Scented Lilac under my garden arch ... mingled with Clematis
By Terratoonie

27 Apr, 2011
More front and back garden pics on my latest blogs ...
Comments on this photo
Beautiful combination , its a favourite'0))
27 Apr, 2011
Very pretty TT, colours mingle beautifully!
27 Apr, 2011
Great picture! :)))
27 Apr, 2011
Thank you all ...
... wish I could send you the aroma of the lilac ...
it's intoxicating ...
27 Apr, 2011
like a beautiful bouquet ~ i bet it smells fantastic
27 Apr, 2011
brilliant - looks great
27 Apr, 2011
Beautiful combination
27 Apr, 2011
That's a perfect pink - I can smell it too!
28 Apr, 2011
Thanks Sticki, Paul, Sixpence, Lauram and Homebird ...
definitely my favourite lilac and seems to like growing with the clematis ...
28 Apr, 2011
Hey, TT, wonderful combination! I've seen this colour of lilac in one of the village garden. Pale pink. Never seen it before. I think I will ask for some offshoots, as I intend edging the garden with lilac of all colours I could find.
Do you know the name of the lilac in the picture?
28 Apr, 2011
Hi Dawn ...
I'll try to find the name for you ...
Good idea to ask the lilac owner in the village if you can take some cuttings... I've found it is quite easy to make new plants... start off as many cuttings as you can to give yourself the best chance of success ...
28 Apr, 2011
that's lovely terra.
28 Apr, 2011
Thank you Surreylad ... I can't walk past that lilac without stopping for a long sniff .. glorious scent ... ;o)
28 Apr, 2011
lol ..
28 Apr, 2011
Lovely combo you have there.
28 Apr, 2011
Beautiful.........I can almost smell the Lilac! :-)
29 Apr, 2011
What a beauty, TT!
29 Apr, 2011
Thanks Dotty, Lawley and Uma ...
sending lovely lilac aroma to you ...
... take a sniff at your computer screens. Lol... ;o)
29 Apr, 2011
That's a lovely photo. What is the clematis variety ?
29 Apr, 2011
Thank you Hywel.
I'll check on the clematis label and let you know.
29 Apr, 2011
Right - thank you :o)
29 Apr, 2011
looks like a bouquet, its beautiful
30 Apr, 2011
Thanks Yorks :o)))
30 Apr, 2011
Perfect combination!!! I'll try that too ; )
1 May, 2011
Hi Convr ... Thanks ..
works well... they like to flower at the same time :o)
1 May, 2011
Looks beautiful Tt!
8 May, 2011
Hi Janey ... thanks ...
... the lilac aroma is wonderful ..
8 May, 2011
I bet it is....I reckon the hardy shrubs and trees have loved the very cold winter, blossoms this year are extra lovely!
8 May, 2011
Yes... anything which has survived the freezing winter seems to have been putting on more growth than usual... even the smaller perennials ...
8 May, 2011
What a lovely mingle!
9 May, 2011
Thanks Wagger :o)
9 May, 2011
Wow! In my favs :o))
11 May, 2011
Hi Annella... Thanks :o)))
11 May, 2011
Both seem to gently invite you to pull your garden chair a bit closer and to enjoy the beautiful scent along with the warm rays of spring sunshine. Hope you get to do that, but with such a lovely garden you likely haven't got much time to sit down. Love a lot of your other pictures as well! Thanks for sharing them and giving me ideas.
14 May, 2011
Thank you 1poodle11 ...
This part of my garden gets a lot of sunshine, and the lilac scent is super ... there is a bench nearby ... but I don't really get much chance to sit there !
15 May, 2011
thats very nice
16 May, 2011
Fantastic, how did I miss this? Since seeing this last year, I have bought a little lilac and planted it by my arch. It's not really big enough yet, but will be next year and there are lots of blooms:-)
17 May, 2011
Just seen this myself TT lovely..I can smell it from here...
21 Jun, 2011
Such a pretty picture lovely :)
26 Jun, 2011
Love's because of your pic last year that I planted a little lilac by my arch, hoping for a similar effect:-)
29 Jun, 2011
Thanks Stevie, Bornagain, Crissue and Whdebor ...
It is lucky that these two both bloom together at about the same time each year :o)
1 Jul, 2011
o.m.g.that picture of lilac and white clems.... just takes my breath away so much that i have put it as my wallpaper on pc screen and it looks so real and fresh i can smell the lilac x x your garden is wonderful x x
15 Sep, 2011
Hi Mousybrown ...
Glad you like my pic. The scent from that lilac is gorgeous, and I was lucky enough that the top part of the lilac blossomed again, end of August ... so enjoyed some sniffs of that lovely perfume again ... xxx
15 Sep, 2011
This is just so beautiful.
20 Sep, 2011
Thanks Dwyllis ...
In springtime, these oblige me by flowering at the same time. :o)
20 Sep, 2011
Did you ever get around to tracing this lilac Terratoonie ?and do you have a name for the clematis ?...stunning combination !
17 May, 2012
Hi Susie ..
I've just looked at my other photo ...
and on there I made a guess ...
Syringa meyeri spontanea 'palibin' ..
not sure about the Clematis ...
I'll put another comment here if I find it.
There are more pics. of the lilac on my blog ...
14 May 2012 ... LILAC TIME in my evening garden.
I hope this helps :o)
17 May, 2012
Thank you ,it did :-)) I googled foxs lilac nursery and yes that does look right .I feel a purchase coming on :-)
19 May, 2012
Glad you found the lilac, Susie.
Good luck with buying one :o)
20 May, 2012
Have just noticed this - your beautiful garden never ceases to amaze and dazzle me!
13 Jul, 2012
Thank you, Wildrose.
The scent of the miniature lilac is probably my favourite of all the different perfumed shrubs in my gardens. :o)
13 Jul, 2012
Yes, it is a lovely scent - very special.
13 Jul, 2012
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Clematis Orientalis 'Bill Mackenzie'
£12.50 at Burncoose -
Jasminum Officinale Affine 'Aureum'
£14.50 at Burncoose -
Jasminum Officinale Affine 'Argentovariegatum'
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£20.00 at Burncoose
pretty pic.... i can smell yours as well as
27 Apr, 2011