North west facing wall trying to hide a electric box living on side of black mountain...
1 reply
6 May, 2013 Nubs
We have just planted a grape vine in the greenhouse "Black Hamburg" it...
5 replies
6 May, 2013 Mabroon
I have a hebe bush
2 replies
6 May, 2013 Stephanie58
Hi, I've had this plant for over ten years
6 May, 2013 Kimk
So excited
3 replies
6 May, 2013 Heidib
Saw this plant in a stately home garden
7 replies
6 May, 2013 Cinderella
How long does it take for a red robin cutting to root
6 May, 2013 Baconstruct..
Plant ID please
6 replies
6 May, 2013 Littlet
We have constructed a pond with a butyl liner
17 replies
6 May, 2013 Canalhopper
Hello All. Now I'm no longer working
4 replies
6 May, 2013 Kasugga
Now that my spring bulbs have finished flowering
Found a caterpillar in my plumeria
6 May, 2013 Benpcoleman
5 May, 2013 Judyfan
I have 2 standard Skimmias in my border and I just can't think of what to plant...
5 May, 2013 Pdb
Help needed with the pruning of my 'Garrya Elliptica James Roof' it's...
8 replies
5 May, 2013 Ladyessex1
Bright yellow bulbs
5 May, 2013 Peteg
What size pot do I need to grow a giant sunflower
5 May, 2013 Sunray
could you tell what plant this is please?
5 May, 2013 Goatmasterf..
Should I really pinch off the tips on my sweet peas like Monty said on GW they look...
5 May, 2013 Kidsgran
For years I had 2 fuchsia "Trees" in my front garden
5 May, 2013 Bbpostbox
how do I get a very neglected wisteria that's never flowered in its 10 year life
5 May, 2013 Aidret
Identification please
5 May, 2013 Slimdil
Does any one have Perenial plug plants that were bought online if so can you tell...
5 May, 2013 Irene24
how do i get rid of the red lily bug
5 May, 2013 Skennysue
Morning all I was just wondering if it will be safe to put my summer bedding plants...
5 May, 2013 Treefern
Arbutus unedo compacta
5 May, 2013 Bluemoon1
i have bought some sweet pea plants with 4 true leaves ie two sets of 2 is it safe...
5 May, 2013 Snoopdog
Is this a gardening site for the UK?
5 May, 2013 Aussiepossum
I thought I would try and make my pots of bulbs more interesting
4 May, 2013 Lizziebee
On Gardeners Question Time recently the use of seaweed as a fertiliser was discussed...
11 replies
4 May, 2013 Celiamaud
Hi, my rhubarb has got seeds forming in the centre
4 May, 2013 Daftdel
Planted these seeds and put label in its suppose to be night scented stock but i...
4 May, 2013 Irene24
have I left it too late to split a lilly from last year there are lots of shoots...
4 May, 2013 Master_clas..
Please advise me about the care of a Platycoden plant which I have just bought
4 May, 2013 Sylviabunt
what soil is best for leptospermum and can you grow this plant in a pot
4 May, 2013 Helenfromca..
what soil is best for leptospermum and can the be grown in a pot
I also have just received these begonia plug plants
4 May, 2013 Pdb
common name for agryathemum
4 May, 2013 Marlenelewis
spieses of argyranthemum
I've had these Echinacea Primadonna as plug plants since autumn
Bought my mum a standard Marguerite for her birthday
4 May, 2013 Sewingkilla
something is eating Audrey my cyclamen hederifolium
4 May, 2013 Mandah
I have just bought a Jasione Blue light
3 May, 2013 Marycontrar..
Where can I get apricot diasica plants ?
3 May, 2013 Scotkat
Hi? I have had a Shadow plant for over a year
3 May, 2013 Banie83
Hello Everyone
3 May, 2013 Tuesdaybear
FEEDING YOUR POT PLANTS I have been wondering recently what other gardeners use...
10 replies
3 May, 2013 Johnp58
Best bamboo for large container
3 May, 2013 Cookygirl41
best time of year to plant a amelanchier lamarckii
3 May, 2013 Johnsmith
I bought a beautiful 2-ft-tall Cupressus macrocarpa about a month ago
3 May, 2013 Chatbud