Fatsia problem - new growth collapsing
2 replies
17 Apr, 2009 Bernard
front garden more weed than lawn
5 replies
17 Apr, 2009 Nstressful
If I scatter a wild Seed Mix On my my grassy meadow will they grow and will I still...
17 Apr, 2009 Packdave
Plant arum lily outdoors?
17 Apr, 2009 Keith19
Can you give me any advice how to care for a bonsi
17 Apr, 2009 Kelyn
my new guinia impatens cannot be brought in there are too many and already in the...
1 reply
17 Apr, 2009 Ouome
how do you get rid of red ants in the lawn
17 Apr, 2009 Golfat62
Is it too early to plant out African Marigolds?
6 replies
17 Apr, 2009 Jo_art
Leaf curl on potatoes
17 Apr, 2009 Nikikirke
salvia hot lips
17 Apr, 2009 Jan_andy
A friend gave me this plant several years ago, what is it
0 replies
16 Apr, 2009 Morningglory
bulbs being eaten
4 replies
16 Apr, 2009 Tinad
Does any one know where you can buy Sangral
3 replies
16 Apr, 2009 Sangral
My Cistus (not sure which it is) has leaves that are dying off
16 Apr, 2009 K8lynn
i put out my impatiens and we had a frost. What should I do so they come back there...
16 Apr, 2009 Ouome
Can my Genii Fuschia be rescued?
16 Apr, 2009 Gomez
why the bend?
19 replies
16 Apr, 2009 Seaburngirl
Daff identification please
10 replies
Need to buy a new lawnmower
16 Apr, 2009 Tonygwyn
is this Bridal crown or Cheerfullness.
Can any of the GOY members help
16 Apr, 2009 Donnah
How many of each of the following plants should I plant in 14" baskets, Giant...
16 Apr, 2009 Ddoran
How do you get rid of and prevent getting rootworm ?
16 Apr, 2009 Wottie
I have 5 year potted jasmin. DO they prefer none akaline soil and water
16 Apr, 2009 Shearnejohn
can i get anthink to stop my dog from peeing on my plants
16 Apr, 2009 Terryrhodes
hole in centre of leaves on my lemon tree plus jagged edges
16 Apr, 2009 Spudbasher
16 Apr, 2009 Howee74
Are my Fuscha's still alive?
16 Apr, 2009 Elpida1
16 Apr, 2009 Gourmet59
I have just bought some compost but it is abit mouldy, can I still use it?
16 Apr, 2009 Pwettysheds
When is the best time to prune box?
16 Apr, 2009 Mageth
dying dracaena plant
16 Apr, 2009 Sarah1975
savoy when can i plant them out
16 Apr, 2009 Charlieboy45
Planting Advice
16 Apr, 2009 Marg
How do i know what type of soil i have?
16 Apr, 2009 Dannielle
Hypericum eaters
16 Apr, 2009 Bernard
16 Apr, 2009 Phillips
how do you get rid of moss
16 Apr, 2009 Eddiek
Summer Jasmine?
12 replies
16 Apr, 2009 Labyrs50
what to do with daffodils when they die off
9 replies
16 Apr, 2009 Aud123
euphorbia melifera
16 Apr, 2009 Noel
why won't my campsis plant flower?
16 Apr, 2009 Yvonnec
What should I do about a viburnum tinus spolit by slugs?
16 Apr, 2009 Nandrews
Dierama pulcherrimum died back
16 Apr, 2009 Michellelou..
Please help, growing Arum Lilies for a wedding!!!
16 Apr, 2009 Vertygerty
how should I remove dandelions from my lawn? Thanks
16 Apr, 2009 Elkie
rust on fern
15 Apr, 2009 Davefc
rose for a north wall
15 Apr, 2009 Jaakie
What is killing my Obesum flowers?
15 Apr, 2009 Arizonacat
Plants for an occasional dry pond
15 Apr, 2009 Tazbag