LILAC TIME ... in my evening garden
By terratoonie
Spring is here.
Under my garden arch, the lilac starts to bloom.
Its perfume is heavenly …
I grew the lilac from a tiny twig …
… a cutting from a friend’s shrub …
Lower down, the blossoms mingle with the aubrieta …
Some branches are “nose – height” …
… just right for sniffing the stunning scent …
Around my raised bed, the small plants are thriving …
… spurred on by the recent rainfalls …
In a shady corner …
… Omphalodes “Starry Eyes” ..
The pebble garden …
… I made this area last year …
… now developing lots of colour …
… a great place for an evening chill-out …
Masses of pretty violas …
They self-seed in my flower pots …
Back near the Lilac arch …
… the end corner of the pebble garden …
See you again in Lilac Time …
You’ll be very welcome to visit :o)
14 May, 2012
Previous post: DOGS WELCOME .. just for a smile :o)
Great blog Terra....Your garden is stunning, just like Truffles and Conker.....:>)
14 May, 2012
Thanks Sheila and Moti :o)
14 May, 2012
allways love ur garden t.t ................ lilic reminds me of my mum ............. my new tree has flowers this year !! x
14 May, 2012
TT thankyou for sharing your beautiful garden .
14 May, 2012
Hi Cris... Thank you.
Glad this brings memories of your Mum. x
14 May, 2012
Hello Scotkat ...
Thanks ... the scent of the lilac is intoxicating ! :o)
14 May, 2012
Beautiful garden Terratoonie and your dogs are lovely too :-)
14 May, 2012
Hi Jessica ...
Thanks ... I hope your children are well and enjoyed the weekend sunshine. :o)
14 May, 2012
Hi Terratoonie how are you? Both Tyrese and kaliyah are very well thank you. The weather on the weekend was really lovely shame it's gone back to being cold and wet. Although my brother installed a new waterbutt for me over the weekend so I guess I don't mind a little rain. Your garden is stunning, just perfect :-)
14 May, 2012
Hi Jessica ...
Thank you. Glad T & K are perky and happy !
I'll look out for your pic of your waterbutt which I can add to GoYpedia .. Rain should soon fill that up .. :o)
14 May, 2012
Brilliant! Love your garden!
14 May, 2012
Thank you Michaella ...
wish I could send you the lilac scent via the computer ! ;o)
14 May, 2012
What a wonderful and colourful garden - and you've got two perfect pets, who are more than willing to show us around! :o)
14 May, 2012
what a beautiful garden TT as are the doggies:)))
14 May, 2012
Hi Tracey ...
Thank you. My dogs certainly like posing for pics.
They get envious when I just photograph the plants. Lol.
14 May, 2012
Thanks Niverdeen ...
As soon as I fetch my camera, my doggies are hoping for a photo session. :o)))
14 May, 2012
Will add a photo tomorrow Terratoonie :-)
14 May, 2012
How on earth do you manage to get so much colour into the same space apparently all the year round? I think your assistants must have a magic trick or two up their sleeves -- but oh dear, they don't have sleeves do they...
14 May, 2012
Okay Jessica :o)
Hello Steragram ..
My assistants are better than I am at garden design ..
... and despite no sleeves ...
... they know all kinds of tricks ;o)
14 May, 2012
Lovely pictures Terra....Conker and Truffle doing their thing....showing us their Garden Poses!
That gravel area has come on brilliantly in such a small time. Thanks for sharing your lilac time with us albeit without smelly vision!
Another great effort by Team Terra!!!
14 May, 2012
ps. You may remember my wee dog Oscar. He is going in to have the remainder of his teeth out tomorrow. All going well with the pre op tests. He keeps getting infections and they can't pin point what is causing them. His last couple of teeth are not in great nick so this is kinda a last ditch attempt at stopping any more infections.
14 May, 2012
Hi Scottish ... Thanks.
I love your phrase "Team Terra" ... :o)
I'm pleased with the areas I made for gravel and pebbles. Turned out better than I had expected... Lol.
Good luck to little Oscar with his trip to the dentist xxx
14 May, 2012
I just love it when a new blog appears from you! Your garden is such a delight.
The scent of lilac is wonderful isn't it?
Your two dogs look so happy too but who wouldn't be in such lovely surroundings?!
14 May, 2012
Magic garden and doggies, your photo's are excellent.
14 May, 2012
Be prepared TT ... Blodyn is coming to visit ... she read this blog and said Truffle has invited her ... lol ;o)))
I love that lilac. Mine is rather small and the flowers not open yet. It's got a lovely scent.
Your pebble garden is very pretty, and the dogs always look handsom ... Your photos and blogs wouldn't be the same if you didn't show them :o) x
14 May, 2012
Looks like mid summer in your garden TT.
I love that you have all colours, I am worried my garden is going to look odd this year because im trying new things, so I wont know until it all flowers what I like & whats got to go.
14 May, 2012
Thank you TT....please feel free to use Team Terra. I'd be very pleased if you did :) Its how i imagine you all out in the garden and enjoying yourselves. thanks for your good wishes for Oscar I will let you know how it goes
14 May, 2012
Amazing,How do you manage so many colours ?your garden is very tidy.Thank you for sharing.enjoyed the blog.i wish my garden has colours like yours:)
14 May, 2012
Your beautiful garden and doggie helpers too - love your garden, doggies and blogs - I can imagine the Lilac scent mine is not out yet.....a pleasure to come! Thank you Truffle I enjoyed the virtual visit :o)
14 May, 2012
Your garden looks stunning and fabulous pictures of Conker and Truffles, pity I dont live nearer asI would be popping in for alittle visit;0)
14 May, 2012
Beautiful garden TT, and Truffles and Conker are really special too. Love the lilac.
14 May, 2012
The garden is looking as lovely as ever Terra, the gravel bed has really filled out for you, the pebbles really do look so fresh and clean, I swear a weed wouldn`t dare show itself, lol, my lilac is out as well, so pretty this year.
Conker and Truffle both looking as handsome as ever, tell me do they ever race around whilst out there? Brynner runs that fast I daren`t give him the freedom of the garden all the time, it would soon turn into a paddock with all this rain, I can`t keep them out all the time though, it wouldn`t be fair on them, I`m not meant to have a bowling green, lol....
14 May, 2012
Your garden is just LIVING :)))) What a pity I am living so far and can´t come for a traditional tea at five :)))
15 May, 2012
lovely Terra
15 May, 2012
Terra your garden looks lovely while mine is still relying on all the greens and reds from the trees......and a few pots of overwintered violas......they do much better here than pansies, its the last weekend in may next week when I usually fill the big pots and tubs with summer bedding......there needs to be a big change for that to happen......
Its lovey to see 'Team Terra'. ( I love that!). on duty although Truffle looks as if he's ready for the off.......;0)
15 May, 2012
gorgeous garden, I love the lilac, mine is out now as well;-) i like how your dogs seem to know how to 'pose' for photographs!
15 May, 2012
fantastic blog and garden TT .Love the pictures and all your plants are so stunning:)))))
15 May, 2012
How beautiful! Just stunning! Love the lilac and everthing..nice appearance from Conker and Truffle too..aww they are gorgeous. :)
15 May, 2012
I would like some of that Spring, TT :) One hour of sunshine here is followed by 23 of rain!! Lovely to see your lilac - reminds me of childhood when there was a lilac 'tree' outside the back door. I have just told Dorjac that I am envious of her 'un-Millied' lawn and now I see you have one too :) Great blog.
15 May, 2012
Oh, it's picture-postcard perfect, TT. Essence of spring. Thankyou for sharing it with us.
15 May, 2012
Thanks Wildrose ...
Yes, the lilac scent is wonderful :o) x
Valadel ...
I'm glad you like the pics. By the time I'd finished clicking it was almost dark ! Lol.
Thank you Hywel ...
The little syringa shrubs are quite slow-growing aren't they. Truffle says he'll show Blodyn the best places to sunbathe ;o) x
Hi Willinilli ...
I understand what you mean about trying new things. Some ideas work about better than expected, and other plants just don't look right and we end up moving them. Good fun ... this gardening !
Thanks, Shahida ...
You have a beautiful garden... excellent design ... I hope the flooding problems have subsided.
Thank you Neena, Carole and Cinders ...
Yes. The lilac scent is something wonderful to anticipate ... Truffle and Conker were happy to share our garden with you.
Sue ... Thanks ...
Truffle does have "mad moments" when he runs around in crazy circles .. but ... not outside .. he does that indoors ! All my rugs and mats go flying in every direction, while Crocus shouts down encouragement from his perch ... LOL. On my lawns my dogs are quite well-behaved, wanting to stay quite close to me.
Thank you Kat and Paul ...
Traditional tea ... cakes and clotted cream .. sounds good :o)
Hi Pam ...
Violas do seem easier than pansies, don't they. And you're right ... Truffle doesn't keep still for long ... always wagging ! Lol.
Hello Dawn ...
As soon as I pick up my camera, my dogs are aware. That makes it difficult to take photos, such as when they are asleep, because they wake up and start to "pose" for a photo-shoot. LOL.
Thanks Mark, Pixi, Gee and Oji ...
I think we are due for more rain today. It has been a mixed bag of weather this springtime.
15 May, 2012
What a lovely blog TT. I always love the way Truffle's as if his front legs are just too long for him! :)))) I can almost smell the lilac from here. Well done from a cutting too.
15 May, 2012
Lol. Karen .. Thanks ..
You are so right about Truffle ... he seems to have legs all over the place, like Bambi. ...and his tail wags all the time. :o)
A while ago, I took cuttings from my lilac shrub, and I now have two more baby lilacs growing in different parts of my gardens. They seem to root quite easily. I've just walked down my garden to have a good sniff of the lilac blossoms .. intoxicating !
15 May, 2012
Yes, I had one like yours given to me when I moved here six years ago, but it just didn't grow at all and ended up being jettisoned. Now I see yours I think I should have persevered with it. In fact, I might head out to the GC today and buy another one.....if I can get myself away from this box of tissues for half an hour!
15 May, 2012
They do grow rather slowly, but worth persevering for the glorious perfume of the flowers. My favourite scent of any bloom in my gardens :o)
I hope you're able to find one.
15 May, 2012
Thanks TT. :)
15 May, 2012
You have such a lovely garden, I can only dream!
15 May, 2012
Thanks Suzy ...
From your photos, I bet your garden will have lots of colour this year :o)
15 May, 2012
I hope so, it doesn't look much yet except the odd few plants, but as I've only started on the garden this year I guess I cant expect to be running before I'm walking! Its lovely looking at everyones gardens on here though, its great for ideas :)
15 May, 2012
Such a wonderful garden Terratoonie. I think you should produce a rival tv programme to Gardeners world and present it with Conker and Truffle.
15 May, 2012
Hi again Suzy ..
Yes changes to a garden usually take time, but sometimes shrubs grow quickly and surprise you with how they alter the look of a border/corner etc. :o)
Hello Bill ..
Thank you ... What a good idea for the TV show.. LOL.
I'll be Carol Klein, Conker can be Monty Don and Truffle will be Joe Swift ...
... and Crocus can do the "voice overs" ;o)
15 May, 2012
I sometimes surprise myself with my good ideas Terratoonie. I think it would be a cracking tv programme,unless you think Conker,Truffle and Crocus might become divas..
15 May, 2012
One of us is already a diva ...
... but I'm not saying which one ;o)
15 May, 2012
Lovely TT:)
15 May, 2012
Hi Debbie. Thank you :o)
15 May, 2012
Gosh, your garden has a lot of colour already - lovely! How long did it take the Lilac to get going from the cutting?
15 May, 2012
Hello Annelise ..
The lilac is quite slow-growing ... I made the cutting some years ago...
15 May, 2012
I love the smell of lilac too, lovely you grew it yourself from a cutting..your garden is looking fabulous,and a lovely colour scheme...enhanced by your two aptly placed 'Sculptures ' oops sorry,it's Truffle and Conker...:o))..
15 May, 2012
Hi Sandra ...
Lilac scent is wonderful, isn't it ...
The recent weeks of rain have made everything grow fast !
Thanks for your lovely comments :o)
15 May, 2012
Yes, TT has one of the most beautiful gardens among GOYs.
15 May, 2012
Hi Katarina ...
Thank you for such a wonderful compliment !
15 May, 2012
You are welcomed!
15 May, 2012
You have a beautiful garden Terra, so much colour so early in the year, and your dogs are really cute. I love the wall with the (?)Aubretia tumbling over the edge.
15 May, 2012
Thanks Jaykaty ..
The wall is part of a raised bed which I built a few years ago from recycled brick sections. Yes, it is aubrieta tumbling over. :o)
15 May, 2012
. Thank you for wonderful visit to your garden today TT. A lovely end to a snowy and cold spring day.I have 2 lilac trees coming into flower now too Your garden is divine.:))
15 May, 2012
Thank you, Maggie ...
I hope your lilac trees bloom well for you :o)))
15 May, 2012
Your garden looks to be the perfect English garden TT , so pretty ,... the gravel area is coming on wonderfully well ... It's so nice to see Conker and Truffle enjoying being outside after a long winter ..xx
15 May, 2012
Terra you are to be commended for your patience. I love lilacs but the one I had took nearly 5 years before I got a single flower. Sadly it has been chopped down now by new owner who bought top half of our garden. I have planted a new one this year and cant wait until it flowers. Goodness knows how long you waited from a cutting! Worth it though in the end.
15 May, 2012
Hi Amy ...
Yes, Conker and Truffle are getting ready for more sunbathing days ! Let's hope for some sunshine ...
"Perfect English garden" ... what a lovely description... thanks.... glad you like it so much ... xx
Thank you Poppylover ...
I had to wait a while for first flowers on the original cutting, but not quite as long as 5 years.
In the photo above which has both dogs, you can see over Truffle's head some white Iberis, then immediately above that is a lilac cutting I made from the cutting ! And that has lots of blooms on it, despite being only about 2ft. high. I hope your new lilac flowers well for you.
I've also started some little seedlings growing from my Exochorda macrantha The Bride, featured in my recent blog. But those might take a few years to flower ! Lol.
16 May, 2012
Wonderful blog Terra, love Lilacs they have such a lovely flower and scent. Nice to see Conker and Truffles enjoying the garden and sun :-)
16 May, 2012
Thanks Surreylad ...
Conker and Truffle are not finding much sunshine this week !
Yes the lilacs score top marks all ways.
Scent, shape, colours... :o)
16 May, 2012
yes been horrible all week apart from today, hail and thunder yesterday it was awful, still at least my water butt is now full lol :-)
16 May, 2012
Lol. Yes, overflowing water butts here too ...
I'm trying to do gardening today, but the clouds are gathering !
16 May, 2012
yes it's starting to look a little grim here too, good luck with the gardening :-)
16 May, 2012
Lol. If you want a laugh check out my latest question, and you'll see what fun I've been having in the garden. ;o)
16 May, 2012
Love your lilac tree, infact love all your garden plus love seeing the boys very much.
16 May, 2012
Hi Carol...
Thank you for such a lovely comment. Wish I could send you some of the lilac scent, but I can send you hugs from Conker and Truffle. x
16 May, 2012
Thanks for the lovely hugs, give them one back for me xx
16 May, 2012
:o) xx
16 May, 2012
Lol Terra, looks like you had fun then.. i do agree though slow release fertilizer :-)
16 May, 2012
Yes .. better than mini-dinosaurs hatching ;o)
16 May, 2012
16 May, 2012
What a great post. Lovely photos too. Your dogs are very well behaved and rather photogenic :)
17 May, 2012
Beautiful Garden Terratoonie.Very inspiring :-))
17 May, 2012
Thanks Tj and Susie ...
I'm pleased you like my blog :o)
18 May, 2012
OMG look at ur lovely gorgeous, i so long 4 my garden 2 b full off flowers and colour.
18 May, 2012
Hi Helen ...
thank you ... I hope you have lots of flowers this year :o)
20 May, 2012
Gorgeous garden terra. I really don't know how you do it. It's always looking so neat and tidy and colourful love it. The lilac is beautiful. I've got 2 big old lilac trees in flower at my mom and dads. Chock full of flowers and such an amazing scent.
Was it difficult taking cuttings from the lilac? Might have a go myself.
20 May, 2012
Hi Sam.
Thanks. Yes, the lilac scent is stunning, isn't it.
Bet those two trees in your parents' garden give off loads of perfume !
My advice with cuttings is to take quite a lot, then, by the law of averages, at least a few of them will flourish !
20 May, 2012
They do. I love this time of year just for their scent. Lol fair enough. I'll have to give it a go one of the days.
20 May, 2012
Utterly beautiful. Jx
12 Jun, 2012
Hi Jane ... thanks :o) x
12 Jun, 2012
I realised i hadn't been on top of catching up on blogs and wasn't getting informed when you were doing them. So, found you at last and your garden is looking as lovely as ever.
21 Jun, 2012
Hi Rose...
Thanks for finding this. That's a pity you weren't getting informed of my blogs.
I want to do lots more work on my gardens ...
... as soon as the weather allows !
22 Jun, 2012
Your garden is a delight. Lilac time is wonderful, isn't it. I've a really old magenta-coloured one through which a heavily scented Clematis montana grows. In early evening, their combined fragrance and colour is sensational.
25 Jun, 2012
Thanks, Tuesdaybear ...
Lilac time is very special, isn't it.
That combination you have with the lilac and Clematis montana must be fantastic .. great mix of colours and scents !
25 Jun, 2012
You have a most beautiful garden Terratoonie. I wish mine was half as nice!
I used to love to spend hours in my garden when I was younger, doing anything & everything that needed doing (& sometimes things that didn't even need doing!!) & friends used to ask me if I wanted some candles to see because I used to stay out there so late in the summer evenings!! It was beautiful then & I used to grow lots of annuals from seed & take cuttings from other things etc., but alas I haven't got the strength or the puff for it nowadays. I do try to keep things as tidy as possible, but it's not a patch on what it was!!
I still love to be in the garden though - even if it is just sitting - especially on warm balmy evenings!! (which are few & far between at the moment!!) with all the lovely scents around. My orange blossom is lovely just now & so are the roses & I have stocks which are very scented. Gorgeous smells!!
27 Jun, 2012
Hi Shirlwhirl ..
Thanks for your kind comments about my garden. Your garden must have beautiful perfumes, with the orange blossom, roses and stocks. :o)
28 Jun, 2012
Hi Terra, absolutely stunning. You write a lovely blog and the photos of your garden are just great. It looks like a really nice place to be. Keep it up and keep writing these great blogs, that's if you have time in between weeding and cutting the grass, pruning the shrubs etc., etc.,
PS .... 99 comments and 53 likes, says it all. The IT people that maintain this site will have to give you more storage space for all the GOYers nice comments that you receive. <]:-))
27 May, 2014
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Your garden is so gorgeous TT and so tidy ... and I'm so jealous! lol
14 May, 2012