why is my hedera helix dying
1 reply
14 Jul, 2011 Pookergarde..
I am growing on my poinsettia i got last christmas and its all green leaves how do...
4 replies
13 Jul, 2011 Raleighste5
Wee red beastie?
20 replies
13 Jul, 2011 Scottish
How long do things like weedkiller
5 replies
13 Jul, 2011 Jensen
What kind of plants would you use in big pots for a natural looking garden?
23 replies
13 Jul, 2011 F1owerp0wer
How does one keep a moss pole moist all the way up without drowning the plant?
13 Jul, 2011 Franl155
I'm looking for a climbing
3 replies
13 Jul, 2011 Jwilliams
I have planted several Cordiline seeds in pots
6 replies
13 Jul, 2011 Bas1e
Hi Guys,Its me again
13 Jul, 2011 Noideaman
I planted about 10 Agapanthus
8 replies
13 Jul, 2011 Ginellie
i have fruit trees and insects keep making holes in the leaves
13 Jul, 2011 Irenebaughan
My sister has this plant
7 replies
13 Jul, 2011 Sandz
13 Jul, 2011 Dotty99
Jut discovered mealy bugs on my indoor palm
13 Jul, 2011 Wendikins
I have a shrub with silver foliage, can anyone guess what it is?
13 Jul, 2011 Sallypinkga..
I've been growing tomatoes for 3 years very successfully
13 Jul, 2011 Hank
I have three tumbling tom tomato plants growing in a tub
13 Jul, 2011 Rpasfield
San new rhubarb plants be harvested the first year
2 replies
13 Jul, 2011 Morley
I planted new rhubarb plants
I have two questions
13 Jul, 2011 Jennyh
I'm obviously coming across as a complete novice with all these questions but...
13 Jul, 2011 Poppykingkit
just received delivery of navelina orange and eureka lemon which I intend planting...
13 Jul, 2011 Sem
i have grown some potatoes in plastic bags
13 Jul, 2011 Dab
AQUILEGIA SEEDS I have quite a number of seeds from Yellow Queen
13 Jul, 2011 Tetrarch
I'm going to lay brand new soil to grow plants and veg
13 Jul, 2011 Clairehull
my brother has given me tops off his Lupins which have seed pods still atatched to...
13 Jul, 2011 Kate40club
Thanks 'Bamboo' & 'Anneashby' for your thoughts
13 Jul, 2011 Rozz12
Here is photo of my dragon plant
13 replies
13 Jul, 2011 Jacksondscar
When is best to plant a Pyracantha?
13 Jul, 2011 Smoo
I have a cucumber in the greenhouse
13 Jul, 2011 Violet8
my cordyline leaves are turning brown and my white flowers have gone can any body...
13 Jul, 2011 Stephen2
i have 3 young gardenias which look permanently on the verge of dying
13 Jul, 2011 Itworks1
how do i get rid of cats whiskers
13 Jul, 2011 Joeyo
Hi All, I bought 2 Arun Lily's in pots and now the leaves are turning yellow
13 Jul, 2011 Wilhelmina
Can you save seeds from Mesembryanthemums
13 Jul, 2011 G0env
I have followed your advice and pruned my Dracaena Marginata right back to the stem...
how can i get rid of cats tails in my garden
13 Jul, 2011 Elainebaxter
Does anyone know where I can find Campsis Radicans
13 Jul, 2011 Agedswill
Can anyone tell me why my container grown sweet peas alway go yellowy?
9 replies
13 Jul, 2011 Countrydwel..
I presume this is a Sedum
13 Jul, 2011 Troddles
Poppy ID please
13 Jul, 2011 Chilekat
After mulching can the mulched brambles and ivy be put back on the earth without...
13 Jul, 2011 Mayshar
why are my lupins turning orange and wilting
13 Jul, 2011 Teresabergin
why are my lupins whilting and turning orange
My runner beans have failed to set this year
13 Jul, 2011 Puffing_billy
Hi, we have a plant in our garden which normally has pink flowers
13 Jul, 2011 Dennism27
Where has my blog gone?
13 Jul, 2011 Sharni07
oriental poppy seedlings
please can you tell me the success rate of transplanting an aspargus bed and what...
13 Jul, 2011 Kelloggs
i bought 5 blackcurrant bushes
13 Jul, 2011 Normanh