I used to LIKE you.... now I LOVE you....
By terratoonie
I’m wondering if other members have a plant, shrub or tree in their garden which they’ve always liked, but maybe rather taken for granted….. however…..
you’ve grown to LOVE it !
My example is quite an every day one…
…. Trachelospermum Jasminoides….
I have several of these reliable climbers around my garden, and I walk past one every day when I go in and out to the dog run.
They are evergreen and grow gorgeous glossy leaves which have tinges of red and orange… absolutely stunning ! Of course, for some months of the year they display cute, white, scented flowers, but the leaves are a delight all year round.
I would be very pleased for any GoY member to add your example to the thread below… and say why you have grown to love your particular choice of plant.
If you can also upload a picture to your GoY photos, I’ll add those to the blog… as soon as I get spare moments to do so.
Thank you… This should be fascinating and fun. :o)
Gilli loves this rose called Mon Cheri ~
Photo from Aleyna in Brazil…
she says this is supposed to be Wisteria, but it has never flowered…
so she has grown to love it as her “green preferred bush”.. Lol.
Ginellie’s fabulous poppy !
Healthy, happy hydrangea from Kimmy666…
Two photos from Lily2 of Griselinia littoralis “Limelight”.. lovely !
The whole shrub…
Close-up of the leaves…
Choice by Sandra [ Sanbaz ] ~ Pretty sweet peas ….
Choice by Baz [ Sanbaz ] ~ Pretty Angelina plant :o)
Hawkshead Fuchsia is chosen by BB’s Jane :o)
Now receiving the recognition she deserves…Hebe from Bornagain ~
Morgana’s beautiful blue bouquet of Forget Me Nots :o)
Superb choice from Simbad ~ Choisya ternata ~
A photo from Italy… loved by Terry60… Campanula :o)
Amy’s choice … Cornus Kousa…
Cute close-up of the flower loved by Hollyeves..
….Echinacea Purple Purea. :o)
From Alzheimer…Eucalyptus Gunnii…[ Cider Gum ]
..was an 18 inch sapling about 30 years ago… now somewhat bigger !
Clarice is in love with her Standard Rose… Peace… perfect !
…. and the secret which keeps Clarice’s rose in tip-top condition and allows her love affair to continue….
… see her comment of 2nd Nov. below for more advice….:o)
… and another GoY member in love with rose Peace…
here’s a beautiful close-up photo from Pansypotter…
Hywel loves this rose… he thinks this is Peace…
that means three members have chosen Rose Peace.. very popular…
Amblealice is in love with dahlias… all of them ! Lol. :o)
Dawnsaunt adores Gunnera Manicata…amazing and stunning !
Paulthegardener has always liked Sacococca Confusa….
… Christmas Box…..
but now he is IN LOVE with this beautiful evergreen shrub. :o) Lol.
Lincslass adores Abelia grandiflora…
Ponty’s choice… beautiful Alstoemeria…
David kindly bought Madperth Giant Himalayan Lily… her favourite :o)
Gee19 loves Pyracantha cadange…
Selection of Lisa58 from Pennsylvania, USA ~
Rose Pink Double Knockout with frost… fantastic ! :o)
Wonderful choice from Greenthumb in Alaska…
Three different colours of Schlumbergera…
see his comment below ~
Pretty Snapdragons…choice of Pipc in Australia…
photo kindly submitted by Janette… thanks :o)
Terryh… Dahlia Kenora Challenger…
Silver medal winner..well done ! :o)
Catfinch.. clever collage of her beloved Madrona trees…
Catfinch.. clever collage of her beloved Madrona trees…
THREE pictures of Fuchsias from Balcony….
well… rules are there to be broken…lol.
Catfinch.. clever collage of her beloved Madrona trees…
THREE pictures of Fuchsias from Balcony….
well… rules are there to be broken…lol.
Catfinch.. clever collage of her beloved Madrona trees…
THREE pictures of Fuchsias from Balcony….
well… rules are there to be broken…lol.
Catfinch.. clever collage of her beloved Madrona trees…
THREE pictures of Fuchsias from Balcony….
well… rules are there to be broken…lol.
Crazy di says : this is one of my favourite pics of my lilies.
The white one is Lily Regale.. beautiful, especially at night when the fragrance is magical…
Catfinch.. clever collage of her beloved Madrona trees…
THREE pictures of Fuchsias from Balcony….
well… rules are there to be broken…lol.
Crazy di says : this is one of my favourite pics of my lilies.
The white one is Lily Regale.. beautiful, especially at night when the fragrance is magical…
David thinks Aquilegia Chocolate Soldier looks good enough to eat…:o)
Catfinch.. clever collage of her beloved Madrona trees…
THREE pictures of Fuchsias from Balcony….
well… rules are there to be broken…lol.
Crazy di says : this is one of my favourite pics of my lilies.
The white one is Lily Regale.. beautiful, especially at night when the fragrance is magical…
David thinks Aquilegia Chocolate Soldier looks good enough to eat…:o)
Janey’s choice is Golden Sambucus… superb !
Catfinch.. clever collage of her beloved Madrona trees…
THREE pictures of Fuchsias from Balcony….
well… rules are there to be broken…lol.
Crazy di says : this is one of my favourite pics of my lilies.
The white one is Lily Regale.. beautiful, especially at night when the fragrance is magical…
David thinks Aquilegia Chocolate Soldier looks good enough to eat…:o)
Janey’s choice is Golden Sambucus… superb !
Doctorbob has selected his Decorative Dahlia…beautiful …
Catfinch.. clever collage of her beloved Madrona trees…
THREE pictures of Fuchsias from Balcony….
well… rules are there to be broken…lol.
Crazy di says : this is one of my favourite pics of my lilies.
The white one is Lily Regale.. beautiful, especially at night when the fragrance is magical…
David thinks Aquilegia Chocolate Soldier looks good enough to eat…:o)
Janey’s choice is Golden Sambucus… superb !
Doctorbob has selected his Decorative Dahlia…beautiful …
These are Dotty Daisy 2’s thoughts about her lovely Lamium ~
This was a very difficult task for me choose just one plant that I love, when I love so many..so I chose the humble lamium, which has been overlooked by me, and I suspect many others dismissing it as the stinging nettle plant!! ……. until I had a new camera then I could see how beautiful this little plant was, so delicate and pure, not in your face beauty, but simplicity in itself.
Catfinch.. clever collage of her beloved Madrona trees…
THREE pictures of Fuchsias from Balcony….
well… rules are there to be broken…lol.
Crazy di says : this is one of my favourite pics of my lilies.
The white one is Lily Regale.. beautiful, especially at night when the fragrance is magical…
David thinks Aquilegia Chocolate Soldier looks good enough to eat…:o)
Janey’s choice is Golden Sambucus… superb !
Doctorbob has selected his Decorative Dahlia…beautiful …
These are Dotty Daisy 2’s thoughts about her lovely Lamium ~
This was a very difficult task for me choose just one plant that I love, when I love so many..so I chose the humble lamium, which has been overlooked by me, and I suspect many others dismissing it as the stinging nettle plant!! ……. until I had a new camera then I could see how beautiful this little plant was, so delicate and pure, not in your face beauty, but simplicity in itself.
and from J. Bardet….. the magnificent oak tree…
… here is his explanation…
Catfinch.. clever collage of her beloved Madrona trees…
THREE pictures of Fuchsias from Balcony….
well… rules are there to be broken…lol.
Crazy di says : this is one of my favourite pics of my lilies.
The white one is Lily Regale.. beautiful, especially at night when the fragrance is magical…
David thinks Aquilegia Chocolate Soldier looks good enough to eat…:o)
Janey’s choice is Golden Sambucus… superb !
Doctorbob has selected his Decorative Dahlia…beautiful …
These are Dotty Daisy 2’s thoughts about her lovely Lamium ~
This was a very difficult task for me choose just one plant that I love, when I love so many..so I chose the humble lamium, which has been overlooked by me, and I suspect many others dismissing it as the stinging nettle plant!! ……. until I had a new camera then I could see how beautiful this little plant was, so delicate and pure, not in your face beauty, but simplicity in itself.
and from J. Bardet….. the magnificent oak tree…
… here is his explanation…This one surely belongs in the LY/LY section. Oaks look magnificent at any time of the year but in Nov.-Dec. they stand out in an otherwise bleak landscape, especially when the late afternoon sunlight catches them and illuminates the remnants of the foliage, when most other trees have shed their leaves. Sometimes still green but usually bronze or pale gold, this subtle display seems to defy the oncoming Winter. This is why I will continue to nurture the solitary, self-sown Oak seedling in the corner of the garden, knowing that I will be long gone before this tree comes anywhere near being too big for the garden.
Catfinch.. clever collage of her beloved Madrona trees…
THREE pictures of Fuchsias from Balcony….
well… rules are there to be broken…lol.
Crazy di says : this is one of my favourite pics of my lilies.
The white one is Lily Regale.. beautiful, especially at night when the fragrance is magical…
David thinks Aquilegia Chocolate Soldier looks good enough to eat…:o)
Janey’s choice is Golden Sambucus… superb !
Doctorbob has selected his Decorative Dahlia…beautiful …
These are Dotty Daisy 2’s thoughts about her lovely Lamium ~
This was a very difficult task for me choose just one plant that I love, when I love so many..so I chose the humble lamium, which has been overlooked by me, and I suspect many others dismissing it as the stinging nettle plant!! ……. until I had a new camera then I could see how beautiful this little plant was, so delicate and pure, not in your face beauty, but simplicity in itself.
and from J. Bardet….. the magnificent oak tree…
… here is his explanation…This one surely belongs in the LY/LY section. Oaks look magnificent at any time of the year but in Nov.-Dec. they stand out in an otherwise bleak landscape, especially when the late afternoon sunlight catches them and illuminates the remnants of the foliage, when most other trees have shed their leaves. Sometimes still green but usually bronze or pale gold, this subtle display seems to defy the oncoming Winter. This is why I will continue to nurture the solitary, self-sown Oak seedling in the corner of the garden, knowing that I will be long gone before this tree comes anywhere near being too big for the garden.
1 Nov, 2009
Previous post: WHAT EXACTLY is GoYpedia ?
Next post: PDSA DICKIN MEDAL ~ for animal gallantry....
Thanks Lily..
I'll be delighted to add your photo. Thanks. :o)
1 Nov, 2009
Our Wild Madrona trees are my favorite TT..they grow so big and strong and have gorgeous green shiny leaves all winter and bright red berries that the birds love to eat..their bark peels off revealing a smooth muscle of light green first and then it turns a rustic red...the bark stays rumpled on the strong trunks until it naturally falls off. The wood is amazing in its density and if one should need to be cut down, it is the best for fires to warm you in the cold winter months after it has dried..I love the colors of the Madrona so much I have painted my entire home inside and out in colors that remind me of her...it is my Mardona home... :o)
I will try to get a picture of the one that I see and appreciate here by my house..
1 Nov, 2009
That's sounds a good one Cat... Thanks :o)
Don't worry if it takes me a while to put the photos onto the blog... in between other tasks here...Lol.
1 Nov, 2009
Oh dear, Tt. Now how can I choose one? You'll just have to look at my photos, I'm afraid - if you've got a month or two to spare, that is! LOL.
1 Nov, 2009
LOL..it may take me a while to get the photo as well TT..xxx's ~Cat
1 Nov, 2009
~my standard holly is looking really good with berries turning red~ will get a photo when I can get out there tomorrow!
1 Nov, 2009
Lol Cat. xxx
Thanks, Arlene...
...Standard Holly sounds a good example :o)
1 Nov, 2009
my fault~ I got that wrong TT it is a holly standard~like a standard fuchsia on a stem~looking so much better after a repot into a bigger pot!
1 Nov, 2009
Whichever is your favourite holly, Arlene, I'll be delighted to include it. Lol. xxx
1 Nov, 2009
i can understand what your saying here Terra but with only being in my first year with my garden i dont have anything really, the favourite this year was my sweetpeas as they grew so big and had so many flowers all summer and the smell was like heaven on earth :o)
1 Nov, 2009
Hi Sandra.... Thank you.
Sweet peas would be fine, please...
Everyday plants are very acceptable......
and next year, all of us might have a different favourite we've grown to love. Lol. :o)
1 Nov, 2009
thanx Terra its on page 5 second row if you want to help yourself :o))
1 Nov, 2009
Thank you, Sandra...
I'll put your photo on a bit later when I'm less busy.
If you add photos to your pages in the meantime, it will be funny, because the sweet pea pic will move, and, by mistake, I might end up including a pic. of Angelina. LOL. :o)
1 Nov, 2009
Will need to give this some thought TT :-)
1 Nov, 2009
Well TT I think you'll have to wait for my photo because I'm about to disappear you see. ( I hope anyway) .... But , ....I - will - be- back - ... lol
Actually the plant I have to say has 'grown on me' is a rose - any rose. I used to hate them and when I bought my old cottage I got rid of them from the garden. Then - I don't know why - but I came to like them. I can't give a reason sorry. I'm baffled by it lol.
I like the leaves of your plant. It's nice to have something reliable for all seasons.
I'll be changing into myself soon :o)
1 Nov, 2009
You asked one we took for granted? Well for me its Viburnum tinus it tends to get overlooked because I love my spireas so. But this year I ditched 1 V T because it was in too much shade so didnt do much. The other one has for some reason after a very hard prune decide to show me why I originally planted it. Its been lovely this autumn blue/black berries and little tiny white flowers and the leaves are all healthy.
1 Nov, 2009
Hi Dawn...
Please come back when you think of a suitable plant. Thanks. Take your time. I wonder if we'll get some really surprising choices ! Lol.
Hello Hywel...
If Blodyn is going to become Hywel.... I hope I don't call Blodyn, Hywel by mistake....Lol. this could get very confusing...but whatever your name is, looking forward to seeing you on GoY along with the rose photo of your choice... and lots more of your lovely pictures and blogs. :o)
1 Nov, 2009
lol Terra didnt think about that one heheeh.
hywel are you going away? and changing into yourself sounds intreeging :o))
1 Nov, 2009
Thanks Denise...
Viburnum Tinus is an interesting choice.
Do you have a photo on your pages which I could include please..
1 Nov, 2009
I'll go a walk round tomorrow and make my decision :-)
1 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Dawn....the goldfinches will be watching you to see if they approve of your choice..LOL. :o)
1 Nov, 2009
great blog Tt, great minds think a like don't they, lol ;-) mine would have to be the beautiful Pieris i have, it was here when i moved in 3 years ago and it is now getting close to being 10 ft tall, and it is absolutely stunning all year round, you really can't have a better shrub for all year round interest in my opnion, it has white bell flowers winter and early spring, followed by the magnificently coloured red and pink new growth that gradually fades through a whole host of colours until they reach green the effect is amazing, i won't load anymore pic's of it though as i KNOW you have all seen plenty lol
1 Nov, 2009
Thanks Maj...
I've been planning this blog for a long while... in fact every time I walked past my Trachelospermum Jasminoides and admired its glossy leaves...
Pieris is a good choice. I have a Pieris Forest Flame which I inherited from my mother... very special to me...
1 Nov, 2009
Trachelosopermum is a lovely choice i can see why you would want to write about it... i have tried it 2 times now in my garden but it just does'nt seem to like me :-(
1 Nov, 2009
Several views of it last spring on page 5 of my pics Terratoonie behind the peonie The one labelled secret path show it best but no close ups I'm afraid.
1 Nov, 2009
Great idea Terra, I have a few I have come to appreciate over the years. As I can only choose one..I think it will be my old, rampant, common mauve hebe. It is always there being evergreen but the leaves are nothing to write home about, I used to think the flowers boring and not very pretty. Now I see an old friend who never lets me down, It has loads of flowers at the moment and in the summer ,against the flowers of an old soft pink rambler, it's quite lovely. Rather like in those old films where the heroine removes her glasses and lets down her hair...Why miss hebe ....you're beautiful:-))
1 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Denise..... I'll go hunting for photos later on :o)
Lol. Bornagain... your hebe is definitely a star from an old movie.. but not a black-and-white film, not when it has so many brightly coloured flowers ! Certainly an old friend you've grown to love. Is it on your photos, please ?
1 Nov, 2009
What a great blog TT..but I fear my "plant" will not qualify as it is a tree!!! My tiny 18" Eucalyptus Gunnii that I planted over 30 years ago - with little hope of it surviving - and which now stands some 50' tall It is a common eucalypt I know but so graceful all year round - even when it drips its pretty little flowers and their oil all over my car - causing mayhem on one occasion when I drove out - switched on my windscreen wipers and was promptly "blinded " ...eeek! Now that great tree has a preservation order on it (heaven knows why!!) and is producing seedlings around the garden...which I control or I would think I was living in the Outback!!
You just can't ignore that tree and I look upon it as a really good friend!!
1 Nov, 2009
Great choice, Alz...
I should have made it clear that trees are acceptable choices.... sounds like your Eucalyptus is a great pal, despite its determination to make its presence felt in all seasons ! Do you have a photo, please ?
1 Nov, 2009
Hi TT...thank you and glad my old Gunnii passes the test as everything else comes and goes - apart form the ubiquitous holly and the ivy of course...LOL I shall take a pic ASAP....another good thing about my tree - being evergreen!! I will just wait for the rain to stop..one of these days ....and will add it to my pics. and let you know when and if!!
1 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Alz....
Hoping the rain stops this year...Lol.
1 Nov, 2009
Me too...at least it's stopped the Bonfire tonight..ha ha !!
No problem with bonfires etc ON THE 5TH - it's all the others that bug me..and our animals..as said on the other blogs!!
1 Nov, 2009
our village bonfire is thursday so hope its good weather, they put alot into it with stalls ,games for kiddies, music,allsorts to make it a good nite for all, and well supervised to.
1 Nov, 2009
Hi Terra.....Jane here.Lovely blog.Have to say my favourite in our garden is the hardy white fuchsia Hawkshead.Not an evergreen but the delicate flowers are like tiny teardrops and it flowers its socks off from early summer until....well is still flowering now ! Have successfully taken a few cuttings which will overwinter on windowsill until spring.Would you like one ?
Rays favourite is a small Nandina ( Heavenly Bamboo ) as it is evergreen and leaves change colour in autumn....followed by red berries.Tiny clusters of white flowers in spring...good all rounder as they say !
1 Nov, 2009
I'll put one on Terra, and let you know on here?
1 Nov, 2009
hawkhead is a lovely fuchsia jane, i can see why you love that one, not sure about nandina will have to check that one out, sounds nice though, nice to see you jane by the way :o))
1 Nov, 2009
Hi Jane... Those sound like lovely choices...
Do you please have photos of the Fuchsia or Nandina ?
Yes, please a Fuchsia cutting would be lovely.
Thank you.
I'll plant it in a pot, because in the spring, Fritz might appreciate temporary accommodation. ;o)
1 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain... please let me know.
That will be ideal.
Sandra... your pic. is the first "guest" on this blog... and I didn't choose a photo of Angelina by mistake..Lol.
1 Nov, 2009
Hi Sandra...nice to see you too !
Terra...we have a photo of Hawkshead in our gallery somewhere entitled For Jacque as she had acquired a baby one ! None as yeyt of Nandina but will take one when weather improves and leaves have turned if thats not too late ! One of the fuchsia cuttings now has your name on it ready for dispatch in spring ! Fritz does love your pots doesnt he ! Lol
1 Nov, 2009
Found Hawkshead...now above.... thanks Jane...
and, yes, please I can add Nandina pic. any time. x
1 Nov, 2009
I've just put it on Terra:-)
1 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain..
She is now on this blog :o)
1 Nov, 2009
thanx Terra i feel honoured to be the first heheh :o)
1 Nov, 2009
I love those Jasminoides as well Tt. Used to have one in my previous garden but right near the house for shelter as I didn't think they were particularly hardy but yours seem to be thriving.
I mentioned to someone(can't remember who) on another thread recently about my Sarcoccoca Confusa. It really doesn't do anything particularly spectacular but I've grown to reallly value it in my garden(I have two actually) They also have very glossy evergreen leaves(although quite small) and in the winter they have slightly scented flowers at the same time as berries.I currently have red(not quite ripe) berries, along with ripe black berries and the small flower buds are just beginning to form. But, most of all, I value it as all summer long, they are completely smothered and not visible but when the herbaceous perrennials die back , there are these small shrubs still as green and healthy as ever even though they've seen hardly any light for months! I shall have to take a photo in next few days and post.
1 Nov, 2009
Oh dear, I`m not sure...I suppose it must be the large acer. The one that I have forgotten the name of....lol! It`s been there so long and it never lets me down. :o)
Sandra x
1 Nov, 2009
Hi Labdancer/Sandra....
Do you have a photo of the large acer please ?
1 Nov, 2009
Paul.... your choice sounds a good one.... I really like your explanation of why you've chosen it..
yes.. a pic please :o)
What conditions does the Sarcoccoca Confusa prefer, please ? Can it grow up a shady fence with it's head in the sunshine, or does it need to be in full sun ? Thanks...
1 Nov, 2009
It was me, Paul - and I own one now! Thanks for that. x
Tt - it's a very small shrub, that likes shade.
1 Nov, 2009
Sandra.... I like the photo choice made by Baz :o)
1 Nov, 2009
jasminoids very pretty paul, good choice there ;o)
1 Nov, 2009
lol ive spotted it Terra lol, she is a pretty little flower though, :o))) x
1 Nov, 2009
At this moment in time there is nothing i like in my garden :-(
Oh.... the new seating area which is now the sheltered spot for my plants.....
I'm hoping with lots of research and good planning, in the new year i will come to love my garden and the plants in it.
I'm gaining lots of enthusiasum and ideas, visiting this group on a daily basis, i'm actually getting quite excited at the thought of growing some veggies and generally improving my garden.
So thank you all xxx and keep the blogs rolling xxx
1 Nov, 2009
lol... Sandra... Baz has great taste :o)
Hi Kimmy ~
I wonder if someone will choose a vegetable for their favourite garden plant ?
If you find you do like something growing in your garden ~ maybe near your lovely new seating area ~ you are welcome to come back and let us know...
I'm so pleased you are enjoying GoY :o) xxx
1 Nov, 2009
I have place a picture for you Terratoonie of Forget me knots, as I use to think they were a pain spreading every where, since my op I am greatful and love them as they spread and stop the weeds as I cannot weed no more lol they flower from spring right the way through to mid summer leaving a lovely back drop to my other plants so now it looks like a boquet when they all flower.
1 Nov, 2009
:o) Terra x
1 Nov, 2009
Oh, Morgana...
That's such a wonderful story about the Forget me Nots...
It must be so difficult for you not being able to do the weeding. I think you do a fantastic job of keeping your garden pretty :o)
1 Nov, 2009
Thank you Terratoonie lol wish now they would spread a little more he he lol.
1 Nov, 2009
i agree with Terra, you do a really good job morgana, love forget me nots to, my granparents had them in garden so pretty :o))
1 Nov, 2009
I guess they will spread, year by year.... Keep an eye on the pics above... your photo is about to appear :o) xxx
1 Nov, 2009
Thank you Sandra and Terratoonie.
1 Nov, 2009
they look really pretty morgana, just seen pic , lovely backdrop for the greenery
1 Nov, 2009
Thank Sandra when they all flower red poppies blue corn flower which is darker blue, also the pink Rhododendron, also liclac and yellow granny bonnets it does look like a boquet.
1 Nov, 2009
will have to post a pic when all in bloom ;o))
1 Nov, 2009
My favourite has to be choisya ternata, flowers for ages in spring, smells amazing, lovely evergreen foliage, don't give any special treatment but always impresses.
Put a picture on for you Terra in my photo's :-)))
1 Nov, 2009
yes thats a pretty one simbad :o)
1 Nov, 2009
Hi Simbad...
Choisya ternata... yes I can understand your reasons...
I found the pic. Thanks :o)
1 Nov, 2009
Oh dear.....don't think I can choose one particular plant at the moment.........ah....suppose it has to be my dahlias....but have a soft spot for all my plants.....sad in'it.:)))
1 Nov, 2009
Hi Amblealice...
Dahlia sounds a superb idea... not sad....
I'm off to bed now, but if you could please let me know which one of your lovely dahlia pics. I can include in this blog, I'll add it tomorrow. Thank you. :o)
1 Nov, 2009
nite Terra sleep well x
1 Nov, 2009
Nite Sandra and Baz... and pretty Angelina plant.xxx
1 Nov, 2009
lol Terra ;o) x
1 Nov, 2009
thanks Terratoonie
yep i surpose if look closer i'd do like my hydranga
bought at a reduced price and very sad
its going from strength to strength :-)
1 Nov, 2009
Great idea. Kimmy....
....Sounds like a bargain, that you've looked after well and now it is thriving. I'll put your hydrangea photo on tomorrow... a bit sleepy...:o)
1 Nov, 2009
Had to add in here that the plant I absolutely love is my Geum Bell Bank. Bred by Geoffrey Smith. I bought it 8 years ago when living in Yorkshire and brought it over here with me then on to this house. It is looking really sad at the moment but hoping the tlc will see it through. It has a lovely soft pink/peach flower that I adore. Had a good collection of Geums but this is the only survivor and I would hate to lose it.
1 Nov, 2009
I have a rose called 'Mon Cheri'. I always thought it was a nice rose but it never really made me say "WOW"! That is, until this summer. This year it suddenly came into its own and has bloomed like crazy without let up since spring. It has definitely moved from my "Like it" list to my "Love it" list. I'll post a photo TT.
2 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Gilli....
I've added your pretty photo of Mon Cheri.
Hi Kim... your lovely hydrangea picture is also above.
Thank you :o)
Hello Pips ~ A pity you've lost so many Geums. I hope Geum Bell Bank survives and I'd be very happy to add its photo to this blog, please.
2 Nov, 2009
Will add a phot but it is just a few sad leaves at the moment but still love it. Next year all being well will put a pic of it on the site in flower
2 Nov, 2009
Hi Pips.... yes, on this blog, we can always exchange your original photo for a flowering pic. at a later date.. Thank you. :o)
2 Nov, 2009
Fantastic blog TT - well done.
I think my all time favourite just has to be the campanula that just happened in my little garden and grew and grew and is a joy for all each May (my photo NΒ° 16)
2 Nov, 2009
This one has always been my Favourite TT , it didn't grow on me , I loved it from the start and can't wait for it to flower each year , also the bonus is the lovely red berries in the autumn .....
It's the Cornus Kousa , there's a photo on my page 33 ............
2 Nov, 2009
Hi Terry60 and Amy ~
These are very lovely choices.
Thank you. I'll copy both photos and add them to the top of this blog. xxx
2 Nov, 2009
I have pmd you
2 Nov, 2009
Thank you.... I'll take a look. :o)
2 Nov, 2009
Photos now included from Terry60 and Amy.
Thank you :o)
2 Nov, 2009
i love that little tree amy, will that stay quite small as im looking for something on the smaller side now my trees are gone, and just having a small garden something like this would look great :o))
2 Nov, 2009
It's about 4ft high at the moment Sandra but I have seen them 10ft . I think you could probably trim it to kep it smaller ..... it would take ages to grow very big :o)
2 Nov, 2009
I love my Echinacea Purple Purea........i have wanted some for ages and bought 3 plants on ebay... put into pots ready to plant out next year..... but as we had a lovely september they are in flower........ pic on my photos TT................
2 Nov, 2009
Thanksssssss Holly..... Your pic is now on this blog...
...a lovely choice....:o)
2 Nov, 2009
Thanks TT......
2 Nov, 2009
thanx amy, i really want something thats going to stay small :o)
2 Nov, 2009
Hi TT...just popped out and taken a pic of the Eucalyptus Gunnii for you and added it to my pics...No 63 ...the last one on. Happily it has finally stopped raining....for the moment but as you will have seen.....we are enjoying(not!) our day of fame on the TV news!!!
2 Nov, 2009
Well TT my favourite plant in my garden is my standard rose, had it approx 26yrs nearly lost it last year, but with advice from Mickc its came back this year as if there was nothing ever wrong with it.
2 Nov, 2009
Thanks. Alz...
I've included your pic...
Kind of you to brave the floods and rains to get the photo ! :o)
Hello Clarice...
Yes, I've seen the photos of your lovely rose... Peace...
I remember Mick giving you useful advice... spraying ?
Could you please explain on this thread what Mick told you to do... I'd like to give some tlc to my roses...
Thanks. :o)
2 Nov, 2009
Hi TT i got some epson salts from the garden centre, you can spray the leaves and also water the roses aswell i'll put a photo of the box of epson salts then you know what you are looking for in GC.
2 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Clarice...
2 Nov, 2009
Amy, love your cornus its gorgeous :-)))
2 Nov, 2009
I've pm'd you TT..
2 Nov, 2009
Just put photo on home page, going to make my tea now see you later.
2 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Clarice. I found your pics..
Amblealice... I've pm'd you back... LOL.
2 Nov, 2009
Terra just uploaded a picture for you of my favourite flower, so difficult to choose between the Pansy or the Rose Peace, but after much deliberation I chose Peace as to me it is just perfect! What a great idea for a blog and I love your choice the perfume is heavenly.
2 Nov, 2009
Thanks Pansypotter...
Your pretty photo is now included above...
...and the lovely pic. from Amblealice. :o)
I'm pleased you like this blog...
..and my choice of Trachelospermum Jasminoides...
.. but it is the GoY members' response which is making the blog so interesting and so much fun... thanks everyone :o)
....any more love affairs to declare ?
2 Nov, 2009
What a lovely vase of Dahlias from AmbleA. and not an Earwig in sight!
2 Nov, 2009
Hi Paul...
Yes, delightful Dahlias from AmblaA...
no earwigs... and no Rosemary Beetles. LOL. :o)
2 Nov, 2009
And Alzheimer's Eucalyptus looks a good one for climbing!
2 Nov, 2009
Hi TT, I've made my decision - its got to be my Gunnera Manicata. It gets bigger each year and the leaves can be 3 feet across - a stunning, giant of a plant. There's a photo on page 4, 2nd row :-)
2 Nov, 2009
lol. Paul..:o)
Still choosing from your four pictures. Thanks.
Hi Dawn..
I've just found your lovely photo of Gunnera Manicata (what a nice name !) and it's making its way towards the top section of this blog right now. Great choice. Thanks ! :o)
2 Nov, 2009
I love Gunnera. You're very lucky to have the space for one Dawnsaunt. Is it near a pond? I know they like a damp area.
2 Nov, 2009
Thanks TT, I've just seen the photo included :-)
Hello Paul - This gunnera is growing by the side of our brook, this year it must have been around 15 foot wide - its all tucked up for Winter now though, with its leaves bend over the crown
2 Nov, 2009
Snug as a ......Gunnera in a rug!!! With a bit of luck, we won't have too cold a winter but best to be safe!
2 Nov, 2009
You got it Paul, its all snug. Its the late Spring frosts that do the most damage.
2 Nov, 2009
Paul... your pic. is on here now.... Thanks. :o)
2 Nov, 2009
love the gunera dawn ;o) and pauls shrub to ;o)
2 Nov, 2009
Your lovely Angelina plant is very RARE... can't find it in the RHS book or on the internet or anywhere ! :o)
2 Nov, 2009
For me it has to be a rose, I have lots of pics but though I have many favourites like Pink Perpetue, Iceburg, Simply the best, I will submit 'Casino' I can't find a pic but suffice to say, it's deep yellow and even though it has a long flowering time it does not fade, wilt or be affected by rain. Can't fault it.
I do have four Tracleospurmum Jasminoides, I'll post one.
2 Nov, 2009
Thanks Heron...
If you do come across a picture of Casino, at a later date, I'll be pleased to include it. Maybe Gilli has a photo of this one. :o)
2 Nov, 2009
I cant make up my mind! There's my rescued rose, the Giant Himalayan Lily that David kindly bought me, my Smudge-weed (!) & the Hoggy pair! I'll leave the choice to you, Terra!! :~))
2 Nov, 2009
Terra she was a special one off flower thats why you cant find another like her :o))
2 Nov, 2009
That's it Tt, I'm in love with a Christmas Box shrub. What a saddo!!!!!
2 Nov, 2009
At least, Paul, nobody can accuse you of not being festive. Lol. :o)
2 Nov, 2009
Hi Marie... I'm choosing the plant David kindly bought you :o)
Thanks for uploading the pic..
Hello Sandra...
That Angelina plant is definitely unique and lovely.
You are obviously keeping her in the right environment with LOTS of TLC .. :o)
2 Nov, 2009
Think this is the longest blog I've seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)))))))
2 Nov, 2009
Okey dokey, Terra! Thought you'd gone to bed? Lol!
Why, haven't you seen the Conker blogs, Alice??
2 Nov, 2009
Hi Amblealice...Of Conker's 3 blogs, I think the one dated 20th June has the most comments... 1097... I'm lucky and grateful so many members took an interest and kept me positive..
Yes, Madperth.. I must go to bed... vet clinic chemotherapy day tomorrow... xxx
2 Nov, 2009
Bah Humbug!!!!(that's relating to your earlier comment re Christmas Box Tt)
2 Nov, 2009
Sweet dreams, Terra! Just ignore Scrooge there! Lol!
2 Nov, 2009
I`m a bit late Terra, very busy at min.helping to look after Mum.
My favourite in my garden for many years was my Amalenchier, however a couple of years ago I bought a shrub and planted it mainly to add height at one end of a border, at the time my thoughts were it will do,but after seeing it through the seasons and watching it change as the year progresses it has become my favourite....Its my Abelia and is absolutely smashing. It has oval shiny green leaves then white flowers with a hint of pink its been flowering since mid/July and only just started to lose them,when its flowers fall they leave little red bracts and the whole shrub seems to glow. I walk past each time I go to the greenhouse and find myself checking her to make sure she,s ok, thats not really neccessary as I can see her from my window, lol...Still love my Amalenchier but my little it`ll do plant has won top place . Abelia,grandiflora. There`s already a pic in my photo`s Terra but have taken another today and will download now.
As usual this is a another fantastic blog and will no doubt keep us entertained for months,. Thanks Terra and keep them coming...........
2 Nov, 2009
im going to look lincs, the pink bits got me excited lol
2 Nov, 2009
Don't think I've looked at blogs that far back (ashamed)...will have a look when I have more time......ahem....not normally keen on wading through very long blogs.....but "I will try and do better"......lol
2 Nov, 2009
San it was gorgeous in Aug and I posted pic then....
Alice I`m miles behind but will hopefully catch up through the winter...lol..
2 Nov, 2009
seen it lincs in your pics, lovely
2 Nov, 2009
My fave is Antirrhinum majus, the Common Snapdragon. It's so hard to choose, though!! There are so many gorgeous plants out there.
Sorry, I don't think I have a photo to give you Tt, tho
3 Nov, 2009
I can't think of a plant that fits this blog really, except as I said roses. I didn't like them at all but now I do. If you want a photo there are still lots on Blodyn's page. You can choose one yourself if you like.
3 Nov, 2009
And now I've 'liked' this blog twice lol :o)
3 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Lincslass, for your Abelia choice... interesting, how you made the decision over the Amelanchier....
...I'll catch up with the photo soon. :o)
Pip c... thank you for visiting my blog.... I like your selection of the Common Snapdragon... I'll try to find a photo on another member's pics. and ask if they will let us use it in this blog for you. :o)
Hello Hywel.... Welcome to GoY. LOL LOL LOL....
Thanks... I'll ask Blodyn which rose she would like and I'll add it to this blog later as your contribution. :o)
3 Nov, 2009
I think my favourite is the Alstroemeria which I have posted today. Why? Probably because I rescued it some considerable time after my wife had unwittingly thrown the contents of a pot, upside down, on my tip. When I saw the flowers I re-potted it and it has certainly Grown on Me. We have no idea how it got into the pot in the first place!
3 Nov, 2009
Brilliant story, Ponty :o)
Thank you. I've looked at your photo... stunning!
I'll include your lovely pic. later today. Excellent !
...any other members with plant choices, please...?
3 Nov, 2009
Well, TT, I didn't have to consider at all - my favourite is Pyracantha Cadange (there is a picture with berries in my plants section). I don't know if I have posted a photo of it in the flowering season, but it is lovely all year round, evergreen, white flowers in spring and the red, red berries in the autumn and winter :)
3 Nov, 2009
Good one, Gee.
I found your pic. ...lovely...
Will put it with the others at the top.. very soon...
Thank you :o)
3 Nov, 2009
Its fascinating finding out what peoples faves are & why! Brilliant blog, Terra!
3 Nov, 2009
Glad you like this Madperth...
I hope lots more members make plant choices on here...
...it's just a bit of fun :o)
Your pic .. David's gift... is on it's way to this blog....
....watch this space.....
...well, actually, watch the space a bit higher up...Lol.
3 Nov, 2009
Lol! Will do!
3 Nov, 2009
What a great blog! Thanks TT for starting it off xx
I have to confess....I am having a "love affair".....with lilies:)))
I used to have one or two, and really liked them....then started to collect them...and fell madly in love! I love everything about them, (apart from the dreaded lily beetle that is....) and aim to have a different variety in flower from May until October! So, for 6 months of the year I can indulge my passion...lol :))
P.S. Will find a few pics for you TT....but please will you choose? I couldn't possibly....:)
3 Nov, 2009
im with you there DI with lily`s they are beautifull, are you ok after your absence Di? :o) x
3 Nov, 2009
Like the new avatar, Di!!
3 Nov, 2009
Yes, thanks San xx
Thanks MP, I thought I'd come back as a Scare Crow...lol :))
Off to hunt out my best lily pics now for TT :)
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Di...
good of you to confess your clandestine love to all of us....
don't worry... your secret is safe with us....
we won't tell......ssssssssshhh...
Sorry ~ there's a delay on everyone's photos being included...
....Today was vet clinic day and I'm a bit behind schedule... but getting there :o)
3 Nov, 2009
I think its allowed on vet day, especially since you should be celebrating!!
3 Nov, 2009
TT, when you asked me for a photo for this blog you started on Nov 1st I came along out of curiosity to see if anybody had posted anything that might give me an idea. WOW!!! 145 posts - in just a couple of days!!! It's taken me at least half an hour to read down to the bottom!!!
There are some really great choices & wonderful explanations as well!
It's taken me a while but I think it has to be my baskets of Fuchsias! I had grown Fuchsias & have a couple of standards I've grown from cutting that are at least 6 years old now. If you would like to include a picture of a basket & one of my standards that would be perfect. LOL! There are lots to choose from in my garden pictures.
I'd never grown Fuchsias together like I have done this year. I had planned on growing hanging tomatoes in the baskets this year but the tray of seedlings fell off the back of my greenhouse on the balcony & I didn't realise for a few days. Of course they all died & I was left with five empty baskets & no idea what to put in them & not enough plants to fill that many baskets.
At about that time I joined GoY & saw some lovely Fuchsias on here & that gave me the idea. So a couple of weeks later I went downtown & bought 20 little pots of Fuchsias - 5 each of 4 varieties. I put five in each basket with Thalia in the centre of each one. The fifth basket had some Pansies still flowering so had to wait a couple of more weeks before doing it. Of course I couldn't get the same five as in the other baskets. Nevertheless, although 3 plants were different I don't think anybody noticed!
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Madperth...
Found I'm suddenly cream-crackered...
we'll save the celebrating till hopefully this time next week.... and then we'll PARTY :o)
3 Nov, 2009
Thank you, Balcony, for your interesting explanation about your Fuchsias. You have so many lovely photos, that in your case, I would like you to choose, please. If you put a comment under the two you would like me to include, I can trace them from your outbox..
Just put comments under the photo threads....
" This one, please.. Terratoonie. "
... and I'll catch up with the pics and put them on here... probably tomorrow because the photos are stacking up..Lol... good though... the more members and pictures the better !
Thanks again :o)
3 Nov, 2009
Yep! Take your time with the pics, they're not going anywhere!
Get some rest, all that euphoria is exhausting!!
3 Nov, 2009
I like dahlia's my favorite this year is Kenora Challenger
because it did so well for me round the local shows.
3 Nov, 2009
Hello Terryh..
I've just looked at your photo.. good choice and well done on the silver award ! I'll add your pic. to my blog tomorrow... I appreciate your joining in with this thread.. Thank you... :o)
3 Nov, 2009
Welcome to the crazy world of GOY, Terryh!
3 Nov, 2009
I'll see what I can do, TT!
3 Nov, 2009
Thanks Balcony...
I've added some members' photos from yesterday's comments... I will include more pictures very soon...:o)
4 Nov, 2009
Well, I think I'm at last up to date with photos suggested so far. If I've missed any member's pic. please let me know and I'll include it...
More flower/plant/tree suggestions from other members very welcome......
.... for those who wish to declare their love..Lol. :o)
4 Nov, 2009
This is a great blog TT.........don't we all love our plants and gardens, and no wonder, I love my Golden Sambucus...red berried Elder....just wish it was evergreen, but then again it makes me look forward to Spring.....:o)
4 Nov, 2009
Hi, Tt. Fritillaria meleagris (Snakeshead Fritillary) is my all-time fave. Have just potted up some bulbs - first time in years I'll have remembered to do so. With so many choccy plants in the garden this year, plenty to choose from, but my favourite was definitely Aquilegia "Chocolate Soldier", because it was suggested by Gilli, 1000s of miles away, I was overjoyed to find it here, and really, really like the flowers. :-))
4 Nov, 2009
Hi David...
That sounds a good choice ! Could you please direct me to your photo of Snakeshead Fritillary... or put a comment on the photo, so that I can trace it by looking in your out box. Many thanks. x
4 Nov, 2009
Sorry, Janey, my replies getting out of sync. again ! :o)
I'm pleased you like this blog....Golden Sambucus... wonderful...
..please may I have a photo from your pages ? x
4 Nov, 2009
Yes do TT........Ive pmd you where the pic is. If you need numbers etc....let me know how to do it...:o)
Like you David, I potted up some dark fritillarias a couple of weeks ago. Did you get the cream ones too.....for white chocolate?
4 Nov, 2009
Sorry, Tt, don't have a pic of the Fritillary as have just planted the bulbs. You can have the one pic of the A. "Chocolate Soldier", however. :-)
Yes, Janey, I bought a mixed box, an assortment hehe!! :-)
4 Nov, 2009
Hi Janey...
I've found your p.m. photo reference now...
Thanks...the pic. will be with the others above...soon. :o)
4 Nov, 2009
Okay, David... yes please..
Yours will be an original... choosing one flower and we include pic. of a different one. LOL.
4 Nov, 2009
OK, the Aquilegia is my foremost fave right now, but will be second place next year, when the frits bloom around the same time. :-D
4 Nov, 2009
Photos from David and Janey now included.
Thank you. :o)
4 Nov, 2009
Aherm! Wouldn't go as far as to say "in love" with a" soldier", haha!!
4 Nov, 2009
David.... there are some lovely female soldiers.....
he he he. :o)
4 Nov, 2009
TT, this is a difficult one for me, in my job I have favourites for every season. In the spring I love primroses because the colour holds out a promise for the good things to come, in the summer, Dahlias, Asters (summer and autumn). Autumn, Chrysanthemums, in winter Violets, my wifes favourites, because they take her straight back to her childhood, Christmas Cacti. I know these sound like very common flowers but they do contribute so much to the garden. I nearly forgot that lovely little flower the Scarlet Pimpernel, memories of our garden as a child. I do love the Antirrhinum, marvellous unusual shape. The photo I put on of the decorative Dahlia is one I would choose as it was one of the loveliest flowers I have grown, much better in real life than my rather dodgy photo, perfectly shaped and a wonderful yellow.
4 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Bob.
I realise when someone has lots of flowers to consider, it isn't an easy choice, but thanks for taking the time and for providing the interesting explanation of your final choice. Your photo will soon appear by magic near the top of this blog. :o)
4 Nov, 2009
Thanks TT, flowers are still popping into my head, this is a great blog, I forgot to say that. Really interesting. Basically I love them all. I must try and keep up with photos and blogs
4 Nov, 2009
Hi again Bob...
I know what you mean ! It is very time-consuming keeping up with photos and blogs... I try hard to do so, but always seem to be playing catch-up.. Lol.
I'm pleased you are enjoying this blog.
The choices made by members are fascinating. :o)
4 Nov, 2009
Oh, didn't think of that Tt Maybe you should make that "good enough to eat" then? :-))
4 Nov, 2009
Forgot Pansies, so many lovely colours, and Fuschias of course, a shape all of it's own. Oh! Sylvia tells me I have forgotten Roses.
4 Nov, 2009
Hi David...
I've amended your photo caption...
...On GoY I always aim to please....:o)
4 Nov, 2009
Lol. Doctorbob....
Yes, there are so many choices...poppies....
cherry blossom... the list goes on....
4 Nov, 2009
Have put one on my pictures TT it was very difficult, roses? clematis? dahlias? hardy geraniums, astrantias, lilies, all of obvious beauty in the eye of the beholder, so I chose a very understated little garden plant, it is always there to brighten up a dull corner, shining like a little beacon......a Lamium.
Wonderful blog, such a good idea.
4 Nov, 2009
Thanks DD2 for your entertaining explanation of your choice...
..and I'm glad you like this blog..
If you have a photo of Lamium, please let me know and I will add it to my blog. Thank you. :o)
4 Nov, 2009
It already on my photos its the latest one TT.
4 Nov, 2009
Wonderful decision and pic., DD2... thank you..
..... It is now amongst my blog photos above, together with your caption, which is so fascinating, I just had to include it, above the little Lamium. :o)
4 Nov, 2009
Cor blimey Terra you did it again, lol, its taken ages to catch up just reading and admiring all the choices on this fantastic blog, at this rate I will never catch up.........
4 Nov, 2009
THANK YOU JANETTE for the pic, it's a good one.
Ambealice, Terratoonie is the master of long blogs. Just look on her blogs page for far more comments than mine ever get..(I'm jealous Terra........grrrrr!)
5 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Lincslass and Pip c ~
Members' photos and comments have made this blog a very fascinating read....
Let's hope we get yet more pics. on here ! :o)
5 Nov, 2009
Poppies. I love them all, red, orange, yellow, lovely deep purple ones - blackberry ice I think they are called, but most of all my beautiful white one. Of course I have no idea what it's name is.
5 Nov, 2009
Great choice, Ginellie...
Please may I add that lovely poppy pic. from you photos into this blog ?
You've said you think the name is something Ice ?
Thanks. :o)
6 Nov, 2009
Ginellie sent me a p.m. allowing me to put her gorgeous poppy on this blog. Please take a look. It is WONDERFUL :o)
7 Nov, 2009
Thanks Terra, and for showing us so many other members' stunning pictures.
Look forward to many more.
I joined Goy a year ago - I think the 9th of November- and what a lot I have learned since then. It's a wonderful group to belong to and I look forward to the next year. G
7 Nov, 2009
Hi Ginellie..
Yes, let's hope more members offer one of their flower or shrub photos to be included. :o)
According to your avatar, you joined GoY 6th Nov., so,
Happy Golden Trowel Day for yesterday...!
one whole year on GoY... we are pleased to have you here ! :o)
7 Nov, 2009
What do I get for having been here for 7 months??? A bronze trowel??? '-) :-D
7 Nov, 2009
Lol. Balcony...
You get just over half a trowel, which probably means a broken one with most of the handle missing. We'll have a HUGE party for you on 4th April. 2010. :o) x
7 Nov, 2009
Not much good then! I'll wait my turn untill April for my big party! LoL!
7 Nov, 2009
April 4th is a Sunday, so you could make it a whole weekend of celebrations :o)
7 Nov, 2009
That would be great! :-) LOL!
7 Nov, 2009
Picture from Pennsylvania is the latest addition to this blog.
Thanks, Lisa58. :o)
8 Nov, 2009
A photo from Aleyna in Brazil is now near the top of the blog...
Thanks, Aleyna for your "green preferred bush".. Lol. :o)
12 Nov, 2009
Well, I can say at the end the Wisteria won!!!
She decided to be a bush besides all my efforts to make it bloom...
talking about wisterias...our city is a in a rush constructing buildings higher and higher ... and for this purpose putting down very old houses... and their absolutelly pretty gardens...
As this city has a huge german inffluence, the gardens are beautiful.. when the old owners of these houses die the family sells the land to be built buildings .. and the gardens are destroied, unfortunatelly...
I'm afraid in a few years those wonderfull magnolias and delonix will disappear... in name of progress (if someone can call this progress)
The hugest and most beautifull wisteria of this city was placed in one of this old houses... I was waiting for spring to take a picture of that majestic plan covered with purple flowers... but the progress came before and from night to day... it was put down... the house, the garden and the wisteria...
14 Nov, 2009
Oh, Aleyna....That's so sad, reading of the old houses being destroyed, and their lovely gardens and shrubs disappearing for ever... I guess it is happening in other places around the world.... many people won't realise the precious beauty which has been lost.... until it is too late !
Thanks for your lovely photo for this blog. :o)
15 Nov, 2009
I've gone with my schlumbergera TT. I do garden indoors most of the time....lol. I've had an Easter Cactus for years that just grows and grows, but no blooms. I've been so frustrated. Last year I got three christmas cactus just to enjoy the fresh colors and hoping beyond hope they'd perform, and this year, as they bloom with no help from me, I am even more amazed by them. What a delightful little package! I've shot all three together to share their beauty here, this seasonal and wonderful thing.
16 Nov, 2009
Thanks Greenthumb...
for your photo choice and your explanation..
Your pretty picture is now included...
...just above the snapdragons... :o)
16 Nov, 2009
Lovely photos GT! My Christmas Cactus is just beginning to flower as well. It's too early to take pictures at the moment as only one flower has opened the rest are buds. It's a lovely bright pink. It spent all summer out on the balcony & I brought it in only 2 days ago because the leaves were turning reddish. I though it might be because of the cold. I didn't want to lose the lovely flowers so I've brought it in & put it on our dining table.
I have several small plants I started off from leaves I picked up from the flower display stand at the supermarket where my wife works. Last year I had a couple of flowers from them & I'm hoping they flower again this year. They also spend the summer outside but I brought them in a couple of months ago. At least one of them has buds.
17 Nov, 2009
J. Bardet has chosen his photo of oak trees... here is his explanation...
This one surely belongs in the LY/LY section. Oaks look magnificent at any time of the year but in Nov.-Dec. they stand out in an otherwise bleak landscape, especially when the late afternoon sunlight catches them and illuminates the remnants of the foliage, when most other trees have shed their leaves. Sometimes still green but usually bronze or pale gold, this subtle display seems to defy the oncoming Winter. This is why I will continue to nurture the solitary, self-sown Oak seedling in the corner of the garden, knowing that I will be long gone before this tree comes anywhere near being too big for the garden.
21 Nov, 2009
Thank you Balcony. I think I'm getting the season a little early with so much less sun. So interesting your little recruits from the flower shop. More pleasing when they are gorwn up at home like that.
24 Nov, 2009
I quite agree! One of the small ones has flowers tha have opened & it's pink so probably from the mother plant I have! I can't bear to throw away plant material if I think I can use it. I probably pick up a fallen leaf & stuck it down the side of a pot. Something I do quite often!! LOL! I will have to remember to take a photo of it & the mother plant which now has a couple of flowers open with more buds to open. :-)
24 Nov, 2009
Well, Terra, you have won yourself a 'Truffle' Award for 200 comments! Lol. I have really enjoyed the blog :o)
10 Aug, 2010
Glad you enjoyed this blog Pip.
Thanks :o)
10 Aug, 2010
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This is gorgeous Tt and just my sort of thing. Every day it may be but I've never come across it other than vague references. Now where could I put one........
My favourite must be Griselinia Littoralis 'Limelight'. So well behaved and so bright and cheery even in the depths of a gloomy winter's day. With it's evergreen variegated foliage it doesn't matter that it has no flowers, it's a wonderful contrast to other plants. Height 6' in 10 years with only the odd stray shoot to clip back to maintain a neat rounded shape.
1 Nov, 2009