Hi Everyone
1 reply
8 May, 2011 Masie
HELP! Sick rhubarb
2 replies
8 May, 2011 Steragram
Hi I was going to replant my strawberry plants from last season today
8 May, 2011 Cabbagelook..
We have grown 20 gardeners delight tomato plants and they have all come up
14 replies
8 May, 2011 Pam24
I had a few Daturas in pots for a few years
3 replies
8 May, 2011 Womblemum
Hi, I have sown from seed 'Bulbine Caulescens'
8 May, 2011 Tpf
I have tumbler tomatoes planted in a hanging basket that were doing really well
8 May, 2011 Charlottest..
Has anyone put their runner beans in yet
8 replies
8 May, 2011 Cookygirl41
hi all! what do you think is nipping off my sweet peas?
8 May, 2011 Bannako
I have recently planted french parsley and corriander
8 May, 2011 Davidnw3
I have a large conifer
8 May, 2011 Mrsisabellc..
I have a small Bay tree in my garden in a large pot
8 May, 2011 Dwatsonj
8 May, 2011 Maca1945
why are there no flowers on my peonies
4 replies
8 May, 2011 Leighton
Hello, I have a seedling that i have no idea what it is
8 May, 2011 Funkyfish586
my mature camellia leaves are covered in a black film - any ideas as to what caused...
8 May, 2011 Lindaellen
My Indian bean tree that i purchased from you is still just a stick in the ground
8 May, 2011 Tiffany1234
I have today bought a flowering plant and dont know what it is - please can anyone...
7 replies
8 May, 2011 Alannottitc..
further to my question on my stag's horn
8 May, 2011 Alex116
We have a clematis montana planted against the back of our neighbours garage
8 May, 2011 Jazzbobrown
I moved into a new home in November with a soil and stone garden
6 replies
8 May, 2011 Alastairy
Have two topiary bay trees in pots that seem to be looking very sickly after the...
8 May, 2011 Jangeddes
I have a hump in the middle of my lawn where it used to be flat
8 May, 2011 Heatdust
Update on unknown now has a bud
9 replies
8 May, 2011 Scotkat
slugs have eaten the growing tip of my foxtail lily so will it grow again
8 May, 2011 Rosie66
I have a mature staghorn sumac tree which has not as yet produced any leaves
8 May, 2011 Cmj
I have a hebe that is out of control
8 May, 2011 Garystephen
What can I do about suckers from an established but neglected Damson tree that I...
8 May, 2011 Janeboyer
I want to know what this mossy stuff that grows on the branches is ?
8 May, 2011 Markcheckley
Hi, can you tell me what soil to plant my callistemon viminalis and callistemon mini...
8 May, 2011 Annemercer
I know you can trim the lead out of a betula pendula to make it multistemmed
8 May, 2011 Gailc
I have taken my tulips out of the containers can I keep them in storage or do replant...
8 May, 2011 Tobypots
Hi With regards to your request for gardening...
8 May, 2011 Lizpeers
Winter Protection help
8 May, 2011 Boardergard..
We planted a peanut and it is doing nicely
8 May, 2011 Johnrobertson
Hi all, now the bedding plant season is here could anyone tell me why for the last...
8 May, 2011 Primroseka
my son brought an Acer growing in a pot about a year ago
we have a banana plant that doesn't get very tall
how to combat dog urine burn
8 May, 2011 Wersall
I cleared a section of my front garden sprayed it with weed killer and put terram...
8 May, 2011 Michaelocon..
when is the best time to cut back my red robin and by how much
8 May, 2011 Doreen2
can anyone identify these 2 plants from my garden?
8 May, 2011 80smaniac
cornus controversa varegata on all of the branches they are coverd by small shells...
5 replies
8 May, 2011 Diddyman
best time to pinch out growing tip of climbing morning glory
8 May, 2011 Lesliedough..
I have a Viburnum that has been established a couple of years
8 May, 2011 Upsydaisy
Hi Every one I have had a very large confer cut down in my garden
8 May, 2011 Tansy
on hellibores when they have finished flowering can they be dead headed
8 May, 2011 Alanmary
thank you
8 May, 2011 Robo
how old dose a pair tree have to be for first fruit
8 May, 2011 Whizzerman
For the past two years farmer has had cows in field adjacent to the house
8 May, 2011 Madcows