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What's the best way to get Ipomoea Labata seeds to grow?
1 reply
19 Nov, 2009 Guest
I have patio roses in a barrel and are in the house most of the time should they...
4 replies
19 Nov, 2009 Notty1st
Iv found some Baby Strawberry Plants on the Parent Runners is it 2 late to plant...
11 replies
19 Nov, 2009 Jacque
how do I remove toadstools from my lawn
2 replies
19 Nov, 2009 Willows
Is it too late for me to plant young pinks in the garden
5 replies
19 Nov, 2009 Tulsalady26
i have a magnolia tree called sweet bay
Brunnera jack frost
9 replies
19 Nov, 2009 Bornagain
brunners looking glass should it look like this?
We recently rented a property which had a Akebia quinata growing in back garden
19 Nov, 2009 Wellingtonb..
i want to try some onions from seed this year on the altoments marcof1 from t&m...
3 replies
19 Nov, 2009 Michael49
19 Nov, 2009 Maroonvic
Please can someone help
13 replies
19 Nov, 2009 Idiotgardener
Is there anything to be done about honey fungus or do you just live with it nd let...
I planted a 'Roseraie De L'Hay' bush in July 09 - there were only 3...
can Piilu be planted in the ground as ut is a contaner plant
19 Nov, 2009 2276
why have my sage leaves gone mouldy?
I have a Sedum spectabile Brilliant "Ice Plant" I have just bought in a...
Looks too 'bushy' to be parsnip and the root is long and straight
19 Nov, 2009 Charles11
why has my grapevine gone to seed
What do I click on to reply to questions about my question?
I have a hibiscus tree in a pot that I brought indoors for the winter
19 Nov, 2009 Trenda
i have an orchid it has flowerd since april
18 Nov, 2009 Angi
I have a adenium obesum
18 Nov, 2009 Bywell_norman
What ideas do you have for this container please?
29 replies
18 Nov, 2009 Izzy123gym
What is the best way to over winter geraniums
18 Nov, 2009 Dme
Chalk and lime
17 replies
18 Nov, 2009 Pennyfarthing
what depth in soil for garlic bulbs
18 Nov, 2009 Guest
if you cut a butterfly tree to the stump will it grow back?
wnen to plant camelias in the u
what is it called when the wind blows a seed from one plant from anouther
33 replies
Are sorbus reductus berries just as attractive to birds as full size rowan berries?
15 replies
i have some phalaenopsis orchids the stem dried up how can i get another one to grow
can you split a begonia tuber
Hey guys
7 replies
18 Nov, 2009 Bournio
How should wood be treated which is being used for raised beds?
12 replies
18 Nov, 2009 Crispian
when to prune tomatoes plant ?
can you cut a begonia tuber in half
Can anyone recommend Clematis that are good for growing in large pots
18 Nov, 2009 Annella
I bought a Travellers' Tree in Morocco
18 Nov, 2009 Kettlefish
Can i plant out My Star Magnolia Tree now ?
14 replies
18 Nov, 2009 Jacque
when do cordyline flower
we have quite a steep bank to plant
Should we pick our sweetpea pods when they are brown or can we do it when they are...
18 Nov, 2009 Ren
Does it grow along the north deschutes area of maupin oregon
re my question about my cherry tree
18 Nov, 2009 Juneannex
Are the berries of Solanum jasminoides poisonous
are the flowers poison to water gardens wit fish?
17 Nov, 2009 Guest
plants for shady places
17 Nov, 2009 Fuschia
We would like to know where we can purchase