most of my plants are in containers
3 replies
1 Dec, 2016 Nellie61
Can i split the hosta and Michialmas Daisys now
1 reply
15 Oct, 2016 Nellie61
Has anyone heard of a 'Snowberry' plant and if so how easy is it to grow
4 replies
1 Oct, 2016 Nellie61
Is there a flower called a parrot tulip
5 replies
29 Sep, 2016 Nellie61
I was given a clematis
2 replies
28 Sep, 2016 Nellie61
Lavatera, do i prune this plant if when and by how much
How long will sweet peas flower for now
27 Sep, 2016 Nellie61
When can you divide Oxilis
22 Sep, 2016 Nellie61
In 2013 i was given a Clematis
Just been reading about 'Cyclamen' in my gardening magazine
7 replies
21 Sep, 2016 Nellie61
When do Heuchera's flower please
I was told to keep Astillbies well watered
When should you divide 'oxilis' thanks in anticipation
16 Sep, 2016 Nellie61
A freind gave me an 'Potentilla Fruitocosa' which has small yellow flowers...
6 replies
13 Sep, 2016 Nellie61
Looking round my garden this afternoon
12 Sep, 2016 Nellie61
Regarding my question Steragram on the creeping jenny
9 Sep, 2016 Nellie61
Can you split a creeping jenny as iv'e got 2 hanging baskets i want to put it...
Do fushia's come up each year
7 Sep, 2016 Nellie61
I planted some Nasturtiums seeds about 5 weeks ago they are roughly 18ins high
3 Sep, 2016 Nellie61
My Daughter was telling me she was watching a gardening program the other day about...
8 replies
28 Aug, 2016 Nellie61
Hi me again
27 Aug, 2016 Nellie61
The head on one of my sunflowers is drooping down
26 Aug, 2016 Nellie61
Michaelmas Daisys are now coming into flower
Icessv'e got to ask this question
14 Aug, 2016 Nellie61
R.egarding the question i posted earlier about the bleeding heart
11 Aug, 2016 Nellie61
bleeding heart
I recently asked what this was
9 Aug, 2016 Nellie61
Any ideas what this plant is
Can someone I D this plant
With regards to the plant mimulas
27 Jul, 2016 Nellie61
was at my neighbours garden the other day
24 Jul, 2016 Nellie61
im pretty sure this is an annual
iv,e had this rose for 2 or 3 years now it's always been yellow but seems to...
got this plant from a friend last year
can someone id this plant please
Iv'e got a pink Astilbee
16 Jul, 2016 Nellie61
Another to id please
can anyone id this plant
is it too late to plant nasterions seeds out now
13 Jul, 2016 Nellie61
the flowers on the delphinium are dieing
12 Jul, 2016 Nellie61
just noticed some leaves on the bleeding heart plant are slightly yellowish
8 Jul, 2016 Nellie61
Some of the leaves on my oxalis plant are going brown
7 Jul, 2016 Nellie61
posted a q
21 Jun, 2016 Nellie61
Regarding the question i posted on the 18th about the 'forsythia' some of...
19 Jun, 2016 Nellie61
sorry this is the good plant from my last question
10 replies
18 Jun, 2016 Nellie61
I D this please
I D this for me please thanks
Can anyone tell me what this plant is
Asked last year about cutting back a 'forsythia' was told to do it after...
Got a free packet of seeds in my gardening mag this week
15 Jun, 2016 Nellie61
Astilbee's when do they flower and when is best time to divede them nellie
13 Jun, 2016 Nellie61
Ive been given a 'bleeding heart plant from a friend' a month ago in full...
I mentioned the other week a friend gave me a ' bleeding heart plant ' it...
forgot to add this
9 Jun, 2016 Nellie61
can anyone i
can anyone help
28 May, 2016 Nellie61
can i split michaelmuss daisys now
19 May, 2016 Nellie61
Been given a plant called
17 May, 2016 Nellie61
Can i move this Maple tree its just coming into bud
31 Mar, 2016 Nellie61
Regarding my question about "orchids" i posted on the 19th can anyone tell...
20 Mar, 2016 Nellie61
Just planted some "CHINESE LANTERNS" they look very dainty
19 Mar, 2016 Nellie61
When do Orchids bloom ?
Nellie here for got to ask does anyone know the variety of the Orchid thanks so much
18 Mar, 2016 Nellie61
Please can you help
Hi ive arrived back from pet sitting at my sons for the week
15 Mar, 2016 Nellie61
Not a question
6 Mar, 2016 Nellie61
There's no sign of any life in my Mickelmuss Daisys
2 Mar, 2016 Nellie61
I have a few Succulent plants
19 Feb, 2016 Nellie61
I was given a 'Forsythia' which i asked last year about
17 Feb, 2016 Nellie61
Greenhouse or not ?
10 Feb, 2016 Nellie61
Iv'e found a few packets of seeds in the garage
7 Feb, 2016 Nellie61
can anyone help me regarding rubarb
6 Feb, 2016 Nellie61
Can you help please?
26 Jan, 2016 Nellie61
when can i plant sunflower seeds ?
22 Jan, 2016 Nellie61
Roll on summer
18 Jan, 2016 Nellie61
will my plants in tubs be ok as it has snowed alot here today
16 Jan, 2016 Nellie61
just received my RSBP pack today
12 Jan, 2016 Nellie61
hi me again
11 Jan, 2016 Nellie61
Noticed some buds on a rosebush
25 Nov, 2015 Nellie61
posted a question on a spiraca japonica yesterday
3 Nov, 2015 Nellie61
my snapdragon has come into bud again
Just noticed the 'oxalis' is coming into flower again
2 Nov, 2015 Nellie61
Can you tell me the name of this plant
Can anyone identify this plant
When do hostas flower also when best to divide them october or march ?
30 Oct, 2015 Nellie61
Do i cut back mickelmuss daisys when they finish flowering thanks
when can you split sweet williams ?
22 Oct, 2015 Nellie61
I am compiling a book on 'garden tips' so if anyone has any good tips
21 Oct, 2015 Nellie61
This is not a question
can you split heather if so
iv'e been given some ornimental cabbages
what is a parrot plant
20 Oct, 2015 Nellie61
iv'e got Mickelmuss daisys planted in containers
posted a question yesterday regarding Geraniums
ive got two golden leylandi trees that have been shaped into balls
19 Oct, 2015 Nellie61
my neighbour has some geraniums
hi people, I planted a couple of sunflower seeds from the nuts I feed my parrots
16 Oct, 2015 Nellie61
when can I split 'oxalis' thanks
4 Oct, 2015 Nellie61
when is the best time to divide a hosta thanks
29 Sep, 2015 Nellie61
what is this please had it 3 years but does'nt seem to get much bigger and only...
18 Sep, 2015 Nellie61
ive had this plant for 5 years
how do I look after my cordyline over winter
17 Sep, 2015 Nellie61
I love 'sempervivums' but can u put them in pots with other plants or are...
when is the best time to plant sunflower seeds ?
does anyone know where I can buy a 'lunaria annua' from
can anyone identify this bonsai tree
can anyone identify this plant for my next door neighbour thanks
16 Sep, 2015 Nellie61
15 Sep, 2015 Nellie61
I have a "Heuchera" firechief am I right in thinking you can cut the flowers...
7 Sep, 2015 Nellie61
just been given some mickelmuss daisys
6 Sep, 2015 Nellie61
4 Sep, 2015 Nellie61