Name this pest
7 replies
14 Mar, 2016 Benpcoleman
I have two types of ivy growing on my trees
9 replies
13 Mar, 2016 Mariediana
Would a completely overgrown rambler rose and a honeysuckle benefit now from a complete...
13 Mar, 2016 Cammomile
Having already grown crinium powellii
1 reply
13 Mar, 2016 Youngalistair
When is the best time to prune Viburnum Bondnatese Dawn?
31 replies
13 Mar, 2016 Merlinbabydog
Verbena Bonariensis
4 replies
CUTTING BACK RASPBERRIESHave just inherited an allotment with a well established...
3 replies
13 Mar, 2016 Ianplant
Has anyone used a Karcher to clean glass windows of their greenhouse?
13 Mar, 2016 Pdb
Royal Empress
10 replies
13 Mar, 2016 Rachm
We have just purchased a building plot
13 Mar, 2016 Derekdavis
I have an orange tree in a pt
2 replies
13 Mar, 2016 Autumnleave..
I have two large ferns in pots the type that grows everywhere in the woods
12 Mar, 2016 Erik
Can I keep a laurel in a suitable size pot permanently?
12 Mar, 2016 Leannebroome1
Good Morning
12 Mar, 2016 Cazoo1
can I put fish blood and bone on my lawn
12 Mar, 2016 Jerry
Can I replant the crown of my 16ft cordyline astralis?
12 Mar, 2016 Grandpoops
Hi folks, lots of you have answered many of my questions in the past for which I...
12 Mar, 2016 Treetop
My old laburnham tree is leaning over and may fall
12 Mar, 2016 Mellon
Many thanks Derekm
12 Mar, 2016 Queenie
I have just moved house and within the property there ia a wonderful garden
5 replies
11 Mar, 2016 Anfieldjet
The house we're buying has a paved back garden
11 Mar, 2016 Annandian
We have grown honeysuckle on a willow trellis
11 Mar, 2016 Lynnandsteve
I have a red leaf bonfire peach tree in a patio tub I would like to re pot it what...
11 Mar, 2016 Brianwbirds
I have a blueberry which is getting a bit top heavy and I want to re pot it
11 Mar, 2016 Queenie
I was given as a present a pot grown victoria plum tree
11 Mar, 2016 Tintin
Rotten Window box
11 Mar, 2016 Davidbrown
I have two plum trees
11 Mar, 2016 Rogger
can I prune a gooseberry bush now
11 Mar, 2016 Ivygracewat..
Hello all I bought an orchid in a polythene bag at a market in Madeira
10 Mar, 2016 Gingerboy
I live in a rented house
10 Mar, 2016 Labealtaine
For mothers day received s lovely chilean potato plant from my son
10 Mar, 2016 Tercol
Erythronium question
10 Mar, 2016 Barbarak
Ferrous Sulphate question
9 Mar, 2016 Bendipa
I moved into my house January 1976 in the garden was a mature laburnum end of left...
9 Mar, 2016 Galbnua9x
How big of pot do I need when dividing three two foot plants in there own pot
9 Mar, 2016 Lauranoppe
Climbers Mothers day one very thoughtful son instead of buying me flowers bought...
9 Mar, 2016 Tercol
Water hawthorn
8 Mar, 2016 Dandanspond..
Hi all, can you please tell me if it is too late to prune a mature Wisteria?
6 replies
8 Mar, 2016 Pope_dot
can cupressus macrocarpa live in a pot and large should it be ?
8 Mar, 2016 Muki5
It looked as if squirrels were eating the little shoots on my rose bushes this morning
7 Mar, 2016 Gilll
Thank you all who answered my question on pruning newly planted autumn fruiting raspberry...
7 Mar, 2016 Earlybird
Fifteen years ago I bought a plant from a barrow and was told the name was Seseli
7 Mar, 2016 Linmar
Hi - can anyone ID these rose bushes for me?
14 replies
7 Mar, 2016 Martingreen..
compost is all soggy and runny
7 Mar, 2016 Balconygard..
Can somebody ID this shrub please?
7 Mar, 2016 Bathgate
Please could you tell me your favourite Lavender and why it is a favourite
15 replies
6 Mar, 2016 Joqwerty
At the bottom of my garden is quite a busy road with my garden bordered by a fence...
11 replies
6 Mar, 2016 Borodin
Not a question
6 Mar, 2016 Nellie61
What are the magpies doing to the lawn?
6 Mar, 2016 Canalhopper
We have planted some new autumn raspberry canes just recently
6 Mar, 2016 Earlybird