
I have a twisted willow tree it is young and still in a pot
5 Aug, 2010 Snowdrop
Hi all! can anyone tell me
5 Aug, 2010 Masie