Size DOES matter :o)
By terratoonie
Hello …. :o) …
Our gardens are full of flowers …
violas …
rockery plants …
and tulips …
We are being good, playing with our toys …
while Terratoonie is busy …
… scrubbing …
… painting …
… and fixing up guttering …
… It’s a hard life, being a Truffle …
.. and a special message from Truffle for Terry60 …
Happy Golden Trowel Day to you !!!
Two years on GoY !!!
…. and thank you, Auntie Terry for the hat …
I’m trying to get used to these Italian millinery designs
but, it seems
… size does matter :o)))))) xxxxxxx
… Lol …
12th April 2010 …
Good news….. !!! Conker’s check-up showed no signs of the cancer yet returning. :o)
However, at the vet clinic, Conker’s cheek abscess had a lot more tests under sedation… cost £200 ! He needs to have an operation by a vet experienced in dental surgery… The vet clinic [ where Conker has the cancer treatment ] does not undertake dental work…
13th April 2010 … I’m thankful for good friends…
… In order to sort out Conker’s cheek abscess problems, my doggie contacts have directed me to a different veterinary practice.
Conker and I visited there this afternoon, and I couldn’t fault the vet or the premises… sort of old fashioned in the right kind of way, if you know what I mean… :o)
Conker has been prescribed Ceporex antibiotics for three days, and then on Friday, the vet will operate on Conker’s molar abscess. Conker has a lovely set of clean teeth, so it is unusual that an abscess has formed on a molar.
The good news about Friday, is that Conker needs to be at the vet only half an hour before the operation, and I can collect him as soon as he is coming round from the anaesthetic, so no long waits with Conker caged, and away from me, becoming more and more stressed…
So it seems we are getting back on track at last ….
I’ll update this blog on Friday, or at the weekend, after Conker’s operation.
I’m pleased to say that Conker got through the surgery very well :o)))
Many thanks to everyone for your support.
Much appreciated. xxx
11 Apr, 2010
Previous post: ♪♪♪ EASTER BONNET ♪♪♪
Next post: A new beginning ... plants are GRINNING :o)
Thanks, Tatia, and welcome to GoY :o)
11 Apr, 2010
another delightful blog Terra. they are both such characters. hope tomorrow brings good news. my guinea pigs dont have tails as such so lots of whisker twitching instead. : ))
11 Apr, 2010
Wow, that 'little' Truffle has grown so much! Love this blog, TT, especially the photo of the oversized hat. Very best wishes for dear Conker's vet check tomorrow. All tails wagging here as well - the Terrible Trio are not very good at wagging but hope head bobbing will do as well :) Take care.
11 Apr, 2010
Great blog TT your garden looks beautiful, nice to see you've got help,lol.
Good luck for tomorrow will be thinking of you and Conker x
11 Apr, 2010
Loved your blog and pretty beds
11 Apr, 2010
your garden looks lovely Terra and you have been busy cleaning and doing your jobs, truffle looks so funny in his big hat lol, and most of all i wish conker all the best wishes for his check up, im saying a prayer for you conker xxxx
11 Apr, 2010
My, you have been busy - that looks like a lot of elbow grease into the algae removal. The garden is looking lovely as is Truffle in his hat, lol.
Misty is tail swishing already and will be hard at it tomorrow for you Conker. Will keep everything crossed, xxx
11 Apr, 2010
Thanks Mageth and the guinea pigs....yes... twitching whiskers are VERY welcome thank you :o)
Hi Gee and the Terrible Trio...
Yes.. Truffle is all grown up now ...
please keep those heads bobbing for Conker...
Thank you Simbad, Dorothy, Sandra, Casper, and Wagger with swishing Misty...
Yes, I've been taking out all my anxieties with scrubbing brushes, hand saws, hammers, and garden tools !
At least my gardens are benefiting ! Lol.
Truffle loves his hat... :o)
Fingers crossed for Conker tomorrow.
I'll put a comment on this blog when we know the outcome...
11 Apr, 2010
I love this blog Tt, it has everything, comedy, industry and pathos. I was scrolling down taking in the beauty of your garden, your hard work and nice pics of your boys and starting to wonder at the blog title, I didn't understand....'size does matter' ?????? Then BAM!!! Truffle in his hat...a touch of genius....really did make me LOL......then the reminder that tomorrow is Conkers check up day...We'll be wagging like mad here and I'll wave my crutches too for the one in ten result:-) Congratulations to Terry too:-))
11 Apr, 2010
What a lovely colourful and humerous blog. Can't get over how much Truufle has grown he is so handsome and a perfect model! You have been very busy catching up on jobs around the house and garden and your flower pictures are beautiful. Well Terra will be thinking about you all tomorrow with fingers crossed for Conker [who is looking very happy in his pictures] Hugs to all xx
11 Apr, 2010
Thank you Bornagain and Pansypotter for your kind words...
Glad you will be wagging and waving and keeping your fingers crossed...
Must admit I'm much better at catching up with garden jobs than with housework tasks...
"Gardening forever, housework whenever" Lol.
Conker says thanks for your hugs and good wishes. xxx
Truffle says.... I'm lost... please show me the way out of this hat. ;o)
11 Apr, 2010
Lol is that hat your handiwork too Terra? couldnt agree with you more when it comes to housework and gardening, its a good job Harry is good at keeping on top of everything indoors LOL
11 Apr, 2010
Hi PP... Lol ...
No, that hat was kindly made by the lovely talented Terry60 ..
she is brilliant at knitting and crochet :o)
... and Conker cleans my house with his toy vacuum cleaner ;o)
11 Apr, 2010
Has his vet visit come round already? Amazing. Where did the time go? You're keeping busy - and it's all looking good.
Good luck for tomorrow - xxx It'll be fine!
11 Apr, 2010
Thanks Sh....
Vet emailed that Conker is likely to need an operation this week ...
... wait and see what the vet decides tomorrow.... xxx
11 Apr, 2010
Hello TT. Hope all goes well tomorrow. Rosie, Patch & Murphy are ready to wag!!
11 Apr, 2010
Hi Phil...
Thanks to you and Rosie, Patch and Murphy....
I hope your trio are all well. :o)
11 Apr, 2010
Your garden looks lovely TT, and the dogs...well, Truffle has grown. I do hope the vet check goes OK tomorrow, we are wagging and spinning like mad here....x x
11 Apr, 2010
Wonderful blog I nearlly fell off my chair laughing at Truffle in his hat. So comical. Lots of love and hugs to darling Conker. Tails are swishing now I have told my fish the news, they didn't want to be left out of the fingers and tails crossed bit. Love Sue x
11 Apr, 2010
Sorry didn't say but your garden looks beautiful :~)))))
11 Apr, 2010
Very nice!
11 Apr, 2010
I'm glad i'm back just in time to wish Conker all the luck in the world for his check-up tomorrow TT , Truffle looks adorable in his new hat :o)) love to you all x
11 Apr, 2010
love your blog TT...... lovely pics of conker and truffle.... his hat made me laugh.: O)
You are in our thoughts Conker......... xx
11 Apr, 2010
I loved looking through this blog ... garden looks full of colour ... the blog title is very apt now I've seen THE HAT !
I do hope all goes well tomorrow.
11 Apr, 2010
Lovely flowers in your garden, TT. I was surprised how much Truffles had grown, he does look comical in such a big hat! :-D
We have no animals to wag or swish or bob or do any other actions but I will be thinking of you & hoping for the very best results for Conker tomorrow.
11 Apr, 2010
Another lovely blog to go with your lovely garden ,and I think Truffle looks great in his hat. It goes without saying that we will all be thinking of you tommorow.Tail wags and purrs from Whiskas,Ollie, and Ginge xx
11 Apr, 2010
nice pics love the hat .. the colour`s just right for truffle ! will be watching the blogs for news of conker
11 Apr, 2010
You have a lovely garden TT and two lovely friends to share it with :o)
Good luck for Conker tomorrow :o))
Lots of waggs from here ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
11 Apr, 2010
Thanks, Pottygardener, Grannysue, J.Bardet, Amy, Holly, Megan, Balcony, Mavis,Whiskas, Ollie, Ginge, Viv, and Hywel...
Conker is likely to have an operation on his face, either tomorrow, or later in the week....
He's just grown back all his fur, and now he'll have shaved face and legs again...but as long as he is cancer free, we can cope with more bald bits. ! xxx
11 Apr, 2010
Lovely colours in your garden Terra and it looks a hive of activity, I`m , pleased to see the boys are helping in their own way. Truffle is a really handsome lad even with his hat hiding that cheeky face. Fingers XX all goes well for dear Conker, it seems to have come round so quickly all the lincs pets will be wagging energetically and with you in spirit..
extra big hugs all round, Sue xx..
11 Apr, 2010
Thank you, Sue and the Lincspets...
Tomorrow Conker isn't allowed food ..and Truffle has volunteered ... nobly ... to go without breakfast, so that Conker won't have to miss out while watching Truffle eating ...:o) xxx
11 Apr, 2010
Oooooh errrrr oooops ..................
I hang my head in shame at the lack of of size judgement - I've never knit for a dog before !!!!! I just assumed his head would be bigger than a baby's - NOW I know - and will rectify toute de suite !!!! Hey it would fit you TT - I bet you'd lok a treat in it !!!!!!!!! Just for the records, did the white bonnet fit, as I think that was a bit smaller ??
Prayers coming over the Alps for tomorrow - St Francis will be with you, so do not fret ....
11 Apr, 2010
Hi Terry...
Truffle's bonnet is lovely thank you...I'll have to try it on me too LOL.
Yes, thanks.. the white bonnet fits Conker, but, as with the hat for Truffle, would fit much better with the neck pieces fixed further forward .... I'll send you a more detailed message explaining later this week... I'm hoping I can maybe alter the neck pieces on Conker's hat ? It's very kind of you to make them.. I've only tried the hat on Conker once, and he likes wearing it, but Conker's cheek is tender, so he can wear the hat again when he's feeling better....
Thanks for the prayers from over the Alps... :o) xxx
11 Apr, 2010
Oh that was wonderful i loved the pic of Truffle in the hat lol, my husband asked me what i was laughing at!! Good luck for tomorrow, Toffee doing his tail waving (cats don't wag!)
11 Apr, 2010
Hi Skilla and Toffee..
Wonderful hat, isn't it ! :o)
Thanks for the waving.....!!!
I'll put a report on here tomorrow, soon after we return from the vet clinic. xxx
11 Apr, 2010
Hi Terra Your garden is looking are the two boys ! It goes without saying that all cats tails spinning and Marys feathers whishing.All the very best for tomorrow from all of
11 Apr, 2010
Hi TT brill blog and photos best of luck to Conker hope all is well for him, Smokey is at vets aswell tomorrow.
11 Apr, 2010
Hi Jane/BB...
Thank you for the spinning and whishing for Conker....
This is my favourite time of year in my gardens...
... hoping all is well with you ....
11 Apr, 2010
Hello Carol ...
I'll be thinking of Smokey at the vets tomorrow...
Let's hope we both have good news to report later in the day.
<<< big hug >>> for Smokey. xxx
11 Apr, 2010
It would be nice would'nt it xxx
11 Apr, 2010
:o) xxx
11 Apr, 2010
I wish Conker all the luck in the world for tomorrow. The garden looks absolutely wonderful!!!!
11 Apr, 2010
Truffle to mum."do I really have to wear this ,on such a warm day?
Mum to Truffle.".Yes you do,a kind lady in Rome knitted for you "
Truffle to mum "Oh,I see,can I save it till winter?"
Mum to Truffle"Yes,I'm sure Terry won't mind""
Truffle to Terry."Thank you very much,Terry,It fits a treat,and keeps my ears
so warm"
Mum to Truffle."thats OK, She knows we have warm weather,sometimes"
Hope Conker has good news at his Vets visit,and will be thinking of you both.your garden is looking lovely,and its so good to feel the sun again....x
11 Apr, 2010
Conker says thanks to you Great...
Glad you like the gardens :o)
11 Apr, 2010
Hello Bloomer...
I love your dialogue.... brilliant...Lol.
:o) xxx
11 Apr, 2010
Love the pics of your garden colourful.......that hat?.....well its something else....worn with such elegance!!
Am thinking about Conker and hope he is not too uncomfortable after his op.....if he needs one of course.....and just when his coat had grown in again......ah well...a small price to pay.....and of course the warmer weather is due very soon.
You take care are very brave as well xxxxx
11 Apr, 2010
Tt,I realised afterwards I was on the wrong one,so edited my comment..HaHa,you
must have read the unabridged version..sorry. Glamorous Granny?.Lol.
Confused ,more like :o)) Let me think...who am I posting this to ?Anyone's guess....
11 Apr, 2010
Thanks, Alice...
Truffle loves dressing up..Lol.
With Conker, I'm trying to be brave...
It was April last year when the first early signs of Conker's cancer appeared, so, exactly 12 months later, it is amazing to still have him here, eating, playing and enjoying life.... and I hope there is no déjà vu, with a repeat of last springtime ....
yes, bald bits won't matter, as long as Conker is happy and healthy. xxx
11 Apr, 2010
I'm sure there won't be........but every day is a bonus isn't it xx
11 Apr, 2010
Yes, good comment, Alice...
.. every day is a definite bonus :o) xxx
11 Apr, 2010
You have a lovley clean and colourful garden Tt. A real pleasure to view. Truffle looks very hippy in the hat and a BIG good luck and fingers crossed goin gout to Conker for tomorrow from myself & Ali:0))
11 Apr, 2010
Lovely colourful garden, beautiful friends to share it and all that hard work TT looooooooooooooooved truffle in his hat LOL and wish you and Conker well tomorrow Lexxie and Tilly will wag so hard for you both and hugs from me OO
Fabulous blog as ever
11 Apr, 2010
~ lots of heartfelt wishes for a good visit tomorrow~
Love Arlene
11 Apr, 2010
Thanks OB and Ali.
Cooler today, so better for the dogs for travelling...
Hi Neellan, Lexxie and Tilly.
Your hugs and wags are much appreciated. :o)
I've been working too hard on my gardens, but a good way to channel my anxieties into something productive !
Hello Arlene... Thank you for your good wishes. xxx
12 Apr, 2010
Hi terra..hope all goes well with conker and his health....your garden is looking wonderful and cool hat, take care...waheeda
12 Apr, 2010
Morning Waheeda...
Thanks.... I'll put an update on this blog later today.
12 Apr, 2010
Good luck today Terra and Conker, will be thinking of you both. You have been busy.......and Truffel ....Looove yoiur hat.
12 Apr, 2010
Thanks Sue... How are your gardens ?
My garden tasks got way behind last year....
Conker took priority.... I have a very long list of jobs to tackle this spring and summer... lots of fence painting and maintenance to be done... Let's hope we have good weather for our gardening !
Yes, Truffle LOVES his hat, despite it being a little bit too large for him... Terry60 has made it so nicely... I reckon we can find a way to make it fit him because he likes wearing it so much... gets really excited when he sees it . Lol.... ! :o)
Fingers crossed for Conker. Thank you. xxx
12 Apr, 2010
Perhaps some sheering elastic or ribbon threaded through might do the trick. for Truffles hat. I know what you mean about getting behind on garden jobs. My foot kept me out of the garden for to long I’m still catching up!
12 Apr, 2010
Yes, good idea about elastic.
Does your foot still slow you down with garden work ?
Let's hope we can all catch up with our garden jobs.
Last week I did get some climbers planted, but have a few more to go in by a North facing fence....
12 Apr, 2010
Hope the check up goes well x
12 Apr, 2010
Thanks, Jean. I hope you are well...
Conker seems fit in himself... so let's hope the cancer has not returned, and that a small operation will sort out the cheek abscess... xxx
12 Apr, 2010
Yes my foot is still a problem I still can’t walk very far and unfortunately this is permanent. Something I am learning to live with. But it won’t get me down I’m a lady of leisure now not working so I have plenty of time to just potter at my own speed SLOW!! I’m getting the garden ready for a birthday party in a couple of week’s time I have all the family coming I hope the weather will be nice.
12 Apr, 2010
Good luck with your birthday preparations, Sue.
Not your 21st again ? ;o)
The weather forecast, for this week at least, is dry, so we should all be able to get some garden work done :o)
12 Apr, 2010
What are the yellow daisy type flowers in your border,behind Truffle? Are they coreopsis,or is that too early for them...really nice,whatever they are....Good luck
today,Conker, XXX
12 Apr, 2010
I wish TT!! lol ....50!
12 Apr, 2010
Hi, TT! How's Conker? Good luck for today! xxxx
12 Apr, 2010
How did you get on at the vets today with Conker, TT? I hope you get the best possible results & that his cancer continues in remission. :-) What has the vet said about his cheek abscess?
12 Apr, 2010
Thats a good age Sue....I enjoyed being 50......mind it was some time
Hope Conker is ok TT....he must be....all the good vibes wizzing down the internet lines...xxxxx
12 Apr, 2010
Thanks everyone...
There's a quick report about Conker above.....
good news about the cancer check-up... :o)
I'll write more tomorrow...
We are absolutely exhausted after a very long day
... and Conker is on my lap, sleeping, due to earlier sedation... xxxxxxx
12 Apr, 2010
So please for you and Conker, TT. Will check in again tomorrow to hear more but am delighted that there is no sign of the cancer. Brilliant. I can imagine how tired you all are. Hope you all sleep well. Goodnight, God bless.
12 Apr, 2010
That's a good news, TT! :) xxxx
12 Apr, 2010
Great news! You must all be exhausted all the travelling ..and stress.Wishing everyone a deep and peaceful sleep..xx
12 Apr, 2010
Terra thats great, have a good night and catch up tomorrow...........Sue xx
12 Apr, 2010
I hope you all get a good night's sleep and will check in again in the morning to hear your news. Hugs to you
12 Apr, 2010
~ Fantastic news! Hope you all have a good nights rest!
Love Arlene
12 Apr, 2010
Still on track for the one in ten:-))) immune system that the mouth problem Hope you are both recovered tomorrow when the sun will be shining brightly, though there may be a breeze from all the wagging tails:-)))
12 Apr, 2010
I'm so relieved to hear the news TT. Have a good night's rest now xxx
12 Apr, 2010
Great news! sleep tight.
12 Apr, 2010
Good news! sleep well.
12 Apr, 2010
super news, will catch up with your new blog later
13 Apr, 2010
Magic !!!!!
13 Apr, 2010
So pleased for you and Conker,great news.look forward to your update,
13 Apr, 2010
Excellent - we're all waiting to hear!
13 Apr, 2010
I've put an update to this blog and will add more news this week re. Conker's treatment. I won't be making a new blog at the moment... I appreciate all your kind messages. Thank you. xxx
13 Apr, 2010
I hope the appointment and treatment go well. After it's over you'll have the whole summer to enjoy with Conker.
I hope you' re all right. Take care of yourself. It's a very stressful time for you.
13 Apr, 2010
Thank you
13 Apr, 2010
Brilliant news TT.....GoY wags worked!! Hope there is some positive news on what they can do for his cheek. x x
13 Apr, 2010
Great News TT. Hope all goes well with the new vet you take care to hun look after yourself xx
13 Apr, 2010
Wonderful news re Conker's cancer...couldn't be better.....His cheek abcess sounds very painful....hope all goes well with the op.
I'm not surprised you arn't sleeping you know you must look after yourself to look after those little "imps".....
Thinking of you
13 Apr, 2010
Thank you Pottygardener, Sue and Alice...
I've just updated the main part of my blog ...
... plans are now in place for Conker to have his molar abscess operation this Friday... xxx
If I can get some sleep tonight, then everything will seem better....:o)
13 Apr, 2010
Everything crossed for Friday!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sleep well
13 Apr, 2010
Thanks..... :o) xxx
13 Apr, 2010
Bless his heart,he`s a good boy, roll on Friday and get his treatment sorted then its onwards and upwards, not surprised you`re not sleeping well , its been a long haul Terra, thrilled to bits about his other result. I RECOMMEND hugs, cuddles and peace and quiet between now and Fri, oh and chirrups of course..........
13 Apr, 2010
So pleased Conker is doing well with the cancer not coming back, hope all goes well friday will be thinking of Coker and you lots of hugs from me and Smokey xx.
13 Apr, 2010
Thanks Lincslass and Clarice and Smokey...
Yes, it is good news...
and Conker is going to be a brave boy on Friday..
I very much like the idea of the hugs, cuddles and chirrups...
and yes please .... neighbours take note....
... PEACE AND QUIET in my gardens.... !!! xxx
13 Apr, 2010
Pleased that at last someone has properly diagnosed Conkers cheek....makes you feel better just knowing what is wrong then you know how to deal with it. So it's good well now TT ready for Friday....Anyone who has had a tooth abscess knows when it's treated he'll be so much better. x x
13 Apr, 2010
been away a few days and lovely to come back to GOOD NEWS but sorry about the tooth and that you've found a good 'dentist' !! hugs for you all xxx
13 Apr, 2010
Hi Pam and Pottygardener...
Nice to have you back on GoY, Pam :o)
I'm feeling so much better, now that plans are in place for Conker's treatment...
This evening, he ate his antibiotics with yogurt from my fingers... life isn't all bad...LOL. xxx
13 Apr, 2010
Good news...hope you feel reassured now Terra...and that you can all relax a little :o) xxx
13 Apr, 2010
Hi Jane/BB.... Thank you.
Yes, I feel more confident about Conker's treatment now. :o)
I hope you are well.. xxx
v4erb rtmntnm ... ooops ... !
Truffle just keyed in that message for you..Lol. !
13 Apr, 2010
Yes keeping well thanks Terra...thanks for your lovely message Truffle ! Lol x
13 Apr, 2010
v4erb sounds like an "action" word, doesn't it..Lol.
.. suitable for lively Truffle xxx
13 Apr, 2010
Lol....good to hear you "chipper" again Terra ! Take it easy
13 Apr, 2010
I've only just caught up on this update ... excellent news by the sound of it
.You must be feeling happier and relieved for Conker. Also, good to know it won't be a long wait on Friday following the treatment. Best wishes to you and Conker. : o ) )
13 Apr, 2010
Hi Megan...
Yes .. I hope a good night's sleep for us all, and then we can get set for Friday.
Thanks for checking in on Conker. xxx :o)
13 Apr, 2010
Here's wishing you all a happy, relaxed and peaceful (as much as it can be with Truffle) week. xxx
13 Apr, 2010
I`ll be thinking of you and Conker on Friday Terra, it helps so much when you feel happy with the vet practice you are using. I`ve been along the difficult dental work path and we were reffered to an excellent practice where all the staff where really kind and helpful too, it made a bad occasion seem a lot easier. Your garden is looking lovely and I can see you`ve been working hard. The gorgeous Truffle looks smashing in his wooly hat, he looks a real fun loving dog. Take care. :o)
Love and Hugs
Sandra xx
13 Apr, 2010
So happy for you Terra, it will make all the difference in the World to have Conker unstressed at his dentists, treated by kind, knowing professionals. it will mean you can be more relaxed too. Tails all a-wagging for Friday:-)
13 Apr, 2010
I'm so glad this abscess is going to be sorted out at last TT. Conker has been through such a lot and it's a credit to you that he's come through it so well. It will be nice for you both when this week is over, but you seem to be able to keep a positive mind and that helps so much.
13 Apr, 2010
Hywel says it all there TT so just to say I will be thinking of you both and I'm sure all will be well for Conker..... Hugs OOOO
13 Apr, 2010
Good luck on Friday and good that Conker won't be away from you for long.
Alf and Dolly sending lots of soothing purrs x x
Your garden is gorgeous!
13 Apr, 2010
In the words of Dave Allen may your God go with you, do hope all goes well for you on Friday, I am sure it will, and so pleased to know the cancer has cleared up, what a time you have been through, chin up, lovely pics and great blog, as for the punch line .....brill xxxx
13 Apr, 2010
Hi TT, just a quick message to say I'll be thinking of you and Conker on Friday. It's great news.Lovely pics of Truffle, I love that hat!! lol. Your garden is looking really nice- you have been busy. Will catch upon Friday. :~))))) xx
13 Apr, 2010
All of your garden friends (humans, plants and pets) will have their prayers in for your Conker on Friday...I'm sure you both will be fine! Love the garden pics, the hat pics and of course the blog! Stay positive and pretty soon your Conker can get back to work in the garden! ;)
Ktm & the gang!
14 Apr, 2010
Belated Birthday wishes to you Truffles hope you enjoyed it. Wishing Conker well for Friday positive wag and cuddles from Benchcat and me. X X As for your flowers they are beautiful, I find small flowering plants more effective than large ones.
14 Apr, 2010
Hello Sixpence...
That's a very interesting observation about the small flowering plants....
Thanks to you and Benchcat for your wishes for Friday.
Fingers and paws crossed ! xxx
Thanks Ktm and the gang, and Skillen and Felix...
Truffle has great fun trying on that hat in different styles...Lol. ;o)
Thank you Dotty and Dolly and Alf and Valadel and Neellan and Hywel and Blodyn, Wagger, Misty, Sue, Perry, Bornagain... and more four footed friends. :o)
I love this time of year for garden flowers !
14 Apr, 2010
Hello TT..Conker and Truffle.....I haven't been aboard here for AGES and often wondered how things were going for you all. Delighted to hear the darling Conker IS one in million...well we all knew that of course!! Seriously though - fingers crossed for Friday...I am sure all will be fine ....especially with the antibiotic cover..not to mention the yogurt...ha ha ...he'll need lots of that when he starts eating again...ouch! Memories of tooth extraction...more ouch!
I will be thinking about you and Honey and Di send big wags and hugs - as ever.
Yours aye Cx
14 Apr, 2010
Still catching up TT
.I am so glad to see that Conker is doing so well I,ll keep my fingers crossed for Friday....
Truffle,s looks good with his new hat ,it did make me smile .....x
14 Apr, 2010
Hello Conker, Aunty Terry here - what more can I say that hasn't already been said? Wags and purrs for Friday from the Italian felines ...
Truffle - please tell your mum to scrap that hat and 'll do another one for you .... we don't really want you bumping into lamposts !!!!!
TT, Enjoy the good news, enjoy your beautiful garden and above all enjoy your time together .... AND RELAX xxxxx
14 Apr, 2010
Hi Alz, Honey and Di...
Nice to hear from you ... I hope you are well.... :o)
The vet practice I've chosen is exactly the sort of place and people you would like... I know it.... old fashioned values and older building, but with modern medicines....
Thanks for the wags and hugs. xxx
Hello Janette....
I'm not sure we'll ever catch up, will we ! Lol.
Thanks for checking in on Conker xxx
Hello Auntie Terry...
Truffle and Conker are shocked at the thought of scrapping the hat ! We've been having great fun... a sort of doggie fashion show.. with the hat in different styles, and just by folding the top part, and folding the bobble further forward, it is really stylish and fits well.... on both dogs... we'll take pics some time.... It is definitely the new look for 2010.. Lol.
Thanks for the wags and purrs from the pussy cats in Rome.... xxx
Thanks to everyone for your good wishes for Conker's op. on Friday.
14 Apr, 2010
Great news for you all...Word has certainly spread about Conker on here,how lovely that he will be all sorted on will be on cloud nine when its all over and done with,and he can get back to normal again...Will be thinking about
14 Apr, 2010
I am just catching up with message from the last couple of weeks.
So glad Conker is cancer free. Hope the dental treatment is a dawdle and that he makes a good and quick recovery
14 Apr, 2010
Hi Rachelsmum and Bloomer..
Thanks for looking in on Conker. I've just done all the fortnightly treatments which I give to my dogs... toenails clipped, feet tidied, teeth cleaned and anal glands emptied ! Conker is as clean and groomed as possible, ready for his operation on Friday ! :o)
We will be so relieved to have a break from vet visits... I guess Conker might need a check-up after the dental work, but his next cancer check, barring any problems, need not be till autumn ! xxx
14 Apr, 2010
glad to hear the great news about conker cancer being gone, its to bad he has to have another operation, conker is doing really well with all the trips to the vets
14 Apr, 2010
Hello TT. So glad it's good news. I'll make sure my trio are wagging on Friday. Would you like a 6 month old Lurcher? He's very good.....knows all the commands........just refuses to obey them!!!! xx
14 Apr, 2010
Hi Phil.... Thanks...
Are you referring to the wonderful Murphy ?
Sounds like he uses the same rulebook as Truffle. Lol.
Never mind....
by the time Murphy is 12 ... years, that is, ha ha ... he'll be more obedient. Lol. LOL. LOL..
Thanks for the triple wagging on Friday.. :o) xxx
14 Apr, 2010
Hello Pondlady... How are you ?
Thanks for reading the lastest about Conker...
He's going to be VERY brave on Friday.... and then, hopefully, we can all relax a bit at the weekend... :o) xxx
14 Apr, 2010
Hi, TT! Good luck to Conker for Friday! I'm sure everything wil be OK...And then you all will be able to enjoy your beautiful spring garden! xxxx
14 Apr, 2010
I think saying Murphy will be well behaved by the time he is 12 is being very optimistic!!! Chloe is coming up 17 and still goes her own sweet way :) Sometimes I don't think she is as deaf as she makes out!
So pleased to read your update, TT. The new Vet sounds excellent and it will be great to have that abscess sorted out and without a long trip, and even longer waiting, before you can get home again. Will be thinking of you on Friday and will await your news. Take care.
14 Apr, 2010
Hi Uma...
Thanks...... my gardens will seem prettier when Conker is back home after his operation :o)
Hello Gee....
Lovely Chloe.... she is a GOOD GIRL.... Lol.
Yes, I felt comfortable at the different vets.... and nice that it isn't very many miles away.... Thank you for thinking of Conker... xxx
14 Apr, 2010
Your flowers are stunning, your repairs, etc., amazing, your doggies just beautiful, Tt. Great news re the big "C", and glad to read that the abscess is to be treated so soon. We'll keep wagging here for you all for Friday. XXX
14 Apr, 2010
Thanks, David...
I hope you are well... no sea sickness ? ;o)
I'm starting to get very busy with garden projects which had to be put on hold last year, so I'm not quite so often on GoY, but determined to keep up as much as possible with photos and blogs :o) I've been digging holes today and filling them with stones for drainage ! Lol...
Yes, good news from the vet clinic... nice to think Conker won't need another check-up for cancer for some months... and all set for his operation on Friday.
Thanks for the wags.... :o) xxx
14 Apr, 2010
This wonderful news, TT! I'm so glad for you both that he won't have to go for another checkup till the autumn! :-) I really hope the abscess will be sorted out once & for all during the op on Friday.
15 Apr, 2010
Great news about Conker TT! Hope all goes well on Friday. Your plants and animals are lovely and I am desperate to own a hat like that.....:o)
15 Apr, 2010
Hi Balcony and Dylandog...
Thank you. yes... good news that Conker can go a number of months without a cancer check at the vet clinic ...
We've been enjoying my sunny gardens today....
I worked while Conker relaxed, so he's all ready for his operation tomorrow...
I hope you both had sunny weather too...
... and Truffle says he has copyright on that hat design...Lol. :o)
15 Apr, 2010
TT just to let you know my thought will be with you and Conker tomorrow, hope all goes well.
Lots of hugs from me and Smokey xx
15 Apr, 2010
Thank you Clarice and Smokey...
I'm very edgy here... at least it is a shorter journey to the vet for the dental operation, than when we travel all the way to the vet clinic... xxx
15 Apr, 2010
Will check on you both tomorrow keep your chin up, xxx
15 Apr, 2010
Thanks. :o) xxx
15 Apr, 2010
All the very best for tomorrow..try to get a good sleep..thinking of you all xxx
15 Apr, 2010
Me too xx
15 Apr, 2010
Good news about the cancer and good luck for tomorrow to both of you:0))
15 Apr, 2010
Just to wish Conker good luck for tomorrow TT hope everything goes well ...x
15 Apr, 2010
Thanks Jane/BB, Skillen, OB and Janette..
It is a beautiful morning... blue sky and the sun shining on the blossom...
I hope to have Conker home by late afternoon.. Fingers crossed. xxx
16 Apr, 2010
Conker is home from the vet surgery ...
Please see my new blog.
Thank you :o)
16 Apr, 2010
hope hes well and able terra
20 Apr, 2010
Thanks Davey...
Conker has about 6 days more of antibiotics, so getting there :o)
20 Apr, 2010
glad to hear it terra
ps your slippers are becoming legendary in here pmslllllllllllllllll
cheers davey
20 Apr, 2010
5 May, 2010
Wrong page welly:-)
5 May, 2010
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Best of luck to Conker tomorrow. Your gardens are lovely.
11 Apr, 2010