could you please give me some idea as to what is eating the flowerheads of my runner...
1 reply
18 Jul, 2011 Bilfy
I am a complete novice gardener and would like advice on what to plant in a large...
5 replies
18 Jul, 2011 Olympic
2 replies
18 Jul, 2011 Tatumjm
What is the best thing to kill deep rooted weeds
18 Jul, 2011 Mogs888
whats the best thing to kill deep rooted weeds
10 replies
Hi - the last winter killed off a large phormium
18 Jul, 2011 Milliemills
Over the last 2 years my Lawn has developed a number
18 Jul, 2011 Brianmaskell
Thanks to all the members for anwers about my cordyline
18 Jul, 2011 Stephen2
i have lots of mini cucumbers growing in my greenhouse but this year they tast tough...
18 Jul, 2011 David3music
cukes lateral shoots
3 replies
17 Jul, 2011 Vegout
Can anyone ID this plant please?
4 replies
17 Jul, 2011 Gaia01
I think that my garden is East facing as the sun floods the back of the house in...
17 Jul, 2011 Clar3
large back garden full of baby trees from giant trees nearby
17 Jul, 2011 Mouseybrown
we have tall evergreen trees and someone recently cut branchess from the bottom
17 Jul, 2011 Jagrai
How can I tell which way my garden is facing?
6 replies
17 Jul, 2011 Massa
I moved my goosebery bush and it now looks a little sad any tips please
17 Jul, 2011 Johnrobertson
I need some advice on how to prune a large over growing tree peoni it has dropped...
17 Jul, 2011 Lazyhoe
For the past three years
17 Jul, 2011 Purcell
I need help or advice about my David Viburnum
17 Jul, 2011 Pearlshirl
I have a beautiful beech hedge which i want to keep but it is too deep and takes...
17 Jul, 2011 Jean_russell
What did I do wrong with my broccoli?
17 Jul, 2011 Ilikeworms
Hi, please forgive my considerable ignorance but I have just moved into a new house...
17 Jul, 2011 Ad44downey
My friend has a Tree of Heaven throwing up suckers all over her lawn
17 Jul, 2011 Ijust
Saw this tree in garden today
17 Jul, 2011 Izzy123gym
my cordyline died due to the very cold winter so i cut it down to a stump ready to...
17 Jul, 2011 Benson
Plant ID Hi all
17 Jul, 2011 Karenfrance
I have grown Hesperis Matronalis from seed-very strong plants
17 Jul, 2011 Tangyek
what is red sorrel and how do you get rid of it
17 Jul, 2011 Mykey
when do i pick my onions and how do i store them
17 Jul, 2011 Kingfisherp..
my arum lily seems to be being eaten by something
17 Jul, 2011 Vgiebeler
I have had a Campsis Radicans Flava growing in a 10" pot for 3 years and it...
17 Jul, 2011 Daisydan
I would like to plant U cordon apples along a south facing brick wall
17 Jul, 2011 Wotsalp
Help, please
7 replies
17 Jul, 2011 Vindomis
For three years I have attempted to grow aubergines
8 replies
17 Jul, 2011 Wyken
my husband received an aloha lily while in the hospital should it remain potted or...
17 Jul, 2011 Gogirl
Can anyone identify this shrub for me Growing happily against my wall for many years
17 Jul, 2011 Jacksondscar
Squashes growing in growbags in greenhouse are growing well up to a point and then...
17 Jul, 2011 Maggiej
why do my apples remain small
17 Jul, 2011 Dnock
i have a ten year old camelia that has dropped all its leaves any advice please...
17 Jul, 2011 Jhaigh
my buzzy lizzies have all been eaten they have been fed also watered what have i...
17 Jul, 2011 Christian
why is my grass growing nicely but yellowy at roots in patche
17 Jul, 2011 Doreenreilly
17 Jul, 2011 Mpolo
Can anyone identify this plant for me please?
Can anyone out there among the experts explain why the botanical names of plants...
11 replies
17 Jul, 2011 Ojibway93
I was so sad that my Golden Chain Tree and my Weeping Cherry just died
17 Jul, 2011 Heartnsol57
Can anyone identify this pls
17 Jul, 2011 Pdb
Would I be ok to sow perennials now rather than wait till Autumn?
I have a very large sycamore tree in my small backyard
17 Jul, 2011 Hazelman
I have been given some lupins that have finished flowering and I want to collect...
17 Jul, 2011 Kate40club
How do i get i get rid of Mallow roots that are invading my grass?
17 Jul, 2011 Dizzyrunner