Good Moring
10 replies
6 Mar, 2016 Charnwood
We had very good pots of geraniums last year
1 reply
6 Mar, 2016 Shalimar2
Does any inow when the lovely rhodendruns bloom at the falls of Bruar as we did the...
5 replies
6 Mar, 2016 Scotkat
Can sweet peas that have been over wintered since October be planted out now?
9 replies
5 Mar, 2016 Martingreen..
Have got seed pods ready to sow
2 replies
5 Mar, 2016 Amsterdam
Just had my back garden cleared
12 replies
5 Mar, 2016 Suzannehall..
Glyphosate residues
5 Mar, 2016 Steragram
Not a garden problem
13 replies
5 Mar, 2016 Arbuthnot
Hardy geranium
22 replies
5 Mar, 2016 Cammomile
I've just received a curry plant from Amazon and very healthy it looks too
4 Mar, 2016 Arbuthnot
Can any one please tell me the name of this tree on the far left of this picture...
7 replies
3 Mar, 2016 Thrupennybit
I grew cucamelon lasr year and left them to die in the pots
3 Mar, 2016 Tercol
Thanks all
3 Mar, 2016 Cookist
I would like to buy some perennials that I can display in pots in my patio garden
2 Mar, 2016 Bobcat12
Hi,is there a large headed petunia which does not need dead heading
2 Mar, 2016 Halftrack
There's no sign of any life in my Mickelmuss Daisys
2 Mar, 2016 Nellie61
I would like to grow tomatoes and little gem lettuce in pots but I only want to use...
17 replies
2 Mar, 2016 Kidsgran
The leaves on my piggy back plant are starting to get brown spots on them
2 Mar, 2016 Jani
I am in the unusually lucky position of having a part of my allotment that is not...
1 Mar, 2016 Wendiam
8 replies
1 Mar, 2016 Johnp58
I have an empty spot at the front of the house and I'd like to sow some seeds...
11 replies
1 Mar, 2016 Merlinbabydog
We are taking the turf up on part of the lawn to create a flowerbed
23 replies
1 Mar, 2016 Canalhopper
Do all varieties of Barberry have edible berries?
1 Mar, 2016 Constanzia