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Watching the Beechgrove garden
9 replies
26 Apr, 2012 Scotkat
I am making a catalog of plants
3 replies
26 Apr, 2012 Patricktyso..
Does anyone know what Tree this could be?
7 replies
could you tell me the best time of year to prune a camellia
2 replies
26 Apr, 2012 Frailcasey
Would any of you folks kindly name these two plants for me
8 replies
26 Apr, 2012 Martyn404
have carnations growing in garden
26 Apr, 2012 Fishermansf..
My wisteria was covered in buds and I thought it was going to be lovely but suddenly...
26 Apr, 2012 Taxicabbie
i have an acer
4 replies
26 Apr, 2012 Pipnsue
26 Apr, 2012 Dmaclachlan
Hi there. I have a very mature silver birch tree in my garden which has just started...
26 Apr, 2012 Ajvegetables
Last November I took three cutting from a hedge in Lanzarote
10 replies
26 Apr, 2012 Jonix
I have an unusual question which I doubt if you have ever been asked before
5 replies
26 Apr, 2012 Deniszyx
Small yellow flower
1 reply
26 Apr, 2012 Marcusw
Hi all, I have a Fatsia Japonica which I bought a few weeks back and planted a few...
26 Apr, 2012 Strawb
rasing trainling begonia
6 replies
26 Apr, 2012 Littlejan
why has my 20yrold red acer died it started to bud then nothing
26 Apr, 2012 Grantham
This year, I had some tulips in a tub on the terrace
26 Apr, 2012 Avrilcoutts
Can someone tell me what this is, please?
26 Apr, 2012 Karenfrance
Hi all....
26 Apr, 2012 Windy64
what compost to use when replanting acer tree
26 Apr, 2012 Mervynadams
We have a echium webbii still in its pot from last year a
26 Apr, 2012 Mcbeards
My tomatoes are really slow this year the size of the 48 plants ranging from 1 to...
26 Apr, 2012 Steveg1966
I sowed gyp a couple of weeks ago
26 Apr, 2012 Kate40club
Hello I'm creeping in the back door here as I don't have a gardening question...
26 Apr, 2012 Angelaespley
Ants in the greenhouse how do I get rid off them?
25 Apr, 2012 Alicemary
Do you know what I should do with my 3 Euphorbia Silver Swan after they have finished...
25 Apr, 2012 G_s
hi guys can anyone tell me why the soil in my plant pots in my greenhouse is turning...
25 Apr, 2012 22173
Has Anyone ever grown tomato plants from tomato fruits?
25 Apr, 2012 Goldfish304
using some compost from last year's gro bags
25 Apr, 2012 Sunbeam
I have a greensleeves apple tree
25 Apr, 2012 Marianmarsh
I've got a 700 water tank which is rather rusty
25 Apr, 2012 Macready
In a very sml garden this is what i thought would work
25 Apr, 2012 Tinman123
thankyou for your comments about peas and spring onion
25 Apr, 2012 J0anna10
thankyou for your advice 2ndhand
How can I take cuttings from Camellias & variegated holly?
25 Apr, 2012 Rozz12
Sorry photo now attached any ideas
11 replies
25 Apr, 2012 Christinajoy
Could any body give me some advice
25 Apr, 2012 Dave9i46
What is the best way to stop cats doing thier business in your garden borders?
25 Apr, 2012 Acf7375
My Trachelospernum plntd 1994 on an east facing wall in a small bed with roots under...
25 Apr, 2012 Linmar
The leaves on my large bay tree ar turning brown
25 Apr, 2012 Clivey
Hi all, Does anyone have suggestions for a quick growing shrub to fill a gap
25 Apr, 2012 Andip
how long before wisteria flower and need what sort of feed
25 Apr, 2012 Tennis80club
Hi fellow gardeners
25 Apr, 2012 Kcarra
Hi can u tell me why my sweet peas get white spots and gradually the leaves and stems...
25 Apr, 2012 Jackierawli..
Hi . I bought some Penstemon red garnet plugs last autumn and potted them up
25 Apr, 2012 Squirrelhall
Citrus Sinensis
25 Apr, 2012 Gingerboy
i planted my leeks late last year and they are only the size of my thumb now
25 Apr, 2012 Rogerperry
problems with pears
25 Apr, 2012 Seaburngirl
Can anyone tell me what this is my garden is new to me not sure if it's a plant...
Hi all..Hope you dont mind but i am back again with more photos needing identified
24 Apr, 2012 Diamond