A miracle... exactly one year on from life-saving cancer operation...
By Terratoonie

1 Jun, 2010
Conker says thanks to Auntie Terry60 in Italy for his lovely new bonnet. He wore it to perform his Supernanny tricks at the charity dog show and won first prize.
On 1st June 2009, Conker was undergoing a life saving operation for cancer, followed by many months of chemotherapy. He still has only a one in ten chance of remaining cancer free, but ...
What a difference a year makes ... he is enjoying life so much ... and he thanks all of his GoY friends for their great support and encouragement over the past year. :o)
Comments on this photo
Conker looks great TT.
1 Jun, 2010
Lovely pic and so glad he is doing well TT x
1 Jun, 2010
many congratulations Conker you look a picture of health :0)))
1 Jun, 2010
What a heart-warming photo, TT. Conker looks great and what a lovely thick hairy chest :) Give him a big hug from me (and one for Truffle too of course).
1 Jun, 2010
glad to see Conker so fit and well. he couldnt have done it without such a caring owner
1 Jun, 2010
He looks so cute in his new hat I am so pleased has remained in good health lets hope this will continue through out his life.
1 Jun, 2010
Thanks Denise, Irish, Annella, Pam, Gee, Mageth and Sixpence...
I can hardly believe Conker is still with me and looking so well... as Denise says... the positive side of cancer treatment... yes, let's hope he has lots of good health ahead ...
Conker send big hugs back to you all. xxx
1 Jun, 2010
Wonderful photo of Conker. It's been a hard year for him and you, but it's so great to see him fit and well - long may it continue.
1 Jun, 2010
So pleased he won another 1st Tt, but it's only what we expect here on Goy from our amazing little Conker...and what a coat! This hat is a better fit than poor old Truffles, I think Terry has a favourite:-))
1 Jun, 2010
Hi Bornagain..
Conker so enjoys the charity dog shows :o)
Truffle's hat has had some adjustments and it fits a lot better now LOL.
1 Jun, 2010
Well done Conker!!!!
1 Jun, 2010
~ Hi TT
~ Beautiful fur and doesn't he look so wise! well done lovely boy!
1 Jun, 2010
Thanks Linda and Arlene..
Yes, his fur is growing back very well :o)
1 Jun, 2010
To look at him know, you wouldn't think he'd had a day's illness in his life. He is looking wonderful; and the credit goes to you TT.....you must be so proud of him.:o)
1 Jun, 2010
Congratulations on winning first prize Conker ! :o)
I'm glad he's doing so well TT. He looks as if he's proud of himself :o)
1 Jun, 2010
Ahhhhhhh!! Like you say, nothing short of a miracle. He's a lovely and chuffed boy. You must be so proud of him
1 Jun, 2010
Hi Alice, Hywel and Terry60..
Conker loves wearing his bonnet... and so enjoys performing all the tricks...
..every day is precious. :o) xxx
1 Jun, 2010
Well done Conker , I'm so pleased for you and Conker TT , it's been an awful year for you both and not forgetting Truffle / crocus for putting up with the tears and trauma ..... Conker wouldn't have done it without your love spuring him on to beat it TT .Love to you all xx
1 Jun, 2010
Thanks Amy....
I keep sort of "re-living" this time last year ...
... remembering all those weeks of chemo and stress ...
... can't believe we got through it all.... xxx
1 Jun, 2010
What a lovely Photo,Terra,he looks so good....and his fur has grown so thick
now.Well done,Conker,and hope you have lots of happy times ahead.....looks like it from this pic :o))
1 Jun, 2010
Thank you Bloomer...
We are making the most of every day ...lots of charity dog shows to enjoy over the summer ... :o)
1 Jun, 2010
conker looks gorgeous in his new bonnet, so glad to hear he is doing well.
1 Jun, 2010
conker looks lovely in his bonnet and well done on winning... and so pleased he has recovered so well TT..........
1 Jun, 2010
I can't believe it's been a year since Conker's operation. He's looking fantastic, love the bonnet and so glad to see him making the most of life. Sylvia & I send our love to you all, especially Conker.
1 Jun, 2010
Thanks Yorkshire and Holly...
Conker rehearsed a few tricks this afternoon....
he loves practising those routines... :o)
Hi Bob and Sylvia...
Yes, a whole year ... amazing ...
...and the bonnet ...
... apparently this style is what all the smart Italians are wearing this Springtime ;o) It was sent directly from the Fashion House of Terry60's Roman Millinery...LOL. :o)
1 Jun, 2010
Lovely Conker :))
He must have wondered at times what was happening to him but trusted in you to help him through :)
I hope you have many sunny summer days so that he can do all the tricks he's been waiting to do,xxx to you all :))
1 Jun, 2010
Smashing photo and such good, positive news on the lad! He does look so well.... :o)) x x
1 Jun, 2010
Thanks Aster and Pottyg...
.. so very many trips to the vet clinic last year ...
yes, this year we're hoping for sunny summer days in the garden and lots of fun at the dog shows :o) xxx
1 Jun, 2010
Hard to imagine ,looking at him now ,that he,s been through so much TT,
nice that you can all now enjoy just being together love the new bonnet ....
1 Jun, 2010
Well done Conker and TT!! I can't say any more....I'm laughing too much!! :))
1 Jun, 2010
I agree with Karen.. saw the photo and though of the Wolf in Red Riding Hood hat ... such a beautiful thick coat of hair now. Wonderful dog.
1 Jun, 2010
I've never owned a dog which didn't love dressing up. Lol.
Thanks Janette, Karen and Shirley...
Yes, amazing to recall that Conker was almost bald back in January...
wearing TWO knitted coats at night to keep warm !
1 Jun, 2010
Conker looks brilliant TT, I take it all is well and good?
How did it go today, i'll keep all my fingers and everything else crossed for you all , and give conker a big hug from me and the family.xx
1 Jun, 2010
aww Terra brough a tear to my eye then, seeing conker so happy with his new bonnet, so glad he won first prize, well done conker, your a hero ;o))) xx
1 Jun, 2010
Hello Hijuju...
Conker is doing well thanks.... hoping he will be the one-in-ten dog where the cancer does NOT return....
Hi Sandra.... Thank you. Yes, Conker is happy and enjoying life at the moment. I put some new items in one of his trick routines today, and he was so delighted... he knew what to do with all the "props" ... I didn't even have to show him. Lol.
1 Jun, 2010
Clever dog! Just like Lassie!
1 Jun, 2010
wow he is a clever lad, a natural performer Terra ;o))
1 Jun, 2010
TT I am so happy that Conker is still well and enjoying life.......All my best hugs to Conker.....
1 Jun, 2010
Thanks Milky.... Conker sends you a hug xxx
1 Jun, 2010
So heart warming to see Conker looking so well and happy, a big hug Conker!
1 Jun, 2010
Carry on Conker your doing a cracking job, like the titfertat......
1 Jun, 2010
It's great to see him again and in such good fettle.
2 Jun, 2010
conker deserves a medal , better still a knighthood
2 Jun, 2010
Terra have you seen the dancing dog on britains got talent,, so so cute and clever ;o)) conker would aprove lol
2 Jun, 2010
What a milestone ! Great to see Conker looking so well...x
2 Jun, 2010
Cute picture Terra-Conker looks so well :-)
2 Jun, 2010
Thank you Pansypotter, Dotty, Toto, Hijuju, Sandra, BB and Richard...
yes, Conker is looking well... :o)
Sandra... did you watch the Toto finalists in the BBC TV Dorothy shows ?
the dog in the final short-list which did the skate-boarding.... well, Conker has competed in charity dog shows against that dog, and each time it was Conker had the first placing ! Main thing is Conker loves performing his little trick routines. :o)))
2 Jun, 2010
He's absolutely gorgeous, what a lovely looking boy. I can't imagine what you went through when he was poorly, those must have been very dark times for you, but look at him now, the picture of health and contentment! Well done both of you!
2 Jun, 2010
Hi Mrs3dogs...
I'm 2dogs-and-a-budgie..Lol.
Yes, the past year with Conker has been tough to say the least.... worth it to see him looking so happy and healthy now... and I still pray every day he'll be with one-in-ten dog where the cancer does not return ... :o)
2 Jun, 2010
What a gorgeous boy, and bless you, you have been through the mill. Good luck Conker and TT, also hoping he will be the one in ten.....altthough im sure to you TT he's one in a million!! Sending you hugs xx
2 Jun, 2010
:-)) XXX, you're looking just great, Conker!!!
2 Jun, 2010
Thanks Angels...
Yes, Conker is one in a million to me. xxx
Hi David... Conker says thank you. :o) xxx
3 Jun, 2010
He really does look well TT, so glad he's doing so brilliantly, beautiful boy xx
3 Jun, 2010
Thank you Simbad...
Yes, he seems fit and happy at the moment ... xxx
3 Jun, 2010
So, so good seening Conker glowing with health - long may it continue. I say horray to all of you, Terra, Crocus, Truffle, Conker - and your good friend who to you to the clinic all those times.
3 Jun, 2010
Hi Wagger... I hope all is well with you and yours...
Yes, my friend drove me so many times to the vet clinic last year.... sometimes twice a week, for many, many months ...and puppy Truffle, of course, came along for each trip, growing bigger and older each time... a strange and unexpected upbringing for a young puppy ! There were hours and hours of waiting around, before my friend then drove us home again, so, yes ... very good of him indeed.
Hot day today, so Crocus has just enjoyed a splash in his bath. :o)
3 Jun, 2010
I really love that photo of Conker, TT! I've also added it to my favourites! :-)
Conker did very well to win 1st prize at the show- you must have a cabinet full of trophies that the 2 dogs have won!
Conker looks very impressive with such a hairy chest! So lovely to see him looking the picture of health a year later! :-)
3 Jun, 2010
Hi Balcony...
I've explained to Conker you've added his pic to your favs. and he says thank you very much !!! :o)
Must admit many of the rosettes and trophies around my home were awarded to my Welsh Terrier, who died about 18 months ago.... but Conker has won lots too... and Truffle is trying very hard to add to the trophy cabinet. Last year he won a huge silver plate for Best Puppy ... the most important thing is that my dogs enjoy the charity dog shows... we always have great fun.... :o)
3 Jun, 2010
HI Terra,
I only just have read Conker's blogs from last year and they were great - now look at this healthy happy dog! Good luck Conker and Terra. Frances is still happilly wagging away albeit a few months late :o)
3 Jun, 2010
loveing the hat conker do u have ur own wardrobe and i wish u gud health from now on .fab photo
3 Jun, 2010
Hi Pip .... and thank you, Frances, for the wagging !
Conker is looking fit and healthy at the moment and really enjoying the summer ... :o)
Hi Cristina ...
Thanks... Conker really loves dressing up...
With the hats etc. I only let him try them on for a few minutes, but his choice would be to wear them all day ! Lol.
4 Jun, 2010
Thank god conker you are feeling and looking great.
4 Jun, 2010
Conker says thanks Michelle :o)
4 Jun, 2010
It's absolutely GREAT to see Conker so well TT! BIG ear rub and hugs for you!!!
4 Jun, 2010
Erm....that's ear rubs for Conker and hugs for TT x-D
4 Jun, 2010
Yes ... it's great seeing Conker so healthy looking, isn't it !
Thanks, Sid ...
... I enjoyed the ear rub ;o) x
4 Jun, 2010
WHAT A PICTURE! if this doesn`t say glad to be here folks nothing does.
luv to you, conker, truffle and crocus with many more happy years ahead.
4 Jun, 2010
Hi Stroller...
Conker and Truffle have enjoyed a lovely sunny day in the garden today ...
... and Crocus has been watching the TV tennis from France. Lol.
Thanks so much for your good wishes. x
4 Jun, 2010
Oh he does look the bees knees in his new bonnet, and so he should too! He looks really well Terra and I hope he continues to for a long, long time. :o)
6 Jun, 2010
Did Crocus enjoy the tennis??? I'm not gloating or anything but .... !!!!
7 Jun, 2010
Thanks Labdancer ...
Conker is looking very well... and he won another first prize yesterday ... a huge rosette for Best Tricks :o)
Hi Terry60 ...
Wow... watched the French Tennis final..... we so much wanted Francesca Schiavone to win... and she did .. in style !!! Crocus was VERY excited ... and he is looking forward to watching TV tennis from Queen's this week, and then more tennis after that ...not very long till Wimbledon Fortnight !!! :o)
7 Jun, 2010
Tell Crocus he knows a winner when he sees one ... !!! Conker of course ....!!
7 Jun, 2010
Hi TT, so pleased to see this pic of Conker in his new hat doesn't he look just brilliant lol. I'm glad that all is back to normal with you all, it's great news. xx
7 Jun, 2010
Conker says thanks to Terry60 and Skillen...
Today is the anniversary of Conker's very first chemo session....
... and it is lovely to see him running around and playing rope toy games with Truffle. Let's hope Conker will stay healthy and be the one-in-ten where the cancer stays away.... xxx
7 Jun, 2010
You must be so relieved and happy to see Conker looking so contented TT. This is such good news. He's looking so fluffy now with all his hair grown back. Does he still go for checkups?
7 Jun, 2010
Hi again Skillen...
All being well, Conker won't need another check-up till the autumn.
He makes very occasional "clearing throat" noises but otherwise seems in very good condition.... I would obviously take him for a check-up at the vet clinic at an earlier date if I were worried about his health...
fingers crossed he will remain fit ... xxx
7 Jun, 2010
It's good to hear Conker has won another huge rosette for Best Tricks! :-) You must be so happy to see him playing with the rope toys & enjoying life!
7 Jun, 2010
Hi Balcony....
Thanks. Yes.
Conker is very much enjoying trick displays and playing games with Truffle ! :o)
8 Jun, 2010
Good news all round then TT, i'm sure Conker wont miss his vets visits lol. I'm sure everybody will be keeping theur fingers crossed :~))x
8 Jun, 2010
Hi Skillen...
Yes... it will do Conker good to have some months without vet visits .. and me too ! :o)
8 Jun, 2010
of course that's true, forgot about you lol.x
8 Jun, 2010
ahh bless him, glad it worked out :)
8 Jun, 2010
Thanks Lilly :o)
8 Jun, 2010
9 Jun, 2010
9 Jun, 2010
Was wondering why i missed this photo but it was when it Smokey's last day. But so pleased how well Conker looks.xx
9 Jun, 2010
That's okay Clarice... there are days when we're going to miss pics and blogs...
Thanks so much for finding the pic. Conker sends you a big <<<hug>>> xxx
9 Jun, 2010
Like wise back to him xxxx
9 Jun, 2010
:o) xxx
9 Jun, 2010
Ignorant me... who's Crocus ???
10 Jun, 2010
Hi Pip..
Crocus is my budgie...
You can see him taking a bath in my latest blog "Cans and Roses" :o)
10 Jun, 2010
Conker looks just wonderful in his hat...Such a great winner Tt..please, give him 1 massive hug from me...: ~ )))
12 Jun, 2010
Hi Freesiaperson...
Conker says thanks ...
... and he sends a hig <<hug>> back to you. :o))) xxx
13 Jun, 2010
Had a look at Cans and Roses, Crocus looks very cool and comfortable :o)))
15 Jun, 2010
Hello again Pip...
I always test the water in Crocus's bath ..
... he likes it just right :o))) Lol.
15 Jun, 2010
17 Jun, 2010
Seemed very peaceful dog :o)
5 Jul, 2010
Thanks Drfadi...
... Conker is a very gentle dog :o)
5 Jul, 2010
I see.
5 Jul, 2010
I take it Conker is still doing well.
Just to let you know dog show went well in May and we are having another one on August 22nd 2010 same place same time
7 Jul, 2010
Conker is just as stunning as ever TT - got to be one of my fav dogs on GoY :o)
11 Jul, 2010
Love the photo TT and he looks so proud in his hat!!! can't believe its a year actually, well done Conker the positive vibes obviously worked keep going Conker!!!
12 Jul, 2010
Thanks everyone...
Conker hasn't been quite so well today...
... fingers crossed he'll perk up....
12 Jul, 2010
Beautiful beautiful Conker....hope he is feeling better Tt....
12 Jul, 2010
I have pleasure in awarding you, Terratoonie, the 'Bornagain's flowerpot' award... again. you will soon have a big collection?
14 Jul, 2010
Hi Pip.... thanks for all these awards ;o)
Thank you Motinot...
... Conker seems to be perkier today :o)))
14 Jul, 2010
Great for Conker1 I will keep him in my thoughts and Prayers.
17 Jul, 2010
Hello Heartnsol57 ..
Conker says thank you :o)
17 Jul, 2010
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Wonderful news and congratulations, looks great, lovely to see the positive side of cancer treatment.
1 Jun, 2010