By spritzhenry
It was the worst flooding in the West Country in forty years, so the News said.
Yes, I know – we got flooded yesterday!
It had rained for several days, and during Tuesday night the rain became torrential. When I looked out of the window at dawn, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
Our stream had turned into a raging torrent and was running over the two bridges instead of under!
I woke my husband and we started the vain task of stopping the water from getting into the house. As the house is 500 years old, it has no foundations, so not only did the water flow in over the barrier he put at the front door, but it came up through the floors.
As you can see, the flood had surrounded the house and was pouring into the Garden Room. I tried putting down newspapers and old towels, but it was a waste of time.
As soon as we’d bowed to the inevitable, we started moving what we could upstairs, and raised other furniture on blocks. Just as well – by 9 0’clock the whole of the downstairs was 2" deep in water.
This is the hall.
The sitting room – some of the parquet tiles came loose and Henry found one floating around!
The water had even flooded into the back garden, and flowed under the door into the kitchen. Our electricity had gone off, but we have a generator, so my husband got that going and we managed to get some breakfast at around 11 0’clock.
I mentioned Henry – the poor dog just didn’t know what to make of all this water – and nowhere to sit or lie down! He spent the morning dashing round after one or other of us – making waves.
The rain stopped by lunch time, and the water started to drain away, but of course it left silt behind it, and the fitted carpets are absolutely saturated. We’ve had a go at clearing up, but the forecast for tonight is horrific, so we’re leaving the furniture as it is. I don’t expect I’ll sleep tonight!
Today I’ve been hearing about other people in the locality who also got flooded – several, unsurprisingly.
My husband waded up the path and took photos of the lane outside – if you can call it a lane!
We’re trying to ‘think positive’ about it all, and count our blessings. It could have been much, much worse…but I really hope it doesn’t happen again tonight!
22 Nov, 2012
Previous post: Amazing!
Next post: At the end of the 'Great Wall'...
Oh dear, very sorry to see this.There seems to be no end to it this year!
22 Nov, 2012
OMG, Barbara ..
I hope today's rain doesn't make things worse ..
Most important is for you to NOT overdo things, trying to clear up ...
Mustn't make yourself unwell ... keep warm ...
I hope your OH and Henry stay safe too ...
Love from Terra xxx
22 Nov, 2012
Oh Barbara - what can I say! I hope tonight does not make it any worse for you. Try to stay positive and safe I do feel for you. Take great care Denise xx
22 Nov, 2012
what a nightmare. My thoughts are with you. hope you are ok.
22 Nov, 2012
Oh Spritz this is just dreadful for you, so much water, and no doubt much damage, I honestly don't know what to say, hope you get it cleaned up soon, take care,
22 Nov, 2012
That's such a shame Spritz hope your garden survives ok after. Perhaps you should look at my blog on the wheather, what I heard last night on radio. We too have had floods around by me and the canal is full to the top too.
22 Nov, 2012
Oh Spriz nothing I say can be of any help to you, I am so very sorry, my heart goes out to you and all who are suffering because of the floods. Its heartbreaking for you and your husband to see your lovely home in that state and I`m praying it does not get any worse, if I could I`d come and help even if it was only to take care of Henry for a while, try and stay warm and most of all safe and healthy...
Take care Spritz. XX
22 Nov, 2012
so sorry to see this spritz, your lovely garden and all your beautiful furniture, :-(
its been quite rough around here and it feels quite scary but its nothing like the devastation of a flood in a house,
I just hope you can keep warm and keep calm and I sincerely hope it gets cleared up soon. Take care
22 Nov, 2012
So sorry Spritz, that's awful, and the weather forecast is not good, its coming my way I believe. Hope it doesnt get any worse for you, keep your chin up and try not to stress too much.
22 Nov, 2012
Oh good grief Noooooooh! I'm sitting here close to tears Barbara......your new kitchen and everything....the garden...your incredible garden....oh, I am so sorry. I do hope that it doesn't happen again tonight....your lovely home.....don't know what to day......thinking of you (hugs).
22 Nov, 2012
Oh Spritz, my heart breaks seeing this amount of damage caused by the extreme flooding..I am shocked and saddened to see how it has invaded the house as well. The garden will recover, but oh this is appalling happening to your beautiful home. Please know that my thoughts are with you and P..My heart goes out to you both.
22 Nov, 2012
Hi everyone - I'm sitting here on pins, because although the stream subsided this morning, the next weather system has already arrived. It's blowing a gale and pouring down. High tide tonight will be the main deciding factor, as well as the amount of rain that falls both here and up in the Quantock Hills.
I'm very touched by your concern, and I'll keep you informed of developments if the electricity stays on.
22 Nov, 2012
How awful for you such sad tales around, it hasnt got to us yet in E.Devon by mid afternoon, we are safe being high but after so much damage yesterday it is really scary. Do hope it doesnt come up again for you, all the pictures at lunchtime were really frightening, is there no end to it this year.
22 Nov, 2012
There is nothing I can add,that hasn't already been said,'s just too awful to take in..and my heart goes out to you and your Husband,and Henry..I am so deeply sorry...and truly hope it doesn't get any worse than it already is..Thinking of you all...Sandra xxx
22 Nov, 2012
I am sorry to hear this news is very difficult to try and keep the water out when the level is higher than your floors. I am thinking of you and your family there and hope there is no more rain on the way...There are parts of the village where I live that have been badly flooded yesterday and today...take care my friend and hope things get much better for you...
22 Nov, 2012
Oh my. Hope you have somewhere dry and safe to rest.
Pretty shocking to see. All the best to you....
22 Nov, 2012
There is very little else I can add - I hope things get better soon for you all. Thoughts are with all those who have been affected by this latest freak weather.
22 Nov, 2012
Im so sorry that this has happened to you Spritz...Bad enough your beautiful garden...but into your home!!!...Its awful, lets hope and pray it eases off...take care ....
22 Nov, 2012
My sympathies, Terra. My parents house was flooded several times whilst I lived at home, and after I left, so I know how stressful it can be.
22 Nov, 2012
Just awful for you Barbara . . . I can't bear to think how upsetting it must be. Well done for keeping positive, and we'll all hope against hope that things don't get any worse. x
22 Nov, 2012
I havent been on much lately so not sure what made me look at your blogs today - so very sorry to see your house and garden looking like this. Our garden floods regularly and recovers well, but this is awful! Will be thinking of you over the next few days particularly. Thank you for sharing this with us -Jane
22 Nov, 2012
Oh Barbara, how awful :o(( I'm sorry to hear of what's happened to your home. It's worrying for you, and must be frightening aswell. I hope it won't get any worse, and that the stress isn't affecting you adversly, after what you've gone through this year.
There's a lot of work ahead clearing up I think ... but take care. I hope you can get help.
Please let us know how it goes. I'll be thinking of you tonight. x
22 Nov, 2012
You must be all devastated, I am so sorry Barbara, I just pray and hope that the weather starts to improve , can't imagine how heartbreaking this must be for you and your family.
22 Nov, 2012
How dreadfull. Im sure everyone is feeling for you, and wishing they were close enough to help. Although if we were we would be in the same boat (not literaly we hope).
22 Nov, 2012
Oh dear Spritz this is awful. Do put yourselves first. The house will survive just as it has done for 500 years and the garden will also recover although you might not believe that right now. Your health must be your priority and looking after Henry and OH. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you struggle to get through the next few weeks and months. It was good that you have a generator to fall back on because at least you can have something hot. I was wondering how you were so I'm not surprised to see this because we had to ford a stream further down the lane when we came to your open day.
22 Nov, 2012
Dear Barbara my heart goes out to you ,this is awful sad news .
Sending you a hug .
Gosh I dont think words can say how what your feeling .
Just wish was able to be of some help.
22 Nov, 2012
So sorry to see the dreadful damage the floods have brought to your home and garden I do hope it gets no worse tonight, thinking of you all.
22 Nov, 2012
Good grief! This is just awful! Thoughts are with you, P, and Henry.
23 Nov, 2012
Oh my dear Spritz - this is such dreadful news. We haven't been around to watch the news from the UK for the past 24 hours, so hadn't heard about the problems you've all been having. Hywel and I have been discussing the rumour there's been among our neighbours that a terrible storm was about to hit our little bit of Italy within the next few days, in spite of the forecast, but it seems to have been waylaid and come your way instead. I can only say Thank goodness for your generator. My thoughts are with you all for tonight, and the dreadful task of clearing up you have ahead of you. Your poor house and garden! Above all, take care and don't over exert yourselves. Please let us know how things are with you if you have the time and the energy.
23 Nov, 2012
I hope you had a peaceful night Spritz, today it seems is to be much quieter
Much love Pam xxx
23 Nov, 2012
Thank you to everyone for your sympathy and encouragement. It means a lot! :-)
Latest update - the next weather system wasn't as bad, so we didn't get flooded again (thank goodness!). However, we're prepared for another really nasty one on its way here and liable to hit some time Sunday/Monday.
There's no point in clearing up or trying to get furniture back in place until the Met Office 'amber warning' has been lifted.
The house is beginning to smell damp. It's a most uncomfortable place to be at the moment, and I can't find things, because I had to move everything upwards!
23 Nov, 2012
that is really bad .All our thoughts are with you and we hope you are all
23 Nov, 2012
Spritz, have just read the dreadful news and just want to add my sympathies and hope this awful weather does not last much longer. Thinking of you too, x
23 Nov, 2012
I do feel for you Spritz, so relieved you made it through the night without even more hitting you, I can only pray that it doesn`t happen again, I was thinking of you last night as the rains kept on coming.
Thankyou for keeping in touch, take care xx
23 Nov, 2012
just seen your blog as I have been helping eldery neighbours who are in the low point of our cul de sac and they too are flooded. They cant find their eldery cat either, she took off in the strong winds at 7pm last night and hasnt been seen since.
I saw on the news that somerset had got it bad and hoped you'd escape it .
All i can say is stay safe, possesions can be replaced but you /henry and /OH cant. Love n hugs.
23 Nov, 2012
I think that you need a dehumidifier Spritz, they can I think be hired as well as bought.
We have solid walls and have one that just comes on when the humidity reaces a certain level.
Thinking of you down there and hope the next storm passes by with no trouble xxx
23 Nov, 2012
The costs to hire and run dehumidifiers may well be covered on your contents insurance? I hope you are not over doing it as mentally and physically this is such an awful time for you.
23 Nov, 2012
Its a relief to hear you were not hit again last night. I hope you managed to get some sleep. As it could be more of the same or worse on Sunday /Monday do you think it might be an idea to go to a B & B for a couple of nights. There is no point in you risking your health in a damp atmosphere, you will need all your strength for the refurbishment ahead. Do look after one another. Remember sometimes one of you has to be firm and strong for the other. All our love and sympathy.
23 Nov, 2012
That's just what I was going to suggest - you shouldn't be sleeping in such a humid atmosphere. The devastation just takes my breath away and I just wish there was something we could all do to help you.
23 Nov, 2012
Oh heart goes out to you...I hope by now the water is subsiding a bit, and you can begin to clear up...will you be able to have anyone to help? I'm so sorry this has happened it is the worst nightmare, I'm praying for some sun and wind to dry everything up.....much love X
23 Nov, 2012
thinking of u guys...stay safe...x
23 Nov, 2012
Oh dear B when I heard Somerset had been badly hit, I hoped you had escaped, so it was shocking to see such devastation in your home and beautiful garden, my thoughts and prayers go with you both, do take care, speak soon...xx
23 Nov, 2012
Thank you all - you're amazing!
We've been lent a dehumidifier, and it's going all the time.
I couldn't leave the house - upstairs is fine, it's the downstairs that's awful. Anyway, it would have to be a B&B that took dogs! Henry is very bewildered about it all
and is staying close to one or other of us all the time.
The next threat is due later today, then a worse one on Monday. There really isn't any point in doing any more clearing up until they've gone through. The paper says it's a 'historic storm event' -not what I'd call it!
I'll keep you updated.
24 Nov, 2012
I bet Henry is very bewildered. Hope your generator is still able to make you hot drinks? Thinking of you. Take care.
24 Nov, 2012
Well, what can I say Barbara.....I read this blog and said "Oh my g.." over and over again. You poor thing. You must have got such a shock when you opened the curtains. I was brought up near a river that used to flood my parent's house and I know how helpless you are when water comes into your home. I hope Monday isn't as bad as expected for you all. Lots of love.
24 Nov, 2012
With this wave after wave of storm systems I'm just wondering if its the remnants of hurricane Sandy........
Thinking of you all Spritz xxx
24 Nov, 2012
Hang on in there Barbara! xx
24 Nov, 2012
Have only just read your blog Spritz, what a disaster to happen to your beautiful garden and home! Will keep everything crossed that Monday's forecast will not affect you too much. Look after yourselves, and we will be thinking of you all.
Love and prayers Val xxkeep your chin up x
25 Nov, 2012
Just found your blog after returning from a short trip to .... dare I 'rub it in' ? ... the south where the weather was warm, bright and dry. Sorry! But I do feel for you! That's an awful thing to happen and I do hope you don't have too much damage! That poor piano!
25 Nov, 2012
It seems Cornwall got the worst of it last night.I do hope that you haven't been affected again, it rained here from mid afternoon and its very windy now but dry.
Thinking of you all xxx
25 Nov, 2012
Morning, all. Yes, the next system hit yesterday evening, and I went downstairs at 1.30 to see if the water was in - it was just creeping into the Garden Room. I managed to sleep until 5.45, and when I checked again, the hall and dining room carpets are soggier near the door, and the floor of the Garden Room is all silty again. :-(
It isn't as bad as the last lot, and our electricity stayed on, which is such a help. The water has receded now - although now it's light I can see that next door's path is still under water, and the lake across the grass is still trying to soak away.
It's amazing how fast it rises, and also how fast it goes down!
I'm afraid there's a worse weather system on its way - due here this evening or tomorrow in the early hours.
Did you see the photos in the paper and on the news? We are lucky compared to that poor man in Chew Magna who died in his car. I am counting my blessings, you see!
25 Nov, 2012
Thinking of you this morning Barbara. I've been up since 6am watching the news. :(
25 Nov, 2012
Is Somerset on there?
25 Nov, 2012
No, only Cornwall so far.
25 Nov, 2012
We've been told to expect a similar band of atrocious weather tomorrow or Tuesday, so, inspired, or should I say warned/scared by your experience, Spritz, we're off out to dig out the channels leading down from the orchard and vegetable plot and across the drive away from the concrete foundations of the patio and summerhouse - the last bad rainstorms undermined them and things started slipping. We are, thank goodness, unlikely to get a flooded house, but the cellars are prone to flooding. Being built on a mountainside means we are subject to landslides and general slipping, though. I shall probably regret saying this, but on the whole, I'd rather have that possibility than your problems. Has your house and garden ever been flooded before? I've been really upset for you, seeing the state of your poor house. Are you managing to stay warm yourselves?
25 Nov, 2012
Oh, Spritz!!! your beautiful home and garden!! Tthe ripples in the last pic show how fast the water's flowing - that's the real danger, the speed of it.
Nothing much anyone can say, but I join the others in sending you boatloads of good wishes.
25 Nov, 2012
It's heartbreaking to see these photos. I wish I could pop over and help out. We experience flooding here during our monsoonal wet season, but thankfully so far we've never had water in any of our houses. I do so hope the rain stops soon and the water recedes quickly.
25 Nov, 2012
Spritz my heart aches to see all that you are having to cope with, especially after the trauma of your health problems. I can see from your comments that you are keeping your pecker up in the face of all this adversity, loving thoughts sent to you and hope that you can all stay safe and well.
25 Nov, 2012
Thank goodness your electricity is on, we are so lucky here and for that I am thankful, stay strong Spritz, my thoughts are with you, xx.....
25 Nov, 2012
Barbara, I can't begin to guess what this feels like, heart breaking, but your beautiful home will recover and so will your garden. I'm sure it's hard to stay positive and it's wonderful to hear you say you're counting your blessings as you are all safe and well. Is there any help available for the clearing up of the aftermath? You mustn't overdo it. I'm full of admiration for the way you've both gone about minimising the damage. I'd have just panicked. Beauty will be restored eventually. Thinking of you:-)x
25 Nov, 2012
How devastating for you. Hope it didn't get any worse for you.
25 Nov, 2012
I hope you can get some sleep tonight. I think you are resigned to what has happened and admitting that is often the hardest thing to do. Stay strong and look after your precious boys.
25 Nov, 2012
Neither of us has panicked, it was a case of 'deal with it' and minimise the damage as and when we could.
Well, the latest weather system passed to the north of us in the main, so we only had minor flooding in the garden this time, hallelujah! I went down at 1.a.m. and was very relieved to see that.
There will be a lot of decisions to make now. Who to call on, what to do and in what order, 'making good' where the paint on the lower walls is blistering, etc, etc. I had a call from yet another friend in the village, offering any sort of practical help. She will come and help me clean and re-polish the parquet flooring in the sitting room - once it's properly dried out. It's still covered in silt at the moment.
I think the dining room carpet will have to go....oh dear. A list is the first thing we need!
26 Nov, 2012
Oh, someone asked if the house had ever flooded before, well - not within the last 40 years. Obviously it has in its history, but I don't know any details.
26 Nov, 2012
I'm glad to see you are being positive and practical,Barbara..the only way to go really,isn't it? ..and a list will be imperative,I agree..I'm so glad the flooding wasn't as bad this time,as you looked appalling on last nights news..I think you were all in our thoughts,on hearing that...So glad your friend is going to help ,that will be a comfort..if only lots of us lived nearer,you would have a GoY Army ! :o)..I hope you will keep us posted on your progress,take care...x
26 Nov, 2012
I'm so glad to hear that the worst of yesterday didn't affect you too badly. It looks as though Wiltshire took the brunt of it.....going on the t.v. coverage. A list sounds like a good idea to me too. Bloomer is right, it's pity we don't all live closer so we could help in practical ways. I suppose we just have to help those who 'are' near to us and need help, then everything will be ok. So far there hasn't been any flooding anywhere near us. Our only risk is from the trout farm just across the field and up hill. Their ponds will overspill in to the burn that runs around the edge of the estate, so will need to keep an eye on that, but this week looks set to be a lot drier thank goodness! If we could just get a good spell of dry weather it would really help. Take care and stay safe and warm. Hope you have no further electricity cuts. :) x
26 Nov, 2012
Does your insurance not cover a lot of the work involved in drying out the house Spritz. When my cousins house was flooded, when something burst uphill from them, the insurance company decanted them in to a rented house while the damage was sorted. They too lived in an old house and the plaster had to be taken off inside and then replastered before remedial work could begin. The insurance assessor came and condemned their carpets as beyond redemption and others were send to be cleaned and dried and then relaid. Its amazing what the experts can do now and i would think a lot of your furniture will need carefull dryng out to ensure the wood does not split. They should also repair and refurbish your parquet floor. They may also recommend ways of minimising any future flood damage even if it is not likely to happen again for another forty years. I'm glad you were spard a second bad flood and I'm happy to hear you sounding so positive. Take care and remember you are running on adrenalin so take it easy. You don't want to overdo it.
26 Nov, 2012
Glad Sunday night didn't bring any more flooding to you Barbara. I hope you get enough help with the tidy up in your house. The garden can wait until the spring and you have everyone on GOY to replace any lost plants. We will all be more than willing to raid our gardens for you.
26 Nov, 2012
Thank you - that's really kind! :-)
What else can we do except get on with it? No use sitting in a puddle bemoaning, is there. We had help yesterday from EdF employees from the Power Station - six hefty men all dressed in hi-vis appeared after a phone call, and shifted furniture in the dining room. Then they ripped up the sodden carpet and underlay and lifted the whole v.v.v. heavy roll outside! They were such a help - no way could we have dealt with it.
I looked round the garden yesterday - the amount of silt and debris everywere is shocking. I think I'll ask Abi to help with the clear-up when she comes. I haven't the heart (or energy!) left to do it. I need to get the house back into some semblance of order now. That might well take months.
27 Nov, 2012
So glad you got some help,'s just knowing who to contact first,isn't it? You don't realise how heavy things get when they are at least things are moving in the right direction now...I know you will be heartbroken about your garden,but you have your priorities to see to first, is Henry doing now? He will still be bewildered,no doubt...take care,..xx
27 Nov, 2012
Yes, take care. So glad you had some help. xx
27 Nov, 2012
EdF? How wonderful.... have the workers done it voluntarily off their own bat, or is the company involved? Now Barbara, don't go over doing it will you? nothing's worth your health. Who knows, some of the silt etc in the garden may be taken down by worms when it warms up and help feed the plants. People your way seem community minded so you may have a small army soon to help with the debris. Take care x:-)
27 Nov, 2012
So glad you had some help Spritz, carpets are heavy enough when dry cannot even think how much heavier one is when sodden, it must be so hard even knowing where to start, we are all with you in spirit, I wish we could help in some way......
27 Nov, 2012
I think leave it and see is good advice with the garden, other than moving stuff obviously dangerous I,d see what mother nature can could do more harm than good trying to work on sodden ground
Pleased you had some helpful hunks around when you needed them. :0))
27 Nov, 2012
It must have been such a relief to see these knights come traipsing up the path. I wonder if any of them have visited on an Open Day. I dk what Edf is but thank goodness they came along. We had snow this evening but it is going away again and it looks like it will be frosty later. The weather man did not mention it. Apart from your tulips which hate the wet you will be surprised at how resilient plants are.
28 Nov, 2012
EdF stands for 'Electricite de France' Scotsgran. We have a Nuclear Power Station about a mile away from our village, and the Station Director sent the men round to help. We were sent a message with a phone number to call if we wanted or needed help.
Our electricity bill will be horrific - fan heaters blasting away all day!! :-O It's working, though. The floor is starting to dry out. I can't even think about the garden...except I managed to finish putting the bulbs into the troughs yesterday. :-)
28 Nov, 2012
Thank you Spritz. Its not a company I have come across before but its good that they are involved in the community in this way.
Its amazing that you could even think about planting bulbs and great to see you planning ahead as always.
28 Nov, 2012
Well, it would be very wasteful to leave the bulbs to rot, and yes,I really enjoy the spring I did it - and as I had a dozen Narcissi left, I managed to get them planted in the grass up near the gate. I've got quite a few in that area now. I even managed to track down some early flowering ones - I planted them back in September, I think.
Today we have to peruse the small print of our Insurance Policy and get that sorted. I just hope that our PM's efforts with Insurance Companies pays off!
29 Nov, 2012
I think there will have to be a system put in place to help home owners. If builders are allowed to continue with building in flood plains in future they should have to guarantee those properties against flooding and also homes round about need to be protected in law against falling victim to the run off from those areas. It concerns me greatly that with regulations being thrown out of the window more and more problems will arise. I was saying elsewhere that ships used to sail in to many city centres like Bristol because the channels were dredged regularly but that has been stopped so there are fewer places for water to go nowadays. Roadmen used to keep roadside ditches clear and they absorbed a lot of water before flooding happened but this job has been discontinued too.
Good luck with reading the small print. Fingers crossed you will be fully covered as you are not in a high risk area.
29 Nov, 2012
I was in a pub in Bristol the other night and was told that before the 2nd world war the ships used to come right into the city. The estuary has been completely built over with roads and parking!
29 Nov, 2012
In the mid to late 1940's my husband was in the Merchant Navy and he often sailed in to Bristol. Just after he retired I had to visit several large ports around the country. He came along for the trip and was quite shocked by the deterioration in our major ports.
30 Nov, 2012
Up in the village, a small housing estate was built about three years ago - on a piece of land known by all to be a flood plain. How silly is that?
I'm watching the forecast with foreboding - the weekend will see more rain. I just hope it's not prolonged! The sodden ground won't take much. :-(
30 Nov, 2012
That happened here Spritz, new houses were built the other side of the river Soar, with obvious another development is being built on farmland.....
They seem not to connect the fact that building on these fields pushes the water across and consequently all the roadsnear the river from Leicester to where the Soar joins the Trent got flooded and caused the Trent problems too.....
Any more rain as you say would be a real worry, the fields here sre still sodden with standing water......iced over at the minute.......
30 Nov, 2012
It's true, Lulu. Our family lived in Bristol directly after WW2, and the massive building works which altered the centre of the city were under way then. To be honest, much of the place was one huge bombsite. We re-visit rarely, and I find it quite depressing and frustrating at the changes to the whole place. It seems to me to be much smaller, scruffier, congested and badly planned than it ever was over 60 years ago.
30 Nov, 2012
Oh fingers crossed it doesn't rain.
Yes, Gattina, Bristol is a strange place. There was an old castle too which was bombed..
30 Nov, 2012
I remember in what must have been either the late 40's or very early 50's, we had school trips out and around the historic bits in the centre of the city, down near the central docks, to see all the ruined and crumbling bits of mediaeval buildings (Half Moon Court, I seem to remember, near where the Pie Poudre courts were held in the 13th century) and all of them seem to be either very well hidden or completely gone these days. So sad.
30 Nov, 2012
Bristol is such a busy place - we try not to go there! Parking is a nightmare. There are still some beautiful areas, though.
Well - we've been in touch with our Insurers, and someone is coming on Monday to look at the damage, advise us on what needs to be done, and assess the costs. I hope he'll agree that the all the floors can be treated - the parquet floor is damaged as well as the carpets and the grouting in the kitchen has gone a funny colour.
I've been watching the local forecasts, and we will be getting more rain on Sunday and into Monday. We're a bit worried, to say the least!
2 Dec, 2012
Does anyone manage the stream these days? It seems that rivers, streams and brooks locally are not dealt with as they used to be but only when a problem occurs
Fingers crossed that the most you get is a bit of drizzle. xxx
2 Dec, 2012
I've been reading up on our rights and responsibilities.We are officially known as 'riparian owners' - and we have to keep the stream clear of obstacles, 'noxious weeds', etc. etc. If it floods, nobody seems to want to take any responsibility...but it was the weather that caused it, so why would they?
Thank goodness - it has been raining, but so far only lightly. <sigh of relief>.
3 Dec, 2012
I don't think your part of the stream was the problem Spritz. The many visitors to your garden can testify to the fact that you do your bit. In normal circumstances your banks are high enough to keep the water level well below where you might expect the garden to be flooded. Downstream from your garden it is obvious that not enough is being done to allow clear passage of the water to let it flow away. Until governments of any colour will admit that this was not an act of God but a man made disaster waiting to happen then nothing will be done.
The lady who opened our first flower show told the story of the passerby who exclaimed in delight "Isn't God good that he provides us with such a delight" the gardener replied "He is but you should have seen it before He got me to help him". I wish our politicians would heed the message. I'm glad to hear you have not had the bad weather forecast for your area. Good luck with the assessor.
3 Dec, 2012
Light rain here last night, I was thinking of you....yes, good luck with the assessor.
3 Dec, 2012
Very true Scotsgran.......
As to your stream Spritz, you I am very sure do what is nessesary but as scotgran says further down could be the problem, locally putting streams into pipes or culverts has caused flooding as they are easily blocked with debris
3 Dec, 2012
Unfortunately, that's not the way that Insurers see it - they just assess the risk to our property.
Anyway, we had bombshells from the assessor. He was here for about 5 hours, prodding, poking, measuring the damp and humidity in every room. OH had taken up a floorboard and the damp under the house is a worry. He says everything must be dried out ASAP, so he brought in a very noisy industrial fan, which is pointing down under the floor to dry out the joists. He's coming back on Thursday with more fans and 6 dehumidifiers.
It looks like all the flooring will have to come up, including fitted carpets, parquet, the wooden floor in the Garden Room, possibly even the tiles in the kitchen.
The plaster on the walls has to be removed up to about a foot or more, so everywhere will need restoring and eventually, redecoration.
He's going to recommend to the Insurers that some of our furniture should be taken into storage. He suggested that we might want to move out - but we really want to stay here, in spite of the disruption and inevitable noise.
We did get complimented on what we'd managed to save, and what we'd done to start drying the house out. He wants us to think if we've lost anything else in the flood...I'm too honest. Some people lie about valuables, but I can't. I'd rather keep the Insurers happy - then we might get re-insured next year! (That is a real worry.)
So - for the next 3 - 4 months, life here will be very tough.
4 Dec, 2012
I'm glad that the assessor sees you as being honest and is willing to help you restore your home. I can understand your reluctance to move out and that must be your own decision. It can be very traumatic seeing your home being ripped apart even if it is to repair the mess you have already. Have you been able to assess the damage in the garden. If you build a small wall on the house side of the stream that might stop water reaching your home again. The bridge could be sand bagged if there was to be a danger of more flooding. We are all thinking of you and wish you well.
4 Dec, 2012
Hear, hear!
4 Dec, 2012
Have you managed to make it comfortable upstairs, maybe a temporary kitchen/ sitting room? It sounds as if downstairs will be a bit of a no go area for a while
The assessor sounded sensible thank goodness
4 Dec, 2012
I keep thinking about your situation Barbara and really feel for you.
4 Dec, 2012
Thanks, Denise. :-)
Sandbags wouldn't have stopped the flooding - it came up through the floor, as well as over the barriers OH had fitted in front of the doors.
Scotsgran, we're thinking along those lines...we'll have to work with next door, but get professional advice as to whether a new wall would stop the water should it ever happen again.
The Assessor's reaction to that idea was that if the water table was higher than the wall, which it must have been this time, the water would still come in under the house.
Pam, yes, exactly that. OH has moved his 'office' upstairs, and we have another spare room with a sofa bed, which I'm sitting in atm. We can get a TV in here too. It's a bit crowded, but if a lot of things can go into storage that'll make a huge difference.
The kitchen should be usable most of the time, I think - unless they find more horrors when they pull out the fridge and washing machine! Eeek!
5 Dec, 2012
Maybe a small fridge kettle and microwave then you can cope ok upstairs for a while
Hope Henry is more settled.
5 Dec, 2012
Somerset Council did a lot of work to help in Chew Magna where the houses had been flooded 8 times in 8 years. They too are older properties and lie in a conservation area so there should be local advice available. The council were able to get central govt. grants to award to individual homeowners. I dk how they fared this year. I hope we get a reasonably mild winter for your sakes. It must be awful for many people up and down the country who are in a similar predicament.
5 Dec, 2012
Yes, it must - and some people are in temporary accommodation!
We had an email about a grant from the Diocese! I don't think we'll be applying for it, if the Insurers are helpful. The Assessor didn't phone last night - I don't know why. Maybe they're really busy and haven't looked at our claim yet.
I'm afraid that Henry isn't at all settled - he's 'discombobulated'. He keeps going upstairs, which he never does normally!
6 Dec, 2012
Poor lad, must be very confusing for him x
6 Dec, 2012
I hope you get the result you need Spritz, I don`t suppose you can even do anything really until you hear from the assessor, it must be so hard for both you and your husband seeing your home destroyed like that, I am thinking of you and hope you are staying warm and healthy, I guess its very hard with Henry as he is as trapped as you are really and won`t understand whats going on..xx
6 Dec, 2012
No, he's following us round wherever we go, like a little shadow, and he keeps bringing me his toys.
Today a team is coming to clean the parquet floor in the sitting room. They're still waiting for authorisation to get on with other things, but the removal van is booked for next Tuesday to take lots of furniture into storage. That'll get the neighbours talking! ;-)
7 Dec, 2012
Safest way Spritz, we had 12 hours of rain during the night, are you still ok, it looked as if some was falling in the southwest?
7 Dec, 2012
My apologies to Henry for laughing at his predicament - discombobulated - I had to look up the meaning as I did not know what it meant. Cheer him up by telling him he has a soul mate here. Give him a big hug from me. The older I get the more I feel discombobulated. This site is a great finishing school for our members. I learn something new every day.
On a more serious note I do hope the restoration process goes smoothly with as little disruption from the weather as possible. You had better let the neighbours know its only temporary. They will be very upset if they think you are leaving them.
7 Dec, 2012
In a tiny community like this, word will go round very fast! :-O So maybe I will.
We had two rooms cleared of furniture yesterday afternoon, and then the floors cleaned with a pressure washer and a Vac. Then they went all over the ground floor with anti-bacterial spray.
They took away the sitting room rug to be cleaned...and the van is still provisionally booked for Tuesday, but we have a loss adjuster coming on Monday so it might have to be postponed. He's coming to double check Andy's report, and see if we are honest, upright citizens!! We could be claiming for sub-standard carpets I suppose - but our predecessors had Axminster! We both like it very much, and hope we can replace it with something similar. Such a shame it has to go, but we don't know the state of the floor underneath.
We're living upstairs now, as it's much more comfortable and there are fans and dehumidifiers all over the place downstairs. Henry doesn't know if he wants to be upstairs with us, or down in his bed. Poor dog!
8 Dec, 2012
I think those of us who have read this saga with bated breath have wondered what was coming next! We do hope everything dries out soon and then you will be able to replace stuff. We have experienced flood damage inside the house recently with a leaking boiler upstairs which meant a ceiling being replaced and lots of re-decorating. I hope you insurance company prove to be as amenable as ours was. I think I was a little over-optimistic when I thought you would be straight by Christmas, but I do hope things will be much improved.
8 Dec, 2012
Oh no - we're likely to be living for several months in this chaos. However, we are lucky to have this little room upstairs where at least we can relax and stay warm. It's a bit like a small flat, really, but plenty of people cope perfectly well in flats! I do miss having 'space' around me though. Every surface including the window sills, floors and spare bed are covered in boxes and 'stuff'.
I wish I could find a teeny gap for a Christmas tree - no chance! :-((
9 Dec, 2012
Just caught up with this after a computer breakdown, Spritz. So sorry to hear about the chaos and damage the flooding has caused to your lovely home and garden. It is good to hear your insurers and others are being helpful and that you have a cosy corner to retreat to. Poor Henry, I can understand his confusion, bless him.
9 Dec, 2012
Hallo Gee - I wondered where you were!
We had a visit from the Loss Adjustor yesterday. He was an astute man, but fair. He asked lots of questions, and we got a few brownie points for our actions during the floods. :-)
He has agreed with Andy's recommendations, so everything can go forward officially now, starting with the arrival of the Removal van this morning! They're taking all the downstairs furniture into store, to clear the place so that all the flooring can be removed or renovated.
Andy took all the loose covers to be cleaned, and he'll be back tomorrow to start on carpet removal and wall paper stripping. He's also going to take up the kick boards in the kitchen to see if there's any damage there. I found my poor damp Kenwood Chef at the bottom of a cupboard - that will be replaced.
We were told it was wise to stay put if at all possible as it's not good to have an unoccupied house. It's tough here though - my asthma is bad! I hate it downstairs - so damp, bleak and unpleasant. Poor Henry is still following us round very confused at the state of 'his' house.
11 Dec, 2012
I'm glad it is starting to make headway Barbara..and your man seems to be very helpful to you both..I can see his point about staying put,if possible..Sorry to hear the damp is causing you problems with your Asthma..that's all you need..or is it the dryness of the Humidifiers? You are going in the right direction now,and things will probably move a lot quicker for you. I'm glad you can keep in touch with us on your progress. Take care ,and thinking of you both,also poor Henry..In spite of everything,I really hope you can enjoy some sort of Christmas..I wish you and yours Seasons Greetings..and a positive start for 2013..xx
11 Dec, 2012
It must be a huge relief to know that your work can go ahead. How about spraying a tree shape on a window upstairs and hang the lights around the window. Not as good as a real tree but it might help a little. Have you moved Henry s bed upstairs. He might feel better if he can curl up in his own space. Our dog, a Samoyed named Randall, slept on a rug outside our bedroom door (on the ground floor) when he was knocked over by a van and had to have a pin in his hip, he was very miserable. I tried to get him to come close so I could stay in bed and be near him but it was no use he refused to step inside our bedroom. I ended up wrapped in a duvet, sitting on the floor next to him, holding his paw until he went to sleep. Its hard to watch them suffering because they become so large a part of our lives. As the work progresses he will feel better. He might even enjoy the company of the workmen when they come. Has your GP been able to offer advice on relieving your asthma. You can't afford to take risks with your health because there will be lots to do when the garden is workable again. Take care
11 Dec, 2012
Thanks - but, Scotsgran - do you remember the windows here? They're small, and have lead across them, so a Christmas tree, though it's a lovely idea, would obscure more light, which we need!
I have an appointment to see my GP next week, so I'll talk to him about my Asthma. I'm sure it's the damp coming up from under the floorboards that's causing it.
I'd prefer to keep Henry down in the kitchen overnight because I get up in the night and he'd be disturbed. We'll just have to cope with his 'clinginess'. He spent the day at the vet hospital yesterday having an Xray and blood tests which confirmed that he has arthritis in his left leg - more meds!
Today Andy is coming back to rip up the hall/stairs carpet and assess the damage underneath. He'll install yet more machinery! The Insurers are on top of things.
All our downstairs furniture went into store yesterday, so it's very bleak and bare downstairs. They were forewarned about the width of our lane, and brought two vehicles. The large removal van stayed in a layby about a mile away, and they used the smaller one to ferry four loads to it. How sensible - more work for the men, less inconvenience for the community.
12 Dec, 2012
It sounds as if you are getting organised thank goodness
Poor Henry, I do feel for him, my setter had problems from about 7 years, the worst was when she broke her cruciate ligament and we had to take her swimming, which was fine if she swam clockwise but turning the other way she panicked.......
12 Dec, 2012
I thought for the few days over Christmas it would be a wee bit cheerier for you. We are having to put lights on as early as 3.45pm. I feel we have gone in to hibernation.
It sounds like the dampness is having a bad effect on both you and Henry. Hopefully the weather will improve from the shortest day. Now your able workmen have started to sort out the chaos it will be more livable, as it dries out.
The experts tell us not to invest our pets with human emotions but its hard not to when you see how they react to situations beyond their control.
12 Dec, 2012
that may be what the 'experts ' say but watching the wildlife programmes we share so much with other mammals how can 'they' know?
I'm with you Scots gran x
12 Dec, 2012
I`m pleased you have the go-ahead Spritz and although it looks bleak at least its progress, even though it must at the moment seem an impossible task in your mind, you are in my thoughts, take care, warm and most of all try and keep your spirits up........
12 Dec, 2012
I'm trying to, and people have asked me how I keep so calm. Well, the alternative would be to huddle in a corner and have hysterics - that isn't 'me' at all.
It's a question of thinking that we're better off than many other people, that our home will be as lovely as it was (eventually!) and also - how kind and thoughtful people can be! It's a great help to come on GOY and talk about it, too. :-)
I tucked Henry up in a blanket as well as his padded bed last night, because the kitchen has also got large machines in it now and felt chilly. We were very relieved that no real damage has been found in there - just the plaster, really, and a wrecked bottom to the pantry.
13 Dec, 2012
It is good that you can count your blessings and are coping so well. As the garden dries out Henry will enjoy being outside more and some of the stiffness will be helped as he is able to become more active again. He will wonder where all his new friends have gone when the workmen are finished.
13 Dec, 2012
He's so nosy that he might get in the way! :-)
It's carpet removal day today - we'll find out what damage is hidden underneath.
14 Dec, 2012
Workmen are surprisingly forgiving of nosy but friendly animals and children. I'm sure he'll get on just fine. Getting rid of the carpets will help to dry out the house more quickly and you can't but be relieved at whatever is discovered because it means it can be sorted. If you can get all of the bad news out of the way it will clear the road to a happier and more optimistic start to 2013 for all of you. Although you are worried about Henry I'm sure he is the best therapet for you right now. It feels as if this is going on for ever but there will be a day when you can say 'we are back home'. By that time the cycle of growth in the garden will need all of your time and attention. We are thinking of you.
14 Dec, 2012
I know, and I can't tell you what that means to me! :-D)
Luckily, the floors under the carpets and wooden flooring were undamaged, just damp. That will please the Insurance Company!
15 Dec, 2012
That is good news. If it means the plaster can be removed, the walls dried out and then replastered it might speed things up a little. We all moan about the cost of insurance but its good to have the security when things go wrong. I hope the weather is good down there today. A blink of sun would be very cheerful.
15 Dec, 2012
I love that term - "therapet" it says it all!
15 Dec, 2012
My sister had a Yorkshire terrier and he was a trained therapet. He knew he was not allowed to jump up on elderly people unless invited and he also knew to keep out of their way when they were walking around. Her next door neighbour had had a dog which died. He used to visit the local retirement home with his dog. The residents missed their regular visitor so much that he asked if she would allow him to train Bobby. It was a great success for all concerned.
15 Dec, 2012
I think Henry would have made a good 'Therapet'. He's acting as one for me at the moment, that's for sure! :-D)
His calm and friendly nature would be perfect for visiting old folk, and he'd love the attention. I expect he's too old to do it now.
16 Dec, 2012 is the link in the UK or your vet should be able to put you in touch with the local organiser. The age restriction is that the pet must be over 9 months and have been with you for at least 6 months. The vet or an assessor is required to pass the dog on health and personality for the safety of both the animal and the patients. It is well worth doing if you can spare the time to visit someone or a retirement home with the animal on a regular basis. How long you go for depends on how long the animal can cope.
I had a quiet smile because I thought "ask a busy person to help". You would be perfect too. Good luck if you decide to go for it in future. Maybe some of the other Goyers would enjoy doing it too or maybe they already do it. It would be nice to hear of their experiences.
16 Dec, 2012
Hope all is well as can be expected your end. It's been raining again here, it makes me wonder and hope that it's not raining with you?
Poor Henry x I keep meaning to take one of my 3 to an old folks home and keep forgetting to sort it out. One thing I definitely won't be Sluggy!!
16 Dec, 2012
I do hope you can do it because as Spritz says it is very beneficial and she would be much worse off without Henry. I echo the hope that you are not having rain, or at least not in the quantities you have had earlier Spritz.
16 Dec, 2012
Thanks for the concern. I have kittens if it starts raining! I watch forecasts, too, but all is well there, thank goodness.
I would take up the idea about Henry if we had any retirement homes within travelling distance, but the nearest one is about 10 miles away. He'll just have to keep acting as my own personal 'Therapet'. :-D)
He should get his new meds today.
17 Dec, 2012
How is Henry now ?
Are you all safe ?
The rain has been lashing down all night across the UK ...
I hope you've not had more flooding !
20 Dec, 2012
I hope you are all ok too after all this rain?
20 Dec, 2012
There's a flood alert here for 5 days. The stream level is rising already, so we've put the flood defences back. It would be dreadful if all the drying out work had to start all over again. I wouldn't be surprised if we had another flood, though. :-O
I'm very apprehensive, and I keep looking at the Environment Agency's flood warning page, and of course all the local forecasts.
20 Dec, 2012
Wishing you the best of luck and really hoping you don't have to go through this all over again. The weather really doesn't look good at all :(
20 Dec, 2012
I've been watching the national news .. flooding in many parts ... I hope Somerset isn't too badly affected ...
and I hope Henry is feeling better now ...
20 Dec, 2012
Have just seen the one o'clock news. I hope you have not been too badly affected this time.
20 Dec, 2012
You have been on my mind too, we have now had 24 of constant rain onto fields still flooded from the last lot
(We are above the village and most of the shopping is done)
Fingers permanently crossed that your flood defences hold
and that you all manage to enjoy a christmas of sorts xxx
20 Dec, 2012
Hoping and praying for you Spritz, its been teeming down for two days now and although not affected by floods ourselves its still a worry when thinking about others not so lucky and also for people having to travel for work as well, XX..
20 Dec, 2012
Thinking of you at this time Spritz.....hoping your hardships are soon over and that you can restore your lovely home and garden to its rightful beauty.Thank you for your greetings....x
20 Dec, 2012
Thinking of you too Barbara and hoping you escape the floods this time. Wishing you as happy a Christmas as possible and a happier New Year than this one has been.
20 Dec, 2012
We escaped yesterday, but the next weather system looks dire. I can't imagine that we will be lucky after that, and we probably won't be able to travel to our daughter's either if it is bad. :-((
Thank you all for your concern and greetings - I'll keep you posted.
You're welcome, Bb. x
21 Dec, 2012
If this keeps up we will all have to head for the hills and become rock gardeners. Fingers crossed that no one gets as bad a drubbing as last time. Take care and keep warm.
21 Dec, 2012
Upstairs is warm, so we're OK. I'm afraid the forecast was correct though - it's been raining here since late last night, so our 'fortune' depends on how heavy and prolonged the rain is. There's a flood warning out, too.
It's being so utterly helpless to stop it coming in that's so frustrating! Our 'disaster' man came yesterday and was pleased with the drying out so far - that might have to start again, though. We can only wait and see.
22 Dec, 2012
I really hope it can be averted for you Barbara,and everytime I see the forecast for your area,I feel sad..I do hope you manage to get to see your family at Christmas,at least you would get away from it for a little while..fingers crossed for you here..xx
22 Dec, 2012
The rain has eased up here. The wind is rising but its coming from the south east so not as cold as yesterday when it was coming in from Siberia. Folks up in the east coast towns where sea walls were ripped away by high seas were issued with sandbags again yesterday. This must rate as one of the wettest years in living memory. Did you know more than 2000 people were killed in a tsunami type flood in the Bristol Channel area in the 1600's? A lot of it in the Cardiff marches area. Disasters seem to go in cycles so maybe its not all about global warming.
22 Dec, 2012
Probably not Gran, I,m a bit of a sceptic..........
Forecast here is for rain but overnight temperatures reaching
+13c.........can you believe it!
22 Dec, 2012
Yes, we do know about the great storm. It devastated a lot of this area. Let's hope we don't get another one!
I do think things go in cycles, myself. I know that changes have happened with ice masses, but the long-range forecasts are usually completely wrong - are we having mediteranean summers as they said we would? Nope.
The wettest year in history? Was that forecast? Nope.
22 Dec, 2012
Well if we live long enough we might see some of these elusive forecasts happen. Just not in the timescale favoured by the forecasters. As long as you are not having to swim to the gate again after last nights rain. Its difficult to count your blessingas when it just never seems to stop long enough to catch your breath.
+13c Pamg that sounds positively tropical compared to our frozen landscape over the past month and more.
22 Dec, 2012
It will be interesting to see Gran, SW Scotland. (Galloway) is forecast 11c at that time
Its still pouring here, but better for the next few days hopefully
I do hope its a happy christmas and peaceful new year for all xxx
22 Dec, 2012
I agree!
23 Dec, 2012
Oh Spritz - Can't sleep and have been for hours watching the UK 24 hour news and all the reports of yet more flooding and hoping desperately that you aren't among the freshly afflicted. Whatever we may think about the difficulties here, and whatever thought we may have about coming "home", these sort of disasters that the UK has been undergoing recently make us realise just how fortunate we are up our little foreign mountain. Our thoughts are very much with you this morning, and all the other poor souls whose Christmas will be less than wonderful. A special hug for poor, bewildered Henry, too.
24 Dec, 2012
I have been avidly watching it as well,Gattina..just heartbreaking for everyone affected..I've never seen things as bad..and so many are suffering...I hope you are ok Barbara..and you aren't having to go through all that trauma of North Yorkshire are bad too.My friend rung from Lincolnshire last night,as they are supposed to be travelling to their daughters today,near Selby..but the roads into their village are cut off at the moment,so they may not be able to go..just depends what it is like today..
Please let us know how things are , we are all thinking of you ..
24 Dec, 2012
Same here.....watching the relentless water on last nights news was awful
One man said that the whole country is utterly saturated and only prolonged drought would dry us out.....well we had that last winter/spring......
My hope is that it happens soon xxx
24 Dec, 2012
Thank you all - it's pouring with rain again, and we've got yet another flood warning here, but we're hoping we can find a safe route out of here to travel to our daughter's today. We've left the flood defences up, although they're no use at all if the stream comes up higher that the water table. It makes me feel a bit more secure though - daft but true - all very psychological.
If we do manage to go, we're leaving phone numbers and keys with neighbours, as I want to know if the house does flood, even if we can't 'do' anything from 160 miles away!
The stream rose yesterday but only about 18". It's when it reaches the arch of the bridge that we're really in trouble!
So - Happy Christmas to everyone, and keep warm and dry.
24 Dec, 2012
Thanks for the update Barbara..fingers crossed that you manage to get to your daughters,..and to a little light relief for you both,and Henry...It will be very much needed..I hope you have a good Christmas too...xx
24 Dec, 2012
Yes fingers crossed you can find a route out.
Wishing you both and Henry a very happy Christmas.
Although our cottage is safe from the water, the lane out is a fairly deep river, we have to use the stud's tractor!
24 Dec, 2012
Hope you have a safe journey and a wonderful Christmas away from your problems at home. It is heart breaking watching the news at the moment.
24 Dec, 2012
Fingers xx it doesn`t happen again Spritz, we had a dry day yesterday but its teemng again now.
I hope you get to your daughters, of course you will be on tenterhooks about what is happening back at home but it will do you good to have a break from it all and lovely to be with your daughter, take care, have a safe journey..
Best Wishes to you All xx...
24 Dec, 2012
Have a safe journey Spritz....thinking of you...take care x
24 Dec, 2012
Best wishes Barbara, I have been following this blog and hope a break away from home will help at this miserable time xxx Denise.
24 Dec, 2012
Thank you all - we got here safely, with only one diversion. It's so civilised being in a house with carpets and comfy seats! Our neighbour is keeping an eye on things and will phone tomorrow.
24 Dec, 2012
That's great,Barbara..have a lovely relaxing Christmas xxx
24 Dec, 2012
That is good news Spritz, you have a lovely Christmas....
25 Dec, 2012
Pleased that you arrived safely
Have a lovely christmas
Pam xxx
25 Dec, 2012
Such a relief to read this, Spritz. Have a wonderful Christmas. Jan XXXXXXXXXXXX
25 Dec, 2012
Thank you for letting us know you arrived safely. Happy Christmas to you and your family Spritz. and to your next door neighbour.
25 Dec, 2012
Happy Christmas, Spritz, and heres hoping for a much better 2013 for you.
25 Dec, 2012
Fingers crossed for a dry return Barbara:-)
27 Dec, 2012
Yes, all is well here. Thanks for the messages!
We arrived back home at 12.30 a.m. yesterday. It was hard to leave the comfort of a dry and warm house, but we do need to get busy on estimates for the Insurance Company. We won't get the go-ahead until the drying out is complete, but then we'll be prepared to get going on renovations, redecoration and new carpets.
It would be lovely to get some idea of the 'when' so we can look forward to the end of this nasty period of bleakness. I'd guess March/April. That sounds like a long time...but realistic, I think.
The forecast is worrying - all we can do is hope we don't get too much rain in the next onslaught!
28 Dec, 2012
You sound as if you enjoyed the break. Good luck with getting estimates. I think you are being very realistic. Workmen in your area will be run off their feet trying to put every home back to normal. The time between then and now will not seem so long when the flowers start appearing. I went out with the camera on Boxing Day and can see mini hostas are already starting to show signs of life in one of my fish boxes. That "lupin" refuses to die and I don't have the heart to cut it down.
28 Dec, 2012
So glad you found things no worse than you left them, and hopefully the break will have recharged your batteries. I haven't been contributing to the blog much but you have been in my thoughts whenever I heard the weather forecast. Very best wishes for a better 2013.
28 Dec, 2012
Thank you - it really has been a dreadful year!
I'm sitting here on pins waiting for daylight so I can check the stream level. I can hear it roaring - not exactly the lovely tinkling sound it makes when all is well. :-O
29 Dec, 2012
Did your driftwood "sculpture" survive the onslaught. I do hope so. I thought it looked like a meercat from a distance.
29 Dec, 2012
Yes, but only because lovely husband waded out in his wellies (the water went over the top of them, too!). I could see the sculpture being swept away, and neither of us could bear it. He put it in safety by the garage, but it's back in place now.
I hope it isn't like a Merekat - I don't like them! :-(
The water rose over the lowest part of the garden yesterday - but today we have another respite, thank goodness. I think the Gunnera likes the water, so no harm there. :-)
30 Dec, 2012
Bless him. I am sorry to hear your garden was being threatenened again. I think a lot of plants have liked the wet weather. I have a small leaved hebe in a pot and it never did any growing until this year. It is now shooting away. Stay safe.
30 Dec, 2012
We hope we will! I drove through the ford this morning, very carefully...but we hope the next nasty-looking weather system doesn't linger.
30 Dec, 2012
I do hope 2013 will be a better year for you Barbara. Best Wishes.
9 Jan, 2013
Thank you very much! It really was a dreadful one...I'm glad to see the back of it. :-)
Things are looking better here - we've almost dried out so in a few days we might be able to get our renovations underway. We've been busy getting quotations from all sorts of people!
10 Jan, 2013
Barbara can you start another blog please, it takes ages to get down to the bottom of this one lol glad things are looking better for you both now.
10 Jan, 2013
OK - good thinking, Dd!
11 Jan, 2013
I agree my poor little tablet takes ages to load and sometimes just gives me a 'whiteout'!
Pleased things are progressing well Spritz, hope you miss this forecast icy blast.......
11 Jan, 2013
If you click on the "end" button,it takes you straight down to the bottom..then you just press page up to see last comment ..if you want to go back to the top .press "Home" ..I'm not familiar with tablets ,just a keyboard.hope this helps ..
11 Jan, 2013
Wishing you the very best of luck with all the tidying and renewing! Hope the weather stays kind also!
11 Jan, 2013
Hi bloomer the tablet has a popup keyboard, if its got an end button I haven't found it yet.....but thats not to say that there isn't.......:0)
11 Jan, 2013
Mine is on the right hand side of the keyboard,Pam..sharing with Number 1..good luck in finding yours :o)
11 Jan, 2013
I,ll investigate.........thanks Bloomer x
12 Jan, 2013
I found, by accident, a grey slidey thing appearing on the right hand side, it turned blue when I touched it and worked a treat! Not there now, only when I touch the screen......
14 Jan, 2013
Lol Pam..that's good..makes things much quicker..I wonder what else you will find ?:o)
14 Jan, 2013
im going backward here Barbara sorry, with not being here alot iv missed whats happened and i am deeply sorry for you, i really dont know how you and others cope with all this, your very brave, thinking of you xx
14 Jan, 2013
Thanks, Sandra.xx I can't believe that it's almost 8 weeks ago since it all happened!
15 Jan, 2013
Good gracious Spritz thats two months!
15 Jan, 2013
So pleased the drying out is nearly done, I know you have a lot to do still but at least its progress.......
15 Jan, 2013
It is indeed. Pam - yes, almost whole months! Unbelieveable, isn't it. It feels like yesterday still. :-(
15 Jan, 2013
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Oh my dear Spritz how awful!
I don't know what to say......heres me complaining that we can't get out of the village.....
And you have all this to contend with, my heart goes out to you,
We,re forecast more rain from 4pm but living on a hill as we do its just getting to anywhere over the river thats a problem.....a minor one by comparison.
Love Pam xxx
22 Nov, 2012