By terratoonie
Glorious sunny summertime ..
… and my back garden is full of flowers …
In the foreground … Rose Warm Welcome …
Up on my pergola …
… white flowers all over Rose Iceberg …
with the tantalising peachy shades of Rose Arthur Bell
Lots of blooms on Clematis Hagley Hybrid …
Side border, just past my dog run …
… Escallonia Apple Blossom,
Rose Paper Anniversary …
and from Spritzhenry …
… Dianthus Cranberry Ice …
The far side of the end dog run panels …
Here I’ve started making a gravel area with rocks …
… also I’ve begun to clean and repaint the dog run fencing …
… a lengthy task, which I’ll tackle a bit at a time …
… Truffle supervises, safely away from the fence paint … Lol…
I enjoy working in my warm gardens …
… lovely bright days :o)
Pretty in pink, Rose Harkness High Hopes, climbs away happily, up above the side of the dog run …
On such a scorching day, out came the yellow bath for my dogs to have fun. They love the water … ideal temperatures for splash and games …
… Not yet Conker ! …
… Conker was so excited he jumped into the empty bath … Lol. …
Hey, Conker … the bath has no water yet ! :o)
There’s some water in the bath now, so Truffle demonstrates the Big Toe Test …
… or is that the White Paw Test ?
Truffle is quick to dive in …
… He thinks : " Is this a giant dinner dish ? " Lol.
Conker … front feet first …
Truffle drinking lots of water …
Truffle … doggie paddle …
… " Only a few more miles and I’ll reach Calais ! " …
Truffle is not supposed to drink all the bath water …
Truffle … please don’t drink all the water … !!!
“Oh, no !” says Truffle.
" I think I’ve drunk way over the legal limit !" :o(((
What goes up, must come down ;o)
Enjoy the sunshine :o)))
29 Jun, 2010
Previous post: CANS AND ROSES ... Mister Blue Sky's up there waitin' ... :o)
Love the doggie antics.Sorry to hear about your problems hope it is allcalm now.
29 Jun, 2010
Welcome back TT,I thought you must be busy with something but not that ! I hope all is ok now x.
Your plants have been busy too,and what a lovely way for your dogs to cool down :))
29 Jun, 2010
Lovely garden TT
29 Jun, 2010
So pleased to have you back missed you alot, lovely phots of your garden and Conker & Truffles xxxx
29 Jun, 2010
Thanks everyone.... I am busy, like most of us ...
I have lots of garden projects planned for the summer ...
but it's all easier without the stress..... xxx
29 Jun, 2010
Was wondering where you were Terra was thinking maybe you were on holiday, sorry to hear of your problems hope its calm now. Really enjoyed your blog, your garden is a picture of gloriours colour! and its so good to see Conker and Truffle enjoying fun in the sun;0))
29 Jun, 2010
I bet it is, keep your chin up :o))
29 Jun, 2010
I thought you may have been busy with Dog Shows, Tt, lovely to see you back with a great blog too ! Fabulous garden photos and the dogs, well what canI say, they're wonderful. : o )))
29 Jun, 2010
Thanks Pansypotter, Clarice and Shirleytulip...
Yes, there are some dog shows too...
... glad you like the pics :o)))
29 Jun, 2010
sent you a msg Terra x
29 Jun, 2010
Sorry to hear you have had problems TT, I didn't know about that, glad to hear things are improving though. Everything looks really good and the boys look very well.
29 Jun, 2010
Oh dear....haven't you had enough problems lately...tsk......good to hear your little friends are enjoying the summer....and your garden is georgeous as usual....hope everything settles down very
29 Jun, 2010
Thanks Sandra, Bob and Alice...
Yes, things seem to be improving and settling down... xxx
29 Jun, 2010
Oh ! TT How wonderful to see you back ! :o)) xx
And what a GREAT blog with your beautiful garden and lovely dogs.
I really enjoyed reading this, and I'm going to have another look now.
Also glad to hear you have some support from someone 'important' for a problem
Take care xxxxx
29 Jun, 2010
Hello Hywel....
Conker and Truffle say thanks...
Yes, good to have support from my GoY friends ...
... and from someone "important" :o)
29 Jun, 2010
That really looks a lot of fun for the lads and a great way to keep them cool, glad things are more peaceful for you as regards them others!!!!!!!!.sincerely hope it stays that way and you can now be happy in the garden again. Lovely photo`s Terra........
29 Jun, 2010
Thank you Lincslass...
... being happy in my gardens is very important to me...
Yes, let's hope it stays more peaceful....
29 Jun, 2010
Nice to see you back Terra -you don't deserve all the trouble that you have had. Glad things are better for you now. You have a beautiful garden and I can see that it is looked after well. Truffle and Conker seem to be having a good time in your garden too. Take care I have missed you being on here, Richard ..
29 Jun, 2010
Oh, how I agree about being happy in the garden! Gardens are a great solace...and I'm sorry that we (both) have neighbour troubles. Not nice at all.... Lovely to see your two furry friends having fun in the water. :-))) I'm also glad that your Dianthus is thriving.
29 Jun, 2010
Thanks, Richard...
I hope you're recovering from your injuries...
I'm pleased you like my gardens ...
Truffle and Conker say hi ...
...and please come and join them for a swim ..
but don't drink the bath water.... ;o)
Hello Spritz...
Cranberry Ice is doing so well that it is now TWO clumps... another in a different part of the garden... I'm really pleased with it, thank you...
Yes, nice neighbours make it much easier to enjoy our gardens ...
29 Jun, 2010
What I want to know did Truffles get breathalised lol wonderful blog beautiful roses and love your new area lookinf forward to pictures when you ve finished and so glad you got that neighbour sorted to me thats great news. xxx
29 Jun, 2010
lovely pics ,great to see you back
29 Jun, 2010
glad things are getting sorted. neighbours can be a blesing or not !
Dogs looking good too as is the garden. I had assumed you were busy with the dogs and goypedia.
29 Jun, 2010
Welcome back Tt. Glad to hear your problems are being resolved for you. Beautiful garden, so pretty and colourful. Loved the blog. Wonderful to see Conker and Truffle having such a wonderful splashing time. :o)
29 Jun, 2010
Glad to see you back too,Terra.Have missed your excellent blogs,and the boys...Sorry that things seem to have been so unpleasant for you lately,and sincerely hope it is,or is being resolved ...your garden is looking lovely,...enjoy :o)
29 Jun, 2010
Hope things have settled down now for you,Conker ,Truffle and the garden look great.
29 Jun, 2010
brilliant blog TT! glad your problems seem to be seem to be resolving...
29 Jun, 2010
Lovely to have you back TT adore the boys antics and like wise your lovely garden
so sorry to hear you've had neighbour problems I do sympathise and trust the "important one" helps resolve it for you
Hugs xxxx splash on boys :o)
29 Jun, 2010
Terra, you have been much missed my friend, but am so relieved that your 'problem' is being sorted out at long last! A beautiful blog as always, you always know how to make us smile even when things have been difficult for you. Your garden always leaves me breathless, it is a joy to see, and your two 'lads' steal my heart my friend. It's good to have you back with us........ :~))xxx
29 Jun, 2010
Lovely blog Terra...
30 Jun, 2010
missed you TT, great blog , take care
30 Jun, 2010
Hi Sixpence... Breathalysed ? Truffle is always too lively to walk in a straight line.. Lol.
Thanks Detectorist, Sbg, Lindalooloo, Bloomer, Mavis, Arlene, Neellan and Flori..
Things seem more settled now ...
Sorry to hear Avis that you have similar problems...
write to someone "very important"... start at the top ;o) xxxxxxx
Thank you Rbtkew and Helen :o)
30 Jun, 2010
lovely blog, good to see your boys are keeping cool, your garden is lovely. Sorry you have been having neighbour troubles
30 Jun, 2010
Lovely photos and hilarious blog, TT, so good to see all of you enjoying your beautiful garden. It's great to see Conker and Truffle enjoying the water (Mungo and Chloe wouldn't even walk through a puddle!). However, Truffle does look a little bit embarrassed that you 'caught him in the act' in that last photo :)
So pleased your neighbour problems have abated and long may it last. Take car.
30 Jun, 2010
Thanks Grindle...
Roses have done well this year....
Hi Gee...
I think Conker was more excited about the bath when it had no water in it, but he did get in and have a splash around... Lol. with the little amount of water which Truffle didn't drink....
That last photo was just one of many puddles Truffle made in the dog run that evening... he couldn't understand why he kept needing to go outside...LOL.
Yes, thanks... neighbourhood seems more settled at the moment... :o)
30 Jun, 2010
Welcome back TT and I'm so pleased to see that things in the neighbourhood have improved. As a consequence, it will make your time in your happy garden so much more enjoyable xxx
Did Truffle ever make it to Calais ??? He could have jumped on a train there and come to visit his feline friends ..... !!!
30 Jun, 2010
Hi Terry60 ~
Yes ... Thanks ...
...nice to think my gardens will be less stressful now ...
Truffle is still paddling ... next stop Venice... ;o)
30 Jun, 2010
Then Rimini - then Ancona - then Pescara - then cross country to OSTIA !! I hope you managed to strap his bucket and spade on before he left .....
30 Jun, 2010
pant pant... message to Terry60 from Truffle...
I've doggie-paddled past Venice... just reaching Rimini now...
bucket and spade in tow.... please have supply of doggie biscuits ready.. no need for any water because I've already lapped up a whole bathful ;o) woof...paddle...woof...paddle...woof..piddle...woof. paddle..woof...
30 Jun, 2010
Glad you have got things sorted TT, lovely pics. Say 'Hi' to Conker and Truffle x
30 Jun, 2010
What a carry on...glad you were able to get help from on high Terra...Welcome back..all looks well in the do the boys.x
30 Jun, 2010
Great pics TT, your garden looks lovely and the dogs look like they're having lots of fun :)
30 Jun, 2010
Conker and Truffle say "hi" to Annella... xxx
Thanks Jane/BB....
I was very impressed with the VIP response I received.
Garden and boys all happy today :o)
Thank you Emma... Hi to Benji :o)
30 Jun, 2010
Your garden is looking lovely Terra. Such a shame to have unpleasantness with neighbours as it can really spoil your enjoyment of your garden. Glad you've got it sorted now. :o)))
30 Jun, 2010
Thanks Lily ...
Lovely atmosphere out in my gardens today...
... let's hope it continues the same way ... :o)))
30 Jun, 2010
Lovely pics TT... nice to see you back....i was wondering where you had got to...
30 Jun, 2010
Thanks Holly..
I've put all your Sky budgie blogs on my home page favs... :o)))
30 Jun, 2010
I, too, thought you wer just so busy with shows, and in the garden (although see that you have been and still are). Hoping that you all can continue to enjoy the garden and glorious weather in peace from now on. ;-))xxx
30 Jun, 2010
glad you like them TT..... : O ))
30 Jun, 2010
Hi David..
Yes, you're right.. I am very busy with charity dog shows and gardening...
... but hopefully, from now on, gardening in a more peaceful atmosphere... :o) xxx
30 Jun, 2010
Glad to see you backTerratoonie ,you have been missed.sorry to hear you have been having some troubles. Lets hope this is all behind you now.good luck.
30 Jun, 2010
Thanks for the welcome back Michelle ... :o)))
30 Jun, 2010
Lovely to see you back...The boys look like they are having a fine old time with the bath. Hope your ok hun. Take care be strong.x
30 Jun, 2010
Hi Sue...
Thank you... we're all bouncing back here :o) xxx
30 Jun, 2010
Wondered where you were Tt..........hope alls settled now for you....lovely to see Truffle and Conker enjoying the sunshine...........
30 Jun, 2010
arhh tera so sorry to hear that i hope its all ok now . garden looking great and puppy dogs look like they are enjoying it all tooooo . glad to c u bak love chris x
30 Jun, 2010
Good to see you back Tt! I hope Truffle stops when he reaches Australia, he can come and share some dog biscuits with Frances ;o)
Lovely to see Conker enjoying the sun.
1 Jul, 2010
Hi Janey, Cristina, Pip ...
All seems well now thanks ... lovely sunny days ...
Truffle says he would swim to Australia to avoid our British winter ...
Please ask Frances to stock up with doggie biscuits. ;o)
1 Jul, 2010
Thought you might have been on your hols, but realise after reading this you weren't. Hope all is well, just relax and enjoy that beautiful garden, that should do the trick ! :0))
1 Jul, 2010
Hi Grandmage..
Yesterday was much better in my neighbourhood ...
just the normal noises you would expect of children playing etc...
so, yes thanks, really enjoying my gardens... but not relaxing...
... having fun getting lots of tasks completed ! :o)))
1 Jul, 2010
Great to see you back, TT! :-)
This is a great blog of your hot, hairy friends! Lovely to see them enjoying themselves with the bath (& water)! In such hot weather as we've had the last couple of weeks they need a way of "chilling out"!
1 Jul, 2010
Hi Balcony.. Thanks...
Lovely hot weather. I hope you were able to chill out too, after working so hard on your allotment.. ! Any room for a bath tub on your balcony ? Lol.
1 Jul, 2010
Sorry you`ve had other worries TT, something you definitely didn`t need on top of everything else. It is nice to know that you have managed to get help. Your garden looks amazing and you`ve captured it so well the photo`s are great.Nice to see Conker and Truffles in good form and enjoying the sunshine,
hugs to you all.
1 Jul, 2010
Hi Stroller..
Thank you. The roses have helped to make my gardens extra colourful this year.. I think Conker and Truffle would like to play in the bath every day !
Hugs from all of us to you. :o)
1 Jul, 2010
Your garden looks so pretty TT Truffles and Conker look like they are having so much fun... you cant help but smile at Truffle,s antics .....
1 Jul, 2010
Thanks Janette ...
My dogs really enjoyed play-time, and afterwards I used the bath water on the garden... that's the water Truffle hadn't already drunk... ! Lol.
1 Jul, 2010
I love seing your Garden and your Dogs..they are just wonderfull even when they are being a bit 'cheekey'
I hope that whatever your problems they are sorted now :)
2 Jul, 2010
Hi Silvi ~
Thank you ...
Truffle is usually finding some way to be a bit mischievous ;o)
Problems seem somewhat abated... hoping it stays that way... :o)
2 Jul, 2010
lovely blog & photos...your garden looks beautiful & so are the dogs too bless them...
2 Jul, 2010
Hello Elsiemay...
Many thanks.
I love sharing my garden with my dogs... :o)
2 Jul, 2010
as usually - lovely reading:) hope the problems will be forgotten soon and you can enjoy gardening without stress:) say hello to your little zoo:)
2 Jul, 2010
Hello Kasia...
thanks... my trio of pets say hi to you ... :o)
Yes... stress-free gardening... good for the soul. :o)
2 Jul, 2010
Great pics of Conker and Truffle! The garden looks super -- as always! : > )
I hope all will continue to be well with you and your neighbors!
I'm so lucky, I have terrific neighbors...however, in the past I've had some absolutely horrible, inconsiderate ones...which caused lots of headaches.
2 Jul, 2010
Hi Delonix ...
Thanks. Glad you have good neighbours... In the past I've been lucky to have some really super neighbours.... it is just a lottery really.... who lives next door ...
I'm pleased you like my gardens :o)
3 Jul, 2010
Hi Tt, just caught up with this, sorry you've had trouble with neighbours, we're lucky with ours but as you say its lottery, truffle & conker look to enjoy their paddles my setter big as she was would have tried to curl up in the bowl ! but Gemma the retriever wouldnt put a paw in, if I tried if she had dirty feet she'd hold up her paw and shake the drops off-- very much the lady :o)))
hope for a peaceful summer for you all P
3 Jul, 2010
I've missed you! lovely blog as always great pics, we are looking for a puppy at the moment :o) (smile not big enough) ssshhh though as daughter doesn't know yet hee hee! Will let you know when we get one (so excited!!)
3 Jul, 2010
Hi Pam...
I can imagine your Setter trying to curl up in the bowl..Lol.
and Gemma sounds like she was just the "perfect lady" :o)
Hello Skilla ...
A new secret puppy soon ...ooooooh... that's exciting....
looking forward to seeing photos when you are ready... :o)
3 Jul, 2010
Good to see you back and in action...and the cheeky dogs - don't they just make you smile!
3 Jul, 2010
Hi Sooze...
Conker and Truffle send you some special smiles :o) x
3 Jul, 2010
Sewingkilla does your daughter want a dog. It is for life etc. The children wanted to give us a new surprise puppy when my husband retired 20 years ago and I am so glad one of them confided in me and we were able to put our foot down and refused the offer. We can come and go when we feel like it and not need to worry about the animals. Our children live all over the UK and we go away on a regular basis. My sister was given a surprise puppy when she retired and we all loved him but she was constantly worried about what would become of him if anything happened to her. When I married it was a case of take me take the dog. I was happy to take the dog but he had had a rough time before my mother in law agreed to take him. He had been bought from a kennel and sent to be trained as a guard dog by cafe owners. They found he was such a good guard dog he would not let customers in or out of the shop until his owner said it was ok. They sold him on to a woman who lived in a flat as a gift for her 10 year old nephew. His mother took one look at him and refused to have him in the house. He was offered to a friend of my mother in law who was a breeder and his pedigree was immaculate with crufts cc to their name. She did not want him because she already had a dog and five bitches so she mentioned him to M in L. it soon became apparent that she could not handle him as he was all muscle and she was a dinky five foot nothing. It fell to my husband to cope with him. We never regretted having him but we do feel very strongly that owners should choose their own dog in the full knowledge that it is what they want and can cope with. I am not lecturing but I am always concerned that people with very good intentions do not always see the pitfalls they set for others.
3 Jul, 2010
Hi Scotsgran...
Did you intend your comment to be on my blog, or a private message to Sewingkilla ?
Just thought I'd ask in case you didn't mean it to be on here..
.. it would give you the chance to delete it and send it as a p.m. Thanks...
3 Jul, 2010
No it was intended to be a pm. There seems to be no way of deleting messages once pasted. I certainly was not critisising S'killa just concerned that gifts may not be as welcome as the giver intended. I like the doggie blogs and am happy for the owners not to be me nowadays.
3 Jul, 2010
On GoY, you can only edit/delete messages for about the first hour....
never mind... I'm pleased to know you like the doggie blogs :o)
3 Jul, 2010
Terra, fabulous garden, fabulous dogs, that first picture is so beautiful.....sigh...and seeing your two boys so well and happy, what a pick me up. Missed you on here, but thought you were just busy and taking full advantage of the weather, so glad it seems to be sorted now:-)
3 Jul, 2010
Hi Bornagain.. Nice to hear from you ...
Yes, it is a busy summer for me, and I do love working out there in the warm weather...
but .... the extra hassle ... I didn't need...
... I'm hoping it will improve...
Glad you like the first pic. ...roses everywhere this year..LOL.
My boys are enjoying the garden.. Conker likes being groomed outdoors in the sunshine.
He has certainly grown back lots of hair since the chemo was completed ! :o)
3 Jul, 2010
I really want a climbing rose, but only room for only room for one:-( been thinking of crepuscule, but still not decided, I'll keep on looking as I now have to wait 'til autumn. how do you look after yours to keep them looking so brilliant?:-)
3 Jul, 2010
You could look on GoYpedia Climbing Roses to get ideas...
I'm learning that being brave enough to prune the roses quite a lot seems to promote good new growth ...
3 Jul, 2010
Looking very vibrant and luxurious TT. Just as a summer garden should be! As for so many plants in the garden, I reckon 'pruning' is not very descriptive of what they actually need... HACK!!! Is far more apt. GO FOR IT!!!
Sorry to hear about your troubles... But also glad to hear that the worst is most likely past.
4 Jul, 2010
WOw a turly beautiful gareden.
I love your dogs what fantastic photo's you have of them.
I hope things get better for you and don't start again as I had the same problems 9 years ago in the end sold up and moved best thing I ever did.
4 Jul, 2010
I too know the benefits of good neighbours, we lived in a village 20 years ago next door to a bully of a man and his family we had a shared drive and he misused it constantly, horrible man, ended up in court i was a nervous wreck, makes me shiver just to think about it, horrible time and TT has my sympathy, how one person can ruin life for you its awful didn't want to move but had to for my health more than anything. Now i have lovely neighbours and it has a real community feel round here lived here now in same house for 21 years this year and i love it. Good Luck TT hope problem is now solved
4 Jul, 2010
Lovely garden Terra, hope all is well now , like Sewingkilla been there got the Tshirt.
Best of luck.
4 Jul, 2010
Thanks Muddywellies ....
... yes I'm becoming more bold with my "pruning"....
.... enthusiastic chopping and hacking .... Lol.
Hello Pottydottie, Skilla and Valadel...
Yes. In the past I've had wonderful neighbours. Only those who've experienced problem neighbours can really understand the daily stress...
Hoping things will settle down here ......
... and glad you have good neighbours now :o)))
5 Jul, 2010
The garden looks wonderful so full of colour, and the boys are obviously well and happy, sorry you have had probs with the neighbours, been there.......hope you get it sorted soon. xxx
6 Jul, 2010
Thanks Dotty...
My boys are very much enjoying the summer in my gardens ...
Wow ... it seems almost everyone has endured bad times with neighbours...
Things seem quieter at the moment
6 Jul, 2010
I have not spoken to my next door neighbours for a year now and have no intention of ever speaking to them again.It can be a bit off putting at times for me , but I changed my seating area and as I am partialy sighted and hard of hearing,can most times ignore them and get on with what I enjoy most my garden. Hope things are working out well for you Terratoonie and you are managing to enjoy this lovely weather in your garden.Have the boys been plodging again?
6 Jul, 2010
Hi Mavis...
Sorry to read about your neighbour trouble.
That's good you've been able to arrange your seating area to make things better for you.. I hope next door aren't causing you too much stress.... not pleasant for you, coping with that when you have sight and hearing problems...
Things seem much better here lately around my gardens.... and my dogs are enjoying joining in with my gardening. :o)))
6 Jul, 2010
Lovely blog glad you are back, my beddies hate the hot weather, dont like the sea either, just love lying on the bed. !!!!!!!!!!!
6 Jul, 2010
Hi Patricia... thanks...
Well... "Bedlington" begins with the word "bed" ... I guess your two dogs start as they mean to continue... Lol.....;o)
6 Jul, 2010
Lovely blog TT!! Beautiful photos! Admire your writing skills!
Pleasure to see Conker & Truffles making the most of the hot weather: they are just adorable. Give them a big hug for me please!
Sorry to hear about your neighbour... I know how you feel. Let's forget about them, life is too short to waste our time for unpleasant things/people!!! Happy days!!!!!!!!! xx
7 Jul, 2010
Thanks Tommy ...
The neighbourhood has been sunny and peaceful this week ... bliss !
Conker, Truffle and Crocus send big <hugs> back to you.
Lol. xxx
7 Jul, 2010
Lovely, TT!! Much love xx
7 Jul, 2010
As always, a superb blog TT!
HAd me in fits and those 2 are stars....almost like they know how to pose and where to stand!
Your garden is also looking fabulous. Let's hope life is a little easier for you now:o))
7 Jul, 2010
Thanks Oddbillie ...
Things seem more settled now, thanks... :o)
... I've just written another blog ... Lol...
7 Jul, 2010
I award you the 'Bornagain's flower pot' award for 100 comments... (we changed it)
8 Jul, 2010
Thanks Pip... Lol.
8 Jul, 2010
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Clematis Orientalis 'Bill Mackenzie'
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Jasminum Officinale Affine 'Aureum'
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great blog Terra and lovely pics of your garden and the boys having fun in the drop of water truffle left hahah, nice to see you back to ;o))
29 Jun, 2010