cat poo how to sort the soil out it stinks of pee as well
1 reply
9 May, 2013 Dude
More a little bit of help than a question
9 May, 2013 Dungy
is dungy having a day off ?
5 replies
9 May, 2013 Snoopdog
I have two Skimmia bushes in large pots
9 May, 2013 Mags28
Hello. I have a question regarding my Avocado plant
3 replies
9 May, 2013 Markoj40
I have managed to germinate a tray of verbena bonariensis and would like some tips...
2 replies
9 May, 2013 Rachelsmum
my cordyline died off with the frost 3 years ago i cut it down to soil level now...
9 May, 2013 Whyme
I sowed some saved Ferline tomato seeds and a few did germinate
9 May, 2013 Huffmaling
I was given these plants as some kind of tomato but they don't look like any...
9 May, 2013 Roger
I've remade my tiny pond - about 2ft diameter or less and 6-8" deep
10 replies
9 May, 2013 Tuesdaybear
I have an evergreen berberis in a large container
7 replies
I have an umbrella plant very similar to the one photographed
8 May, 2013 Maltisle
Hi, I thought at first this was Sweet Rocket but too early and wrong leaves
8 May, 2013 Vincentdunne
Asparagus advice please I have some lovely asparagus seedlings which I will soon...
8 May, 2013 Jvt
How can I stop badgers digging up my lawn
8 May, 2013 Boner
can you give me directions for the mushrooms?
8 May, 2013 Syeingst
Acer identification I have recently seen the most pink coloured acer i have ever...
8 May, 2013 Primroseka
I've had to make room in my greenhouse for tomatoes cucumber and had to move...
8 May, 2013 Pdb
My border is completely overrun with ground elder
9 replies
8 May, 2013 Holly66
Does anyone know what this is please ?
13 replies
8 May, 2013 Amy
I have a bougainvillae which has lost all its leaves over the winter and looks to...
4 replies
8 May, 2013 Liz757
Is this a weed?
8 May, 2013 Bornagain
Hello, Can anyone recognise this plant?
7 May, 2013 Lizanne
plant ID please or is it a weed ?
6 replies
7 May, 2013 Davefc
Ideas please friends
8 replies
7 May, 2013 Karensusan63
Anyone know what type of Bee this is?
7 May, 2013 Ladyessex1
My house Cyclamen
7 May, 2013 Sunray
Have been given an Arum Lily
Why are the blog pages all green and I can't read them
7 May, 2013 Kidsgran
Is there a plant named Alliva
7 May, 2013 Sadie
I am buying this newer geranium Roxanne
7 May, 2013 Lizziebee
where are you located is there anywhere in colorado
7 May, 2013 Kantachandra
My dahlia tubers are only just starting to grow
7 May, 2013 Pdb
Hi, can someone identify this tree please
7 May, 2013 Ad44downey
Japanese Gardens
7 May, 2013 Sheilabub
Forgot the Name of this
Can Laurel Trees be planted next to a fruit tree
7 May, 2013 Sarahs
Hopefully I have attached a photo of the top of our plum tree
7 May, 2013 Muddyshoes
What time of the year do I split primulars?
Can anyone tell me what this plant is ?
6 May, 2013 Nanjo
My Acer Bloodgood only has leaves on one side of the tree this year
Gardening questions archive
6 May, 2013 Monjardinlra
Agave americana pup question
6 May, 2013 Meanie
Hi I recently had from a friend a large phormium sundowner that he dig off his garden
6 May, 2013 Alby
Why aren't my spider lily bulbs growing?
6 May, 2013 Chatbud
I have this arborvitae for close to 3 months now
Damson problem?
6 May, 2013 Steragram
Can you help northwest facing wall not much sun windy want to hide an electric box...
6 May, 2013 Nubs
I've had this for years
6 May, 2013 Pdb
My friend had a well established hebe in her garden which we transplanted to mine
6 May, 2013 Stephanie58