A new beginning ... plants are GRINNING :o)
By terratoonie
It’s like a new beginning …
My paths and plants are grinning …
The Forest Flame glows brighter …
Armandii is whiter …
Delight from every creature …
Fresh buds on the aubrieta …
Narcissus is beguiling …
And look at Truffle smiling …
The tulip trio glowing …
What news is it they’re knowing ?
It’s Conker ~ yes, you’re guessing …
He’s home and convalescing :o)
Thanks to everyone for your support.
Conker is back from the vets after his operation,
… and the patient is doing well :o)
I’m VERY pleased to report that Conker’s check-up at the vets was fine ! :o)
I am so relieved, but can’t quite take in the fact that, provided Conker seems well, he has no further vet appointments till a check-up at the vet clinic around October time-frame, to see whether the cancer has returned.
Conker still has only the one-in-ten chance of the lymphoma NOT coming back… but doing well so far :o)
Conker is on my lap at the moment. He knows we are all very happy, and wants to use the keyboard with his front paws to send this special message for all our GoY friends, which means thanks so VERY MUCH to all of you for your support over the past year of vet visits and difficult days…
16 Apr, 2010
Previous post: Size DOES matter :o)
Next post: Gromit's GROUND FORCE team ~ happy, but cream-crackered !
I am so pleased everything went well, been thinking of him alday, give him a big hug from me and Smokey xx.
16 Apr, 2010
Thank you Holly, Clarice and Smokey...
Conker has just enjoyed custard for tea...Lol. xxx
16 Apr, 2010
Your garden may be grinning now just wait till all that Icelandic volcano ash hits it..... lol
Only fooling around, great pics, hope your dog recovers well ;-)
16 Apr, 2010
I am wishing Conker a very speedy recovery. Your garden looks fab TT Give Conker a kiss from me and Truffle to xx
16 Apr, 2010
Thanks Davey and Great..
Let's hope the ash stays away....
kisses given to Conker and Truffle ~ and one x also for Crocus the budgie ~
didn't want to miss him out .Lol. xxx
16 Apr, 2010
So glad Conker is doing well and your garden looks lovely TT x
Oh and hi to Truffle xx
16 Apr, 2010
That's the best news I could have had today :o))
You can relax now TT and enjoy the summer with Conker and Truffle. XXXX
16 Apr, 2010
Great news indeed TT...I am SO pleased for you all. Now you can enjoy your weekend and take it easy together in that beautiful garden. Love and wags and hugs from all of us ....to all of you. C and the GG's xxx
16 Apr, 2010
Hello Annella and Hywel...
Conker and Truffle say Hi...
Yes, let's hope we all have a wonderful summer :o) xxx
16 Apr, 2010
Thanks Alz and the GG's.
We're sleepy but happy here :o) xxx
16 Apr, 2010
I`m so pleased that Conker is home and looking really well after his surgery, I`ve been thinking of him all day. Your garden looks lovely and is just the place for Conker to spend his time recovering. I hope you too feel better now that all is well. Take care Terra. :o)
Love Sandra xx
16 Apr, 2010
Lovely photo`s Terra and you know which ones are my favs. I am absolutely delighted to see Conker resting in the sun, I bet that custard did him good, Truffle looks content as well, they`ll be playing tug again very soon . No more sleepless nights and soon be back at the shows, you are back on the right tracks again... Give them a big hug from me and I`m sure Crocus can have a treat as well, lol, giving your food away.....XX.
16 Apr, 2010
No wonder all the plants and flowers are celebrating ! The best of news Terra.Enjoy a happy and relaxing weekend...all will be well.x x x
16 Apr, 2010
Hi Lincslass and Sandra...
Thanks for thinking of Conker. We are well stocked up with custard. Lol.
It's great to have Conker back home.
He goes back to the vet for a check-up in a week's time. xxx
16 Apr, 2010
Thank you, Jane and BB.
Flora and fauna all celebrating here :o) x x x
16 Apr, 2010
Wonderful news, wonderful photos of your garden too. I'm very happy to see Conker looking so well. Enjoy a peaceful, relaxing weekend. : o ) )
16 Apr, 2010
Hi Megan..
This is a pretty time of year for gardens isn't it..
Conker seems fine so far, thanks.
Getting over the anaesthetic.
But I'll probably get up in the night to check on him... :o)
16 Apr, 2010
The garden is looking delightful and so are the lovely pooches! your bird shot reminded me of the starling who comes in every morning and tries with all his might to remove leaves and twigs from my plants for his nest! I've put out some small twigs for him and cut off some dead leaves and he got really excited today and tried to carry them all of at once! Funny!
16 Apr, 2010
Lol KS63... I award you a special crest...
"Supplier of twigs and leaves to the Starlings" x
16 Apr, 2010
Yes, indeed! Thank you kindly, I feel I fully deserve this accolade! ;)
16 Apr, 2010
That is great news,Terra,and so happy for you all.Conker looks well,and contented.He must feel better already now he is free of that abcess.Truffle looks very laid back too.Your garden is beautiful,what a lovely riot of colours.You must be very pleased and proud of it.Isn't life wonderful,especially with the sunny weather we are having....xxx
16 Apr, 2010
Best blog ever Terra :-)))))))))))) x
16 Apr, 2010
Lovely, lovely pictures. You must be happy having your Conker home :-)
16 Apr, 2010
Thank you Bloomer and Bornagain..
Conker has more antibiotics to take, but all seems well.
The vet said all Conker's other teeth and white and clean....
I do clean my dogs' teeth regularly, so let's hope it's now sunshine all the way ! :o)
16 Apr, 2010
Hello Cazzalyn..
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Yes, I'm relieved to have Conker home, and we'll all feel perkier after a good night's sleep. :o)
I like your doggie avatar pic !
16 Apr, 2010
your garden is just the tonic for Conker
16 Apr, 2010
Hi Mageth.
Thank you. What a lovely thing to say ... :o)
16 Apr, 2010
your garden looks beautifull Terra and im so glad conker is doing ok, lots of hugs and kisses for all the boys plez and an extra squeeze for conker :o))) xx
16 Apr, 2010
Thanks Sandra...
Hugs, kisses and squeezes passed along... :o))) xxx
16 Apr, 2010
Good to see Conker home and enjoying you lovely garden
((big hug)) for Conker :0)
16 Apr, 2010
Hi Sue... thanks for checking on Conker :o)
Gardens are shaping up ...lots of tasks still to do ! xxx
16 Apr, 2010
wow ... amazing garden - lovely colours good to hear conkers doing well
16 Apr, 2010
Hi Viv. many thanks :o)
16 Apr, 2010
Fantastic news Terra, have kept your little lad in my thoughts today, am so happy to hear all has gone well! Love your blog as always, and your garden looking so good,but 'fraid Conker's the star today!! Wonderful,wonderful news my friend. I wish you and your lads a peaceful nights sleep xxxxxxxxx!
16 Apr, 2010
Wow Terra your garden is looking a picture - so colourful!. You have inspired me to try and make mine to look a bit neater I am starting tomorrow. Truffle and conker are enjoying the sun too :-)
16 Apr, 2010
Hi Richard...
I'll tell Truffle he's inspired you to make your garden neater...LOL.
Thanks for thinking of Conker, Flori.... We are sleepy now.. xxxxxxx :o)
16 Apr, 2010
glad Conker is ok.
I love your Spring garden TT .I think it is beautiful.
16 Apr, 2010
Thanks Helen....I love springtime :o)
16 Apr, 2010
Your garden is beautiful but the best flower has to be Conker, so pleased to hear all has gone well, take care have a good nights sleep....xx
16 Apr, 2010
Thanks Mavis...
I'll tell Conker he's your choice for best flower.
good night.. xxx
16 Apr, 2010
Great new.s TT ,time to sit back and enjoy your beautiful garden with Conker ,Truffles and not forgetting Crocus xxxx
16 Apr, 2010
Thanks Janette...
Lots of garden jobs planned for this weekend, but I can do them with a happy heart, knowing Conker is on the mend. xxx
16 Apr, 2010
Fantastic news TT wonderful to see Conker comfy in your beautiful garden no wonder Truffle is smiling .......we all are too :o)
16 Apr, 2010
Very happy all went well TT.....have a super weekend. Your garden is looking absolutely gorgeous! x
16 Apr, 2010
Beautiful garden, lovely, lovely pets, glad Conker getting better, they are lovely looking dogs .
16 Apr, 2010
Of course you're tired - you've had a stressful time. Lovely to see Conker where he belongs. Thanks for the lovely photos of your garden, too! :-)) We're all smiling. :-)))))
16 Apr, 2010
I too am smiling reading this blog, it's good to know that Conker is 'fixed' and back home in his lovely garden. Great news TT. Hope you all have a good weekend and the sun is shining. I love the picture of the blackbird lol. Kisses for Conker Truffle and Crocus. xxx
16 Apr, 2010
lovely happy flowers and pooches take care now.
16 Apr, 2010
fantastic news~a whole wave of love and best wishes is causing a warm front heading towards East Anglia~should definitely be sunny tomorrow TT!
16 Apr, 2010
What a happy blog, TT :) I am rather late catching up with the news but will go to bed now with a big smile on my face. I hope Conker recovers from the op very quickly and that you will all enjoy time in your lovely garden this weekend.
16 Apr, 2010
What wonderful news to wake up to TT !!!
I'm SO happy for you - now just sit back and try to enjoy that gorgeous garden of yours and your little friends - like you say, KEEP GRINNING !!!
17 Apr, 2010
You do have a beautiful spring garden TT....no wonder Conker is smiling. He looks so relaxed and laid back on his bed there. Truffles looks happy too, and I'm sure Crocus is; do budgies smile? never thought about that before..lol
I heard (felt) the sigh of relief from everyone at your wonderful news; you must be on "cloud 9" thismorning, now you are over the worst and can start getting back to normal.....Hope that is "proper" custard you are feeding our hero....lol
Hugs and scratches behind the ears xxxxxxxxxxxxx
17 Apr, 2010
That's great news ... what a relief! I wish him a speedy recovery now he's home. Your garden is looking so beautiful ... so much terrific colour.
17 Apr, 2010
Morning Neellan, Pottygardener, Pepperpot, Sh, Skillen, Sbg, Arlene, Gee, Terry60, Alice and Bernieh...
Thanks for all your good wishes.
Conker had a restful night.
He just needs to get his digestive system back to normal.
Crocus the budgie is chirping and smiling.
The sun is shining and I'm hoping to complete lots of gardening jobs this weekend.
I hope you enjoy your gardens in this lovely bright weather :o)
17 Apr, 2010
Beautiful garden & beautiful dogs! Lovely weather this weekend too, have fun in the garden.
17 Apr, 2010
Back to the malt crispies, Terra - should get his appetite going again. So enjoyed seeing this blog - your boys (and your garden) are a real credit to you. Enjoy your weekend in the sun. xxx
17 Apr, 2010
Thank you Hamster4 and Wagger...
I hope you are also enjoying your sunny gardens.
Conker has very little appetite today, but he will probably perk up soon... :o) xxx
17 Apr, 2010
Ooooooooooh ...... ravishing !
17 Apr, 2010
Wonderful news TT! I'm sure Conker will enjoy convalescing in your beautiful garden. Hope he gets his appetite back soon xx
17 Apr, 2010
Hello Gurth and Dylandog...
We've been gardening all day in the sunshine...lovely !
Conker is very exhausted, but I hope will perk up soon :o) xxx
17 Apr, 2010
Just catched up on how Conker as been today, his appitite should come back soon, we would'nt be eating much i dont think when we've just had an opp, each day i can see him getting getting back to himself, give him a hug again for me. Carol xx.
17 Apr, 2010
what a lovely blog TT, and so glad Conker is doing well all these tail waggings and good vibes are working TT!!! Your garden is a picture too.
17 Apr, 2010
an big hug fro me to -oh yes, an luvely colors-
17 Apr, 2010
Thanks for checking in on Conker, Carol.... You know exactly how I worry, having been through so much yourself with lovely Smokey. I'll give Conker your <<hug>> xxx
Hi Skilla.... How is Toffee ? Conker has been relaxing in the garden.
The discharge from his cheek is more watery, so that must be good.. :o)
Glad you like my gardens. x
Hi Derek... Thanks for the << big hug>> I guess that's for Conker and not for me. LOL.
Glad you like the colours :o) x
17 Apr, 2010
Pleased you have all had a good day, we have had such wonderful sunshine today...it makes everything seem better!
I'm sure Conker will improve day by day, once he is over the anaesthetic and the op....I guess his mouth is sore at the moment? Puts him off eating.....Benny had 2 teeth out last year and was the same for a couple of days.
<<hugs to all>> x x
17 Apr, 2010
Thanks for your thoughts Pottygardener...
It's good to know that Benny bounced back a couple of days after having his teeth out..
Yes, Conker needs to rest. Poor Truffle didn't understand ...kept inviting him to play ... Lol.
Have you been busy ?
I got lots done in my gardens... pruning, planting, etc. :o) xxx
17 Apr, 2010
Lovely TT, great colour in your garden and Truffle and Conker looking well. Do hope Conker makes a good recovery. Love to you all.
17 Apr, 2010
Your garden really looks stupendous! I love it! :-)
So happy for you both at the good news, just hope Conker's mouth heals up very quickly & that he has no recurrence of his problem.
17 Apr, 2010
Hi Bob ...
Thanks. Conker ate some dunked biscuits at bedtime, so here's hoping he'll be perkier tomorrow :o)
Love to you and Sylvia.. xxxxxxx
Hello Balcony... Thank you...
The molar removed was the only dodgy tooth in Conker's mouth. Vet said Conker's other teeth are white and wonderful.... that's because I clean them often...
By the way ... managed to install dictionary.
Thanks for your guidance. ;o) x
17 Apr, 2010
Conker get a cuddle - TT get a cuddle - I get a cuddle -hold it, wheer my dog?
Ah. theer you ar . . . . . .uh? . . . eeeek! . . .. . (CRASH) . . . . . .awww, you stupid hound . . . . (BIG LICK SESION) . . . . . .ugh . . let me get up . . . grunt . . .gruff . . . waggy waggy lick slurp . . . . . .. (grabs workstop) . . . . .. get awf my leg!!! . . . . .(twists round wiht elbows on worktop) . . . . . . .no, stop jump up . . . . no . . . .NO!!!!!!!!!! . . . . . . . .(gasp an decend to floor) . . . . . (knees thud on florbord an face grimace) . . . . .groan . . . . . . . . (eyes roll)
sumhow dog cuddels ar never lik(e) ours are they :)
18 Apr, 2010
I'm grinning too, TT! You've spurred me on. Your garden looks fantastic - there is colour in mine now but not beautifully co-ordinated like yours. It looks so relaxing and cheerful. Conker is well -another very big GRIN:o) !!!
18 Apr, 2010
your garden is very lovely Tt and so are conker & truffle(andnot forgetting little crocus) enjoy this lovely weather while it lasts --we all badly needed this bit of sun :o)
18 Apr, 2010
glad Conker is ok :) your garden is looking beautiful
18 Apr, 2010
Ha ha Derek.... yes... cuddling the dog is different...
not easy cuddling "Crocus" my budgie either. ! :o)
Thanks Volval.... Grins... :o)
...my garden has a lot of colour in spring, but I look on GoY for inspiration for colourful perennials for my borders June onwards... All suggestions welcome please !
Conker just ate LOTS of breakfast... Yay !
Thank you Pam. Yes, sunny here... and another busy day in the garden coming up. Enjoy :o)
18 Apr, 2010
Hello Grindle...
Conker says thank you....
Some of my aubrieta on my raised bed at the back has the petals chewed... not leaves... just petals chewed around the edges... any ideas could be doing this please ? Thanks.
18 Apr, 2010
i think WOW is the word
18 Apr, 2010
Thank you Cristina :o)
18 Apr, 2010
Sorry TT, Been missing in action for a while, so catching up on young Conker. Brilliant news on the check up, and getting the dental abscess sorted. He's been so brave, so loads of hugs for him and for Truffle who has been supportive in his doggie way! Hugs and smiles to you too - been such a stressful time.
Your garden is lovely, so colourful and pretty, no wonder the lads love being out there :o)
18 Apr, 2010
Hi Katnip...
These warmer days none of us are on GoY as much as in the winter, but thanks for looking in on Conker... He's getting more perky. Taking six little Ceporex antibiotics each day, and has a check-up at the vet this Friday. Thank you for your kind comments about my garden. :o)
19 Apr, 2010
Apologies for being late with this message TT but haven`t been on for a few days looking after father-in-law. It was wonderful to see your beautiful garden and Truffle enjoying the sunshine. Glad to see Conker looking good after all the trauma he`s been through. Hope Crocus is keeping his pecker up and keeping you smiling for you certainly need support after all you`ve been through. Luv to you all.
19 Apr, 2010
Hi Stroller...
I hope your father-in-law is well... Thanks for your kind messages for Conker, Truffle and Crocus... I'm having great trouble getting on the internet today, so this might be my only message this evening. !
Love & hugs. T, C, T & C. xxx
19 Apr, 2010
Hi TT, sorry I havent been on before to say what good news!
I hope Conker is really going to make a terrific recovery this and get back to normal. Ps the garden looks great too!
19 Apr, 2010
Hi Rachelsmum...
I hope all is well with you..
Have you been busy in the garden ?
Conker is doing well thanks...
has another week of antibiotics...
that's about another 40 little tablets..LOL.
but it is nice to see him looking more furry and perky.. :o)
I love this time of year in the gardens...
19 Apr, 2010
So glad Conker ate his breakfast yesterday and is improving daily I'm sure with your TLC
You say something has eaten your Aubretia petals it may be birds when they peck at insects they do it on primulas too
I had loads of bumble bees in my Aubretia and when they had finished the flowers looked crumpled!
19 Apr, 2010
Thanks for that info. about the aubrieta petals, Neellan.
I do see sparrows pecking around that area of the raised bed, so could be the reason !
Conker is doing well thanks. Even more hairy. Lol. Had his leg shaved for the operation, but that fur will soon grow back. :o)
20 Apr, 2010
terra if this is wot a garden can look like when u wear ya slippser thern im gonna try dissing me sling backs and donning me slippers.
ps you still shouting at the moon lol
cheers davey
20 Apr, 2010
Hi Davey...
Yes, getting all the help I can ...
from the moon, the sun, planets... Lol.
I very much recommend bedroom slippers for gardening..
I've just done some concreting wearing my slippers and I'm now scrubbing pavings in the same footwear. ..
...not a pair of slippers I wear indoors, I hasten to add... :o)
20 Apr, 2010
och terra u wear concrete slippers how ermmmmmmmmmmm different tis why i like you you have same nutter likes as me hahahaha
cheers davey
20 Apr, 2010
Love to Conker and positive thoughts for his well being. xxx
20 Apr, 2010
Thanks Linda...
Conker is making his way through 66 antibiotic tablets, ...6 per day...
He's much perkier now. xxx
20 Apr, 2010
just catching up with your blog and news about Conker. I am so happy he is doing ok...as I told you I started new job last week - and as everybody knows gardening is a great excersise - after 2 years of basically sitting behind the desk my body's forgotten how it feels to work hard.... weeding, digging, carrying bags with soil - hard, hard, hard - but so fantastic... so a bit of moaning, but I am all singing and dancing... working most of the time listening to noise of M25, listening and talking to robins and other creatures - it feels fantastic. Still a bit of work for my college - just finished plant sketchbook, now working at garden history journal... still not to much time for GOY...
So sending a little kiss for Concer and the rest of the team as well:)
20 Apr, 2010
Just checking after a few days absence and am thrilled to read that Conker is going from strength to strength - hope you are too. Lots of hugs xx
21 Apr, 2010
Hi Terry60... I hope you are well...
I noticed you had been missing.....
... please get my permission before you take several days' abscence....LOL.
Yes, thanks... Conker is doing well and only 24 antibiotics tablets left to take...
St Francis was watching.... you were right. <<< hugs >>> :o) xxx
21 Apr, 2010
I'm always right you know, even when I'm wrong, I'm still right !! (Mum used to jokingly say that to us when we were little !!).
Seriously tho', St Francis is a grand chap and will never abandon his little friends if we ask for his help.. xxx
My absence was not self inflicted and it was very remiss of me for not getting your prior permission - - - - am I forgiven ????
A big big hug for Conker - he seems to be very good with his tablets - how do you give them to him?? We ALL know the palaver trying to give tablets to cats ... there was a very humorous blog that someone has sent ages ago and I thought it was so true ... !!!
21 Apr, 2010
Yes, you are forgiven.... I was going to contact you today to check if you were okay..
With Conker's tablets... I place a big blob of plain yogurt in a dish.. I put some yogurt on the end of my finger and the dog licks it.... then the next blob of yogurt has a tablet in, then the next blog is just yogurt. etc.. When tablets are all taken, Conker gets to lick up the remainder of the yogurt. You could do the same with cream, or custard... :o)
21 Apr, 2010
Wonderful news and he looks as though he is enjoying the sun bless, big hug from Benchcat and me. Lovely photo of Truffles too lapping all that sun up.
What a wonderful display of your garden and the effect of the tiny flowers with a big display gorgeous.
21 Apr, 2010
Hello 6d...
What a wonderfully written paragraph for my garden and dogs...
Thank you so much. xxx
<< hug >> for Benchcat. :o)
21 Apr, 2010
Your welcom Terratoonie, I will tell benchcat as she is a she not a he lol, which my grandchildren found out the other day. lol silly me thinking all this time it was a he.
21 Apr, 2010
Conker growing lots of fur back, is beginning to look too pretty to be a boy.
21 Apr, 2010
Hi Kasia...
Sorry ~ I got out of sequence with answering the comments !
That's good to know you are back outside working on gardens and seeing lots of plants and wildlife... and learning some plant history at other times...
I hope you don't have too many aches and pains from the hard work outdoors. !
<<hugs>> from T,C,T & C xxx
21 Apr, 2010
21 Apr, 2010
Conker's looking good Terra. Garden's looking good too. Fabulously colourful. Hope your spring clean has left you feeling revitalised too. Such a relief to get things done.
21 Apr, 2010
Hi Dorjac... Thanks.
I've been doing yet more scrubbing and digging today...
very satisfying to see the pavings and rocks clean...
... but now I'm cream crackered.... lovely sunshine though :o)
21 Apr, 2010
That's how I feel after a few hours on the allotment! It's the first physical work I've done in 14 months I've been out of work!
Glad to hear Conker is taking his antibiotics without fuss. Do dogs, in general, like yoghurt, or is it just Conker? We used to have a lot of trouble giving our dogs the two tablets they had to take 3 time a day. If it is true of most dogs I wish I'd known before! Would have saved a lot of trouble trying to get them to take them!
21 Apr, 2010
Hello Balcony...
I definitely overworked on tasks in the garden yesterday.. but nice to look out of the window at the jobs done.. Lol..
I give my dogs the plain yogurt.... not fruit ones... and they love it. The natural "live" yogurt is good for their digestion.
Antibiotics can upset the stomach, so to give those with yogurt helps keep the system healthy.
...I think you missed my comment above, on 17th April re. dictionary..... thanks for your help :o) x
22 Apr, 2010
Yes, you are quite right, TT, I did miss your comment on the 17th! Glad you were able to install the dictionary, only too happy to be of help if I can!
Happy to know Conker had only one tooth he needed removing. I hope the antibiotics finally put an end to the problem of abscesses in his mouth.
My daughter had two wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday but the operation to remove them caused her a great deal of pain. She is also on antibiotics as she had an infection again. After her experience she says she won't have the other side done.
I watched Gardeners World from last week tonight & Carol planted a very nice Aubretia!
22 Apr, 2010
I'm VERY pleased to report that Conker's check-up at the vets was fine ! :o)
I am so relieved, but can't quite take in the fact that, provided Conker seems well, he has no further vet appointments till a check-up at the vet clinic around October time-frame, to see whether the cancer has returned.
Conker still has only the one-in-ten chance of the lymphoma NOT coming back... but doing well so far :o)
Balcony ~ I hope your daughter is recovering well from her dental treatment.
Conker is on my lap at the moment. He knows we are all very happy, and wants to use the keyboard with his front paws to send this special message for all our GoY friends, which means thanks so VERY MUCH to all of you for your support over the past year of vet visits and difficult days...
.kbkijgjkgjkl;;['/@vl;. ;'vfclfgl,fgvkj;l,\, p;[erp[e3ot';[reo43preklclvc;v
We're going out into the sunshine to do gardening now :o)
23 Apr, 2010
Such a lovely colourful garden Tt :-))
Enjoy the sunshine both of you, it's too good to miss by being anywhere other than our gardens :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
23 Apr, 2010
Tt - that news must have cheered you up ! (Megley !) Hey, this font is huge, have you been to Specsavers ? lol
23 Apr, 2010
Thanks Louise and Megley...
I am having a wonderful afternoon working far too hard in my gardens while my dogs are sunbathing... I hope you are able to get out into your gardens too..xxx
Large size font for those who can't find their specs..LOL.
23 Apr, 2010
I'm getting messages that you didn't see a report yesterday about Conker, so I've included it at the end of my blog above... Thanks to everyone for your support for Conker over the past year.....it has been more help than I can explain... xxx
24 Apr, 2010
That's wonderful news TT. You'll be able to enjoy the summer now :o)) xxx
Thanks for the great message Conker. :o)
24 Apr, 2010
Grand news for all four of you - Conker's typing is improving too!!! I hope you've finished scrubbing. Time to relax in the garden now, Terra and join Conker and Truffle sunbathing some of the time. Lots of hugs to you all xxx
24 Apr, 2010
Thanks Hywel and Wagger...
I hope my gardens will be peaceful ...
... and we'll all be able to relax, as well as enjoying some gardening work.
Conker's keyboard skills have definitely improved..LOL
Have a nice weekend.... xxx
24 Apr, 2010
Terra,am so happy to read that all is well with precious Conker,and it's great to catch up with all the updates and comments posted~this has been such a long and difficult road for you both,and I am over the moon that a time of peace is coming to you now. May the sun continue to shine down on you my friend, and your garden and beloved Conker continue to flourish........... :~)))))X
24 Apr, 2010
Terra, am I missing something? Have you set us a new puzzle? Are we to break the code? Is there a prize? If so count me in:-)))
24 Apr, 2010
Hi Flori ...
Thanks for your kind and thoughtful comments.
Today it was lovely to be able to tell Conker...
.... no imminent vet appointments and no tablets left to take....
:~))))))) xxx
Hello Bornagain..
Conker is in charge of that puzzle...
... a secret Sheltie code . Lol. :o)))
25 Apr, 2010
Phew, just relieved it's not the FPP again Terra;-) How lovely that the weather and your garden seem seem to be celebrating Conkers remission, we haven't stopped wagging since the good news:-)
25 Apr, 2010
Thanks Bornagain...
Your support for Conker over the past year has been very much appreciated. ..and Happy Golden Trowel to you for 12th April... sorry... we missed that ! xxx
25 Apr, 2010
Ooooops, I missed it too lol :-)
25 Apr, 2010
Oh, belated Happy Golden Trowel Day for the 12th, Ba,sorry it's belated too!!! :~))
26 Apr, 2010
Doesn't time fly when you're having fun?
26 Apr, 2010
On this site, it really does Wagger lol! I lose hours and hours once I log in!!!
27 Apr, 2010
Time is flying too fast for me...
I'm working on redesigning an area of my back garden...
.. and I need more hours in each day ! Lol. :o)
28 Apr, 2010
How exciting! Look forward to piccies when you're ready.
28 Apr, 2010
Sounding good, Terra~love and wags to you all over there :~))
28 Apr, 2010
Bet your garden is finished before mine Terra, Looking forward to your pics:-)
28 Apr, 2010
Hi Ba! :~))x
28 Apr, 2010
Hello Wagger, Flori and Bornagain...
We've just about completed stage one of the makeover....
.. going well so far, and ready now for the rains over the next few days...
... we are cream-crackered ..
but smiling and wagging here ..
.. and will attempt to put some photos into a blog soon ...
... and catch up a bit on GoY. ... :o) xxx
28 Apr, 2010
Always so good to hear from you Terra,glad all well,and am looking forward to your next blog. Lots of wags and woofs :~))
28 Apr, 2010
Hi Flori xxx :~)))
28 Apr, 2010
Hi, TT! I'm so glad to hear Conker is well...And your garden is great!
28 Apr, 2010
Hi Uma...
Thanks for checking in on Conker.
He is doing well. :o)
My gardens love the springtime. x
29 Apr, 2010
Missed this one TT!
So pleased for the lovely Conker and here's hoping for a long time no return of the dreaded C.
Your garden is a mass of colourful splendour to be enjoyed by all.....very nice!
And Conker, I understood every word you typed.....you're welcome:0)
29 Apr, 2010
Conker have you never heard of the spell check.?......so pleased all is well at the TT house, (took ages to get to the end of this blog lol) garden looks enchanting, you have all worked very hard, time to enjoy the summer now..xxxxx
29 Apr, 2010
Hi Oddbillie ...
... message from Truffle ... gtfukiuuyjeit5yhu..
If you understand that, please let me know..Lol.
Hello Dotty ...
... message from Conker ... 5truyjioo;jhmol[p';
Conker's paws seem to use more punctuation than when Truffle hits the keyboard ! Lol. :o) xxxxxxx
30 Apr, 2010
you have an incredibly beautiful garden ~ truly inspirational
2 Nov, 2010
Thanks, Stickitoffee...
Have you seen the poetry blog I wrote for Blue Spruce's garden earlier this year ?
... The Conifer King...
he let me choose from his lovely garden photos... :o)))
2 Nov, 2010
no but i would like to ~ how do i find it?
2 Nov, 2010
Hi again... simplest way would be to click on Gardening Blogs on the green strip near the top of the page...
then click on ALL TIME....
then scroll down and choose the blog ...
If you can't find it, let me know and I'll give different directions !
2 Nov, 2010
I found it! ~ no problem with your directions
fabulous garden and brilliant with the poem
clever you!
i loved the garden ~ some of these should be open to the public i think! ~ ive paid to see some far less impressive than these!
2 Nov, 2010
In the winter, it's quite fun to look through the older blogs ...
Bluespruce's garden certainly inspired me ... wonderful colour and structure... If you have trouble finding anything else on GoY. let me know, and I'll try to help :o)
2 Nov, 2010
many thanks terratoonie! this is certainly THE MOST helpful and friendly web site i have ever visited!
is there a way of finding gardens by their location?
2 Nov, 2010
Only if you hover the cursor over an avatar pic, and that gives the county... e.g. hover over Stickitoffee and it says joined 10 Sep, 2010, Worcestershire....
Some members don't wish to be too specific about where they live... maybe they just put East Anglia, or Wales... etc ...
2 Nov, 2010
yes i found that bit thanks, but was wondering if it is possible to see gardens in a particular area without going through all the list of members??
2 Nov, 2010
Sorry, no I don't think so ...
with GoYpedia ...the alphabet at the base of the GoY pages ... you can click on, e.g. C for clay soil plants, or S for shade plants etc ... that might help you ...
2 Nov, 2010
ah, ok ~ thank you, you have been very helpful
2 Nov, 2010
2 Nov, 2010
Aaaaaaaa SPRING....won't be long now. Thanks Stickitoffee for reminding me of this gorgeous blog. Hello Terra:-)
3 Nov, 2010
its nice to browse the gardens i think!
3 Nov, 2010
Sure is, especially on a dull afternoon like today:-)
3 Nov, 2010
Hi Terra, I was just looking at the photo's here taken in April and then your recent one about the stamps Conker has come on in leaps and bounds ( or is that Truffle!) and looks so well now -- wonderful big hugs all round ;o)))
4 Nov, 2010
Hi Pam..
Strange, I was thinking exactly the same thing ...
I had been looking at the photos of Conker on his Garden Centre outing blog last autumn, when he had not long completed his chemo ... it's wonderful to have him looking so well these days. :o))) x
4 Nov, 2010
they say great minds think alike Terra and it is lovely to see him so well-- maybe some of Truffles energy has rubbed off (wish you could bottle it! )
4 Nov, 2010
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lovely pics TT.....your garden is looking lovely..... so are truffle and conker..... hope he feels better soon....x
16 Apr, 2010