My Hebe plant has lots of flowers but they have all turned brown
3 replies
2 Jul, 2011 Flynn
I have had pot plants where there are a lot of ordinary ants and i'm sure they're...
7 replies
2 Jul, 2011 F1owerp0wer
Bibbob says thank you for answering my question on Primula Candelabra seeds
1 reply
2 Jul, 2011 Bibbob
my raspberries have developed a tendancy to shoot out suckers without thorns and...
1 Jul, 2011 Chuck
i have done a general web search but have not come up with anything conclusive
12 replies
1 Jul, 2011 Gerberavicki
I put lawn on an old vegetable plot and now have potatoes growing through it
1 Jul, 2011 Garrodjanet
Soil full of roots
1 Jul, 2011 Fayshackleton
russian vine can you grow cuttings
1 Jul, 2011 Greenchick
Ihave choisya tennata in a pot and the leaves are turning yellow and dropping off...
2 replies
1 Jul, 2011 Headcoach
We have 30 forsythia
1 Jul, 2011 Wnickell
Hi How can I keep a good definition between my slabs and Grass and stopthe grass...
1 Jul, 2011 Deemote
can i eat the leaves of cauliflower
1 Jul, 2011 Ethnabos
Gardeners world - Russian giant sunflowers Hi all
1 Jul, 2011 Sensei89
can u help a sick palm
4 replies
1 Jul, 2011 Howard68
My Indian Bean tree flowers and branches grow bigger each year
1 Jul, 2011 Taffmeister
My Knautia Macedonica has developed powdery mildew - should I dig up and remove or...
1 Jul, 2011 Scottish
what does the bridal bouquet shub look like?
1 Jul, 2011 Vivbostock
I have a plant that looks like a tomato but it has a hot taste like a jalapeno
1 Jul, 2011 Suttie
I have had this plant for many years but its getting a bit too tall for my windowsill...
9 replies
1 Jul, 2011 Jacksondscar
I have a smoke tree that has been very healthy
1 Jul, 2011 Curlygirl
I have a Dranunculus Vulgaris since March
1 Jul, 2011 Angelaschaper
I planted my alocasia polly outside in the yard
1 Jul, 2011 Taramian
Thank you Louise for advice on the clematis - will go out now and give it a good...
1 Jul, 2011 Jjgilbert
How deep do I plant giant oriental lillies and how far apart
1 Jul, 2011 Purplegarden
A friend of my has a dwarf Buddlea
1 Jul, 2011 Nana_d
when can i move my acer palmatum as i have it growing in a shallow sink and no starting...
1 Jul, 2011 Cherie2011
My clematis has flowered late spring but all the leaves are turning brown and the...
Hi all GoY good afternoon what a lovely day for gardening and weeding
1 Jul, 2011 Mark61
Filled in pond now flower bed waiting for action
1 Jul, 2011 Ladygardener
Hi, I have just found a White Marked Tussock Moth Caterpillar on one of my Marigolds...
1 Jul, 2011 Caterpillar2
Plant ID please
8 replies
1 Jul, 2011 Aimankay
Brachycome.. My Swan River Daisys Need Your Help their dying! lol
6 replies
1 Jul, 2011 Smilerjane
Neighbours' cats are spoiling my flower beds and veggie patches with their poo
1 Jul, 2011 Burgess
I have a 20 year old shrub Viburnum Carlcephalum which I tracked down after smelling...
1 Jul, 2011 Margruithe
how can i treat whitefly on my outdoor edible plants
1 Jul, 2011 Cabbagepatc..
I have a Dionaea Muscipula plant which is three years old and the plant is getting...
1 Jul, 2011 Windmill
I have a Dionaea Muscipula plant its three years old and it is getting smaller and...
I am the proud owner of my 1st hosta
1 Jul, 2011 Kate40club
could anyone please tell the name of this plant?
1 Jul, 2011 Urishab
i have a honeysuckle climber and it does not flower very good and its leaves are...
1 Jul, 2011 Jtm
HI i wonder if you can help me my cucumbers are flowering but then they sirvel up...
1 Jul, 2011 Stepsss
Should you prune a clematis
1 Jul, 2011 Pilly
I brought two Blueberry plants and put each one into a large tub
5 replies
1 Jul, 2011 Glastonbury