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This year my lavender
3 replies
31 May, 2011 Bobo
Hi, I have some beautiful Gladioli in my garden - which have sprung up as a surprise
4 replies
31 May, 2011 Langley11
I moved my rhodo end of last year
2 replies
31 May, 2011 Doreenwoolf
My tomato plants are starting to go yellow from the bottom leaves
31 May, 2011 Roddyaboyne
Does anybody know what this is?
6 replies
31 May, 2011 Aneagillis194
what is the best way of dealing with my Grislina Hedging which has lost all it's...
1 reply
31 May, 2011 Gedsalisbury
31 May, 2011 Robertwood61
how can i get my begonia plant back to heath?
31 May, 2011 Malissa
what is this plant?
30 May, 2011 Charnordie
how do eradicate creeping buttercup on my lawn
30 May, 2011 Mannimist
i have brown patches on the bottom leaves of my tomato plants could you tell me...
30 May, 2011 Lizzy200
Has anyone ever had a present like this?
30 May, 2011 Titchy
is it the time of year to plant geums?
30 May, 2011 Gerardine
what can i do with a small area at front of house
30 May, 2011 Dionneabbot..
how to design a front garden very small area
how to stop lefs growing
30 May, 2011 Dannyw
my rhubarb has gone hollow
7 replies
30 May, 2011 Legends
how to stop a bush from growing
My bluebells
30 May, 2011 Clementine
Just constructed a metal archway to imrove the garden 1
5 replies
30 May, 2011 Johnmck1
hello, after cutting a branch off a tree what would be the best thing to use to seal...
30 May, 2011 Ogon
i have leaf mould on my tomatoes how do i cure it
can anyone identyfy these cactus
30 May, 2011 Lilaith
My onions have flowered
30 May, 2011 Amandajsarg..
I have aster and sweet william seedlings do I need to pinch out?
30 May, 2011 Kate40club
Any suggestions how to prevent Clematis wilt
30 May, 2011 Boundaryman
On holiday in Malta this was used as hedging in the local parks
30 May, 2011 Inverglen
when can I hang my tomato baskets outside
30 May, 2011 Spiritbird
I am growing a grapevine in my greenhouse
30 May, 2011 Nuffield
I have a pear tree about 6 years old still hasnt born fruit why?
30 May, 2011 Pendragon
can anyone tell me how to get rid of ants the branches of my shrub are covered in...
30 May, 2011 Anndavies
tomarto plants when watering do u just do the roots or do u spray the whole plant
30 May, 2011 Tennysontoz..
What can you use Sulphur of Potash for as we have found some in a garden shed at...
30 May, 2011 Jcowen
Could anyone identify this iris please?
30 May, 2011 Sophidog
This geranium is approx 3 feet tall
8 replies
30 May, 2011 Startinggar..
How far apart should I plant uonymus plants?
30 May, 2011 Mackem1
Can anyone tell me why my veg plants are thin and spindly when grown from seed
30 May, 2011 Grahamgoodh..
A coniferous hedge 2
30 May, 2011 Jmgrclhg
I am plagued with stink horns on my rockery
30 May, 2011 Robertlowdon
I have fushia curl on a lot of my plants
30 May, 2011 Christmas
Blotchy Cleamtis leaves This morning I noticed that some of the leaves on my Comtesse...
30 May, 2011 Bernard
why might my sumac have yellow leaves?
10 replies
30 May, 2011 Stickitoffee
Sorberia Sem There were a couple of questions on here some time ago
30 May, 2011 Steragram
how do i take begonia cuttings
30 May, 2011 Boltonjohn
the leaves on my lupin have gone silvery
30 May, 2011 Tony1960
how do i take cuttings of a clematis?
30 May, 2011 Hilaryc
Can anyone tell us what this plant is
9 replies
30 May, 2011 Suebdobdo
my cherry tree fruit is turning brown straight away some are vgrowing and then turning...
Do i nip out the centre of trailing begonias
30 May, 2011 Dodmire
ok so i have been gutted to discover my lillies have been attacked by lillie beetle...
30 May, 2011 Rossmiller