EVERGREEN CLIMBERS I would appreciate ideas please for evergreen climbers
20 replies
21 Nov, 2009 Terratoonie
any tips on repotting my orchid
3 replies
21 Nov, 2009 Stanella
do these look like rowan 'seedling
15 replies
21 Nov, 2009 Seaburngirl
What is it please?
6 replies
can i grow it by cutting please help stephen info
21 Nov, 2009 Guest
Thanks for those who answered my previous question
11 replies
21 Nov, 2009 Onetouch
Caterpillars On Choisya
5 replies
21 Nov, 2009 Louise1
JUST how big will a phormium get?
12 replies
21 Nov, 2009 Janpled
hi all has anyone ever tried growing onions from seed
4 replies
21 Nov, 2009 Ricky
what compost do you use for shefflera
1 reply
Hi I have 2 cordyline "RedSensation" plants in pots at the front of my...
21 Nov, 2009 Darya
Can anyone identify this mystery plant for me?
20 Nov, 2009 Bernard
do i prune pieris florest flame
20 Nov, 2009 Guest
cordyline is floppy and looks like it is dieing
10 replies
A work mate wants to grow hops for his home brew
8 replies
20 Nov, 2009 Seaburngirl
Iris Unguicularis
20 Nov, 2009 Jonathanhales
what pest makes holes in leaves of brugmansia
2 replies
Variety of hebe please
20 Nov, 2009 Terratoonie
when should aquiligea seeds be planted
When should a caryopteris be pruned?
i up rooted a palm tree and at the root their was two big roots the smaller one broke...
20 Nov, 2009 Markmedlam
I have been buying small indoor Cyclamen plants for the last few months
20 Nov, 2009 Happygardener
Can I take cuttings from my Gunnera or somehow propagate the seeds?
when so l prune my acer
I have a fairly large pony tail palm
I purchase a Japanese Skimmia shrub
20 Nov, 2009 Vanessafuka
Would Kerria roots cause cracks in buildings?
I have just seen a plant covering a trellis in flower
When is the best time to prune a strawberry tree and will it sprout new growth from...
20 Nov, 2009 Stonehills
how fast do pernettya mucronata grow
i want to grow seeds in a pot to take to another garden
20 Nov, 2009 Rosi
how to prune blackberry loch ness
how to care for fatsia japonica
A Question For Bluespruce Please
20 Nov, 2009 Louise1
My clematis alpina has lost its leaves this autumn
what plants are suitable for winter gardening in containers
Can i Trim
20 Nov, 2009 Jacque
I have just bought a beautiful large head
20 Nov, 2009 Dorang
I have a Lobelia Aberdarica which is just beautiful and could you please tell me...
Does anyone else think that there seems to be rather a lot of "guest" questions...
69 replies
19 Nov, 2009 Stevebuk
how to take of friendship catus in winter
19 Nov, 2009 Guest
I inherited a variegated Pittosporum with my current garden - it was about 3'...
19 Nov, 2009 Geribee
Covering up willow tree roots?
22 replies
19 Nov, 2009 Shackmistress
When do we grease the apple tree?
I have tow large bay trees in pots
I've seen this apple tree in a garden near here
17 replies
19 Nov, 2009 Spritzhenry
Please has anyone ever grown this plant successfully in the UK?
19 replies
have very damp area in my garden
my pyraanthus has gone all patchy and looks like it has a desease on its stems
What is the official name of the small garden Salix that looks like a large pom-pom?