By terratoonie
I’ve been asked to write about Conker my Shetland Sheepdog, performing tricks at charity dog shows.
This follows on from my blog of 26 Nov.09 :
Conker’s Garden Centre Outing.
Here he is at a show, towing his chimp on a little car,
in the competition class “Dog with the Best Tricks”.
Conker loves this type of toy.. even on bumpy grass ! Lol.
Below are just a few of the pics from last summer and autumn….
….not always in warm sunshine !
We go to dog shows held in aid of charities such as Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.
Sometimes there are interesting plant stalls, selling flowers and shrubs for charity. This is young Elsie…
Conker’s shaved front legs are due to the fact that for many months of last year, he was undergoing weekly chemotherapy for lymphoma cancer.
Here Conker was awarded Best In Show during a heavy rainstorm. We were drenched, but it was great fun !
Five year old Conker performs tricks on themes such as gardening and golf. I buy most of his equipment from charity shops. His favourite pink pram was purchased from The Sue Ryder Foundation.
This blog features Conker’s “Super-Nanny” routines ~ stacking up the dishes, vacuuming, playing his piano, pushing his doll in the pram, and towing his chimp on a racing car. Lol.
At the dog shows, we never know what to expect with the weather or ground surface …
…It could be pouring with rain, fierce winds, hot sunshine or knee-deep grass and weeds !
“Super-Nanny” Conker picking up the doll off the potty.
He brings the doll back to put into the pram.
“Super-Nanny” goes back to collect the potty.
Bringing the potty…. he mustn’t spill it ! …… Lol.
Long grass……. so he needs help pushing his pram.
The next photos were taken at a show in aid of horses.
Some horses came up close ~ to watch Conker’s tricks. :o)
Conker stacks a whole row of dishes inside each other.
He puts all the dishes in the big blue pot and returns, carrying the pot which now has the dishes inside.
Conker getting ready to play his piano for the horses.
This picture is from the horses’ viewpoint..Lol.
Conker takes the doll off the potty.
Conker with his rosette and trophy for First Prize.
“Hey !” says Truffle… "What about me ? “…..
….”I won a big plate for Best Puppy that day !"….
Truffle thought it was a huge dish for his dinners. Lol…..
The three photos below are from a dog show to raise funds for The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.
Vacuuming the grass… Lol.
The little girls in pink had their eyes on Conker’s pink pram. LOL.!
Action shot…Conker loves wearing his bonnet. :o)
Conker is currently in remission, but has only a one in ten chance of the cancer not returning.
Please keep wagging and praying for Conker, that he’ll be a one-in-ten dog.
Thank you. :o)
Tuesday 26th January 2010 ~
Today Conker had his first check-up at the vet clinic since completing chemotherapy last November.
The vet examined Conker’s lymph glands and head area… and also tested him with stethoscope….and….
GOOD NEWS… at the moment all seems well so far ….
Therefore, we hope for many cancer-free months…
I can contact the vet any time if Conker’s condition causes concern, but Conker’s next scheduled check-up will be around April time frame.
15 Jan, 2010
Previous post: Mosaics, Balconies, Logs, Crazy Paving, Floods, Watering Cans, Plant Labels
Next post: HAPPY THIRD BIRTHDAY Grows On You. :o)
Thanks, Arlene...
We have such fun at the charity dog shows.
I hope Conker can enjoy lots more outings. xxx
15 Jan, 2010
Love that picture of him pulling the drag car and collecting the dishes they are great lol with Truffles thinking it was a plate for his dinner perhaps he thought he earned to be wined and dined. Hope all goes well with Conker when he returns to the vet, positive vibes and wags from Bench cat and my self comming his way.
15 Jan, 2010
Ahhhhh Conker is lovely and so clever......not forgetting truffle as well.... love the pics of him doing his supernanny things...... you must be a very good trainer... hope all is well with his visit to the vets....... hugs and wags from me, Scotty and Ella..x
15 Jan, 2010
Thank you 6d and Benchcat :o)
Holly, Scotty and Ella. xxx
15 Jan, 2010
i so enjoyed your blog Terra and conker is a star, bless, with love and your dedication im sure conker will perform many more times and make alot of people smile ;o)) xx
15 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Sandra...
This time of year, we usually start looking forward to the charity dog shows...
I hope Conker will be around to enjoy those.. :o) xxx
15 Jan, 2010
well he is in my prayers, you all are ;o)) xx
15 Jan, 2010
Conker sends wags and thanks. xxx
15 Jan, 2010
:o)) cuddles xxx
15 Jan, 2010
Well done Conker you are a little star, and as always myself and Smokey are with you always good luck babs for end of Jan xx
15 Jan, 2010
Thank you, Clarice and Smokey...
Hoping you are also keeping well through the winter... :o) xxx
15 Jan, 2010
aaaw what a talented dog he is,very clever and so cute i will be thinking of him at the end of jan and pray he will be ok...lovely blog terra thank you..:o))
15 Jan, 2010
Smokey not to bad, but he is losing some fur, the injections he as to help him feel better and make him eat have courtazone in them(not sure if spelt it right) and because he's been on them for along time its making his skin dry and that makes him scratch and he is scratching and pulling his fur out, so now i've got to keep rubbing aloe vere on him to help his skin not hitch and it does seem to be working on him, but he does'nt help himself as he keeps laying near radiators and the heat makes his skin hitch even more. But how do you tell a cat the heat is not good for you, even when i move him and his bed is away from them he still goes and lays under them.
15 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Joanella.... I'm pleased you like the blog...
Clarice, I understand the skin problems... similar to Conker's in a way... His hair has gone very thin and dry over the winter, following his chemo. The hair is just starting to grow back under his neck, but is still very sparse on his torso.. Glad to know the Aloe vera is helping. Conker wears a knitted coat a lot of the time... Love to Smokey.
15 Jan, 2010
Thought of getting Smokey a toy dog coat, but not sure how a cat would cope in one.
15 Jan, 2010
Lovely photos Terra. Conker looks to be enjoying every minute.Hope everything goes well at the vets, just keep thinking positive. :o)
15 Jan, 2010
I reallly enjoyed all your photos and descriptions - it's wonderful that so much enjoyment can be had in helping a good cause.
Do not fret, Conker will be around to take part in many many more shows in years to come. Never underestimate the power of prayer TT, as there are many of we Goyers praying for you both.
15 Jan, 2010
Hi again Clarice ~
I wonder if Terry60 knows of cats wearing coats ?
Thank you, Tulsalady26. Yes, Conker and Truffle really have such fun at the shows. Around New Year's Day, I went through a few days when I was having trouble thinking positively about the coming year, but I'm feeling better now. :o)
Hello Terry60 ~
Glad you like the dog show blog. It took me ages sorting through so many pics... Lol.
Thanks, yes, you are right...prayers and wags will work wonders. xxx
15 Jan, 2010
shelties are such intelligent dogs and Conker loves what he does you can see that in his face all prayers and wishes for you all xxx
15 Jan, 2010
Hi Pam..
Yes, Shelties are very clever dogs....
... and they enjoy doing tricks.
Conker says thanks for your prayers. xxx
15 Jan, 2010
What a lovely blog TT and as always Conker looks to be enjoying everything he does. He really is a star.
You and Conker will of course be in my prayers when the Vet trip comes along. Honey and Di will be wagging furiously too...and all our fingers and toes will be crossed - Conker just HAS to be that 1 in 10 everybody says TT - THINK POSITIVE!!!
15 Jan, 2010
Hi Alz... pleased you like this blog...
At the Guide Dogs show there was a lovely Labrador Rescue stall would have bought all kinds of goodies. Lol. :o)
Thank you to Honey and Di for the wagging.... One In
15 Jan, 2010
Hello TT....great blog....there will be three wagging from Southampton again. xx
15 Jan, 2010
Hi Phil....
...glad you to know you have a trio again....
Lurchers are lovely :o) xxx
15 Jan, 2010
TT - this blog and pics are great, and you must have a lot of patience to have been able to train Conker - he obviously enjoys doing it and all the attention! He is not one dog in ten, he is one in a million - and it always a treat to read about him and Truffles who both look so happy and loved. Positive energy and prayers heading out over the airwaves.x
15 Jan, 2010
Hi Busylizzy.... thank you.
What a lovely thing to say...
Conker one in a million :o)
He learns tricks very quickly and sometimes invents extra routines himself.Lol.
Truffle is a bit more of a challenge...Lol.
Thanks for your positive thoughts and prayers. x
15 Jan, 2010
Only said it because it is so obviously true :0)
15 Jan, 2010
Conker says thank you :o) x
15 Jan, 2010
Hi tt Its been lovely seeing Conker in this blog, he is certainly a beautiful and very clever dog, you must have spent hours training him , but what fun and reward it has brought you. Have been thinking about him these past days and add my wishes to all the others, for Conker to be a 1 in 10 dog. A big hug to bothe Conker and Truffle from me. ;0)))
15 Jan, 2010
I have no dogs (Loozie the cat would not approve!) but I do, so, enjoy Conker's blogs. He's a one-off.
15 Jan, 2010
Fantastic blog, TT, made me smile all the way through. Conker is a STAR - and he so obviously enjoys every moment. Credit to you too for your patient training. I'm sure Truffle will accept the challenge eventually :)
The last photo of Conker is my favourite, he looks so pleased with himself. As everyone says think positive and know that we are all thinking and praying for you as the next clinic date gets nearer.
15 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Pansypotter, Ponty and Loozie, and Gee..
Conker loves learning new tricks...If I show him a new piece of equipment, e.g. a toy... he is keen to know whether we are going to tow it, push it or play music on it. Lol. Truffle says " Shall I eat it, rip it up or run away with it.?" LOL.
I'm pleased you all like the blog. That last photo was taken by the steward at the dog show, and I didn't even know about it till she emailed it to me. I was so delighted :o)
I appreciate everyone's support for Conker's good health.
Thank you. :o)
15 Jan, 2010
At long last!!! :-) You got round to posting the blog you've had us on the edge of our seats waiting for for months!!! It's a great tribute both to you, for training him, & for Conker, for being the star of the shows! He looks absolutely great in all the photos!
I was reading this blog a few hours earlier & was showing my nearly 3 year old granddaughter the photos of Conker. She has 3 little dogs in her house so she well used to dealing with dogs. She liked them very much but she got hold of the mouse & kept scrolling the page up & down! I couldn't make a comment then.
Shame we can't see some videos of him doing his tricks in the shows.
15 Jan, 2010
That was lovely TT. It's nice to see Conker enjoying himself. It all helps create a positive attitude, and that can only be a good thing. Hope to see more of Conker in the future.
I'm glad Truffle and you both enjoyed yourselves too :o))
15 Jan, 2010
Hi Balcony ~
Sorting out the pics for this blog took quite a while, but I'm pleased you like it.
Seems as though your granddaughter is a whiz kid with the mouse. Lol.
Hello Hywel ~
Yes, this blog has helped make me feel more positive.
If not for the work of the vet clinic, Conker would have died back in June, and would not have been to any of these venues, so let's hope he can enjoy yet more shows this year.
Truffle always has a good time. Lol. xxxxx
15 Jan, 2010
Great blog, TT...And beautiful and interesting pictures! Thank you very much...
Think positive! Conker is a great friend of yours and he will not allow you to be sad...He is a "ten dogs in one" dog! Praying for him...xxxxx
15 Jan, 2010
Hi Uma...
Good to know you enjoyed the blog.
Conker is eating well and seems full of energy, so fingers crossed..
Yes, I'll try to be positive. xxxxx
15 Jan, 2010
Lovely to see Conker in action Tt and you can see all the pleasure he gives others. We've never stopped wagging in the Midlands not even Wellie Rat. Thanks for the blog:-)))))
15 Jan, 2010
Hi Bornagain ~
Conker does love entertaining the crowds..Lol.
That's very reliable wagging in the Midlands...
Thanks to you all, including Wellie Rat. :o)
15 Jan, 2010
Enchanting finally seeing more of Conker doing his displays - Truffle will eventually shine too with such a wonderful mentor. One in a million is so right!
15 Jan, 2010
Hello Wagger...
Conker is certainly one in a million to me...:o)
Thanks for your encouragement....
Truffle is an interesting challenge....Lol.
15 Jan, 2010
Well me and my horses like the horses part best of course..and wish I could be there to give Sir Conker huge hugs and you ...and just so you know....We have never stopped ~Cat
15 Jan, 2010
Hi TT what a superb blog it’s wonderful to see Conker performing for the crowds. You can see how much he is enjoying his show and that’s down to you dedication and love for Conker. You need to be praised as much as your beloved pets TT I think everyone would agree if we had GOY awards you would win pet person of the year!!
15 Jan, 2010
It was lovely to look back over some of Conkers successful days TT and looking forward to more to come ! not forgetting Truffles best puppy day ... our prayers and thought are always with you , Tails will be wagging everywhere for Conker at the end of January , we could whip up a quite a hurricane , you take care of yourself , love and hugs xxx
15 Jan, 2010
Lovely blog TT ,great photos of Conker..... and not forgetting Truffles.... Good luck for his check up at the end of the month x
15 Jan, 2010
Lovely photos TT, Conker is looking great and very handsome. Hope he continues to improve. Love to you all. xx
15 Jan, 2010
Terra it was a treat to see Conker performing his tricks,you have done him proud as he has done you proud all his life, not only at the shows which he obviously enjoys so much but also his courage this past year The love and care you give as well as the medicine got him this far and hopefully he will be performing in this years shows .Praying all the time for him and sincerely hope you get a good result at his medical...... Not forgetting your lovely Truffle who looks so proud with his plate, he looks full of mischief and I`m sure would rather he`d won something to eat ,lol.....I couldn`t choose a favourite photo Terra, it`s a treat to look at them all.
Keeping all the prayers, wags and miaows going here Terra, hugs all round, Sue XX.
15 Jan, 2010
Hello Cat ~
I thought of you when I added the horse pic.!
Those horses really were very close to the dog ring, enjoying the show.
Thanks for the wags for Conker. xxx .
Thank you, Sue ~
Conker really does enjoy performing for the crowds... :o)
Hi Amy, Janette and Doctor Bob ~
Yes, sorting through my dog show pics was good for me too.... reminded me of lots of happy days with Conker and Truffle. Your wags and prayers are a big help, and, Amy, we'll look out for that mini-hurricane. Lol. love & hugs. xxx
Hello Sue ~
How is young Brynner coming along ? Truffle does win dog food at some shows... I'm sure he thought he would eat off the big new shiny plate. LoL. Yes, let's hope for many more fun dog shows this year. Thanks for the prayers, wags, miaows and hugs. xxx
16 Jan, 2010
Wonderful Blog TT..Fascinating photos of Conker and Truffle ,well done you two..think positive TT,Percy hasn't stopped wagging xx
16 Jan, 2010
He`s coming on smashing Terra, 5mths old next week and very gangly,nearly as tall as Morgan, He learns very quickly when it suits him and gives us a paw for his food,can open doors, luckily only to get in the house not out,he is very good on his lead and obeys when told to sit at the kerb. As you can imagine very mischevious and of the opinion that everything is for sharing !!!!!!!!. One thing we do fall out over is his love of digging the garden, not in the dog run I must add.........
16 Jan, 2010
Hello Deida...
I like your pic of perky Percy with his Christmas cracker :o)
Conker thanks Percy for the non-stop
Good to read that Brynner is doing so well, Sue.
Truffle is still very mischievous at 13 months old ...
...not sure he will ever become sensible...Lol.. :o)
16 Jan, 2010
Hi Tt. Great to look back on his pics and antics particularly as he has had such a hard time of it this last year. Here's wishing you both all the best for this year
16 Jan, 2010
Hi Pips...
Yes, I enjoyed sorting through all the dog show pics. to select ones for this blog. Lots of lovely memories. Thanks for your good wishes...
..Fingers crossed that Conker is more healthy in 2010.
I hope your dogs are well ?
16 Jan, 2010
All mine are fine thanks Tt. They surprised me by actually taking well to the move into town though 200yds further down my street there is green space which was retained under the Breathing Spaces Initiative and it makes for a nice little stroll
16 Jan, 2010
Good to know your dogs adjusted well to the new home and that you have the local green area... you are all set for the new year. :o)
16 Jan, 2010
Thank you TT for spending lots of time putting these long awaited photo's onto GOY :) You know we did believe you that he could do it lol ! He always looks so happy and eager to please you TT. Is Truffle learning any tricks for this summer ?
I wish Conker the best of health for his next visit to the vet-and beyond :)) xx
16 Jan, 2010
Hello Aster...
Thanks for looking in on Conker, and I'm pleased you like the photos. :o)
Truffle has tried a few tricks, but he gets distracted very easily....
...maybe better when he is older...Lol.
Thank you for your good wishes for Conker.
Yes, let's hope he receives a good report from his check-up. xxx
16 Jan, 2010
Hi Terra..Sorry late to this..a hectic week at work and one or two issues....Heres hoping and wishing brave Conker all the very best for his check up from his friends here in N Yorks...Love to all xxxx
16 Jan, 2010
Hi TT Conker and Truffle thank you for your super blog and pics I agree with all the comments about all three of you - winners all
Lexxie and Tilly send wags and I wish Conker well at this month's vet clinic visit. With all the love and good will zooming Conkers way from Goyers I'm sure the result will be a good one :o))
16 Jan, 2010
Hi Jane and BB...
Thanks for your good wishes for Conker.
I hope N.Yorks is getting a thaw !
love &
Hello Neellan, Lexxie and Tilly...
Thank you for the wags and good wishes.
I hope the weather has improved in Wales. :o)
17 Jan, 2010
Some good tricks there TT....I enjoyed the photos, thank you. Will be wagging and spinning here for Conker ready for his check up.
17 Jan, 2010
Thanks for the wags and spins, PG..
.. and a special hug for Benny :o) x
17 Jan, 2010
Good Luck Conker with your check up @ the end of this month.
Your 'Best In Show' was well deserved - a truly wonderful performance ! What a dreadful rainy day it was but what fun we had (thats me in the corner of the photo) I got 3 rosettes @ that show. I live in South Derbyshire with Cindy a border terrier x & we take part in charity/fun shows all over the midlands.
Jasper (wagging tail)
18 Jan, 2010
Hi Jackie ~
Welcome to GoY.
Well done on winning 3 rosettes with Jasper :o)
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed Conker's trick performance in the storm !
Yes, you can't really tell from that photo just how much the rain was teeming down... it even washed some of the Best in Show printing off the rosette !
Good luck with Cindy at the 2010 shows.
I arranged Conker's vet clinic appointment today.
Tuesday January 26th. Fingers crossed.
18 Jan, 2010
Oh Conker is such a clever boy Terra though you don`t need to be told that. he really deserved to win Best in Show. he looks pleased as punch in the last photo and rightly so too. Just one question, did you name him Conker because of his rich chestnut coat? I`ll be thinking of you on Tuesday and hope all will be well with your special boy.
Love Sandra x
18 Jan, 2010
Hi Sandra...
Yes, Conker was named because of his coat colour.
Since getting cancer, his coat had gone even darker... almost black in places... compare the current coat colour with the very first pic. I put on GoY of Conker mowing my lawn....
There's a story about how Conker and Truffle got their names.... almost incredible and eerie...and I think I could make that into a separate pet blog of its own some time...
Thanks for your kind thoughts for Tuesday... I hope by then you'll have had a useful phone call from Lab Lifeline. xxx
18 Jan, 2010
good luck for 26th Conker and I'd love to hear how you and Truffle got your names----- pleeease
18 Jan, 2010
Hi Pam...
Thanks for your good wishes...
On 26th, Conker will have to "starve" till lunchtime, just in case he needs any anaesthetic for investigation...
I'll write the story of how Conker and Truffle got their names... and I'll look out some old photos so that I can make it into a blog... might take me a week or so to find the pics, but would be better as a blog...
18 Jan, 2010
will pray for Conker's continued good health!
19 Jan, 2010
Hi Healerwitch..
Thanks for checking on Conker :o)
19 Jan, 2010
thanks Tt... i'm sure Conker & truffle will help.....
19 Jan, 2010
... and Crocus is going to dictate the story to me in suitable size paragraphs..Lol.
19 Jan, 2010
Conker is one amazing dog, you have been so lucky to own such a clever and endearing dog, I hope all goes well for you at the end of
19 Jan, 2010
Thanks, DD2...
This week I've been trying Conker with some of his older tricks which he hasn't even seen for about 18 months.... he remembers how to do every part of those routines, which is encouraging as it means his memory is fine...
One of those performances is a "breakfast"....including his "cooking" a toy egg, then using toy microwave, toy toaster, and a toy kettle.....Lol. :o)
19 Jan, 2010
Ahhhhhhh bless his little cotton socks.
19 Jan, 2010
Ah TT, don't fret, why on earth shouldn't his memory be fine?? Be positive and turn the day into an outing, as all will be well on 26th - otherwise Conker will sense your anxiety.
20 Jan, 2010
Doing my best, Terry60....
... thanks for your reassurance and support.
Very much appreciated. love & hugs. xxx
20 Jan, 2010
I love the photos my favourite is the one at the end he is a clever dog fingers crossed for you for end of January x
20 Jan, 2010
Thank you, Mavis...
Conker is very clever....
He surprises me all the time with the way he does the tricks and sometimes he invents new ways to do tricks himself add to the routines !
Thanks for your good wishes.
Conker's vet clinic check-up is this coming Tuesday 26th.
I'll put a report on this blog Tuesday evening.... xxx
21 Jan, 2010
Wonderful blog TT, he is looking wonderful, I do sedt T and P over for you all. Lovely to see all these pics of him and Truffle. I pray that his check up on the 26th gives him a clean bill of health.
Love and Hugs
Pam, Todd and the Zoo xxx
21 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Pam....fingers crossed !
I hope all is well with you and Todd and the Zoo. xxx
21 Jan, 2010
Prayers winging their way to you and Conker for the 26th. God Bless.
21 Jan, 2010
Conker says thank you, Valadel...
We hope your pussy cats and goldfish are well :o) x
21 Jan, 2010
Alf and Dolly in semi hibernation mode( they don't like the cold) as are the fish thank you T.
x for Conker .
21 Jan, 2010
Glad to know Dolly and Alf are such sensible cats...
and sensible semi-hibernating goldfish too.. x
21 Jan, 2010
Just caught up with this blog TT, Conker IS clever isn't he and soooo gorgeous too! I still have everything crossed for him and hope everything goes ok on Tuesday.xx
24 Jan, 2010
Thank you, Skillen...
I'm already getting anxious about Tuesday..
...but trying not to relay that concern to
24 Jan, 2010
Hi TT......I was wondering when the vet appointment was - and now I will have everything crossed for Tuesday....and will be waiting anxiously for word that evening. Presumably they will be doing blood tests to find out how things are you may not learn the result that day. You will be in my prayers - as always ...and the GG's will be wagging as only they know how!!
24 Jan, 2010
Hello Alz...
I'm not yet sure what tests they will do on Conker. He must have no food that day, so that if the vet suspects there is any cancer back in the naso-pharynx area, he can give Conker anaesthetic and endoscopy to check out the situation..
I was imagining there would be a physical examination to feel the lymph nodes...
but maybe blood tests as well....
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers and the wags from the GG's. xxx
24 Jan, 2010
Extra wags on order for Tuesday Terra and fingers crossed for the one in ten:-)
24 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Bornagain....
I'm trying to keep positive about the clinic visit. :o) x
24 Jan, 2010
Just seen Conker is due a check up tomorrow. Hope all goes well, am shaking my u know what!! xx
25 Jan, 2010
Thank you Jean... all shakes, wags, whatever very welcome...
I'm getting quite edgy, worrying about tomorrow...
I'll put a report on this blog tomorrow evening as to how Conker got on at the vet clinic. xxx
25 Jan, 2010
No good telling you not to worry as it won`t help but will say I`ll be with you in spirit Terra,it`s mega wags and purrs winging Conkers way for tomorrow from all furry friends here.
I`m praying with all my heart that you get a good result. Special hugs all round XXX,,,,Sue...
25 Jan, 2010
Hi Sue...
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, wags and purrs..
I might be on GoY a little bit tomorrow morning to give Conker a feeling of normality before we leave.... even though he won't think it normal to be denied breakfast... xxx
25 Jan, 2010
Hope you're able to give us some good news tomorrow, Terra. Will be thinking of you.
25 Jan, 2010
Will be thinking of you and Conker tomorrow morning TT and hoping all goes well. :~)) x
25 Jan, 2010
Thank you Wagger and Skillen. xxx
25 Jan, 2010
thinking of you and conker xxx
26 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Pam.... I'll report back
26 Jan, 2010
Wagging strenuously for good news:-)
26 Jan, 2010
Thanks Bornagain for the wagging !
I've put a report about Conker's vet clinic visit at the end of my blog text above...
...near the photo of Conker holding the flower basket. :o)
26 Jan, 2010
Brilliant news, TT What a relief ...I am sure you were holding your breath...I think we all were. There is no doubt darling Conker is one in a million..never mind one in ten! All wagging now in celebration.....and big hugs all round from me and the GG's
26 Jan, 2010
Oh frabjous day calloo callay, maybe one in ten verdict on the way! Moved to poetry now (well it rhymes) :-)))))))))
26 Jan, 2010
~ fantastic news for your lovely boy!~ lets hope he will stay in rude health until his next check up in April!~ his fur should be growing back and it will hopefully be getting warmer so better times in store for him!
love Arlene xxx
26 Jan, 2010
Thanks Alz and the GGs, Bornagain...and poetry :o)
and Arlene...
Yes it is such a relief...
I'm emotionally exhausted ....
even Conker and Truffle are cream-crackered..
..we will bounce back after a good night's sleep..
The clinic vet said that Conker's cheek abscess area will get smaller and smaller, but will take a long while to heal completely....and, yes, he said Conker can now grow some hair !
:o) xxx
26 Jan, 2010
what a relief !-- its lovely to have some good news :-)
26 Jan, 2010
YIPPPPEEE TT - see it does work!! Now you start thinking about getting some rest
26 Jan, 2010
TT i a'm so pleased for Conker, that everything went well this morning, Smokey still managing to wag his tail for him xx
26 Jan, 2010
Fantabiosy news, Alf and Dolly sending lots of purrs ! >^..^<
Hugs from Val X
26 Jan, 2010
Well done Conker,extra hugs tonight xx. Terra I`m absolutely over the moon for you, now`s the time to sit back and relax..........xx
26 Jan, 2010
Thanks everyone...and your pussycats and puppies :o)
I'm really sleepy at the moment...
..reaction to being so anxious this morning...
love & hugs. xxx
26 Jan, 2010
Know exactly how you feel xxx
26 Jan, 2010
I'm glad to hear the good news TT. I've been thinking about you and Conker all day. :o))
26 Jan, 2010
Thanks Hywel...
Yes, such a relief that Conker has a good report for the time being...
Please can I now go in your airing cupboard with Blodyn and sleep till Sunday...:o)
Love and hugs.. xxxxxxx
P.S. Clarice might want to come into your airing cupboard too... we're both exhausted.. Lol.
26 Jan, 2010
Just in and checking this out Terra.So glad to hear this brilliant news.Knew he was a 1 in 10 ! Do get a well earned good nights sleep.Love from all xxx
26 Jan, 2010
Yippadee doo-dah.....pleased to hear the good news TT. Have a good nights rest. x
26 Jan, 2010
Thanks Jane, BB, Pottygardener...
Yes, this is good news... one-in-ten is the phrase for 2010...
Conker had to miss early meals today in case anaesthetic was required...
I found the simplest way to achieve this was to not feed Truffle either....
So Truffle nobly went without breakfast for his friend Conker. :o)
26 Jan, 2010
Of course you can go in my airing cupboard TT lol and Carol aswell if she likes :o))
You've earned a good night's rest. It must be such a relief. I hope you will feel better tomorrow
26 Jan, 2010
Thanks Hywel....
...move over just a little bit please Blodyn. :o) x
26 Jan, 2010
26 Jan, 2010
Such good news to read - and what a star Truffle is, foregoing breakfast for Conker.
26 Jan, 2010
Hi Wagger...
Thanks. Yes, good news...
Conker is now in hair-growing mode...
...and, this afternoon, Truffle has more than compensated for missing breakfast. Lol.
26 Jan, 2010
Good news , Conker. Keep it up. All those people at the charity dog shows want to see more of your tricks so you have to keep well. Paddy is very pleased and wagging his tail enthusiastically!!!!
26 Jan, 2010
Hello Paul and Paddy...
Thank you... Conker is starting piano practice again tomorrow Lol
... and lots of other tricks..
Thanks, Paddy. Great wagging.. !!! :o)
26 Jan, 2010
Terra, let's get this straight now, did Truffle actually volunteer to go without his breakfast lol?
26 Jan, 2010
Hi Bornagain...
Actually, I think Truffle volunteered to help out by eating Conker's breakfast.Lol.
26 Jan, 2010
Just in from work TT, This is such BRILLIANT news for everybody! I'm sooooo pleased for you and Conker, he surely is one in a million! Was thinking about you all this morning and did so hope good news was coming. Of course you will be really tired because you have been so anxious but tonight you will have the best sleep EVER!!!!! Well done Conker xxxxxxx :~))))))))))))))))))).
26 Jan, 2010
Thank you, Skillen for thinking of Conker...
He was a bit edgy waiting at the vet clinic....
...but I think he was pleasantly surprised that his treatment was much easier than usual, in that all he had to undergo was an examination... whereas last year he usually had blood tests, chemo, all sorts... !
Yes, BRILLIANT news.... I hope he has many months of remission. xxxxxxx :o)))))))
26 Jan, 2010
I hope he has many YEARS of remission. Happy new year Conker!! xx
26 Jan, 2010
Great news, TT, so pleased for you and Conker and, of course, Truffle and Crocus too and you've got time to relax before the next clinic visit too. Brilliant :)
26 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Skillen...
Yes, let's talk about years. :o)
Hi Gee...
Agreed... it's great to know we can enjoy some relaxing weeks before another appointment in April... and, good news this morning.... Truffle and Conker were very pleased they didn't have to miss out on breakfast...! :o)
27 Jan, 2010
Hi TT hope you feeling ok today, i felt alot better this morning.Hope Conker is Feeling better aswell after his day at vet
27 Jan, 2010
Hi Carol....
Thanks for asking. Glad to know you are feeling better... I'm still rather sleepy, but Conker and Truffle have been playing rope toy games together.
The vet told me yesterday that he hopes Conker will soon be doing some more dog show trick displays.... he said the charities need him. :o)
27 Jan, 2010
Thats great news for him fingers crossed that he will, give him a hug for me xx.
27 Jan, 2010
:o) xxx
27 Jan, 2010
Conker the concert pianist. I think we'll have to team Conker up with Graeme. They'd go down a storm at the holiday camps. If they don't like Graeme's jokes, Conker can play them a tune!
27 Jan, 2010
Lol. Conker also tows a little car... the top pic on the blog...
so maybe he could chauffeur Graeme to and from the bookings....:o)
27 Jan, 2010
SORTED! He'll need a trailer on the back for all Graeme's props and Conker's baby grand!
But Graeme won't be able to sing along with conker as he sings in a BUNCH OF KEYS!
27 Jan, 2010
Nice one Paul :o))
27 Jan, 2010
Sometimes, Conker barks along with his own piano playing... so that might help...
also ...and idea for transporting Graeme's props...
....Conker could push those along in his toy supermarket trolley...
Conker has plenty of his own props...
..those two would make a great double act....LOL. :o)
27 Jan, 2010
So pleased that you have had good news a great start to 2010 Terratoonie x from Mavis Whiskas and Ollie.
27 Jan, 2010
Thank you Mavis, Whiskas and Ollie...
It is a relief that Conker's first check-up went so well.. xxx
27 Jan, 2010
Fantastic news, tt! The wagging is paying off!! :-)) :-))
27 Jan, 2010
Hi David...
yes, good news yesterday !
..please thank Lucky for wagging his tail :o) xxx
27 Jan, 2010
This really is great news, TT! :-) I'm so pleased for the both of you. It's great to hear that he won't be needing any more treatment - for the time being at least! I hope he never needs any more treatment ever again!
The New Year has got off on a food foot - paw? - for you both! Looking forward to hearing of his performances at shows again & a future blog with more photos of him doing his tricks!
27 Jan, 2010
Hi Balcony...
yes, great news...!
I hadn't realised just how worried I was about what to expect at the vet clinic yesterday....
Now Conker can have fun practising tricks at home, and growing his hair...
the forecast is chilly for the coming week, so I think he might need to go back to wearing two knitted coats at night ! :o)
27 Jan, 2010
Hello TT. Great news....I'm so pleased for you and Conker. All the prayers, wagging and malt munchies worked. xx
28 Jan, 2010
Hello Phil...
I appreciate your checking in on Conker....
This afternoon Conker and Truffle are playing energetic rope toy tug games all around the house, so they obviously think this is a good news week. Lol.
Thanks for the many prayers and hugs from the Philc1 household...
Yes, those and the Malt Crunchies have worked wonders... xxx
28 Jan, 2010
Oh yes....Malt Crunchies I meant to say....Munchies are one of my favourites! Haven't forgotten the Murphy pic...just need him to be still long enough to take one! xx
28 Jan, 2010
Yes, Murphy and Munchies... they both sound lovely. Lol. xxx
28 Jan, 2010
Great news about Conker Terra. Your TLC is mighty powerful.
28 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Ponty...
After the vet had checked over Conker, he advised Conker to step up his trick practice for the Charity Dog Shows.... so all we need now is some warmer weather.. not a lot of room indoors for pushing toy prams.. Conker keeps bumping into the furniture..Lol.
28 Jan, 2010
Fantastic News, Terra!
Long may it continue! Wags wiggles waves & prayers!
28 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Marie...
Keep warm and well in this chilly weather. xxx
28 Jan, 2010
Lol! At least the snow's gone, but my plants've all exploded! :~{
28 Jan, 2010
Your snow may have gone Marie but I think you've sent it down here! The garden is quite well covered.
29 Jan, 2010
Thinking of you, Ponty... in the frozen far east..;o)
29 Jan, 2010
Lol, Ponty! Its sunny here today, but we havent hit the snow season yet up here!!
30 Jan, 2010
Hi Terra,
I`m so happy that Conker is doing well, I was just thinking about him a moment ago. Hopefully he will stay well for a long, long time.
Love Sandra x
30 Jan, 2010
Hi Sandra..
Conker is looking forward to having enough hair that I can start grooming him again. He loves the brush and comb, but for several months now, there's been nothing to groom !
Yes, let's hope he stays well for a long time.
Thanks. Love & hugs. xxx
30 Jan, 2010
Still wagging here for Conker, fab blog TT, keep it up Conker i'm sure all the love and support you give him has helped TT Toffee sends miaows
31 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Skilla and Toffee...
I've told Conker about the miaows and Conker says he is growing new hair as fast as he can. :o) Lol.
I hope Toffee is well. xxx
31 Jan, 2010
There's an update about Conker on my latest blog.
Thanks to everyone for your continued support xxx :o)
13 Apr, 2010
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lovely times to look back on TT~let's hope he is a one in ten dog and you can go to many more shows and win more rosettes with him!
15 Jan, 2010