WHAT EXACTLY is GoYpedia ?
By terratoonie
Peter and Ajay recently created several new categories in GoYpedia and asked me to edit these….
Aubrieta, Balconies, Flood Damage, Show Gardens, Spring Blossom, Wellies, Campanulas, Flower Pot People and Pets….
Cherry Blossom, Climbing Plants, Climbing Roses, Design Ideas, Feature Ideas, Fencing Ideas, Gaura, Gravel Garden Ideas, Houseleeks, Penstemons, Rockery Ideas, Salvias, Screening/Privacy Ideas, Sedums, Sloping Garden Ideas, Small Garden Ideas.
Blog # 26.
Other GoYpedia editors are Jacque.. she edits lots…..
David.. he edits lots…and Bluespruce… guess … yes, he edits Conifers!
…. and Drc726 and Amblealice have joined in with categories too ! :o)
I’ve been asked quite a lot of questions ~ in blogs, photos and private messages ~ about how GoYpedia works…
This is a summary…
It means you can choose categories for pretty pictures like this photo of a greenhouse Strelitzia flower by Arlene ~
Lots of members understand GoYpedia already, but here’s a quick explanation.
At the base of this page is the alphabet, ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.
If you scroll down and then click on a letter you will find gardening topics beginning with that letter, for instance ~ letter “F” ~
Fencing Ideas, Ferns, Flowerpot People, Fruit Trees, Fuchsias.
When you are looking at GoY members’ photos, blogs or questions, you’ll see the opportunity to nominate that item for GoYpedia, towards top right of page.
Then you can select from either ~
or ~
When you have made your selection, click on SUBMIT.
After you click to nominate for GoYpedia, if you don’t find a suitable heading, you can scroll down to see these words underlined…
If you click on those words, you’ll then be able to leave a message for Peter and Ajay, explaining a new category you would like to see included.
It is okay for a photo, blog or question to be nominated for more than one category.. For instance, Gee19’s recent cute photo here, of her tortoise next to garden clogs, I have put on GoYpedia Wellies and Garden Footwear, and on GoYpedia Pets in the Garden.
If there’s anything I haven’t explained, please put comments underneath, and I’ll update this blog.
Below are just a few lovely photos from GoY members, to give you inspiration.
Some are already on GoYpedia… some are not yet !
Magnificent Welsh hills by Hywel ~
Flower Pot Person by Peter ~
Sandra’s Mum Val picking runner beans ~
Caterpillar of the Pale Tussock Moth by Toto ~
Beautiful budgies by Pasuki ~
Ian’s pic of Holly with her holly, kindly sent to her by Madperth ~
Elephant’s Foot Tree by Delonix1 ~
Dear departed Polly the Scottie with a face full of snow, by Pansypotter ~
Goat’s Beard by Bonkersbon and Jane ~
Invasion of Flower Pot Person by Madperth ~
Symba the beautiful Birman cat by Simbad ~
Clematis and lilac under arch by Terratoonie ~
I hope this explains GoYpedia.
Have fun with GoY :o)
26 Oct, 2009
Previous post: WAGGY TAILS INTO WINTER..Conker's chemo.. completed !!!...
Next post: I used to LIKE you.... now I LOVE you....
Me too.
26 Oct, 2009
Nice one TT...thank you!
26 Oct, 2009
Great Work TT :D
26 Oct, 2009
Thanks for that TT .
26 Oct, 2009
26 Oct, 2009
Thanks TT and those who do extra at home like yourself Jacque Bluespruce think I got the hang of it now a great idea as such a wide range of diverse interests must be hard to keep up with at times .
Thats the only problem with Goy so much to see and comment on ..can always play catch up during the winter months .
26 Oct, 2009
Excellent explanation TT ! Thank you :0)
26 Oct, 2009
Very clearly explained, TT. Thanks for that.
Little 'Un will be delighted to know he's in two categories as he's a little show off :)
26 Oct, 2009
So that's what it is! ;-) enjoyed your pics too, thanks Tt:-)
26 Oct, 2009
Thanks TT and every one else that does lots of extra for GOY.
26 Oct, 2009
Thanks for the sample, and all the extra work you and the others do for our viewing pleasure. Great for rainy days!
26 Oct, 2009
explained well Terra and thanx to all who work so hard on GOY :o))
26 Oct, 2009
Well done Terra! I think it should be pretty clear to people now!
26 Oct, 2009
Good blog Terra and yes I also appreciate and thank you and all the others for the time and work that you are all doing. Might catch up on blogs and photo`s over the coming months, I call it my indoor gardening and I am definitely hooked.LOL......
26 Oct, 2009
Thanks Tt that will clarify it for a lot of people, but what happens if there is a picture of something that does not have a category, is there a way to suggest a new category?
One instance comes to mind is the wonderful Willy Wonka story by David for chocolate week, I nominated in the 'features' category because there was'nt a 'story' category.
26 Oct, 2009
I'll never have time to see it all but thank you for doing it all just the same, its great that there are folk like yourselves making this site such a resource for us all....
26 Oct, 2009
I agree, Indy! David showed me how he does the editing & it's pretty time-consuming!
26 Oct, 2009
I think we should be able to award them a PhG, (doctorate in GOY) we need a new button for that methinks! or maybe there should be a counter set up for however many visit an edited section and after a certain number they get the award TT could have a doctorate in wellies etc etc...
27 Oct, 2009
LOL! Brilliant idea! You should put it to A&P!!
27 Oct, 2009
Thanks everyone...
I'm pleased this blog is of help.
Good question, Bob, about new categories.
After you click to nominate for GoYpedia, you can scroll down to see these words underlined
Can't see a page you think we should have... let us know.
If you click on those words, you'll then be able to leave a message for Peter and Ajay, explaining a new category you would like to see included.
I'll add that info. to the blog above later. It's about 2.30 am right now !
Hi Indy/Madperth .... Interesting comments ..:o)... GoY members must beware of receiving a doctorate in Flower Pot People..... those pesky characters are trying to take over GoY...Lol.
27 Oct, 2009
Thank you for the explanation. I was surprised to see one of my own photos. Good job it isn't one of the ones I'm going to delete soon.
27 Oct, 2009
Great blog TT and thanks for the info - I've made more than my fair share of mistakes on here. But then you always have a kindly word of advice :-)
Like most others there will be a bit more time during the winter months to get online.
Thanks to everybody else involved too.
Chris xx
27 Oct, 2009
Hello Hywel...
That's your gorgeous hills photo which you already told me I could copy to my own personal photos, so it's not surprising I take any opportunity to include the pic.
Thank you.... I love it ! :o)
27 Oct, 2009
Hi Chris...
Yes, we'll probably all have more time on GoY during the winter. Nice to have you on GoY. xxx
27 Oct, 2009
Hi TT iv been reading the comments on here this Morning & want 2 thank every1 for the Kind words on what you,Myself,David & Blue Spruce do with Pics,Blogs ect :)X
27 Oct, 2009
Morning Jac...
You and David do the most work with lots of categories..
and it's great to have Bluespruce helping now...:o)
Thanks to all of you.. xxx
27 Oct, 2009
Hi Terra you are doing a great job, so pleased you put on the lovely picture of Poly shows she is not forgotten, look forward to looking at some of the categories soon Thanks xx
27 Oct, 2009
Hi Carole...
I have several special pics. of Polly on my favourites, but I think the snowy face photo is my very favourite... She is not forgotten.. xxx
27 Oct, 2009
Thanks TT , that's well explained , it's like BB and one or two other people have said we need more time to dwell on all the different aspects that are on offer , thankyou to everyone that makes this such a wonderful site :o)
27 Oct, 2009
Hi Amy ~
Yes, there are lots of aspects of GoY I would like to explore more when I get the time... It is a great global gardening community. :o)
27 Oct, 2009
Thanks TT for the explanation, still making my way round on here and found it very helpful.
Symba will be so pleased he got his picture on, he's a bit of a poser lol :-)
27 Oct, 2009
Hi Simbad...
Symba is very photogenic ! I love his front legs and paws... so pretty....
Glad you like the blog.. :o)
27 Oct, 2009
love the blog....im going to show my mum now..
27 Oct, 2009
Wonderful pic of your Mum, Sandra...
... she has a lovely smile :o)
27 Oct, 2009
Thanks TT - I had wondered what it was all about!! D'uh... ;-)
27 Oct, 2009
Hi Sid...
If you think I've missed answering any aspect, please let me know and I'll add the info. to the main part of the blog. :o)
27 Oct, 2009
Can't think of anything TT! ;-)
27 Oct, 2009
That's reassuring. ;o)
27 Oct, 2009
Very informative,Tt, as usual Thanks. I had managed already to find my way round it a bit after some of your previous hints a couple of weeks ago. Until then, I'd wondered what the alphabet was doing at the bottom of the pages!
27 Oct, 2009
Hi Paul...
Glad this is of help..... maybe the alphabet could be for some sort of GoY scrabble game..Lol.
27 Oct, 2009
Was never very good at that either!!!!
27 Oct, 2009
Thank you Terratoonis for explaining
27 Oct, 2009
Hi Morgana.... glad to be of help. :o)
27 Oct, 2009
I have already voted for some, just did nt realise you could get to it by the abc he he
27 Oct, 2009
It was a while before I realised the reason for the alphabet. Lol.
27 Oct, 2009
lol great minds think alike he he
27 Oct, 2009
he he ha :o)
27 Oct, 2009
27 Oct, 2009
Thanks a lot TT, I know that I had to ask you about it before, very well explained, now I now what to do LOL......at last!!!!
28 Oct, 2009
Thank you for the well explained answer to the questions I had.I was too afraid to voice them in case everybody else knew and it was just me being "blonde"!!!!
28 Oct, 2009
Hi Pamazon and Grannysue...
I'm glad that this blog answers your questions about GoYpedia. If you think I've missed out explaining any part, please let me know. x
28 Oct, 2009
Thanks for that info Tt.
29 Oct, 2009
Hi Bob...
Glad to know this is helpful :o)
29 Oct, 2009
thanks Terra haven't been on for a while just posted a blog, this explains things well and thanks to all the hardworking team!!!!! Keep up the good work
2 Nov, 2009
Hi Skilla ...
Just read your blog.... Great news ! :o)
Doing my best to keep up the good work...
.. most people seem appreciative...Lol. xxx
2 Nov, 2009
We are all very much appreciative of the hard work you guys do behind the scenes! :-) You all add much pleasure to our stay on here & make it ever more addictive! The Gov will soon be making a law putting GoY in the category "C" of drugs! ;-) LOL!
Your blogs also make addictive reading! The drug squad will be knocking any day soon on your door! ;-) LOL!
I'd already used the GoY nomination features a few times but needn't know the same pic/post/blog could be nominated under various heading! Thanks for that bit of info. :-)
4 Nov, 2009
Thanks for your kind words, Balcony...
...your encouragement is very much appreciated..
....especially right now...
I agree that GoY can become very addictive.... I think you do extremely well, growing such an amazing number of beautiful flowers with not much more than your balcony area for growing...
Yes, on GoY, it's useful that you can nominate a blog or photo for more than one category, and don't forget, if you think particular themes haven't been included, you can suggest new categories.... :o)
4 Nov, 2009
Aaaaaah! The penny hath dropped
20 Nov, 2009
Hi Victoria...
Nowadays I charge fifty pence....Lol.
20 Nov, 2009
At last,I have ventured to explore some more on GOY,to see what this is about.Thank you for the simple explanation. are there really enough hours in a day to look at everything? May have to stay up all night as well,sooo good.
20 Nov, 2009
Hi Bloomer..
No there is never enough time to see everything on GoY .Lol..
but I'm pleased you like the way my blog explains GoYpedia. :o)
20 Nov, 2009
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thanks for the explanation tt.
26 Oct, 2009