BT DOWN AND OUT .. TT DOWN ... but trying to be perky :o)
By terratoonie
I had BT internet problems for more than a week …
… so no chance to get onto GoY …
I missed everyone on GoY …
I’ve had yet more hassle from my horrible neighbours
… lots of verbal abuse …
… makes me feel ill and vulnerable …
Most of my neighbours are lovely, so it is just unlucky that I live next to the NFH …
… but I guess I had better not discuss that on GoY …
I’ll do my best to catch up with your garden blogs and pics …
I’ve taken lots of photos of my gardens …
… so I’ll try to make a blog of some of those soon…
Nice to be back among friendly people …
At the moment I’m really struggling to be perky…
13 Apr, 2011
Previous post: APRIL DAYS ~ brief and precious
Next post: For Japan ... Prunus OKU MIYAKO ...
Sorry to hear that, TT. Abusive neighbours you could do without . . . but you're being positive trying to be perkier. Wish I could cheer you up, but hopefully you'll enjoy being back here, and find some things to bring back your smile. x
13 Apr, 2011
Thank you Drc and Sheila ...
supportive comments are a big help at the moment. xxx
13 Apr, 2011
I'm glad you can get back on GoY now TT. It will help to be among friendly people.
Bad neighbours can make you feel ill, but if you have nice friends like on here you'll have something to take your mind off it for a while.
I hope something can be done to sort them out.
13 Apr, 2011
And looking forward to seeing your lovely garden photos :) xx
13 Apr, 2011
Sorry to hear you are having bother from the NFH again but glad your back TT. I have no home pc at the moment so only get on here when I have a quiet minute at work. It may be a while before I can get mine fixed.
13 Apr, 2011
Oh Tt so sorry to hear you have been out of action but glad to have you back, so sorry about your horrid neighbours, I know the feeling to well, we don't speak to our next door neighbour have not done so for over a year and that pleases us both, meaning me and my OH, they are horrible people, no verbal abuse though unlike you, ours is all over a wall, a wall my neighbour insisted was his and wether we liked it or not he was going to have it replaced, and so he did, cost him £20.000 when it was finished he had the cheek to knock on the door and ask us for £10.000, I can't say on here what my husband told him to do, if he had asked us to share the cost we would have done, but his attitude saying the wall was his and he was having it replaced well that was up to him. not our problem, maybe I should put some photos up so you can see what we had to put up with for 5 months, keep your chin up Tt
13 Apr, 2011
Hi everyone ...
you are always so helpful and supportive ...
... thank you.. xxx
Annella ... we feel cut off without p c, don't we ...
glad you can at least get online at work now and then ...
I've been working my way today through blogs I've not had access to read over the past week or so.... There are some lovely blogs with good pics and information ... I hope I don't miss any !
Yorks... your wall saga sounds horrendous ...
I wish we could put all the nasty neighbours in one road and make them live next door to eachother .... ;o)
13 Apr, 2011
I wish we could put them all in one road then run them over, sorry just makes me annoyed,
13 Apr, 2011
13 Apr, 2011
Hi TT. Sorry you've had so much upset, but glad to see you back. I hadn't been on here for a while through pc problems and family consuming my time, but I'm glad to be back on here, as it cheers me up endlessly. Had a bit of a shock to see the new layout of GoY mind you and it took me a minute or two to sink in as I first thought I was on the wrong site. hehe. I'M Lucky I have good neighbours either side of me. I can't imagine what it would be like to have nasty ones. :o(
13 Apr, 2011
Hi Linda...
Nice neighbours are worth their weight in gold :o)))
Yes, GoY does look a bit different, but nice to have you back here, and ...yes... GoY is a cheerful place be...
13 Apr, 2011
So sorry TT, I think the best advice is to ignore if you can and keep smiling, dont stoop to their level. Difficult to do I know, but dont let it get you down. We all sympathise I know.
13 Apr, 2011
Hi TT, i was truely sorry to hear about the abuse you are getting from your neighbours, i can't imagine what its like to suffer that every day.You always sound such a happy person, so keep your pecker up you have got plenty of friends on here to cheer you up. xx
13 Apr, 2011
I wondered where you had got to - I am very sorry to hear about the horrble neighbours - verbal abuse is uncalled for and childish.
you're great on GOY and hope we can cheer you up as much as possible :):):)
Paul x
13 Apr, 2011
Thankyou TT. I do love being on here and everyone's so cheerful. I agree with Tulsalady, it's hard to imagine going through that with neighbours everyday. You being so cheerful and then having to put up with that is bound to get you down, but as Tulsa said, chin up, you have all us on here to cheer you up. :o))))
13 Apr, 2011
Thanks Cinderella, Tulsalady, Paul and Linda ...
You are all doing a great job in cheering me up and restoring my self-confidence ... :o) xxx
Usually I can rise above stress, and concentrate on my gardening and my pets, but sometimes verbal abuse can be a bit too personal...
However, with this latest episode, unbeknown to me at the time, there was an independent, sympathetic witness to all of it ... so that is useful ...
13 Apr, 2011
TT....we're all here and ready to cheer you and getting back online will be such an encouragement for you. We've talked already about the neighbour situation...I do hope all that can settle down for you. Getting out into your beautiful garden must certainly calm all looks so pretty and colourful :)
Take care. x
Here's a little verse to cheer you, TT....
Had I Aladdin's lamp today, or a magic wishing ring
That I could rub a little bit and get most anything.
I would not wish that I were king,
nor a multi-millionaire.
Rather I'd wish for friends like you
around me everywhere. (((hugs)))
13 Apr, 2011
Yes I know how distressing abuse can be, made me withdrawn too and angry - and I had it from so called friends - which were nothing of the sort - your neighbours sound awful people - I do hope you feel better for being with friends on GOY
13 Apr, 2011
I can sympathise with you Terratoonie as I have not spoken to my neighbour's for nearly two year's,I get glared and muttered at and at time's I feel really uncomfortable in my garden, but I changed my seating area so it is a bit better.It is hard but try not to give in to them :-))
13 Apr, 2011
Thank you Whistonlass ...
thank you for your p. messages ... and
I love your poem .. made me tearful :o)
Paul ~ I'm sorry to read that you've had so-called friends letting you down so totally by being abusive....
Hi Mavis ...
... yes.. the glaring... the muttering ... I know all about it ...
...I was merely in the middle of my front garden flower bed, tending to a plant, when I looked up to find TWO of them advancing ..ready to jeer, taunt and abuse ...
... "safety in numbers" I guess ...
..a good idea that you moved your seating area ... I hope things get better for you ... I think women living as "single occupants" are especially vulnerable ... "easy targets" ...:o(
13 Apr, 2011
I do have a neighbour that I don't like next door who has driven me mad and the whole street hate him - not abbusive to me but kept demanding me to not bang, not do work - so I know how frustrating it can be
13 Apr, 2011
phone/ internet off and on for 3 months
Neighbour from hell, he and she now make up story's about us
we take no nothis of them,12th year now,and do the same as the ending on the film Madagascar
Smile & Wave
Smile & wave
13 Apr, 2011
So sorry to see this Terra,it must be hard for you having to put up with a situation of that sort, I can understand you feeling vulnerable and am pleased that there was a witness to see what you have to put up with, it does help to know someone is on your side, try to rise above it Terra and don`t let it make you ill, folk like that are not worth it and you don`t want to give them the satisfaction of knowing its getting at you,( not easy I know)
Sending a big hug to you,XX.
13 Apr, 2011
Hi Jiffy...
snap.... that's awful having your neighbours making up stories about you... Thank Goodness we all have so many good friends on GoY :o)))
Hello Lincslass ...
Usually I can rise above all this, but the recent onslaught on me was especially unexpected and personal ... the one comfort about that experience was the witness telling me afterwards that they had seen and heard it all and were shocked ... <<<hugs>>> xxx
13 Apr, 2011
TT. I am with BT. and I was locked out of GOY from Sat. am to Monday!! It left me bereft, when did it happen to you? Sorry about next door, rotters, just carry on with what you do and let them get on with it. Take care now, we all love you on here! :~))
13 Apr, 2011
glad you are back TT ~ you have my every sympathy, until we moved here we had only had good neighbours but now have more than one that is 'difficult' [to say the least]. one even involved a solicitor!
maybe they are jealous of your beautiful garden ~ at the end of the day you have to somehow remember that its them that lose out ~ you have to hold on to being the nice person that you are. i just hope that there will be justice one day and people like this are shown up to be the awful humans that they are.
13 Apr, 2011
Hi Grandmage ..
..thanks for your support ... with the NFH I have tried to just "carry on" for some years now, but the problems just seem to get worse ... GoY is a wonderful tonic though :o)
My BT problem was from way back last week ...
... but was sorted out on Monday ...
I wonder if you had the same experiences as me with BT .. Lol... lots of lengthy calls to India and given heaps of instructions to press certain buttons etc...
...and in the end, it turned out that it was all a fault at the BT exchange .... not on our computers or home hubs ... !
Hello Sticki .. Thanks ..
Oh no .. not you with neighbour trouble too ... and needing solicitors ... and that can be expensive ! I hope things get better for you ....
13 Apr, 2011
Hi TT, I just paced the flooe for three days, I refused to ring 'India' !! at the money they charge, but it was horrible waiting, I was quite upset at not being able to get onto Goy.!! Think I heard it was the Bt exchange too. Hope it doesnt happen again. As for your B.*^"! neighbours, what on earth are they trying to do to you? How could they upset you so, I agree with Sticki, think it might be jealousey! PM. if you want a chat. x
13 Apr, 2011
thankfully we havent had to resort to the solicitor, its the neighbour who seems to ring him up at any slight thing. the worst of it is that the neighbour who has helped the most has been given the most trouble!!!
im beginning to think that there are some people who cannot allow others to be happy or even just to let others 'be'. they are not happy unless they are complaining.
13 Apr, 2011
Tt, just going to put a photo on so you can see what we put up with for 5 months,
13 Apr, 2011
Thanks Grandmage ...
I have a freephone number for BT India if you need it ..
Wise words, Sticki ... I think a lot of the nasty-neighbour-actions stem from jealousy .. and sometimes the harder we try to be nice, the worse it seems to get ...
13 Apr, 2011
couldnt agree more!!! i dont want to change but i sometimes wonder if you get more hassle just cos you are nice!!!
dont you change and dont let that neighbour win ~ we all love your garden and would simply love to have you as a neighbour!!!
13 Apr, 2011
Thank you, Sticki ...
... don't you change either !
While BT was having "exchange problems" I took loads of pics of my gardens, so must sort through soon and make a blog...:o)
13 Apr, 2011
we don't speak to india because they was giving wrong info about the fault and it took 3 months to repair we got the number for a nice man in the uk,(direct line for are area) he got the fault repaired asap and money off the bill
13 Apr, 2011
looking forward to your blog.
13 Apr, 2011
Thanks Sticki ... I can promise some aubrieta pics ... Lol.
Hi again Jiffy ... BT India kept asking me ( very politely ) about the "First Light" ... turns out they meant the left side light on my home hub ... all this technical talk .. Lol...
... I'm pleased you got a UK BT number... and money off your bill... Well done ! :o)
13 Apr, 2011
may I just say something about phoning India, apparently you are entiltled to ask to speak to someone in the U.K. if they say they will get their supervisor say very politely no thank you, I wish to speak to a person in the U.K. we have been told by a friend who has done this that he was put through straight away,
13 Apr, 2011
You can get money back if phone/internet is off (after so many day's not sore how many think it's 3 days ) put you have to ask for it
13 Apr, 2011
That's useful information Jiffy... thanks :o)
13 Apr, 2011
Hi Yorks..
Yes, I had heard that about asking for a UK BT person, but I phoned about my internet in the evening, British time, and when I asked about speaking to the UK, the person in India said that their contact with UK was all down, so it wasn't possible for me to do so ... it did seem a bit unbelievable though ...
13 Apr, 2011
I find that hard to believe also Tt.
13 Apr, 2011
glad your back Terra, always missed, and im so sorry about the NFH, cant believe they are still being bullys and idiots, i think a pettion to get them out would be worth thinking about, you dont have to live with this sort of behavier, makes me so angry, i feel for you my friend and wish something could be done, take care x
13 Apr, 2011
So pleased to see you back Terra, but also so upset about your problems with the nasties nextdoor, hope all the support you are getting from your real friends on GOY are helping you feel a little better . As you maybe aware we also have nasty and vindictive neighbours next door, so do know how it feels to be jeered and taunted, we haven't spoken since the big blow up last year and dont ever intend to again.
Think of all the nice people and friends you have it does help when you are feeling low, judging by the number of comments and support on here alone you are a firm favourite and friend to everyone. love and hugs xx
13 Apr, 2011
my goodness seems we all have horrible neighbour problems, we are like you Pp never want to speak to them again,
13 Apr, 2011
Thanks Sandra and Pansypotter ...
Yes, the GoY support is so helpful ... I think sometimes we are inclined to look at other photos on GoY and presume everyone else has a garden in an idyllic setting with no nasty neighbours... and that's true for some .. but not for all...
I find being a "single occupant" makes things more difficult...
the NFH presume they have safety in numbers :o(((
13 Apr, 2011
Can understand you feeling more vunerable and threatened on your own Terra, at least there are two of us, if you ever want to talk about it you only have p.m xx
13 Apr, 2011
I'm so sorry to read this, Tt, as you know, we suffered NFH many years ago and got the local Council involved. They set up a decibel meter for noise levels but could hear the music from outside when they drove up! It's a nerve-wracking business, and I DO know exactly how you feel. It's pathetic of them to do this as a pair. Would they taunt and jeer if they were by themselves? I doubt it! As everyone has said, try not to let it worry you, stay cheerful and enjoy all the pics and blogs on GoY. They're always a good tonic. Thinking of you. : o ))) x
13 Apr, 2011
sorry about all your troubles TT . can the witness and yourself not report them to the authorities or is that just a waste of time? take care :o))
13 Apr, 2011
Thanks everyone for your comments ..
and I've read carefully all your suggestions ...
I feel better for having discussed it on GoY ...
... it is remarkable how many people seem to have NFH ...
I guess as gardeners we are even more vulnerable than others who might spend most of their days indoors :o) xxx
13 Apr, 2011
Oh no....I feel for you TT. Someone made a comment about some people just not happy unless they are making trouble and from my work experience I think that is true. Some people are very disturbed, and there is a huge 'hidden' mental health problem in this country that is not acknowledged. When people are behaving like your neighbours, it is probably them acting out all their nasty disturbed anger on you. Someone else said that the nicer you try to be the worse it gets....well when that happens you can be sure that you are being used as a scapegoat. I know about that as it happens repeatedly to me and has done all my life. There are some people who zone in on kind folk who try to be 'nice' and see them (perhaps not consciously) as a suitable target to take revenge for the rest of their awful lives on. Best solution is to get really tough in that usually works I find. You have to show them that you are not willing to be the scapegoat for their distress, and you will not always be nice no matter what. Then they go and find some one who is even nicer to be rotten to!! Basically, you are being bullied by the sound of it, and most bullies, when faced up to, will back off because it they are motivated by insecurity and cowardice. So, be strong TT and don't take any more **** !!!! You are lovely and we all support you to the hilt!!
13 Apr, 2011
sorry to hear you about your stress...take care TT
13 Apr, 2011
glad youve got back online TT.. sorry to hear youve had problems with your neighbours... dont let them ge tyou down..... take care...xx
13 Apr, 2011
keep your chin up terra, hope things get better for you.. take care. :-)
13 Apr, 2011
Sorry to hear about this TT,not a lot can be added to what has already been said but i hope you are ok.i have been lucky with all my neighbours..but my dear mum who passed away in Dec hated hers..the man put metal strips with tacks on it all along the fence to stop squirrels going in his garden & used to shout at her to stop feeding them & was always in his garden which stopped mum going in hers for a have a lot of friends and their suggestions on here TT i hope they will be of help to you..dont let them get you down they are not worth it..look forward to yor pics..x
13 Apr, 2011
arrrrr poor you t.t ................. dont upset your self with them , i understand how it can ............ but some peaple arnt happy unless you are !!! wen they see it does not bother you they uasally move on to someone else . i wish i was there iwud sort em out 4 you lol a gud kik up the backside haha .
look 4 ward to ur pics they are allways lovely !! just bloged on our photo shoot if you fancy wondering over to it ..............
ps wen they start ( just think ..... even the queen sits on the toilet .............) lol it will make you laf !!!! promise !!! ..... haha xxx take care hun ;0)))))))))))))
13 Apr, 2011
Sorry to hear about your nasty neighbours TT - the best way I know to beat people like that is to stay really calm with them even if they are throwing abuse at them and smile at them a lot. These sort of people get so irritated if they can't make you "rise" to the occasion each time they are nasty to you. Showing them you are upset is exactly what they want, so although I know it is hard just smile and walk away.
13 Apr, 2011
Hi Karensusan...
You've made some thoughtful, accurate comments ... the NFH are certainly the type of people to bully anyone who is "nice" ...
Thank you Elsiemay, Holly, and Surreylad ...
I'm trying to keep perky :o)
Hello Joanella ...
That must have been awful for your mother .... but I understand how she felt, hiding in the house ... I never relax in my gardens ... I just work very hard and then retreat indoors ...
...I've never, ever sat out in my garden in the evenings because there are always noisy evening parties going on, just the other side of the fence ... I've retreated indoors for 10 years to keep away from the NFH, but these days they seem to be getting worse all the time ...
Hi Cristina ...
I just found your recent two blogs .... Lovely ... :o)
Thanks for your support ... I'll put a photo blog on GoY over the next couple of days...
13 Apr, 2011
Not them again, was wondering where you were, I always think its jealous people who are like this thats what I ve found any way. I would nt let them know they were getting at you like Mariek said try smiling or ignore them don't let them get you upset and if they do don't show it like Mariek suggests and keep your chin up.
13 Apr, 2011
Thanks Mariek and Sixpence...
I'll try to follow your advice ....
13 Apr, 2011
My heart goes out to you TT, I dont think there is anything more stressful than not being able to enjoy your garden and surroundings.
13 Apr, 2011
Thanks, Stroller ...
I wish I could pick up my gardens and move them somewhere else ......
13 Apr, 2011
If you do give them the neigbours they deserve like I have in the past then they would want you back like mine lol :o))
13 Apr, 2011
Hi TT, Sorry to hear about your trouble with NFH, Grrr it gets me so mad, that a lady living on there own, who has avoided them for 10 years and is uncomfortable sitting in her own garden at night, its not right, its just not right.. im coming round, with Christina :) really, its just not right TT.. I think the only way to go is the legal route, keep a diary, Witneses etc.. Good Luck to you..
13 Apr, 2011
Hi Dee ...
thank you..... to combat the NFH, I reckon we need you and Cristina in charge... with a whole bus-load of GoY members as back-up .... I appreciate your good wishes :o) x
13 Apr, 2011
Perhaps Terratoonie you need a bbb big bad bas... a man who will stay a few days or a week and see what they do then, I had trouble with dustbin men recently just the one, so I said will you be braking my fence when my son will be here next week who is 6ft and built like a birck sh.. house, funny how my fence has been left alone since.
13 Apr, 2011
Hi Sixpence ... You are right ..
I'm sure if there were a family of big beefy men living in my house, the NFH wouldn't dare make trouble ...
13 Apr, 2011
I know what I would do if I was you, I would go to a night club and get chatting to the door men and ask one of them a boncer to come and show themselves for you, I m sure they would oblige I know quite a few here they are normally up for it .
13 Apr, 2011
Hi TT. I know what a terrible neighbour is like - luckily now I have nice once - hardly see them or hear them, lol. But they are ok, really. Tell me about being cut off from internet - already 6 months in Wales - of it about just 2 with the internet, lol. All the best to you and say hello to your little zoo:) Masha says 'miao-ciao' as well;-)
13 Apr, 2011
So Sorry TT, just seen your blog, so sad you are having all this trouble. I would love to come round and deal with those neighbours of yours, can you just ignore them? I know it's difficult. Glad you have got back on here at least.
Love Bob & Sylvia. xxxx
13 Apr, 2011
Hi Kasy ...
Have missed you, with your not being able to get on GoY so much ...
... glad you have nice neighbours now :o)
<hugs> to Masha xxx
13 Apr, 2011
If you read Doctorbob she has tried that and they have got worse.
13 Apr, 2011
Hi Bob and Sylvia...
Thanks for your support ....
Yes, being back on GoY is a big help...
13 Apr, 2011
Oh! dear Sixpence I missed that, sorry.
13 Apr, 2011
sorry to hear about your nasty neighbours tt its hard being on your own, i live with my 30 yr old daughter in a 2 bed terrace, and have people banging on my doors and windows but just after xmas the neighbours on one side left after 2 yrs of me praying they would !no more key board at 6am! still get door window banging but i agree with mariek and keep praying
13 Apr, 2011
:o)) Doctorbob
13 Apr, 2011
Very sorry to hear about your woes tt - you have been a great support to me on goy and I am always interested in your comments.
Do you ever do anchoring ? sounds a bit hippy but it works for me. You go to a place where you feel happiest and try to notice every single thing - sights, sounds, touch, smell, even taste if there is a favourite cafe nearby, buying a special treasure there is a good idea. Then when you get down you can recreate every aspect of it in your head and let it carry you forward till life is a bit happier.
I hope it works for you.
13 Apr, 2011
Hi, TT, good to see you back after your problems with the internet. I, too, had to phone today as we could hardly get on the internet. We have Virgin cable - no calls to India just wade through 15 options & hope you remember which option to choose! Now sorted though!
I was sorry to hear about your problems with your neighbours again. I've read through everybody's posts above & I feel unable to give you any advise others haven't given already. Just try to be yourself. We are fortunate as no problems with our 24 neighbours above & to the sides, living on the ground floor at least we have no one under us to bother us! LOL!
I count you as a friend & I hope you consider me to be one as well. I feel terrible about not being able to offer any advise but try & keep calm & don't respond in like manner to them. Just keep on trying to be your cheery self. Try to enjoy what time you spend with your lovely plants & lovely dogs. They must make your life more bearable with their unfailing love. :-))
13 Apr, 2011
TT, I now know why, you wanted my neighbours living next door to you! OH boy wouldn't thing be different, the shoe would definitely be on the other foot! What a damn shame you have to put up with such nastiness. They're bullies, picking on a woman isn't tough, that's cowardice. I don't like my next door neighbour on the other side, he totally cannot stand me. Why? because I dared to stand up to him. He's in his 20s, I've seen arrogance in my time, but not on his scale! He's a would be bully if he thought he'd get away with it! I do hope your upset is resolved soon! X
13 Apr, 2011
Hi Helenium ...
Thanks for your support ...
... seems like you also have NFH ....
I hope things get better for you xxx
Hello Balcony ...
Thank you for your thoughtful comments ... glad you have your internet sorted ... we would miss you on GoY ! I hope your allotment is doing well this year. I'll try to focus on my gardens ... I've taken lots of photos and will put some in a new blog soon ...
Hi Ann ... good to know your prayers were answered and at least one set of noisy neighbours have moved away ... fingers crossed life becomes even more peaceful for you as time goes on ... xxx
Thanks Sarah, for your ideas and comments about "anchoring".... interestingly, I was doing that very thing last Sunday ... I was stressed by the NFH, so rather than stay in my beautiful, sunny gardens, which should be a happy haven, my friend drove me and my dogs to a garden centre and we stay there till mid-afternoon..
... we parked on a peaceful grassy area, and had a picnic and my dogs enjoyed walking around and I took them one at a time into the garden centre with me. I bought some lovely plants ...and all the people... staff and customers... were so nice ...
...the outing did me a lot of good, and I came back feeling peaceful and happy ... my head was full of having chatted to other gardeners at the centre, meeting other people's dogs .. the lovely plants, the quiet area where we had parked ...
....but, sadly, that didn't last ... after my friend had dropped me off with my plants and dogs, I was soon working crouched down in my front garden, and I suddenly realised that two of the NFH were standing on the public path in front of my garden, taunting me and making nasty comments ... I've told some of the GoY members privately what the NFH said to me... :o(((
... so the "anchoring" did work, but only fleetingly !
.... However ... what I did find out later, was that this time there was an independent witness to everything the NFH had said ... the witness was VERY shocked by what they saw and heard .... usually the nasty remarks are made when nobody else is around ...
Let's hope things improve for all of us whose lives are being spoilt in various ways by NFH !
14 Apr, 2011
Tt - I'm so sorry to hear that your neighbour trouble has surfaced again. You know about mine already, and I empathise with you. Keep your chin up. I know there's another battle on the way here, and that's what I'll have to do. I try to remember that not all the people around are so unpleasant.
14 Apr, 2011
Thanks Sh ~
Sorry to hear your NFH problems are still ongoing ...
I find it more difficult because I am a "sole occupant" ... the NFH gang up together ... have "safety in numbers" ...
... and I worry that whatever action is taken it will just make the NFH worse and worse ... :o(((
It is ironic that all my other neighbours are lovely people...
I would happily live next door to any of those families ...
14 Apr, 2011
Wishing you a pleasant day, Terra...(((hugs)))
14 Apr, 2011
I feel so helpless Terratoonie, I am thinking of you all the same. Glad to have you back on here and can't wait to see all your pictures :))))))
14 Apr, 2011
Thank you Whistonlass and Michaella ...
You are both helping a lot by being supportive
so... many thanks... two blogs in progress ! :o)
14 Apr, 2011
Terratoonie - Glad you are back on GoY. I always enjoy your photos (can't wait to see more), comments and blogs. I wish I had advice for dealing with the neighbors, but unfortunately it is one of those helpless situations. I had to look up NFH online to see what it meant, I haven't come across that acronym in the U.S. You are such a sweet person who obviously does not deserve any kind of negative treatment and I'm sorry you have to put up with it. I wish your doggies could intimidate them for you... but they look like such sweethearts too! Maybe since spring is here, there will be more outdoor activity from your other neighbors that will keep the NFH at bay.. ? At least there was a witness to the latest offense. I couldn't imagine being a witness to verbal abuse and taunting and not saying something, though. Wish there was more I could say. Sometimes I wish I lived in the middle of the wilderness and didn't have to deal with anybody but my online friends and my DH. I get social anxiety pretty often and I know it would reek havoc on me if I had neighbors like that. We are always here for you. Thankfully there is always activity on GoY, so I (and you and all our GoY friends) always have a refuge and peaceful community to go to (even if it is a website). :)
14 Apr, 2011
Tt I really do think its time you took action here, you can't take abuse like yiu are saying you are, why not call in the police, surely they can do something to put a stop to it, or see a solicitor and get them in court, do you know who the witness was, at least you would have someone to back up your complaint,
14 Apr, 2011
I`m so sorry you have such terrible neighbours Terra, you really should take legal action to stop them harrassing you and making you so miserable. You should be able to live in peace not be bothered by these horrible persons.
14 Apr, 2011
Thanks Sandra, Yorks and Laine ...
Peace and quiet with lack of stress should not be too much to ask for in my gardens ... :o(
I'm now taking some action... best if I don't describe it on my blog in too much detail !
14 Apr, 2011
Very sorry, TT to hear of your problems
Good luck TT with whatever you are planning, we have experienced problems in the past with one neighbour and know how upsetting it can be.
I am glad you had a witness - lets hope they (nfh's) realise they were heard! Its very difficult not to accelerate things if you take things into your own hands. But I would be inclined to speak to a community police person.
And maybe take some photos of them next time!...
I did have another idea in respect of what to do with the dogs poopie bags, but perhaps not......!! :))
14 Apr, 2011
So sorry to hear you are under attack from the NFH. I know just what you are going through. Our last neighbors forced us out in the end. I was unable to cope with them and being very ill at the same time, it was just too much. I know how hard it is but try to be strong and when the taunts start just think of us all standing around you draw on all our strength and hold your head up smile and carry on with what your doing. The more they see they are upsetting you the more they will carry on. These people are obviously weak and pathetic if they get kicks out of trying to intimidate and frighten a lovely kind caring woman who would not harm a fly.
Take a look at this it may help. xx
15 Apr, 2011
Thank you Sueb and Rachelsmum ...
... the support of so many GoY members is a great help ... xxx
... the situation is still making me feel ill, and not helped that I am a "sole occupant" ... I wonder if any of the NFH would be acting the same way if any of them were the "sole occupant" ... i.e. didn't think they had the "safety in numbers" ...
Sorry that Rachelsmum has had nasty neighbour problems, and Sue .. that is awful that you felt forced to move house :o(
15 Apr, 2011
Dear Tera, I am so pleased to hear you are going to take action, go for it, life it to short to be bullied, let us know how you go on, xx
15 Apr, 2011
Thank you Yorks ...
Yours and other GoY messages and supportive comments are appreciated by me much more than is probably realised ... xxx
15 Apr, 2011
we are all here for you Tet, remember that,
15 Apr, 2011
Thank you :o) xxx
15 Apr, 2011
The tables may turn for them(NFH) and they start to have bad things happen,
My OH was bullyed at school, now the bully's children are being bullyed (not nice for them) he manage to find us through OH sister and he wants to say sorry, but we said to him it's to late for that (35 years ago).
But he now know's what it feels like Good
15 Apr, 2011
Thanks for your support Jiffy ...
I really appreciate it a lot ...
Yes ... let's hope there's a turn around ....
15 Apr, 2011
You poor thing, 10 years is an awfully long time to have to put up with that kind of crap. Stay strong and remember that we are all behind you :)
Sometimes it is hard to find out how to deal with it, whether to be nice, fight back, or to blank them... one of my friends at school said she always burst into tears and it made them feel bad enough that they would just stop, but I think with other people that would just make them try harder. I hope whatever action you are taking is successful, you should not have to hide inside, especially since you love your garden so much. I like to come home to my sanctuary, so I can't imagine what its like not having one (although I can sympathise with the noise... living in halls is not conducive to sleep;).
I wish you could move to the countryside, and find some peace... a soundtrack of birdsong and very little abuse. We our lucky in our neighbours here, they are all very nice, but live far enough away that we retain our peace and our privacy. Saying that one of them has goats that escape and ravage the others' gardens... quite glad I don't have to suffer that! ;)
Just stay strong and do what you can... hopefully soon you will be rid of them all. We're all behind you.
15 Apr, 2011
Thanks for your thoughts Jennyfer ...
Very kind of you ...
I'm praying there will be some changes for the better ....
15 Apr, 2011
The country side can be just as bad i know i've lived in country side all my life, most people were i live have 6 toes with what go's on, it can be like a good soap but in real life
15 Apr, 2011
Hi Jiffy...
Yes, I guess there are problems wherever we live ... and I suppose it is a case of which stresses we can live with, and which drive us to feeling suicidal :o(((
15 Apr, 2011
15 Apr, 2011
Terra, I think the word suicide, is one of the saddest words ever to be spoken!
Jiffy, that sounds really weird!
15 Apr, 2011
I guess it depends which kind of countryside, because mine is nothing like a soap at all... maybe because we're a hamlet and don't really have much of a village community/gossip thing going on.
15 Apr, 2011
Yes, a hamlet would have a different atmosphere ...
15 Apr, 2011
Its just a lot more isolated here than the traditional nucleated village. Anyway, I hope it gets better for you soon xx
15 Apr, 2011
Thanks Jennyfer ...
I'm praying so hard for things to improve ...
15 Apr, 2011
No community what so ever,most people here have jumped in and out of most people beds etc all related some how or other,gossip is everbody's middle names
it wood be nice to have a nice community and a differant atmosphere
i will win million pounds before that happens
15 Apr, 2011
Terra...I haven't been online much today....just popping on before I toddle off to bed to say you've been thought about many times throughout today. Take care and keep sharing...I know it helps you to offload and it is true what is said..."A burden shared, is a burden halved." (((hugs)))
15 Apr, 2011
Jiffy ...
If I win a million pounds I'll be moving to a lovely house with peaceful gardens ....
15 Apr, 2011
Thanks Whistonlass ...
I'll send you a pm tomorrow .... {{{hugs}}}
15 Apr, 2011
do you have a community policeman/woman near you terra? you could perhaps ask them to walk round occasionally ~ we have one who is apparantly quite easy to talk to ~ perhaps they could give advice?? im sure they will have come across this problem before.
15 Apr, 2011
Hi Sticki...
I'll reply to you privately about that over the weekend when my eyes are less tired... Thanks for your thoughts
15 Apr, 2011
hope you are having a nice relaxing drink TT ~ maybe watching monty don and the italian gardens??
all the very best.
tough times are not nice for any of us,
stay strong.
15 Apr, 2011
Thanks Sticki ...
It has just been a stressful day ..
But it isn't like me to be down and pessimistic ..
I'm trying very hard to bounce back .. :o)))
15 Apr, 2011
you will get there, but when you have had a hard knock it takes a little longer,
you just need a little rest, not stress, then you can bounce again.
15 Apr, 2011
Stay strong TT, I have sent a pm, Everyone here thinks the world of you, and just know I am thinking of you during this awful time and sending you calm thoughts.
15 Apr, 2011
5 a.m...
Thanks Sticki and Libet ...
Your comments are helping me to think positively.
Libet ... I can't find a p m ...
16 Apr, 2011
thats very early TT!
i have to get up at 5 for work but not working today ~ cat woke me up instead ~ patting my face with her paw!!!
16 Apr, 2011
Hi Sticki ...
I hope you have nice weather for your day off ...
I'm sure your cat is now catching up on sleep ! :o)
16 Apr, 2011
haha, Sticki....I've had the same treatment this morning... but at 4am!! Lucy is most insistant and can't be ignored. And you're right TT...they get us up and then once they see we're on the move they nod off and sleep a good portion of the day!
16 Apr, 2011
Good afternoon TT, I hope you have some peace in your life today! x
16 Apr, 2011
Hi Helenium...
Thanks for checking on me ..
I've been talking to SJ & SJ ...
o;) xxx
16 Apr, 2011
Just like to know your OK!
They're kept very busy, but just keep reminding them!x
16 Apr, 2011
I wish you were my neighbour, and Fome, the parrot, would learn the names of Conker and Truffle in a jiffy. But i'm afraid id be gazing at your plants over the wall from sunrise to sunset. That could be a nuisance.
17 Apr, 2011
Thanks Arcadio...
You are welcome to move in as my neighbour any time ...
Conker and Truffle would like that ...
... and I would be pleased for you to look at my plants and gardens as long as you wished :o)
17 Apr, 2011
Just stopping by to say hope you are Ok and let you know I'm thinking about you. :o) x
17 Apr, 2011
Thanks Sue ...
I have a visitor today so I feel safer :o) x
17 Apr, 2011
Hope you have a nice time with your visitor. x
17 Apr, 2011
He helped me mend a door frame and cut his finger badly... but we had a nice time !
17 Apr, 2011
Oh heck, poor thing hope it gets better soon! Glad you had a nice time, it makes all the difference when friends are there for a chat and a cuppa. I hope the sun is as glorious where you are, as it is here! x
17 Apr, 2011
We had some lovely sunshine...
glad you have nice weather too ..
I do feel safer in this property when I have visitors ...
17 Apr, 2011
What a lovely way to spend Sunday....with a good friend. It has been lovely and sunny here too....just so pleasant when it is all bright and sunny :)
Glad your day has been enjoyable for you, Terra. x
17 Apr, 2011
Yes, it's good that we've all enjoyed our Sunday. x
17 Apr, 2011
thats a good time all round then, good weather, good company and a good day!!
im so pleased to hear that today was better.
17 Apr, 2011
Sorry to hear about your NFH, I have problems too but not too bad at the moment! At one point I had to give up on having a flower border along the side of my garden at the front because she would come out, lean over the low fence and chop the flower heads off! In the end I decided to just do away with the flowers on that side, gravel it and just have 3 pots with conifers in! Think a lot of it is jealousy! Have tried being nice - offered plants, repair fencing etc but to no avail!
Hope things get better soon. :-)
18 Apr, 2011
Hi Red aly ...
since writing this blog I've had many comments and many private messages which have made me realise just how many people ... gardeners in particular ... have NFH problems ..
I think women living on their own are the most at risk from difficult neighbours ...
... some years ago at another house, I had a neighbour who used to pour boiling water over my plants, but I would willingly swap her in exchange for the problems I have now ...
I hope things get better for you soon ...
18 Apr, 2011
Red aly, la, one very large chip on that ones shoulder, it's just downright spite with her! The last 5 letters of jealousy, spells out a good name for some of the neighbours, folk put up with! "LOUSY"!
18 Apr, 2011
... Helenium... excellent comment !
18 Apr, 2011
its like medieval times with the boiling oil!!
people are so mixed ~ there are the wonderful generous ones ~ gardeners and marathon runners and then there are some that, well, i dont think i can say on here what i think to them!!
perhaps its like variety in the plant world ~ from wonderful colourful displays to stinging nettles and twitch and ground elder or in the animal world from beautiful and extremely well behaved dogs and their opposite numbers! not to mention slugs!!!
18 Apr, 2011
.. consuming lots of beer eradicates the slugs ...
I wish it had the same effect on some others ... ;o)
18 Apr, 2011
good point!!
18 Apr, 2011
Lol, Me Too Terra! Yes good name for them Helenium- From now on every time I catch sight of her I will think lousy slug - have a beer! :-)
18 Apr, 2011
18 Apr, 2011
nice one red!!
18 Apr, 2011
TT I forgot about the slug traps thanks for reminding me! LOL!
Red aly LOL! Nice one!
18 Apr, 2011
Lol. Helenium...
... good luck with removing anything which spoils the enjoyment of your gardens ;o)
18 Apr, 2011
I haven't put them in yet TT, I had forgotten that's what I was going to do! Oh eck the slugs have nothing to fear from me do they? LOL!
18 Apr, 2011
TT - I have been thinking about your problems and wondering how you are getting on. I wonder if they (they NFHS) know that so many of us are talking about them!
18 Apr, 2011
Thanks Rachelsmum .... yes the NFH are being talked about and, unbeknown to them, there were independent witnesses to some of their recent abuse towards me....
Thanks for your support...
BT are doing yet more maintenance in my area ... and I keep losing internet ... I hope I can get online over Easter ...but if I disappear it will be probably because of BT and hopefully not because of the NFH ...
20 Apr, 2011
TT I'm so pleased for you, thank goodness for the witnesses, hopefully now things will start to change for the better!
20 Apr, 2011
How did I miss this? Just so sorry to hear of your continuing troubles and hope you can get something sorted soon. This country really is going to the dogs - the police seem more intent on making sure 'minorities' get their 'human rights' than looking after normal, law-abiding citizens. You read such dreadful stories in the papers all the time - it just makes me sick, and ashamed of my country.
28 Apr, 2011
sadly i cant help but agree with you wagger
28 Apr, 2011
Thank you Wagger and Sticki ...
I haven't felt like explaining on the "open forum" some of what I've had to endure...
Your comments are so right ... thanks again ..
28 Apr, 2011
You know any time you need to let off steam - or cry on a shoulder we're metaphorically here for you, Terra.
28 Apr, 2011
Thanks Wagger ...
... knowing that is a big help to me. :o) x
28 Apr, 2011
Thank you Homebird ...
There has been yet more nasty behaviour ...
Thanks for the hugs xxxxxxx
5 May, 2011
Grrrr, i want to come down and punch there lights out :0 Ive never been bullied, im too gobby for that, also i have a huge family, all living near to each other, we are there for each other, but we are quick to tell each other if we are in the wrong to..Sometimes TT bullie's need to be bullied back, sad but true..As your on your own, its an impossible situation, legally it takes a long time! I hope its the start of the end for you and you finally get piece of mind, thats all we want in life..Thinking of you TT.. Love Dee..
5 May, 2011
Hi Dee ...
Thanks for your support and understanding ...
It really does mean a lot to me ...
when the problems are next door, there seems no escape ..
love & hugs. xxx
5 May, 2011
Do you have a Neighbourhood Watch, TT? We dont here in this house, but in a previous one, they were pretty good at sorting out bad neighbours. Keep your pecker up :) xx
6 May, 2011
Thanks for the idea Rachelsmum.... there isn't a NW in our area... but the support from GoY members is keeping me positive... Your helpful comments mean I don't feel so outnumbered ... xxx
6 May, 2011
terratoonie and yorkshire and all u other lovely goys who are being bullied, feel so sorry i know wot u mean, i have had this as well and know how lonely, desperate upset and hurt it makes you. we are all om ure side just do whatever it takes to get these people stopped they are mean hateful bullies. why does no one help the decent folks in this country. it all seems back to front nowadays. am rooting for you stay strong dont let these sick people spoil things for you...
20 Jun, 2011
very well said cazcat; i know how it feels from a situation where i used to work and it is awful.
20 Jun, 2011
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Poor you its a shame you are having so much hassle. I am glad you are back I will look forward to your latest photos.
13 Apr, 2011