The majority of the bees visiting my garden seem very small this year and my friends...
5 replies
23 Jul, 2011 Ojibway93
Hello to everyone that has replied to my mystery plant
4 replies
23 Jul, 2011 Pdb
I have an umbrella bamboo
23 Jul, 2011 Davieboy
Can anyone help?
3 replies
23 Jul, 2011 Sybildodds
Has anyone tried to grow standard lavenders or fuchsias?
23 Jul, 2011 Scotkat
Can anyone tell me what these 2 plants are
10 replies
hello again lol
6 replies
23 Jul, 2011 Noseypotter
hello everyone im sorry to bring up this subject but i keep missing my privaTE MESSAGES...
7 replies
Hi, I have two Cordyline 'Red Sensation' in pots
23 Jul, 2011 Billyboy79
I have l3 pittosporum tenufolium which have thrive for about 2 years
2 replies
23 Jul, 2011 Joyceopdahl
I have l3 which have thrived for about 2 years
1 reply
Anyone know what this is called?
22 Jul, 2011 Bodger99
what has to be done to make a pointsettia plant bloom again
22 Jul, 2011 Haroldjstea..
Did anyone see the Hanging Hostas of Hampshire on Gardeners World tonight
11 replies
22 Jul, 2011 Treesandthi..
my mountain ash looks like the leaves have bunches of blisters
22 Jul, 2011 Dianem26
Please can nobody help with my poor damson tree?
20 replies
22 Jul, 2011 Steragram
Hi, this is more of an agricultural question rather than a gardening one
22 Jul, 2011 Ad44downey
22 Jul, 2011 Spanish
why are my bizzie lizzies dieing if i brush my hand over them a white dust comes...
22 Jul, 2011 Sydney
Jasmine growing up a wall on trellis has to be moved from the wall to allow reroughcasting
22 Jul, 2011 Ireneangus
Is my half-defoliated rose still healthy?
22 Jul, 2011 Jonathanhales
I have a lovely Gaura and this year put it in a pot as other years it has disappeared...
22 Jul, 2011 Rose1949
Why has my box ball not made any leaf growth any at all this year?
9 replies
hi i want to put some plants along the boundary with my neighbour but how far from...
22 Jul, 2011 Getgraham
Please identify the name of the flower in the attached photo
22 Jul, 2011 Riskhm
22 Jul, 2011 Masefield
has no one heard of a black physalis
22 Jul, 2011 Salty
Ant nests all over the lawn
12 replies
22 Jul, 2011 Kew
Hallo all. This is more or less 2 questions in one
22 Jul, 2011 Rogi
I have a wonderful display of clematis
22 Jul, 2011 Charlie2
Something is eating and killing my Busy Lizzies and my geraniums
22 Jul, 2011 Mali
tarragon plant yellow leaf tips
22 Jul, 2011 Ptrbrnrd
Hello, We have a small swimming pool in our garden which backs on to a south facing...
22 Jul, 2011 Sylnor269
regarding tracheospermum jasminoides
22 Jul, 2011 Michael1950
I have two Acers which are both just under 4 years old
22 Jul, 2011 Wilshe53
How to take care of Aster after planting
22 Jul, 2011 Patsi
Having established my garen faces north-east
22 Jul, 2011 Massa
how shuldi prune a dorothy perkins rose
22 Jul, 2011 Beegee
just to add a furhter question concerning tracheospermum jasminoides
Hi! I've just been driven inside by gnats swarming around me while gardening
22 Jul, 2011 Siouxie
was thinking of getting 2 tracheospermum jasminoides climbers
Two questions
How can I stop Thrips eating my runner bean leaves
22 Jul, 2011 Patjoyrow
do you cut down verbascum when finished flowering
22 Jul, 2011 Clarke
Knautia macedonica
22 Jul, 2011 Paulr999
Hello Streragram is this the Calla Lily
22 Jul, 2011 Roger
why is my box hedge turning all orange
22 Jul, 2011 Liv123447
my runnerbeans have lots of flowers but they are falling off and no beans?
22 Jul, 2011 Jillq
stawberry plants do they grow back year after
22 Jul, 2011 Noddy
Hi, can someone give me the name of this white flower please?
8 replies