can i grow climbing roses in pots
1 reply
25 Mar, 2016 Pip7gae
is it possible to grow climbing roses in pots
We have just moved to West Sussex and the garden is about two feet high in ivy
9 replies
25 Mar, 2016 Ladycarol
Hello all, We require a 40 foot length of 4 feet high privot bush removing for...
6 replies
25 Mar, 2016 Sheffield61
Dig and Drop? 1st time compost-er
25 Mar, 2016 Sstatler
Mexican sage
25 Mar, 2016 Dcbritboy
Please identify plants Part II-sorry it wouldnt let me load all pics
7 replies
Please identify plants..new gardener part I
I would like to thank BathGate and Jimmytheone for their answers to my question yesterday...
24 Mar, 2016 Elgar
Can anyone tell me what weed this is that's invading my daughters lawn and how...
24 Mar, 2016 Redwine
Is there any way to prevent the browning of the edges the the leaves of our bird...
3 replies
24 Mar, 2016 Dcbritboy
Kohl rabi leaves yellow after transplanting
5 replies
23 Mar, 2016 Martingreen..
Hi all ,i would just like to know could i move a 5 year old apple tree ?
23 Mar, 2016 Mark61
Does clematis grow better if left alone or does it need to be cut right back?
23 Mar, 2016 Ddsavvee99
When to spray bramley apple tree
23 Mar, 2016 Carolyn63
Low growing long flowering perennials
23 Mar, 2016 Robert22
Last year I used grow bags and other containers for tomatos
2 replies
23 Mar, 2016 Elgar
The lettuce I set in pots in my greenhouse are now 2 inches tall and are ready to...
23 Mar, 2016 Hank
Sorry! Seemed to have messed up with photos on 1st question can any ID this plant...
22 Mar, 2016 Mehasnoclue
Can any one ID these two plants for me
13 replies
Solanum.I'm thinking of putting a white solanum along a fence
4 replies
22 Mar, 2016 Lynneg
Hi , I have just purchased an led lamp and need some answers please
22 Mar, 2016 Grandadpic
We planted a Rosa Banksiae ‘Lutea’ two years ago
8 replies
22 Mar, 2016 Beejay5
How do I look after my dendrobium orchid after flowering
21 Mar, 2016 Kathron
21 Mar, 2016 Maureen1234
Growing Standard Fuchsias I would like to grow a few this year any one know of...
15 replies
21 Mar, 2016 Gnarly_gnome
Hi again all you gardeners
21 Mar, 2016 Erik
Only a test for Shirley Tulip
21 Mar, 2016 Lincslass
Please may I have some ideas for plants to put on this north facing shady wall
21 Mar, 2016 Joqwerty
Hi! Got a terrible problem with ivy growing in a 5' old hedge any suggestions...
21 Mar, 2016 Sewingkilla
We have had a monkjack visit and is still doing so
21 Mar, 2016 Tercol
I planted foxglove and lettuce seeds in my electric propogator in the utility roo...
Weed or some type of weird succulent?
21 Mar, 2016 Dcbritboy
Tidying up foliage
20 Mar, 2016 Barbarak
Regarding my question about "orchids" i posted on the 19th can anyone tell...
20 Mar, 2016 Nellie61
Hi I started some squash from seeds They came out nice but now are dying
20 Mar, 2016 Garden2016
Hello all is it time to start feeding plants now or to wait for a few weeks
20 Mar, 2016 Charnwood
I have a privet hedge which has been dieing over the past couple of seasons
20 Mar, 2016 Pipey
Hello Last year I planted a
20 Mar, 2016 Michellem
Removing shingle and membrane would Multipurpose compost dug in help to improve the...
14 replies
20 Mar, 2016 Nanajen
i have had two pierius trees for many years with beautiful results
20 Mar, 2016 Olrac
Just opened a pack of Richard Jackson's root booster & noticed a strong...
20 Mar, 2016 Mikei
OK people I need some help
26 replies
20 Mar, 2016 Astrantia98
Could you tell me if I am too late to prune some of the cross over branches of my...
20 Mar, 2016 Postie273
I have a long established lilac tree near the front of my house
20 Mar, 2016 Jessthecat
Thanks to some of you guys I had a great show of "triffids" on my front...
20 Mar, 2016 Hank
What is the earliest time one can transplant wild daisy cuttings in North Ireland
11 replies
20 Mar, 2016 Barrietodd
I bought two Cordyline Electra about three yrs ago one is flourishing but the other...
20 Mar, 2016 Trevm
1 Having left some onion plants in the ground over winter
19 Mar, 2016 Cobbers