WAGGY TAILS INTO WINTER..Conker's chemo.. completed !!!...
By terratoonie
This is the new blog for Conker, my Shetland Sheepdog.
It follows on from Conker’s blogs started in June… number 18 , and then blog number 19, World Wide Wagging.
Blog 19 became so long, with almost 1,100 comments, that many members asked me to begin a new one… all the scrolling down meant our computers were at risk of exploding. Lol.
The story of Conker’s illness starts back in April 2009. He had seemed very healthy up till his 5th birthday in March, but just a few weeks later, he became alarmingly unwell. Eventually, at the end of May, cancer was diagnosed and a life saving operation was performed at a vet clinic.
Then in June a long course of weekly chemotherapy treatments began which are due to last till November. There is little chance of a total cure for Conker’s cancer, but the clinic vets hope to prolong his life by a number of months.
At that time, my Smooth Fox Terrier puppy, Truffle, was only a youngster, but he did his best to comfort Conker.
The support from the world wide family of GoY has been amazing. Thank you for your wonderful comments, and wagging of pets’ tails.. Conker’s weekly blood tests and chemotherapy sessions result in a roller-coaster of emotions. Without you all, it would be much more difficult to cope with the treatments.
Back in the summer, despite the start of chemotherapy, Conker, along with Truffle my Terrier, found opportunities to enjoy time in the garden. Here they discovered very large Rosemary Beetles in a pack of seeds sent by Paulthegardener ! Lol
As the months go by, Conker is clocking up countless chemotherapy sessions, and collecting a rainbow of leg bandages.
Here are some examples.
Last weekend was especially worrying for me, because after a strong dose of chemotherapy, Conker became extremely weak.
While I watched over him, I kept myself busy with my tasks as editor of three brand new GoYpedia pages ~ Wellies/Garden Footwear ~ Pets, such as budgies, bunnies, tortoises and guinea pigs ~ and …..
Flower Pot People.:o)
I took comfort in the fact that St Francis was watching over Conker.
Terry60 kindly sent this postcard from Assisi in Italy.xxx
Truffle gave Conker a kiss to help him convalesce.
Good news is that Conker now seems more perky. He is eating and drinking again, including his favourite Malt Crunchies. :o) Conker has some tablets from the vet to settle his digestive system.
Every evening, Conker has a little Manuka honey, to help him heal.
A thoughtful surprise package, mailed to him by Arlene.xxx
In recent months, when Conker has been well enough, he has enjoyed going to charity dog shows, The vets at the clinic emphasise that their aim in cancer treatments is good quality of life, so it is sensible for us to go out and have fun together when we are able.
In November, I plan to make a separate blog about the dog shows. By that time, Conker’s chemotherapy should be finished. From then on, Conker will have a check up every two months to find out if his cancer has returned.
After our weekly trips to the vet clinic, I’ll put an update on this blog.
Wednesday 14th October ~
Not too much waiting around today. A new vet nurse dealt with Conker and myself… more “forceful” than previous gentle vet nurses….. :o(
The vet decided to take another sample from Conker’s left cheek swelling. The procedure is called “fine needle aspirate”. When I get the results of that test I will update the blog.
Conker also had blood tests which proved okay for chemotherapy to go ahead. He came home with a bright blue bandage and a heavily shaved left cheek.
In theory, only a few more weeks of chemotherapy treatments. Conker has had enough of strangers working on him. Hopefully, his reward for bravery will be a winter of quality time at home with his friends Truffle and Conker..
Good news…. the vet has phoned very promptly with the results of the fine need aspirate on the cheek…. no evidence of lymphoma.. The swelling remains a mystery… but is not cancerous…:o)
Friday 16th October 2009 ~
Worryingly Conker’s cheek area is very red and swollen today, and giving him a lot of pain. I phoned the vet clinic.. spoke to a different vet because Conker’s usual vet is away today. Conker is to have three days on the corticosteroids, which I already have here because Conker had those at the start of his treatment. Also more of the Ceporex antibiotics which I know are suitable for Conker because he had those a few weeks ago. Fingers crossed his face heals soon. I feel so sorry for him…
I also mentioned to the vet that I would prefer Vet Nurses Angel or Emily treat Conker for the final few weeks of his chemotherapy, and hopefully that will be acceptable.
Breaking news….. literally…. This afternoon Conker’s cheek became huge and round like a tomato…. and then suddenly came to a head and broke ! Conker was very well-behaved while I removed a lot of fluid and his face is now almost normal shape. Wonderful that he is now not in pain and can open his left eye again :o) He has just begun a new course of 42 Ceporex antibiotic tablets. I’m so relieved to see Conker looking perkier.
Wednesday 21st October, 2009 ~
Conker’s vet nurse today was….. ANGEL…. :o)
She is so very kind to Conker…she cuddled him, and carried him to his treatment and told me that he was a good boy. He had his blood test, and the white cell count was okay for me to give him the chemo tablets at home.
Before we left the clinic, the vet spoke to me about Conker’s cheek. I explained that the abscess had swollen up again last night and again I had cleared it. The vet hopes that the current antibiotic course will cure the problem.
Conker has been wagging his tail since we got home, so I can tell he feels happy. I’ve made the giving of tablets such a fun game that Conker gets really excited when I put on the plastic gloves… Lol.
Only two more weeks of treatment to go, which is good, because Conker’s coat is getting really thin now…..
… oh, and I asked the vet if Conker’s last two treatments could be with ANGEL, and he said YES. :o)
Wednesday 28th October 2009 ~
Yet another delay to the completion of Conker’s months of chemo because his white blood cell count was too low today for chemotherapy to go ahead.
He was a brave boy, and was cuddled by a friendly vet nurse called Anya, who then carried him away for his tests. But about 45 minutes later, the results came back that we would need to make an appointment for next week to try again…
So……. Conker will be at the vet clinic again this coming Tuesday…
with Truffle travelling along as usual for support… :o)
I guess Conker’s treatment will now be completed around mid-November.
It is good that the vets are being so careful and not administering chemo if Conker’s blood count isn’t high enough….
…. We’ll get there eventually.
Tuesday 3rd November 2009 ~
Here’s some happy news :o)
Conker’s white blood cell count was okay for chemo to go ahead today.
He saw lovely vet nurses Angel, Anya and Emily ! All three !
Came home with a deep blue bandage on his left front leg. :o)
Next Tuesday, Conker is due to have his FINAL dose of the extra strong chemotherapy ~ provided his blood count is okay. The remedy to help digestion, which suited him so well last time ~ Metoclopramide ~ will be available….. so…….
…………….we are almost there.. One more chemo session. ! :o)
*Tuesday 10th November 2009 ~
:o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o)
Conker has received his final weekly chemo session…. !!!
….a long haul since he first became ill back in April….
Conker’s vet nurse today was Angel, but Emily also stopped by and said hello. His face and cheek area were given extra examinations and tests. Ceporex antibiotics have been prescribed.
There were yet more injections…. to help him cope with this last strong dose of chemotherapy… and liquid metoclopramide for me to give him at home… so this resulted in the largest chemo treatment bill by far…. but… YAY…hopefully some months free of clinic visits now.
I spent some time talking with the owner of a lovely, friendly cat called Kit Kat, who is 6 years old and undergoing similar chemo treatment to Conker, so it seems to be the same routine for dogs and for cats.
I was asked to email the vet in a couple of weeks from now, to give a report on Conker’s health, and contact him sooner if there are any problems….. Then probably a check-up for Conker at the clinic every two months.
Conker and I skipped out into the car park and did a couple of celebration sprints around the garden area. He picks up quickly on my moods… he knows that was his final session…:o)
The long term outlook….
…the cancer could return in as little as 6 weeks…
… or Conker could have a good number of months with better health before the cancer returns….
…. or…. one in ten dogs stay in remission….. I’ll be praying……
My sincere thanks to wonderful GoY members, for supporting Conker and for keeping me positive… xxx*
Truffle says: “This is an empty box…
…………….who ate all the Malt Crunchies???”
Lol. …Conker knows…. He loves Malt Crunchies……
…….. they make him feel better. he he he :o)
6 Oct, 2009
Previous post: GoY Welliepedia ~ Fantastic FOOTWEAR PHOTOS by GoY members !
Next post: WHAT EXACTLY is GoYpedia ?
I hope Conker continues to improve TT. I'll be following your updates.
We're still wagging :o)
Love and hugs,
from Hywel, Beryl and Blodyn xxxx
6 Oct, 2009
Thank you, Aster.
Glad you like the photos. xxx
6 Oct, 2009
As you said a good quality of life is the aim long may it continue. Hope it goes well on the 14th and he is not too tired in the days after. What have you got planned as a treat when he feels better after this next treatment?
6 Oct, 2009
Thank you for the updates TT :)
We have carried on wagging here, and will continue to do so.
Love to you all,
Di & Winnie xx
6 Oct, 2009
Glad to hear Conker is feeling better after his last treatment TT,wonderful photos x
6 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Drc726 ~
Yes, I'm hoping Conker will go into remission for a good many months, but I have accepted the vets' information that there is no actual cure...
After Conker's next treatment I'll be stocked up with Co-op Malt Crunchies breakfast cereal, because that's what Conker has wanted to eat since getting over last week's chemo ! Lol.
6 Oct, 2009
Sorry my replies are getting out of sync.!
Thank you Hywel, Beryl and Blodyn...
Keep wagging..xxx
6 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Crazydi and Janette...
Please keep on wagging into winter..xxx
6 Oct, 2009
I am so pleased that the treatment is going well TT , St. Francis will be doing everything in his power to help ..
I love to see the photo's of Conker and Truffle together , they are such good pals .. xx
6 Oct, 2009
Hello Amy ~ Thank you.
St Francis is working hard for Conker...
Conker and Truffle are very good friends...xxx
6 Oct, 2009
Ah Terra,you made me cry, they are such lovely photographs of both your boys,we are all still with you on this journey and the tails are still wagging here ( they only faltered a little bit. ) Big hugs all round and a chirrup for Crocus.. Sue. xx
6 Oct, 2009
Thanks Sue...
Hugs passed to Conker, Truffle and Crocus...
Gradually, Conker seems to be getting over last weekend's illness... Hugs to Morgan. xxx
6 Oct, 2009
aww how lovely to see conker and truffle together, you have been a wonderful pet owner through all this Terra and noone could have done better, conker has all the love and kindness any doggy could ever want,and thats what keeps him strong and enjoying his life, bless you all, love and hugs sandra, wags from angelina, and meow x
6 Oct, 2009
If Love and good thoughts are a help to Conker I am sending mine too. He couldn't ask for a better mistress who understands that quality of life is paramount
xxxx for Conker
6 Oct, 2009
Praying for you both Conker & TT- and keep up the support Truffle! XXX
6 Oct, 2009
He is SUCH a beautiful boy and you can see that Truffle loves him. Love and best wishes from Brum to you all xxx
6 Oct, 2009
A meow and wag of tail from Bench cat and a hug from me, hope he comes through it all ok and luck and good vibes are for Conker for october.
6 Oct, 2009
good luck and hope everything goes ok on the 14th, give him a wee cuddle from me..
6 Oct, 2009
Beautiful Conker.... such a brave boy, will be following your updates on him TT you are all in my thoughts & prayers big hugs & kisses Conker & Truffles Rita xx
6 Oct, 2009
Nice to see the new photos, Conker hardly seems ill. And Truffle is all legs now. He makes me laugh. You are doing such a good job keeping it all together. I like seeing them all cuddled together, what a comfort they must be to each other.
7 Oct, 2009
Lots of good wishes to Conker from over the Bay of Biscay and lots of wags from the village dogs, sheep (at least from the ones that still have their tails!), goats, cows - and the two wild boar we saw last night looked a bit waggy too.
7 Oct, 2009
PS: I've tried to add a 'like' to your blog, but it's not connecting for some reason. :o(
7 Oct, 2009
Lovely to see the new pics of your 2 lovely boys. Conker is so brave, nothing keeps him down for long. Daisy is still full of wags and my familys' 6 cats and my grandson's 2 gerbils are all at it too!!
7 Oct, 2009
Thanks everyone ~
Sandra.... has Angelina had results of this week's blood tests ?
I hope she is okay...
Pipsqueak, Sian and Rough Collie friends... I tell Conker if he eats enough Malt Crunchies.... he'll turn into a Rough Collie. LOL.
Frenchbean, Suebirmingham, Morgana and Benchcat, Usernut. Rita and Weeds...xxxx....
... Thanks to all for checking in on Conker...
Nariz, and Spanish dogs, sheep, goats and cows..... and boar ! ...Wow !
and Lily with Daisy, SIX cats, and two gerbils....
...that's a lot of wagging... Thank you again.
This morning Conker seems to be sleepy but feeling better. :o)
7 Oct, 2009
There are five sets of bilingual feline tails and paws, all still wagging and shaking from Italy - not to mention St Francis' gentle and watchful eye over all his beloved creatures -
7 Oct, 2009
lovely to see these photos of 2 beautiful friends. It's lovely to see how Truffie is so close to Conker. Glad to Conker is improving daily, perhaps you can get the malt crunchies on the DNHS (doggies national health service). xx
7 Oct, 2009
Hi Terry60 ~
Thanks to you and the feline five in Italy.....
..... and wonderful St Francis watching over Conker...xxx
Hello Jean ~
Yes, emptied another box of Malt Crunchies this morning.... maybe the DNHS could help out...Lol. xxx
7 Oct, 2009
Lovely photos TT, glad Conker is feeling a bit better. Keeping him busy is the best idea when he feels well enough. Mrs. Tommy is still wagging, but her wags are getting progressively fainter as we head towards hibernation time.
Love to you all Conker, Truffle and not forgetting Crocus, but especially to you.
Take care of yourself,
Bob & Sylvia XXXXXXXX.,
7 Oct, 2009
Thanks Bob, Sylvia and Mrs. Tommy...
This time of year I think we are all tempted to hibernate ! Lol.
I'm trying to get some energy back.... last weekend was one of the most stressful... Conker was very poorly... so it is good to see him perking up again...:o)
Conker and I send hugs, together with Truffle and Crocus. xxxxxxx
7 Oct, 2009
Lovely photos Tt and lovely comments too. I can only echo them all. Look after yourself, love and wags to all x
7 Oct, 2009
Thanks Bornagain... xxx
7 Oct, 2009
I'm so glad to see the two of them together, so close to each other. That must be heart-warming for you!
Conker is a lovely boy. Henry sends him a wag and a lick! I send him a stroke - and one for Truffle, too. Couldn't leave him out, Could I?
Thanks for the new blog -so much faster and easier to keep up!! :-))
7 Oct, 2009
Hello Barbara ~
Conker seems okay today...rather sleepy and wants to be a lapdog, but is eating and drinking.
Hi to Henry...
Glad you like the new blog.. :o)
7 Oct, 2009
Good luck Conker x x x
7 Oct, 2009
So glad Conkers getting on ok ...........lovely photos of Conker and Truffle..........
7 Oct, 2009
Thank you Gardengirl1 and Holly....
I'm pleased you like the pics..
...hoping to add a couple of new photos soon. xxx
7 Oct, 2009
For a new blog this is already growing, TT!! So glad Conker is improving and lovely to see your photos of him and Truffle together. Fingers crossed for 14 Oct and your next vet visit.
7 Oct, 2009
hi Terra angelina`s urine results were better than the first ones and now i have to take her within the next 3 weeks for blood test for things like kidneys etc, they said as results had been better i could wait till im out of hospital, she`s been to be groomed today but was a bit naughty with the lady today, think she`s fed up with being messed with, but the nice lady was very understanding, so home now and shes gone for a lay down :o))
7 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Gee... yes, I hope Conker has no bad reactions to next week's chemo... He has perked up a lot today :o)
Lots of your tortoise pics on the new Pets In the Garden GoYpedia which I edit...Lol.
7 Oct, 2009
Hi Sandra ~
That's encouraging news about Angelina's tests.
I'm not surprised Angelina was a bit naughty... she is understandably tired of being examined and handled...
Since Conker's months of chemo, he gets very edgy near strangers, whoever they are... thinking they've come to stick yet more needles in him... I can't blame him for feeling that way.... he has a lovely nature, but just gets very close to me if he feels under threat !
7 Oct, 2009
aww poor conker, as you say they think the worse if someone gets close, i do hope his next chemo isnt as bad, he`s being so good isnt he x
7 Oct, 2009
Yes, he is being very brave...
...which colour bandage do you think he needs to complete his "rainbow" above..? Lol.
7 Oct, 2009
orange would be good Terra, :o))
7 Oct, 2009
Lol... I'll see if I can ask for orange....:o)
7 Oct, 2009
conker in blackpool colours, brilliant :o)
7 Oct, 2009
Yes, we'll try for tangerine and white. :o) x
7 Oct, 2009
:o)) x
7 Oct, 2009
Just found your new blog Terra and its growing very quickly alraedy, so many well wishers for Dear Conker and Im not susprised he is so brave and a gorgeous Doggie, loved all the pictures so nice to see Truffle snuggling up and comforting Conker. So pleased he has rallied round and enjoying his Malt Crunchies, Will get Max door to do some wagging for him xxx
7 Oct, 2009
Hi Pansypotter... pleased you like the blog...
I'm hoping to add a couple more photos...
Please thank Max for his wagging :o)
7 Oct, 2009
Sorry no tails to wag this end, but my heart goes out to your little dog Conker, it is so lovely to see him being comforted by Truffle, they can sense when one of their companions is not well, good luck and and love from me.xx
7 Oct, 2009
Thank you Dottydaisy2...
Truffle tries his best to be helpful...:o)
Conker is so much better today than he was last weekend that it gladdens my heart. The support of everyone on GoY keeps us going... xxx
7 Oct, 2009
Misty's just patted me on the leg to remind me to send her love to you all. Malt Crunchies, whatever next? lol.
7 Oct, 2009
Well, thank you, Misty..... that's very kind...
Conker recommends you try Malt Crunchies... tasty :o)
7 Oct, 2009
~maybe we all need to try Malt Crunchies TT! must admit that when I don't feel like food I resort to cereal bars with either blueberries or nuts and apricots~ so pleased he likes the honey!
Love and hugs to you allxxxx
7 Oct, 2009
Sorry TT...missed this last night...your pics of Conker & Trufffle are so lovely...especially the last one of Conker dog. Look forward to your dogshow blog & so glad Conker is feeling better...the Malt Crunchies must be doing their magic! Truffle is a trooper isn't he...looking after his pal & keeping you busy!
They are a very lucky pair to have such a devoted carer...& I know you love having them around...& Crocus too!
Big hugs to you all.xx
7 Oct, 2009
Hi Arlene ~
That's my breakfast Malt Crunchies which Conker is eating....lol..
good thing we have a couple more packets in the pantry...:o).
Last weekend, even when Conker was really ill, he managed to lick a tiny bit of honey off my fingers... He has lost one and a half pounds in weight, down to 17 lbs. but will soon put that on again if he munches enough Malt Crunchies.Lol.
7 Oct, 2009
Hi Fluff...
I'm so glad you like the photos. Conker does enjoy posing for the camera... Yes, in that last pic, Conker is looking more healthy... Truffle and Crocus join with Conker in sending hugs back to you :o) xxx
7 Oct, 2009
You've added more photos to this blog. I've been showing them to Beryl. Conker and Truffle seem to enjoy those crunchies. They must be doing them good :o)
I also realised I haven't given the blog a 'like' so I've done it now.
Wags and hugs from us all xxx
7 Oct, 2009
Love malt crunchies too. Lol
7 Oct, 2009
Hello Hywel and Beryl ~
Yes, I added some more photos today.
Conker says thanks for wags and hugs and the "like"... he is feeling better today. :o)
Hi Gardengirl1 ~
Truffle wonders if you'd share some Malt Crunchies with him, please, because Conker has eaten the whole packet here..Lol,.
7 Oct, 2009
Will be keeping up with all the news on this new blog, and as always tails are waging in this house from Smokey and the 4 fish, think having such a good owner like you is helping Conker through it all, lots of hugs from me to all of you, including Crocus aswell. xx
7 Oct, 2009
Thank you Clarice and Smokey...
Did you know that the cat on Mavis's avatar pic is also called Smokey ? She is hoping to put the photo on GoY soon..:o)
How are Flip and Flop and Ebb and Flo ? Conker is delighted that they are reading this blog.
Hugs to you and Smokey from me, Conker, Truffle and Crocus.. xxx
7 Oct, 2009
goodness TT
~ that isn't very much 17 lbs or kilos?Harv weighs about 35 kilos whilst Dex is 46 or so~I hope he gets stuck into those Malt Crunchies asap!
Lovely photos of two gorgeous dogs!
7 Oct, 2009
HI Tt. I have been telling Sian, Martha, Thea, Mattie and Izzy (lhasa) all about Conker. It set their tails wagging and lots of sloppy kisses so I imagine there is even more positive thoughts coming Conkers way.
Good on you for giving him the Manuka Honey
8 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Pipsqueak...
Sadly Conker is not so well again this morning...
... I phoned the vet clinic first thing, but I'm still waiting for a phone call back and it is 11.30 am...
Conker won't eat..and seems to have stomach ache... very lethargic.... He has had digestion problems since his chemo visit last week...
The photo of Conker with the cereal packet was taken yesterday and you can see how happy he was. He ate only a very few of those Malt Crunchies with lots of water, so should not have been a problem...
so, Sian, Marth, Thea, Mattie and Izzy the Lhasa... please wag and kiss even more today, to try to get Conker perky again.... thank you. xxx
8 Oct, 2009
Prayers, wags, kisses and hugs in abundance from us all here for Conker
8 Oct, 2009
Will do Tt.
8 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Pipsqueak, and
thank you Terry 60....
It really is a roller-coaster ride with Conker's cancer treatment....
He was so well yesterday. He enjoyed doing a few little bits of his trick routines... and wanted to do more, but I wouldn't let him overdo it....
He was eating and drinking... but now today dull and weak...
Lovely sunny day out there, and I so wish I could take him outside to enjoy it....
8 Oct, 2009
So sorry to hear this news Terra, have sent a reply to your PM.
8 Oct, 2009
Seems to be the way of it TT..just so glad Conker has you to do all that you do for him..and Truffle helps too..not to mention having him do shows and everything..that is so good for him when he is feeling better, it keeps his spirits up as well as yours and Truffles and Crocus must enjoy helping by singing and chirping about it..
Have all tails on wag here, Phoebe, Sofie, Munchie ..all wagging away. xxxx ~Cat
8 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Lily and Cat ~
I'm still waiting for the vet's phone call. It is past midday now.... I'm hoping he can prescribe a medicine to settle Conker's digestion....
Keep wagging Phoebe, Sofie, Munchie...Thank you. xxxxx
8 Oct, 2009
just seen the pic of truffle caught with the malt crunches, lol bless, like them myself, im thinking of conker, angelina is to, i hope this chemo reation is just a one off poor little mite, anyway back to work and love and hugs for dear conker, angelina says a big meow and a big cat lick :o) take care xx
8 Oct, 2009
Thanks, San...
The clinic vet phoned about 12.30 pm and has agreed to fax a prescription for Conker through to my local vet practice. He can't fax till this evening because he is so busy....
So, hopefully, I'll have some tablets for Conker by this evening... He has just lapped a little water... that's a good sign...
I really appreciate everyone's support. I've been so upset this morning... Thank you..
8 Oct, 2009
So glad you've heard back, even though it still means a wait. At least you know that you can do something positive later, maybe you can do a little in the garden now, out in the sunshine......thinking of you both, Truffle too xx
8 Oct, 2009
Hello Lily...
I'm going to clean the cage for Crocus the budgie and then out in the garden if the weather allows...:o)
Truffle has been such a good boy this morning... offered Conker his favourite string toy, hoping he would play....xxx
8 Oct, 2009
Hi TT. Sorry to hear Conker's not well today. Hope the new tablets do the trick. Patch and Rosie are wagging in support. x
8 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Phil...
I think I'd relaxed too much yesterday when Conker had his appetite back again and was enjoying life..... so it was a shock this morning when he looked so weak and poorly.
Patch and Rosie have helped very much all summer with their wagging, and I'm sure their efforts, along with all the other GoY pets, will help Conker, together with the tablets. x
8 Oct, 2009
~ it's good that something is happening to help put him back on track~Truffle is such a sweetie!
I remember telling you how Merl was such a grump after Mags died and Harvey turned up but they are great together now~they each wait for the other to catch up on walks and often when Merl doesn't feel like going out if it's wet etc Harv won't go wwithout him!
8 Oct, 2009
Hi Arlene...
It is so lovely to hear of stories where animals, such as cats and dogs, are great pals.. Sounds like Harvey and Merl have a very special friendship...
Truffle is being so good today... seems to know things aren't right... even Crocus the budgie was especially well-behaved when I cleaned his cage....
Let's hope the tablets help Conker...x
8 Oct, 2009
What ever the vet sends could make him sleepy too TT..so not to worry if he gets an appetite but still wants to sleep...hope they help and you can both feel better..sorry it has been an upsetting day..much love and understanding..~Cat
8 Oct, 2009
I'm lat...I'late ,for a very important blog date...no time...
LOL I wanted to be at the top of this one and I've still had to scroll down loads of comments, ROTFLMSO...
Smiles and tears here over your blog TT so glad to see the pics of them both and know theyre safe and well, we won't stop wagging here we promise you that , You try and have a bit of a rest if you can and remember we are all "here" for you all !xxxxxxx
8 Oct, 2009
Hello Cat...
I know you have such experience in looking after a cancer patient, and I appreciate your advice and thoughts...
Thank you. xxx
8 Oct, 2009
Hi Indy....
I hope Mair is feeling fitter this week... not too much double-digging till she is better..! Lol.
Thanks for your kind thoughts and wishes for Conker... I know you won't forget him each evening.....xxx
8 Oct, 2009
Nobody will, Terra!
Lets hope the new meds will perk him up lots!
Lovely pics of the boys!
8 Oct, 2009
Thank you, Madperth and Smudge ~
I now have tablets from the vet for Conker....
He takes them over the next three days, but if his digestion hasn't improved by Monday, it could mean he will have to go to the vet clinic for further investigation... Fingers crossed he perks up soon...
...I'm so pleased you like the photos.xxx
8 Oct, 2009
Only just found your blog TT The response from goy folk is heartwarming and must be a real comfort to you. The amount of grief when your pet/best friend is suffering is testament to just how much you get from them. I so much admire the way you are carrying on to maintain his quality of life as best you can, Conker is beautiful Truffle too. A relationship between a dog and it's master is difficult to put into words but those of us who've been there can empathise with you. As someone not into 'Religion' it's difficult to understand why God could allow such things to happen but at the same time only God could instill the feelings we have at such a time.
Barnaby, his Mum and I send our best wishes, hope and love and will be thinking of you.
When we lost our dear little Toddy at 16 I thought never again, but as the saying goes, better to have loved and lost, than not to have loved at all.
8 Oct, 2009
Thank you very much, Heron, for your wonderful, thoughtful comments...
Today has been an especially stressful one in this roller-coaster of emotions involved in Conker's months of chemotherapy.
I've told Conker that Barnaby, his Mum and you are all wishing him well...
Yes, it is very tough when we lose a pet, but I always compare that to the many years of joy they bring. xxx
8 Oct, 2009
Sorry Conker as not been to well today, hope the tablets you are getting kick in soon to help him.
8 Oct, 2009
Chin up, Terra! Let's just hope for the best, & no trips to the vet! Love & hugs!
8 Oct, 2009
Hi Clarice and Madperth...
On the internet it says the tablets can make Conker either hyperactive or sleepy.... right now he is very dozy...
Yes, let's hope the tablets work and we don't have to make the journey to the clinic on Monday....x
8 Oct, 2009
8 Oct, 2009
I don't remember those Beetles being in the seeds Conker but they did keep coming back to my garden so I suppose they could have sneaked in . I just wish i could send something to help with your treatment etc., but we'll keep supporting you and your mum on Goy and hope for the best results possible. Paddy sends his love!!!!
Keep snuggling up to Truffle like in the smashing phoito above!!!
8 Oct, 2009
Thanks Paul and Paddy...
Truffle has been very good today because he knows his friend Conker hasn't felt very well.x
8 Oct, 2009
possibly better knocked out than hyper, at least that way his strength is going into recovery and fighting the problem!
Mairs on the up I think, thanks love!
8 Oct, 2009
Hi Indy... Glad to know Mair is feeling better...
Yes, I would probably worry if Conker was tiring himself out as a reaction to the tablets... :o)
8 Oct, 2009
glad you got the new meds Terra and hope conker is soon feeling brighter, will catch you when im better, love and hugs to you all, gentle squeeze for conker xx
8 Oct, 2009
Hello Sandra...
I'll be thinking of you....
Love and hugs from T,C, T & C xxx
8 Oct, 2009
Well well, I have not been on for a couple of days and you have a new blog with 90 comments already!! So much scrolling again!
I am sorry to hear that he is a little poorly again, hope he has picked up a little. His body is dealing with a lot at the moment, bless the little chap, they both look utterly adorable in the photo's. It is wonderful how Truffle comforts him, they just 'know' don't they?
Take care of yourself TT, and thank you for the PM about the wellie picture!
x x
8 Oct, 2009
Hello Pottygardener...
I like your cute wellie pic with the air plant :o)
Conker seems knocked out by the medication... and is refusing food, but Truffle is helping by offering to eat everything. Lol.
I'm pleased you like the photos... Poor Conker is really struggling today... let's hope he perks up soon.
Thanks so much for your comments and love to Benny.xxx
8 Oct, 2009
Hear hear to Heron.
My hubby said 'that little Conker has the sweetest face I've ever seen on a dog'...& he's a cat man now tho' he used to have a beautiful English Setter called Lady Frobisher.
Hope Conker has a settled night tonight TT...love to all of you.xx
8 Oct, 2009
Hi Fluff and Hubby ~
I'm staying up a while, although tired, because I'm not sure how Conker is coping, so I wouldn't sleep anyway...
I guess tomorrow will tell if the new tablets are helping him...
Lady Frobisher is a very suitable name for a glamorous English Setter ! I bet she was a lovely dog..:o)
Thanks to your hubby for the kind comments about Conker...
... I think Conker is beautiful, but I guess I'm biased Lol.
love and hugs to you... xxx
8 Oct, 2009
Some beautiful photo's TT, and Im glad Truffle is helping you tend poor Conker......Bless him.....x x
8 Oct, 2009
Hi Milky ~
Thanks... Conker is very subdued today... hoping he'll have more energy soon. xxx
8 Oct, 2009
~we all think Conker is beautiful TT!
~ hope you have all have a good night!
8 Oct, 2009
Thank you, Arlene...
I hope you sleep well and feel fit tomorrow. xxx
8 Oct, 2009
Arlene ~ 10 pm and Conker just licked some of your Manuka honey from my fingers...his first interest in food today.xxx
8 Oct, 2009
SLEEP, WOMAN!! That's great that he's eating a little, & honey will give him energy.
I dont have to recite the mantra do I? TCOYS!!!
8 Oct, 2009
You must be shattered, TT, to have another setback but I hope and pray it will be a short one and that Conker will feel better when he has taken some of the tablets. Try and get some sleep and remember to eat something yourself. You need your strength too. Take care, God bless.
8 Oct, 2009
Yes, Madperth... you are right. :o)
8 Oct, 2009
Hello Gee...
Have you seen all your tortoise pix etc on the GoYpedia Pets in the Garden category.... your photos look really good on there.. Thank you..
Yes, I am cream crackered and very worried, but I'll try to sleep... Thanks for your kind wishes. xxx
8 Oct, 2009
Well there's a first, me being right, lol! Gee, thats what I meant by the Mantra! I keep nagging Terra to make sure SHE'S ok!
8 Oct, 2009
Thinking of you and hoping for better news tomorrow x
8 Oct, 2009
Thanks Bornagain and, yes, hopefully better news in the morning.
Good night.x
8 Oct, 2009
So sorry to hear about another set back, you really are running the gambit of emotions, and poor Conker must be very tired too. I hope the new meds will help. Thinking of you.
Love Jean xx
8 Oct, 2009
Good morning Jean ~
Thanks for checking on Conker.
He seems sleepy this morning.
I'm hoping the medication will help him soon. xxx
9 Oct, 2009
Fairly new on here and just seen your blog, so sorry to hear of Conkers illness, he's such a gorgeous dog, hope the medication helps him soon, thinking of you.
9 Oct, 2009
Hello Simbad ~
Conker is very quiet. Lapped some water...
...thanks for your good wishes.
9 Oct, 2009
Sorry to hear Conker has not perked up yet but it's still early for the medication to take effect so don't be too downhearted. Such a shame you had to wait so long for them yesterday. Give them time and try to stay positive....xx
9 Oct, 2009
Just found this blog ...can only repeat what's already been said... stay positive and we're all hoping for the best.
9 Oct, 2009
~hope he perks up soon but if he is sleeping so much the better!
9 Oct, 2009
Thanks Lily, Bernie and Arlene for looking in on Conker...
The problem seems to be his digestive system ... I'm sure he has stomach ache. I checked on Conker several times in the night
Yes, with the vet clinic, it is always a long wait..both on chemotherapy days, and for replies. It took four hours for my phone call to be returned yesterday....8.30 am to 12.30 pm... and then the vet was so busy he could not fax the prescription through to my local vet till late afternoon. I was lucky that my friend collected the tablets for me.
This time last year my Welsh Terrier became ill, and I nursed him till saying goodbye in November... and now, with Conker, so very much younger, this feels like deja vu... I'm not ready to go through a similar October/November.
...I'll try to stay positive.. thank you... this would all be so very much more difficult without your support...xxx
9 Oct, 2009
How odd that the overworked vets cannot have a nurse or adminstrator to do the necessary paperwork and faxing for them in the way that Doctors repeat prescriptions are done by office staff then checked and signed by the Doctor. Seems such an unnecessary waste of valuable time and cause of extra distress all round.
So sad that you have to go through all this again so soon and at such a depressing time of year too......I wish we could do more ... xx
9 Oct, 2009
Thank you, Lily... Yes the clinic vet is so busy, it would help him if he had assistants...
Autumn is my least favourite season for many reasons...
I'll put a comment later on to let you know how Conker is coping on his tablets. xxx
9 Oct, 2009
I hope Conker will be better today. You look after of yourself aswell TT. It's very exhausting being a carer ( of animals and humans - I've done bothe )
9 Oct, 2009
Hello Hywel...
Yes, you've experienced months of caring... it is tiring... I'm hoping Conker will bounce back.... Truffle is being a good boy. xxx
9 Oct, 2009
I'm glad to hear that. We mustn't forget Truffle :o)
9 Oct, 2009
Truffle says thank you...:o)
9 Oct, 2009
You must be shattered yourself Terra, its a sad time for you anyway without all this extra worry. With Morgan getting poorly and reading about other dogs getting ill in different parts of the country it makes me wonder if there is a bug going around, after all it happens to us so surely its the same for them, with all that Conker has to go through his immune system will probably be weaker than normal. Hopefully his tablets help and he picks up again very soon.....Sending hugs and wags all the time. xx
9 Oct, 2009
Just logged on to see how Conker is doing and found your lovely comments about my tortoise photos/blog. Thank you very much. I do hope Conker perks up during today - will come back later to check again. Love to all of you.
9 Oct, 2009
Hi Lincslass ~
On the doggie internet forums there have been reports of dogs being very ill, and some dying, after being poisoned in some way after walking in forests, such as Sherwood, Nottingham... Sandringham, Norfolk... and Rendlesham, Suffolk, but Conker hasn't been to any such places, and Truffle is very healthy, so I don't think it is a bug...
I think his digestive system is reacting to all the chemicals etc. which have been put in his body in recent months.
Thanks for the hugs and wags. Yesterday I put a comment on Morgan's pic asking how is getting on now.
Thanks for the hugs and wags..xxx
9 Oct, 2009
Hello, Gee.. yes, your lovely photos/blogs are now on Pets Goypedia category, so that one is filling up nicely, as is the Wellie category... we are still need lots more Flower Pot People pics... I think those FPP all hiding away from the cameras... please keep a look out...:o)
Conker is very sleepy this morning.. I hope that he is healing as he snoozes.... and that the medication is settling his digestion.
love. T,C, T & T..
9 Oct, 2009
That should be T,C,T and C.... shows how much sleep I haven't had ... or has Crocus turned into Trocus ? Lol.
9 Oct, 2009
I do hope that Conker is improving, sleep really is the best medicine at times like this and although you won't stop worrying about him try and have a bit of rest yourself. Truffle is being such a good boy too - they do seem to know don't they?
Lots of tail wags and purrs from our Spanish Puss cats and proxy wags from our local doggie friends too - we don't have much in the way of wild boar like Nariz!
Take care of yourself Terra - we are all thinking of you and praying for Conker.
Chris xx
9 Oct, 2009
Thanks Chris and the gatos and perros...
.. for your prayers and wags...
Conker is still very sleepy and rather weak on his legs, but he has lapped several drinks today, provided I hold his dish, and he has eaten a few Malt Crunchies.... about two per hour... let's hope those are signs of a recovery...
I plan to get more sleep tonight.... I checked on Conker about four times last night, but I feel more confident this evening that he will be more settled...xxx
9 Oct, 2009
Take care all We're thinking of you. x
9 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Gardengirl...
Conker has eaten a few more Malt Crunchies... always a good sign. :o)
9 Oct, 2009
I keep looking in, hope you all have a good sleep tonight and wake refreshed x
9 Oct, 2009
~hope you and Conker can have a really good night's rest~not forgetting Truffle and Crocus!
love Arlene xxx
9 Oct, 2009
Just returned from a bowls evening and thought I'd check on your latest update, TT. I hope you, Conker, Truffle and Crocus are all asleep and will have a good night. God bless.
9 Oct, 2009
Just checking in to see how Conker is getting on and thinking of you all
9 Oct, 2009
We are awake over here and thinking of you all..love and hugs..sniffs and wags...too...
~Cat &
Phoebe-Sofie -Munchie...
Sleep well...xxx
10 Oct, 2009
We're here and thinking of you too. Mr and Mrs. Weeds, Fritter, Abigail Tabbytail, Magoofy, Cody and Dan
10 Oct, 2009
Conker looks great, I hope he continues to recover, even when he feels a little weak...and Truffle is also adorable! a hug to you all...
10 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain, Arlene, Gee, Pipsqueak, Catfinch, Phoebe, Sofie, Munchie, Mr and Mrs Weeds, Fritter, Abigail Tabbytail, Magoofy, Cody and Dan, and Raquel :o)
Good news is that we all enjoyed a good night's SLEEP :o)
and the tablets seem to be helping Conker's digestion and appetite...
.......and guess what Conker ate for breakfast.....
. yes... Malt Crunchies... Lol. xxx
10 Oct, 2009
Great news Terra, here's hoping you all have a lovely weekend taking it easy after the trauma of the past week. Lovely sunny day here....so far. Hugs and wags etc from all of us including my daughter's cats Bill and Ben (do you think they're Flower Pot Cats?) who are furiously waving their collection of 2 tails and 7 legs!
10 Oct, 2009
Thanks Lily and the Flower Pot Cats :o)
Yes, the tablets seem to make Conker a bit wobbly on his legs, but they are solving his digestion problems, so we can relax a bit. xxx
10 Oct, 2009
So pleased Terra, all one way now, fingers crossed and tails a-wagging x
10 Oct, 2009
Hi Bornagain..
Thanks for looking in on Conker...
he's eating and drinking better today. xxx
10 Oct, 2009
Hi Terra. Pleased you all had a good night's sleep. Let's hope Conker continues to improve. xx
10 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Jean.
Conker has just eaten TWO bone-shaped milky biscuits...
.. don't tell Truffle....Lol. xxx
10 Oct, 2009
Glad to read of the improvement, Terra, and good to see you all got a good sleep. Promise not to 'snitch' to Truffle, lol. I hope Conker's appetite returns to normal - it hasn't been a good 'rest week' for you at all, has it?
10 Oct, 2009
Hello Wagger...
Not a "rest week" at all...... but I'm so relieved Conker is eating and drinking again.... okay Malt Crunchies are his main diet, but, who cares... let's all buy up shares in the cereal companies and make a fortune..Lol.
Truffle has been so helpful this week....when Conker didn't wish to eat, there wasn't one occasion when Truffle didn't volunteer to gobble up the food and bring me the clean dish. :o)
10 Oct, 2009
TT I can feel your relief/delight from here, I recon we can all breath a sigh of relief, lets prey he continues to feel better. Might check out those malt crunchies next time I'm under the weather.
10 Oct, 2009
Hello Heron...
Thanks so much for checking up on Conker...
Conker has just enjoyed lunch.... of Malt Crunchies... but I sneaked in a small amount of doggie complete meal, which he ate without noticing. he he he...
Next time you are under the weather, make sure your dish has only Malt Crunchies... no doggie biscuits... Lol.
10 Oct, 2009
Glad to hear TT..did he need the nausea meds?
tail wags..working away here...
xxx ~Cat
10 Oct, 2009
Hi Cat ~
Metoclopramide... six half tablets...
Conker takes the last half Sunday morning...
They seem to have worked well..:o)
Thanks for the waggy tails.. xxx
10 Oct, 2009
I've told the girls he's picking up, they're wagging like mad:-))
10 Oct, 2009
Great news, TT, so glad the tablets have worked. I will have to buy some of those malt crunchies - they sound tasty and I'm sure the will make a nice change to sausages for Chloe! Pleased you had a good nights sleep - that will make you all feel better :)
10 Oct, 2009
Hi Bornagain...
Waggy tails are exactly what the doctor (vet) ordered..Lol.. Thanks. :o)
10 Oct, 2009
Hello Gee. Thanks for looking in on Conker..
I reckon Chloe would love the Malt Crunchies... but you might like them too... so would need to buy enough to share... Lol.
Yes, sleep helps in lots of ways... we were out gardening for a while today :o)
10 Oct, 2009
So pleased Conker is improving - Truffle will miss out on his plate clearing duties :-) Try to rest as much as you can too Terra.
Waving tails and purrs from the Spanish brigade.
Chris xx
10 Oct, 2009
Pleased to hear Conker as picked up, and is eating, keep it up Conker. Lots of hugs to all of you.
10 Oct, 2009
Hi Chris...
Yes, Conker even wanted to practise some tricks today - his idea - so I let him do a few which were not too active... and he performed them perfectly...:o)..
If Truffle had eaten up from too many of Conker's dishes, I guess he might have become chubby.... I'll try to rest as much as Truffle will permit...Lol.
Thanks for the Spanish purrs and waggy tails.
How do cats purr in Spanish... Is it the same word ? xxx
10 Oct, 2009
Hello Clarice and Smokey...
Yes, I'm more relaxed today.... I really saw Conker fading earlier in the week.... bouncing back now :o)
love & hugs. xxx
10 Oct, 2009
Good news!!!!
10 Oct, 2009
... thanks, Paddy, for the waggy tail. :o)
10 Oct, 2009
Hi TT. I'm glad I missed the downside as I really care about the little fellow and it was nice to read the blog when the bad news turned into good.
Lots of love.
10 Oct, 2009
Hi Terra! I'm glad they've given Conker Metoclopramide, its a really effective anti-nausea drug, so his poor tum will get a rest now!
Wags wiggles, love & hugs from Perth!
10 Oct, 2009
Hi Toto...
Yes, Conker is more perky now... I was very worried for several days when he was fading...
The tablet course is almost completed. I hope Conker keeps his appetite after that... love, T,C,T and C xxx
10 Oct, 2009
Hi Madperth...
Have you experience of others on Metoclopramide ? It seems to have worked very well on Conker.. xxx
10 Oct, 2009
Yes, Terra! But they're humans! It's a great drug though!
One of the people I work with has just been put on it, & what a difference!
10 Oct, 2009
That's good to know :o)
10 Oct, 2009
I honestly cant praise it enough! I've been trying to get him prescribed it for a year!
10 Oct, 2009
Is it a new drug, or has it been around a number of years ?
10 Oct, 2009
I think its been around a while. I knew of it cos my best mate's a nurse & she recommended it.
10 Oct, 2009
That's good to know :o)
10 Oct, 2009
I see you Finally got a night's sleep!
10 Oct, 2009
Yes, I feel better, but my spelling on GoY today has been strange.... maybe I need a whole week of sleep..LOL.
10 Oct, 2009
You probably do! The strain must've really taken it out of you, so rest whenever you can! :~)))
Try some Malt Crunchies, & contact the co & ask for payment for all the advertisement!
10 Oct, 2009
Commission on every Malt Crunchie...
...sounds good to me :o)
10 Oct, 2009
I should think so! Answered your pm. :~))
10 Oct, 2009
Thank you... Good night xxx
10 Oct, 2009
Goodnight! May angels sing thee to thy rest!
10 Oct, 2009
Terra I`m late today so think I`ve missed you but pleased to hear Conker is eating a little more,thank goodness for Malt Crunchies. One lot of Morgans meds is taken by humans as well and he has recovered very well.
10 Oct, 2009
Hi Lincslass...
I was pleased to read under Morgan's pic that he has recovered so well.. The tablets have helped Conker a lot. He seems much improved. Time for breakfast now... Malt Crunchies. Lol. :o)
11 Oct, 2009
Brilliant news Terra, it's possible he will need help with each successive chemo dose like humans do, but at least you know what helps now. So furious wagging creating too much cold air, must put the heating on:-)) bon apetit!
11 Oct, 2009
Morning, Bornagain...
Good comment :o)
I now know the antibiotics which suit Conker...and the tablets which settle his digestion....
I'm glad I did gardening in the sun yesterday afternoon, because it is damper and chillier right now..
... running out of Malt Crunchies....
... could need another trip to the Co-op..Lol.
11 Oct, 2009
So pleased to see things are improving. I'm glad you got some time in the garden in the sun I find it very theraputic.Weather due to pick up again tmw. xx
11 Oct, 2009
Hi Gardengirl ~
Thanks for looking in on Conker :o)
I feel I can relax a bit now...
He's full of Malt Crunchies.. Lol.
Just had a nice cuddle with Conker on my lap.
In the afternoons, the sun is in a sheltered part of the garden where I can put a warm bed for Conker and he can watch me gardening while Truffle runs around..
Yes, sunshine forecast for coming days :o)
11 Oct, 2009
Hello there TT...believe it or not I have JUST been reading your blogs about your wonderful Conker and Truffle.
You are a one-in-a-million "Mum" to those wonderful dogs.
Please may Honey and Di back here be allowed to wag along with everybody else for Conker. I know how heart-breaking it is to watch our soul-mates go through such an ordeal....but hope that the support on GOY will help you all get through. Dear Conker obviously has an indomitable spirit and deserves every chance for remission. I can add my recommendation for the drug Metoclopramide...having seen it used for both human and animals for over two decades now....with excellent results.
Good luck for Wednesday ...I will be anxiously awaiting your news...and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs and wags from Honey and Di too!! xxx
11 Oct, 2009
SO PLEASED Conker had a good night (you too obviously). Let's hope the weather is nice enough over the next few days, so Conker, and you, can get out in the sunshine even for a few minutes, which I bet you would both enjoy. x
11 Oct, 2009
Hello Alz...
Thanks for reading Conker's blogs.. several hours ? Lol..
Members have been so supportive through these months with their wonderful comments... kept me positive...
In just 3 days, Metoclopramide has worked wonders on Conker's digestion.. I'm hoping after he takes the last tablet today he won't revert to loss of appetite and getting diarrhoea again.. What do you think ? Is the drug only solving the problems while being taken, or does it "mend" Conker's digestive problems..i.e.will it have longer term beneficial effects afterwards ?
Thank you, Honey and Di... your wonderful wags from Kincardineshire are very welcome indeed. Yes, the next chemo is this coming Wednesday... start of the final 5 week cycle of treatments...
In November, I plan to make a blog about Conker's charity dog show trick performances. I've ordered some photos, which might take a few weeks to arrive. xxx
11 Oct, 2009
Thank you Jean for continuing to follow Conker's progress... much appreciated..
Have you managed to keep up with gardening plans this year ? With Conker's illness, lots of my garden projects were put on hold, but I'll be out there this week with my dogs, enjoying the sunshine, and catching up with at least a few tasks ! xxx
11 Oct, 2009
Glad to here all is well today Tt, hopefully Conker won't need the Metoclopramide as the effects of the chemo in his system lessens Sounds like it would be a good idea to have some more in readiness for the next round. I'm glad to hear it works as I was prescribed some last week to counteract other med but fortuntely haven't needed either so far. Hope you get the promised sun to enjoy over the next few days, you all deserve it.
11 Oct, 2009
Hello Lily ~
I think the Metoclopramide has made Conker rather sleepy and slightly wobbly on his feet... but the beneficial effects have been amazing.. On the internet it warned that sometimes the opposite can occur... very active for some hours after taking the tablet... so be ready for either if you need to take it !
I hope you feel better this week, Lily, and that we can all enjoy some autumn sunshine in our gardens. xxx
11 Oct, 2009
Like a lot of medication then, very diverse side effects - expect anything and blame it on the med! LOL
11 Oct, 2009
Hi TT....I am surprised that Conker hasn't been prescribed Metoclopramide before ...along with the treatments. Maybe he has? It really is very good at stopping nausea and resultant vomiting. We usually give it half an hour before meals so that the "patient" - either human or animal - feels hungry enough to enjoy their food. As it also helps the tummy to empty and smooths out any "hiccups" in the bowel....it is ideal to keep everything going one way so to speak!!!!! Having said all that - It will not CURE things but will certainly have helped to soothe his GI tract in the meantime....and make him feel tons better along the way. As for long term use...not so sure....only your vet can decide that...but if you can report a real improvement....he may well be willing to continue it long term...particularly as he is being so closely monitored. Lots of cuddles to all of you!
11 Oct, 2009
Lily... LOL. the medication might give you a sudden desire for Malt Crunchies.... so stock up your larder. :o)
11 Oct, 2009
Now there's a thought.......lol. What are they anyway, breakfast cereal for humans?
11 Oct, 2009
You can see the Malt Crunchies reasonably clearly in the photos of Truffle and Conker above... yes, cereal for humans.. supposed to be MY breakfast ! It is the Co-op equivalent of Nestle Shreddies. :o)
11 Oct, 2009
Very nice with hot milk(and a pinch of sugar) as I recall, from my pre Gluten intolerance days!!!!
11 Oct, 2009
Lol. Conker likes Malt Crunchies just dry... in a dish...
then afterwards he has a drink of milk or water ...
Didn't realise you were Gluten intolerant, Paul..
thought you might be intolerant to one or two other things...such as very picky driving test examiners..:o)
11 Oct, 2009
Hi Terra, So glad the sun is shining for you today, long may it continue :-)
My cats are purring just for Conker........ mis gatos estΓ‘n ronroneando apenas para Conker !!
I think I prefer 'purring to 'ronroneando' somehow.
Have a great day and fingers crossed of you have to visit the vet tomorrow. Hugs to both your doggy boys.
Chris xx
ps. I can't find Malt Crunchies here :-(
11 Oct, 2009
It doesn't matter what he eats (not chocolate, of course!) as long as he IS eating, does it? Anything to nourish him is good. How did you find out that he liked Malt Crunchies?
P.S. Henry would - but then he's a Lab...say no more! lol.
11 Oct, 2009
Hi Barbara...
Thanks for checking in on Conker..
Last week, when Conker was so very poorly, every so often I offered different foods, trying to find something he would eat... custard, natural yogurt, arrowroot biscuits...
.. Truffle was given a lot of Conker's "refusals" and always obliged by eating them very promptly..Lol.
..so then I tried Conker with cereals... Rice Krispies...no, but the magic Malt Crunchies... good... a bit of interest... and now Conker has progressed from nibbling at about two per hour, to eating lots.:o)
Yes.. Labs and Terriers are much the same in that they will eat almost anything... Isn't that right, Henry ? Lol.
11 Oct, 2009
Hi Chris...
Sorry you can't find Malt Crunchies... don't the Spanish realise that they are missing out ?
Thanks for the purrs from your gorgeous gatos...
It looks hopeful that Conker is recovering well, and will be able to wait till Wednesday to travel to the vet clinic.. and then have more chemo. :o) xxx
11 Oct, 2009
We'll all be waiting for the Wednesday up-date! Hope it all goes well.....xx
Henry says to tell you that the only things he DOESN'T like are mushrooms and parsnips!!
He still asks me to give him a bit, though - then he 'rejects' them...Hmmm...
11 Oct, 2009
..thanks to you Barbara...
.. and to Henry.. the eternal optimist...
"next time mushrooms and parsnips might taste GOOD" :o)
11 Oct, 2009
We're waiting here, too, folks! A really lovely new blog - fabulous pics!! :-)) xxx
11 Oct, 2009
Hi David...
Conker and Truffle say thank you :o) xxx
11 Oct, 2009
Hi Terra! Great that the metaclopromide has helped Conker! I agree with Alz, if the vet sees a big improvement, you might be able to get it on an as & when basis (prn) or a reduced regular dosage.
Here's hoping it was enough to sort him out without needing to keep taking it!
11 Oct, 2009
Hi Madperth...
Thanks for looking in on Conker... yes, he's had all the metaclopramide now and is a lot better... much more perky...
Good idea to keep those tablets in mind for the future, if he should need a lower dose... as you say, let's hope he can manage without... :o)
11 Oct, 2009
Here's hoping!! :~))))
11 Oct, 2009
Glad to see Conker's eating something - it's such a shame you couldn't appreciate your 'week off'.
12 Oct, 2009
Lol Wagger. Those blow your head off don't they!! That's definitely a dog who's dedicated to eating......anything!!
Hope You had a good weekend Tt and that Conker is still getting improving and feeling up to tricks. x
12 Oct, 2009
Hi Wagger ~
Conker is eating better now thanks... mostly Malt Crunchies... yes, I wish we could have enjoyed a "rest week"... haven't had any rest with Conker since he was first ill in April...
..... and I ask myself why I'm tired.. LOL.
However, good to see Conker much more perky :o)
12 Oct, 2009
Hello Lily...
Do you have this lovely sunny weather ?
Yes, thanks... Conker has completed the short course of tablets and they've improved him a lot...
He is enjoying doing a few tricks each day at home, and so we seem all set for the next journey to the vet clinic on Wednesday for more chemo. :o)
12 Oct, 2009
Yes a lovely day here too although no chance of getting out in the garden today, other less interesting things going on! So glad Conker is much improved, it does seem a shame that he has to have more chemo this week, let's hope it doesn't affect him so badly this time. Is it another strong dose?
12 Oct, 2009
Thanks for asking, Lily..
This week's chemo is not quite so strong, and I think he will be okay.... Sorry you can't get out in the garden today... blue skies in many parts of the country... :o)
12 Oct, 2009
Apologies for my seemingly nonsensical previous comment, just ignore it! It made sense at the time but Wagger's comment changed. lol :o)
12 Oct, 2009
Lol. Lily...
Now we'll never know what might blow your head off..
he he he :o)
12 Oct, 2009
Sorry Lily - thought it was the wrong place for it.
12 Oct, 2009
All the very best wishes for Wednesday Conker. You give that mistress of yours a nice big sloppy kiss for all the love she has for you.
12 Oct, 2009
Hi Toto...
Thanks. Conker has been giving me LOTS of kisses today.. he is very perky indeed... extremely lively... and eating... ....and energetic.....which means I've been able to enjoy some gardening time with Truffle and Conker, in the sunshine... :o)
I phoned the vet clinic to report that Conker is feeling better and that his swollen cheek has subsided even more..which you can see on the Malt Crunchies photo above..... all that is noticeable is the shaved area where the vets examined his left cheek...
so we seem all set for chemo on Wednesday...
love from, T, C, T & C xxx
12 Oct, 2009
12 Oct, 2009
Yes. :o) x
12 Oct, 2009
YES!! Brilliant news Terra! :~D
12 Oct, 2009
Elation all round, lets hope he continues to improve. My Barnaby was five yesterday so I took him on the river. As soon as he sees me get the boat he picks up his bed and puts it by the boat. He says Woof Woof to Conker, I know if they could meet they would get on well.
13 Oct, 2009
So pleased to hear of the improvement in Conker, Tt : ))
13 Oct, 2009
Hi Madperth ~
I went to bed and missed your comment...
Thank you.. yes...brilliant that Conker is so full of life this week. Thanks for checking up on him.. :o)
13 Oct, 2009
Hello Heron..
Clever Barnaby to collect his bed ready for boat trips.. Congrats. on his 5th birthday :o)... I'm sure he would get on well with Conker...
Conker is looking well this week... coat rather thin... but he is very happy in himself and a good appetite...
13 Oct, 2009
Hi Pipsqueak...
Conker is eating dog meal mixed in with Malt Crunchies now.... so he must be feeling better all the time... Let's hope he copes well with tomorrow's chemotherapy. :o)
13 Oct, 2009
Tails wagging so fast they're circling! good old Conker:-)) good luck for tomorrow x
13 Oct, 2009
I'm reminded of a song I used to like by Frank Sinatra;
September song
Oh it's a long long time from May to December
But the days grow short when you reach September
When the Autumn weather
turns the leaves to flame
One hasn't got time for teh waiting game
Oh the days dwindle down to a precious few
September, December
And these few precious days I'll spend with you.
These precious days I'll spend with you.
13 Oct, 2009
Good to hear that Conker is still improving, enjoy your day together before the next vet trip tomorrow. Hope all goes well and it's not a long stressful one for either of you. xx
13 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain... please keep circling and wagging :o)
Heron... that song and those words are so very true aren't they. Thank you.... Every day is precious....
Hello Lily...yes, let's hope tomorrow there's not too much anxious waiting at the vet clinic ...xxx
13 Oct, 2009
All will be well with Conker, you'll see TT - St Francis will not let us down...
13 Oct, 2009
Hi Terry60 and the Italian cats ~
St Francis did very well this weekend... Conker now seems very happy and active... :o)
13 Oct, 2009
It's so heartwarming to read such good news TT ....
13 Oct, 2009
Hope things go well tommorow. Purrs to Conker from Smokey ,Whiskers, Ollie and Ginge.
13 Oct, 2009
Good news, isn't it, Terry 60 :o)
Hi Mavis, Smokey, Whiskers, Ollie and Ginge...
Thanks for the good wishes and purrs. x
13 Oct, 2009
Hi Conker hope everything goes well tomorrow, will all be thinking of you in Blackpool, lots of hugs and kisses.
13 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Clarice and Smokey...
I'm just beginning to get anxious and edgy.......
13 Oct, 2009
~ lots of love to Conker and hope that tomorrow goes well!
13 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Arlene... xxx
13 Oct, 2009
good luck for tomorrow Terra and conker, love sandra and angelina xx
13 Oct, 2009
Thank you Sandra and Angelina...
...you two have lots of cuddles and I hope you both feel better soon...xxx
13 Oct, 2009
thanx Terra, angelina is sat on sofa next to me as i speak(type) lol, she`s never far from my side at the moment :o)) x
13 Oct, 2009
Good luck for tomorrow........or, I guess that it would be today now.....Still wagging and purring over here.
Some of the GoY members may not realise that pressing 'Ctrl' and 'End' at the same time on the keyboard will take you directly to the end of all the comments on any blog or photo that you are on. Saves all that scrolling down!! :o)
13 Oct, 2009
i have a seperate button with end on it Gilli, so same thing i guess :o) good to know if peeps dont have one :o)
13 Oct, 2009
Thank you, Gilli for your good wishes... and for the wags and purrs....Conker's next chemo is Wednesday ... my mood has changed from delight that Conker is feeling better... to apprehension about tomorrow morning...
Thanks for explaining about the Ctrl/End keys. :o)
13 Oct, 2009
Hear Hear to that ...never knew about the End button... brilliant !! So it isn't too late to teach old dogs new tricks after all!!
Talking of dogs TT.... another lot of wags and woofs from Honey and Di for Conker - and you - for tomorrow!!
13 Oct, 2009
will be thinking of you tomorrow, hope all goes well x
13 Oct, 2009
Wags and woofs from Honey and Di are very welcome... thanks Alz for your good wishes... Once Wednesday is over we can all feel more positive.... :o) x
13 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Jean...
Let's hope Conker's blood cell count allows another dose of chemo...xxx
I wonder what colour bandage will be wrapped around his front leg..... Sandra suggested he needs an orange one to complete his rainbow of bandages. :o)
13 Oct, 2009
Fingers crossed and tails wagging here, TT (although Little Un's tail is wagging rather more than I, and the girls, want at the moment, he's become a real little sexpot!!!). Hope all goes well for Conker tomorrow. I thought I would log on now in case I am too shattered when I return from an evening of bowling :)
How about a nice baby pink bandage? My Mungo had to wear one when he broke his toe and he wasn't in the least embarrassed by it :)
13 Oct, 2009
Hi Gee...
So, Little 'Un is determined to increase the world population of tortoises, eh ?
Thanks for the wags....make sure those FPP's don't rearrange your bowls, just when you're winning the game...
13 Oct, 2009
I`m really pleased to see Conker has perked up so much Terra. Will be thinking of you tomorrow and keeping all the tails wagging from here....Hugs and tickles for Conker and Truffle and a chirrup for Crocus........xx.
13 Oct, 2009
Hello Lincslass ~
Conker, Truffle and Crocus say thank you..
We'll report back later tomorrow. :o) xxx
13 Oct, 2009
Dropping by to wish Conker well for tomorrow.
Wags and spins from all here. x x
13 Oct, 2009
Hi Pottygardener ~
Thanks for the wags and spins... xxx
13 Oct, 2009
He looks so healthy TT you wouldn't know there was anything wrong, will be thinking of you tomorrow Toffee sends wags, he went missing for 4 days recently daughter made flyers and we put them round the neighbourhood, he appeared at the window starving and very dusty sure he had been shut in somewhere!!! Positive thoughts being sent as always
13 Oct, 2009
Hello Skilla...
Oh, what a worry with Toffee going missing.!.. sounds like he was definitely shut where he couldn't get out... maybe a garden shed... so glad to know he is home safely :o)
Yes, early night here, ready for the journey to the vet clinic tomorrow... Thanks so much for looking in on Conker, and for your positive thoughts. xxx
13 Oct, 2009
Wags wiggles, love & hugs from Perth for tomorrow, Terra!
Glad Toffee's ok, Skilla!
13 Oct, 2009
Thanks Madperth and Smudge...
Please keep wagging and wiggling tomorrow..
In Toffee's photo he looks happy to be home.xxx
13 Oct, 2009
Will do, Terra!
13 Oct, 2009
Good Luck tomorrow Terra will be thinking about you, just catching up after an hetic weekend, pleased Conker is well and happy fingers crossed all goes well at the clinic XX
13 Oct, 2009
Oh Gosh!! I've been thinking it is Wednesday today, all day. I'm ahead of myself. So, looking at the clock it is 7:00 pm here so must be about 3:00 am there......now I can say Good Luck for today.....still wagging and purring here. Hope all goes well for both you and Conker. xx
14 Oct, 2009
Hi Pansypotter...
I hope your busy weekend all went well..looking forward to reading all about it... and thanks for your good wishes for today..xxx
14 Oct, 2009
Hello Gilli ~
I don't mind your being ahead of yourself ! The wagging and purring from your pets is very welcome. I hope they are all well...Thank you. xxx
14 Oct, 2009
Good luck Conker, many will be thinking of you today.
14 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Heron...
Conker seems fit for his treatment today, except his left cheek has swollen up again a bit, which is frustrating and puzzling.... but otherwise all okay....
14 Oct, 2009
Hope today goes ok - it would be such a relief if they could find a reason for Conker's cheek swelling. Gosh, this blog's already a quarter of the way to the size of the old one. Love and hugs to you all xxx
14 Oct, 2009
Hope Conkers treatment goes well today, thinking of you.
14 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Wagger ~
I've updated my blog. Conker had another "fine needle aspirate" on his cheek swelling, and I hope to get the results of that soon. Love and hugs. xxx
14 Oct, 2009
Hi Simbad...
Thank you for checking on Conker. He has received more chemotherapy. Thanks for thinking of him. I've put more detail in heavy print in the blog above.
14 Oct, 2009
Thinking and wagging... love -n- hugs and pets and skritches..sorry about the not so tender nurse.. :( merower & woof...grrr.... xxx~Cat
14 Oct, 2009
You know me too well, Cat...
...got it in one...
..grrrr... xxx
14 Oct, 2009
I figured grrrr would do it.. hugs..
14 Oct, 2009
:o) xxx
14 Oct, 2009
The vet has phoned back about Conker's face...
please see update above. :o)
14 Oct, 2009
Pick up those PAWS and lets dance...!!!! Yipee!..Made my day! wag~wag~wag~wag~~~~~~~~~~ xxx
14 Oct, 2009
Cat... you made us all smile here...
even Crocus is giggling at you...Lol.
14 Oct, 2009
and now I am smiling :) ...lol
14 Oct, 2009
Glad to hear the good news today TT .... all the tail wagging is working around the world ..:o)
I'm sorry you didn't have such a nice nurse today , it makes you feel better, when they are kind it's comforting ...
Love and hugs and plenty more tail wagging from Norfolk xx
14 Oct, 2009
Sorry tt, only just seen your reply to my comment on 11th.
No, I won't be giving any Malt Crunchies, and definitely not warm milk to the local driving examiners!!
btw, I noticed you mentioned milk for the dogs although I've always thought dogs couldn't digest cows milk! But did you know trhat goat's milk is recommended for dogs? I give Paddy a little as a treat, occassionally.( I'm allergic to dairy produce as well!!!!)
14 Oct, 2009
Hi Paul...
Interesting you give Paddy the goat's milk.
As a puppy, Truffle had goat's milk, but now both of my dogs are given skimmed cow's milk with water added as their usual drink, and seem fine on it...
This week Conker is eating Malt Crunchies and lots of other foods too... so that's good news... :o)
14 Oct, 2009
Yes, keep his strength up!
14 Oct, 2009
Hello Amy...
Thanks for the Norfolk wags :o)
Over the past 6 months, at the vet clinic, Conker has had lots of very kind, gentle vet nurses. Let's hope he has one of those next week...
I've put your lovely boots pic on my Welliepedia blog....
Wanted to put it as the 200th photo on GoYpedia Wellies, but can't do that unless it is uploaded as an individual pic :o(
Glad you had a nice time with your visitors from overseas :o)
Yes, the world wide wagging is keeping Conker strong..xxx
14 Oct, 2009
So glad to hear all went well this week for Conker and you, do they anticipate any bad after effects this time? A shame he had rougher treatment than usual from the nurse, same as with NHS nurses I suppose, good and not so good. :o((
14 Oct, 2009
Hello Lily...
Thanks for looking in...
I guess Conker and I have appreciated so much the more gentle approach of the other vet nurses....
Today's chemotherapy was not so strong as two weeks ago, so hopefully the only side effect Conker will experience is tiredness...
14 Oct, 2009
Wonderful to hear the good news on Conker's cheek swelling.....now if it would just go away and stay away!! Rotten luck with the nasty nurse....someone should stick her/him with a needle!! Grrrr.....Hissssss.
Dancing and woofiing and meowing in joy over here. :o)
14 Oct, 2009
Hi Gilli ~
Conker is rather spaced out right now.... full of chemo.... having a snooze.... yes, let's hope the cheek swelling goes away for good !
One vet nurse at the clinic is called Angel, and she really is an angel... maybe she'll do the blood test on Conker next week... fingers crossed. :o)
I can hear those Canadian dance-steps, woofs and meows all the way over here in GB.. :o)
14 Oct, 2009
More good news Terra and I can sense your relief and your joy and yes I`m sharing it with you as I bet everyone is. XX.
14 Oct, 2009
Hello Lincslass...
Yes, very pleased to share more good news... and it seems only three more weeks of chemo remaining..... followed, hopefully, by months of remission. xxx
14 Oct, 2009
angelina and myself are so pleased to hear conker was ok today to have his chemo and that his cheek isnt canerous, lets hope this means a happy xmas for you all Terra,meows from angelina and hugs from me to conker xx
14 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Sandra...
Yes, let's hope once Conker's chemo is completed mid-November, he won't need a check-up till January, and we can relax over Christmas and New Year. xxx
14 Oct, 2009
I must of done or said something to upset your blog as for some reason it has disappeared from my computer twice so far and it's the only one that has done so. Never mind I have retrieved it again and at another good news bit. So glad that Conker is much better and at least you can see light at the tunnel. I love the photo's you have added especially the one of Conker recieving attention from Truffle. Was it Mr. Innocent (Truffle) who ate the Malt Crunchies or had Conker managed to get to them first? I notice that Conker is protecting the next box.
14 Oct, 2009
Brilliant news, TT. Shame about the nurse (I wonder if she was related to the vet who gave Chloe her booster jab a couple of weeks ago, very rough!). I've felt chilly all day but the good news has warmed me up nicely - HURRAH!!
14 Oct, 2009
Hi Toto ~
Who could be making Conker's blog disappear from your computer ? I suspect it could be Mr. Innocent ~ Truffle ~ Lol.
I'm pleased you like the new photos. Truffle tries to eat all the Malt Crunchies, but Conker has a few tricks up his sleeve (or is that up his blue bandage ?) to eat lots and lots...
Love from C,T, C and T xxx
14 Oct, 2009
Hello Gee...
Oh, poor Chloe ! She deserves extra gentle treatment... especially at her age...
Yes, good news for Conker...
He is snoozing with all his legs in the air..
...he'll perk up in a day or so.... xxx
14 Oct, 2009
Perhaps the latest nurse got the needle herself! So glad to read the good news, you paint a wonderful picture of him legs akimbo, lol.
14 Oct, 2009
Hi Wagger...
Next week Conker would like treatment from the nurse called Angel, or another named Emily... both gentle and lovely :o)
I hope, when Conker sleeps upside down, he's dreaming ~ not of vet clinics ~ but of huge mounds of Malt Crunchies :o)
14 Oct, 2009
Wonderful news! Wagging & wiggling away here, & thats just me!! :~)
14 Oct, 2009
Great news that Conker's chemo went OK yesterday. Pity about the nurse (perhaps you could/should ask to avoid her for future treatments) Even better that there is nothing to worry about with his cheek (pesky side effects perhaps?) As you move into Autumn it's nice to be able to stay snuggled up indoors - just make sure you have ample supplies of Malt Crunchies on hand :-)
Our puss cats don't drink any milk (not good for their digestion anyway) but plenty of water. More worryingly Freddy doesn't drink 'at all' - will not accept water, milk or even cream. Luckily he doesn't like the dry 'complete' foods so we must hope he get sufficient water from his tinned cat food.
Take care all of you count down to your 'chemo free' winter hopefully.
Chris xx
15 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Madperth ~
for the wags and wiggles... the mind boggles...Lol.
15 Oct, 2009
Hello Chris ~
Puzzling - Freddy drinking virtually nothing, but encouraging that, despite this, he is healthy...
Must admit I didn't have a good night... Came down about 4 times, checked on Conker and switched on GoY.... just to read everything... too tired to comment... does anyone else do that in the middle of the night ? Lol.
It is good news that there is no cancer in Conker's cheek, but his face is so extremely swollen... making his left eye closed. As you say, let's hope the swelling is a side effect of treatment and will disappear over winter... It's not stopping him eating his Malt Crunchies :o)
Yes, I would like to request specific vet nurses..Just in case the vet clinic staff read this blog.... please may Conker have Angel or Emily look after him for his last three weeks of treatment.... thank you. :o)
15 Oct, 2009
yes Terra i do it if i dont sleep, catch up on a few pics etc lol,
so glad conker is eating ok, :o))) x
15 Oct, 2009
Checking in to see how Conker is today. I have had a dogs cheek swell up for no reason then it subsided a day later so hope it's the same for Conker.
I too am up in the middle of the night as I have disturbed sleep patterns due to illness so have become a bit of a GoY stalker LoL
15 Oct, 2009
Seems like many of us are tuned into GoY in the middle of the night....Lol..
Yes, Conker is eating well thanks..xxx
15 Oct, 2009
Pipsqueak ~
Sorry to read that your illness disturbs your sleep....
maybe not a stalker, but a lurker ? Lol.
In the middle of the night, we're sometimes first to see the photos uploaded by the Australian members. :o)
15 Oct, 2009
lol pipsqueak, not funny being ill though, sorry to hear and hope your feeling better soon x
15 Oct, 2009
It's OK Tt and Sanbaz have had it for last 9 years so quite used to it by now and it helps having somewhere to lurk as Tt says LoL : )))
15 Oct, 2009
So pleased Terra and the end is in sight isn't it. Soon Conker and you can have a normal life, hopefully for a long time and this period of stress will be over. let's all wag the tails of hope for brave little Conker...All together now...:-) x
15 Oct, 2009
Hi Bornagain ~
Yes, by November the chemo should be completed..
Conker's face is very swollen after yesterday's operation on his cheek, but he has a good appetite so that's good...
Thanks for the wags. :o) x
15 Oct, 2009
So pleased everything went well with the chemo, not long now for november, lots of love Conker. xx
15 Oct, 2009
Thanks Clarice and Smokey...
Trying to stay positive... :o)
love T,C,T & C xxx
15 Oct, 2009
So glad you had a positive day yesterday TT, good news all around. Good that he is wanting malt crunchies! Hope Conkers cheek is less sore today, after the testing on it yesterday. As others have said, November is nearly here and you can then enjoy some quality time together. x x
15 Oct, 2009
Hi Pottygardener...
I hope Benny is well...
Thanks for looking in on Conker...
Conker's cheek doesn't seem to be hurting him, but it does make his left eye close up.... and it is very swollen...
Good news that the needle test didn't show up any lymphoma...:o)
I hope that for the next three appointments, Conker can have his treatment from the gentle, polite vet nurses... xxx
15 Oct, 2009
Benny is fine, thank you. Flat out on the sofa after Hubby had walked him to the village and back today....about 3 miles. Hubby is flat out too...he he :o))
Vet nurses should always be gentle and polite. Does the practice know you are not happy with her treatment of Conker? That way she can be suitably reprimanded.....
15 Oct, 2009
~Hi TT
~surely if she isn't kind and gentle she is in the wrong job~is she new?Maybe they need to know especially in her first six months in the job as it is easier to terminate a contract.I can;t believe she would be unkind to Conker!maybe a little word to one of the nice nurses...?
15 Oct, 2009
Hi Pottygardener ~
Sounds like Benny and hubby enjoyed a good walk ! :o)
I reckon when I phone to request a different nurse for next week, it will be obvious that I wasn't happy with this week's nurse...
Conker is eating well, Malt Crunchies and lots of other foods besides...so that's a good sign. :o)
15 Oct, 2009
Hello Arlene...
I don't know which nurse will be treating Conker until she walks down the corridor and approaches me with her clip-board. Angel and Emily chat to me, give Conker a cuddle, and carry him off for his treatment.
This week's nurse refused to carry Conker... shouted at me to put him on the ground so she could drag him away on his lead... this was just outside the clinic door, in the car park, so could be on CCTV...
She made Conker very edgy... told me Conker had "freaked out" in the treatment room...I'm not surprised... whereas Angel and Emily say Conker is a good boy during his chemo etc....
15 Oct, 2009
Evening Terra...glad it all went ok at the vets...apart from the nurse from hell...I agree with Arlene...she is deffo in the wrong job! I'm sure you'll sort it.
Conker is such a sweetie to go thru' so much & come out smiling. Big hugs to you all.xx
15 Oct, 2009
That's awful treatment Tt especially as it clearly upset poor Conker. I think you should refuse to have her dealing with Conker in future, after all he's been through he really needs the gentle touch.
15 Oct, 2009
Time to put your foot down with a firm hand, Terra You wouldn't put up with treatment like that on the NHS sp why should you put up with it when you're paying for it - she's not doing you a favour, is she?
15 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Fluff and Lily...
I lay awake a lot of last night concerned that Conker had been upset by this nurse's attitude... I'll phone the clinic next week and hope that another nurse will be available...
Thank you for your understanding and support..xxx
15 Oct, 2009
Wagger...just seen your comment... thank you....
You are right.... I realise now I was very surprised at her manner and actions...not expecting it.... everyone else at the clinic, for months, has been so polite and helpful..... from the receptionists to the vets to the handyman/gardener....
15 Oct, 2009
~ TT~I think you must tell them at the very least that you would rather not have her deal with Conker and if they ask why tell them~I would!Conker deserves better and so does the practice!
15 Oct, 2009
Yes.. In hindsight I would have said more at the time... but I don't like confrontation in front of Conker.... don't want him to think he is being dragged away by someone who has just been arguing with me....
15 Oct, 2009
Lol Terra! I had to do SOMETHING to make your mind boggle!
I agree with Arlene though! I'd ring up & ask not to have her treat Conker again!
15 Oct, 2009
Don't go thinking you've let Conker down by not being forceful Terra, we'd all do things differently with hindsight. You can do no more for him than you already are. Conker is very unlucky to be so ill but he is blessed to have you helping him through it. x
15 Oct, 2009
Exactly! If I ever get really ill you can take me to the vet anytime! LOL!
Seriously you are doing wonders!
15 Oct, 2009
Sorry to hear about this vet nurse, she doesn't sound very caring, considering all that poor Conker has been through. I would certainly phone up before you go again, and explain why you do not want this nurse to treat Conker again when you go in. I know it's difficult to complain, but as you say, everyone at the clinic up till now has been lovely, poor Conker has enough to put up with, without being mis treated. I am sure also, that the clinic would want to know about this so called nurse. You both have enough to worry about, without this added stress. Love and hugs, Jean xx
15 Oct, 2009
Hi, TT. Sorry only just found your new blog on Conker! Spent the best part of the last hour reading all the comments! I was so pleased to read about Conker's chemo treatment this week! I also glad that the swelling in his cheek is not cancerous - that's a huge relief for you!
Your photos of the two dogs together would melt the hardest of hearts. I was also sorry to hear about the rough treatment by the nurse, how can she treat an animal that way? They have feelings like we do & are often much more sensitive to our feelings than we are to each others. If she can't treat the animals with more consideration for their - & their owner's - feelings then it is time she moved on!
Hope you can get a little more rest in the coming week.
15 Oct, 2009
Hi, TT. Sorry only just found your new blog on Conker! Spent the best part of the last hour reading all the comments! I was so pleased to read about Conker's chemo treatment this week! I also glad that the swelling in his cheek is not cancerous - that's a huge relief for you!
Your photos of the two dogs together would melt the hardest of hearts. I was also sorry to hear about the rough treatment by the nurse, how can she treat an animal that way? They have feelings like we do & are often much more sensitive to our feelings than we are to each others. If she can't treat the animals with more consideration for their - & their owner's - feelings then it is time she moved on!
Hope you can get a little more rest in the coming week.
15 Oct, 2009
Thanks... Lily, Madperth, Jean, and Balcony...
When I'm worried about Conker I come back and read all your comments again...
A new development this morning is that Conker's cheek, where the vet gave the fine needle aspirate, looks inflamed and more swollen....and might be giving him pain...
...seems like I'll have to phone the clinic vet...
16 Oct, 2009
Oh dear another worry for you, let us know how you get on.....how is Conker reacting to the chemo this time?
16 Oct, 2009
'Morning TT...I would definitely phone the vet...don't let that get any worse - could be infected now. What a shame - poor Conker ...and you....just when things seemed to be going well.
Do keep us posted ....and another loving - but gentle - hug to Conker from Honey and Di
16 Oct, 2009
Morning Lily and Alz ~
The chemo this week was the Vincristine.... not too strong , and fortunately Conker seems okay, other than being a bit sleepy... he is eating well, despite the swollen face.
Yes, it seems this time the cheek has become infected. I'll phone the vet soon. Even if I phone very early, I always have to wait hours for a reply, so I thought I would assess Conker for a couple of hours, so that my phone call would be an accurate up-to-date report on Conker's health today...
Hugs to Honey and Di.
16 Oct, 2009
Poor old you and poor old Conker, I'll keep looking to see what your vet says and how he gets on today. I can't help thinking about the nasty nurse and what she said. If he was struggling when aspirated or 'freaked out' as she so sweetly put it, the area may be bruised. this could account for pain and swelling maybe? You shoud certainly mention her words to the vet. best of luck x
PS I have just had to alter the end of this sentence, I had put best of lick! Must be turning into a dog myself:-)
16 Oct, 2009
Very good thinking, Bornagain...if Conker sensed her less than kindly disposition - he would have struggled ...and that is WELL worth mentioning. What a shame ...as though he doesn't have enough to cope with already. I hope that experience doesn't upset him for future visits.
16 Oct, 2009
I presume the vet would have performed the fine needle aspirate, but before that, the nurse would have shaved the side of Conker's face. The cheek below the eye seems to have been shaved extra close..closer than a fortnight ago when done by the other vet nurse... and that area looks like it has clipper rash... he might have struggled when she did that, if she didn't handle him gently... but inside the swelling is also tender for Conker, so I guess infection has got in...
I've just left a message at the clinic... Conker's usual vet is away today, so it will be another vet from the team who will be phoning back some time today...
16 Oct, 2009
Not so good Terra, but hopefully it'll settle. It could just be from the aspirate. Try not to get too worried (I know, almost impossible) until you've spoken to the vet.
16 Oct, 2009
Poor Conker and you. Hope his cheek is not too painful for him
16 Oct, 2009
Hi Madperth~
Last time, after the aspirate, the cheek area settled quite quickly.. I'll be alert here waiting for the vet's phone call...
Yes, Jean...
I feel so sorry for Conker... it seems to be one thing after another... we don't get a rest....
16 Oct, 2009
I've had a phone call from the vet clinic...
....updated my blog above.
16 Oct, 2009
Oh dear....let's hope the pills and Malt Munchies do the trick....the wagging continues. Take it easy and I hope you have a good weekend. xx
16 Oct, 2009
aww poor conker hope the steroids and antibiotics work Terra, big hugs for the brave boy xx
16 Oct, 2009
Thanks Phil...
Yes ~ please continue the wagging from all at your home...
Quite a challenge, giving Conker the tablets without causing further pain to his face !
Enjoy your weekend, too. xxx
16 Oct, 2009
Hi Sandra ~
How are you and Angelina today ?
Yes, Conker is being very brave...
his face looks so sore... xxx
16 Oct, 2009
hi Terra im alot better today still have orders to rest though lol, baz still painting lounge so im sat in bed on here and starting to drift :o)
i feel so sorry for conker his poor face, does he seem in any pain with it xxx
16 Oct, 2009
Hello Sandra ~
Glad to know you are feeling better...
sadly, yes, Conker's face is painful for him today.
In the past, his cheek has been swollen, but not hurting him.
It's quite a challenge giving him the tablets without hurting his face... xxx
16 Oct, 2009
well hope it soon subsides for him Terra, i will keep a check on here for news, xx
16 Oct, 2009
Thanks....While Conker is looking so poorly, I can't concentrate on anything for long....xxx
16 Oct, 2009
Still waggin' TT.
16 Oct, 2009
Indy ~ thank you :o)
16 Oct, 2009
TT...When chemo is introduced into the system it makes tissues very inflamed..swollen and easy to damage and hard to heal..so sorry that this has happened..it will heal but something to reduce swelling and infection and pain will most likely be needed..poor Conker..poor you..He is so lucky to have you to be aware of his trauma with it...love and hugs and tail wags...xxxx ~Cat
I am not ):(
happy with that vet nurse...):(
16 Oct, 2009
Breaking news....
... added to the main body of my blog above ! :o)
16 Oct, 2009
Hi Cat...
Our comments crossed in the uploading !
Everything you say is just how Conker is right now... losing hair and skin very sensitive...
The tail wags are working...many thanks...
Love & hugs. C,T,C & T xxx
16 Oct, 2009
so glad to hear he is feeling better...you must have been so worried! lets hope the meds all help now..love and hugs..~Cat
16 Oct, 2009
Oh dear...I tempted fate when I asked if his face was sore....I hope the medication settles it for him. Poor old boy, he is going through it.
Wags and spins still going on here to support you and get him better...x x
16 Oct, 2009
Hi Cat and Pottygardener...
Yes, Conker's face was very sore.... but he doesn't seem in pain, now that the swollen cheek has broken, so that's made me feel a lot better...
Thanks for the wags and spins and hugs..
Let's hope the swelling stays down this time.! xxx
16 Oct, 2009
Its really good that the abcess has popped, & the ceporex should help a lot! Poor puppy! Time to pin another prayer to the flags I think! Wags wiggles, love & hugs!
16 Oct, 2009
Thank you for checking on Conker, Madperth...
Yes, he's sleeping contentedly this evening...
..full of corticosteroids and antibiotics to make him better.....
... oh, and full of Malt Crunchies as well.Lol..
...thanks for the wags, wiggles, prayers, love and hugs. xxx
16 Oct, 2009
Thats good, the eating bit! Glad his appetite is ok! Give him a gentle cuddle from me!
16 Oct, 2009
Crocus bravely sends back a cuddle for Smudge.x
16 Oct, 2009
Awww sweet! Look out for the postie btw!
16 Oct, 2009
So glad to see the swelling has resolved itself - one way or another. Conker's immune system must be in such a mess at the moment. Hope you all cuddle up and watch Gardeners World and then go on to have a relaxing weekend. xxx
16 Oct, 2009
Hi Wagger...
Yes, looking forward to Gardeners' World...Toby telling us how to wrap up warm and protect ourselves for winter... something like that... LOL.
Thanks for checking on Conker... He must feel so much better, being able to open his left eye, and have no cheek pain. He was very brave today..xxx
16 Oct, 2009
What a relief for you Tt and poor little Conker of course! I think it's relief all round for all on this site too:-) Now we're all doing a little dance here in the midlands and I'm learning to wag my tail too (I've grown one just for Conker), extra wags from Rosie, Meg and me! x
16 Oct, 2009
Hi Bornagain...
Yes, I feel relieved this evening, and reckon I'll sleep better than I have for a while....
I can imagine you dancing in your fancy pink wellies.Lol.
Thanks for your wags , and Rosie and Meg. xxx
16 Oct, 2009
LOL, Bornagain!
See Terra! You've even got the HUMANS wagging & wiggling! Tho NOT in front of anyone!! :~))
16 Oct, 2009
So glad that matters 'came to a head' so quickly. Conker must be feeling so much more comfortable now. Here's hoping for a peaceful weekend for you all. xx
16 Oct, 2009
Thanks Lily...
That's the best "breaking news" Conker has had in a while..Lol.
Yes, hoping Conker will have a happy weekend, despite the "pill-popping". :o) xxx
16 Oct, 2009
Why is it, with all their training and astronomical costs that the vets could not tell that the swelling on Conkers face was caused by an absess as they seem to be able to diagnoes much more serious problems. Probably a matter of profit I would think. What a lot of con merchants they are.
Hope you are well and Conker continues to improve.
16 Oct, 2009
Strange isn't it Toto...
...the two fine needle aspirate tests, done two weeks apart, apparently showed no infection in the cheek.... really odd...
This evening, it gladdens my heart each time Conker looks at me lovingly with BOTH eyes open. :o)
Thanks for your good wishes.. I admit I'm cream-crackered, but Conker seeming a bit better is the best medicine for me. xxx
16 Oct, 2009
Such sad news that Conker was in pain earlier but I'm glad for you both that he can now open both eyes & not be in pain.
If he is eating fairly well he should recover during the weekend.
Here's hoping that you both get some well earned rest during this sunny weekend. Perhaps the sun will encourage him to want to play with Truffles in the garden.
16 Oct, 2009
Looks to me like they were aspirating the wrong bit of his cheek! He should feel lots better now that all that gunge is out! If he's eating, then thats all good!
16 Oct, 2009
Well, I hope now this has burst, Conker has got rid of all the poisons which obviously congregated in his cheek. Sleep well both of you xxx
16 Oct, 2009
Off to work now TT, hope you both had a better night, and feeling better this morning. Now that all that gunk is gone he must be more comfortable. Makes you wonder how the vets could have missed that, agree with Madperth that they were aspirating wrong area....x x
17 Oct, 2009
Hi Balcony, Madperth, Jean and Pottygardener ~
I'm pleased to report Conker had a good night. I woke up once to let him into the garden.
The cheek has not swollen up again. There is a central area with a tiny bit of weeping, but I reckon that's good because it means the swelling isn't coming back...
I've already popped 4 pills into Conker, with liberal amounts of yogurt, so looks like the healing process is under way.
Yes, perhaps the fine needle aspirate was in the wrong area...
Thanks so much for following Conker's progress. xxx
17 Oct, 2009
Try popping some of your manuka honey on the sore bit! Nature's most effective antibiotic! Should help it heal!
17 Oct, 2009
Yes, honey heals well....
... but.... Mr Truffle would lick it off...Lol.
17 Oct, 2009
Its how they heal each other! That'll be why Truffle keeps giving Conker kisses anyway!
17 Oct, 2009
During all the months Conker is on chemotherapy, his body fluids might contain chemo, so I have to be careful.
17 Oct, 2009
Yes - you have to very careful that Truffle - and yourself - don't get any of the serum or blood and pus from the wound into any cuts etc...not just for the infection but for the chemo drugs etc. It is quite a challenge when Truffle is SO caring I know...poor little soul he doesn't understand of course! Good to know there is a wee "sinus" as they call it for any fluid to escape today at least - better than healing over too soon and building up into another great swelling again. I hope it is a nice day where you are and Conker feels like wandering outside in the sun?
17 Oct, 2009
Chilly and cloudy today, but we plan to be out in the sunshine tomorrow :o)
I have a good supply of plastic gloves for giving Conker all the chemo and corticosteroid tablets, and I wash well every time I've nursed Conker in any way ..
... Over the past 6 months of chemotherapy the hygiene aspect has become habit !
17 Oct, 2009
Something for you and Conker in my photos Terra x
17 Oct, 2009
Thanks... I'll take a look :o) x
17 Oct, 2009
Just caught up with all your latest news, TT, as I decided not to switch on the computer until I had cleaned out the greenhouse and the shed (ready for the tortoises). It is now all done (phew). So sorry poor Conker had such a rough time with his poor little face swelling up but glad it now seems to have resolved. I'm glad you have made your feelings known at the vet clinic too. You don't need that extra worry over who is treating Conker. Hope you are having some fine weather and enjoying your garden. Take care, God bless.
17 Oct, 2009
Hello Gee....
Well done on sorting your greenhouse, and preparing the shed for the tortoises..... maybe another photo opportunity for GoYpedia Pets In The Garden...?
Your tortoise trio really look good on there. :o)
I hope Chloe is well ? Dull and chilly here today, so I'm staying indoors doing odd tasks while watching over Conker. He is much better thanks...cheek is quite flat at the moment.. That side of his face is bald from the shaving done at the clinic last Wednesday.
Quite a cocktail of drugs he's on over the coming week, but they are all tablets which he has tolerated reasonably well in the past....
I feel a bit cream-crackered, but tomorrow is due to be sunny, so I should be able to work in my gardens.
love, T,C,T & C. xxx
17 Oct, 2009
Hope you all enjoy some sunshine tomorrow, and pleased that Conker is better today x
17 Oct, 2009
Thanks Jean...
Conker has just practised a few quick tricks and performed them very well... enjoyed himself :o) x
17 Oct, 2009
Sorry Conker as'nt been to well, but so pleased he is feeling better today, and as enjoyed himself, plus hope the vet nurses are sorted out for him now, lots of hugs, kisses and tail wagging xx.
17 Oct, 2009
Thank you Clarice for checking on Conker...
and thank you Smokey for the tail wagging ~
Yes, Conker's cheek is quite flat now.... Let's hope it stays that way !
If the clinic provides the right vet nurses for the next few weeks, we are back on track :o)
love and hugs from C, T, C & T. xxx
17 Oct, 2009
I hope that Conker's cheek remains flat, TT. It's good to hear about him having a good night & then wanting to do his tricks today. :-)
I hope you can both enjoy a few hours in the sun tomorrow.
17 Oct, 2009
Forgot to say I had Malt crunchies for breakfast this morning! Very nice. Haven't tried them with Chloe yet as she has been eating OK today. I will save them as a treat :)
17 Oct, 2009
Hi Balcony ~
Yes, much better news on Conker today.... he enjoys taking all his tablets because we make it a fun game with lots of natural yogurt...Lol.
Yes, we need sunshine tomorrow. x
17 Oct, 2009
Hello again, Gee ~
So that's why you did your gardening tricks so well today ~ Malt Crunchies. ! Lol.
Yes, you could try giving Chloe a couple of Malt Crunchies as treats and see if she likes them... I think Conker found them easy to crunch..:o)
17 Oct, 2009
Glad to hear Conker is up to his tricks today! Sorry, didnt think about the chemo affecting Truffle! Where did I leave that brain?? I'm sure I had one somewhere! Cant remember!
17 Oct, 2009
Gee 19. Have the malt crunchies made your coat silky smooth? LOL
Madperth, don't worry, it's called a CRAFT moment
17 Oct, 2009
Hi Madperth ~
A lot of your brain is studying for that degree in architecture... Lol... You've had a busy day and it's kind of you to check how Conker is today :o) xxx
Try some Malt Crunchies....good for energy...Lol.
17 Oct, 2009
Not yet, Jeanh, but I will keep trying - I could do with a new coat :)
17 Oct, 2009
I know, Jean! I'm VERY CRAFTy!! Lol!
As for the malt crunchies, didn't you say they were like shreddies? If so, I'll pass thanks!
Good one Gee!
17 Oct, 2009
All wagging furiously here Tt:-)))
17 Oct, 2009
Wishing you, Conker & Truffle a happy day in the sun tomorrow Terra...you learn something every day...never thought that the chemo drugs could be passed onto you or Truffle...nothing's simple is it?xx
17 Oct, 2009
I hadnt either! Its a complication to be sure!
17 Oct, 2009
Thanks for the wags and wishes, Bornagain, Fluff and Madperth...
Yes, when Conker's chemotherapy began way back in early June, I was given paperwork with instructions such as "These agents are powerful drugs and the by-products of them will be secreted in your dog's body fluids and faeces for up to 72 hours after administration..... wear gloves when administering...always carefully double-bag faeces..... urine by-products will be broken down by sunlight.. wash hands carefully after contact with your dog..."
So, you can imagine the relief in November when Conker's chemo will hopefully be completed... It's been a long journey.... Looking forward to a sunny day tomorrow :o)xxx
17 Oct, 2009
Here's hoping you get your sunshine!! Wow! So complex! It will DEFINITELY be good for ALL of you when Conker's done with the chemo! Wags wiggles, love & hugs!
17 Oct, 2009
Hi Terra,I`ve been catching up on Conker again, I was sorry to read our lad has been in the wars again, hopefully now that abscess has burst it will continue to drain away and clear that infection, it puzzles me that the vets didn`t pick up on that though and I daren`t write what I think of that particular nurse. I really feel for you and what you are going through, here`s hoping for some nice weather so you and your boys get some quality time for play and relaxation in your garden and definitely praying that this is a turning point for Conker .Sending hugs all round,you deserve them.xxx
17 Oct, 2009
Hi Lincslass ~
Thanks for catching up on Conker :o)
His cheek looks good today.... healing well..
The weather seems very chilly this morning... I guess not surprising with November only a couple of weeks away !
It is going to be a week of pill popping, but I make it a game, which Conker enjoys, by giving the tablets with a little natural yogurt.
Let's hope all goes smoothly with the final few vet clinic visits for these chemo sessions.
Hugs from C,T,C & T xxx
18 Oct, 2009
Hope you are all feeling better today purrs, meows ,tail wags& love from all.
18 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Mavis for the purrs and wags....
Conker is sleepy today... not surprising with so many tablets inside him... but the area of his face which had the abscess is mending fast. love & hugs. xxx
18 Oct, 2009
Hi Tt. Just checking in again to see how Conker is. All in all it sounds as tough things aren't going too badly apart from you being exhausted. Only a few weeks to go now
18 Oct, 2009
Hello Pipsqueak... I hope the Collies and co. are well ?
Yes, I wish I could find more energy... I guess a reaction to weeks of stress over Conker. Heart-warming to see his face back to the correct shape. :o)
18 Oct, 2009
So glad to hear Conker is looking more like himself today, maybe you should join him in sleeping off all the stress, the garden and everything else will still be there another day.....take it easy and enjoy the peaceful time together. x
18 Oct, 2009
Hi TT. When you are stressed and worried, you just keep going, but relax just a bit, and suddenly you realise how shattered you really are. Take it easy both of you, and I hope Conker continues to improve x
18 Oct, 2009
Hello Lily....
Yes, it's good that Conker is sleeping off the stress....
... I would do the same, but a doggie called Truffle has other plans for me..LOL.
I've just given Conker the last of the corticosteroid course, so merely 30 antibiotics left for Conker to take by next Friday !
Thanks for looking in on Conker. xxx
18 Oct, 2009
Hi Jean...
You are so right.... after a time of anxiety, when things become slightly easier, it seems the adrenalin goes out of your body and you realise just how very cream-crackered you are ! Conker's cheek looks really good today, so that's very encouraging....:o) xxx
18 Oct, 2009
~have a quiet happy day in the garden TT while you can ~sounds as though the weather will be getting more autumnal this week!
18 Oct, 2009
Hi Arlene... how are you ?
Yes, the forecast for mid-week is very wet isn't it !
Have you been gardening? I've cleaned my garden bird baths.
Conker is sleeping... :o)
18 Oct, 2009
Good to hear Conker is more his old self today even though he's sleepy, its what he needs torecover from all the trauma. Pleased you have been able to get into the garden and relax a little,and sure Truffle has been a big help with the birdbaths lol
18 Oct, 2009
Hi Pansypotter ~
Lol. Truffle helps by clearing up autumn leaves.... he thinks every extra leaf he eats, means one less leaf for me to sweep up...
Yes, Conker is doing well... according to my bathroom scales, he has lost some weight... so it seems the Malt Crunchie rations must be increased... good news for Conker... :o)
18 Oct, 2009
Just caught up, Tt. Am so annoyed about that nurse, too. Hope she goes soon. Glad to hear you had a fairly relaxed weekend. Love from us here. XXXetc.
18 Oct, 2009
Thanks, David...
Conker seems to be feeling better now.
Love, T,C,T & C xxx
18 Oct, 2009
Glad to hear that Conker is looking more like his old self again! Now try & imitate him - in getting some shut eye, you need it by the sound of everything you do for him.
18 Oct, 2009
Remember the mantra Terra! TCOY!!
18 Oct, 2009
Hi Balcony and Madperth...
I'm getting as much rest and sleep as Truffle will allow... Lol.
Conker's face seems to be healing nicely.
Thanks for checking up on him.x
19 Oct, 2009
So glad all is still well in Conkerworld Tt.....is it more chemo again this week? x
19 Oct, 2009
Hello Lily ~
How are you ? Yes, Conker seems sleepy, but his cheek looks flat and not inflamed any more.
This is the week when Conker is due to have chemo tablets at home. So his next blood test is at the vet clinic on Wednesday.
If the white blood cell count is high enough, then, after our journey home, I put on plastic gloves, to give Conker the tablets. x
19 Oct, 2009
Hi TT, glad to see that all is getting better by the day with Conker.
BTW, Giorgio is having some tests today just to make sure that no damage has been done to his kidneys, they will remove his catheter and elizabethan collar and then hopefully he should be able to come home very soon .....
19 Oct, 2009
Hi Terry60 ~
That's wonderful to know Giorgio should be back home with you soon. I hope the tests show good results.x
19 Oct, 2009
How is Conker reacting to his treatment he had now hope he is doing well. a big meow from Bench cat for him. xxx from me.
19 Oct, 2009
Hi Morgana and Bench Cat...
Thanks for the meows and kisses for Conker...
Conker must take another 24 antibiotic tablets between now and Friday, but although he is rather sleepy, he is eating well, thanks...xxx
19 Oct, 2009
Just checking in to see all's well and wagging, no need to reply Tt:-)
19 Oct, 2009
Thats great he is eating good sign thank you for your reply. Sleep heals big X from me and a cuddle.
19 Oct, 2009
Good luck for Wednesday TT. I hope that Conkers white blood cells make a good account of themselves.
Lots of love and hugs.
19 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain, Morgana and Toto...
Love and hugs from,
T,C,T & C xxx
20 Oct, 2009
Good Luck for tomorrow and relax a bit do you good. Sent you Pm.
20 Oct, 2009
Hi Morgana ~
Thank you.
I'm trying to relax, and even more than that, endeavouring not to let Conker realise I'm feeling anxious...
... but he knows me too well...
20 Oct, 2009
He he thats how dogs are more clever than us they sense our feelings not like men he he lol ha ha.
20 Oct, 2009
~best wishes for tomorrow TT~love and hugs
Arlene xxx
20 Oct, 2009
Thank you Arlene...
I hope you are feeling better ?
love & hugs. xxx
20 Oct, 2009
Just to wish you good luck x
20 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain. xxx
20 Oct, 2009
Wags and spins for tomorrow. x x
20 Oct, 2009
Hi Pottygardener and Benny ~
Thanks for your good wishes, wags and spins. xxx
20 Oct, 2009
Best of luck for tommorow we will be thinking of you.
20 Oct, 2009
hope all goes well tomorrow xx
20 Oct, 2009
I hope you have as good a news as we did today, the specialist said there was no permanent damage to Mairs heart when he put her on the monitor thing for 24 hrs.
So all here waggin our tails furiously for you and Conker!
Best of luck for tomorrow TT
20 Oct, 2009
Sorry I am so all behind again TT. I am so pleased that Conker's cheek has burst, let's hope that all the infection will drain out and the antibiotics will have the desired effect for him. Poor little lad, he does go through the mill, you all do. Lots of wags and wing flaps coming for tomorrow for him Love and uHugs
20 Oct, 2009
I hope you and Conker (and Truffle and Crocus) are all sound asleep but I couldn't go to bed until I had wished you good luck for tomorrow. Hope all goes well. Goodnight, God bless.
20 Oct, 2009
Thinking of you all Terra, hope it goes well and pleased to hear Conker is eating well thats got to be a good sign.........
20 Oct, 2009
Wags wiggles, prayers love & hugs!
20 Oct, 2009
Good morning Mavis and Jean...
Thanks for your good wishes. xxx
21 Oct, 2009
Indy...that's such good news about Mair's tests...
hoping she continues in good health.
Please keep on wagging :o)
21 Oct, 2009
Hi Pam... Thanks for catching up on Conker.
Wing flapping and tail wagging much appreciated.
Love & hugs.xxx
21 Oct, 2009
Hello Gee, Lincslass and Madperth...
Conker has enjoyed his breakfast of Malt Crunchies and will be setting off on his journey to the vet clinic soon. xxx
21 Oct, 2009
Chloe says 'yum, yum' - she has malties for breakfast now too and really enjoys them :)
Hope your weather is better than ours today and that you have a safe journey. Good luck - everything crossed and wagging!!
21 Oct, 2009
Hi Gee....
Conker says Chloe has excellent taste...
Malt Crunchies are yummy :o)
Thanks everyone for the wagging.... it worked well...
please see my update in the blog above...
21 Oct, 2009
Hi Conker and TT and Truffle too of course.....
DELIGHTED that things went so well and that you had the Angel nurse taking care of you today. That must be a huge relief to you all....hopefully you will all sleep well tonight.
Lots of cuddles to that brave little soul Conker.
21 Oct, 2009
hi Terra, great news and so glad angel is going to do the last treatments, and im sure conker is pleased to,dont worry about his coat its the chemo as you know and it will soon get back to normal after, my hair went very thin after mine to and soon thickened up so i guess its the same for our pets.big hugs all round from me and angelina xxx
21 Oct, 2009
Thanks Alz and Labs,
Sandra and Angelina ~
Yes, we're relieved here, and Conker is very relaxed. xxx
Sandra... how long before your hair grew thick again?
21 Oct, 2009
Hi Terra So pleased to hear today's news, you sound much more positive and so does Conker if tail wagging is anything to go by. Only 2 more weeks, then hopefully you can all relax. hus and cuddles x
21 Oct, 2009
Hi Jean..
It's all wags and smiles here today...
...yes, two more clinic treatments and then we can relax.
love & hugs. xxx
21 Oct, 2009
So pleased about the good news today, not long now for rest of treatment, lots of hugs from me and Smokey xx
21 Oct, 2009
Hello Clarice ..
Would Smokey like to take charge of Truffle for the afternoon so that I can catch up on some sleep ?
Please ? Lol.
Yes, good news on today's treatment.... love & hugs.xxx
21 Oct, 2009
So glad it's good news again today and also that Conker's Guardian Angel is going to be looking after him for the rest of his treatment, brilliant. Love from all of us :)
21 Oct, 2009
Hi Gee...
Yes. This morning, I felt like giving Angel a halo. Lol.
It makes such a difference when our pets receive gentle treatment, doesn't it...
love & hugs. T, C, T & C xxx
21 Oct, 2009
sorry late with reply Terra i would say in about 3-5 months and it seem to thicken alot, its surprising how quick we get back to normal once treatment finishes , so hope conker soon gets back to normal to :o)
21 Oct, 2009
Sandra, that's interesting...
I hope Conker lives enough remission months that he can grow his lovely coat back again...:o)
21 Oct, 2009
you never know dogs may be differant and you may find a sooner result Terra, i do hope he gets a good spell of quality of life after all you have all been through, he has lots of love which im sure will help ;o)
21 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Sandra....
This afternoon, despite my being sleepy, and Conker full of chemo and antibiotics, he insisted on practising some tricks, so he's been towing his toy cleaning trolley around the lounge, stacking up the buckets, and using his long-handled mop. He has much more energy than I do for cleaning and housework. Lol. :o)
21 Oct, 2009
Have been really busy these last few days (have just caught up) So glad to hear that Conker's treatment is going well and that his cheek is clearing too.
Great, that you know that Angel will be treating Conker in future - it's one less thing to worry about.
My feline mob send purrs and wavey tails, they are staying indoors more, now its starting to cool down. The temperatures drop sharply late afternoon now, Think I've had my last swim this year!
Hugs to Conker and Truffle. Take care of yourself too - you need your strength to keep going.
Chris xx
21 Oct, 2009
aww bet he really enjoyed cleaning house, bless, you will have to get a pic when he feels up to it Terra :o)
21 Oct, 2009
Hi Chris ~
Lovely to hear from the Alicante felines...
purring and waving...
Yes, GREAT news that Angel will be treating Conker :o)
hugs from everyone here...xxx
21 Oct, 2009
Sandra, I'm planning to make a blog of Conker's tricks in November or December...
I'd better wait till Conker has the house all cleaned up..Lol.
21 Oct, 2009
Really pleased for you Tt, what a relief it must have been when you saw the aptly named Angel! Here Rosie, Meg and the welly rat are wagging away and I've told Ruby so she's joining in too....oh and me of course x
21 Oct, 2009
~ I am pleased that Conker can have his treatment and even more that Angel will be looking after him for his final weeks of chemo.
Your vet is no fool and I am sure he is aware that something was amiss when you had Miss Nasty dealing with Conker.It would be nice to think that she had the grace to admit she was wrong in her treatment~you should really have an apology but at least you don't have to see her!
love and hugs from all here~special big wags from Dex who is enjoying being a house guest!
21 Oct, 2009
lol Terra will look forward to seeing it ;o)
21 Oct, 2009
Thanks Bornagain and gang...
and Arlene with the huge wags of Dex the house guest...Lol.
Fingers crossed Conker's cheek abscess settles...
and, yes, I'm so pleased Conker has Angel for future treatments.It's a big worry off my mind... :o) xxx
21 Oct, 2009
Just knowing that Conker is being looked after by a kind, good nurse is a relief in itself isn`t it ,the best news is hearing that Conker is playing already especially after the last time. Its been a traumatic few months Terra but is nearing the end and God willing you will have healthy, good times to spend with both your boys.....I `ve got all of my lot whizzing around now frantically wagging even the fish and there`s a lot of them, Lol XX
21 Oct, 2009
Hi Lincslass....
Wow ~
that's a lot of wagging and whizzing going on in Lincs. !
I hope Conker will spend the second part of November and all of December playing favourite games and growing his coat...and that he'll enjoy Christmas and New Year before needing a check up at the vet clinic in January...
Without the clinic vet, Conker would have died back at the start of June, so I've much to be thankful for. xxx
21 Oct, 2009
VERY glad to hear that 'Nasty Nurse' wasn't there today - I bet you were relieved....and Conker...they sense when people aren't friendly, don't they.
Henry says 'Hallo' to you all.
21 Oct, 2009
Hello Spritz...
Yes, so very relieved to see Vet Nurse Angel coming towards us this morning. Conker has been very happy today :o)
Hugs for Henry. xxx
21 Oct, 2009
Hi TT glad thing went well for Conker today ,at least he will get the rest of his treatment from Angel,and not the nasty one. that will be much nicer for him and you Big hugs xxx
21 Oct, 2009
Thank goodness I am also pleased to see you have the nurse you trust, it settles your mind and takes heavy weights of your shoulders.
Like the old peoples homes why people go into these jobs I don't know when they are so cold in personality no paitents either.
Conker seem s so happy in the picture and looks adorable big hug and positive vibes still comming his way from Bench cat and my self. Big X
21 Oct, 2009
Good news all round. Not only has Conker got his nurse back but playing as well. Sounds wonderful. Please give him a big hug from me.
Lots of love and hugs to you all.
21 Oct, 2009
So glad that everything worked out as you had hoped today Tt, it's long overdue for things to go right for you both x
21 Oct, 2009
Hi Janette, Morgana and Bench Cat...
Yes, Conker seems happy this evening.
Vet Nurse Angel is very angelic :o) xxx
21 Oct, 2009
Thanks Toto...
Hugs to you from T, C, T & C. xxx
21 Oct, 2009
Hello Lily...
Yes thanks. Everything worked out well today...:o)
We're all sleepy but relieved here...xxx
21 Oct, 2009
I'm so glad Conker saw Angel today, and that he can continue with his treatment. It's good he can carry on seeing her. She seems a lovely person :o)
I hope you're feeling allright TT. Maybe you can sleep a bit better tonight knowing Conker feels happy.
Love and hugs xxx
21 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Hywel...
Yes, I need to catch up on sleep, but knowing that not only was Angel looking after Conker today, but that she will be there for his final two chemo sessions, makes things much better...
love & hugs xxx
21 Oct, 2009
More gladness here too, that your day has been positive TT. Hugs wags and spins to you all. x x
21 Oct, 2009
Hi Pottygardener...
The hugs, wags and spins from you and everyone worked wonders today. Thanks so much. :o) xxx
21 Oct, 2009
We are all chuffed to bits that things have gone well today take care .
21 Oct, 2009
Brilliant news! Lets hope Conker's cheek heals up quick! Wags wiggles prayers love & hugs
21 Oct, 2009
Thanks Mavis and Madperth..
Yes, let's hope Conker's cheek heals up...xxx
22 Oct, 2009
I hope all of you slept well and are feeling rested this morning TT?
22 Oct, 2009
Hello Alz ~
Thanks for calling in on Conker.
I checked up on him at 4 a.m. and then couldn't get back to sleep, but he seems fine after the chemo tablets, so tonight I should sleep better. x
22 Oct, 2009
Haven't checked in for a couple of days but pleased to see he had the good nurse and that he has been up to tricks. Loves and wags from Me, Mattie, Thea., Martha, Sian and Izzy. Have even told Stig the cat so she can join in with the good wishes
22 Oct, 2009
Good Morning,
Hopefully a big bowl of Malt Crunchies will soothe all of you, and you can get some rest. I presume Truffle likes MC's too?
Is Conker's next chemo next Wednesday?
Hugs from us all in (not so sunny) Spain.
Chris xx
22 Oct, 2009
Hi, Pipsqueak, Mattie, Thea, Martha, Sian, Izzy...
AND Stig.... Lol. Thanks for the love and wags. :o)
22 Oct, 2009
Hello Chris in not-so-sunny-Alicante :o)
~ no swimming today ?
Conker and I enjoyed our Malt Crunchies....
Crocus ate Trill and Millet....
Truffle is a "canine vacuum cleaner" so he gobbles down lots of lots of dog food which we won at the charity dog shows. Lol.
Yes, next Wednesday is the date for Conker's next blood test and chemo injection...
22 Oct, 2009
Hello TT. Good to hear all went well at the clinic this week. Enjoy your weekend. xx
23 Oct, 2009
Hello Phil ~
Yes, thanks... all went very well at the clinic last Wednesday. Today Conker completed his course of antibiotics. Hoping you have a good weekend. xxx
23 Oct, 2009
I am so pleased to hear this Terra, it sounds a lot more hopeful. I am so pleased he is lively and wagging his tail. I am really so pleased that he is to get his Nurse 'Angel' to look after him. He deserves to have her. Take care and sleep well. Love and Hugs to all of you especially Conker.
23 Oct, 2009
Hi Pam ~
Yes, Conker had vet nurse ANGEL :o) :o) :o)
She is lovely..
He seems very happy... finds his favourite rope toy for a game... practises some tricks...sleeps by the radiator because the chemo has thinned his coat...
love & hugs. T,C.T. & C xxx
23 Oct, 2009
It's so good to hear that he will soon be finished with the chemo! Shame his abscess filled up again but here's hoping the course of antibiotics clears it up once & for all.
It's good to hear that Angel is being an "angel" to Conker! I think it makes a whole world of difference to have a loving, caring person who will treat your pet as you yourself would! :-)
24 Oct, 2009
Hello Balcony ~
Conker's left cheek looks flat at the moment, and he's finished the antibiotics, so let's hope the abscess doesn't come up again !
Yes, I feel so much more settled knowing Angel is Conker's nurse for the final treatments. :o)
24 Oct, 2009
So pleased it's down today, let's hope that's it now:-) Wags from me (yes I've managed to grow a tail just for Conker) Rosie, Meg, Ruby and Wellyrat x
24 Oct, 2009
Hi Bornagain ~
Thankfully the cheek abscess is still flat today.:o)
I reckon Conker's body system is getting worn out with all the chemo so I'll be glad when the next two weeks of treatment are completed. I can see more areas of Conker's skin where the hair is thinning !
Thanks for all the wags from you, Rosie, Meg, Ruby and Wellyrat... x
25 Oct, 2009
Glad to hear all still going well. Having new kitchen fitted over next few days, as well as some work to electrics etc, so may not be able to keep an eye on you, but haven't forgotten x
25 Oct, 2009
Hello Jean...
Thanks for looking in on Conker...
I hope all goes well with your home improvements..
... will be lovely to have a brand new kitchen !
Conker's next treatment is Wednesday...xxx
25 Oct, 2009
Great news, Terra! Hopefully it'll stay down! Wags wiggles, prayers & hugs, as ever!
25 Oct, 2009
Barnaby and I are still thinking of you, time will never have been so precious, savour every moment.
26 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Madperth and Smudge, Heron and Barnaby ~
This past weekend, Conker has been rather sleepy, but I keep reminding him there are only two more chemo treatments....
.... and yes every extra day is very precious. xxx
26 Oct, 2009
He'll soon be full of energy!
Got you that pic of the FPP in Perth, about to put it up now!
26 Oct, 2009
Thanks Madperth...
I'm ahead of you with your FPP pic...
... have you seen the new blog I wrote this evening? Lol.
26 Oct, 2009
LOL! Yes, really good, clear enough for anyone to decipher now! How're the boys tonight? AND you?
26 Oct, 2009
Glad to hear the good news TT, youre all still in our thoughts and prayers of course and plenty of waggin goin on round here for you all. Lots of love ....
26 Oct, 2009
Hey Indy! How you doing? How're Mair & Sprog? Long time no see!
26 Oct, 2009
Hiya M, we're all doin ok but have been totally snowed under what with one thing and another, Mairs going from strength to strength uhtil friday that was, she came with me to Bangor for the afternoon and promptly broke down in the car in fri rush hour traffic , while I was in a double lecture ... so she phones me .... Lecturer was not impressed and told everyone to switch their phones off , I read Mairs message and just shrugged at the lecturer and walked out....can't have Mair stuck on a main road having kittens now can I?...it took 2 hours for the RAC to arrive and I've spent the whole da....d weekend running around looking for a replacement car...great fun eh!... had to take today off to get the one I found MOTd and taxed etc so missed another 2 lectures...at this rate I may as well not bother going back till the exams! On a brighter note I went to a cople of tutorials last week (thursday, wasn't in mon tue or wed as Mair had to go to hosp) and after apologising to the tutor for not being prepared for the tutorial promptly ended uptaking the thing over as no one else seemed to know as much as me? and they have been attending the lectures????? SO I now have shed loads to catch up on and loads of assignments to go in in the next few days so this is a rare moment of freedom for me and you'll probably not see much of me for a week or so again from now on, its great to see every ones still around and doing stuff, I will try to catch up with it all in reading week in 2 weeks time see you all then all my love to you all!!! :~)))))
Sorry to hijack your blog TT, going now tarra!
26 Oct, 2009
I dont think she'll mind, Indy! Sorry its a rough time, but you seem to be handling it well. Miss you! Namaste, shanti!
27 Oct, 2009
Hi Marie and Indy ~
Thanks for checking in on Conker. It is 2.40 a.m. so you can guess that another chemo day is looming and I'm getting anxious...
Good to know that Mair's car is now sorted. You don't want to be without transport, especially as we head towards the winter weather..
Conker is a bit short on energy... just a couple more vet clinic visits...
I keep telling him that the treatment is almost completed.... :o)
27 Oct, 2009
Been thinking of you this week-end and today...TT..know you are dreading this coming Wednesday..keeping you all in my heart and wags always...~Cat .......group hug... (((((((TT, Conker,Truffle, Crocus)))))))xxxx
27 Oct, 2009
Good luck for Wednesday, then after thats over just ONE treatment to go !! At least you know you have Angel for the last two sessions.
Better stock up on the Malt Crunchies.
Hugs, purrs miaows etc from this end (oh and the cats send their love too!)
Chris xx
27 Oct, 2009
Hi Cat....
Enjoyed the group hug... :o)
Thanks for thinking of us...
Must get Conker through these final two sessions and hope his digestion doesn't react too badly afterwards... xxx
27 Oct, 2009
Hello Chris and the Alicante felines...
Thanks for the hugs, purrs and miaows...
At the vet clinic, Conker having Angel for these final chemotherapies will make life easier...
Interesting about the Malt Crunchies...!
I went to the Co-op yesterday to stock up..... there were rows and rows of cereals stacked almost to the ceiling.... but...
where were the Malt Crunchies ?...
there was a huge gap... all gone..!
Do you think Gee19's Chloe has been sneaking into the store ? Lol. xxx
27 Oct, 2009
CHLOE IS INNOCENT!! She is still munching her way (very slowly) through the packet I bought a week or so ago (Asda's version). Hope you find some for Conker soon.
Good luck for the clinic visit tomorrow, I will be thinking of you all. God bless.
27 Oct, 2009
Oh..my..did you find more elsewhere..I hope you alerted the store manager to this problem..must have Malt Crunchies..! let us know please ..perhaps someone could send an emergency supply for you. wags, hugs and xxx ~cat
27 Oct, 2009
Hi Gee... Chloe's good reputation remains intact. :o)
Lucky for Conker, I have secret stash of Malt Crunchies....emergency rations.... my shopping trip was mostly to stock up for winter...
Thanks for your good wishes for Conker's next chemo. x
27 Oct, 2009
Hello Cat ~
The nice young man who was stacking the shelves even checked at the back of the storeroom for me... but not a Malt Crunchie in sight... he said another delivery truck was due at the store soon...xxx
27 Oct, 2009
Good luck for tomorrow Tt squillions of wags from Rosie, Meg, Ruby, Wellyrat and me x
27 Oct, 2009
Hi Bornagain, Rosie,Meg, Ruby and Wellyrat ~
I feel like we've reached about the 20th mile in the marathon... almost there, but the last bit is very tiring...
Thanks for all those wags. xxx
27 Oct, 2009
Phew...good job you had an emergency stash TT!
Once again, wags and spins for tomorrow. x x
27 Oct, 2009
Hi Pottygardener and Benny...
Not completely out of Malt Crunchies yet.... Lol.
Thanks for the wags and spins. xxx
27 Oct, 2009
Good luck tomorrrow Tt, will be thinking of you and Conker.
27 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Lily.... taking these final chemo weeks a day at a time.... :o)
27 Oct, 2009
Hi TT...glad you put on new blog...but this one filling up quickly too! happy to see Conker continues to progress well with his treatment x
27 Oct, 2009
Hi BB/Jane...
Thanks for visiting Conker's blog..
Just two more treatments to go.... fingers crossed...xxx
27 Oct, 2009
Good luck at the vets tomorrow for you & Conker, TT. :-)
27 Oct, 2009
Thank you, Balcony....
Tomorrow at the vet clinic should be blood test and then chemo ... x
27 Oct, 2009
Everything crossed and wagging for tomorrow TT....we will be eagerly waiting for your mesage.
Yours aye
C and the Golden Girls xxx
27 Oct, 2009
Wags wiggles, prayers love & hugs!! Hope you get more rest tonight! :~))
27 Oct, 2009
Hope today goes well x
28 Oct, 2009
Hello C and the Golden Girls...
Thanks for your crossing and wagging !
Hoping your foot is feeling better...xxx
28 Oct, 2009
Thanks Madperth and Smudge...
Keep wiggling ;o) xxx
28 Oct, 2009
Hi Jean...
Let's hope Conker has Vet Nurse Angel for his treatment today. xxx
28 Oct, 2009
All the very best for Conker for today TT. Wags from Brum :-)))
28 Oct, 2009
Thanks for the wags, Sue...
Conker enjoyed his Malt Crunchies breakfast..
and is ready to face the day. :o) xxx
28 Oct, 2009
Fingers crossed for today's chemo - will check back later. Hugs, purrs etc.
Chris xx
28 Oct, 2009
Hi Chris...
Thanks for the Alicante hugs and purrs. xxx
28 Oct, 2009
good luck for today Terra and conker, meows and love from angelina and myself xx
28 Oct, 2009
Thank you, Angelina and Sandra...
I've relayed the meows and love to Conker. :o) xxx
28 Oct, 2009
:o))) x
28 Oct, 2009
Good luck for today TT - a very poorly Giorgio sends a feeble but much loved wag of his tail to Conker. More vigorous, but equally loving, wags from June, Lupa, Rosie and Sleepy....
28 Oct, 2009
Hi Terry60 ~
I've been praying for Giorgio. Lots of love and hugs for him.
I hope you'll have a better report on him later today.
Wags to Giorgio from Conker and Truffle........ and from Crocus in his bath.. xxx
Thanks also to June, Lupa, Rosie and Sleepy xxx
28 Oct, 2009
Good wishes from Toddy for Conker today, and me, will be thinking of you and will pop back later to see how things went.
Love and hugs
28 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Pam and Toddy ~
I've added an update to my blog above. Unfortunately treatment could not proceed today. Conker is okay.... but must get his blood count higher before trying again for chemotherapy. love & hugs.xxx
28 Oct, 2009
At least you'll be able to have a peaceful, happy week with your boys and get your own reserves up high again with Conker's blood count. xxx
28 Oct, 2009
You're right, Wagger ~
We can recharge our batteries ready for next week... xxx
28 Oct, 2009
What a shame TT . you will have that to go through again next week !
I,m pleased that you have a reserve of malt crunchies , I will keep my eyes on the lookout here just in case you run out over there ..:o)
Get plenty of rest this week , it will do you all the world of good ,
Love and cuddles to Conker . he's such a brave boy , not forgetting Truffle for all his support ! and Crocus , well just for being Crocus :o)
Love and hugs xx
28 Oct, 2009
im so sorry chemo couldnt be done today Terra, i know you must feel a bit down about it but its better to be done properly, and at least the vets are thourough, so untill next week get lots of rest, all of you and lots of cuddles, its been a long haul for you and conker, keep your chin up conker ok, love from angelina and sandra, kisses for conker, truffle and crocus xxx
28 Oct, 2009
Thanks for your kind thoughts Amy...
We still have Malt Crunchies... unless Crocus starts eating them too !
I think this is the 4th time Conker's blood test result has been too low, delaying chemo by a week...
He is such a brave boy.... love & hugs xxx
28 Oct, 2009
Hi Sandra and Angelina ~
Yes, the vets are being observant and thorough... and the vet nurse was very nice...
Now we're all looking forward to celebrating Crocus's 5th birthday on Sunday...
and we'll have another attempt at Conker's chemo next week... :o) xxx
28 Oct, 2009
Sorry to hear that treatment could not be done today, but now Conker is feeling better, maybe you can have that relaxing week you should have had before. I hope chemo can be given next week x
28 Oct, 2009
Hi Jean...
Thanks for checking in on Conker.... yes, you're right...
thanks for making me think more positively...
...we're making plans for Crocus's birthday party this Sunday...
seed cake for everyone. Lol. :o) xxx
28 Oct, 2009
Time to take a breather, Terra! Conker could probably do with a rest from the chemo anyway, & YOU need some rest time too!
Enjoy your seed cake! The wags wiggles prayers love& hugs will keep on going! :~))
28 Oct, 2009
Well it is for the best then...please take advantage of a calm week and rest a lot..and enjoy that seed cake! Happy
Birthday Week Crocus!...Love and Hugs and Tail Wags~`~`~`~`~...xxxx :o) ~Cat
28 Oct, 2009
Thanks for encouragement Madperth and Catfinch...
Crocus is getting very excited about his birthday... keeps checking in the mirrors to see if all the budgie reflections are excited too.... and they are !!! :o)
We'll all enjoy some rest... thanks for the wags... and the hugs... and the love... and the wiggles..and the prayers..xxx
28 Oct, 2009
This is a disappointing setback in completing the treatment but maybe Conker's blood just needs a bit longer to recover from each bout of chemo. I hope you all have a restful week. x
28 Oct, 2009
Hello Lily...
Yes, Conker's body is generally getting more run down as we get towards the end of all these months of chemo.... hair falling out fast now.... so the stronger he is to cope with these final two chemo sessions the better... xxx
28 Oct, 2009
What, if anything, do you do to increase his white cell count TT? Or do they just multiply themselves as his body gets stronger?
28 Oct, 2009
Hi Pottygardener...
Good question.... when Conker's white blood cell count is low, the vets and vet nurses just say to me that he "needs more time to recover", so it is just a matter of extra days before he has his next chemo....
During the first few weeks of treatment his dose was reduced a bit, as they felt the "70" they had chosen for Conker was a bit high, and he went down to "60"..... but the clinic vet says it is better to keep to that same dose of "60", and have more days between chemo sessions, than reduce the chemo amount any further.....
so, yes, the white cell count should automatically adjust itself as the days go by...
Catfinch or Alzheimer may be able to add to this explanation please...
28 Oct, 2009
Don't know that there is much to add to what has already been said. Poor Conker had a double whammy recently because of the abscess that had obviously become cystic on his cheek and very difficult to treat. The antibiotic did deal with it - thankfully - but in so doing reduced his white blood count which was already low because of those bugs and the previous chemo drugs. Only time, rest - lots of it - and TT's unfailing TLC will help his system to recover....Nature will do the rest.
Darling little Conker obviously has an amazing fighting spirit and a good constitution - or he wouldn't have done so well....plus a lot of help and positive thinking from his friends of course.!!!
28 Oct, 2009
Thanks Alz...
That abscess was very stubborn...
I'll make sure Conker gets lots of rest and hugs over coming days. :o)
28 Oct, 2009
Thank you both for the explanation. Poor little chap, he certainly has a fighting spirit. Well, with TT as his Mum he has a lot to keep going for. :o)
Positive thinking, lots of rest and TLC and malt crunchies and he'll be ready for Tuesday.
x x x
29 Oct, 2009
Thanks Pottygardener...
I hope Benny is keeping well.... Conker is certainly taking your advice on getting some rest, and enjoying Malt Crunchies....
..several times today he has tried to play tug rope toy with Truffle but Conker runs out of energy FAST, and Truffle is a strong boy now !
... and I'll take note of the TLC and positive thinking. x x x
29 Oct, 2009
He's tried to play tug rope !! Bless his cotton socks. It's all been said above, I just want to add loads of snuggles and kisses for him. He is SO beautiful xxx
29 Oct, 2009
Hello Sue....
Even though the chemo is now causing Conker's coat to fall out in handfuls... he is still my beautiful boy....
I'll give him the snuggles and kisses.. many thanks. xxx
29 Oct, 2009
I'm so sorry his count was too low for the chemo Terra, just a few more days to get his strength up before the next try, bless him, trying to tug with Truffles, his spirit is still strong, he's a brave, spirited little lad and I am sending heaps of love and prays for him. Wish Crocus Happy BirdDay from the flock here and enjoy the seed cake!
Love and Hugs
29 Oct, 2009
Think you need a new blog for November TT..... l o n g w a y... down here !! lol :-) What's hair ?? With those eyes he don't need it !! xxxx
29 Oct, 2009
Sue..don't you have an "end" button..just next to the "delete" one? Saves you scrolling and scrolling etc. If you want back to the top again.....just hit the "Home " one...simple....no scrolling...:>>>)))
29 Oct, 2009
End ... delete ... ??? Alz ... you are talking to a technophobe !!! lol If you wouldn't mind PM'ing me and telling me ..... in words of no more than ONE syllabul ... I'd be VERY grateful LOL xx
29 Oct, 2009
Hi Pam...
Crocus enjoyed another bath this morning.... early in the day so that his feathers could dry out well before bed time :o)
He'll be VERY clean for his birthday on Sunday ! Lol.
Thanks for your love and prayers for Conker. I hope Toddy is keeping well. xxx
29 Oct, 2009
Conker just needs time to build up his reserves Tt and you do too, so try to make the most of it. Take things easy, catch up on your sleep (if possible) and enjoy the respite x
29 Oct, 2009
Hello Sue...
How are the computer lessons coming along ? I'm sure Alz has explained it very well. :o)
Yes, Conker can soon grow some more coat... I stopped grooming him about 5 weeks ago when all his undercoat fell out... he still has some tangle-free top coat... and no hair on his tummy.... xxx
29 Oct, 2009
Hi Bornagain...
Yes, Conker needs to get some strength back... he has become a lap dog, which he never was before..
we are trying to relax... have just cuddled up and watched the Shirley Bassey concert on the BBC red button.... she can still wow an audience ! :o)
29 Oct, 2009
Burley Shassey ..... ! Fabulous voice ! :-)
29 Oct, 2009
I've made a 4 hour video tape of the BBC red button Shirley Bassey concert. repeated several times...Lol...
When the fireworks get loud around here in the coming days, I shall put that tape on LOUD....
.. and hope it drowns out the firework explosions ..... so that Truffle isn't upset...:o)
29 Oct, 2009
When my Zebbie was VERY young, I took him out on 5. Nov and taught him to bark at the fireworks ... outside the pub with me ! LONG time ago xx
29 Oct, 2009
Funnily enough none of my labradors were ever bothered if they were OUTSIDE....but in the house they were terrified. The big male one in particular...he was reduced to a jelly. I got the DAP spray and atomiser and these old pheromones sure helped a lot!!! He was much calmer when I used them...plus some loud TV or music too of course. It wouldn't be so bad if it was only one night - but they go on for nights up here....drive me mad - never mind the animals.:<<(((
I hope Conker isn't too badly affected too TT ?
29 Oct, 2009
Hello TT. Pity you couldn't continue the treatment this week, but I think you all deserve a week off!! Is it far from your house to the clinic? Patch hates fireworks. He runs from front door to back door, barking all the time. The ones that scream/whistle upset him most. Enjoy your weekend. xx
30 Oct, 2009
Hi Phil and Alz...
Thanks for looking in on Conker. Yes, we need a rest... Conker is very sleepy.... These last few weeks of chemo are very wearying and stressful...
I very much empathise with Patch and any dogs being upset over the fireworks. If it were just one evening... Nov 5th, I guess it would be easier to cope... but there are explosions and screams/whistles any evening Oct/November, and other times of year for different festivities..
These next two weeks in particular, after dark, my garden becomes a scary place... I accompany my dogs outside each time they need to puddle... and then we rush back inside. I hope Patch won't be too anxious.
Conker isn't too badly affected by the noise, but I've yet to see how Truffle will react.... xxx
30 Oct, 2009
Lets hope all these lovely people willing and praying for Conker to survive this illness has the best possible result.
30 Oct, 2009
Thank you so much Dorjac...
The GoY members have been very supportive through Conker's many months of chemotherapy, keeping me positive. The power of prayer and thought from all around the world is very strong..There are so many wonderful people in the global family of GoY :o)
30 Oct, 2009
I got to the end - Sandra told me how! Thanks, Sandra. Now I know how to get to the top, as well!
Poor boy - he's done so well - and it's lucky that he isn't like humans, when they lose their hair with chemo! At least he's not self-conscious, Tt. Give him a hug from me, please.
H. hates fireworks, and he runs round barking as well, like Patch. At least we don't suffer too much here, being so rural! :-)
30 Oct, 2009
Hope you all have a peaceful weekend, without to many fireworks. Hopefully Truffle will take a lead from Conker and not get to wound up. Funnily enough because here we have fireworks going off all the time (Fiestas or any other excuse) the animals take very little notice. We get very few 'screamers' just big bangs - sounds like a war zone on occasions!
Very dark now early on - I watered the garden tonight at 6 pm and had to turn on the outside lights.
Hope you can finish off Conker's last chemo soon and get it out of the way.
Hugs to you all, keep up the Malt Crunchies routine.
Chris xx
30 Oct, 2009
I'm sorry to hear poor old Conker is having trouble with his white count TT. Brad had the same trouble and I had to give him injections for 5 days after every chemo treatment. The injections were to stimulate his bone marrow to produce more blood cells. Would there be something like that they could do for Conker?
I hope your two boys aren't too upset by the fireworks. Molly isn't bothered but poor Susie snuggles up beside me and shivers and shakes.
Big hugs to all of you. My thoughts, prayers and good wishes are still being sent your way. Still lots of wagging and purring here too. xx
31 Oct, 2009
Thanks everyone for your comments...
Yes, good point, Chris... let's hope Truffle will see that Conker is mostly unfazed by the loud fireworks...
We have loads of rain today, Chris... no need to water the British gardens.. .Lol.
Yes, only two more chemo sessions.. we'll get there...
Oh Gilli, Brad was very brave, having all that treatment and injections. I'm pleased the end result was so positive for him... If Conker's blood count is again low, I'll ask the vets about ways to stimulate his bone marrow.
I hope Susie will cope okay with the fireworks.
Thanks for the wags, hugs, prayers, and support from you all...
... still munching the Malt Crunchies. ..xxx..
31 Oct, 2009
Checking in again and wishing you luck with the final 2 sessions
31 Oct, 2009
Glad you have the Malt Crunchies for distracting Truffle if he needs them...oh dear..Phoebe would shiver herself silly over noises like that...give your fur kids all snuggles and ear rubs for me...xxx ...my furs are sleeping right now..but when they get up..they will be wagging away like mad again..I am awake and wagging however... :o) ~Cat
31 Oct, 2009
~ must admit I am not looking forward to Bonfire night! love to all!
31 Oct, 2009
Hi Pips, Cat and Arlene...
Yes, let's hope none of our pets is upset during the coming dark nights of firework explosions.
Thanks for your good wishes, and wags for Conker xxx
31 Oct, 2009
Sorry to hear that Conkers white blood cell count was too low for chemo treatment this week, TT. Nevertheless, I hope a extra few days of rest will help him.
When we first came back to the UK with our five dogs they were very frightened & my wife dreaded the time when I had to go to work as she would then be on her own with the poor dogs. Some years I would be home & not working nights around November 5th. I was able to comfort the dogs as well. So I well understand how people & their pets feel around this time. I was thinking of our dogs earlier this evening when a lot of fireworks were going off very close to us.
31 Oct, 2009
Hello Balcony...
Thanks for checking on Conker. He seems to have more energy today, so I reckon his white blood cell count is coming up again...
Yes, the fireworks can be scary.... I jump myself when the very noisy ones explode unexpectedly. Fingers crossed Truffle doesn't get upset...
31 Oct, 2009
Hope everything goes well for Conker this Tuesday, going on about fireworks every year Smokey is more and more frighten as i'm sure they get louder every year aswell, when they start he crawls on his tummy and hides under the stairs, mind you at least we dont have them now for weeks before bonefire night, so thats something to be glad about, anyway will be thinking of you Conker on Tuesday, lots of wags from Smokey xx.
1 Nov, 2009
Being a real selfish sod....I am ALMOST glad that it is raining like stink here today as our official bonfire is scheduled for 6.30 this evening....which would be fine if that were the only one...but the trouble is the unofficial ones go on every night ..from now until I estimate about the 8th inclusive.
Why can't the powers that be not confine it to the 5th and that is IT.
We even had a quite a few bangs and whistles last night and I was glad I had plugged in the DAP atomiser and sprayed around the dog-beds as they both slept through. So it looks as though these pheromones are going to work for this pair too - they sure helped with my last pair.....mind you I also had on the radio HI last evening! It all helps doesn't it!
1 Nov, 2009
Don't get me started on the topic of Fireworks, Alz !
Suffice to say ..... i disagree with them being sold to Joe Public.
They should be only available to officially run Organisations.
1 Nov, 2009
Acually we had a few last night and they will be going off like you say for a good week, but afew year ago they were going off weeks before this.
1 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Clarice, for your good wishes for Conker.
I agree with Louise and Alz that Firework Night should just be on the 5th Nov. only, for organised displays.... not sold to the public.... and that fireworks should be quieter....
I'm so sorry to hear how Smokey crawls on his tummy because he is so scared....
I have Crocus the budgie, so I am very wary of any sprays indoors in case they are harmful to him.... xxx
1 Nov, 2009
Hello Terra,,Are you ok yourself,I hope you are ??.. ...
Sounds good if Conker has more energy and as you say its not long now.,was Truffle ok last night ?,pleased to say fireworks don`t bother Morgan,although he did hear the trick and treaters on the door and gave us warning.,LOL..very waggy tails here again Terra,sending all good vibes .......xx Sue.....
1 Nov, 2009
Hi Sue...
thanks for looking in ...
Truffle was okay last night...but I think firework noise will escalate over coming evenings...:o(
I'm pleased to hear that Morgan is not bothered by the bangs and explosions...
Thank you for the wags and good vibes. I'm physically quite exhausted with it all, but my friends on GoY are being wonderful.... and my seeing Conker more lively this weekend has made me feel happier too :o) xxx
1 Nov, 2009
I might be proved wrong, but I think the firework situation is improving. Certainly here, last year was not as bad as previous years. Wasn't there a new law or something?. The problem seems to be that amazingly with the recession and all, teenagers still seem to have too much money. Have you seen the price of these fireworks? And unlike years ago, older children are not content with pretty but want noisy, and the louder the better. Some are little short of bombs and could do some real damage. One of our old dogs (Mutty) was terrified of loud noises and one night, about a week or so before bonfire night, we left her at home with her doggy friends. On our return we found our new fridge ruined as she had tried to get behind it. Somehow she had damaged the back so badly allowing the gas to escape that it couldn't be repaired. One week out of warranty! curses! We're all wagging here to improve dear little Conkers cell count:-) x
1 Nov, 2009
Hi there TT...having just tuned back in I realise that I may have inadvertently alarmed you with the use of the word spray. Let me assure you straight away that I would not in any way put at risk any animal. These products are purely a scientific mimic of natural products. DAP = Dog Appeasing Pheromone and the function of this pheromone is to provide a feeling of comfort, safety and reassurance to the young. A dogs "appeasing" pheromones are secreted by the bitch 3 to 5 days after the puppies birth. Scientists have managed to produce a synthetic version of this Dog Appeasement Pheromone and they are species specific and have no effect on other pets ...indeed the dog ones and cat ones are quite different - as one would expect!
The spray is NOT a pressurised all enveloping type like air fresheners (nasty things - but sometimes needed...LOL) but a pump action version - so no fear of hurting Crocus.
If any of you want to know more - although I fear it is too late to start now for this year's fireworks - allowing for the bangs and whistles already - just type in DAP or Dog Appeasing Pheromones to Google or whatever and "read all about it" It is however effective in other stress situations.
I will be curious to find if it works on my current pair of rescue labs as I have been told they are both very nervous. The DAP sure worked on my last pair who were scared witless when in the house but perfectly OK when outdoors!
1 Nov, 2009
Thats great Terra,hang on in there and yes our Goy friends are wonderful and still on this journey with you,,,,,xx
1 Nov, 2009
Good points, Bornagain...
What an alarming situation with Mutty so upset and the fridge damaged. Good thing the gas didn't cause any harmful effects to your pets....
Even if the firework situation improves, during "firework season" of last two weeks in October and first two weeks in November, there is always the potential any evening after dark for sudden loud explosions. So even if there were a succession of, say, five quiet nights, pet owners are not to know that fact, so they probably end up like me... on edge, and accompanying my dogs out into the garden on every occasion... just in case....
Thanks for your wags for Conker... they're having good results. :o) xxx
1 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Alz for the explanations on DAP. I hope your girls remain calm and don't get upset by the fireworks...
Yes, Sue, I have been so lucky in the support from GoY during Conker's treatment.... I hope pets at your house will not be upset. xxx
1 Nov, 2009
Glad to hear Conker's feeling a bit better, Terra! The wags wiggles prayers flags love & hugs are all still flying your way!!
1 Nov, 2009
Hi Marie...
Conker is just off to bed here, but, yes, he has been more alert today. :o)
Thanks for the wags, wiggles, prayers, flags, love and hugs.
Do you or any other members have a plant choice for my new blog, please...
I used to LIKE you, now I LOVE you. :o) Lol.
1 Nov, 2009
Thinking of you in the run up to 5th Terra.Mine were terrified throughout and hope Conker particularly manages to weather it.xx
1 Nov, 2009
Thanks Jane/BB ~
I reckon Conker will cope reasonably well... more concerned for Truffle... he hasn't yet been tested with the very loud explosions ! xxx
1 Nov, 2009
Dunno about the animals- I hate them!! Fireworks that is!!
1 Nov, 2009
My big galoot cross lab/Weinerammer Bru was the most terrified ! Little terrier Jodie shook her paws at the fireworks ! Says it all...............
1 Nov, 2009
LMAO!! I can just see it! Hee hee!
1 Nov, 2009
Fingers crossed and a squillion wags for tomorrow x
2 Nov, 2009
Wags wiggles, prayers, love & hugs from the Perth posse!! LOL!
2 Nov, 2009
Good luck today Tt, thinking of you both xx
3 Nov, 2009
Thanks Bornagain, Madperth and Lily...
Your comments over recent months have helped keep me strong through Conker's veterinary treatments..
You are so thoughtful and kind.
I'm so glad that all of you are on GoY. xxxxxxx
3 Nov, 2009
Fingers and paws crossed from us all as well
3 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Terry 60...
How is Giorgio today ?
3 Nov, 2009
Wags and spins and lots of good wishes for today...x x x
3 Nov, 2009
Hope today goes/went well x
3 Nov, 2009
Hi TT - our little friends certainly are keeping our emotions high -
Giorgio is at the clinic now, with hubby and son, having his daily intravenous drip. They are going to some blood tests as well, to see if there's any improvement in his azotoemia and creatine which were worryingly high last time. His cytological tests thankfully seem to be OK ... they took SO long. He still has quite a bit of fluid in his abdomen but they say not to worry ...
So all in all TT, I'm getting more and more hopeful that the worst is almost over - - - thank you for your concern.
Lots of hugs for Conker, Truffle and Crocus
3 Nov, 2009
Terry, I didn't know Giorgio was ill I'm so sorry. he's a beautiful big boy and I wish him a speedy recovery, especially as he's your special boy.
3 Nov, 2009
Sounds as if he is fighting back well, Terry60. Keep us posted.
3 Nov, 2009
Any news TT ??
Thanks Wagger and Bornagain - yes you're right, he is my special boy and I do know we shouldn't have favourites but .... !!
3 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Pottygardener and Benny
Your wags and spins are working well :o)
3 Nov, 2009
Thank you Jean for checking in on Conker :o)
Hi Terry 60 ~
Wow, St Francis has been busy this week !
So pleased to hear Giorgio is rallying. You have a good vet there in Rome. Glad that Bornagain and Wagger are joining me in following Giorgio's progress :o)
Conker is home and I've updated his blog above.....:o)
3 Nov, 2009
So glad today went according to plan, TT, and that Conker now only has one more dose to go. That is fantastic news.
Didn't know about Giorgio, Terry, so fingers crossed for him too. Hope you receive good news soon.
3 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Gee....
Nearly there :o) :o) :o)
I hope Chloe is well.. don't show her this blog...
...she'll want more Malt Crunchies... Lol.
Terry, I'd be pleased for you to put updates about Giorgio on this blog. Thanks.xxx
3 Nov, 2009
So pleased today went well for you Conker, Terry i did'nt know either that Giorgio was ill hope everything goes well for him, Smokey his going to wag his tail for him Terry and will keep doing it for Conker, lots of hugs to you Conker.
3 Nov, 2009
Brilliant news TT, You're almost home and dry :-) For some reason I thought it was tomorrow you took Conker, so the good news was specially welcome.
Have a cozy few days together all of you (not sure how you can cosy up with Crocus though?) Lots of Malt Crunchies and whatever else Truffle will hoover up!
The 'Raffles' cat is completely recovered - at least he's forgetting to limp anymore :-)
Sorry to hear about Georgio Terry, hope he's soon on the mend. Our Puss cats are pleased to purr and wave tails for Georgio too!
So hugs,purrs. wavey tails and love from a beautiful warm (28c) November day in Spain (sorry couldn't resist it)
Chris xx
3 Nov, 2009
Hello Clarice...
Smokey was one of the first to start wagging for Conker, so he obviously has some very effective action there. Lol.
Conker thanks for the hugs and is happy that you are both now also hugging and wagging for Giorgio. xxx
3 Nov, 2009
~ Hi TT
Brilliant news!~
Chris we have a warm sunny day here but I have been sliding in the woods whilst out with the dogs thick wet mud covered with wet leaves!
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Chris...
Lovely blue sky in England right now... I won't mention the huge heavy rainstorms which were flooding the motorways this morning ! Lol.
Pleased to read that Raffles is feeling better.... he did well to remember to keep limping on the SAME leg for so long, didn't he. Lol.
Yes, we switched to Tuesday for vet clinic day because of Conker's low blood count last week...
Would you believe on the way home I called in at the Coop and stocked up on Malt Crunchies... so we are prepared to have a feast this evening...:o)
Conker is exhausted now, sleeping with all his legs in the air and revealing his bald tummy where he's lost all his hair... that will grow back ! Truffle is tired because this morning he had the important task of accompanying Conker to the clinic.... and Crocus sends a virtual budgie hug..xxx
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Arlene....
Yes, good isn't it...
Pleased to hear you are mastering those slip-sliding techniques in the woods.... because you are being considered seriously as a late entry in the GoY Winter Wellie Olympics slalom event.... Keep practising. xxx
3 Nov, 2009
We have all had you and Conker in our thoughts this week-end and Monday..I was just logging in to give my wishes for tomorrow and it is all well!..I am so pleased..we are all going out for a walk here in a bit..and there will be a tremdous amount of tail energy that we will focus on Conkers continued well being..and yours and Truffles and Madam Crocus too...xxx ~~~~~~~~~ :o) ~Cat
3 Nov, 2009
Thanks Cat....
Enjoy your walk, and it's good to know that the tail energy is having such good effects...
P.S. Crocus would like you to know he is a MISTER. Lol.
xxx :o)
3 Nov, 2009
So pleased things have gone well for you today you must be so releived.Its good that you got your nice nurse.
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Mavis...
Thanks for checking on Conker.
Yes, Conker saw THREE nice vet nurses. :o)
A euphoric atmosphere here at home this afternoon...very happy... and we still have one more chemo session to go...
Truffle has been dancing the Carioca with me ...Lol.
...what will the festivities be like next week I wonder ?
3 Nov, 2009
Please don't even think about letting off fireworks to celebrate, Tt!!! LOL.
Hang out the flags instead, maybe?
Keep going - you're doing SOOOO well! xxx
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Terra! Great news! So glad your nearly at the final hurdle!
And I'm glad you're on GoY too!
3 Nov, 2009
Really good news, TT! :-) Now that he has only one dose left you'll all be able to rest & play together! Hope Conker feels more lively tomorrow & in a couple of days playing with Truffles again.
3 Nov, 2009
Whoopee....great news today TT.......I'm sure that after a few days rest Conker will be up and at it.
Light at the end of the tunnel.....Only one dose to go....x x
3 Nov, 2009
Pleased it went well today and hope for the same next week.
3 Nov, 2009
Hi TT.....just checking in to see how good old Conker fared with his chemo today.....So pleased to see everything went well. ONLY ONE MORE TO GO.....YIPPEE!!
Give him lots of hugs and Malt Crunchies from me. Bless him. Still sending lots of wags and purrs your way. :o)
3 Nov, 2009
Thanks everyone for your comments...
Let's hope Conker doesn't react badly to this dose of chemo.
Conker has his own Shetland flags and Scotland flags....
......so he'll be able to hold his flags... and leap over Madperth's hurdle.. then play on Balcony's balcony... and run through Pottygardener's tunnel... :o) :Lol..
....as you say... only one dose to go. x x x
3 Nov, 2009
Whoops... my comments getting out of sync. here.
Thanks, Paul and Paddy...
...yes, same result next week will be great !. :o)
3 Nov, 2009
Hello Gilli ~
thanks for checking on Conker all the way from Canada :o)
Appreciating the wags and purrs.... and, yes, it is going to be hugs and Malt Crunchies all the way... Yippee ! :o)
3 Nov, 2009
Now dont get overexcited, Terra! You need to conserve your energy!
3 Nov, 2009
Well done Terra.What a journey and the finishing line in sight.Love from all.xx
3 Nov, 2009
Such good news to come home to - keep up the good work, Conker. Glad to read you have all four legs in the air - any less would look very untidy. Keep eating mum out of house and home with the Malt Crunchies. Tell her your need is greater than hers, lol. xxx
3 Nov, 2009
Happy news TT... almost finished ,fingers and toe,s will be crossed for next weeks treatment .XXXX
3 Nov, 2009
Nice to hear from you again Madperth..
.....................shouldn't you be studying for your architecture exams ? ;o) Lol.
..early night for C,T and C..... and T :o) xxx
3 Nov, 2009
Ooops, sorry... these comments are getting so out of sync...
Thanks..Jane/BB... I know you are referring to the whole journey of months of chemo, but it just happened that this morning's journey to the clinic wasn't normal....
My good friend Mr. C. ~ who has so kindly used his car to take us to every chemo session ~ got confused on arrival times... and was at my house about 20 minutes late... so panic stations getting Conker and Truffle on board and to the vet clinic JUST in time...
Then on the way back we had to go through a scary heavy downpour of sheets of rain on the motorway ... everyone with headlights on... but nowhere near as wet as Scotland, I'm sure...
But safely home now. :o) xxx
3 Nov, 2009
Hello Wagger...
Yes, such good news... another chemo completed....
...and I was delighted to find the CoOp had restocked the shelves with Malt Crunchies.... so my larder has plenty... and we won't run out unless Crocus starts preferring those to Trill. :o)
P.S. Conker promises to sleep tidily. xxx
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Janette...
Thank you for looking in on Conker... and for all those crossed fingers and toes...Lol..xxx
3 Nov, 2009
well done conker, glad you got to have your chemo today, one to go, meows from angelina and big big hugs from auntie sandra xx you will be able to sleep well tonight Terra, take care x
3 Nov, 2009
Hello Auntie Sandra...
Yes, well done Conker :o)
The vet nurses told me they had his leg shaved etc ready for chemo and then the vet was delayed, so they just held Conker gently and gave him lots and lots of cuddles till chemo could be given... brave boy...and kind of the nurses...
... and good of Angelina to send meows from her photo over on my latest blog. ;o) Lol. x
3 Nov, 2009
lol Terra ;o)) x
3 Nov, 2009
Well done Conker, and the Vet, wont it be absolutely wonderful if he beats it. All our prayers and wishes will have been granted. Mustn't count all our chickens yet but oh how good it feels to see him on the up.
3 Nov, 2009
Hello Heron...
Thank you for seeing how Conker is getting on. It would be wonderful to think Conker could beat the cancer, but the vets have explained that the treatment in dogs is not a cure.... however, if the chemo gives Conker some months of good health and happiness, then it has all been very worth while...
During December it will be wonderful to notice Conker's immune system recovering and to see his coat start to grow back... he'll need that for January and February !
But, yes... should be all on the up now... :o)
I hope Barnaby is well.. xxx
3 Nov, 2009
Lol! Being on this site, maybe I should've gone for psychology, or even psychiatry!
3 Nov, 2009
Great news again Terra, I've decided to buy my girls extra treats to make them wag even faster, and a bit of plastic cheese for Wellyrat (whos name is Rudie according to my youngest granddaughter.) That should do the trick:-)
3 Nov, 2009
Terra that is fantastic news, and so near the end I think I`m buying Malt Crunchies in readiness for that big party we are going to have. Hope they taste nice I`ve never tried them but I sure will for Conker...Big hugs and wags coming your way and chirrups for Mr Crocus.......
3 Nov, 2009
I'm so very thrilled to hear this Terra, lovely, lovely Conker, just one more biggie to go and he can have a rest, you all can. Such good news. You will have to buy him a woolly coat for the winter, I've just bought Todd a little red mac as with his heavy lot of fur, he gets so wet. You should see his face when I put it on and pull the hood over his head, if looks could kill....................LOL. Lots more wags and prayers coming along for you all. Take care.
Love and Hugs
Pam and the Zoo xxx
4 Nov, 2009
Is there a photo Pam ?.I`ve just had a mental image..LOL.
4 Nov, 2009
stick to the architecture course....
you can then build the GoY HQ in Perth. Lol.
4 Nov, 2009
Wow, Bornagain pet treats AND plastic cheese !
please may we all have an invitation to your house...
but, of course, hoping Malt Crunchies are on the menu too..LOL.
Thanks so much for the wags from Rudie the Rat and your girls. xxx
4 Nov, 2009
Hi Lincslass...
What a brilliant idea...!
a Malt Crunchies celebration party !
Do you think little Brynner would eat his fair share...?
I'm sure Morgan would help out..LOL.
C,T & C say thanks for the hugs...
and they send some in return to your family :o) xxx
4 Nov, 2009
Oh, Pam.
Dear little Toddy in his winter rain jacket...
I agree with Lincslass ~
Is there a photo ?
If Conker wore a day time woolly coat, I think Truffle would consider trying to undress him......lol....
...but I might consider a night time coat, if I can be sure it wouldn't damage Conker while sleeping... there is no heating on at night and I don't want Conker to feel chilly...
Yes, just one more big chemo to go....xxx
4 Nov, 2009
Hello again,
Have you got access to any vet bed? I used to use it a lot with my cats . If you have a large piece you can make a sleeping bag (fleece side in) and they could possibly both snuggle in!
I shall feel very left out if you have a Malt Crunchies celebration party :-) Will look for something similar, although I won't be able to crunch yet - just back from El Dentisto (yuk) he's a scouse would you believe (we have lots of British Dentists over here)
Weather continues to be lovely (although breezy) will keep my fingers crossed that the rain eases off (poor Scotland) and hope that once the 5th is past there's no more fireworks.
Hugs, purrs etc from all here have a good relaxing time. Take care.
Chris xx
4 Nov, 2009
Hi Chris...
Good idea... thanks.. yes, I have various vet beds.. some quite large... and I can make one into a Conker Cocoon if necessary.. :o) Lol.
The Malt Crunchies party will be an international event, with members attending virtually from all parts of the globe.. I already have ideas... don't encourage me. LOL LOL LOL.
Interesting your El Dentisto is a scouse... My dentist in England is a Greek lady... and very lovely and efficient too.
She extracted my back tooth when she was about 9 months pregnant... it was touch and go whether the tooth or the baby was going to emerge first...Lol.
Dare I say... been lucky with the fireworks so far... just a few explosions last evening.... but I reckon it will be very noisy for the next 5 days....:o(
Yes, Scotland needs no more rain!
Thanks for the Alicante hugs and purrs... and the Conker cocoon idea. :o) xxx
4 Nov, 2009
Glad that Conker had his nice nurses TT. Big hugs and wags from Brum :-)) xx
4 Nov, 2009
Hi Sue...
Yes Conker had LOTS of nice nurses !
Thanks for the Brum hugs and wags...:o)
So far, Conker seems okay following this latest chemo. xxx
4 Nov, 2009
TT - you're so right, St Francis certainly has been very busy -
Lovely Conker is doing well and amazingly enough so is Giorgio - the vet cannot believe the improvement in his latest blood tests and how well he has reacted to treatment - - - YIPPEEEE
4 Nov, 2009
Oh Terry.... you are sounding so much happier...
YIPPEEEE.. that's wonderful...:o)
St. Francis has done a grand job...
I'm delighted that the reports on Giorgio are so positive.
Please keep us up to date with progress. xxx
4 Nov, 2009
Interesting that you don't appear to have seen anything of the 'rough' vet nurse, perhaps she's avoiding you?
I have just been shopping and bought a large (50% extra free) packet of Weetabix. Its getting to that time of year when we think of cereal (Porridge in the winter of course) Perhaps I can ask Iceland to ship some Malt Crunchies over!
Great to hear that Giorgio is so much better too, sounds like you have a great vet there Terry. Give G a hug from me and our feline fraternity.
What is Italian for dog? It's Perro in Spanish (possibly something similar) we have lots of words that are almost the same.
Hope the improvement keeps up and he's soon on the mend (sorry for hijacking your blog Terra)
Love to all.
Chris xx
4 Nov, 2009
Hi Chris....
Hijacking not a problem at all...
Conker is interested to read news of the pussy cats in Spain and Italy. :o)
I wonder what the Italian and Spanish words are for Malt Crunchies. ? Lol.
love & hugs. xxx
4 Nov, 2009
Ciao TT and Fenclare -
I agree our vets are absolutely wonderful - mind you, I think a few prayers along the way have helped a likkle bit too ......
Now then, the Italian for dog is cane and gatto for cat and as for Malt Crunchies - well not sure we have them here - perhaps - malti croccanti !!
A highjacking Giorgio sends his love to Conker (and other feline 4 too)
4 Nov, 2009
Lovely to read the news about Giorgio, Terry60. It really seems as though he has turned the corner - can I uncross my toes? it's so difficult walking! :-)))
4 Nov, 2009
Fantastic. Almost there. Both he and you deserve a well earned rest and some vetless time together. I really hope that everything goes well for him.
Lots of love and hugs to you, Conker. Truffle and Crocus. Hopefully you'll be able to all this behind you very soon.
4 Nov, 2009
Thanks for your kind wishes, Toto.
Conker has been a very brave boy through these 8 months of his illness. love & hugs. T,C,T & C xxx
5 Nov, 2009
Hello TT. Glad it's happy news this week. Three nurses, what a lucky boy. Take it easy. xx
5 Nov, 2009
How is Conker today Tt, and how are you too?
5 Nov, 2009
Hello Phil...
Yes, Conker was wagging and happy when he came home from Tuesday's vet clinic treatment... lots of cuddles from lots of lovely vet nurses. :o) xxx
5 Nov, 2009
I hope you are okay Lily ?
Conker's cheek area is showing signs of looking very slightly infected again, so I'm keeping it cleared, and have emailed the vet at the clinic to ask if Conker can have more Ceporex tablets... probably next Tuesday if the cheek still looks infected....
Up till today the fireworks have been few and far between. How are they around other members? .... Today being Nov.5th, I'll expect my the neighbourhood on all sides of my gardens will be like a war zone after dark this evening.. that's to be expected..
...but there will be more loud bangs and firework screams over Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and with the recession, I'm wondering if lots of fireworks will be sold off cheaply over coming weeks, which will prolong the season of scary explosions right through November.
Any of you reading this, I hope your pets will be safe and not scared this evening. I think Conker will be okay, but Truffle is not yet tested !
5 Nov, 2009
Yes I'm much better today thanks Terra.
What a pity Conkers cheek is showing signs of flaring up again, hopefully you can nip it in the bud this time before it causes him much discomfort, poor Conker- he could really do without this again and so could you.
Not many fireworks so far, hereabouts, Daisy is only slightly bothered by the really loud and whistling ones but I shall keep her in.
Good luck with Truffle!
5 Nov, 2009
Yes, I'm keeping careful watch on Conker's cheek, so the abscess won't flare up and become huge, like before...
I hope for Daisy's sake you don't have the whistling fireworks around you...
My TV is not situated near my neighbours, so when indoors I can have that on LOUD without disturbing anyone...and that will hopefully drown out much of the firework noise, and simultaneously entertain Crocus the budgie who loves noisy music, and will think it yet another of his birthday celebrations...Lol.
5 Nov, 2009
Hi TT pleased Conker is OK hope is cheek will be alright aswell, not looking forward tonight, poor Smokey will be petrifide of them unlike you i cant put my tv to loud, but on saying that my next door wont be having fireworks as they have 2 dogs. But wont make to much differance to all the noise from everyone else.
5 Nov, 2009
Hi Clarice...
Thanks. Yes, I'm hoping Conker's cheek will be okay.
Poor Smokey... No wonder you aren't looking forward to sundown... and sadly the firework noise is likely to continue Friday, Saturday, Sunday and even longer....
This evening, if Smokey is upset, I would suggest that you do turn your TV louder.... Your neighbours would surely understand that it was only for the duration of the firework noise... If they have 2 dogs, they can turn their TV loud too...Lol.
Fingers crossed our beloved pets don't get too stressed.xxx
5 Nov, 2009
I'm with you on this fingers crossed for the pets this next few days, Smokey seems to get worse with the fireworks as he gets older, bless him he'll go and crawl on his tummy and hide in the dark under the stairs, already put him a cushion in there for him to go on.
5 Nov, 2009
Ooooh, poor Smokey...
You are such a caring owner, Clarice, having his cushion already in place under the stairs... Yes, some pets do seem to become more upset by fireworks as they get older.
Special hugs and kisses for lovely Smokey from Conker, Truffle and Crocus.. and me. xxx
5 Nov, 2009
Just a quickie to wish everyone with nervous pets the best for this evening in the UK. It would be nice if it rained but I suppose that would only prolong things :-(
I just wish they'd confine fireworks to organised events.
Fingers crossed for Conker's cheek Terra will be thinking of you. Hugs and wavey tails etc.
More later ..... 1812 Overture anyone?
Chris xx
5 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Chris...
Many parts of Britain are now in for fireworks non-stop during the dark hours...
there is no escape...
...this evening, tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday...
... and probably many days after that..
Our gardens and their surroundings will be transformed from areas of sanctuary to scary places reminiscent of the blitz....
God bless all nervous pets and the terrified wildlife.......xxx
5 Nov, 2009
People burn money by way of fireworks for all sorts of reasons nowadays, none justified in my opinion, It's illegal to make such noise in other ways. If I were a Catholic I wouldn't like it though I suspect that many Catholics also take part. Perhaps it would be better to celebrate the saving of Parliament in a quieter way. I'm sure our four legged friends would drink to that.
5 Nov, 2009
Good comment Heron...
I worry for our four-legged friends... and the petrified wild birds and wild animals out in the gardens and fields...
5 Nov, 2009
Hear hear folks....our whiz-bangs have just started at 6.30 and are still pounding away. The DAP atomiser appears to be working and both dogs are out flat.....mind you I can barely hear myself think I have Classic FM up SO loud!!
I guess when the Municipal Wallahs went to "light blue touch paper and retire" on Sunday - our bonfire was under 4 foot of water...yippee! So I really can't be too mean minded and wish for it all to go away... again....it won't!!
5 Nov, 2009
Hi Alz...
The DAP atomiser hasn't knocked you out then ? Lol.
This evening, I'm finding it easiest to accompany my dogs out into the dark garden, one at a time... Truffle struts about with his nose pointed skywards... he can smell the burning... I rushed him back in just before some more bangs went off... !!!
Re. Conker's treatment, his clinic vet has assured me by email today that next Tuesday at the clinic, following Conker's chemotherpay... Ceporex tablets for Conker's cheek abscess, and Metoclopramide to help Conker's digestion.. will both be available for me to take home for Conker.
That has eased my worries :o)
5 Nov, 2009
Snap, I too am listening to Classic FM though I do every evening. It's so wet here that there are no fireworks anyway.
5 Nov, 2009
A lot of fireworks here.....as there was last night.....Patch doesn't like them. He's running around the room barking. Rosie doesn't care, she's upstairs, asleep on the bed!!
5 Nov, 2009
It's an emotional rollercoaster ride for you TT lets hope there are more ups than downs. I get the impression that there's cause for optimism. Fingers crossed- toes too!
5 Nov, 2009
Oh, poor Patch... go for it .... you bark and send those fireworks on their way !
Strange how the animals react different to firework noise...
... have a good snooze, Rosie ! :o)
5 Nov, 2009
OOH..Heron..you ALMOST make me jealous....Classic FM yes I do too, just not THIS loud...although dear old Rachmaninoff can stand it!! But the rain....no thanks..seen enough of that stuff to last a lifetime this week...all four feet of it!!
TT.. I am SO relieved the vet agreed to the scripts being available.....now just keep mopping that cheek and all should be well....lots of hugs and wags to you all..when the GG's waken up!!
5 Nov, 2009
Does everyone agree that when the comments get out of order it can read quite amusingly... like that game of consequences....does anyone remember that game ? :o)
Yes, Heron, Thank you.
I can sort of see the end of the chemo in sight now.... just several evenings of firework noise to survive first...
Fingers AND toes crossed ? Careful, don't trip over Barnaby.. Lol.
5 Nov, 2009
Alz ~
Certainly, you have had much more than your fair share of rain !
Yes, the tablets will be available, and I know that both prescriptions suit Conker well..:o)
I'll keep a close watch on the cheek till then...
Thanks for the sleepy hugs and wags. xxx
5 Nov, 2009
OH TT..you have just made me laugh out loud...I do indeed remember "Consequences" and when we used to play it in class - there were many red faces and mouths stuffed with hankies as we read the results....usually aimed the teachers of course!!
5 Nov, 2009
Oh, I didn't play Consequences at school.... I must have been a very well-behaved student...
...I remember family Christmases when I was young, playing Consequences with pencils, paper, uncles, aunts etc. ! :o)
5 Nov, 2009
I was a VERY well behaved student - usually - but I'll bet even you would have collapsed in a heap of giggles when passed a Consequence note in class...OMG
Happily I was never actually caught in the act...being always at the front of class..I didn't indulge much!!
5 Nov, 2009
Yes, I admit... I would have been good at collapsing into giggles... as a child... and even now... :o)
5 Nov, 2009
Hi Terra, in the winter I used to make 'pyjamas for my poodles out of old jumper sleeves it only needs two holes for the legsand the cuff makes a little polo neck, the material must be stretchy. It used to be funny as they would line up to get their 'jarmies on as our old house could get quite cold at night:-)
5 Nov, 2009
Hi Bornagain ~
The pyjamas idea sounds very good..
a pity you don't have a photo of poodles in pyjamas...
... all in a line.. Lol. :o)
5 Nov, 2009
I instinctively looked down at the place where our dogs' bed used to be - it was alongside my computer - when I heard some of the first bangs this evening. I couldn't help myself, after all the dogs were there for almost 9 years! Most of those 9 years I've had to work nights on Nov 5th but this year I'm still out of work & therefore at home - only there are no longer any dogs to comfort! :-( Boli having died some weeks ago. :-(
Hope Conker's cheek doesn't get any worse TT. You are doing everything humanly possible to get him back to good health. :-)
Hope this evening is getting better by now. It's 21.20 now so the majority of "revellers" will have finished for tonight.
5 Nov, 2009
Sorry to hear you are still out of work, Balcony.
As the fireworks began, it isn't surprising that you looked over to where your dogs used to be.... I'm sure you are still missing Boli. It isn't easy to adjust....
Conker's cheek looks reasonably good this morning. Thanks.
I reckon neighbourhoods will have three more evenings of intensive fireworks all around.... and then it will be mostly finished... except for the reduced price fireworks.. which can be worse... because they produce bangs unexpectedly any evening. !
6 Nov, 2009
Hi TT, Sorry I'm late catching up. I was glad to read your recent comment about Conker. It will be a relief for you not to have to take him for more treatment after next week. Good that something can be given to help his digestion aswell. I hope all goes well for you now.
Love and hugs, Hywel xxx
6 Nov, 2009
Just out of interest, as you are 'doggy' folk, the Wednesday afternoon play on Radio 4 was a brilliant document-drama about the true story of a Russian boy brought up by dogs. I recommend you go on iPlayer and listen, it cleverly portrays the relationship between us and dogs. Warning, you may need a hanky at the end.
6 Nov, 2009
Hello Hywel ~
Thanks for checking on Conker...Yes, it will be good not to have to make the journeys to the vet clinic... at least until Conker's check-ups next year..
I feel pleased Conker will be prescribed the Metoclopramide. He has the strong chemo next Tuesday, and the Metoclop should stop his digestive system reacting badly, as it did last time around...
love and hugs. T,C,T & C xxx
6 Nov, 2009
Morning Heron...
Thank you for letting us know about the Radio 4 play. :o)
6 Nov, 2009
Morning Terra,
Hope last night wasn't too bad, was Truffle OK? The 'doggy' PJ's is a great idea. You can always nip down to a charity shop and pick up a couple of thick jumpers if necessary :-)
Last night here - 2 big bangs at 6.30, we looked at each other and said "here we go" but nothing more at all!! More noise from the wind than anything else.
Glad to hear you can pick up Conker's medication with no probs on Tuesday - once that chemo session is done life will be so much easier for you all.
Our cats absolutely hate this wind! Cilla stays indoors (legs crossed) until she absolutely has to go out then shoots through the window like a bat out of hell to the litter tray and back in just as fast :-) Quite comical really she's so affronted by it all, blames us of course!
Hugs, purrs and wavey tails from the Spanish contingent. Take care.
Chris xx
6 Nov, 2009
Hi Chris ~
Yesterday evening, I rushed Truffle into the garden and back again very quickly each time, before he had a chance to notice many explosions, but I think tonight and the evenings of Saturday and Sunday will be noisier with lots more fireworks around...
Sounds like all was reasonably serene in Alicante...
...your cats are really comical...Lol.
It will be about a week after Conker's final chemo that I'll start to relax... when I know he hasn't reacted badly to that final strong dose of chemo !
Thanks for the hugs, purrs and wavy tails.
T,C.T & C xxx
6 Nov, 2009
I'm glad to say it was relatively quiet here last night, not that Misty goes out much when the woodburner is alight, lol. I expect everybody is waiting for the organised 'do' on Saturday on the village crick.
6 Nov, 2009
Yes, I guess recent evenings may have been the calm before the storm, so to speak....
Misty is sensible to curl up in the warm. :o)
6 Nov, 2009
~ Andrew took our lot out into one of the local fields for their evening walk and surprisingly Merl and Dexter were cool about the whole explosions in the sky bit whilst Harv was very nervous and had to have a cuddle! We will have to be careful over the next couple of days.
6 Nov, 2009
Oh, poor Harvey !
I'm still not totally sure how Truffle is going to react to bigger bangs...
..so far he has heard only the more distant whistling fireworks...
6 Nov, 2009
We had a very quiet bonfire night here, maybe saving them for the weekend? So pleased to hear of Giorgios progress Terry60, such a grand gentleman:-)
6 Nov, 2009
Seems everyone had a fairly quite night last night, it was pretty quite here aswell, afew big bangs after pubs turned out, Smokey was not taking any chances though first sound of firework and crawled through the door and under stairs, for most of the night, i checked him at 1-30 and he was stretched out still on his cushion understairs so just left him, so it looks like the next 3days are going to be noisy.
6 Nov, 2009
Yes, I reckon you are right Bornagain and Clarice...
Next three evenings will be noisy...
I thought of Smokey last night, curled up under the stairs, and hoped he would be okay...
Good luck everyone with pets today, Saturday and Sunday
We can report here each morning on how we coped...!
6 Nov, 2009
A very brief bit of highjacking from Giorgio, who conveys heartfelt thanks to all, especially TT and Conker for sharing their blog with him, regarding his wonderful (almost) -recovery XXXX ...
6 Nov, 2009
Hi Terry60 ~
We still hope you'll put updates on this thread of lovely Giorgio's convalescence.. Thanks. xxx
6 Nov, 2009
'Course we will TT, gladly.
I could sing with joy and relief after all those tears, when I recall that the vet almost suggested putting him down a couple of weeks ago .....
6 Nov, 2009
Terry I`m pleased to see Giorgio is getting on well and hope he continues so.... Hope Conker`s cheek is ok Terra and see that you are prepared with the medicine for those nasty side-effects, fingers xx it doesn`t get as bad this time. Pleased to say that last nights fireworks of which there were plenty had no effect whatsoever, both my boys couldn`t care less ,hope that continues, all fluffy pets stayed indoors safe and sound,,,,lol. P.S. Forgot to mention I`ve cut the grass this morning and Brynner didn`t take any notice of the mower,......
6 Nov, 2009
Hi Lincslass...
You have two even-tempered Gundogs there...
...good to know Brynner wasn't fazed by the mower...
If you want to be extra sure... please bring Brynner here and he can watch you mow my lawns...Lol...
Conker's cheek has just a tiny area which is a worry.
It is nothing like when it was swollen to the shape of a tomato !
Thanks for asking.....:o)
6 Nov, 2009
~ My son had his hair cut yesterday and his hairdresser has a couple of ex gundogs who rush to the door and want to be out when they hear bangs!
Terry60~ glad that you have good news~ sometimes I think the vets suggest a couse of action to save you money ~
6 Nov, 2009
Hi Arlene... but is he pleased with his haircut ? Lol.
6 Nov, 2009
I think Paddy thinks he's a gun dog as everytime a firework goes off, he goes beserk at the door and if he's outside he runs at the fence trying to find the bang. It doesn't seem to frighten him just makes him very noisy. I'm hoping for pouring rain next few days to put a dampner on the fireworks. It's driving us crazy. He never used to bother about them for his first 3 years but the last 3 , he's got worse each year.
6 Nov, 2009
~yes it suits him!~ he looks much better with it shorter!Has rained a lot here so might put a bit of a dampener on proceedings~If it was only one day you could cope but the weather means it can go on for days!
6 Nov, 2009
Sorry to learn Paddy is upset by the fireworks... If there is rain, it might mean bonfire parties postponed... not cancelled ...so the fireworks would happen eventually... Fingers crossed Paddy doesn't get too distraught over the coming evenings.
6 Nov, 2009
Believe it or not our lot are now scheduled - albeit provisionally for the 15th...but then our bonfire was under 4' of water and it has never dried out yet...still drizzling tonight...yuk!
The DAP diffuser did work last night I think - Honey and Di never moved ....and for Honey I know that is unusual as last year she was a quivering jelly in a corner. Let's hope it keeps on working!
How did Truffle cope TT ...or was he happy because Conker coped...they usually take their cue from their older and wiser pals!!!
6 Nov, 2009
Hi Alz..... 15th... that's a long way off !
I'm really TIRED, and would love to go to bed, but a noisy firework party has been going on for hours a few gardens away from my house..... Glad to know the DAP was of help to you...
I've just kept the TV on LOUDLY..... but even Crocus has now had enough, and is ready to roost.....
My dogs don't know there have been fireworks outside... they thought the screams and explosions were part of the background noise of the Strictly Come Dancing video tape I'm playing LOUDLY.....
...in fact, Anton du Beke danced very much IN TIME with the firework bangs... good synchronisation...LOL.
I hope Scotland gets some dry weather..... you've had more than enough rain!
6 Nov, 2009
Terry so pleased Giorgio, is doing well,and all being well its Conker's last trip to vets this next week. TT come dancing is in Blackpool tonight at the tower ballroom, if you get chance look at the ceiling its brilliant, as for Smokey he was on his cushion under stairs again, only another couple of nights, mind you have to admit fairly quite again last night.
7 Nov, 2009
Hi Clarice...
Yes, it's wonderful that Giorgio is getting so much perkier...
I'm so pleased for Terry60...
I'll be watching Strictly... pity you aren't in the audience with Sandra !
Will look closely at the ceiling...
Poor Smokey on his cushion....
..have you photographed him curled up under there ?
The fireworks sounded like a war-zone in my neighbourhood till very late last night. I'm hoping that if over the weekend, there are organised firework displays in town, it might be quieter here, nearer to home...
Conker's coat is getting thinner. When next week's chemo is over, I hope to bath Conker in a good skin shampoo.... lose the aroma of the vet clinic, help to put some life back into his hair, and have him smelling sweetly of tea tree and coal tar !
7 Nov, 2009
I do feel sorry for all of you with firework problems. It rained heavily here last night so there were none! Heard a few far off early on Thursday evening but nothing close by. Tonight there is the village firework display but it is usually well organised and soon over. Chloe is very deaf so doesn't hear much but those whiney ones do penetrate and she listens but doesn't get distressed like my dear old Mungo used to. Forgive my ignorance but what are DAP diffusers?
7 Nov, 2009
Hi Gee ~
Alz made a comment on lst November on this thread explaining DAP diffusers.
Have you seen that ? Would you like further explanation ? I'm sure Alz will catch up with this thread and give more detail if needed.
Glad to know you didn't have firework noise and that Chloe is okay. I must admit I'm very, very tired, and the thought of two more stressful late nights of fireworks this weekend fills me with dread !
7 Nov, 2009
Thanks, TT, I had missed that comment - so much for buzzing down to the end!! Sounds interesting. I tried herbal remedies for Mungo but it didn't work at all. I've no need of anything for Chloe but was interested anyway :)
7 Nov, 2009
Hi folks....in and out today like the proverbial fiddler's elbow!! So just catching up here.....
Gee....did you manage to find my diatribe (!) on these Dog Appeasing Pheromones back on the 1st of Nov.....or do you want a repeat of it!!
Seriously though...if you Google the phrase..you will find out all about them.
It was originally a French finding that young puppies did not bother with noises etc due to the natural - odourless to humans - maternal pheromones that the bitch secreted. These have now been mimicked by scientists and they seem to work and now they make ones for cats...as these pheromones are species specific...so no risk of us all chilling out too...LOL The great thing is that they can't hurt anything or anybody and if they help.....then that is a huge plus obviously.
I guess..I should apply for a fee for advertising at this rate!!!!!
7 Nov, 2009
Bet Conker will enjoy that bath, as for taking a photo of Smokey under the stairs TT i'll pass on that, as there is everything in there like cleaner shopping trolley, the comby boiler,then there are shelves with alsorts on, to put the cushion in for him, i had to take nearly everything out to get to the corner where he goes, then to look and see if he his alright i have to get on all 4's with my head touching the floor nearly.
7 Nov, 2009
Yes, I did scroll back and find it, Alz! I have also looked on Google. As I said Chloe is fine and has no need of anything at the moment but its good to know what's available if the need arises in the future.
7 Nov, 2009
Good show, Gee......I must say - I prefer natural remedies if at all possible.....which is why I went for it in the first place. My lat husband had totally ruined my last pair of labs by fussing over them when they got upset by noises...just underlining their "need to worry" so to speak! It is so easily done and once done - VERY difficult to undo as we pet-owners all know!!!
Anyway - here's hoping ALL GOY pets will get through the next few days unscathed.
7 Nov, 2009
OMG Clarice...
no wonder Smokey feels safe on that cushion, surrounded by all your possessions....xxx
If, as Truffle gets older, he starts to get agitated by fireworks, I'll probably try the DAP.... all a bit more commission for Alz. LOL...;o)
Thanks, Alz.... need some early nights in my household to get through these last few days of Conker's chemo treatment... not two more evenings sounding like the Blitz !
7 Nov, 2009
I can WELL understand that TT.....and with the weekend too - anybody and everybody will be having a pop with these dratted things. It will be Classic FM Fortissimo here - just in case the DAP doesn't work!! They say that our official bnfire won't be until the 15th for goodness sake.....who cares by then...LOL
7 Nov, 2009
I'm all set to record Strictly Come Dancing at Blackpool, and then replay it LOUDLY and repeatedly till the Firework Fest finishes..!... Lol.
7 Nov, 2009
We have the town display tonight ,4mins walk from where we live,its a grand display so usually support it with the family but staying home this year, my vet nurse recommended that we play the film Top Gun in the room with Brynner and gradually put the volume up as loud as possible,apparently it has so many sound effects in it epecially aeroplanes and bangs its the best one, you can buy proper pet tapes if you prefer but she said the film is best in her opinion ( she did say dont upset the neighbours LOL.) ...
7 Nov, 2009
Hi Lincslass ~
Are you absolutely certain the vet nurse doesn't just have a crush on Tom Cruise ? Lol.
... let's hope the neighbours also like Tom. :o)
7 Nov, 2009
Quick note to Terry60 - so glad your worries are behind you. Very good news!
7 Nov, 2009
The fireworks are going off more tonight than on the 5th! As it was raining last night there were very few. For some reason there don't seem to be many of the really loud ones like other years.
Hope your dogs & cats & birds are alright. This year we haven't got any dogs to tranquillise any more.
7 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Wagger...
Terry60 will be catching up with this blog over the next couple of days :o)
Hi Balcony...
This evening seems even worse than last night... loud screaming fireworks... huge bangs..!.. If only they all happened on the appropriate date...Nov 5th... we wouldn't have to endure night after night.. I'm very tired, but looks like I'll have to stay up late again with my TV on loud !
I'm sure you're missing your little Boli.
Have you thought about getting a budgie ?
I think you've had those in the past ?
7 Nov, 2009
Yes, we've had budgies, we had 3 at one time & they flew free a lot of the time. Right characters they were as well! But no, we shan't be getting any more pets I don't think. While my mother-in-law continues to live, & we continue to live here, my wife will want to take her holidays twice a year & spent her two weeks with her mother. We will be spending our first Christmas with her & our two boys in 9 years this year. Our daughter, who lives only 5 miles away from us, will be coming with us as well. This will be the first time that my mum-in-law will see her great grand daughter. My wife has shown her videos we have made of her but, obviously, it's not the same as seeing her in the flesh. Kirsty, our granddaughter, is the only great granddaughter she has. Though our daughter is expecting another child in June next year. Kirsty will be 3 years old at the end of March next year.
7 Nov, 2009
You are a close family which is lovely, and it is great that you can make plans for Christmas. Pet ownership does restrict holidays and outings... Kirsty sounds really cute :o)
7 Nov, 2009
Well it's late but very peaceful here. Fell asleep watching Piers Morgan interview Ronnie Corbett on TV. Freddy has been asleep on my lap all evening thru Strictly, and X Factor, before Piers, got very grumpy at being moved even when I wanted a cuppa! Nothing more in the way of fireworks here since the '2' bangs on Thursday evening.
Today we went to a Christmas Fayre! - not a big run up here luckily. It's still strange to look ar Christmas goodies in brilliant sunshine. Bought a couple of tins of Roses and Hero's (8 Euros - dearer than the UK) but I still can't find Maltesers :-( Hubby bought a case of specialist beers, so he's OK, I don't care as long as I have my Bailey's!
Off to bed now, hope it's quietened down now for you guys (although it's only 23.00 there) Have a peaceful night. Love to all.
Take care.
Chris xx
7 Nov, 2009
~ It has poured here so no fireworkst his evening locally ~our dogs are out for their last walk which hopefully will be uneventful~
TT has it quietened down with you ?
7 Nov, 2009
Surprisingly all virtually quiet here tonight ...just a few pops and bangs but nothing to upset anybody. It is a very quiet and COLD night ....heading for another freezing one...so time to shut shop here!!
7 Nov, 2009
BBBBrrr... sounds cold up there Alz ! Has it stopped raining, Arlene ?
Really sorry for you Chris, having to buy Christmas goodies in the warm sunshine... make sure the chocolate doesn't melt ;o) xxx
I turned my computer off about 11 pm last night but didn't go to bed till later.. kept the TV on till I felt sure all the fireworks had subsided. These late nights don't suit me because we always get up early in the mornings... I'm hoping just one more night of explosions and then no fireworks for a while... I don't want to feel as exhausted as I do now when I take Conker for chemo on Tuesday. He has become a lap dog lately.... more like a cat, curling up for a cuddle !
8 Nov, 2009
Aw.... Bless him TT keep smiling
8 Nov, 2009
You know TT....when my beloved Sophie and Scout were nearing the end I actually took them to bed with me!!!! Just as well I have a King-sized bed!! Two large labradors take up a lot of space but at least if I needed an early night - we just all cuddled up....and the radio on at my side helped to mask noises off ...LOL
No idea if that could work for you...maybe you wouldn't manage to sleep as such but at least you would be resting. I too am an early riser as you know and I feel for you right now...and really pray that tonight goes off more quietly and you get some rest TT. Lots of wags and cuddles to you all . C xx and the Golden Girls xx
8 Nov, 2009
Thanks, C and the GG's...
That wouldn't really work with my current two dogs... we would all keep each other awake... but after one more noisy firework fest tonight, I hope things will quieten down. xxx
8 Nov, 2009
Just a quick note to wish you and Conker all the very best for Tuesday. I hope his blood count is ok and you can all start getting back to some degree of normality.
8 Nov, 2009
Thank you, Toto.
Conker's body has had just about enough chemo.
His coat is losing condition now, and falling out more...
Fingers crossed for Tuesday. xxx
8 Nov, 2009
I'm sure he'll soon be back to the gorgeous pup at the top of the blog, Terra! its surprising how fast it'll grow back once the chemo is over with!! :~))
8 Nov, 2009
Thanks Madperth...
It will be lovely seeing Conker's long coat grown back. :o)
8 Nov, 2009
Something to look forward to! :~))
8 Nov, 2009
8 Nov, 2009
I was on the PDSA's website, & saw a pet-proof hot-bottle for dog's bed's! I thought it'd be great for Conker!
8 Nov, 2009
...blog I wrote today is about PDSA Dickin Medals...
for animal gallantry....! :o)
8 Nov, 2009
Still wading thru blogs today! I'm having trouble catching up!! :~))
I'll have a look now!
8 Nov, 2009
Gosh TT - it's taken me a month and a day to catch up on Conker's update !!! -but well worth it - I'm really glad the chemo is almost over and that you can now look forward to some hassle free quality time with your boys ... altho' we don't want him catching a cold so you'll have to put a woolly jumper on Conker to compensate for his temporarily thinning coat ....
Regarding Giorgio, the vet is absolutely baffled, in fact he confided on Saturday that he never thought he would have pulled through, but only insisted with treatment 'cos he saw how upset we were .....but so chuffed with the results, seeing that he is getting better by the day - thanks again to you all
9 Nov, 2009
Hi Terry60 ~
Thanks. Conker is resting today, ready for tomorrow's vet clinic treatment..
Good to read Giorgio is doing very well.... and that the vet is so pleased...
I know you like pussycat stories...on my new blog about the Dickin Medal, I've mentioned a cat which received the award for bravery during World War II. :o)
9 Nov, 2009
Thanks TT I shall have a look this very minute ..
By the way, how's his cheek ??
9 Nov, 2009
Hi again.. Thank you for asking...
Conker's cheek still has a small area which seems slightly infected, but there isn't a large swelling as previously. xxx
9 Nov, 2009
Have they told you why it gets infected ?
9 Nov, 2009
The best explanation I can guess is that his immune system is low from all the chemo. Way back in the springtime, at the start of Conker's treatment, I was warned he could get infections.... of the bladder etc. At least this is on the surface where I can see what's happening. I presume his face area is now vulnerable, so any infection in his body gathers there...
9 Nov, 2009
Hope Conker has a restful day today, and tomorrow goes well x
9 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Jean...
We've been awake late these past four nights, due to firework noise all around, so settling down today, ready for the clinic tomorrow. xxx
9 Nov, 2009
Good luck tomorrow Conker! Yes,Tt, Paddy has been going beserk the last few days with the fireworks. They are so big and loud nowadays, the sort that only used to be in displays are now used in tiny back gardens!(disasters waiting to happen!)
9 Nov, 2009
Yes, Paul you are right.... these bigger, noisier fireworks are disasters waiting to happen... good description..!
Fingers crossed Conker's blood test will be okay tomorrow and that we don't need to return again the following week...
Thanks for your good wishes, and I hope Paddy isn't upset by any more fireworks this year.
9 Nov, 2009
Wags wiggles, prayers, love & hugs from here too, Terra! :~))
9 Nov, 2009
Oh, yes, thanks Madperth...
Please wag, wiggle, and pray as much as possible...
....we really need this last chemo to be completed ..:o)
9 Nov, 2009
Hope all goes well tomorrow, TT, and that it really is the last chemo dose for Conker. Also hope that you get some mych needed respite from the fireworks this evening and have a good nights sleep before the trip tomorrow. Tail wagging and finger crossing all in place here :)
Take care, God bless.
9 Nov, 2009
Thanks so much, Gee..... nearly there... :o) xxx
9 Nov, 2009
And I'm sure it will be! How is GoY's favourite boy today?
9 Nov, 2009
Hi again Madperth...
I guess you are referring to Conker and not David....Lol.LOL.LOL.
His chest is very bald, but he's otherwise quite perky thanks.....
That's Conker.. not David.....he he he...:o)
9 Nov, 2009
No, I wasnt referring to David, lol!
I wouldn't know about David's chest, but how do you??? LOL!! ;~))
9 Nov, 2009
he he he. Madperth...
We GoYpedia editors have access to special information....
ho ho ho....;o)
9 Nov, 2009
LMAO!!! I bet you do!!
9 Nov, 2009
I have just "filtered" the above comments to a place where they belong, LOL!
Tt, just came on to say we are all here wagging and swishing like mad for you all for tomorrow. Goodnight, sweet dreams, and our love to you all there. XXX
9 Nov, 2009
Well? How does she know? LOL!!
9 Nov, 2009
~ my best wishes too TT!
~reminds me of a guy,acquantaince of my hubby who would give us a very iccasional lift to work ~ he would be perfectly suited and booted but with this thick
black hair coming up from his collar and out from his cuffs down the back of his hands~wouldn't have wanted to meet him when the moon was full! Aaawoooo!
9 Nov, 2009
Lol! An American Werewolf In London's on!! Hee hee!
9 Nov, 2009
The truth is out... I have a secret GoYpedia category called GoY's favourite BOYS... thinking of starting a GIRLS category too. ;o) Lol.
Thanks Madperth, David and Arlene for your good wishes... please carry on with the wagging and swishing... I keep telling Conker "Just one more chemo session.".... I hope he understands.....
10 Nov, 2009
Fingers and paws crossed that all will be well today - THEN you can relax .....
10 Nov, 2009
Thanks Terry 60...
Yes, relax for a while.... but I must ask the vets how quickly the cancer might return...
... I think it is 6 weeks...but hoping Conker will have many months of remission...
10 Nov, 2009
You never know TT - is there ANY chance that the cancer may NOT return ???
10 Nov, 2009
I'll ask that question if I get the opportunity...
The treatment is different to that given to humans...
.. I was told at the outset that the aim is to give a pet more months of quality life... whereas with people the cancer treatment is tougher, with hopefully longer term recovery.
10 Nov, 2009
Wags, spins and fingers crossed for today. x x
10 Nov, 2009
Thanks Pottygardener and Benny...xxx
10 Nov, 2009
Lots of love and cuddles and snuggles from Brum xxxx
10 Nov, 2009
Thanks Sue....
We are off to the vet clinic in a few minutes.
See you later..xxx
10 Nov, 2009
This should catch you when you get back then - hope all went well on THE LAST TREATMENT!!!!
10 Nov, 2009
hope all went well today Terra with conkers last treatment, we have our fingers and paws crossed :o)) xx
10 Nov, 2009
Lots of wagging here for good news for you all today, praying that our Lad's blood count is high enough for his last dose of chemo, bless him. Waiting to hear how things have gone for you. Love and hugs xxxx
10 Nov, 2009
Hi Wagger, Sandra and Pam....
Good work with the fingers, paws and tails...
....well done.... thank you...
Please read the update above. :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o)
10 Nov, 2009
10 Nov, 2009
My thoughts exactly. :o) :o) :o)
10 Nov, 2009
That is fabulous, fantastic, terrific, brilliant news, TT!! Sit back and try to relax a little now, and enjoy your two lovely dogs (and Crocus of course). I'll add my prayers to yours that Conker is one in ten and goes into remission. I think he is one in a million anyway :)
10 Nov, 2009
~ we will all be praying that Conker is the one in ten! He deserves to be!
love Arlenexx
10 Nov, 2009
Fantastic news TT.....What a wonderful brave boy he has been and how strong you have been. Time to kick back a bit now. I'm praying too that he is one in ten. :o))))
10 Nov, 2009
There will be so much wagging going on throughout Goyland today. This time for joy!!
Wonderful news that the treatment is finally over Terra and that 1 in 10 has to be someone, why not Conker! :o)))))))))
Happy, happy day! Big hug to you and Conker and of course Truffle and Crocus. (not sure you can hug a budgie?) xxxx
10 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Gee, Arlene, Gilli, Lily...
Must admit, after the final chemo, when Angel brought Conker back to me, I was a bit tearful.... so relieved...:o)
When I'm a less tired I must sort out Conker's medicines for this week....
liquids and tablets... but all easy to administer...
Today...Crocus is hugging EVERYONE...
Early this morning, Truffle "helped " by stealing a pencil, just before we set off for the clinic... he had eaten most of the pencil while I was upstairs... only the eraser remaining...
I was philosophical about it... decided that if Truffle became unwell, we were travelling to the right place...the vet clinic... but Truffle seems fine... xxx
10 Nov, 2009
What a happy day TT and the best news ever. I am SO relieved for ALL of you that the chemo is at an end at last. I am sure you thought this day would never come but NOW you can sit back and once the immediate effects of this last big dose is past - learn to have fun together again..and like Lily etc say...why shouldn't it be Conker who is the 1 in 10.....he deserves to be - of that there is NO doubt. All your loving and devoted TLC has finally paid off.....and now you deserve some "YOU time" together. Cheers to you all and big hugs and cuddles from me and the Golden Girls.xxxx
10 Nov, 2009
Thanks C and the GG's ....
At the moment I'm so exhausted, it's difficult to realise the chemo is completed....
...too many enforced late nights from firework noise have caught up with me...
...but soon we're going to have lots of FUN. xxx
10 Nov, 2009
A happy day in the toonie house,
the treatments finshed without a doubt.
months of sickness,and of pain,
to give our conker life again,
its all been tough and stressfull to,
but chemo has been good for you,
lets hope you now have time for fun,
with truffle, crocus and your mum,
we wish you well in every day,
and pray your pain will stay away,
angelina is wagging for joy,
to hear the news of our brave boy.
love and hugs sandra and angelina xxx :o)))
10 Nov, 2009
Oh, Sandra and Angelina...
..that's a wonderful poem.... says it all....
... thank you. :o) xxx
10 Nov, 2009
your welcome Terra just wanted it to be a special msg today :o)) xx
10 Nov, 2009
:o) xxx
10 Nov, 2009
Oh TT, I am so relieved to read that Conker's last chemo went well. I have learnt now to look for the update before scrolling down :-)
I have been thinking of you all, on and off all day and this is the first chance I had to get online. Lots of positive thoughts now and we must hope that Conker is the 1 in 10 to stay in remission. Don't be suprised if you get a reaction to all this in a day or two, you have been fighting so long - it's gonna hit you I'm sure. Just remember it's OVER (for now at least) and you can all settle down and enjoy Conker's recovery. I have just given Cilla a great big celebratery squeeze, (she was closest) I think she was pleased - purring away!
A gentle kiss and cuddle for conker, hugs for both Crocus and Truffle. Hope Truffle doesn't display symptoms of lead poisoning or splinters!! Also Crocus gets to settle down to roost after all the whizz bangs!
Love and hugs.
Chris xx
10 Nov, 2009
Oh Terra, I have such a lump in my throat, Conker has to be the 1 in the 10, he has to be. Wonderful news, a break for you all now till his next check up. if prayers from us all can cure him, it will be so. Wonderful Poem San sent to you all. Big hugs, love, waggy tail, flappy wings and guinea squeaks coming over for you all. Take care. The birds, Todd and I are going to do our happy dance for Conker, it makes a lot of noise LOL, but it makes us all happy.........:o)
Love and Hugs.xxxx
10 Nov, 2009
Hi Chris...
Thanks for checking on Conker all the way from Spain :o)
You're right... I'm already reacting ...such a relief that Conker's last treatment has been completed....very tearful... I'll bounce back after some early nights...
Conker, Truffle and Crocus send hugs back to you, Cilla and the other Alicante cats. love & hugs. xxx
10 Nov, 2009
thanx pam :o))
10 Nov, 2009
I'm sorry TT I thought Conker's treatment was on a Wednesday. Anyway it's nice for you to have it finished. I hope all goes well now.
Lovely poem from Sandra :o)
10 Nov, 2009
Thank you Pam, Toddy, birds and furries..
Yes, Sandra's poem is wonderful isn't it !
...I think Angelina wrote some of it.... Lol.
All being well, next week we shall pack up the car just the same, but head off to a garden centre which allows dogs to walk around... haven't visited one of those for ages..
Can't wait for Conker's delight, when he jumps out of the car and realises he's not at the vet clinic. Lol.
Yes let's pray that Conker is the 1 in 10....
love & hugs. xxx
10 Nov, 2009
lol how did you guess Terra, i have to say i was struggling till angelina came to help heheh
10 Nov, 2009
Thank you Hywel...
Yes, the treatment was on Wednesdays till Conker's blood count was low the other week and we had to wait 6 days... which moved things to Tuesdays... very confusing...Lol.
Yes, Sandra and Angelina are great at poetry...
Maybe they will publish a whole book of poems..:o)
10 Nov, 2009
wouldnt that be cool Terra, poetry by angelina pussy cat and mum lol
10 Nov, 2009
Lol. You have the names in the correct order there, Sandra....
Angelina first... alphabetical order...he he he...:o)
10 Nov, 2009
Oh TT ! I'm sitting here with a HUGE grin on my face ! Those Brummy boys UB40 had a record called 'One in Ten' and I'm going to sing it every time I think of Conker !! All the love in the world to you all. :~)))))) xxxxxx
10 Nov, 2009
lol yes didnt realise that, :o))
10 Nov, 2009
Hi Sue....
Even Crocus has a huge grin this evening. Lol.
Conker and Truffle have finally fallen asleep... so... peace here...
apart from Crocus chirping and grinning....:o) xxx
10 Nov, 2009
Yippee....yippee.....what good news. So, so happy for Conker and for you TT.
Let's hope that Conker is the 1 in 10....x x x
10 Nov, 2009
Hi Pottygardener and Benny....
yes, Yippee, Yippee, Yippee....
Sooo tired... sooo pleased.... yes....praying for 1 in 10 ... xxx
10 Nov, 2009
great to hear that treatment is complete, I hope and pray that Conker will be in remission for many many months to come. Enjoy the time you have, everyday will be precious. Let us know how you all are. All your friends on GOY will be keeping their fingers, paws, tails, wings, feathers etc crossed for you all. Love and hugs Jean XXX
10 Nov, 2009
Wonderful TT...good job done by all! ...now I wish Conker a easy time of this last dose of chemo..it will take some time for it to all do it's worst on the cancer. It is so hard that it has to bring so many parts of Conker down as well..but you are a pro TT at taking care of him..and he is so loved by all of us...I am betting on 1 in 10...he has the heart and attitude of a hero...and so does his Mum...Love to all of you...xxx's n wags all round..Cheers! ~Cat
10 Nov, 2009
Hi Tired Terra...all praying for 1 in 10 over here ! xx
10 Nov, 2009
Ring out the bells!!!!! Hopefully a time for you and conker to relax and recharge your batteries. With all these good wishes and prayers and especially the waggy tails, our little hero can't fail to be a one in ten. Sweeties all round for extra waggy tails!!!! :-))))))
10 Nov, 2009
YES!!!!! BRILLIANT NEWS!! (sorry for shouting)
I'm SO pleased! Even Smudge jumped up on my knee purring! (She never does that when I'm online!!)
We will continue with the wags wiggles, prayers love & hugs for a speedy & long long long lasting remission!! :~)))))))))))))))))))))
10 Nov, 2009
11 Nov, 2009
Hi Indy.... thanks for your positive thoughts every evening. :~))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
11 Nov, 2009
Hello Smudge and Madperth....
Yes, please. Keep on wagging, wiggling, praying and hugging....
I'm so hoping Conker will stay in remission...xxx
11 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain...
Yes, I think it will take us all several days to recharge our batteries, but I'm so very relieved to know the many months of chemo are completed. :o) xxx
11 Nov, 2009
Hi Jane/BB...
Conker has been such a brave boy....
... yes, please pray for 1 in 10. xxx
11 Nov, 2009
Hello Cat ~
Yes, Conker has a lot of tablets/medication to take over the next week to help him cope with the final strong chemo, but seems perky so far.
1 in 10..... Thanks for the wags... xxx
11 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Jean ~
We will certainly be enjoying every day.... and, yes, with so many GoY friends crossing fingers, paws, tails, wings and feathers...there MUST be a happy result... love & hugs. T,C,T, & C...xxx
11 Nov, 2009
Well! I just HAD to check in - and what great news! I'm so pleased that the long months of travelling to and fro with all the ups and downs are now over!
Maybe you need to 'try' to relax, now, Tt and get YOUR strength back. It's been so exhausting for you.
Hugs, B.xxx
11 Nov, 2009
Terra, I`m ecstatic for you it has been a very long haul especially for you and Conker bless him, I`m a 1 in 10 obviously and cant wait to see his new coat being proudly displayed on next summers photo`s, I`m looking out my window and even the feathered friends are celebrating. Keeping the wags and prayers going and this time its gigantic hugs,tummy tickles, and a song for Crocus lol..XXX. Sue....
11 Nov, 2009
Thanks Sue.. How is young Brynner ?
Yes, we must be positive... one in ten is ten in a hundred, isn't it !
Crocus was so excited by your song, he rushed around playing with his whizzer toy and pastry brush toy... and lantern toy.... he has lots of toys ....Lol...
Gigantic hugs and tummy tickles have been given to Conker and Truffle... xxx
11 Nov, 2009
Hello Barbara ~
Conker has just started on his medicines which last through this week.
I guess he will have a check up at the vet clinic about every two months, so all progressing according to plan...
I'm hoping next year will be less stressful than 2009 and 2008 and I will have more time for my garden. :o)
11 Nov, 2009
lol .Terra, i`ve had a mental image of Crocus and choked on my coffee.....Brynners having a nap, as you well know its very tiring being a pup,he`s grand and keeping us on our toes,already lifting his paw at mealtimes although he`s of the opinion food should come every time I open pet cupboard..LOL....
11 Nov, 2009
Lol. Sue...
My dogs think it should be meal time every occasion I open ANY cupboard... LOL....
11 Nov, 2009
Haven't looked in on your blog for a while, sorry, but have been thinking about you and conker.
So glad Conkers chemo has finished at last, you can relax and hopefully enjoy lots more happy times with conker, truffle and not forgetting crocus :-))))
11 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Simbad ~
Conker has a lot of medication to take this week, but he seems perky so far, and I'm enjoying some relaxing time with Conker, Truffle and Crocus...
... and they say hi to Symba, Fudge and fish. xxx :o)
11 Nov, 2009
Hello TT. Patch and Rosie are relieved they can stop wagging! I'm glad all went well at the clinic. I hope you can all have a long period of good health and happiness. Take it easy. xx
11 Nov, 2009
Hello Phil...
Thanks to Patch and Rose for their weekly wagging... much appreciated...
and to you for never forgetting our weekly updates. xxx
11 Nov, 2009
So So pleased for Conker, now that everything as gone so well for him, fingers crossed he stays in remission now, read the poem that Sandra wrote, thing it says it all. Hope all of you had a good night sleep. lots of love to you all.
Carol & Smokey xx.
11 Nov, 2009
Hi Carol...
Thanks for checking on Conker....
Yes, fingers crossed he is a one-in-ten dog.....
Sandra wrote a beautiful poem, didn't she ! :o)
I think it will take me a few nights to catch up on sleep.
I hope Smokey is well.... do you remember all those months ago, he was one of the first to start wagging for Conker, so he'll be pleased to know that his efforts have paid off so well.
love & hugs. xxx
11 Nov, 2009
I do remember, i'm just so pleased for him, lets hope Conker and Smokey stay well for a long time now.What with Conkers chemo, and Smokey still on injections, mind you think Smokey knows the routine quite well when he's on the vet table, as he always seems to know when they have finished with him, as he just walks straight in his pet carrier. .think it helps when they know the people who are seeing to them, good job i'm not fussy about a holiday, as not had one since i found out about his kidney's dont wont to be away and he takes a turn for the worse when i'm not there, dont think i could forgive myself for it, but found i do enjoy having lots of days out and coming home in the evening to my own bed, infact think i like them now better than a holiday.
11 Nov, 2009
I haven't had a holiday for over 20 years, but as long as I have my pets and can enjoy my garden and some charity dog shows in the summer, that's fine by me. :o)
Yes, it seems like Smokey knows the routine at the vet exactly ! ... You've done well to keep him so happy and healthy on those injections for so long...
By the way, I sent you a p.m. a couple of days ago.... xxx
11 Nov, 2009
Hi TT , i'm so pleased to hear that Conker has finally completed his treatment he has been so brave throughtout it all ...
Lets hope he now has many more years of enjoyment doing what he loves best with you and Truffles ... not forgetting Crocus ..
Have a well earned rest , love ang hugs to you all xxx
11 Nov, 2009
Amy ~ thank you...
We're all cream-cracked today... even Truffle...Lol.
Yes, let's hope Conker keeps good health for a long, long time.
love & hugs. xxx
11 Nov, 2009
Yes i got it TT thanks x
11 Nov, 2009
Good news, we all join you tt in hoping for good health for Conker for a long time. Glad the treatment's all over for Conker and I'm sure you're glad too!
11 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Paul..
In a way I feel like I'm picking up where I left off last April, when Conker first became ill...
...back then, Truffle less than 4 months old !
A great feeling of relief here...
...and once we've caught up on sleep, we'll be fine. :o)
11 Nov, 2009
I do hope he is one of those one in tewn dogs.
11 Nov, 2009
Hello Toto...
Thank you. Yes, let's hope Conker is a one in ten dog :o)
11 Nov, 2009
Have a fantastic, mindless, weekend of fun! Best news of the day here!
12 Nov, 2009
Hi David ...
Yes, great news isn't it.......!!!
Conker is perky this morning....
... he has eaten lots of Malt Crunchies for breakfast. :o)
12 Nov, 2009
So Truffle allowed him some then. Good for him.
12 Nov, 2009
Its the best news for a LONG time, here!!
I was pretty down, & I saw the posting up as Chemo Completed & just grinned away!! The wagging etc will DEFINITELY carry on !
Give him a big hug for me!!
12 Nov, 2009
Hi Toto....
This morning I dropped a Malt Crunchie accidentally...
...It pinged across the kitchen floor ...
and... Conker found it before Truffle got a look in...
.... that must be a good sign....Lol.
12 Nov, 2009
Hello Madperth ~
Yes, I took great delight in altering the blog heading to Chemo COMPLETED...
....please keep on wagging... thank you... big hugs for Smudge and Iggle Piggle... :o)
12 Nov, 2009
Smudge & Iggle Piggle send hugs too, but watch out for IP's spines!!
12 Nov, 2009
Definitely sounds like a good sign to me.
12 Nov, 2009
Yes...... Conker was practising a few trick routines this afternoon....the little Clever Clogs...
...I'll make a blog about those some time soon.... :o)
... This week Truffle realises Conker is the focus of attention....
so Truffle has been a bit naughty.... he ate one-and-a-half of my pencils AND crunched my ball-point pen before I retrieved it from his jaws........
but I think Truffle now understands....
...eating Mummy's writing implements...
.... not a good idea......Lol.
12 Nov, 2009
Better keep the computer keyboard away from him then. :-))
12 Nov, 2009
That's the truth...
All of a sudden, Truffle has realised he can "collect" items from my desk... and also off the kitchen worktops... !
12 Nov, 2009
A touch more training there I think, LOL.
12 Nov, 2009
Yes. Terriers are more of a challenge than a Sheltie... Lol.
12 Nov, 2009
I have complete faith in you. ;-)))
12 Nov, 2009
If you met Truffle, you might change your mind....;o)
Have you seen his face inside the box on my latest blog...? ..Lol.
12 Nov, 2009
Do we transfer to your other blog now Tt? My computer is getting ready to explode again:-)
13 Nov, 2009
Hi Bornagain...
I'm hoping to make a blog within the next few weeks about Conker's tricks, so if we can use this one just a bit longer it would be helpful please...
Conker is struggling a bit today... I reckon the chemo from Tuesday has kicked in...
...he doesn't have appetite, but he is drinking and taking his medications so I hope he'll be more perky tomorrow.
The other blog I made yesterday with Conker and Truffle's photos was for Bobg..
13 Nov, 2009
So happy for the both of you, TT! I've just read your entry above. I've been very occupied with my webpages as I had to migrate to another hosting company & now I've discovered that a section with many pages isn't working. I have to upload all the articles & all the photos again & make sure all the links work. A lot of work which isn't finished yet!
Hope you can both sit back & enjoy yourselves into the new year. :-)
Looking forward to seeing your new blog with Conker's tricks.
13 Nov, 2009
Hi Balcony...
Wow... what a lot of work you've had uploading all your work again..
You'll get there in the end !
Wish I could give a good report today of Conker, but unfortunately he has reacted badly to the final chemotherapy and the medications the clinic prescribed for me to give him at home over this week...
I've been awake most of the past two nights with Conker...
...he has diarrhoea and sickness and hasn't eaten for over a day...
I've emailed the vet clinic this morning and hope to be able to get new medications for Conker from my local vet today via fax instructions from the clinic... I'm so tired.... I really thought Conker was over the worst...
I'll put another update on here later...
14 Nov, 2009
Oh Terra, I'm sorry to read that Conker has had a setback. I'm sure it is just that, lets hope a final change of medications will sort things out.
Will come back online later today and see how things are going.
Try not to worry too much.
Love and Hugs
Chris xx
14 Nov, 2009
Thanks Chris....
I feel so sorry for little Conker....
He is such a clean boy so when he isn't well he asks to go outside...
.....that means we stand out there in the strong winds and rain while he vomits and has diarrhoea...
He has lost a lot of his coat so I rush him back indoors quickly to get him warm again. xxx
14 Nov, 2009
Oh Terra .... poor Conker. Let's hope it's the chemo really kicking in and doing it's job. With that and the anti biotics, his poor little tum must wonder what's hit it. BIG hugs to you and the babby :~)) xxx
14 Nov, 2009
Hi Sue...
Thanks. Yes. Let's hope the vet will prescribe the medications in the form Conker had them before... For some reason, this time the antibiotics are larger pills and the metoclop is in syrup form... Last time, both were in the shape of tiny tablets ... and suited Conker so much better... xxx
14 Nov, 2009
Hi Tt. Sorry to hear that Conker isn't too well at the mo. Maybe it is a bit of a stomach chill with him losing a lot of coat or at least I hope it is :~)
As for Truffle, bless him. It's great to realise you can balance on your back legs to reach things LoL What's a few pencils between friends?
14 Nov, 2009
Hi Pips...
Unfortunately Conker's symptoms were similar some weeks ago after he had the identical dose of chemo (Doxorubicin). If Conker can be given the tiny tablets of both medications - Ceporex and Metoclop - I reckon he'll perk up gradually...
Truffle is definitely in thieving mode this week... pencils, pens, nail file....
Please don't be fooled by the look of innocence in his current photo !... Lol.
I'm being as vigilant as possible with Truffle, despite being so sleepy from looking after Conker... but Truffle was the hero last night, barking to wake me at midnight to alert me that Conker was unwell again...
14 Nov, 2009
At least you know the signs and the probable remedy so fingers xd he picks himself up over the next couple of days.
Truffle, what can you say but bless him :~))
Have been a doggy person since the day I was born and owned Border Terriers so no Truffles innocent looks don't fool me, but he is cute :~))))
14 Nov, 2009
Hi again Pips...
Yes, let's hope after different medication, Conker is perky again soon ...
I've owned Terriers since I was a child...
....Fox Terriers, Welsh Terriers....
..with the amount of trouble Truffle gets up to...
...it is a VERY good thing he is cute.... :o)
14 Nov, 2009
So sorry to hear Conker's poorly today! Poor puppy! Will keep the wags etc. going here & hope for a speedy recovery!
Love & hugs!
14 Nov, 2009
Hello Marie...
Thank you. Yes, poor Conker...
I'm hoping the clinic vet will phone soon... love & hugs. xxx
14 Nov, 2009
Chin up, sweetie!
I know your gutted, but he'll come through this just like he has all the other **** he's managed to beat! :~))
14 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Marie...
I couldn't get through on the phone to the vet clinic, so I emailed the receptionist and she has emailed back to say that earlier this morning, she did send my email about Conker on to the vet in charge today... All I can do is sit and wait and watch over Conker... xxx
14 Nov, 2009
Sending healing thoughts to him.
14 Nov, 2009
Gosh, I hope you can get this medication sorted today - poor Conker has been through so much, it's really sad hearing this final treatment is giving him such a bad time - and you, you must be absolutely exhausted. Will be watching and waiting for news. xxx
14 Nov, 2009
Hi Marie and Wagger...
I've been on tenterhooks by the phone all morning.... very very stressful and exhausting...It's getting near lunchtime and my vet will close and it will be too late for the clinic vet to fax the new prescriptions through for my friend to collect. I've paid thousands to the clinic, but it seems they are still very short of staff....
Conker keeps staring at me as if I should be making him better.... I'm trying my best.... xxx
14 Nov, 2009
Have you tried to get through on the phone again Terra ? Sorry if that's a silly question. We're all with you. Fingers crossed xxx
14 Nov, 2009
Poor Conker. Animals can be so helpless in situations like this.
14 Nov, 2009
Hi Sue...
Not a silly question... and thanks for caring...
I tried phoning on and off but I just got the message that the lines were busy....
BUT... good news... my local vet has just phoned me to say the Clinic Vet has phoned her... and the two prescriptions I require are waiting for me...
my good friend Mr. C. is on his way there now to collect them...
Let's hope the tablets help Conker... Thanks to everyone who is following Conker's story... after all these months we are nearly through the chemo and its aftermath...
The latest photo of Conker is the one on my Bong blog where I was encouraging Bobg to return.. and pleased to say he is back :o)
If you look at Conker's pic you can see that the one place Conker still has lots of hair is around his neck !
I shall be on GoY on and off this weekend, watching over Conker, but am not responsible for any comments I make because I am so very cream-crackered... Lol. xxx
Thanks Ponty... just seen your message. xxx
14 Nov, 2009
I'll have a look.
14 Nov, 2009
Thank goodness for that TT ..sincerely hope the meds kick in quickly and effectively of course you d be worried trying to sort things over the week end .
Good on Mr C. Is that Mr Claptrap ?
Hopefully you ll be able to get some much needed rest too..
14 Nov, 2009
Thanks Heron......I don't know what you'll make of that Bong blog...
but it had a happy end result, and that's the main thing... Lol.
14 Nov, 2009
...and I STILL don't get it! All I do know is that Bob's back - so, yes, a happy ending.
Good for your vet! So glad to hear that the medication's on its way. xx
14 Nov, 2009
Hi BB.... and many thanks for your supportive pm. xxx
Isn't it interesting how dogs seem to know instinctively what is good for them...
Conker has refused all food and drink for 24 hours, but when, just now, I gave him his tiny half Metoclop tablet in a little blob of natural bio yogurt( first step to recovery ! ) he licked it slowly, and then swallowed as if he knows it will help. :o)
Yes, Mr. Claptrap has been wonderful throughout Conker's chemo treatment... taking on all the driving of the journeys to and from the vet clinic .... and Mr Hottie Blobby has done lots and lots of shopping for me during those months, which has helped immensely.... not sure if you know of Mr. H. yet... Lol.
.. and a message to Jane... Truffle is offering to lend her his red knitted bobble hat. xxx
14 Nov, 2009
So sorry to hear poor Conker is poorly again after the chemo, but pleased you are able to get some meds for him. Hope they work v quickly. Lots of love xxx
14 Nov, 2009
One of the wonders of GoY...... comments getting out of sync. like a global game of Consequences...lol....
Thank you, Jean ... I feel so much better now that I have the correct tablets for Conker here in my house for the coming days. :o)
..and thanks, Spritz...
You didn't understand my reply to you on that Bong thread ....?
...about my very favourite supplier of exotic cosmetics....?
...how I miss him if he goes away for too long..... ? ;o)
The good thing was I had reason to know there was one person who would understand my blog completely.... and he is so good-hearted he could not refuse my request..... Lol.
... and my plant photos came out much better than I had expected... :o)
14 Nov, 2009
I can imagine your relief now you have the med that you know will help poor Conker, So frustrating that they take so long to arrange such a simple thing especially,as you say, when their 'services' are so expensive. How well you've trained Conker for him to still insist on going outside when he is feeling so bad. You can do no more now so try and relax a little..... xxxx
14 Nov, 2009
Well, Tt - you have to make allowances for innocent and 'thick' OAPs, you know! LOL.
Gentle strokes for Conker...xxx
14 Nov, 2009
Hello Lily...
Thanks for checking on Conker..
yes, he is very good about asking to go outside, but when he feels unwell, he often needs to be out of the door immediately, so it is straight out into the dark in the wind and the rain.. no time for either of us to grab a coat ! Lol.
Huge relief here, to have the right tablets, and I'll relax even more when I see that Conker is starting to feel better..xxx
14 Nov, 2009
Lol. Spritz..
Here I go with more out-of-sync. comments...
Conker says thank you for the gentle strokes... xxx
14 Nov, 2009
What a star to take his meds so well ..never been my experience with any of ours ..or other peoples ..know its hard for you to smile right now but perhaps this anecdote might help ..just mention to cheer you up hope it Ok ..
Was once asked to look after a friends Rottweiler/Doberman cross cos I used to spoil him with giant chews and wasnt frightened of the size of him ..when he put his paws on your shoulders could look you straight in the eye.
No sooner had he left for week end than dog pined and panicked unknown to me never been left on his own before ..went off his food and got terrible diarrhoea.Wouldnt go outside once the brakes on no shifting him ..and began pebble dashing the house ...what a mess in desperation phoned vet asked me how big was he I said size of a small pony .
He took me quite literally and gave me an anti- emetic they give to horses !
The pill was the size of an anti perspirant roll on and thought for one minute I was expected to give it rectally ..mm dont know the dog that well ...
Of course no way was he taking that ..he wasnt eating either so had to get a hacksaw ..honestly thats how big the pill was ..saw it crush it push it down inside those soft marrowbone chews ..36 chews later it was gone !
Friend brought me a small gift as thank you ..lovely when just spent Β£50 looking after your dog ! And you cleaned the kitchen as well how thoughtful ...all those muddy paws ..eh
To this day friend doesnt know all the details but did ask what I d been feeding him as dog had terrible wind for a week ...so good boy Conker not to put your Mum through that...
14 Nov, 2009
Lol. BB...
That story really made me giggle...
...and will be appreciated equally by others who follow Conker's blog and whose computer don't explode as once again we head towards 1,000 comments... I'm hoping that by the time we reach 1,000.... Conker will be on the mend !!!
A Rottie/Dobermann CROSS.... that's BIG and certainly you would hope that he was not going to be CROSS.. no arguing with a dog like that....
You don't say that you offered to look after the dog again...?
... I suppose you just couldn't afford the price of so many hacksaw blades ......
....and the piles of "Plenty" kitchen rolls.... :o)
14 Nov, 2009
~ hoping by tomorrow he will be much better~and loved the story BB!
14 Nov, 2009
LOL Brilliant story BB, just the job for this wet and windy day and Terra in particular :o))))))
14 Nov, 2009
Thanks Arlene and Lily...
Good news.... Conker has lapped a few sips of water....
...and the tiniest lick of Arlene's Manuka honey... :o)
14 Nov, 2009
Sounds as if things went downhill since I was on Goy yesterday evening. Poor little Conker. So glad you finally managed to get hold of the right medication for him and hope it will do the trick quickly.
That's a hilarious story, BB, I can just imagine the horror of the 'pebble dashing' !!
Chloe has to have tablets daily and I have discovered that sticking them inside a mini marshmallow works wonders. The tablet sticks to the marshmallow and the marshmallow sticks to her teeth so she can't spit the tablet out :)
14 Nov, 2009
Hi Gee...
Yes, Conker couldn't digest anything yesterday nor again this morning.... but after taking just one half of a suitable tablet, he already seems slightly better...
The marshmallow sounds a good idea...
This summer Conker has swallowed many of his tablets, such as chemo etc...in live, natural yogurt...
seems to help them slip down comfortably.
14 Nov, 2009
Lets hope the new meds do their thing, Terra!
So........... Mr HOTTIE Blobby??
Come on! Spill!
14 Nov, 2009
Ah, Madperth....
I did have a gardening blog planned for this summer where Mr Hottieblobby would have played a starring role, but looks like it will now have to wait till next year when once again we have lots of flowers in bloom. :o)
14 Nov, 2009
BB..... Wonderful !!! Where's the parrot ?? Terra my darling, to laugh in the face of adversity..... ! Are you smiling ? xx
14 Nov, 2009
Sue... are you referring to marvellous Mary...?
she gives BB all his best jokes and stories. :o)
Yes, I'm smiling... I bounce back very quickly...
...my experiences in life have been very character-building...Lol.
14 Nov, 2009
Sorry, not enough of an explanation! Who is this Hottie you snuck into the equation???
14 Nov, 2009
Ok ..... Can't you tell I've only been in Goytown since August ?? I've met Jane, but I've not met marvellous Mary !! Bear with me ... please ?? lol Rubberball gal .... it's the only way .... unless Truffle's about !! ;~)))
14 Nov, 2009
Marie... H.O.T.T.I.E. :o)
Sue.... The truth is out.... BB has at least two lovely ladies in his life...
Mary is probably the most outspoken of them all... :o)
14 Nov, 2009
Who're you calling a rubber ball, Sue??????????
14 Nov, 2009
Marie ... if the cap fits .... ????
TT ......pray tell ????? ;~)))))))))))
14 Nov, 2009
Lol, Sue! Havent you worked it out yet?????????? LMAO!!
But dont change the subject, Terra! Hottie???????
14 Nov, 2009
Mary is BB's special girl... wait till he turns up to explain himself :o)
14 Nov, 2009
You ?? Hello Mary our kid !! ;~)) Oh the joys of age !!
Hottie ... ???
14 Nov, 2009
No, Sue! Not me! I'M not BB's special girl! I dont shout at him (much!)
Hottie, Terra???????????
14 Nov, 2009
Don't do a BONG on me Terra !! lol I shall wait for Ray ! But in the meantime ......"Hottie" ??? ;~O)))
14 Nov, 2009
You're looking on the wrong blog.
Check my out box :o)
14 Nov, 2009
Ok, will do!
14 Nov, 2009
I'm still none the wiser!
14 Nov, 2009
Moi also !! Give us a break TT ... please ???? lol ;~))
14 Nov, 2009
Huh! She just had me read all the way through her wellie olympic blog!!
B********* chancer!! LMAO!!!
14 Nov, 2009
I've been seeking here ... and I've been seeking there .... I've asked when I've landed if this is indeed the answer to the 'Hottie' question ,,,,, I am awaiting a reply !! ..... Should be interesting !!! LOL ;~))
14 Nov, 2009
Look at the Bong blog!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!
14 Nov, 2009
LOL...Ladies Jane here.You all shout at BB as much as you like !! I dont need to as have trained Mary the African Grey to tell him to "shut up " and "pack it in " every time he oopens his mouth !! He has trained her to blow raspberries at me ! Lol
14 Nov, 2009
THANKYOU Jane !!! I now know who Mary is !! lol But what about 'Hottie' ??? LOL
14 Nov, 2009
Hi Jane! I just left Sue the clue 'pack it in!'
Its been really funny watching as she tried to work it out!
He trained her to blow raspberries? LOL!
My gran used to have a pet shop & the african grey there used to swear like a sailor at her & called her 'that fat old sow' (she was a real snob too) & she loved the thing!!
14 Nov, 2009
Pack it in ??? Would LOVE a parrot .... only thing is it'd last longer than me ! :~))
14 Nov, 2009
Terra sent us off on a blog tour (wild goose chase) to distract us & put us off, she wont tell us who hottie is!
14 Nov, 2009
And I thought that my mind worked in many wonderous ways !!! BBBBBbl**dy h**l !! ??????????????????
14 Nov, 2009
Thought you'd like a report on Conker...
...even taking that first half tablet has meant he has shown some improvement...
After refusing food and drink for over 24 hours and being very ill indeed, this afternoon he's had some watery drinks and one "milky bone" biscuit....
I won't worry if Conker isn't much interested in food today... he had fluids back in his body, and tomorrow I hope I'll see his appetite return somewhat...
Thanks to everyone who supported me through a very anxious morning, worrying whether I would be able to obtain the correct medications for Conker this weekend. :o)
14 Nov, 2009
GREAT news Terra !!!! Next in line .... Milk Crunchies !!! SO happy for you xxxxx
14 Nov, 2009
Hi Sue... yes good news...
Milk Crunchies sound like Malt Crunchies with milk....
Tasty :o)
14 Nov, 2009
Good news. Hope Conker's eating continues to improve.
Paddy also had to have a visit to the vet's on Thursday and has been very poorly but the antibiotics, injections and rehydration sachets have helped him recover and he's improving each day. He seems nearly back to his normal self today and eating well again(special prescribed diet)
Paddy hopes Copnker, too , will be feeling better again soon!
14 Nov, 2009
Hi Paul...
Sorry to read that lovely Paddy hasn't been too well.. Did the vet tell you what had caused his illness ? Very glad to know Paddy is perking up now.
Wags here from Conker, Truffle and Crocus. xxx
14 Nov, 2009
It's the Brummy version TT ....... ;~)) xx
14 Nov, 2009
He said that it was probably a virus but if it didn't clear up, they'd scan him to look what else it could be . Obstruction from a foreign object he swallowed etc. Very similar happened at Christmas time when he was only 7 months old and we were genuinely worried that time that we may have lost him. On that occassion, 6 years ago, he was kept in the vet's for 3 or 4 nights and although he recovered, they never actually found out what caused it. It seemed very similar this time. He wouldn't eat or drink on Thursday after 2 days of diarrhorea and then when I gave him water (with a syringe) he would be sick about an hour later(about 5 or 6 times). So I had to take him to vet's as he was so weak he wouldn't walk or stand up.
He really has got a lot better though, and I hope he will stay well after the drugs/injections have finished/worn off!
14 Nov, 2009
Glad youre all all right ish, I can't keep up with this blog so I'm off back to me law books , still waggin though TT lots of love and take care eh!
14 Nov, 2009
Hi Paul...
Thanks for that detailed explanation. Conker has had similar symptoms this week, but for different reasons... connected with aftermath of the strong chemotherapy and incorrect type of antibiotics prescribed.
The "magic medicine" for Conker in these situations seems to be Metoclopramide in the form of small tablets... half a 10 mg tablet twice daily...
I'm wondering if Paddy is taking the same medication ? It restores Conker's appetite gradually and stops the sickness and diarrhoea..
Isn't it wonderful when you see your dog perking up and eating/drinking ?
It's the best tonic for me, seeing Conker slightly better already, despite the fact I've missed so many nights of sleep. ! :o)
14 Nov, 2009
Hi Indy... the blog has been rather active today..
Thanks for checking in on Conker... and we appreciate your positive thoughts every evening.. :o)
14 Nov, 2009
Glad to hear Conker is beginning to respond, if only a little, to the new medication. I was really concerned as I read through the above posts. I really hope that tomorrow you see an improvement in his health.
14 Nov, 2009
Thats really good news, Terra! Hopefully by tomorrow he'll be hungry again!
Love & hugs!
(Even tho you're a wicked woman! LOL!)
14 Nov, 2009
Morning Terra. How's the boy this morning. Hope that you've both had a good night :~) xx
15 Nov, 2009
Morning Terra,
So pleased that the new meds seem to be kicking in. How is Conker this morning?
Again although we're 000's of miles apart I was thinking of you all, throughout yesterday - kept dipping in and out of your blog for updates and was very relieved to see that he has started to respond (however gradually) It's one step at a time all the way isn't it?
I hope you don't read this for a few hours , cos it will mean you have had some rest.
Love and hugs to all, from sunny (again) Spain.
Chris xx
15 Nov, 2009
Morning Sue and Chris ~
A sunny start here today.
Kind of you to be keeping track of Conker whether you are miles away in Brum or even more miles away in Alicante ! Yes, it is very much one step at a time. Can't say I've had all that much sleep......I came down to check on Conker a couple of times. He is drinking now... not yet much interested in food, but I think his appetite will return gradually..
I'll put another report on a bit later today. Thanks again. xxx
15 Nov, 2009
Morning Terra. Glad to hear Conker is a little better today, let's hope the worst is now over for both of you. xxx
15 Nov, 2009
Morning Lily...
Yes, thanks. Let's hope Conker is improving at last.
I guess it is cold in Berkshire today ? ;o)
15 Nov, 2009
.......again, WHO knows?
15 Nov, 2009
TT so sorry i mist out on Conker not being to well, but hope his new medication is working, sounds like it might with him drinking, thinking of Conker loads lots of hugs and cuddles from me and Smokey xx.
15 Nov, 2009
Hi Clarice and Smokey ~
Thank you for following Conker's convalescence...
Mid-morning he ate a bone-shaped milky biscuit...and, yes, has lapped up several drinks..
Thursday and Friday his digestion was very upset indeed, not it's not surprising it's taking a while to get back to normal...
Your hugs and cuddles given to Conker. Many thanks. xxx
15 Nov, 2009
I'm so very pleased he is picking up again TT, he is such a brave little dog, prayers that he will continue to improve with the new medication. It is so very hard when they are ill, I was like that with Eartha. You need lots of TLC too, you have been through so much with him. Hopefully now is the time for you both to recuperate and enjoy a calmer time. I had to smile at Truffles, he is tall eough now to steal things, LOL.
Big hugs and love for you all.
15 Nov, 2009
Hi Tt, In response to your earlier comment re Paddy and Conker, yes it's great to see them eating again and then gradually getting more lively.
Paddy seems to be back to normal today, but he is of course, still on the tablets so hopefully will still be ok when they are finished.
Paddy also has some milky bone biscuits which he loves, but meanies Mum and Dad(JUlie and me) won't let him have them at the moment in case it upsets his stomach again. He still won't drink much water so I'm syringing it into his mouth which he hates!!
15 Nov, 2009
Hi Paul...
When Conker was less well the Ped**ree Milky Biscuits were the only food he would eat and they didn't upset his tummy.
Glad to know Paddy seems so much better....
What are the tablets ? Metoclopramide ?
At times when Conker has been really ill, I've gently tipped water into Conker's mouth with a teaspoon.... don't know if that would be better or worse than the syringe for Paddy !
15 Nov, 2009
Hello Pam...
Yes, I really would like to sleep for a week, but good to see some slight improvement in Conker today. He even ate a few Malt Crunchies....so... quick.... alert all the Co-Op stores across the country.... please stock up quickly with Malt Crunchies... Conker is starting to feel better... :o)
Yes, Truffle is getting too clever at stealing things...
...I put his empty dish on the kitchen worktop...
... then when I leave the room, he jumps up and takes the dish down onto the floor to see if I've put more food in it... :o(
15 Nov, 2009
No, Nisamox(50mg). Paddy just hates people doing anything to him. When he sees us go to his cupboard he shakes as he thinks we're going to brush him or administer tablets, flea drops or something , all of which he hates. Or even worse, the dreaded shampoo bottle!
15 Nov, 2009
Hi Paul, glad poor Paddy's picking up. Terra , I'm so glad little Conker is getting over the worst effects of his treatment, at least you know it's his last one and he can start building up his strength from now on. What's all this about 'bong' you haven't turned to the weed for comfort have you? I must go and check your blog. Still wagging in the Midlands:-) x
15 Nov, 2009
Hi Bornagain...
Bong was a joke between myself and Bobg...
...during the time when he was having a "rest" from GoY...
..if you put Bobg into GoY Google... it asks you ...
"Do you mean Bong?" ..
Then Bob joked to me about Avon calling...
I had the idea of writing a blog inviting him to return to GoY...
...making him an offer that he couldn't refuse...Lol.
...and you can see from the blog that.... yippee....
he did come back..:o)
15 Nov, 2009
It's your sneaky powers of persuasion Tt :-)
15 Nov, 2009
Good morning Terra. How's the boy today ? Hope you both had a good nights sleep :~))
16 Nov, 2009
Hi Bornagain...
I'm so very pleased my Bong blog has a happy ending..Lol. :o)
16 Nov, 2009
Hi there Terra,
Just a quick check to see how Conker is this morning? Hopefully you will have had a better night and have the Malt Crunchies on standby :-)
Chris xx
16 Nov, 2009
Morning Sue... how are you...?
Thanks for checking on Conker.
Pleased to report we all slept through till 6 am.
...best night's sleep for a long while..
Conker is eating...
had breakfast.. a mixture including Malt Crunchies..
It's a good feeling that Conker is getting stronger..
...and no necessity for us to travel to the vet clinic for chemo this week.....:o)
16 Nov, 2009
Hi Chris ~
Yes, thanks...
You can see from my reply to Sue above, Conker is perking up gradually.
16 Nov, 2009
GREAT news ...... and Terra ..... you've just hit 1,000 comments !!! :~)))
16 Nov, 2009
Oh, Wow, Sue...
I hadn't noticed that...
appropriate, I think you'll agree, that my comment,
number 1,000, is reporting the good news...
that Conker is PERKING UP :o)
16 Nov, 2009
YAY !!! :~))))) xxx
16 Nov, 2009
Great news Terra - Conker perking AND a good nights sleep!! xx
16 Nov, 2009
So glad to see your good news about Conker and I'm glad he enjoyed his breakfast, hope you did too! :-)))) xx
16 Nov, 2009
Hello Lily..... As Sue, says...Yay !!! xxx
16 Nov, 2009
Morning Wagger ~
Yes, good news... Malt Crunchies all round... :o)
I think the Co-op should give me commission...
or at least, quantity discount. ! Lol.
16 Nov, 2009
Morning all. Glad to hear that Conker is picking up again. It must be such a relief, especially as you know you do not have to make that trek to the vets, and that there won't be any of that awful chemo. Hope you will all soon be able to get back to some normality. Lots of love Jean x
16 Nov, 2009
Hello Jean ...
Yes, the thought that Conker doesn't have to make that journey to the vet clinic, no need to have chemo.... it's such a relief...
He still has bad diarrhoea, but is eating now, so I guess he'll improve all the time. :o)
love & hugs, T,C,T & C xxx
16 Nov, 2009
What brill news TT plez give Conker a Big Cuddle&Kiss from me:) A Lick From Summer & 3 Big Purs from Febe,Sox&Puss :)XXX
16 Nov, 2009
Hi Jac....
Yes, Conker should start to get more strength back every day now,
and hopefully after a few weeks, his coat will start to grow back on his tummy and face...
Conker says thanks to you, Summer, Febe, Sox and Puss....xxx
16 Nov, 2009
~glad to hear he is eating now!lots of love to your brave boy! Arlene!
16 Nov, 2009
glad conker is eating and doing well Terra, it all takes time to get back on track after so much treatment, but im sure he is being a big brave boy, hugs and kisses myself and angelina xxx
16 Nov, 2009
Hi Sandra, Angelina, Arlene, Harvey and Merlin ~
Thanks for looking in on Conker.
Yes, he is eating better, and I hope the diarrhoea will soon be gone. Unfortunately, at even the best of times, it takes very little to upset a Sheltie's digestive system...
I'm sure, so soon after last week's strong chemotheraphy, Conker's white blood cell count is still very low, so I mustn't be impatient with his rate of recovery, especially as he will be taking the antibiotics for a few more days yet...
love, hugs and kisses back to all of you....
...with a special brave hug from Crocus to Angelina....Lol. xxx
16 Nov, 2009
Good news, ...a little better each day we hope Conker!!
16 Nov, 2009
Yes, Paul, a little better each day for Conker and for Paddy. :o)
16 Nov, 2009
Somehow I've managed to miss a few days but so glad that when I got back to you blog the news is positive. Absolutely fantastic. Now you can both concentrate on getting back your strength.
Lots of love and hugs to you all.
16 Nov, 2009
Hello Toto... Nice to hear from you...
....I hope you're well...
Yes... The recovery process is going to be slow...
waiting for Conker's cheek to heal properly...
waiting for Conker's digestion to get back to normal..
waiting for lots of coat to grow back.....
but every day should see improvements now,
so good news..... love & hugs.,T,C,T & C xxx... :o)
16 Nov, 2009
Wagging wildly in the Midlands, this time next week, with any luck, he'll be almost back to his old self:-))
16 Nov, 2009
Hi Bornagain..
Thanks for the wagging...,
You're right.... probably it will be the middle of next week when I'll see some improvement... :o) xxx
16 Nov, 2009
So pleased to see Conker is picking up......you must feel so good TT, not having to make that trip to the clinic tomorrow. A sense of relief and 'moving on' ...sleep well again all of you....x x
16 Nov, 2009
Hi Pottygardener and the lovely Benny :
Yes, I hope Conker understands that he doesn't need to go to the vet clinic this week... We had thought of a trip to a garden centre instead, but Conker isn't well enough to go on an outing yet... maybe next week. ...
yes, more sleep would be good... x x x
16 Nov, 2009
I hope you got that sleep, Terra! Great news!
17 Nov, 2009
So pleased Conker is feeling abit better, fingers crossed he will be wonting to go on some outings soon, like Marie said i also hope you get some good nights sleep.xxx
17 Nov, 2009
Thanks Clarice and Marie...
Yes, gradually getting some sleep back now...
I must be patient and realise Conker will need probably at least another week before he'll feel strong enough to go out and about... xxx
17 Nov, 2009
It all a matter of patience, is'nt it, whats that saying dont try to run before you can walk, give Conker a hug for me xxx.
17 Nov, 2009
You are absolutely correct there, Clarice...
Conker is much more worn down by this last chemo that any previous sessions... that must be why this is the end of the treatment... I guess the vets know that there are only so many months of chemo that dogs to cope with....
...and it is taking me a while to adjust too... only so many months of stress an owner can cope with...
How is Smokey ? xxx
17 Nov, 2009
He's fine at moment,he's not needed to go to vets for a few weeks now, you watch now i've said that he'll start going down and i'll need to take him, mind you the injection he as is only Β£21 a time and i keep putting Β£5 to one side every week for him then i dont miss it, as sometimes he only goes a couple of weeks in between, thats when i feel sorry for him, but like i say he's looking quite well at moment, mind you i can sometimes look at him and he looks like a little old man bless him xx.
17 Nov, 2009
Smokey is very lucky to have your for his owner...
you know him so well, and watch him so closely, that you know exactly when he needs vet treatment... Good idea to put some money by each week for the vet bill... they can mount up !
Hugs for Smokey..xxx
17 Nov, 2009
How is Conker coming along, TT? I haven't been on here for a couple of days - still fiddling around with my webpages! LOL!
Has the abscess in his cheek cleared up at last? I've only read a few posts above as there are too many to read when you miss out a couple of days of comments!
I really do hope he recovers sufficient energy to want to play with Truffles again. That would be a great sign that he's improving! :-)
17 Nov, 2009
Hi Balcony...
I hope your webpages are taking shape now....
...a lot of work for you...
Conker's abscess is still not healed. He has his last day of antibiotics tomorrow. I think the cheek won't mend properly till he has been off chemo for a number of weeks and his white blood cell count stays up for a while...
He still has diarrhoea, but I think that will improve once the antibiotics course is completed, and his appetite will get better too..
Now and then he has a try at playing tug games with Truffle, but Conker is very short on stamina, so it seems we mustn't be impatient...
Thanks for asking about Conker... xxx... :o)
17 Nov, 2009
Hi Terra,
Hope you've settled down for a nice peaceful rest now. If Conker is a bit short of stamina he probably falls asleep on the spot like kittens and pups do?
Hope his gradual improvement continues, Truffle is showing an amazing amount of patience for a young dog isn't he.
Still thinking of you all - big hugs from us here in Spain. Bit late getting online tonight because Freddy has been 'flat out' on my lap all evening (effectively trapping me) Only moved when I 'had' to get up and then he decided that it was probably time for a light supper :-)
Will check again on Conker tomorrow Take care.
Nighty Night.
Chris xx
17 Nov, 2009
Hi Chris ~
When I first saw your comment about lovely Freddy, I thought you'd written he he'd been 'flat out' on your lap top....Lol..... Computer cat...:o)
Yes, thanks.... almost deliberately making myself get back into better sleep patterns... Conker is lacking in enthusiam, which I think is due to the antibiotics.... final 6 of those to take today..... so he should perk up after that...
How is the weather ? Is Alicante sunny today ? Here in England the winds are cold and FIERCE..... I would imagine there will be storm damage in many areas.... trees and fences down in gardens etc.
Truffle isn't very much of a "hardy terrier" ..rushes back indoors as quickly as possible ! xxx
18 Nov, 2009
Hi Terra hope all is well with your lovely doggies. Gusty wind here too in Essex. I was out earlier than usual this morning and a poor little mite going to school with dad was struggling against the wind. They are so tiny these days to go to school! All dressed up in full school regalia.The barometer is quite high at 29. Whatever that is. It didn't budge when I tapped it. Checked the garden and all seems ok.
18 Nov, 2009
Hi Dorjac...
Conker notices that cold wind because he has lost of a lot hair following the chemo. We all rush outside and back in again as soon as possible...Lol.
Yes, my gardens are staying intact, except one pyracantha has come loose and needs tying back, but not urgent....
Keep safe and warm.xxx
18 Nov, 2009
Don't forget chicken broth is a real health food for invalids and those recovering from illness, they say once rendered down to a broth made from the carcass of the sunday roast the proteins etc are the easily availablest in the world of proteins and are reckoned to back up the bone marrow which produces the white blood cells he needs at this time. It may be worth a go TT, but I would reccomend a free range chuck rather than a supermarket on to avoid antibiotics and growth hormones that are used, they may not help him!!
Still waggin and pleased he's a bit brighter all our love
18 Nov, 2009
Thank for that idea, Indy... and for the wags...
I hope Mair is keeping well.
Do you have the storms in Wales.?
love & hugs. C.T.C. & T xxx
18 Nov, 2009
Hi Terra, just popping in to see how the lovely lad is doing now. I'm glad he is slowly getting his strength back again, his poor little body has taken such a pounding hasn't it? Today is wet, dark and very windy and I am staying put. Love and Hugs/
Pam and the Zoo xxxx
18 Nov, 2009
Hi Pam...
Yes, we are all cosy indoors... VERY windy out there...
I hope there is no major damage around the country...
Conker has three more tiny antibiotics to take this evening, and then the whole course has been completed.... so let's he hope perks up after that....
Quite a contrast between Truffle's energy and exuberance, and Conker's lack of stamina....... Today, Truffle is busy with squeaky toys... We hope your zoo members are all warm and safe. xxx
18 Nov, 2009
Unable to work again today, as we have heavy rain and very high winds....no good for outdoor markets! So stopping by to see how Conker is. Indy's chicken broth sounds like a good idea! For you too :o))) x x
18 Nov, 2009
See new blog TT, re storms!!!
18 Nov, 2009
Indy ~ Hoping you all keep high and dry. x x x
18 Nov, 2009
Hi Pottygardener ~
Yes, not the right weather for outdoor markets !
Conker is sleeping a lot, so I hope that means he is healing. x x x
18 Nov, 2009
Hi Terra, Its taken ages to reach the bottom for my comment, sorry Conker has been having a rough time again but as you say its a very strong dose again, his poor little body has had such a lot to cope with over these months.
Had to smile when I read that Truffle is helping with the nightshift and therefore you have to forgive him his naughty moments don`t you, lol, Got a lot of catching up to do Terra but gained a fair bit just by checking up on here,well done on the bong blog so pleased it worked.
Big hugs and tickles still heading your way and very many extra naughty wags from my boys..Not forgetting chirrups for Crocus...xxx Sue
19 Nov, 2009
Hi Terra,
By the look of it Conker has had his last antibiotics by now - Yippeeeeeeee!!
Now is the time to get down to some serious relaxing and recovery time for you all :-)
If the weather is rubbish and you don't have to go out - don't. Just enjoy the time in with your 'boys'
I don't like to mention the weather, it's warm and sunny again. We have had some high winds which kept the temps down, but they have subsided. So we are back to clear skies and sun. Bit of a problem knowing what to wear now (shame) I start off with long trousers and a long sleeved top, but invariably have to swap back into crops and a tee shirt by lunchtime! I finally made the big swap to 'winter wardrobe' 2 weekends ago.
Am still watering every other day, due to the lack of precipitation! Must be 3 weeks now since it rained, and nothing forecast either.
Los Gatos send many purrs and wavey tails of course to you all, love and hugs supplied by me!
Like Lincs I am struggling to get to the bottom of this blog - there's no shortcut on a Mac! Perhaps it time to start a 'Recovery' blog - the story continues...
Take care
Chris xx
19 Nov, 2009
Hi Sue and Chris...
I hope Morgan and Brynner and the Alicante cats are all doing well...
Thanks for checking on Conker. He has NO TABLETS left to take.... and Conker's digestion is gradually improving... so good news....
When he is outdoors in the cold wind, he does look weak and vulnerable, so I'm keeping him cosy indoors as much as possible until he feels a bit stronger.
Seems we are all warm weather fans here...
...Truffle hates the cold and so do I !
Yes, I must start a new blog for Conker soon... Lately I seem to have been busy with blog writing....
...yes, my BONG blog achieved my intention. Lol. which means lovely Bobg is back on GoY.... then I wrote a blog asking what do you do with your used tea bags, coffee grinds and banana skins........... and yesterday my calendar blog.... in which Sueb has given Conker the title Mr. December...Lol.
Sending wags and tweets back to you all.. ...
.....love & hugs. C,T,C & T. xxx
19 Nov, 2009
Hi Terra, just checking in to let you know we are all still thinking of you and Conker and wagging our tails off. What a good idea of Fenclares to start a recovery blog, or if you are afraid to tempt fate, a remission blog. That chicken soup of Indies sounds a great idea. When my friend could not eat because of the nausea caused by chemo I made her batches of chicken soup which she could almost drink when she felt able. I don't know if she was being kind, but she said it was a great help. Perhaps you could give conker some boiled rice with it too which is supposed to be easy for dogs to digest x going to look at the calendar blog now:-)
19 Nov, 2009
Hi Bornagain ~
Conker has been perkier today, so I'm hoping the trend continues.
I'll start a new blog for Conker very soon.....
It has been a busy blog week for me....
.... as I ended up writing three ! Lol.
19 Nov, 2009
just checking up to make sure Conker is improving everyday, and that you are too, and catching up on all that lost sleep and relaxation! x
21 Nov, 2009
Hi, Jean....
Yes, Conker seems a little stronger each day now, thank you...
He still looks frail out there in the cold, biting winds...
I realise it is a long scroll down to reach the comments here, and I will be starting a new blog for Conker very soon.... didn't dare make it while he was still so poorly, but reckon we can now say he is into remission, so let's hope he'll have many months of that ! x
21 Nov, 2009
Good news Terra:-))))) Chemo is such powerful stuff, damaging good cells as well as bad ones. Conker must have a good, strong constitution to pick up so quickly, so high hopes for a long remission and waggy tails for a recovery:-))
21 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain...
Really hoping for some gentler weather next week so Conker can enjoy an outing to a garden centre which has a pet shop inside... he'll be so pleased to find we haven't arrived at the vet clinic...lol....
Thank you for your good wishes and waggy tails. xxx
21 Nov, 2009
Still watching wishing, wagging wiggling etc up here, (when time allows!)
21 Nov, 2009
Thank you, Marie....
I realise that these days, you, Smudge and Iggle Piggle have a busy schedule, so special thanks for the wishes, wags and wiggles. xxx
21 Nov, 2009
You're more than welcome! I'm at work, sneaking in a quick GoY fix!
21 Nov, 2009
Conker and Truffle say they won't tell on you...
... Crocus, however, we can't guarantee....he is inclined to come up with unexpected comments at odd moments...... :o)
21 Nov, 2009
Lol! Bird brain??? I'm on a sleepover shift & I'm bored!
21 Nov, 2009
Happy Sunday you guys, I hope that Conker continues to improve and that the weather lets up a bit too. Anybody in the flood hit areas has my sympathy and I can't help wondering what happens to the pets when rivers burst their banks. Closer to home I hope that you, Conker, Truffle and Crocus are all warm and cozy indoors. I'm sure that Conker will be delighted when his first outing doesn't end at the vets.
Very peaceful here - Cilla has returned to bed to sleep off her breakfast, Raffles and Jade are out and about and Freddy has found a convenient patch of sun to sleep in :-)
Hugs and Wavey tails from the Spanish contingent.
Chris xx
22 Nov, 2009
Hi Chris...
Envying you your warm sunshine. :o)
Your cats know how to enjoy a sunny Sunday !
Lots of rain here, but not as drenched as areas such as the Lake District which has suffered very badly...
I feel so sorry for the pets and wildlife.... with shorter legs than humans...
Conker and Truffle have been playing toy games this morning while I wrote my latest blog....no, still not a new blog for Conker.... need a few more days to get that together !
Hugs and waves and wags across the ocean to you. xxx
22 Nov, 2009
Lovely to read Conker is playing again - Truffle must be delighted too! I found Misty's adoption certificate yesterday - she's eighteen this month! I was amazed.
22 Nov, 2009
Hi Wagger...
Wow.... you've been looking after Misty VERY WELL...
What is the date of her 18th birthday ?
You are so right about Truffle... For the first time since early April, Truffle and Conker have been running around indoors playing very energetic toy games together...
... it gladdens my heart :o)
22 Nov, 2009
Wonderful news TT.
22 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Toto....
Conker has enjoyed his weekend. :o)
22 Nov, 2009
I don't know, Terra - she was a rescue cat from the RSPCA, ten months old when she chose me.
22 Nov, 2009
Great to hear they are playing together today Terra:-))))) have you heard how Giorgio is lately? nothing on Terry60's page:-)
22 Nov, 2009
Hi Bornagain and Wagger ~
I've heard from Terry60.... I sent her a message because I was worried about Giorgio.. He has recovered well, but Terry60 had flu... !
23 Nov, 2009
Hope Conker's recovery continues OK and that Truffle and Crocus are well. Great news about Giorgio, but not so good for Terry - I hope she improves soon. A friend of mine in the UK has Swine Flu, I thought it was abating!
The weather looks a little better in the UK today - Take care and stay warm and cozy :-) Hugs, purrs and wavey tails etc.
Chris xx
23 Nov, 2009
Hope Conker's recovery continues OK and that Truffle and Crocus are well. Great news about Giorgio, but not so good for Terry - I hope she improves soon. A friend of mine in the UK has Swine Flu, I thought it was abating!
The weather looks a little better in the UK today - Take care and stay warm and cozy :-) Hugs, purrs and wavey tails etc.
Chris xx
23 Nov, 2009
Hi Chris..
It's been windy and wet in many parts of Britain. Sunshine coming through in some areas now. So many bridges damaged in the Cumbria area !
Conker is continuing to improve a little each day thanks. I think it will be a long while before hair regrows on his stomach and other areas, but it's good to see him happy and with better appetite.
I hope to hear from Terry60 this week.. Thanks for the hugs and purrs and wavy tails from the Alicante cats. xxx
23 Nov, 2009
I apologise that I've not been on GOY for a while but have been out of action with ze flu - not very pleasant and still coughing like mad but at least am on the road to recovery ...
It warmed my heart to read of everyone's comments on Giorgio, who is getting better and better by the day, and I'm so sorry to have caused so much concern.
It made me glow to catch up re Conker and read about his continuing improvement - Giorgio is whispering in Conker's left ear that he has "special connections" in the Saintly spheres and ensures that all will be well in the end - all you need is faith and love .... xxx
23 Nov, 2009
I am so pleased that Conker as had a good weekend, and is doing so well. lots of hugs from me and Smokey xx
23 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Clarice, Smokey, Terry60 and Giorgio...
Yes, Conker and Truffle were running around playing toy games...
Conker is getting his strength back more each day... :o) xxx
23 Nov, 2009
Glad you're getting better, Terry60 - you must have been wide open to viruses being so stressed about little Giorgio. Lovely that he's looking out for Conker now, too. That'll help him get his strength back.
23 Nov, 2009
I was so pleased to hear that Conker is getting his strength back! It very good news to hear that he's playing once again with Truffles! Hope you were able to rest over the weekend, TT.
23 Nov, 2009
Hi Balcony....
Truffle doesn't let me rest...Lol.
....but Conker is doing well...
.. needs to grow a nice thick coat of hair...:o)
24 Nov, 2009
Great news again, good old Conker and extra wags for Giorgio too:-)
24 Nov, 2009
So pleased to hear Conker is feeling so much better :-)
Poor old fudge had one of his episodes today,he has fits, only 1or 2 a year, but not nice to see, he's fine after just really clingy and typical lab always starving and has to be fed.
24 Nov, 2009
Hi Bornagain and Simbad ...
Thanks for the wags, and pleased to know Fudge is feeling better with a good appetite. :o)
24 Nov, 2009
Hi Terratoonie I got to the bottom of your blog ! (with the help of my new second hand computer) nice to hear Conker has perked up it must be nice to see him playing with Truffle.
24 Nov, 2009
Hi Mavis...
Well done on reaching the bottom of Conker's blog !
Thank you.
Yes, he's playing with Truffle and has more energy.:o)
How are you getting on with the different computer ?
Do you like it ?
24 Nov, 2009
Pleased to see Conker is still improving TT......he needs a woolly coat until his fur re-grows.....but knowing you I am sure he has a coat of one sort or another! :o)
24 Nov, 2009
Yes Terratoonie its a lot faster Graham my son got it from the internet for me as he said my old one was built the same time as the ark.
24 Nov, 2009
I'm so glad to hear that Conker is steadily improving, what lovely news. My laptop is really playing up and has to go in for repair tomorrow. I think it should in order for me to keep my sanity and to stop it from being thrown out of the window LOL. We all send you love and hugs.
Pam and Toddy xxx
24 Nov, 2009
Wow, Mavis...with your new computer, you'll be whizzing around GoY !
Sounds like your old computer was working like it had been constructed out of ancient pieces of wood...Lol.
Pam... I hope you get your laptop sorted. It is so frustrating when computers play up. Looking forward to having you back on GoY soon..
Conker seems to be perking up well....just wish that abscess area under his left eye would heal faster.... xxx
25 Nov, 2009
Hi there,
Just checking in to see how things are, I do hope Conker's steady improvement continues. Is the abscess under his eye part of the problem he had with his cheek?Are you going down the woolly jumper/coat route for Conker until his fur regrows? I should get one for Truffle too - make a game of it :-)
It has been noticebly cooler here for the last few days, still sunny of course - but I have a 'jumper' on this morning!! Will probably revert to a T shirt around lunchtime when it warms up again.
Keep warm and cozy indoors, Plenty of Malt Crunchies for you all.
Take care - hugs, purrs and wavey tails from the Iberian contingent!
Chris xx
25 Nov, 2009
Hi Chris...
Yes the cheek abscess is under Conker's eye, and it keeps nearly healing, and then needs draining again.... he has had several courses of antibiotics... I'm hoping that as his body recovers from the chemo, his healing abilities will also improve.
Yesterday Conker had his first major outing since being so unwell after the final chemo.... We went to a garden centre...He enjoyed himself but I'm surprised how exhausted we both were, last evening and today. Although the day was sunny, there was a fierce freezing wind.
I have a coat which used to belong to my Welsh Terrier, Bonsai, and I might try that on Conker.
Raining again this morning... hugs to your Iberian felines. xxx
26 Nov, 2009
Just checking in for the latest on Conker. Glad you all enjoyed your outing in spite of the cold. Conker likes dressing up so I'm sure he will like wearing a coat. I tried to get Chloe to wear one but every time I put it on her she laid down as if it was just too heavy!
All sorts of weather here this morning, sunshine, heavy showers, a brief hailstorm all mingling together - and a rainbow :)
26 Nov, 2009
Hi Gee...
Thanks for checking in on Conker. Conker would wear a coat...no problem... but not sure whether Truffle would try to undress him...Lol. I reckon a coat of thick material would have more chance of staying intact, than a knitted one, which could catch in Truffle's teeth if they were playing together....
I hope Chloe is well...I'm going to try a coat on Conker for night times when he is apart from Truffle.
Today I'm working on Conker's new blog, using photos from yesterday's trip.
Yes, every type of weather here too....
the cold wind persists ..
but the sun is out. :o)
26 Nov, 2009
Chloe seems to be feeling her age at the moment, bless her. Had a little walk this morning but she was a bit unsteady so it was very short. She is still eating well (cottage pie today!!) and is now sleeping peacefully cuddled up in a fleece on the armchair :)
26 Nov, 2009
Hi Gee...
I guess Chloe might be a bit less mobile in the colder weather ?
Encouraging to read she has a good appetite and knows the cosy places for snoozing. :o)
26 Nov, 2009
Conker now has a NEW BLOG.
My sincere thanks to all the members who, week after week, have scrolled patiently to the end of this blog..... putting their computers at great risk of exploding.....Lol. xxx
26 Nov, 2009
Hi TT just wont to say good luck to Conker to day at vets, fingers crossed for him, hope everything goes well. Lots of hugs and cuddles from me and Smokey xxx
26 Jan, 2010
Hi Clarice... Thank you...
How is Smokey ? Did he have a vet visit today ?
Conker is back from the clinic and had a good report :o)
I've added some text to my Conker's Charity Dog shows blog...
Please let me know how Smokey is doing.
I've been thinking of you both.
Hugs and cuddles....xxx
26 Jan, 2010
Hi TT i've add what happened with Smokey on to the first blog i did last week on Smokey.x
26 Jan, 2010
Thanks Clarice.. I'll take a look. xxx
26 Jan, 2010
Hi Terra and Conker,
Frances the Papillon x and Jenni the Foxy x Alsatian, from Sydney, are adding their wags to the cause. Good luck Conker!
2 Jun, 2010
Hi Pip, Frances and Jenni.
Thanks for your kind thoughts. I hope all is well with you ...
Conker is doing well so far..... not sure if you've seen the photo I uploaded to GoY this week.. Conker has regrown his coat after all the chemotherapy. :o)
3 Jun, 2010
I'm glad Conker is doing well!
9 Jun, 2010
Thanks Raquel..
In my latest blog "Cans and Roses" you can see how well his coat has grown back after the chemotheraphy :o)
9 Jun, 2010
I'm so glad Conker is all better now! Will have a look at that other blog Terra :o)
Realised that mine is comment 1,100. You will now have to start a new blog Terra to prevent explosions LOL!
10 Jun, 2010
Wow... that's a lot of comments..LOL...
10 Jun, 2010
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You and truffle are doing a wonderful job helping Conker to cope.Lovely photo's and blog TT thank you for the update :))
Nice thought from Terry too. Will be thinking of you on the 14th xxx
6 Oct, 2009