Echium pininana sudden death, what's going on?
7 replies
30 Aug, 2008 Jpbaggers
Something strange on the lawn
5 replies
30 Aug, 2008 Katyroberts
santolina chamaecyparissus
1 reply
30 Aug, 2008 Mykendall
Arum Lily
3 replies
30 Aug, 2008 Mzgreenfing..
office plants
8 replies
29 Aug, 2008 Arlene
pot plants
29 Aug, 2008 Beverleypayne
2 replies
29 Aug, 2008 Greenfingers
rose of sharon
29 Aug, 2008 Songbird
Leaf cutters
29 Aug, 2008 Poppyh
Plant identication please
29 Aug, 2008 Sea_view
4 replies
29 Aug, 2008 Jeannieg
29 Aug, 2008 Nita
Tree Stumps
29 Aug, 2008 Detectorist
29 Aug, 2008 Helen01
Thunbergia Alata
29 Aug, 2008 Kefalonia
Blood, fish & bone meal
29 Aug, 2008 Wizzbang
1. Busy lizzie 2. Smelly rain water in butt
29 Aug, 2008 Geraldine
Dying? pine branches overhanging my roof
29 Aug, 2008 Sibby
terry c.
29 Aug, 2008 Truckertc
I'm still finding them!
29 Aug, 2008 Bernard
twisted hazel
29 Aug, 2008 Twisted
Ficus tree
0 replies
29 Aug, 2008 Ellismelin
serotina huneysuckle
29 Aug, 2008 Dingham
cala lily
29 Aug, 2008 Martesha
29 Aug, 2008 Feefee1
Stink Horn
29 Aug, 2008 Stinking
Mealy bugs
29 Aug, 2008 Anononymous..
Tomato plants
29 Aug, 2008 Brett
Pot bound azalea
29 Aug, 2008 Deborah1
Winter Jasmin cut down in its prime! What to do!
29 Aug, 2008 Laurencoad
Do Sanbucus plants spread?
29 Aug, 2008 Greenqueen
29 Aug, 2008 Kathy849
lawn trouble
29 Aug, 2008 Popman65
28 Aug, 2008 Arlene
Big orange slugs!
10 replies
28 Aug, 2008 Chiz
grapes growing them
28 Aug, 2008 5849
28 Aug, 2008 Scdcreations
Squash and pumpkins taking over
28 Aug, 2008 Guernseygar..
robinia shedding its leaves
28 Aug, 2008 Bazer
Smoke bush dying back.
28 Aug, 2008 Steveofdidcot
28 Aug, 2008 Wavydavy
28 Aug, 2008 Curry
28 Aug, 2008 Patty
small garden with big hedge that i cant control.
28 Aug, 2008 Green_thumb
Big hole in lawn
6 replies
28 Aug, 2008 Bigbum
Recycled food.
28 Aug, 2008 Pauln
unknown fruit
28 Aug, 2008 Rubbell
passion flowers
28 Aug, 2008 Mickbmw
veg patch
28 Aug, 2008 Smifff
28 Aug, 2008 H18sry