here is another picture of my transplanted too early Schizanthus seedlings which...
5 replies
21 Mar, 2013 Kate40club
Back to heavy snow blizzard
15 replies
21 Mar, 2013 Scotkat
I have been offered a monkey puzzle tree it is about 10 years old and about 1
20 Mar, 2013 Geordiedave
What can I do with infestations of ants that ruin my courgettes and other plants?
7 replies
20 Mar, 2013 Laripa
What is this and how should it be cut back?
6 replies
20 Mar, 2013 Sandjrich
I am growing Canary Creeper for the first time and Im sure its not supposed to be...
20 Mar, 2013 Pdb
Hi Terratoonie
2 replies
20 Mar, 2013 Southportsm..
Here is a question for the editors
I had my camillia for two years never flowered now the leaves are folding and turning...
1 reply
20 Mar, 2013 Redrose1
Hi, when do you lift and split Snowdrops
12 replies
20 Mar, 2013 Dian89
Hallo I am a new member
8 replies
19 Mar, 2013 Laripa
Hello, I have a Beacarnea Guatamalense or Elephants Foot and I am noticing tiny silver...
19 Mar, 2013 _cinthia
Can anyone advise me about growing sun flowers
3 replies
19 Mar, 2013 Keith4208
Slug pellets By putting these down are you actually attracting the slugs to an area...
19 Mar, 2013 Jvt
I live in Warwickshire and have just purchased a phormium baby bronze
19 Mar, 2013 Leon23
I still have two climbing roses to prune
19 Mar, 2013 Complete_be..
19 Mar, 2013 Monjardinlra
I have been sent a kind gift of 3 x echinacea purpurea and 3 x Russell lupins in...
4 replies
can l root cheese plants from ariel roots
19 Mar, 2013 Ernestpearl
My existing borders are needing some new soil
19 Mar, 2013 Pdb
hi all ,good morning
19 Mar, 2013 Tanjipete
Aucuba japonica roziannia
18 Mar, 2013 Brian12
I have large beds of pacyzandra that are turning yellow in both sen and partial shade
18 Mar, 2013 Algot
I have the seed of Fuchia
18 Mar, 2013 Fredviney
can anyone help me with a new plot how to get rid of couch grass and weeds when reading...
11 replies
18 Mar, 2013 Daisy123
will covering a new area of ground not planted before with black polythene kill all...
Hi, can anyone tell me when I can plant spring giant pansies
18 Mar, 2013 Dian89
Is there any purpose to going over the lawn and forking it OH seems very keen to...
18 Mar, 2013 Kidsgran
I am looking for viburnum opulous sterile
18 Mar, 2013 Johnpease
If I would like to go to UK "garden hopping" for 2-3 weeks which gardens...
14 replies
18 Mar, 2013 Klahanie
I have a Daphne Auremarginata
18 Mar, 2013 Toody65
i have had a six foot by thirty foot north facing fence erected
18 Mar, 2013 Whit
these are my sunflowers do they need to go in bigger pots now or leave them ?
18 Mar, 2013 Kate40club
It's that time of year again
10 replies
17 Mar, 2013 Annelise
in what zone can you plant Nematanthus perennial plants outside
17 Mar, 2013 Jlbudine
Hi, I've promised my friend some plug plants for her garden
17 Mar, 2013 Dian89
Runner Beans
17 Mar, 2013 Peteg
I bought some Cyclamen coum pots that were a bargain in the GC today - care instructions...
17 Mar, 2013 Scottish
Can you grow leeks above ground like spring onions but put a collar round them
17 Mar, 2013 Doug01
Can you grow leeks like spring onions but put a collar round it
Butterflies and papaver
17 Mar, 2013 Merlinbabydog
I have just bought a buddleia sungold
17 Mar, 2013 Johnpease
Seed sowing has anybody successfully started Swede parsnips and other root veg off...
17 Mar, 2013 Steveg1966
I have a Red Robin tree in my garden which is a few years old
17 Mar, 2013 Patsy1951
Hi Everyone I have recently had to remove a large hedge that use to separate my...
17 Mar, 2013 Watchitgrow
I was given this patio rose last August as a golden wedding gift the label around...
17 Mar, 2013 Kidsgran
I bought a Pieris Japonica Pink Delight yesterday and the attached label stated it...
17 Mar, 2013 Bornagain
Hi everyone
17 Mar, 2013 Sophiemears
Dear all Since last autumn my project has been to get lily of the valley to grow...
9 replies
17 Mar, 2013 Pennylane
I planted some peas last week outside and the ground froze are they hardy enough...