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hi can you please tell me what i have growing in my veg patch
2 replies
2 Sep, 2010 Guest
Sambucas "Black Lace"
5 replies
2 Sep, 2010 Cliveanne
i want to move some 3year old shrubs
1 reply
I havea 1m tall Erythrina Crystagalli
2 Sep, 2010 Gray
when is the best time to move roses and some evergreen bushes
i have woodworm in live memosa
3 foot high grass which flowers in july with orange flowers
4 replies
another identification please in this wild wild garden that i have inherited?
3 replies
2 Sep, 2010 Daffadowndi..
Dear sir, Is anyone who help us for get the Ginkgo
how and when to prune hydarngeas
Why are my cherry tomatoes only growing smaller than a marble
2 Sep, 2010 Ddddd
Does anyone know of a way to get rid of ants in the lawn?
1 Sep, 2010 Guest
I would like to buy the Salix Integra Flamingo but am a little confused regarding...
1 Sep, 2010 Shereebb
Caterpillars have eaten my sprout leaves - can they be saved?
6 replies
Dear Whistonlass
Can I take a cutting from my Betulia if so when should I take it and how
1 Sep, 2010 Bryan10
where can i buy brussel prout plant in leicester
1 Sep, 2010 Gingernutty
does it have to be in full sun allday
many thanks for the replies
Anybody with ideas on how to help the my lavender
1 Sep, 2010 Penaselvagem
why has my caenothus' leaves brown with mildew
I have a snowy melpius bush
I have a huge pile of garden waste
9 replies
1 Sep, 2010 Liznic
I have two eucalyptus plants -are they suitable to grow in pots?
1 Sep, 2010 Laineycowell
Hi to all GoY my fushias are now extinct
1 Sep, 2010 Mark61
i have a large phormium about six foot tall which has flowered for the first time
when can i move raspberry canes
when can i part my gunnera
Why have my tomartoes not gone red?
1 Sep, 2010 Pagoda
change of appearance and size of apples.
1 Sep, 2010 Carolweddell
how do i take cuttings from my asters
leycesteria formosa golden lanterns
1 Sep, 2010 Bornagain
I receieved this today through post
When is the best time to move a forest flame bush
i have had a wisteria for 15 years but it never flowers
1 Sep, 2010 Mick8
how do you prune a convolvulus cneorum
I'm having some problems in my garden and I'm not sure what to do
1 Sep, 2010 Tweaku
Would some kind person tell me the best Primulas to buy
1 Sep, 2010 Dreeny8
My root veg has been attacked by burrowing insects how can i prevent this?
1 Sep, 2010 Philiprott
My blackberrys have purple stems and withered fruit
i have a parrot plant and white spots have come on the leaves i was given it by a...
1 Sep, 2010 Mollylucy
I have a raised bed L shaped
1 Sep, 2010 Tesswood5
Hi I have an indian bean tree that has flowered and now has long slender pods are...
why are my peppers going black
Can I move a large pyracantha at this time or will it die?
i have just potted up a mini cherry and plum tree but they leaves seem to be drooping...
how to encourage flowering every season
POTASH I have burned a large amount of cuttings
1 Sep, 2010 Jimtatt
can you grow conifers in pots?
If I pick my tomatoes green will they riped inside as they do not seem to be turning...
1 Sep, 2010 Handbagscot..