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I planted broccoli
2 replies
11 Jul, 2011 Gargypie
i look after several gardens for customers that bought houses from us when we had...
11 Jul, 2011 Thebottleguy
I would like to learn how to succeed in making cuttings from ACER PALMATUM Paul
1 reply
11 Jul, 2011 Paulmarquis
All my busy lizzies are wilting and dieing both in pots and borders
11 Jul, 2011 Tonerey
hi can anyone help me?
4 replies
11 Jul, 2011 Mrrottie
Hi when is it best to cut down spent lupin spikes
3 replies
11 Jul, 2011 Mctell
hi scottish gardeners
11 Jul, 2011 Primroseka
Plant or Shrub?
11 Jul, 2011 Scubasteve
Can anyone ID this plant please?
i am growing brocolli in a container they are about the size of mushrooms but 1 or...
5 replies
11 Jul, 2011 Mandybradley
tomatoes whats gone wrong this year
11 Jul, 2011 Ricky
hi I have just been given an eggcup sized pot with two very sick looking leaves in...
11 Jul, 2011 Vabascum
Who do I get in touch with to report a 'funny' private message via this site...
25 replies
11 Jul, 2011 Sheilar
what compost do i use for planting hydrangers in a pot
I have a stags horn sumach which is around 3 years old
11 Jul, 2011 Kendonovan
Hi A friend gave me 4 broccoli plants which I planted about a month ago
11 Jul, 2011 Jane21
I planted a wisteria in Autumn 2009 on a south west facing pergola against a stone...
11 Jul, 2011 Odella
How can i get rid of black fly and mildew on my courgetts
11 Jul, 2011 Jackie28
My Magnolia plant variety Susan which is about 4 years old formed its flowers in...
11 Jul, 2011 Susan_tingle
can pond irises be planted in the garden
11 Jul, 2011 Tjs
in have a joining fence that is covered with my neighbours ivy plants
11 Jul, 2011 Nengmaddy
why have my tomato plants with very double like flowers?
11 Jul, 2011 Dianechrist..
My first year of growing beetroot
11 Jul, 2011 Tinman123
Thanks for your answers
11 Jul, 2011 Chriscooper
hi all ,some of my basket tomatoes are covered in lots of flowers but not turning...
11 Jul, 2011 Tanjipete
11 Jul, 2011 Titcho
11 Jul, 2011 Ronglister
I have a standard rose which looks very poor this year
11 Jul, 2011 Allotment73
Do you prune back everlasting sweet peas
11 Jul, 2011 Tadaigle
Rockery visitor This attractive plant has arrived on our rockery
11 Jul, 2011 Bernard
At last we have started to prepare our awfull clay soil into something decent to...
7 replies
11 Jul, 2011 Kate40club
Hi everyone
11 Jul, 2011 Pammie0501
What are some good instant
11 Jul, 2011 Janeytom
My privet hedge that stands 8ft high is dying off between our house and the next...
11 Jul, 2011 Paulhewitt
Trying to identify a flowering plant seen recently in full bloom - growing in a clump...
11 Jul, 2011 Iiimurray
My Griselina hedge was ruined following the snow last winter
11 Jul, 2011 Madamx
magnolia tree leaves are dying
11 Jul, 2011 Gordonxyz
the chilli peppers i am growing are going black
11 Jul, 2011 Berniceswaf..
I have just been given a Nemesis plant
6 replies
11 Jul, 2011 Cliffewood
can you eat rhubarb in the first year of growing
11 Jul, 2011 Jackiebirch
Tomato problems
My runner beans are dropping their flowers before the bean is setting
11 Jul, 2011 Rosemarylea..
Can I grow from a plum stone?
11 Jul, 2011 Casso
Flowers on runner beans are dropping and not setting
after removing all the broad beans do I pull up the old plants or cut off at ground...
11 Jul, 2011 Silvia
I have seven apple trees in my garden
11 Jul, 2011 Merte
I put the descriptionof the plant I was posting in my photos section in a comment...
11 Jul, 2011 Scotsgran
Why are all my plants not doing very well?
11 Jul, 2011 Smoo