Acer Brilliantisima - not so brilliant!
0 replies
25 Jul, 2010 Audreyplatt
I have hedging on three sides of my garden which I love being a bird lover
1 reply
25 Jul, 2010 Scabiousshe..
This should be a Shasta Daisy Alaska
25 Jul, 2010 Daisylou
should I dead head this plant
25 Jul, 2010 Guest
I have had a Calamondin for about 18 months
25 Jul, 2010 Spirea
Hello, I have a Ilex X Altaclerensis 'Golden King' which is very near to...
is it posible to pollard a conference pear tree and will it recover?
I have two heather plants in my garden they are round in shape rather like a football...
25 Jul, 2010 Shallot
We have a silver birch in our garden that has reached a height of over 40 ft and...
25 Jul, 2010 Colin_brewer
Can you paint a bird bath
4 replies
25 Jul, 2010 Birdtalk
Strawberries - This year we have gone mad and made a birdproof strawberry cage and...
8 replies
25 Jul, 2010 Currant
Could you grow a sambucus nigra in a large garden pot?
25 Jul, 2010 Jgoodban1
I bought some cranesbill seeds on Amazon but only 4 grew
6 replies
25 Jul, 2010 Casso
I have bought some bulbs arum
Can you recommend some late flowering
25 Jul, 2010 Jennylomas
What is the best soil for lavender?
2 replies
my conifers in the boarder ouside have gone brown are they dead
leaves on cucumber plant
3 replies
25 Jul, 2010 Heslop
Alottments Has anyone heard about the price of allottments going up in price by...
25 Jul, 2010 Hijuju
I want to put plants on a grave with a bit of colour dont grow too big and dont need...
25 Jul, 2010 Karenpatter..
what is the best way to feed clematis
when to prune bridal wreath bush
can i prune a magnolia stellata
I bought a water butt for the first time recently
25 Jul, 2010 Jcoframsgate
why is my newly brought budlea which i am keeping in a pot dying
when do I prune back my Fiona Sunrise ?
25 Jul, 2010 Anniemackle..
How to look after sarracenia flava
Hi Jim also another question I have 2 cucumber plants in my greenhouse I have had...
25 Jul, 2010 Joinerjim
Hi Jim again if strawberries only fruit for a short while what do I now do with the...
when and how do i sow lupin seeds
25 Jul, 2010 Myrabryant
;A before and after photo and a big thanks for identifying this invasive plant
They are definately wasps all over my bush but what kind of vibernum is it please...
7 replies
I love alstroemeria
Does anyone recognise this plant
25 Jul, 2010 Macpat
Can anyone tell me the name of this plant
9 replies
what kind of a plant is a HOEST ATHALIE
what is the white sticky blobs you get on the plants
can you put scarifying waste into compost
last week you idendtified a problem with my hydrangers which i have taken your advice...
Hi, I've recently moved into a new house and at the bottom of the garden i found...
What is this that has finally flowered with the staghorn?
10 replies
25 Jul, 2010 Steve_dj
what's eating my laburnum tree
25 Jul, 2010 Shellycurrie
When do I harvest alliums for their attractive heads
Hi i have a Holly bush and i would like to grow some more
25 Jul, 2010 Fairlie
Runner beans seem to have disappeared
25 Jul, 2010 Lincolnshire
why has my japanes acer gone yellow and dry at the ends
can i eat rhubarb all season
can a piris plant be moved when it is mature as I hope to save it when I have some...