Gromit's GROUND FORCE team ~ happy, but cream-crackered !
By terratoonie
… We were ready to tackle Stage One of our back garden make-over, on the area by our long shed …
… our Ground Force team had only two days to complete the mission …
I’m Terra Dimmock, and I like to use my trusty tool …
… a family heirloom … ideal for the job …
Conker Titchmarsh volunteered to dig with his yellow spade …
Truffle Walsh was ready to carry lots of water in his bucket-with-a-hole …
First challenge was to paint the new slats for the garden bench … another family heirloom …
Poor Gromit had a flaky nose, peeling ears, chipped wellies, grotty grass, and a bald barrow …
He was desperately in need of a respray…. Fortunately, our ancient tins of Humbrol were up for the task …
Tantalising aromas came across our back garden from the beautiful blossom of Viburnum burkwoodii …
Clematis Frances Rivis … she was supervising …
And what a wonderful bride-to-be …
Exochorda macrantha “The Bride” in full bud …
We had re-painted the shed and fixed up the guttering. We scrubbed away at the grubby rocks and the blackened hexagonal pavings … given to us by neighbours across the road for re-using, recycling …
… and then we started to heave them around, to create our design …
… just to clarify … we were heaving the pavings…
… not the neighbours … LOL.
We undertook so much digging, that I began to wonder whether we were on the wrong TV show …
… not so much Ground Force, as Time Team … Lol.
… Should I wear a hat with a feather ? :o)
Would Tony Robinson arrive with his microphone, and run around a lot, talking excitedly about “finds” dug up by Conker Titchmarsh and Truffle Walsh ?
Would our excavations reveal olde worlde evidence … proof that many centuries ago, our gardens had been occupied by Terry60 and the Romans ? ;o)
Our new stones look rather Roman … a marble-like mixture of white, grey and pink. Now that the rain has washed them, their colours show up even more vividly.
After two energetic days of working in the warm sunshine, Stage One of the makeover is complete.
We shall add plants etc. to this area, a little at a time.
It is a rather shady part of the garden.
Here’s one I made earlier …
… a makeover I constructed some years ago from recycled brick sections …
… photographed yesterday evening, this raised bed at the end of my garden, has had the benefit of time to establish itself …
… a sunny area which I planted mostly with aubrieta and heathers …
After sunset, we retired indoors, cream-crackered, and ready to enjoy some well-earned Wensleydale cheese
… and to find out the latest snooker scores from Crocus the budgie, who is a bit of a TV addict …
… but we left Gromit out in the back garden …
… he wanted to carry on gardening …
… working the night shift …
29 Apr, 2010
Previous post: A new beginning ... plants are GRINNING :o)
Next post: Goodbye virus ... hello SUNSHINE ... :o)
Another brilliant blog,as always,and made me laugh a lot.Conker is looking so good now,and so nice to see the improvement.Truffle looks to be raring to go too.
Hope you were wearing a bra,Terra Dimmock,as it could be a problem,heaving the neighbours around !!.Poor Gromit,leaving him to carry on working all night.Hope he is getting the premium rate,for unsocial hours Lol.Your garden looks great,and lovely planting,you have worked so hard,it's a credit to you....:o)))
29 Apr, 2010
Thanks Scotsgran and Bloomer ...
Must admit we really are cream-crackered, but nice to look out on the garden with the work done, and the rain watering it all in ... and Gromit is still working away ... despite the showers.... :o)
29 Apr, 2010
You`ve come up trumps once again with a brilliant blog Terra, and your workforce are second to none, showing skill and imagination with your new shady area equal to that of the Brick one once the planting is done. Just seen Omphalodes `cherry ingram` on Spritz latest pics that she says is good for shade. Glad to see Truffle and Conker looking so good, and hope crocus kept awake and noted the snooker scores for you. Hugs to you all xxxxxx
29 Apr, 2010
Hi Stroller...
Your little plant is now just about strong enough to dig up and post, so I'll be doing that soon... Our Groundforce team members are tired but happy here :o) love & hugs. xxxxxxx
29 Apr, 2010
Lovely blog, TT
Good to see Conker looking so well!
I liked the stones - you have certainly got the potential for a colouful area.
Small perennials for shady areas?
lily of the valley? (I can send you some) but theyre probably too rampant....
Omphalodes starry eyes sounds a possibilty?
small shady ferns?
Good luck!
29 Apr, 2010
Super blog Tt, and I love your garden and dogs, not forgetting Gromit of course. It all looks so spick and span and different from my cottage garden.
29 Apr, 2010
Thanks Cinderella...
I have more of a cottage garden look in my front garden...
Gromit has been working VERY hard...:o) x
29 Apr, 2010
Thanks, Rachelsmum, for your plant suggestions...
This isn't a huge area, so I can't put in anything which spreads too much..
Do Omphalodes get eaten by bugs or slugs ?
Little ferns might look good... :o)
29 Apr, 2010
Is your family heirloom an edger?
29 Apr, 2010
Another Brilliant blog TT, I love your pictures, garden looks beautiful, well worth all that hard work.
29 Apr, 2010
Another great blog TT.... no wonder you and your team mate,s are creamed crackered ,all your hard work has been worth it ,your garden looks so pretty .....although I do feel sorry poor Gromit work over night lol,hope he had a good supply of keep hm going...
29 Apr, 2010
10 out of 10 Tt. for this blog, your lawn looks different to mine, no Dandelions or Daisies ! Conker looks lovely and the new stones are a nice mix of colours. It's looking great. I wonder if Gromit should have some trousers on, not looking right in the last pic ... lol
29 Apr, 2010
Thank you Yorkshire and Janette ..
Gromit was so tired, we had to revive him with a large slice of Stinking Bishop cheese !!! ;o)
29 Apr, 2010
Lol. Megley ~
Not so much "The Wrong Trousers" but ...
"The Non-Trousers" :o)
Currently, rain is falling on the new stones, and they are much more colourful now. In the photos above, the stones were new, and were covered in white dust ... not volcanic ash...Lol ...
29 Apr, 2010
Loved this blog Terra~how you made me chuckle~fantastic as always!! Great to see Conker Titchmarsh and Truffle Walsh {and freshly painted Gromit) working their magic alongside you,garden looking sooooooooo gooooood!!!!! :~))x
29 Apr, 2010
Well done to the 3 of you . You make a great team :o) It looks wonderfull !
29 Apr, 2010
Thanks Hywel and Flori...
My Ground Force team are now enjoying a well-earned rest. :o) xxx
29 Apr, 2010
Great pics, prose and all round good fun. Great effort brings high rewards:0))
All looking very nice TT.....
29 Apr, 2010
great job Terra Dimmock!| enjoy The Wensleydale..
29 Apr, 2010
Thanks Oddbillie and Arlene....
Cracking cheese, that Wensleydale. :o)
29 Apr, 2010
lol Terra, great and amusing blog as always, happy to see conker back to work in the garden to, well done conker ;o)) x
its all looking lovely and well done Terra your so handy when it comes to DIY, ;o)))
29 Apr, 2010
Thank you Sandra...
We've been so busy that I've missed a lot on GoY...
... must try to catch up a bit at a time !
How is Casper ? Conker is going to be so chuffed at the weekend when the weather turns colder..because he has grown a furry coat to keep warm... not like in the winter when he was bald ! :o)
29 Apr, 2010
great fun as usual Terra-- just lookout for the 'wererabbit'!!--- would dianthus work in the border you can get such pretty ones these days, Nice to see Conker looking so well and Truffle working hard! (:o)
29 Apr, 2010
Hello Pam...
Not seen any Were-rabbits yet ... Lol. ...
... but Conker and Truffle are on the alert ...
This new area is more shady than it looks in the pics, so I think would be too damp and dull for dianthus... but, as you say, there are some very pretty ones around. :o)
29 Apr, 2010
What a great team! Move over, Alys, and let the real gardeners have your TV slot!!
Love the blog and the photos, TT. Conker looks so well and as for 'little' Truffle, he is obviously following in Conker's footsteps. Some of the hardy geraniums like shade, TT, Spritz could probably help you on which ones. I agree with Megan, your lawn looks better than our village bowling green :)
29 Apr, 2010
Fantastic Blog TT!! Just love it! Your gravel is very smart btw. If only I had all those helpers in my garden!
29 Apr, 2010
Hi Gee...
I was thinking of planting your lovely geranium in a special place in this area. I have some other geraniums sent to me by GoY members last year, but I have them in pots and am waiting to see which ones stay small and which grow huge ! I don't want any plants here which grow too big. :o) Lol.
Thanks KS63...
I really couldn't manage all this garden work without my helpers... ;o)
29 Apr, 2010
fantastic job done there TT
29 Apr, 2010
Thanks Eileen... :o)
29 Apr, 2010
casper is great Terra, a little raskell lol, he owns us now ;o))
yes conker must get a bit to warm in his coat in summer, bless x
29 Apr, 2010
Good blog TT, it's all looking great...including our Conker. It's a job to see, but is the area of the abscess healed, it looks it to me? .....and that post in your new garden area ~ a bird table? Nosey, ain't I??!! :o)))
29 Apr, 2010
Hi Pottygardener and Benny...
Thanks. Yes our Conker is looking well, isn't he :o)
Conker's abscess area has healed from the outside. Just some hair to grow back where it was cut by the vet clinic.
The post is part of the area I'm still designing and developing...
When I decide exactly how it fits into the design, I promise you'll be the first to know. LOL. LOL. LOL. I do rather make it up as I go along... :o)
29 Apr, 2010
Looking forward to seeing the postman Terra, and by the way looking at the last photo of gromit didn`t anybody tell him it isn`t NAKED GARDENING DAY until the 8th of May.
29 Apr, 2010
Hi again Stroller...
The forecast for this weekend is c-c-c-c-c-c-cold.....!
A good thing it is not yet 8th May...
... because for gardening over the Bank Holiday, we'll need to be putting clothes on, not taking them off ! Lol. :o)
29 Apr, 2010
Fantastic as ever, you always make me laugh !
29 Apr, 2010
Should Have said Grand job! Terra!don't think I will be shedding clothes yet although my postie has gone into his Summer shorts....
29 Apr, 2010
my postie has had shorts all winter brrr lol
29 Apr, 2010
Hi Valadel...
Glad this gave you a giggle :o)
Hello Arlene...
My postie wore shorts in the winter ...
... bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :o(
29 Apr, 2010
A wonderful blog filled with humour and photos of your beautiful garden Terra. I`m so glad you weren`t heaving the neighbours...lolol! ;o)
29 Apr, 2010
PS: I wish I was gardening on the Bank Holiday but sadly I`ll be slaving away at the garden centre....AND it`ll probably be raining! Oh well, can`t be helped. :o)
29 Apr, 2010
Hi Sandra... Thanks.
Some neighbours are more deserving of heaving than others ;o) he he he
PS The forecast for the bank holiday is cold, so gardening is likely to be a chilly pastime ! :o(
29 Apr, 2010
~got to remember that it's mega wet in Wales in the winter ~ will give you a hand if needed!
29 Apr, 2010
What a wonderful blog and your "team" have worked wonders on your beautiful garden....
My OH wants to know if Terra Dimmock has big...............I've told him to mind his own business and of interest.....?????
PS: Conker is looking marvelous!!
29 Apr, 2010
Hi Alice...
Please tell OH..yes ... Terra Dimmock has very big ..
tools... such as the one in the first photo. Lol. :o)
Yes, Conker is going to be sooo pleased this weekend, when the weather turns chilly... and he has lots of fur to keep himself warm ! Yay...
29 Apr, 2010
Your blog as usually makes me smile - from the begining to the end:) well done - I am still bit of aching side every day after work - and keep wondering - do I really need to wear safety boots....? they are killing me... haha... But being outside again is so nice...
Regarding your plants for shade - I really like Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens', Pachysandra terminalis - those two come to my mind without looking into books:)
Your team worked very hard - did they got any nice rewards? lol. And Poor Gromit - I think he just want to show off his new outfit, haha
29 Apr, 2010
great blog TT looks like you were all up for the chalange and no camera shy helpers !! rather like gromit who i`m sure appreciates his makeover
29 Apr, 2010
Hi Kasia...
If you look carefully behind the rabbits in the photo number 9, you can see some tiny Ophiopogon, which I have planted as an experiment. Do you think they will be okay without much sunshine ? Those were given to me by Arlene last year.
Sorry to hear those safety boots are making you ache ! I do most of my gardening in slippers. LOL.
Maybe I should have painted some trousers on poor Gromit ...
... ha ha ha.. :o)
29 Apr, 2010
Hello Viv...
Gromit is very proud of his shiny new wheelbarrow, and he can hide behind it until Naked Gardening Day. Lol. :o)
29 Apr, 2010
Well done Terra!
All that getting dirty has paid off! it's all looking a picture!
Keep up the good work!
29 Apr, 2010
great blog & photos...lovely garden you have too
29 Apr, 2010
Thanks Elsiemay... Very pleased you enjoyed the blog :o)
Hello Mick... Thank you ...
... more scrubbing of pavings tomorrow..Lol. :o)
29 Apr, 2010
haha - sleepers sound nice:) but I am affraid I am going to stick with the H&S rules, lol... Yes, really you have got them already... I think they shoudl be fine - at my college gardens they grow under Prunus serrula, just in front of Leylandii hedge - they really do not get a lot of sunshine - and just do very well:) and shootgardening said - full sun, partial shade - so I think they will like it there... and you will take a good care of them - so I am sure they will look great soon:) and save the trousers for later - when he will get used to new look, and stop to pay attention to it - it will be something new to enjoy... I would be happy that way, anyway, lol:)
29 Apr, 2010
I have got at college Clematis looking like yours, but not label... and exochorda in Japanese Garden is looking sad - I think it didn't like the this winter... will put some pictures during the weekend.
29 Apr, 2010
Brilliant job AND blog TT, Love to see Conker and Truffle helping too. Poor Grommit, out all night, he deserves a break ha ha. I must say, I do like that gravel - Do you bring Crocus out in his cage when the weather is warm?
29 Apr, 2010
Another great blog and some lovely photos your garden looks so nice would campanula or welsh poppy be any good.
29 Apr, 2010
What a lovely garden you have Terra it is so neat and full of colour. You have given me a lot of ideas, thanks for sharing :-)
29 Apr, 2010
Another great.....loved it lots.
29 Apr, 2010
Fabuuuuuulous I just love your blog and loved the result of your groundforcing very smart...... good work team, your time was well spent! I hope your cream crackers have improved by the morning and Grommit is non the worse for working in the dark, Conker and Truffle are delightful helpers as ever :o)
29 Apr, 2010
Wonderful blog Terra. Conker looking well and furry, ready for the promised cooler bank holiday weekend. Truffle is truly one dapper doggie. Gromit starkers in the dark apart from wellies......... and a strategically placed wheel barrow. The heirloom tool is very dapper too. I have my mums lawn rake and it looks cream crackered, but I can't throw it out.
30 Apr, 2010
Thanks for the information Kasia...
... the clematis is Armandii... there are closer pics. of it on my photos from this time last year..
Hi Skillen...
Crocus stays indoors, but he has a little "extension" I fit onto his cage, full of extra toys..Lol.
Last night Gromit worked all through, watering EVERYTHING in my gardens. I was very impressed when I saw he had even filled up the water butts. ;o)
Hello Mavis...
I like your ideas for my planting. Some parts of the area get early sun, so I think I will try your suggestions of Campanula and Welsh Poppies. Thanks.:o)
Thank you Richard, Dotty, Neellan, and Dorjac...
We are full of energy again today... which is a good thing because there are lots more pavings waiting to be scrubbed....
... and, yes, I have several "heirloom" tools from my parents. Have to keep them for sentimental reasons. :o)
Conker says...bring on the rain and cold winds.... I've lots of warm fur to cope with any chilly weather...Lol.
30 Apr, 2010
Ahhhh, all is revealed - so THAT'S where my stones got to !!! To think I'd been hoarding them away for many a century and then they disappeared overnight - all fruit of your (Gromit's) nocturnal excavations !!! I shall now have to traipse all the way to Bath, York or Chester to retrieve some more that I left behind a couple of millenniums ago .... !!!!
30 Apr, 2010
Hi Terry60...
Puzzling that you hid your marble stones in ye olde plastic bagges .....
I guess the Romans also invented those ??? ;o) x
30 Apr, 2010
There was no limit to our Roman inventive spirite - we even had flushing loos - so plastic bagges was a doddle !!
30 Apr, 2010
...And just when i thought i might actually be brave enough to put some photos on you go and pull this one out!!Lol You certainly have the X-factor and i want some!! Your blogs are quite something else! I can't get any work done for sitting here reading and giggling and drooling over all these beautiful gardens!! Not so sure my hubby is going to be quite so impressed with my new found web-site as i am...i haven't been to the shops yet and the cupboards are bare!! Wish i could get my faithful friend to help out she just wants to chase ball and lie in the sun! Well done Tt..Keep up the good work! X
30 Apr, 2010
Welcome Daisydaisy, to the crazy world of GoYdom~welcome aboard!! Terra truly in a class of her own when it comes to blogs~she puts me to shame lol!!! Lovely to have you with us,and yes, we are all addicted to this too!x
30 Apr, 2010
So what's been happening while I've been out scrubbing pavings in the back garden ? Terry60 wearing a Toga, walking around the Roman equivalent of a garden centre, pushing her shopping chariot ... they had invented the wheel by then I think ???
And hello Daisydaisy... I'm very lucky that if I'm absent from GoY for a few hours... heaving lots of rain water around the garden into storage containers ... lovely Floribunda is there to welcome you..:o)
Yes, GoY is very addictive.... but don't resist... it's good for you. Lol.
Enjoy. :o) xxx
30 Apr, 2010
Terra, you are working way too hard out there,and we're missing your wonderful humour on here! It has started bucketing down outside, so I'm staying where it's warm and dry and with my fellow Goyers!
Hope Gromit got a rain coat if he's still out there working hard,all that exposure could result in another fantastic paint job cover up, does he need a fig leaf added?
Daisyd, I did try resisting GoY, it didn't work, I gave in without a whimper,,,,, as my fellow Goyers will agree........resisting is fertile....duhhhh....futile......just enjoy tee hee hee! :~))X
30 Apr, 2010
another great blog and your helpers have been working hard..: O ))
30 Apr, 2010
Hi Flori and Holly... Thanks ...
Yes, we are working hard, but it is great fun... Lol.
Weather forecast is very cold for this weekend, so Gromit better get himself a fake-fur-lined fig leaf. :o) xxx
30 Apr, 2010
Just a thought Terra........won't that tickle a bit????? hahahaha :~))
30 Apr, 2010
Hello Homebird... Thanks ...
I'm very lucky in that Gromit does all the weeding..;o)
30 Apr, 2010
Has she got a tail then Hb? hahaha! Your poor mum! :~))
30 Apr, 2010
just love ur blogs, they are brill, very entertaining lol hope gromit ,s not working all nite lol
30 Apr, 2010
Hello Cristina...
Thanks for visiting our blog...
I hope Gromit is scrubbing pavings tonight...
... that will save me a job tomorrow...LOL. :o)
30 Apr, 2010
Lovely blog Terra...
1 May, 2010
Thanks Rbtkew :o)
1 May, 2010
good morning terra
absolutely brilliant blog im glad ive found another fellow nutter who perchants of the fruitloaf.
cheers davey
1 May, 2010
Hi Davey.... pleased you like the blog...
Enjoy your weekend :o)
1 May, 2010
you 2 terra tis ppppping doon here again sighsssssss
1 May, 2010
What a lovely entertaining blog, TT! :-)
You have certainly been very busy! Glad to see your "collaborators" are in fine fettle! (Or is that a word only used with horses?)
I loved your plants as well. not very keen on other "figures" in my gardens, though I do have a scarecrow, not that he frightens away the sparrows when they come looking for nesting material from my conical hanging basket's coconut matting liner!
1 May, 2010
Hiya Terra, you are certainly keeping your team busy so it`s perhaps good that its cooled down a bit before you wear yourselves out again.... Conker is looking so healthy now and his coat is gorgeous, its a treat to see your lovely photo`s of him and of course Truffle who is very handsome and looks so proud with his bucket, they`ve made a good job in your garden ,it all looks so neat and very colourful, I was wondering if they would perhaps be available to pass on a few hints to a sometimes very naughty Brynner ???????LOL.
Smashing blog Terra.......
1 May, 2010
Thanks Balcony and Lincslass...
I couldn't get all the garden work done without my helpers ;o)
I don't believe that angelic Brynner is naughty....? :o)
1 May, 2010
LOL, Terra he is convinced a lawn looks better with the grass removed .......
1 May, 2010
... rather than Ground Force, Brynner seems a definite for Time Team ;o)
1 May, 2010
LOL..Love it.....Brilliant blog...
2 May, 2010
Hi Cazzalyn...
Thank you...
... Conker, Truffle and Crocus say hi to Duke :o) x
2 May, 2010
woof woof woof woof......xx
2 May, 2010
Done it again Tt or is it TD? fantastic garden, fantastic blog! Lovely to see the boys working away. I have one little suggestion...surely there is room here for a little Welsh poppy ? flowers all summer and that lovely yellow to brighten the shade? :-)
2 May, 2010
Hi again Bornagain.. Thank you...
Yes. Welsh poppy is a good idea. Mavis suggested it earlier on this blog, and I this year I did throw some of those seeds around the garden... not sure yet if and when they will appear as poppies. I can then try some on this new area..:o)
2 May, 2010
Terra, beautiful job (again). Your sense of humor, as always, is refreshing and like a cool drink of water! The clematis is pretty; mine blooms a flat white, and I love your color!
2 May, 2010
Hello Hmhb ... Thanks.
I wasn't sure if overseas members would know about Ground Force, and Time Team... I guess you've seen Wallace and Gromit...Lol.
The Clematis armandii grows well.... then, usually just when I should be pruning it, I realise there are birds nesting up in the pergola..... so I wait, and prune it at the wrong time of year ...Lol.
2 May, 2010
Great blog Terra, and Conker and Truffle look really well. Maybe Gromit was naked because he had "The wrong trousers"....;o)
2 May, 2010
Hi Dylandog... Thanks.
LOL. Yes, Gromit definitely has "The Wrong Trousers" or no trousers..LOL.
Yes, Conker and Truffle are well.. So nice to have them healthy and running around playing together ... and helping with the gardening. ;o)
2 May, 2010
Sorry late to this lovely area looking great..and Conker and Truffle looking even greater ! Love the last pic !! xx
2 May, 2010
I'm late too, but a very enjoyable read TT,
Stinking Bishop :O oh my, I feel sorry for Conker LOL
4 May, 2010
Thanks BB...
Gromit is still out there.... gardening at all hours...Lol.
Hi Grindle... Thanks.
We decided to go for the Wensleydale rather than the Stinking Bishop. ;o)
4 May, 2010
Phew, have caught up (I think). What a marvellous team you all are - great results, too!! :-))x
4 May, 2010
Thanks, David...
Not yet found Shaun the Sheep chewing all the plants ;o) xxx
4 May, 2010
LOL Very good.
Superb job well done to all :O)
4 May, 2010
Thanks Blooming lovely..
I like your GoY name and your avatar pic ...
... good choices ! :o)
4 May, 2010
Sorry TT, I saw your blog the other day and thought I had made a comment, definitely cracking up in my old age. Lovely blog and the picture of Conker is lovely, he looks really well.
4 May, 2010
Thanks TT.
I chose Blooming Lovely as I set up a blog of the same name on blogger and Julie was taken LOL
As for the avator it's a pic of something I am growing from a tuber I bought from poundland but forgot to lable LOL
4 May, 2010
Hi Blooming...
I thought the question mark by the plant looked good. Lol.
Thanks, Bob...
Glad you like the blog.... Conker is growing more hair by the minute....
He is pleased that I'm able to groom him again because he enjoys that, and he couldn't understand that when he was bald, there was nothing to brush. ! :o)
4 May, 2010
woof woof
5 May, 2010
Great blog, I really enjoyed reading it and looking at the pics. You have worked very hard.
5 May, 2010
Thank you TOG...
Glad you like this ...
... plenty more projects coming up this summer .... if the weather allows ... and I can find the energy. Lol. :o)
6 May, 2010
There is always something to put a smile on your face, if you are feeling low, wonderful, it looks great!!
6 May, 2010
Hi Patricia...
Glad to know this made you smile....
I hope to do more to the shed area as the year progresses :o)
6 May, 2010
Brilliant job you Conker and Truffles have done it looks wonderful, love your raised bed at the end of the garden also you new bed with grommit and rabbits cute, there are some lovely alipines out there to go into that bed, that grow over stones or grow in ball shapes one is phlox emerald cushion and there is also one the same as emerald cushion but instead of blue is pink and white may be you have your own idea of plants it was just a sugestion.
7 May, 2010
Hi Sixpence...
Glad you like the work which Conker, Truffle and Gromit have achieved ! ;o)
Thanks for the ideas on planting... I shall add to the area a bit at a time... your suggestions on this very welcome... rather a shady part of the garden, so I chose the lighter colour mix of stones to brighten it.
7 May, 2010
Yes is does look very bright and a great look you have given it, are they scottish stones as I seen some at a nursery last week they do make the garden look fresh too. there is also an alpine has little cup flowers grows in ball shape and spreads too its called. Saxifraga Gaiety and Saxifraga Gleborg, here is a link for you to see some alpines.
7 May, 2010
Thanks for the alpines link...
My stones are marble-like in appearance ... not cheap ... but when I chose them at the Garden Supplies Centre, Conker was enjoying the outing with me in the sunshine. The sample stones were spread out on display, and Conker was having a lovely time, leaping from one beam to the next, between the stones displayed.. so I decided to buy the pretty stones I liked best, as a celebration of how well Conker is doing after his treatment...
My close-up picture is more true to the colour than the other photo, which makes them look very white...
They are a mix of greys, whites and pinky colours, and seemed to be the most popular of the various bags of stones being sold. I've just been into the garden to look at the empty bags for you, and it only indicates they were packed in West Yorkshire... but I don't know if that is where the stones originated...
7 May, 2010
I can see what you mean now by the close up picture lovely colours funny how a close up shows different will teach me to read better lol.
7 May, 2010
The stones look prettiest when they are wet...
.. I reckon that is the same for most decorative stones....
7 May, 2010
Yes they do, I have stones different colour and yes they do look better wet.
7 May, 2010
Enjoyed the blog. Just doing some catching up.
22 May, 2010
Hi Pips... Thanks...
Nice to have you back on GoY :o)
23 May, 2010
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7 Feb, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
3 Mar, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
5 Mar, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
26 Apr, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
8 Apr, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
13 Sep, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
24 Jul, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
1 Apr, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
31 Jan, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
1 Jul, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
9 Aug, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
23 Oct, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
24 Nov, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
10 Mar, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
9 Aug, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
5 Aug, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
20 Mar, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
16 Feb, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
12 Feb, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
1 Aug, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
27 Sep, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
7 Jun, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
18 Jun, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
2 Nov, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
9 May, 2007 -
Gardening with friends since
11 Apr, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
14 Jan, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
12 Jan, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
16 Jul, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
3 Apr, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
20 Apr, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
22 Mar, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
10 Nov, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
19 Jan, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
22 Oct, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
4 Apr, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
4 Feb, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
11 Apr, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
24 Mar, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
6 Mar, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
4 Feb, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
4 Apr, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
29 Apr, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
24 Jun, 2007 -
Gardening with friends since
3 May, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
29 Aug, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
24 Aug, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
29 May, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
24 Jul, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
22 Aug, 2010
You will be having a day off today then lol
29 Apr, 2010